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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
ple of the Virgin Islands. The charcer will provide that all earn ings and profits must be expended foz eeonomic rehabilitation of the ‘ Virgin Islanls The three trustees will select the dirsctors for the Virgin islands Company. The three trustees will be: Secretary of he Intervior lekes, Governor Pearson, and a third to be desig nated by Prezident Roosevelt. You see how cheap we are. Some fig ures are given because in rhe United States you have what is called ‘‘dollar men_.’’ But | want to ask if such men do not get somerhing from the Government otherwise? Each of the shares will be is sued toone of a group of three trustees! They w:ll not say the Governor of the Virgin Islands and the Secretary of the Interior, but Paul M. Pearson and Ha rcld Ickes. Not one of us here of the eighteen members of the Council is deemed worthy of trust These people are 10 hoid these things in trust for the people of the Viruio islands, We cannot, The three trustees will s-lect the diree tors of the Virgin Islands Company and your charter says who rhey are so you need not expect that they are going 10 select them right awav. in this (speak er nolding a paper in hand) they state - what the objectives and the structure are but will not state them in the bill. 4, The Virgin Islands Company, une der such a charcer will be able to borrow from the Federa!l Subsis tence Homestead Corporaticn money for (1) operating expenses and (2) iestablishment of subsis tence homes:eads in the three is lanas. : Establishmant of subsistenez home ateads in the three islands. I woald like to known why we cannot have a set up of pur own? You know the reason why gentlemen. Let me read further: 1. No dividends will be paid to any stockhelder; earned surplas will be available for the following pur poses: (a) An attempt will be made to devise an equitable profit-sharing plan, for the benefit of all em ployees, managers, and cane de liverers. That is not in che charter, They are not bound to asingle tning. {b) Crop loans to small holders. As you gentlemen, know these are pro vided for at present by our municipal funds. ST. CROiX TRIBUNE (¢) Encouragament to tourist tra vel tc the islands, We should have all of these encourige ments without giving away our rights. (@) development of an educationnl and cultural program, including adult eduearion, pre-school educa tion and vocational training. Why. may [ ask, you want to create a corporaiion to do thai? Do vou think the President of ths (Jaitel Srates woaid punish us for doing what we can? I know it will be said thac | am a kieker. I may be the only one opposing this measure. It is said that [ lik> ‘o speak big words to hear them, butl have a little common sense and I know what my country needs. ltis said that we must help ourszlves and the United States will help us, We have not been able to help ourselves because of res trictions. Take the Prohibiticn Aect, what has happened? Contirental United States citizens are free and we are not beeause the Aet was forced on us by an act of Congress. We have heard by ra dio that the United States Seuate haa passed the bill repealing the act in this island, have we as legislators ask=d our Governor 1o ask the President to sign the bill? No! We have no official infor mation about anyching, But you know why, I will read to you something I read in a newspaper sometime ago: ““Washington, February 24— Yes terday President Roosevelt an nounced that he is going to name immediately a committee compos ed of seven men made up of na * tives of the Virgin Islands and officials of its government to di rect the work of rehabilitation which is to begin very s>on in the Virgin lslands. You hear that, the Natives and officials? The paper continues: **One of the plans of the Admin istration to bring about the work . of rehabilitation in these islands is to revive in tnem the rum in industry, and the C, W. A. will dispose of funds right awav to begin to finance the agriculture and construct factory for the man ufacture or liquor. Gentlemen, that is in the public press of the United States. Why then this rush? Why ask us to tiea rope arouond our neck? I have great confidence ir tha President of the U. S. lam sure if our case is put to him he will hear us. Hon - orable gentlemen, 1 have here with me a little pamphlet in which | come acrosa a prayer | F ranklin D. Rhosavelt is the answer to the prayer of Josiah Holland: “God give'us moan! A time like this demands <troag minds, great hearts, true faith, . and ready hands: Men whom the lust of office does not Kill; - Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy, Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, men who wili no e : Men who can stand before a de magozue, And damn his treacherous flatter ies without winking Tall m2n, sun-ccowazd, who live above the fog [o pubile daty, and in private thinking; For while tne rabble, with chair thumbworn creeds, Their large profe;sionsand thair little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Free dom weeps,, Wrong rules the land, and waiting Jusiice sieeps!”’ Gentlemen, my colleagues, I ask you! in the words of these lines, give us mea Tne dlscussion is open. e Important Mesting Students of History and Literature, readers of every description, meet Mrs. NEDRA FLINTOM, a most charming lady, lecturer and globe trotter. - Miss Flintom will give travel lectures of Russia, China, Japan and certain countries of Europe, E lucating and Euntertaining. Friday at Christiansted Theatre 815 p. m. Admission 20c and 10c¢ THE ST. CROIX MUSIC COMMITTEE Waated to Hire Spirited well gaited riding horse: three afternoons each week. Bring horse to residence above Danish bank Thursday p. m, four to six, —_—ee e Noti otice Tresspassing on the ruin at No. 7 Hospital Street is forbidden under penalty of law. I. GRIGG