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CONGRESS. IN THE SENATE. MONDAY, JAN. 14. Mr. Talbot communicated to the Se nate a preamble and sundry resolutions adopted by the legislature of the state of Kentucky, in favor of the Maryland pro position to grant the old states such por tion of the public lands as will correspond in just proportion with the grants made in the new states; and the document was read. Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, laid before the Senate a communication from the Su perintendant of Indian Trade, embracing information called for by the committee on Indian Affairs ; which communication, on motion of Mr. J. was ordered to be .printed. Mr. Ware, according to notice, and having obtained leave, introduced a bill concerning the process of execution issu ing from the sixth circuit court of the United States for the district of Georgia; which bill was twice read, and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. The Senate then proceeded, according to the order of the day, to the considera tion of the following resolution,, submit ted by Mr. R. M. Johnson,“of' Kentucky, On the 12th of December. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the following amendment to the constitu tion of the United States be proposed to the legislatures of the se. eral states, Welch, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states, shall be va lid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the said constitution. “ That, in all controversies where the judicial power of the United States shall be so construed as to extend to any case in law or equity, arising under this con stitution, the laws of the United:"'States, or treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority, and to which a state shall be a party; and in all contro versies in which a state may desire to be come a party, in consequence of having the constitution or laws of such state questioned, the Senate of the U. States shall have appellate jurisdiction.” Mr. Johnson, of Ky. rose in support of (position, and addressed the Senate han two hours in an argument to :he expediency of the proposed went, but before he had concluded larks, took his seat with an inten resuming them to-morrow, r a few observations from Mr. Otis ncidental point of Mr. Johnson’s ;nt, Senate went into the consideration of executive business ; and then adjourned. TUESDAY, JAN. 15. After the transaction of some business of minor importance, the Senate resumed the consideration of the proposition intro duced by Mr. Johnson of Ky. to amend the constitution. Mr. Johnson resumed the speech which he had commenced yesterday, in support of his resolution, and spoke about two -hours. When he had concluded, Mr. Holmes, of Maine, moved to strike out all that part of the resolution which proposes to give appellate jurisdiction to the Senate, in certain cases, and to insert the following amendment to the constitu tion : “ Any judge of any court of the United States may be removed from office by the President of the United States, on the ad dress of both houses of Congress.” After some observations by Mr. Van Beuten, the further consideration of the -Subject was postponed until to-morrow. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16. Mr. Thomas, from the committee on public lands, reported a bill supplemental to an act, entitled “ an act to authorize the appointment of commissioners to lay out the road therein mentioned.” [This bill provides that the road autho rized to be laid out from Wheeling to the left bank of the Mississippi, shall be laid out through Columbus, Indianapolis, and Vandalia, the seats of government of the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.] On motion of Mr. Lloyd, the resolutions submitted by him for making certain ap propriations of the public lands to the purposes of education in the old states, were taken up ; and, with the view of fix ing a day certain for their discussion, were made the order of the day for Wed nesday next. The Senate proceeded to the consider ation of the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, for estab lishing an uniform mode of electing elec tors of President and Vice President of the United States and Representatives to Congress. After some discussion, the resolution was postponed to to-morrow. On motion of Mr. Talbot, the resolve for amending the constitution, with res pect to cases of controversy between states and the United States, &c. was made the order of the day for Tuesday next. THURSDAY, JAN. 17. The resolution for amending the con stitution, as regards the election of elec tors, &c, was taken up, and, on motion of -Mr. Smith, postponed to this day week. j ''"The hill to provide for the repair of the ' Cumberland Road was taken up, and, af ter some debate, was ordered to lie on the table. FRIDAY, JAN. 18. Mr. Findley submitted a resolution di recting an inquiry into the expediency of establishing a more direct post route from Washington City to Pittsburg. The remainder of the sitting was spent on the bill to establish certain collection districts; and to fix the compensation of officers of the customs. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, JAN. 14. Among the petitions this day present ed, was a memorial, by Mr. Gorham, | from sundry inhabitants of Boston, ad verse to an uniform system of bankrupt cy ; and one from New York, by Mr. Colden, also adverse to it, which were re ferred to a committee of the whole on that subject. Mr. Sergeant, from the committee on ' the Judiciary, reported a bill to provide j for delivering up persons held to labor or | service in any of the states or territories j who shall escape into any other state or ! territory ; which was twice read and com j mutea. Mr. Williams, -from the corn nil ! claims, made a report unfavorable to the memorial of the legislature of the state of Tennessee, asking- that provision may be made to pay for horses lost by her citi zens in the expedition during the Semi nole war; which report was read and re ferred to a committee of the whole house, and with the memorial of the legislature, and documents accompanying the same, were ordered to be printed. Mr. Rankin, from the committee on public lands, reported a bill to authorize the state of Illinois to open a canal thro’ the public lands, connecting the Illinois river with lake Michigan, which was twice read and committed. Mi\ Nelson, of Md. after adverting to the importance of the subject of the mo tion which he had laid on the table some days ago, proposing the appointment of a committee to consider the expediency of making appropriations of public lands i for the purposes of education in the old states, and to the fact that it had received the approbation of several states, and therefore was entitled to the serious at tention of this house, moved that the house should now proceed to the consideration of that motion. The house agreed to consider it. Se veral amendments were proposed arid re jected. The remainder of the sitting was spent in the discussion. TUESDAY, JAN. 15. Mr. Cocke, fro n the committee on re volution?^- pensions, reported a bill sup plenigjj|^K- to the act to provide for cer i tain perils engaged in the land and na ! val service of the United States in the revolutionary war. On motion of Mr. J. T. Johnson, of Ky. the house agreed to consider (ayes 69, noes 49) a resolution by him submitted j on a former day, directing the committee j on military affairs to inquire into the ex pediency of establishing a national manu factory of arms, &c. on the western wa ters; and the same was thereupon adop ted. Mr. Scott laid on the table the follow ; ing resolution : Resolved, That the Secretary of War ] be requested to report to this house a statement, shewing the number of sol , diers who have received their bounty lands for services rendered during the late war; the quantity of land received by them ; the number of soldiers yet entitled to re ceive bounty lands; and the quantity of land that will be required to satisfy their claims, over and above what has been set apart by former acts of Congress. Mr. Condict laid on the table the fol lowing resolution : Resolved, That the President of the U. States be requested to communicate to this house such information as he may possess, and which may not be improper to communicate, in respect to any outra ges and abuses committed upon the per son of the officers, or crews, of the Ame rican vessels at the Havana, or other Spa nish ports in America; also, whether any measures have been adopted under Spa nish authority, tending to punish, restrain, or countenance, either such personal out rages or piratical depredation upon the property of our merchants; also, whe ther, in the opinion of the President, any further legislative provisions may be ne cessary to enable the executive more ef fectually to protect our rights from simi lar aggressions. The Speaker presented a communica tion from the Secretary of the Treasury Department, in compliance with a call of the house, transmitting a statement shew ing the nett proceeds of the sales of the public lands in the state of Indiana, Illi nois, and Missouri, from the several pe riods required. 1 he Speaker also presented a commu nication from the Treasury Department on the subject of the Cumberland road ; which, on motion of Mr. Trimble, was re ferred to the committee on roads and ca nals, and ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Mercer, it was Resolved, That the committee on the suppression of the slave trade be instruct ed to inquire whether the laws of the U. States prohibiting that traffic have been duly executed, and, if so, into the general effect produced thereby on the trade it self, also, to inquire into and report the defects, if any exist, in the operation of the laws, and to suggest adequate reme dies therefor. Mr. Nelson, of Md. withdrew the reso lution under discussion yesterday in the house, and in lieu thereof offered the fol lowing : Resolved, That each of the U. States^ has an equal right to participate in thJ| benefit of the public lands, the common property of the union. Resolved, That the states in whose fa vor Congress has made appropriations of land for the purposes of education, are entitled to such appropriations as will correspond in a just proportion with those heretofore made in favor of the other states. Resolved, That a committee he ap pointed with instructions to report a bill in pursuance of the foregoing resolutions. On motion of Mr. N. the same were referred to the committee of the whole on the state of the union, and ordered to he ; _ printed.____: _ WEDNESDAY) JAN. 16. Mr. Floyd laid upon the table the fol ! lowing resolution : j Resolved, That the President of the U. ! States be requested to cause to be laid before this house all the correspondence which led to the treaty of Ghent, which has not yet been made public, and which, in his opinion, it may not be improper to i disclose. On motion of Mr. Scott, the house agreed to consider the resolution submit ted by him on yesterday; which was thereupon adopted. Mr. Tomlinson laid before the house certain resolutions of the legislature of Connecticut, approving the proposition to grant to the old states a portion of public land, corresponding with the appropria tions thereof to the new states, for the purposes of education ; which were, on motion of Mr. T. referred to the commit tee of the whole to which the resolutions of Mr. Nelson, of Md. on the subject were committed. On motion of Mr. Bateman certain re solutions of the legislature of New Jer sey, of a similar purport, heretofore com municated, were referred to the same committee of the whole. The house, on motion of Mr. Condict, took up the resolution yesterday laid on the table by him ; and, after modifying it, at the suggestion of Mr. Lathrop, by striking out the clause which requested the President’s opinion as to the further legislative provisions necessary to enable him to protect the rights of our citizens from piratical aggression, the resolution was adopted. THURSDAY, JAN. 17. Mr. Floyd, from the committee to whom was referred an inquiry into the expe diency of occupying the mouth of the Co lumbia river, and of regulating the inter course with the Indian tribes; reported, in part, a bill to regulate the intercourse with the Indian tribes within the United States, and territories thereof; which was twice read and committed. Mr. Hobart laid the following resolu tion on the table : Resolved, That the Post Master Gene ral be directed to communicate to this house a statement of the gross amount of postages, the number of post offices in the United States, the extent in miles of post roads, the amount of compensation to de puty postmasters, the expenses of trans porting the mail, together with the inci dental expenses of the post office depart ment, and the balances in favor or against the same, in each of the last six years-— and, in case the revenue of the said de partment should now be insufficient to meet the expenditures thereof, to suggest such measures as he may deem proper, either to supply such deficiency or to re duce the said expenditures. Mr. Harvey communicated to the house a report and sundry resolutions adopted by the legislature of New Hampshire in June last, in favor of the proposition for granting a portion of the public land to the old states for the purpose of educa tion—and, on the motion of Mr. H. the document was committed to the commit tee of the whole on that subject. The house resolved itself into a com mittee of the whole on the bill for appor tioning the representatives of the several states to Congress, according to the cen &Uo U1 iOZV. The ratio of apportionment was fixed at 42,000 by the committee. Nineteen different propositions were made, varying from 35,000 to 75,000. After the bill was reported to the house, Mr. Durfee and Mr. Randolph made some remarks in opposi tion, and Mr. R. moved that the further consideration of the bill be postponed un til next Monday week, which was carried, FRIDAY, JAN. 18. Among the petitions presented this day was one, by Mr. Dickinson, from the in habitants of Troy, in the state of New York, remonstrating against the enact ment of a system of bankruptcy for the United States. Mr, Cannon, from the committee on the militia, reported a bill to provide for ' j'j clothing of the militia, when called hit the service of the United States ; wine was read twice and committed. §E$ Mr. Floyd, from the committee appoint ed on the subject, reported a bill to authd^ rize the occupation of the Columbia rive%tf° this bill was read twice and committed.^! Mr.Tomlinson submitted the following!)® Resolved, That the committee of way,a< and means be instructed to inquire intrei the expediency of appropriating the sui^n of five hundred dollars to carry into e’fteyif „ a resolution of Congress, passed June iyi | 1777, providing for the erection of a mtjj nument to the memory of General Davi,,se Wooster, who fell in bravely repelling a.Ji inroad of the British forces to Danbury in Connecticut. 4 The resolution was adopted. JlB The principal part of the day was de^ voted to the discussion of a private clairr:[|r and the house adjonrned to Monday. ' T,, Jr MORE PIRACIES. ' <«t NORFOLK, JAN. 10. J0' We are indebted to the polite attentio of capt. Saunders, of the schr. Jame £ Monroe, for the following- account of pb" ratical outrages recently committed o#1 American commerce. ^ The schr. Planet, Dennison, arrived the Balize 21st December, in 13 days froi: t St. Thomas—on the 16th, off Cape Ante, ’1 nio, was boarded by two piratical schrr,rise of 15 or 20 men each, which robbed t hi hi captain of all the money he had on boarate about §300, 38 bags of coffee, 40 boxes oisb cider, took all the clothing and blanketli belonging to the captain and mate, am it flogged the captain severely, to extoi from him where the balance of the money : was concealed. Capt. Dennison also in ./ formed capt. Saunders, that these pirate : had previously captured the ship Liver f pool Packet, (of Portsmouth) capt, Rick er, from Rio Janeiro, bound to Havana from which they robbed sixty thousanc dollars, and took a boy from the ship tc c fill water casks for their use. This boy, they afterwards put on board the Planet When the Planet hove in sight, comings round the Cape, the pirates cut the cables of the ship and let her go, after putting t on board the crew of the English brig , Alexander, (of Greenock) which they had captured and burnt some days previous. ... and the captain and steward of which they had murdered.—[Beacon. NEW YORK, JAN. 14. ;?v Capt. O’Bryan, from Havana, furnishes the following particulars of one of the most outrageous acts that have been heard ol in the days of modern piracy. The particulars stated in the following letter, were verified by captain Ricker himself, whom captain O’Bryan saw, and who in formed that the pirates, to the number of about fifty, have their dwelling on or near 1 Cape Antonio. The Liverpool Packet was from Rio Janeiro, bound to Havana, ' Capt. O’Bnjan—The ship Liverpool ' Packet, Ricker, of Portsmouth, N. H. was boarded on the 9th inst. by a Colombian ' cruizer, and the passengers, leinnum-'8 ber, were robbed of every thing. The captain and crew were treated, politely, • although the cruizer took from them a quantity of provisions, and did not pay for ! them, because, they said, they could not. The passengers were Spaniards. On the 1 16th, off Cape St. Antonio, Cuba, she was again boarded by two piratical schooners; ■ two barges, containing thirty or forty • men, robbed the vessel of every thing -i moveable, even to her Jiags, rigging, one boat which happened to be afloat, and having a boy in it who belonged to the : ship. They held a consultation whether r they should murder the crew or not—-in i the mean time taking the ship into an- )j choring ground. On bringing her to an cnor, the crew saw a brig-close alongside, burnt to the water’s edge, and three dead bodies floating near her. The pirates ; said they had burnt the brig- the day be fore, and murdered all the crew l—and in tended doing the same with them. They said u look at the Turtles,” (meaning the dead bodies,) you will soon be the same. Ihey said the vessel was a Baltimore brig,which they had robbed and burnt, and murdered the crew, as before stated, of which there is little doubt. Capt. Ricker was most shockingly bruised by them. He stripped himself in presence"of my self and Capt. Wilkinson, of the brig Maine from Philadelphia, and I never saw a man more bruised. The mate was hung till he was supposed to be dead, but came to, and is now alive. They told the captain they belonged to Regia, and should kill them all to prevent discovery. Pie knew the person who told them. There is no doubt that piratical vessels are sail ing from this port weekly in the charac ter of coasters. WM. B, SMITH. Havana, Dec. 22, 1821. WEEKLY ALMANAC. JANUARY, 1822. 23 Wednesday 24 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday SUN RISES. SUN SETS. __ moon’s PHASES. £1% r1 ti £ <rs v 5S W *0 >— o W ^