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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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ST. CROIX IRIBUNE Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 53 B Company St. Christian sted, St. Croix, V.I U.S. A. by St. Croix _ Cooperative Society Entered as second class matter on July Ist 1922 at the Post Office at Christian sted, St. Croix V.I. U.S. A. under the Actof March 3rd 1879 R. DE CHABERT, Editor B e T For months repcrts have been reach ing us about the destruction of poultry. Pigeons, chickens, ducks have been found killed in the poultry house. The guilty one does the work at night’ Chief of Police Ebbesen was amopng the vie tims. This morving Mrs. Bernhardt Brandt found her six pigeons lying dead in her poultry house, each with a wound, some in the breast, some under the wing. At 8:30 tomorrow morning a short Christmas program will be rendered in the Public Grammar School-vard. The Principal Mr. Anders Petersen requests us to'say that everybody is welcome. St. Thomas News ST. THOMAS TOURIST CO. NEGOTI ATES FOR GRAND HOTEL It is reported that the St. Thomas Tourist Company is negotiating for a lJease on the Grand Hotel: When plins are completed it will operate the hotel a8 an attrac lop to tourists. The lease on Bluebeard Castle ‘Hot:l whieh was expected to take place this year by the same compauy may not be considered before next year. It the meautime this ho.el ils operated by the Virgin Islands Company. Major Staros selky and Mr. Collins have been re-ap pointed manager aud assis:ant manager, respectively. CARENAGE NEEDS POLICE SUPERVISION Noises, unnecessary and continual, ob scenity of the lowest kird, and several cases of violence now prevail in Caren age, owing to the lack of police patrol in that village. One of the betier class resi dents tells us of the shocking condition. He comgplained that not only his people EST..CROLT TRIBUNE Come On¢! Come al! MT PELLIER CHRISTMAS TREE CELEBRAIIUN SATURDAY. DECEMBER 26TH Raffies Games Bazaar Opens at ten in the morning and con-— tioues t.ll dusk Saturday, Dec. 26th are running the village in mad style but other gagnblers and twown drunkards make their rendezvous down there night end day. For the good of the wh le we wish the right officials would again *‘throw an 2ye’’ io that direction. —Daily News WOMAN INJURED AT CORNER Wooden Bridge Unsafe A woman was lifted by a locose plank and thrown into the gutter this morning at the corner by Souffront’s and Levin’s stores. She was injured. Because the press and the public have clamored for a permanent Lridge at Souffroot’s Fruit Store the proper authorities have chose to stubbornly igonore the pleas of the community feor safety. This morning there was another aceident despite the loud cries of ‘‘Get off the bride’’ by suspecting onlook:«rs. Some day some innovent chauffeur of manslaughter because of the criminal neglect of our mighty public servants, —Daily News, Deec. 14. OF THE Coloniai Council POk 37 LROIX Continued from Tribune Dec. 16th. The Chairman: Yes. Ist Memoer for Frederiksted Country Distriet (Clarke): Mr. Chairman., What reasor has the Company given for not doing so? - The Chaitrman: 1t is holding up while this matter is being negotiated. Ist Member for Frederiksted Country District (Clarke): Mr. Chairman. Iris said that Mr. Alexander Fieming of the La Grange Concern is offering to give light to the town of Frederiks ed, if so ?b¥ don’t the Company accept the of er’? Budweiser KIN; OF BOTILED BEER Now In Cans. Firm of John Alexander ““I'ne House Which Sells I'he Best’’ EXCLU:IVE DISTRIBUTORS, His Excellency Covernor Lawrence W. Cramer: Mr. Chairman. 7The question put to me was whether or not it was desirable to buy new equipment to re p'ace that in tne nlants at the pr2sent time. I was not told anything about some one offering to furnmish light or to put lan terns on the streets. lhe Company would naturally be allowed a reasunable time-to replace its machinery. “Ihe Gov erpment has suggested that new machi pery shouid not be purchased until this matter is scttled. Ist Member fur Frederiksted Country District (Clarke): Mr, Chairman. lam pot in favor of a monopoly. 1 do not think we have people here to handle such a plapt. We have had the Bethle hem Concern and had the Government pot come in it would have_remained io the same condition it was lef¢ by the for mer owners. Ido not like Government monopoly, but can any one show me how we can raise $90.000 to install au electric plant io this I:land? I would prefer 10 see a local company take over but I do not know where we are going to get the capital trom. Ido pnot know whetber I ghould nct agree (s the Government t k ing over the plant even though [ do not like a Government mooopoly. Ist Member for Christiansted Country District (Chabert): Mr. Chairman. 1 think 1 have progressive ideas. [ would like to see Frederiksted lighted and see Christiansted dotted with electric lights like a fairly-land, but | like to be cau tious. If this bill comes up in November I will support 11. I say this because we are nearing the hurricane season, and if a hurricane comes on and the hurricane flag goes up and this Isiand is devastated Ido not know where are going to turn for money. If this matter is held up for two months we would be in a better position to make the expenditure., Earn estly, gentlemen, that’s my only objec tion. Isaw what happened during the hurricane of 1916, and { saw what hap pened in 1928 aiso. It was a blessed thing we had the Immigration Fund to fall back on. I thipk ivis uowise to de plete the Immigration Fund for the sake