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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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~ ST.CROIX TRIBUNE Published daily except Sundays & Hol days at 53 B Company St. Christiansted St. Croix. V.. I U. S. A. by St. Croix Cooperative Society Entered assecond class matteron July Ist 1922 at the Post Ofice at Christian ted, St. Croix, V.I, U.S.A. under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 x—)fi R. DE CHABERT, Editor e ——————————— S —————————— Tuesday, March 20th 1924 e———— Councii Bill N ouncii Bil! No. 27 Despite the fact that a meeting of the Council in committee is suppcsed to be under closed doors a large audience was present in th2 Council Hall lasc night be fore the members arrived. Such is the widespread interest in Colonial Counecil Bill No, 27. However, in the absence of objections the audience remained and was enlight ened on several points. ; One startling statement was made last night by Mr. Douglas Armstrong, who said that the delay in the passage of the Bill was injuring the .interest of rum manufacturers as they are not per mitted to export their rum. A Bill is before the Colonial Council providing for an exclusive monopoly of the rum business for the Government which in turn is to authorize the Virgin Islands Co. to excercise this right. An other Bill provides for the qyation of this. Virgin Islands Co. Théke Bills have not been passed by the Couvncil and bave no force of law. Liquor is being imported and sold here legally since the repeal of Prohibition on the islands, therefore, it was suggested, that an em bargo on the exportation of rum is a matter that should be taken to the pro per authorities at Washington. There was a sub-committee report on Colonial Coupcil Bill No. 27 deleting the right of eminent domain and the right to invade all fields of business, and there was a mirority report, The Coun cil was not inclined to eonsider the amendments. The members are ex tremely suspicious. They feel that an undue advantage is being taken of the situation and are weighing very careful ly the respouosibility they are being ask ed to shoulder. While one or two members were rather unbkecoming in their behavior » ST, CROIX IKkILUNE Thought for( the Day Tues. Mch. 20 The l-ast of sins is infinite; it throws A shade into the faca of the Most High. Aubrey De Vere, — H. M. PIGOTT Rector. St. John’s Church. Christiansted _-———-—-—____________.____——_'___..—_—__—-—————————— tha others were thinking and realizing that when a supar-government is set up in the island, political freedom will’ vanish. And from the acts of this super-government no appeal will lie except, possibly, a return of the Repub licans to power with a changed policy chouid bring relief. I'he members in Committee could not agree upon any amendments to the Bill last night and decided 1o retarn it to the Couneil. in all its fierceness and in all its contemplated experimental cruelty If so many members of the Cnuncil were not shackled by personal favors received from officialdom a delegation would have been travelling to Washing ton to discuss this very serious experi ment which has not been tried in any other part of the world except Russia. Yet the Russian people can, even if they resort to bloody revolution, overthrow obnoxious rulers. Under the proposed Russian- American system there would be no altermative for Virginlslanders but emigration 10 some country from which politicial freedom has not yet departed. I Press Release His Excelleney, th2 Governor is in re ceipt of a letter’ from Admiral David Foote Seliers, Commander in Chief of the United States Fleet, acknowledging receipt of the Governor’s letter inviting the fleet to visit the Virgin Islands. Admiral Sellers advises that it is possi ble that some of the destroyers of the Fleet may visit St. Thomas on May 10, or 11th, for re-fueling from Naval tank ers. Very little, if any, liberty will be granted at this time in view of the Fleec Problem. . Admiral Sellers further advises that from about Septemher 22, until Nov. Ist it is expected that - various units of the Fleet may visit St. Thomas for liberty and tecreation. fr——————————— e e Dr. and Mrs. Roberts were the reeci pients-of a fine baby girl yesterday morning. Mother and baby are well. Questioas Asked Mr. Tug\ell by Hon- Arnold M. Uolden, Chakman of Co lonial Council of St. 'Croix. Q. Is it true that the Laura Spellman Rockefeller Foundation i ntends to buy the Virgin Islands Company stocks and turn it over to a board of three trustees comprising of the Secretary of the Interior, the Assistant Secretary of the Interior and the Government of the Yirgin Islands and their successors in corresponding United States Government positions. these trus tees then electing a board of directors which would consist for the most part of Government officials resident in the Virgin Islands? Q. Is it true that the President of the Uoited States has been advised that there is practicaly no economic life in the Virgio Islands, rhat being the reason given for asking the establish ment of this particular company? Q. Will the Presid2nt and the Dz2)art meut of Interior be satisfied to deve- Jop by assisting sugar and i's by-pro duects conducted by present corporation and individuals oo the island without requiring sole monoply of the indus tries? Q. Will the President and the Deparument of Interior be satisfied to purchase the Bethlehem Concern and operate it principally with the parpose of rehabilizating 3t. Croix’s industries particularly sugar and rum, withous requiring a monop'y of those induastries and continuing the present homestead plan? THE GOVERNMENT ICE PLANT It seems such an easy matter for the anthorities of our -Government to im pose additional burdens upon the uu fortunate taxpayers whose relationship to the Government is made more unfor tunate still, because they, the taxpay ers form the dumb, although the res ponsibie partners in business of finane ing the machinery of Governmeat. Al though one section of the Press of the Presidency sees ‘‘good business’’ in the ° present arrangement for the disposal of lce manufactured at the Government lee Plant, wesee it in another instance of the lack of consideration waich a voiceless people may always expect at the hands of an absolute Government which can see in the taxpayers nothing but the ‘‘public go cart’’ to make good the ineptitude,inefficiency,extravagance and favouritism of Government. ltis a reflection of the incapability of Govern ment managemeht, when the Govern men: has, for whatever reason, been forced to capitulate to a private concern. It is there for public cornsumption that