ST. CROIX TRIBUNE TwzurTHd YEAR 3 Miautes Qat ~ Flakes 8 MINUILES OAT FLAKES is a cereal made under a special process. 'ne gen uine is sold in the package with the BIG RED 3. This speeial process during which the oats are FIRELESs COOKED AT THE MILL FOR 12 HOURS in their hulls seals iy all the dehicious flavor and rich nourishment es nature’s choieest grain. 3 MINUTES OAT FLAKES builds bone and musecle, provides energy with out creating body heat. Particularly reconmm>nded as a heat giving foad for infants,chilaren and invalids. Special Sale 427 z. package with Cups and Saucers 33cts. 14 oz. package 12 cents 10 oz. tins 12 cents. 20 oz. tins 20 eents. “ At Valls Grocery Notice Noti¢e is hereby given that the Co. lonial Councii’s ordinary meeting which scheduled for Wednesday March 14. aceording to The Chairman’s degision, and Government conseot has been post poned uotil Wedaesday Marcn Zl, 1934 at 1.30 p. m. . Colonial Council St, Croix, March 12, 1934. : ARNQOLD. M. SSOLDEN “hairman Read the Trib . »@~RELIABLE, R©GULAR AND UP TODATE PAPER. - - i A Journal For The Progress Os The Peopie Let Jusitice Be Done Though The Heavens 3Should Faii CHRISICANSIED. 3% - CROIX. #. 1. U. 8. A SPECIAL SALE Danish 0. K. Portland Cement SI3BO local Currency, duty paid ex dock for one Barrel or Four Bags, 3190 local eur rency duty paid ex ware house for one. Barrel or four Bags ; | : OBTAINABLE A7 HANS BOJE ’ CHRISTIANSTED ~ ARNOLD M. GOLDEN FREDERIKSTED Knapp Shoes are Good Shoes FIRSI—LAST—AND ALWAYS T is our policy to maintain our high lstandards of quality umnder any and all concitions. We do not propose to lower our quality in order to meet tne low priced eompetition of the so called ‘‘depression shoes’’ now being retailed in many stores. Knapp Shoes must maintain their reputation for style —quality—comfort—and service, “and will be sold at the lowest possible prices consistent with such quality. Stop in at Anduze’s Barber Shop around 9 to 5 o’clock daily and see actual :amples and amazing prices to suit your pockets. V. C. RISSING Christiansted, V.I. U.S.A. Local Representative Knapp Bros. Shoes., Bosron, Mass. s e et 1928 ESSEX coach in good eond. - tions for sale. Reasonable price 10 JVERSON MARCH 17th 1934, NO. 204 SATURDAY, Order Os The Day for the fifth ordinary meeting of the Colonial Council of St. Croix for the fis cal year 1933-1934, Tenth Council-Firss Session, Wednesday., March 21, 134, at 1:30 o’clock P. M. 1. Colonial Council Bill No. 27. Continuation of Ist diecussion on Colonial Council Bill No. 27, draft of an ordinance to create a corpo ration to be known as the Virgin . Islands Company and to establish and to define its powers, and for other purposes, With Committee Report, 2. Colonial Couneil Bill No. 24. Continuation of Ist discussion on Colonial Couneil Bill No. 24, draft of an ordinance to regulate and coutrol the manufacture and sale of alcoholit beverages in the Mu~ nicipality of St. Croix, and for other purposes. With Committee Report. Colonial Council Uffice, Christiansted, March 8, 1934. ARNOLD M. GOLDEN, Chairman.