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Mexico City: The gnveraoment was © ~ investigating tod y charges ilhat many | divorces nave bzen gra:ted frandulently tc Americ#ns and that in s)n=2 cases | forgery nay have entered into the | granting of uecrees. American Consa- ¢ Jar authori ies are cooperation with the governinent in rheir inv 8 igations, g Crder Os Th: Day ! ’ & for an extraordinaiy meeting of the Colo- = nial Councii of St,Croix {or the fiscal year * 1933-1931. [enth Council-First Session, | Wedaesday, February 25, 19314 Convened by request of Government % : 1. C lonial Council Biil No. 27 . Introduction of and Ist qiscussion - ‘ on Cclunial Counecil Bl N». 27, © draft of an ordinance io create a & corporation t 0 b> known as the Virgin lslands Companv aud i 0 | establish and define its powers, - and for other purposs. "; 2. Colonial Ceuncil Biil ino. 26. | Introduetion of and Ist discussion on Colonial Council Bill No. 26, : draft of an amendment to the bui get for the Munpicipality of Sr, ( roix for the fizeal year 1933-1934. Increas= to Miinienance Colonial Couneil and Municipsl Commit tee, 3. C(olonial Counecil Biil No. 24, Con:invation of Ist discussion on Colonial Council Bill No. 24, draft of an ordinance to regulate and control the manufacrure and sale of aleoholie beveragesin the Muni cipaiity of St. Croix, and sot other purposes. With Committee Re - port : 4. (oionial Couneil Bill No, 28, * Disenssion on Colonial Council Bill * No. 28, resoiution proviving for a compromise settlement of tax claim with the West Indian Sugzar Factory Ltd. Introduced by Gov ernment. Colo rial “ouncil Offize, Christiansted, February 24, 1934. ARNOLD M. GOLD?RN, f Chairman. : i S st - £ ; PROTEEDINGS : OF THE COLONIAL COUNCIL : - FOR ST. CROIX Continued from Tribune Feb. 24th £ “Unless otherwise prescribed by QT, CRNiX TRIBUNH ordinance, rtha Colonia! Councilsg shall appoint suzh mz2nbers of the ~ School Commissions, the Hospitals! Commissions, the Qiaranting Commissions and other com nis-i sions on Municipal affairs, ......"" Did the Governor see that those Com-! missions were re--stablisned? No exzuse! for him. He has come here to do ail he: can for the people. Had he known it was! not his intention to do so k 2 should hive ! his oath cancelled. Members have spokten about the great. things the Governor has done, but law | precedes all thiags. Governor Pearson ! has not executed the laws of this coun-! try, bow then can this Council dare to’ pass a vote of eonfidence in him? 1 feel® that weare not here'to make up any . bull’s-eye for political purposes. Every thing is so much wrapped with political - rubbish that we do not know where we ' are. It is unfortunate that the people of * this island must vest people with power . who do not know their duty towards their | constituents. The people nave never yet empowered this legislative boiy to do ! anything out that which is contained in the Law, : 2nd Member for Christiansted Town | (Chabert): Mr. Chairman. { want to put * mvyseif in e class of ‘hose who do not dc their dutv towards their constutatents; | { want to put myself in the pail of those | who are not in'elligent; and after doing | that | will vote for this resolution, lam going to vote for it not for my sake, [ - am goiog to vote for it for the sake of the people for whom Governor Pearson is working day and night, Asa m>mber of the Homesiead Commission | know ° that every proposal made is for the bat terment of the laborer, for the home steaderand for imorovement of his land. * I'he land occupied by the honjesteaders has been sold tothem by the United States Goverument; and in addition to that every consideration is given them byway of labor saving devices. It is quite different wicth the other class of people, Before the Homestead Comis sion came appl.cations from Clerks, = Teachers and Policemen, but the Comis sion said serve the poor people first and others arterwards. -Persors have come to me as a newspaper man and said the people are b:ing taught to be lazy and while th y are continuing to get food they will not work. Every beoefit up to = the present is for the poor peopie. | was * one of the great critice of th: Adminis tration, | did so for results. When the - Director of Education requested in As gsistant 0 ask seven native teachers to . serid in their resignition [ was approach ed and | went to the Lieatenant Gover- * nor’s office in che strongest way | knew how and talked the matter over with him = and he said ‘'l will go to St. Thomas'and take the matter 1p wirh the Goveraor.”” Rizht in this chair 1n which heis row sitting the Lieutenant Governor caldl m> aa lsaid, ‘‘GnvernorPearson asks n‘;e % to say to you to tell the teachers nnt to send in their resignation, but to be care fu! while holdinz their pasition:, Oneas th s> eeacn=rs has left of his own acco:-% an.l tae otners are still holding th ir py:ik nols. Witnout £inz Int) d2tails, whnag dses tmis ol ask for? A vor2 of erafis d2azre 1t d)res not say that th2 Governog 1s tne m st infellizent, mrst honest man ani cin tace vetter cire of Minizipyy suds thin any one eise. lusinply asss it w 2 hive cofilenc2 in him In othar words, d) you navza edfidenc: in him ast a piain, hoaest citiz:a doinz his bast for this island and its p2ople? Tnat’s al! the resolation asks. ‘sentlemen, | -m! giving my vote to this bill oecaus2 [ b:- 1 lieve it is waatouz pyor p:op'e shyi 1’ do. : 90d Membar for Frederiksted Coatry | District (M. M. Skesch) Mr. Chairma.. { did not wish to make any re nick on this | m atter this afterndoa but I rise from this * standpoint. When a member sits hera and listens to another membder makKing a remirk touching upoin his intellizence \ think it is tim2 to €3y he has gon2 the limit. Ido not think |am the greatest orator herz2 but Ido take exceptior to any one censuring me because | see fit to express my opinioa in this Council. | will vote here when I wishto andas | wish to. I care nothiag about any man’s opinion of m 2. Ih2 honorable 2nd mem bar for Cnristiansted fowo has exp ess: ed tha right view h2re this afterason. | will register my vote in favor of this re solation bacause a certain class of p2op'e is not here to vote, therefore, | an vo inz to vote for the n. 1, Maleolm Skeozh have no bencfit whea it comes to a Gov ernmeani pasition, Tarze years agolwould hive b2en giad for a position but ihe N. R. A. has com: iato bsing too late, I have p'easant recollections of the few titges | hav2 had dealiogs with the pre seat Admiuistration. | am un ler obliga tion to tne Governor for what he has done for St. Croix, The unfortunate part is, all the eighteen memoers are .t present t) ragist2r yotes oo this r2sola tion. ltis rathes uvnpleasant that the Covernor ha: to be spiken of so dis piragingly Dbz2caas: one mz2no-r thinks tnat laws are not being entorce Ig Why lay ail the blam: to the Govervor? i am sure that lif ta2 Governor konew that this resolution was 112 to b 2 in trodue2d h 2 wouald have m2ct th2 propo nent at tne dorr and 83K ain piz2ase not to introduce it. T)» be Crutinued SUBSCRIBE NOW