ST. CROIX TRIBUNL FIFTEENTH Y EAR S ~ ‘ ~F ELECTION NOTICE W HEREAS a Bill eniiried “"an Aect to provide for a Civil ( overnment of the Virgir. Islards of the Ul, S 8 a.” (Pubue No. 749 -S 4:24 - was passed by the 74th Congress of the United States and ap proved Jure 22, 1936. provides in Section 8 therecf in part as follows: .. . '"lhe next general election in the Virgin Is- Jands : hall be held on November 3, 19306. At such eleciion there shal be chosen the entire membershipof e:ch Municij:l Council 3s herein provided .... ’'; #nad WHEKEAS rlhe said Acr, now styled the Orgaric Act, provides that the said Mucricipal Council shail b 2 composed of nine (9) members, viz: 2 Members For Christiansted Town & Suburus; 2 Members For Christiansied Country Dis “trict; 2 Members For Frederiksted lown; 2 Members For Frederiksted Cogntry District. Andll Member At Large: FOR THEREFORE. by virtue of the aforesaid Section 8 of the Organic Act, and by direction of the Governor of the Virgin lsiands of the United States, a general election wiil be held at the Po lice Court House, in Christiansted, on TUEDAY., November 3, 1936, for the purpose of electing TWO MEMBERE for Christiansted, Town and Suburbs. Tke balloting will commence at 9 o’ clock a. m. and will ciose at the earliest 12M. 1n conformity with Publication of Wov 15, 1906, paragraphs 1 and 2, candidates, in order to be considered at the elec tion, must be nominated by oue of the Electors of the Fiectoral District (or nominate themselves as eandidates either by a written notice, signed by the nomi patar and seotl :o the Chairman of the Electoral Board at his official office not later than 4 o’clock p.m. FRIDAY, 30th inst,.cr bypersonal appearance ofthe nom inator before the Electoral Board at the place where the election is to be held be tween 3znd 4 o’clock p. m. SATUR DAY, the 31st inst. ALL concerned will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. THE ELECTORAL ROARD FKOR CHKISTIANSTED TOWN ANE S(OB URRS._ Christiansted, St. Croix, October, 24, 1936. 3. HAMILTON JACKSON Chairman Electoral Board - "7 A Jcurnal For The fro.rzse Gs Tne Peomlis Let Jusiice Be Done Tnou-r Tre 7e:vene sSnould Fa CHRISTIANSTED, 31 CROI3, ¢-%-©. 8. A WELN DiY OCTOBER 28" H 1935, overnment Secreuffu& INTHFE DISTRICT COURT CF HE VIEGIN ISLAN: SCFTnE USA CHRISTIANSTED SUB-JUDICIAL DISIR'CT In the matter of the estate of ISAAC JACOLS, deceased. No. 251 April Term, 1936, I, Maria Jacobs, administratrix of the above entitled estate, in accordance with the Order of the said Court dated October 14th, 1936, do heieby give notice to all interested parties in the said estate that they are ri quested to appear at the Court House of the said Court on th 28th day of Decembrr 1936, at 10 o’clock a. m. to file any vbjections they may have at the hear ing of the final report of the said estate. First publication of this notice made this 15th day of October 19:6. MARIA JACOBS, Administratrix. IN THE DISTR!CT COURT CF THE ViRGIN I LANDS OF THE U. 8. A. CHR!STIANSTED SUB JUDICIAL D STIRCT In the matter of the estate of ASTRID LIMPRICHT, DECEASED No. 260 April Term, 1936. Publication Os Appointment And Notice To Creditors : §; s & Canegata, having been appoint ed Executor of the above entitled estate, ao hereby give notice to all, creditors of the said estate, and to all persons having claims against the said estate to present with-proper vouchers such claims against the said estate within six (6)months from the date of this notice to the undersigned executor, ; : All persens indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to make payment to the said exeeutor at his office in Christian sted within the said . First publication of this notice made this 26th day of October, 1936. D. C. CANEGATA Executor. JIN THE DISTRICT COURT O¢ THE ViRGIN ISLANDS OF THE U. S A CHRISTIANSTED SUB JUDICIAL DISIR €T 3 . In the matter of the joint estate of MORRIS A. PRETTO, and survining Widow, MARY EL ZABETH PRETTO. No. In Vacation after Apni Term, 1936. CITADION , James A. Bough. administrator of the above entitied estate, bavi g fired his pe tition herein duly verified payirg for an Order of Sale of the real propertv belonging to the estate, to wit: House and Lot No. Ce Water Gut, Christian sted, St. Croix, for the purpose of de fraying administration expenses ete. and the Court being satisfied that such sale is necessary for the said purposes. it Is Urdered that all persons interest ed in the above estate appear at the C urt Houvse in Christiansted, St. Croix, V. 1. on the 6th day of December 1936, to show cause, if aoy they have why an Order of Sale should not be granted for the purposes set forth in the petition. It IS Further Ordered that o copy of this citation be publiched once a week for four (4) copnsecutive weeks io the St. Croix Tribune, a newspaper publish ed daily within the district, and that a copy hereof be posted at or mear the, Post Office, in the town of Christiansted, at or near the Putlie Library io the said town and in the office ot the Clerk of the Court; also that service be made ac cordirg to law. In Witness Whereof I have hereuntd set my hand and caused the seal of the Court to be affixed this 5 h day of Ocrt. 1936. (S) J. F. HENRY, District Court Commissioner. GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN A Gold Fountain Pen was lost either in King’s street or on the Nharf in Chris tiansted. : Finder will be rewarded on bringing it to this office R e SUBSCRIBE NOW NO 73