ST. CROIX TRIBUNE, FIFTEENTE YBAB e - Sale ap to Dec. 24 SI.OO only 1.00 a whole Bottle KUMMEL STADES RUM CREME DE MENTHE » THREKE CROWN BRANDY ANISETTE ITALIAN VERMOUTH FRENCH VERMOUTH CURACAO HENKES GIN CREME DE CAC.AO DRY GIN CHERRY CORDIAL RED TABLE WINE WHIfE TABLE WINE VERY OLD SHERRY WINE Valls' G alls' Grocery Save Money For Chiistmas To encourage the greater use of Cor dials as a stimulant, WE have developed a d ere now ready to maket a '‘'VIRGIN ISLAND CHERRY CORDIAL’” whieh i+ as good as any, ro matter where made, ani are placing it withio the] reach of every pocket. Stop paying sl.lO for a half bottle of Cherry Cordiai “‘Virgin Island Cherry Cordial’’ will cost you only BGcts a half-bottle or $6.00 for 24 halves at S C. R T. BRO¥Y A Journal For The Progress Qf The Peoni¢ Let Jusiice Be Done Though Trhe Heavens 3Shoule Fa CHRISTIANSTED. 3T CROIX, ¢.l. U.B. A WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16TH 1936, To make FCRD V.B owrership possible for more peogle, the 1937 Car s offers wih TWO engine sizes. §5 horsepower for per formance 60, horsepower for meximum tronony. _ The smaller 60 hcrs?power V-8 engine brings to the FORD lii e lower operating costs, -and the lowest FORD. price in . years. For turther new features. ; Apply to ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Chris iansted. Ford Dealer. ; The Salvation Army Christmas - Appeal Christmas again! And with its greet inge from the Saivation Army, wishing you the joy and blessings of the season, and peace and prosperity in the New Year. Qur Religion is one of helpful miris try anli this Christmss—Birthday of our Saviour is a call to Service — Service to God and to Humanity. Like the Salvation Army in the Unit ed States of America and other parts of the world we are appealing to you on behsif of “CHRISTMAS PARCELS for the poor. 1 feel assured that 1 can depend or. you to do your part in-making the lesser for tunate ones happy at this season of the year when everybody is trying to make some one_happv. Gifte which may include money and food stuff will be gratefully received up to December the 20th. Thaok you and may every Christmas blessing be yours. Yours, in the spirit of Christmas, ALBERT S. LIGHTBOURNE. W Let us do Your ADVERTISING A SPECIALS Ga- - - Fine and Famous Liquors Plan your Liquor Holiday Purchases from us now for Thanksgiving, Christinas ana New Year. SUGGESTIONS Sparkling Buigundy French Cognac Gorjon's Dry Gin Pale Old Dry Gin 25 years old Duteh Gin Famous ‘Vat 69" Scotch Whisky, selling for $1.70 bottle Mc Callum’s Periection Scotch Whisky in oval siz® bottles Sanderson’s Old Liquer, (¥cotch Whisky) Genuine Itallian Ballor Vermouth now sel ing for SI.COO per bottle, This can be had in Dry or Sweet,. Monastery Port Genuine Maderia Wines, imported direct from Maderia, (Malmsley, old }oal and Belem) Creme de Mente, Kumme Triple Sec. O range Curacoa, o arisino, Anisette, Creme de Cacoa, Peter Herring’s Cherry Cordial All kinds of German Rhine and Moselle Wines French Wines French Muscatel Lots of other items in Liquors too numer ous {0 mention Distributors of good quality Liquors sines 1896 et Firm of JOHN ALEXANDER ““The House which sells the Best.” For Sale PROPERTY No. 386, 388 & 39 New Street, Christiansted Now occupied by Mr. Louis Golden For further partidulars apply to JAMES A. BOUGH Counselor at Law. NO 113