Hurrah for Golden
What was estimated to be the largest
assemblage at any public meeting was
present in the Pabiic Marker last rignt
where a protest meeting against Colo
r.ial Council Bil' No. 27 was staged.
Mr. Andrew C. Pedro, Secretary of
the Virgin Islands Civie and Industrial
Association of New York was the first
speaker. He made it clear that the is
land-wide opposi‘ion against the Bill
was not because Governor Pearson had
introduced it, but because it was very
unsuitable to the needs of the people
and generally unsatisfactory. The Pre
gident’s oplan as outiined in his letter
to Secretary Ickes is sound, he said,
but the merhods of eantrol, the demands
made upon the people in exchange for
the Federai assistance are far too great,
He said the people wanted the Roosevelt
plan—not the Pearson plan.
Hon. Anselmo Fabio related his ex
perience at a private meeting held by
the Lieutenant-Governor for employees
of the Government. He entered the
meeting when the Lieutenant Governor
was explaining the Bill, and heard him
state that tne people of the island want
ed all the safeguards and that the Fed
eral Government should have the safe
guards. He, Fabio, asked permission
to address the house and stated the
objectionable features inCouncil Biil No.
27. The speaker continued to emphasize
the program asoutlined by Presideat
Rcosevelt is all right for the people buat
not in the way Dr. Paul M. Pearson
and Mr. Lawrence W.Cramer have
brougt it toc them. That is the cause of
the great opposition against the Bill.
During his speech Mr.{Fabio called for
threce cheers for Hon. Arnold M. Golden
Then— Hip hip, hurrah! hip hip,hurrab!!
Hip hip, b-u-r-r-a-h!!!
A large beard was displayed with the
words‘‘We want Roosevelt’s Plan,—Not
Pearson’s Plan’’,
‘1 he people were advised to assemble
in the Market tomorrow morning 9:30
and from there proceed to tne wharf ro
welecome Mrs. Franklin D, Roosevelt.
Rand N
ancom otes
We are in receipt of an article written
by Governor Paul M, Pearson contain
explanations concerning the requested
charter for the Virgin Islards Company
known as Cslonlal Council Bili No 27,
Having to conciude Hon. Aroold M.
Thought for the Day
Wed. Md. 7. St. Thomas Aquinas
Perfection consists in doing well the
very acuons you are doing.
H M. PIGOTT Rector.
St. :lohn’s Church. Christianstea
Golden’s speech in the present issue
the overnor’s articl- ea nnot e printed
before our next issue, s
The ‘*Resolution’’ sailed for St. Tho
mas at Bo’clock last night.
The motor boat *'Vigilant’’ arrived
yesterday from St. Thonas with mail,
and will sail at 12 p. m roday.
By Courtesy of rhe West India
T le graph Company
““Mrs. Roosevelt arrives by plane at
12:55 today and will leave on the Clipper
for St. Thomas ha!f an hour after.
Mrs. Koosevelt is accompanied by a
number of press representatives includ
ing Misses Emma Bugbee of the He_:rald
Tribune; Dorothy Ducos of Internarional
News: Bess Furman of Associated Nyk.;
and Ruby Black of the United Press.
The party will go to St Croix on
Thursday to return to San Juan the
same day.
Continued f.(r)om Page One
from confiscating property. I feel it is
too serious a matter in this instance to
spizker much more to smil2. Oae of the
gentlemen who it is said 1s a member of
the brain trust of President Roosevelt in
addressing us spoke glowingly about the
measura and said thesciare the objee
1. .A device for securing an adequate
amount of working capital to come
into the Virgin Islands to effect
a general economic rehabilitation
of {he islands.
2. Establishment of the most efficient
unit for operation of rum and bay
rum industries, both o! which re
quire large sums of money for de
velopment and for marketing.
3. To assure every one on the islands
at least adequate subsistencs.
4., To achieve security for the inhabi
tants of the islands by insurance
reserves against drought, old age,
sickness, ete. :
Fine. .but there is not one statem2nt
about that in the ordinance. :
- b. To generslly raise the staniard of
living of the inhabitants of the is
Stzandard of living,—we as representa
tives of the pecple undersiand how
much of that is realiy nccessary. They
are foruetting that we have a civilization
of over two hundred and fifty years, why
then use ali these fantastic ideas. We
are a civilized people, a people with cul
ture, but Americans cananot seem to un
6. After the three hacic industries of
rum, bay rum ond sugar are es
tablished, to develop new export
7. To be prepared in event that local
private capital fails tosupply needs
of the islands, to supply the ne
cessary capital to carry on those
local industries on which the wel
fare of the islands is dependent.
I would like to know, gentlemen, af
ter you pass this ordinance what !ocalin
dustry will exist if they don’t want it to
exist, They are going to lend money to
she struccure:
1. Construection by Public Works Ad
. ministration, through the Gover
por of the Virgin Islands as Pub
lic Works ~Administrator for the
Virgin Islands, of the plant— con
sisting of rum distilleries, sugar
mills, bottlipg works and other
needed plants, together with the
purchase of the needed cane
lands. _When this is cempleted,
the whole plant will be owned by
the United States of America.
And yet they have putin two indivi
duals, Paul M. Pearson and Harold
2. A lease by the United States of
this whole plant to the Virgin Is
lands Company for 25 Years, for a
rominal annual rental of SSOO.
8, The Virgin Islands Company to be
organized by ordinance under the
laws of St, Croix. 1t will have a
total capitalization of only S3O, di
vided into three shares of $lO
each, KEach of the shares will be
issued to one of a group of three
trustees, who will hold the shares
in trust for the benefit of the peo