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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE VLNELFTI Y &®AER { C@ql-ral Pershing vise "C‘ R R e, .»:-:~:-:1:?i-‘5‘~5'~:157:151:131115?:-'.~>- S & e e 8 B gR A LGRS TR S R R o % Rl P O R T 5:?;;’::5.5?15& % K S R S AR B Ie e N < A AT T SN R S 32 3 P e R R G g S R eAR R R 5 v gty A SRR RN S e 21 S B B 3 R R e e e . S R o = of R g iRO\ S R § R 23 T R ‘\\\< N & P : R §\ 3 ¥ -e R N 3 0 S B S \ \\\ p Roe G 1§ e R R T e e i G 3bR R 2 T ?” R R 2e R 3 R% f | e3S R S b et g R T E ' REL i ;;;9"'(- e g A RT i 3 ) RB2 g%fi% R S d R R S R p t g 2 R R S 2 b : S ol }%fi S b o S 2*-.5335:41:?3 * R ‘ R B R 2 3 R .?é\"-u;ffi::;-;-:.. B f‘:-,§ SR o | SRB R, NSRS R, & T B, N B R b SR 3 B, R R £ 2 R "‘%ffi::c;:‘&;izi:f:-;{:-‘.v-:"" R 3 o ! OB WT e e e o R R 3 2 RS. . % % ® B R s S B & : ~t\?;ggg% G ¥ i R R e R i S g e 2 e RS SR L R e 'sl:-:1:317%1:::- R SR ¢ :Es33ss3sss3sE':;‘;'ff;;'{E§f§§f§i}?}i}ififi-‘iif-'iii?fjfii ,{ ?’% Y '-; B e SRR eg’ ROt AR SR e A e B SRR S N GTONERAL JOHN PERSHING) Chi=Ff of tho Armyvof the Taited Sraies, ¥hn is expected £+ make an ofi el visit in Russia as cu-st of the Soviet- Ruassian Minister of War, C‘,IENTS and fiiends of the wunder gizned, are herevy advised. “hart [ intend visiting St. Croix, makinz a .one week stav, at abour the middie ¢ February a. e. rendering professional services. =~ Kindly "address reqguests for ap point ments to me. 1o care of Mrg N. O Mor: :nsen. Frederiksted. J. TANGGAARD Optome:rist. SCHOOL NEWS | Mrs. Otis Browne his been secured by tne D-2partment of Bluzation as Sa- D ovisor of the o'ayZround in Fradarik s el. She bagiis her duies Moaday Februaryb . Caiidran of the disiriet are fortunate in havinz a sup-rvisor toaid the n in the - erilae of tazir piay ard 3an2s. Parears © will w:le)m> this new ail provided by § the Department. A Journal For Tne Prooress Os The Peore Let Jusiice ‘Be Done Though Tre Azavene Shoulae Faii Rlap - ANSTRD. 81 CRME. 8 L 8.8, x Russia. OF THE COLONIAL COUNCIL i g i FOR ST. CROIX Continued from Tribunz Feb. 3rd. .Th Chaitrman: Gentlemen. [t iz not my desire to inhrow bouques at myself, but it is gratifyirg te me (0 hear mem bers speak in the manner which they have spuken tonight. [f vou turn to the records of the Council you will see what | sald when th= beer bill was up for dis cussion. Gentlem o, what 1s applicanie 10 continental United States ils not ap plicable here. 1 pointed out at the time that the tax propesed on beer was going to create a hardship, but | was looked upon as a ‘‘chronie Kicker.”” I féel that we should auow our old laws to remain 1n force. lhereis nothing to show that they are lax. [ contend, or rather my feeling is, that we should not enact any law at present but go by what we have on ovr statute book. To say that they will create drunkeness is but a mere igment of the imagination. Gen letmen, you would not listen (0 me when the beer biil came up. 1 ask you o listeén to me now and not to put any new law in existence bu: try our oid laws for a year ortwo, after which tine we would be in a position to make improve ment, if necessarv, but iy efforts to convince you in the pastwere not of avail. . I hope you heed this time. sth Appointed Member (Joseph) moved that the meeting be adjourneu and that Ist discussion on the bill under discus slon lemain open. : A vole was taken on the motion. 3 members voted for; 5 against. I'he Chairman: The mction is lost, Znd Member for Frederiksted Town (Brow): Mr. Chairman, When the re peal of the National Prohibition Law is made effective in this island what will become of the beer bil1? The Chairman: When the repeal act Jis made effective here the Government will only be able 10 collect tax on 3.2 beer. I uuderstand that there will be a - bill introduced to repeal that law. - v The Chairman: Colorial Counci! Bill No. 24 is continued ¢n Ist discussion and referred to the Municipal Committee. PROTEEDINGS MONDAY, FE3RJARY sth 1334, Tone Chairman: ! bave before me a R=solution oy «he honorable Ist Appoint ed Memoer. if placed on the order of the day tooight or any oiner day 1t will be Kncwa as Couaactl dill No. 25. lnis re suluaon was handed 10 me a whiie ago. Pacvazrapn 9 of tas Ruaies of Businegss Sd,s: “Whenever a member intends 10 introduce any propusal to the cou sidera:ion of tue Council, he must send in a memorial coucerning it to the Chairman, written in du .. plicate, which memorial must ai ways embody a definite proposal. - The Chairman has then to deliver oue copy to the Governor, etc...”’ The honorable -‘tnrember has not com plied with tne Rules. Had he seni in his resointion at the time prescribed by law. I would have had it printed and circalat ed, It wiil, therefore, require a three quarter vote of the Council to deviate ¢ from the Rules of Business; and 2/3 vote to piace it on the order of the day. 2nd Member for Frederiksted Town (Brow): Mr. Chairmaun. If we know what ihe resolutionis we may vote for or against it, or if 1t is not importaot we may ask that it be laid on the taole. At the reques: of the Chairman the Secreta y reaa the resolation. which 1s as foliows: & Colonial Council Biil No. 25, Tenth Council-First Session 1933-1934 . RESOLUTICN : Be it resolved by the Colonial Council of; the Municipality of Si. Croix in session assembled: WHEREAS it is appearing in certain papers ia Continental United Srates that a straw vote taken in the Municipalities of Chnaristiansted and Yrederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin llslands of the United States shows that an overwheiming ma jurity of the population is opposed to Dr. Paul M Pearson as Governor of the Vir gin Isiands. AND WHEREAS it has been suggest ed n the '‘New York Amsterdam News,’’ a paper pub'ishean Continental Uonitec States that ‘President Roose velt snould take cognizance of the. situ ation and ask Dr Paul M. Pearson to re sign-’’ : Continue on page 3 NQO, 173