Newspaper Page Text
IIARPERSFERRY FREE PRESS. TO SKEW VIRTUE HER OWN FEATURE, SCORN HER OWN IMAGE, AND THE VERY AGE AND BODY OF THE TIME, HIS FORM AND PRESSURE.51 VOL. III.—No. 3. HARPERS-FERRY, VIRGINIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1823. Whole No. 107. PUBLISHED, WEEKLY, BY JOHN S, GALLAHER & CO. CONDITIONS. The “ Free Press” is published at two dollars per annum, if paid in advance ; two dollars and twenty-five cents if paid at the end of six months ; or, two dollars and fifty cents at the expiration of the year. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid ; nor then, unless at least one weed’s notice be given, previous to the expiration of the term subscribed for. -4% ~,v ***Adve^yeftfnents inserted three times for one dollar per square, or less ; and twenty-five cents for every subsequent in sertion. The postage must be paid on all letters and communications, or they will not be attended to. NOTICE. TWO years having elapsed since the establishment of the FREE PRESS, it becomes necessary that a general set tlement should be made with every per son who haAan account unsettled. It is therefore hoped, that those indebted will prepare themselves accordingly. Where the Cash cannot be paid, notes, at least, will be expected, though the former, to a considerable amount, is indispensable. JOHN S. GALLAHER. Aug. 6, 1823. READING ROOM, At the Harpers-Ferry Hotel. THIS establishment is regularly fur nished with Newspapers from the principal cities and towns in the Union, to the number of thirty, or more, at the unusually low rate of S3 per annum.— Such a cheap and agreeable mental repast has never before been offered to public taste. The attention of reading men is respectfully invited. Gentlemen wishing to subscribe, will leave their names with Mr. Thomas, or at the office of the Free Press. August 13, 1823. . PAHKEtsT~ (fanners Mechanics'Arithmetic. A CONSTANT supply of the above valuable work will be constantly kept for sale at this office, to a perusal of which Parents and Teachers are respect fully invited, as well as young gentlemen wishing to qualify themselves for busi ness. The distinguishing features of this work are, the amission of all unnecessary matter, and thf^insertion of much practi cal matter in the space thus saved. The work contains, besides a sufficient course of Arithmetic, an abridgement of Men suration, sufficient for ordinary purposes. It presents one of the most valuable cora pendiums ever offered to the “ man of business;” and this opinion is corrobo rated by the written certificates of nume rous and respectable preceptors, whose certificates might be adduced if neces sary. The work has already obtained a respectable circulation, and to be more extensively patronized needs but to be known. Price 75 cents. August 13, 1823. Evangelical Lutheran Synod. THE Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Maryland and Virginia, will com mence its session on the first Sunday in November, (2d day of the month) at Shep herdstown, Jefferson county, Va. The rev. clergy and lay delegates within the juris diction of this synod are earnestly soli cited to attend. D. S. SCHAEFFER. Aug. 9, 1823. Sec’ry. CONTEMPLATING an extension of Jjteiness, have taken into co-part nership JAMES WOOSTER ; their con cerns will, therefore, in future, be con ducted under the name and firm of DANIEL A. WEED $ CO. Every person must be sensible of the superior advantages possessed by those who have Cash wherewith to purchase their goods, and, as the undersigned in tends to start in a few days to New-York, for the purchase of a Fall and Winter Stock, he anxiously hopes that those in debted to the late firm will contribute their mite to that effect. To most of our customers, for their general punctuality and friendly patronage, I, for the concern, tender my sincere thanks ; but to a few others I am constrained to say, that, un less they settle their accounts soon, resort must be had to other measures for collec tion. D. A. WEED. Aug. 6, 1823. D. A. WEED § Co. Have just received, FIGURED Black Canton Crapes, Coloured do. do. Cambric Mhslins, Tamboured Jackonett do. Corded Cambric Ginghams, Irish Linens, Steam Loom Shirtings & Sheetings, Ladies’ Figured silk, Satteen, Prunelle, Sc Morocco Hosiery, See. Sec. Likewise, Molasses, loaf Sc brown Su rf^&offee, Chocolate, Powder, Shot, SHOES gar. Nlaffis, Sec. v*. We have now on hand, JOO yards Calicoes at from 18 to 20 cents ■ per yard, 4-4 do. at 25 cents, Ginghams at 12| to 16 cents, 4-4 Domestic Shirtings at l shil. 30 pair ladies’ morocco walking Shoes and Pumps at gl. Aug. 6. TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. THE undersigned' intend to erect a BRIDGE across the Potomac river at Harpers-Ferry. This place contains about 1500 inhabitants, is situate at the junction of said river with the Shenan doah, in Jefferson county, one of the most fertile in Virginia. It is about 60 miles above Washington city, and on the most direct route to the western states. The river is navigable the greater part of the year, affording an easy water communi cation with the eastern cities. The site possesses advantages; the fiver is 720 feet wide, and is shallow ; the bed is so lid rock ; for the abutments and piers there is stone on the spot; timber and all other materials can be easily procured, and on good terms. The Bridge to be of wood, except the abutments and piers, and it must be built of the best ma terials, and warranted. A further de scription is deemed unnecessary, as un dertakers will first view the site. Propo sals will be received until the middle of October next. CATHARINE WAGER. JAMES B. WAGER. Harpers-Ferry, Va. July 23, 1823. §CP The Editors of the N .: Intel- j ligencer, the Philadelphia & ^Jjiral Ga- J zette, the New York American, and the New Haven Pilot, are\equested to pub- | lish the above, conspicuously, once a week for 6 weeks, and tv^nsmit their ac counts for payment. OP JEFFERSON AND LOUDOUN. JOHE undersigned having taken the 1 Shenandoah Mill, on the Island, near Harpers-Ferry, respectfully informs the farmers of the neighboring country, that it is now in good order for the reception of grain. Those who bring to his mill good merchantable wheat, may expect the customary quantity of flour, the in spection of which he will stand in the Georgetown and Alexandria markets. Those who wish to send a part of their flour to the Baltimore Market, will also have the inspection answered for them. The advantages attending the manufac ture of flour in this mill, will be obvious, when it is recollected, that in addition to standing the inspection, as above men tioned, the mill is situated at a most con venient point, just above the junction of the Shenandoah with the Potomac, and below the Shenandoah locks, so that a favorable opportunity for boating will be afforded at all proper seasons. And to effect this object more certainly, boats will be at all times employed, and punc tual and careful boatmen engaged to transport the flour to market, without de lay, whenever the water will admit of it, Corn, Rye, &c. will be ground, and a country Bolting Cloth prepared, for the accommodation of those who may wrish to use Rye Flour. The terms of grinding will be the same as in other mills. Wheat, Rye, and Corn, purchased at all times. From the advantages named, and from the circumstance of having competent and punctual millers employed, the un dersigned flatters himself that the strict attention and constant efforts which will be made to please, will enable him to render the farmers the most perfect satis TO THE FARMERS faction. June 1 1, 1823. F. BECKHAM. KOWNSLAR’S WHISKEY, OR sale bv D. A. WEED & CO. August 13, 1823. FAMILY BIBLE, JUST received, and for sale, at the Printing; Office, a few copies of the FAMILY BIBLE, quarto size, with plates, at the very low rate of §5 each. Heads of families wishing to have this invaluable work, (and what family would be without it ?) will do well to make early application. July 23d, 1S23. For Sale at the Office of the Free Press. WALKER’S Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, octavo, at g3 50, Small edition of do. for schools, Murray’s Grammar, English Reader, Introduction to do. Bibles and Testaments, Parke’s Arithmetic, Pike’s do. New York City Hall Recorder, History of Bristol (England), The Monastery, a novel, The Contrast, do. Children of the Abbey, Caroline of Lichtfield, Goldsmith’s Roman History, Do. History of England, Grimshaw’s do. Vicar of Wakefield, iEsop’s Fables, Watt’s Hymns, Songs of Zion, Gass’s Journal, Ladies’ Library, Life of Putnam, And a variety,of pleasing works for children, such as The Children in the Wood, Choice Tales, History of Bees, Story of Joseph and his Brethren, History of the Trojan Wars, Grandmother’s S;ories, Hocus Pocus, Amusement for Good Children, Present for a Little Girl, Black Giles, History of the Beggarly Boy, Academy of Compliments, Life of Baron Trenck, Gulliver’s Travels, New Robinson Crusoe, Webster’s Spelling Book, Wood’s New York Primer, A Father’s Serious Advice, Catharine Plaldane, Biography of Girls, Song Books, See. &c. and many others which need not be enumerated. Aug. 13, 1323. NOTICE. THE undersigned takes this method to inform the public, that he is pre pared to transact business as a Constable of Jefferson county, and solicits the fa vors of those who may think proper to confide the collection of money to him. The long experience he has had,(34 years) and the confidence hitherto reposed in him, will, he hopes, be a sufficient proof of the fidelity with which he has acted. For the convenience of persons at Har pers-Ferry, who may wish him to do bu siness for them, he has made an arrange ment which will add much to their con venience. By leaving accounts, &:c. at the Printing Office of the Free Press, with the proper directions accompanying them, he will be enabled to receive them once a week, and will endeavor to serve his employers to the best possible advan tage. DAVID CONKLYN. July 30, 1823. Twenty-five Cents Reward. AN away from the subscriber, on Sunday morning last, an indented apprentice, named GEORGE LAFFER TY, about 18 years of age. All persons are forewarned from harboring or em ploying him. The above reward will be given for his apprehension. WILLIAM SMALL. August 6, 1823. - ■ — - ICE CREAM WILL be prepared at Dr. Weise’s store every Tuesday and,Friday afternoons, if fair, if not, the succeeding fair days. May 28, 1823. Sale on Satiirday wexl. SALE OF LAND FOR CASH. BY virtue of a Deeded Trust, given to me by Sam'l Grove, for'.he benefit of Wm. Derry, I shall sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, dna Satur day, 23dAngustnext,on the premises, the balance of the land by said deed convey ed, to raise the instalment of sixty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents, due on the first of June last, with interest and ex penses. The tract proposed to be sold consists of three acres more or less, and lies in the county of Loudoun, between the hills, not far from Harpers-Ferry, and adjoins the land of James Meer. JOHN DEMORY.' Trusti&e. j \ July 30, 1823 Av-BEDFORD, AUG. 5. Justice s —-At Nantucket, on Wednesday last, Mr. Solon Worth was brought before George Cannon, Esq. for examination, on a charge of crim. con„ with the wile of one 13avid Fitzgerald. 1 he Attorney for the Commonwealth, lion. Isaac Coffin,15 at whose instance he was apprehendad, exhibited sufficient evi dence against the defendant to induce the magistrate to commit him to prison, to await his trial at the next Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Nantuc ket, in November next. \v e are informed that the circumstan ces attending this case, are of the most flagrant and atrocious nature. The in jured party having been limited in mar riage to a young, beautiful, but unfortu nately as it appears, a frail female, sail ed very soon after on a voyage to the South Seas. After an absence of more than two years, he has recently returned, and found the deluded object of his fon dest, though misplaced affections, gone to the eternal wdsrld !—having, about a year subsequnt to the departure of her husband, given birth to an illegitimate child, which merely breathed and died The unhappy mother survived but a few miserable days—wrung with the bitter est remorse, she expired in all the agon izing horrors which her condition induc ed. The wretched husband, stung to distraction, has abandoned himself to the most abject despair.—[Gaz. United States'* Military Academy.—From an official statement of the number of Cadets who have graduated from this in stitution, it appears that there were three hundred and twenty-four who received commissions since the first establishment of the Academy in June, 1802, to July, 1822, infclusive. In the Military Service, 195 In the Civil Service, 3 Killed in battle, 9 Died in Service, 24 Resigned or disbanded, 198 33 93 Total commissioned, 324 Which number was apportioned to the several corps of the army as follows, viz: Engineers, 38 Artillery and Ordnance, 211 Other corps, 75 Total Officers, 324 —mum — From, the Louisville (Ay.) Morning Post. Mr. H——a respectable citizen of our town, had, in the progress of a fat^l dis ease, a large cavity formed in the brain, from whence there was gradually evacu ated about half a pound of brain. The excavation was directly through the or gans of firmness and veneration, as laid down by Gall and Spurzheim. From the crown of the head to the bottom of the cavity, it was at least four inches in its longest diameter. Yet this gentleman re tained his faculties entire, and was re markable, to the close of his life, for his firmness of character, ——ass. itcccceo •»»—— By a letter received in town from one of Gen. Ashley’s expedition, we are in formed, that a man by the name of Mike Fink, well known in this quarter as a great marksman with the rifle, and the same who sometime since, in this place, shot off a negro’s heel to enable him, as he said, to “ wear a genteel boot,” was engaged in his favorite amusement of shooting a tin-cud from off the head of another mam when, aiming too low, or for some other cause, shot his companion in the forehead and killed him. Another man of the ex pedition (whose name we have not beard) remonstrated against Fink’s conduct; to which he, (Fink,) replied, that he would kill him likewise ; upon which the other drew a pistol and shot Fink dead upon, the spot.—[Missouri Republican, Printing.—jOn the IOth of July, .1823, there was to be a grand fete at Harlaem, in honor of Laureat Coster, to whom the inhabitants of that place attribute the in vention of the art of printing. It is well known that Harlaem, Mayence and Stras bourg, dispute the honor of that invem tion. At Harlaem are preserved thefirst typographical attempts. They are plates eng'Kyed on wood ; and the book which is printed on those plates is called Dsr Sfiiegal vitn^ouze Z a Ugh eij* The mir ror of our safety.” This book is shut u]p> in a silver coffer, ike keeping of which is entrusted to several magistrates, each of whom has a different key to the place where it is deposited \ \ \ •