Published dailv except Sundays and i
Holidays at 53 B Company St. Chrisnan- |
sied; St. Croix, V.l U.B. A by St. Croix ¢
Cooperative Society {
Eatered : s second elass matter on July {
“Ist 1922 at the Pos! Cffice at Cnristian- |
‘sted, St Groix VLU S. A, vnaer he |
© . Actof March 3rd 1879
eRAR 9 z&,f " ‘
e SRS T TN |
e e T T T
e i Greglidie E ’fia*fir
~ Random Notes
" The St Croix Labor Union held a rally
‘at Est. Fri densborg yesterday - everal
“members of the CP. L. were present and {
ome of the men elected to the new muni
‘ the people, urging |
_them to | uion and to organize |
. Mrs. R, A, Frederick arrived on Satur.
day on the ss. “Ingrid”
EDau € A marth
» Boy Scouls of America. |
Troop 59, Christiansted, V. 1.. Boy ‘
Scouts of America has received its Charter
from the National Council of the Boy l
Scouts of America of which Franklin D. ;
Roosevelt is Honorary President
The following are the members of the
Troop Committee: R. d.Chabert, Chair
\n, Judge D, H. Jackson, L. Henderson |
g-‘“"nd W. E, Mésser. .« l
- The Scoutmaster is Eric H, Carroll and -
the Assistant Scoutmaster Bgil HK. Kiit
E.~ We know of no better movement for
eharcter b uilding among the youth of a
country, The Boy Scout movemont has
the backing of the peogie@ti‘Afi‘xé‘flpa from
s ’??tetgidefit)o.&b@ most I ngle‘*’citi-en.
~Let the people of St. Croix do their part
~morally and othe to fos’%&e ; ui)ove _
b s |
~ Baseball News l
The Senators defeated the Tigers in i
Frederiksted yesterday in a very close
game. The seore was 13-10,
St. Mary’s Juniors lost to Senators Jr. |
yesterday on Parade Groung by a score l
of 16 runs to 10. :
The EC W Camp and Rangers play |
ed to a draw on account of fading g
light on Parade Ground. The game end
ed in ithe eighth inning, both teams
scored 10 rupns. Errors on both sides
were numerous which_accounted fur the
high score. 4
Everybody was excited, some calling
| ~ Christianstad Tha
Christiansted Theair:
g ‘ (The House of Good Pictures)
¢ fEY : y 1 : !
b o SRLES Tuesday MNight 813
} Universal Pictures have put out one of the fastest movieg Western p ctures secen a long
! Jong time=
| That picture -is: — O :
W@ Ivory-Hasdlel Gun”
he lvory-Haade 1
|- Buck Jones, Charlotte Wynters, Walter Miller, and other famous ‘Western” stars will en
%f S t: rtain you in a great big way. "
%Buc} wasn’t so “hot” (as the boy: put it) in his last pictures, but he more than makes
B T g% up for it in e
I ol ] : Admlsslté%asusual
on the Ranger, others shouting to the
beys cf the E C W, snd still othere
saying thines that would bzlittl: an indi
vidual pliyer. The game finished abou:
6:05 p. m. : w_o
, Under the auspices of the S'.Croix La
ber (nmio», Liberty Day celebration
' was roniinued at Freidensporg Communi
, ty Centre on Sunduy, Nuvember 8.
Mr P. Lewis presided. In his remarks
he said. “among other things that the
St Croix Lsbor Uunion gave the work
| ing pecpl2 was econom'e emancipation,
| and the Orgaaic Act w'li now give them
poliiical emancipacdon.’”
. Heurged his fell;w-workers to stick
| to the Union because. In union there is
- 8 rength., and ooly in this way ihey
~ could erec: a better future for their
ch'ldren. Judge Jackson was aiso eulo—
gized by Mr. Lewis for his sirenuous
~ Jabor in giving the peopie the Union.
- Mr. 1 Boynes, who was re-elected
| to the new Municipal Council. was intro
duced. He exhorted his feliow-worker
l to support the organization, without
whico they could not be where they are
now or make any headway. Mr. Boynes
believes that the members shown much
appree¢iati n for him by sending back to
the Council for another term.
Mr. Halvor Berg was the next speak
er. He said he was treated betterin Fred
i eriksted district than in Christiansied;
: Grove Place supported him more strong
ly than any of the other three districts.
*“l noticed.’’ said Mr. Berg, “that in your
Council Hall there are pictures of South
ern leaders bur. 1 think there should also
be pictures of Booker T. Washington and
Toussaint L’Ouverture. My opponent
seemee never to have had the foresight
oor the incentive to seeithat the pictures
I of those men were put in there, but |
am promising to try o g t them there.”
That brought forth very little applause,
as the sudievce knew littie or wothing
¢b ut those great dead MEN.
woo. We 2xpected Mr. Berg to mention Gen
peral Bordeaax of ‘4B"’ and the found
er of the mcvement of 1915, It is our can
did opinion that the pictures of these
two men should decorate both the halls
at Grove Pizce and Cumuverland Castle,
We had to make avother stop,and there
fore | ft before other spzakersjcame on
but, it was qui e an inspivation to behold
Messrs. Bovnes and Lewis, two men
who rose out of the ranks and file of the
p:ople; ard, baving courage enough to
stand up and address t em, appealing
to their besi judgement to give weight
to the sigrature of the organization
which mada it possible for them to reach
the height they are today and with _just
graiitude for their leader’
On Monday Night, November 9, 1936,
the Luther League of Christiansted wiil
hold a *'SOCIAL’’ in the Lutheran Par—~
sonage at 8 o’clock.
: The program will consist of songs,
musical selections, etwe., and a short
pageant entitled “A FORTUNATE
The Merry Makers have promised to be
"~ with us to contribute towards a well
spent hour!
Refreshments served free. lce Cream
will be on sale.
Admission: 10 cents.
A curdial invitation is extended to all,