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ST.CROIX TRIBUNE Published dailvexcept Sundays & Hol deys at 55 3 Company St. Christiansted at. «ioix. V.i. U. S, A. by St. Croix Cooeperative Society: Patered as second class marteron suly Ist 1922 at the Post Ofice at Christian ted, St. Croix, V.I, U.S A3 under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 3 T e——— ————————————————————————— R. De CHABERT, Editor T e—————————————— Saturday, Febrvary 24th 1934 e————————— R L Midw y A The Fair and Feeld Daf g Bingo, hoop-la, Candy Noveliies, Youvenirs, Dancing Save vour nickies A day of fun-A cay of Luck Auspices Fredeiriksted® Junior High School I Random Notes The Cclonial Council will be eonvened on Wednesday to consider a bill for creating a public corporation to operate the major industries of St. Croix and for pumerous other purpcses. The en terprises will be financed from a fund totaling a million dollars, made available by the Public Works Administration. This money will rot be charged as a | debt against the Virgin Islands, but will be used as a revolving funi for the edu eational and economic welfare of the islands. At the meeting of Councll a repre sentative of the Departinent of Interior wili explain the objects of the Pubiic _Corporalion Bill and an expert on sugar is likely to be present at the meeting. A large audience witnessed Sue Hast ing’s Marionette show last right at the Theatre. Among the distinguished per sonages in the audience was Governor Paul M. Pearson. He was accompanied by a party of officials and tadies. Pre- - ceding the show Postmaster Larsen made a few brief remarks. Lieutenant Governor Cramer gave a dinner {at his home last night for the Governor ard his staff and visitors from the mainland ané St. [homas. Mr. C. W. Tausig, a member of Pre sident Roosevelt’s brain trust is in the Virgin Islands in connection—with the proposed public corporat:on to be estab lished for operating and engaging in industries. Mr. Harry Taylor, Chairman of the Homestead Commission arrived on the 88, ‘"Catherine.”’ Government Attorney Eli Baer arrived BT.° CUROIX "TRIBUNE . 78 Thought for the Day __Sat. Dec. 24. St. Macthias, Ao. Paradise is cpen to ail kind hearts. g Berengev. - Lent 2. The surest wiy ty sanctification is to ' feel fully how desperately we need it, " Like the woman of (Cdnaan there are two things about which we most be certain: first, that we are stili ‘‘miserable sin ners’’: second, that we need the power of Christ in our lives and that He will give us that power if we desire it des perately enough to win 1%, H. M. PIGGTT Rector. St. John’s Church. Christiansteg yesterday on the ss. ‘‘Catherine’’, The ss. ‘‘Catheriae’® arrived at Fred’ eriksted vesterday afternoor. Among its cargo was Santo Domingo; sugar for La Grange. The Rev. ¥Wather Bentley, Missioner, of New York, will preach at the services - at St. John’s Chureh tomorrow, WANT BELGIAN REPUBLIC London: An exchange telgraph dis patch from Brusse's tonight said that the pelgian Communists Party hkad lssued a manifesta calling on all workers 10 refuse to recognize the arcession of the aew King, Lecpald, con the death oZ Alpert, and demanded che establishment of a republic. . NO CRUELTY IN SHARING KISSES : Supreme Court Justice Peter Schu muck, of new York, rules that a hus band’s failure to confine all his Kkisses to his wife is not essentially cruel. —Sel, PROTEEDINGS OF THE FOR ST. CROIX Continued from Tribune Feb. 21st The Chairman: It is not my intention to discuss this matter more than I have® done aiready. 1 just want to say that the resolution referred to by the hovorable 2nd member for Frederiksted Town was introduced here for service rendered this Maunicipality. Despatching . Secretary Schofield was away from the island at the time it was introduced. If the proponent of the bill means it is time to tell Gover nor Pearson good-bye, | say yes. & Ist Member for Frederiksced Country Distriet} n, what service e cecretary Clarke rendered this commaunity when you ran around with a petition asking people to sign itin his favor? And now you are chas rising us for wanting to give a vote of confidence 0 a deserving Covernor. [ feel like giving honor where honor is due. Governor Pearson has proved nim self to be the most interested Governor we have had in this island, We called in Governor Evans ‘once for a conference with the Council, Judge Jackson was a member of the Council then, he termed him the Mussolini of this island, and that was true, Governor Evans came, read a paper, remained three minutes and said good-bye. Not so with Sovernor Pear sor, I have seen him sitting in this Coun cil and get tongue-lashed without mak ing any reply. Governor Evans was here and he couldn’t see anything else that was gocd for us than to make this island a cattle ranch. And what have we today ? A Governor that is helping to get thisis. land back into cultivation. | am interest ed 1n the man who is interested in get ting the island back into cultivation. I have never sought any goveramental fa vors, | have asked for loans for cane cultivation and it is my right to do so. I have not aceepted any favor whatso ever. 3rd Appointed Member (Pentheny): Mr. Cnairman. | want to register my self as being entirely in favor of this re solution. } think some appreciation should be shown Governor Pearson. He is the only one that has taken an interestinthe natives of 3t. Croix, he is the only one that has given a native a chance. | am surprised to hear the Chairman of the Council sp:akia the manner in which he has spoken azainst the Governor. 1 have seen Governor Pearson, though sick he was at the time, sitting up there un til 4 o’clock iu the morning discussing our problems. Has any other Governor we have had done that? Many Governors have come to St. Croix since the transfer of these islands but have not seen one in teresting himself in our problems as Gov ernor’ Pearson. All the progress we are making is due to Goverror Pearson’s ef forts. My belief is that rhe resoluticn is not strong enougn; we shou!d make it more pawerful, because certain state ments made about the Governor are not true. A haandful of people standing in the market place and eri icising the Gov ernor does not mean anyvthing. Governor Pearson is the only Governor we have had here thatis taking an interest in the cane industry. Every other Governor has tried to ruin the cane industry. Mr. Chairman, we should do all we zan to show aifreciation for what ( svernar Pearso:. ¥ doing for us. , 3rd Megnber for Christianste . Towe (;&ntinued on lasi column