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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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bE THE Coloni ‘ - Coloniai Council POR BT. CROITZX Continued from Tribune Nov. Tih. 11. Letter from Government reading: July 27, 1936, Jhe Honorable, The Chairman of the Colorial Council, faint Croix, Virgin Islands. My dear Mr, Chairman: By virtue of Section 24 of the Or ganic Act of the Virgin Islands of the United States, aporoved June 22, 19353, | submit the following nomiuees: 1. Vigeo Phiilips for appointment as Janitor, Frederiksied Hos ~ pital, at the rate of. $!80.00 per annum, effective Jay 1, 1936. Lee Farrely for appointment as Janitor, Frederiksted Hos pitsl, ar the rate of SIBO 00 per annum, effective vuiy 1, 1936. I have issued ad-iaterim appoint= menis to the above named numinees, effective Ju'y 1, 1936, subjeet to the ad vice and consent of the Manicipal Coun cil. A copy of each of these ad-interim appointments is tpansmitted herewith. The advice and coaisent of the Muni cipal Council is reqrested pursuant to Section 24 of the Organic Act aforesaid, Respectfully, LAWRENCE W. CRAMER, Guvernor, Inels. 12. Letter from Goveroment reading: July 28, 1936. The Honorable . The Cheairman of the Municipal Council, Municipality of St. Crcix, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, My dear Mr. Chairman: I have the honor to advise you that | have appointed Mr. Fritz Henne man as Warden of Richmond Pepiten tiary, effective July 1, 1936, subject to the advice and consent of the Mnpnoicipal Council in accordance with Section 24 of AFPOINIEE POSITION SALARY PEK ANNUM | Mouney Bill VI, Sanitation Service Richard Gittens Sanitary Inspector, Frederiks:ed $720.00 Christian Lewis Chauffeur 420.00 Frank Miller Chauffeur 420.00 | Mooey B:ill VIII, Chr’sted Hospital ; Unice Neptune Pupil Nurse 120 00 Anton Ciarke Janitor 180.00 Viggo Roberts Cook 180.09 | Vivian Nesbitt Assistant Laundress 120.00 : 4 Money Bill VIII, Fred’sted Hospital Alice Nesbitt Gradwate Nurse (junior) 300.00 2 DROIX TRIBUNE the Organic Act of the Virgin Islands of the United States. Although the Budget for the Munic:- pality of St. Croix for the fiscal year 1937, under Money “ilt [II, Item 1 Sala vies subitem g, calles for or.e Warden a: a salary $1,200.00 per annom, I have issued the ad-interim appointment refer 4 red toavove at asaiary of $1 080 00, This action was taken opr recommenda tion of the Direetor of Police, with which recommendation I thoroughiy conecur, on the ground that the promotion of u ser g‘ean’tfi former salary was $648 00 per annum to a position as warden at the rate of 1,200.00 per anoum would . create dissatisfactior in view of the facl-’?""%"; that inspectors’ salaries in the Police and . Prlson Department are fixed at SL,- - 080 00 per annum o Under oate of July 24, | advised the © Hovorable the Chairmao of the Mnwici pel Committee of the situation, and in Giscussitg the matter with him, it was o+ his informal opiman that the recommen— = dation of the iirector of Pulice should be toilywed. If in the Judxment of the Municipal Couneil it is necessary 1) amend the bud get, Ishail be giad to introduce the pro per amendment in keeping wi‘h firming this appointment at the rate specified sufficiently indicaies the will of that hody. It is requested that apprepriate action be taken by the Municipal Council at its next! meeting in connec.ion with confirm ing this ad-~inietim appointment, a copy l of which is transmiited herewiih i Respectfully, LAWRENEE W. CRAMER,... : Gcevernor. (Through the Acting Admivistrator of .St C oix.) ~ IR 13, Letter from Government readitfifizA July 28, 1936. The Honorable i ! The Chairmaz of the Munieipal Council, Municipality of St. Croix, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Sir: ; I have the honor to inform you that I have, in accordance with the Budget for the Municipality of St. Croix for the fiseal year 1936- 1937, appointed the fol lowing persons, ad-interim, to the posi | tions and at the salaries indicated: oL MARY S SCHOOL Operetta “SNOW-WHITE . : and NOVELTY ENTLRTAINMENT In Honor Cf His KExcellency THE MOSU REVEREREND EDWIN iV BN, ' - S Bishopv of San Jna‘h Monday NOvember 16, 1936. at 6:00 p.m. ~‘Reserved feats -3( cents’ = . General Adwission 20 cents . " S R T \ - ‘We announcs the at’nvév:" v | et : Waiter e Cha HOers | _ PIANO TUNER{ ol : | ST S OR. STAY DLy . Satisfacuon Guaranteed ~ Address— VICTORIATHOTEL “ Just RecM FROM SWEDEN A Very Nice Assortment of : PRIMUS STOVES & 1 and 2 BURNER RANGER | with latest improvements. and all spare parts. Also an assortment of e s . PRIMUS GAS LAMPS ANDE _ LANTERNS of 200 & 300 e g with ail necessary spare partggi e s such as mantles, generators™ & = e, glass chimneys packing, eef, = “HES= {1 can supply all spare parts forevery . . REDUCFD .PR;GEB,;??; . _Your inspection kindly solicited .* eom Sespectiully o .x:t; AD e e .+ .+ JACOB H BEXNERSON. = ¥ . PR seebdeciatbd i Alarge stock of MEN'S RAYON SHIRTS and men’s and boys’ broadcloth shirts Kas just been received, Your patronage is kindly solicited. WE SHAR OUR PROFITS L) “/Q,/; o AN LR A ? Evervbndy’s Stole ANNEE DE CHABERT 538 Company Street -