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Newspaper Page Text
« ¥ s x e . = T - - : s = - ‘P DD ANIY TIEIRI T o 0 -bs-s o o 88 g 2 33 % > % 2 7/ L% b ‘&% fi“‘g NB\ ; o 05 o A- 85 ¢ , : 3 P Pz &3 . oS el Tg™ s &?:2 s : . e <,3 et e A:SS : % - W .J‘ FIFTEENTB YEAER R C A Victer Radios O”KRPATL: DBY » DC AC CURRENI & BATTERY S AT, 4 e oy B b S HE T B e L .i% S s‘{%: A Lo ¢ Soo - ® - Are now on display in our show room. The Presidential Candidates are “Stumping.” Are you ready to listen to their speech es with 2 good clear—toned Raois? If so, NOW is YOUR opportusity to get ope. 3 Firm of JOHN ALEXANDER RCA-Victer Distributors. PLAIFORM OF THE INDEPEN DENI PARTY We shall strive for: 1 Economy in Government. : 2 A Sguare Deal for the laboring class. ¢ Fosteriug the Homesteading project in St. Croix. 4 An adequate water supply for St. Croix. 5 The maintenance and apkeep of our roeds that are already es:iablished, ajso to support any plan that wou'd improve the condition of our roads throughout the Jsland. 6. Creation of St. Croix as a Tourist Resort. i o 7. Better Educational Facilities in St. Creix. THE COMMIITEE & Jevrnal For Tag:ve pagg Os Ine Peonyt ier Justice B¢ Done Irowsr Trne Hezivens Snoule F~ CHEISTIARSTED. 2ICROI, V. 1. U= MONDAY IN TEE DISTIICT CCURT OF OE VIILGIN ISILANI SCETRHRE US A Cl' RISTIANSTED SUB-JUDICIAL DIxTRICT In the matter of the estate of ISAAC JACUBS, deceased. No 251 April Term, 18536, I, Maria Jacobs, administratrix of the above entitled estate, 'n accordance w:th the Order of the said C-urt dated Oc'ober 14th, 1936, do hereby give notice to ull interested parties in ihe said estate that they are r: quested to ay pear at the Court House of the said®Court on th 28th day of Decembr r 1936, at 10 o’clock a m. to file any objections they may have at the hear ing of the final report of the said estate First publication of this noiice made this 15th day of October 19:6. __ MARIA JACOBS, Administratrix. IN THE DISTR'CT COURT CF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS OF THE U. 8. A. CHR STIANS!ED SUB JUDIC'AL D STIRCT In the matter of the estate of ASTRID LIMPRICHT, DECEASED No. 260 April Term, 1936. Publication Os Appointment And Notice To Creditors 7, D. C. Canegata, having been app-int ed Executor of the aboie entitled estate, ao hereby give notice to all creditors of the said estate, and to all persons having claims against the said estate to present with proper vouchers such claims against, the said estate within six (6)months trom the date of this notice to the undersigned executor All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to make payment to the said exeeutor at his office in Chris:ian sted within the said t me. First publication of this notice made this 26th day of October, 1936. : D. C. CANEGATA Executor. NIVEM ES 2N L 3, N, 1 lIN THE DISTRICT COLRT Os THE YIROGIN ISEANDS OB i 1. S CBRISTIANATED SUB TR, - Iy ROT In the matter of the joint estate o MORRIS a PRETTO, and surining W dow, MARY kL ZAcETiI PRETTO. No. In Vacarion af-er Ap'ti Termn, 1180, 1t afl i Jamee A. Bouzh atminis rator f 1 e ahove entitied estate, havi gi =d +is u titivn herein ¢y venificd pavieg for a0 Order of Sale of the eal pruper v b arg ng to the estate, fto witi tinuse and Lot Ny te Waier Gu', Chrisiin sted, St. Crox, for tne purponse of de fraying adminisiration exo=nses ete. and the Uour! being satisited that suen sale 1s necessary for the said purpires’ it Is Urdered that ail persons interest ed in bne anove estate abpesr ai the C urt Houvse in Christiansred, St Croix. Vi ). on the 6th day of December 1936, to show cause, If anv they have why aun Ordsr ot Sa.e should not be granted for the purposes set forth io the petition. It IS Further Ordered that o copy of this cirati»n be publiched once a week for four (4) copsecutive weeks in ihe Ql. Croix Tribuue, a newspaper publsh ed daily within the district, and that a copy hereof be posted ai or pear the Post Office, in the town of Christiansted, at or pear the Puble Library in the said town and in the office of the Clerk of the Court: also that service be made ac cordirg to law. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Court to ve affixed this sth day-of Oct. 1936. (S) J. F. HENRY, Distriet Court Commissioper. iLes e e e B GOLD FDOUNTIAIN PEN A Gold Fountain Pen was lost either in King’s strezt or on the Wharf in Chris tiansted. Finder will be rewarded oo bringing it to this office Le————————————————————————————— ———————————— e SUBSCRIBE NOW