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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Christianst t ristitansted Theatre 8.45 Sunday Night 8.45 . ‘R in and the Empress’ . Nasputin and the Lmpress ‘Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s special that broke records at the Astor Theatre, N2w York. Get an eyeful of their reporc: FRIDAY night: World premiere, Riots at the Astor: : The House could have been sold out ten times. - SATURDAY: 4 shows to ahsolute capacity. s SUNDAY. 3 shows with customers tarned away, alas! MONDAY. 3 shows to S. R, O. TUESDAY. On regular twice-daily schedule a sell-out : The Barrvmore familv will, in a hundred years, be a legend, or an historieal faet both glamorous and rom:ntic. I'nev are the Medicl Family of the stage-- Catherine- Eihel-Medici-Barrymore, Lorerz) the Magnificen), alias John Barrymore, and Alle sardro Lionel Medici- Barrymore, Metro-Goldwyn had the grand idea of putting the three Barrymores intoa play. They chose a subjeet that fits che three Barrymsres like a slug of whisky fits the gul let of a drink-snooper. Lhe story is. **Rasputin and the Empress’’ The story of the strange Monk who cured the Czar’s son by hypnotism when all medical aid h:d failed, his life-ani-12ata gri p or the Romanoffe, his decline, his m:irder and the catastropne of 1914 are all so well known that ail that remains is for vou te gee it enacted on the serfen. The stocy is said to follow very closely the historical facts. Bear in mind it is necessary to Book your seats in advance, ‘Admission slightly increased for this picture. But who care? 't’s Raspu-in, [ts the Barrvmores, John, Lionel arfi Ethel, Cential Sugar Factory Inc. For the Fiscal Year Ending Oct. 31, 1933 1 Capital Stock authoriz2a $50,000.00 2. Capital stock issued 16,000.00 : 3. Liabilities 11,464.05 4. Assets 40,452.05 B. Directors and Officers for 1988 34: R. de Chabert, President, Christiansted, St. Croix, V. 1. Marie F. Fross, Vice-President, Christiansted St. Croix, V. L. €. A. de Chabert, Seec. and Treas. and General Manager, Christiansted St. Croix V, I, Arnold M. Golden, Frederiksted, St. Croix V. The undersigned President and Treasurer of the Contral Sugar Factory, 9 lac. certify that the above is a true s:atement as showa in the books of the Corporation. : Christiansted, St. Croix'V. L. U, §. A, R. de Chabert, C. A, de Chabers President Treasurer, subscribe;Now ST. CROiX TRIBUNE (Fabio): Mr. Chairman. Ma2st of the re marks [ have heard are based on opin ion. | have another view of this matter. T'he legislative body of this island as set up in Paragraph 1 of the Colonial Law, and which reads: ““The supreme authority of legis lating for the Danmisn West India Island in al! matters exculsively relating to affairs within the boundaries of the islands, inelud ing their harbors and mariume territory, rests with the Legisla tive Power of the Kingdom. Except questions voncerning the matters dealt witn in Paragrapas 49 aad 50 of this iaw and the ex ceptions mentioned in Paragraphs. 57 and 81 of tiis law, this autnori ty may, however, provided no rea son oe found for issuing a Law in the erdinary manner, be exercised by gthe King and the respective Colonial Council conjoirtly, by or dinances, If reason oe found for issuing alaw the draft of such law shall be laid before th2 respze tive Colonial Council for its re port, unless particular reasovns should render an exception meccs &3 sary.” -w5) - s @ @lt is my opinion, therefore, with the * gsupport of this law. that this Colonial Council is a law-making nody and as sucn has not the right to pass a resolution of this kind. If anything is out of ordar is is this resolution. [he people have dadi cated this Hall to the making and repeal iug of laws, but have never given this body the right to give votes of confi dence. I'hat’s a power that rest with the people. If the people desire to go on re cord as giving the Governor a vote of confidence it is their right so to do, but is pot within the province of any memoer of this Council to do so. This is purely a political matter. ls it was withis our power to pass a vote of eonfileace tne people would ask us to do so. Personal ly, 1 have this tofsay, if Governor Pear soan (it 1 x'm privilege to use his name) nad stuck to tneiprovisions of the 4 _olo nialjLaw and had tried to exeeute tanem and nad failed in his efforts .to .do,so 1 would say honor to him, but | ¢cgnaot pea poerite. I readin Paragragh 43 of the Colonial Law that:, . e To be Continued é A e - extraordinaryfmeetingof the;;Co lonial §Council of St. Croix is calledj for Wennesday, Februaryg2B, 1934 at 1.30 o’clock,. P.gM., by srequest of _Govera ment. , s e i, ei e e s ARNOLD M. GOLDEN, | et Wi —. Chairman. - bfffifim"""’f‘ eM e “t‘ e oy - = - .g ..‘4’- - - ’%—'{,f‘;// oSI N