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■jgsemmsaEm&mm K , A . sis* « It is the gift of Poetry to consecrate every place in ivhich it moves, to breathe around nature an odour more exquisite than the perfume of the rose, and to shed over it a tint more magical than the blush of the morning f FROM THE BOSTON PALLADIUM. G tell rae not that wine will soothe The heart depress’d with woe; O tell me not that wine will smooth® Grim Penury’s haggard brow. For though its wave may beam as bright As evening’s brilliant tear, It cannot gild misfortune’s night, Or calm the sinner’-s fear. O tell me not that beauty’s smile (That sun of cloudless morn) Can black Despair of woe beguile, Or blunt Affliction’s thorn. For though awhile its beams may play When health and pleasure bloom, Disease will shroud a pleasing ray— It shines not in the tomb. O tell me not that fame can give The canker’d conscience peace; O tell me cot that fame can live When hope and life shall cease ; For though it points where honor bleeds, And bids the bosom burn, Yet, as the lightning swift, recedes, When Time hath grasp’d his urn. But tell me that Religion’s ray, Can light thexsoul to Heaven, O tell me this can point the way To Him on quicksands driven, And I’ll believe; for well I know That this alone can save, That this can chase the clouds of woe, And gild the peasant’s grave. Dr. Johnson, whose talents every one knows, were no less versatile than pow erful, ridiculed the extravagant simplici ty of some poetry of Percy’s collection, in the following extempore verse, to which some others have been added and pub lished in the newspapers and magazines. As with my bat upon my head, I walk’d along the strand, I there did meet another man, With his hat in his hand. With the same view, while taking tea at Sir Joshua Reynolds’, the great moralist addressed Miss Reynolds in the following impromptu : I pray thee gentle Renny dear, That thou wilt give to me, With cream and sugar temper’d well, Another dish of tea; Nor fear that I, my gentle maid, Will long detain the cup, When once unto the bottom I Have drank the liquor up. Yet hear, at last, this mournful truth, Nor hear it with a frown, Thou canst not make the tea so fast, As I can gulph it down. THE SMOKEY CHIMNEY. Gripe’s chimney was smother’d wia soot and wi’ smoke, But I wont pay for sweeping, he mut ter’d ; So he took a live goose to the top—gave a poke, And down to the bottom it flutter’d. Hiss, flippity ! hiss, flappity ! Flippity, flappity, hiss 1 Wauns ! how cruel, cries one—says ano ther I’m shock’d—• Queth Gripe, I’m as ham’d on’t, adzooks; But I’ll do so no more. So the next time it smok’d, He popp’d down a couple of ducks. Quaak, flippity, quaak, flappity ! Flippity, flappity*quaak ! ANDREW OEHLER, TAILOR, And Ladies' Riding-dress IA Pelisse Mak er, from Washington City. MOST respectfully begs leave to in form the inhabitants of Harpers Ferry, and its vicinity, that he has remov ed to this place, where he intends carry ing on the above branches in a style which cannot be surpassed in the Union, in a part of the shop now occupied by Geo. W. Bond. From an experience of many years in the principal cities of the United States, he hopes to merit a share of pub lic patronage, as he intends to unite taste and good workmanship with punctuality and economy. CLEANING % SCOURING. GENTLEMENS’ garments scoured and cleansed in a superior manner, so as to make them appear as new, by a pro cess not injurious to the cloth, and on the most reasonable terms. Harpers-Ferry, Aug. 20, 1823. Clean Linen ancl Cotton Rags, Bought at this office. GENERAL WASHINGTON; TO THE EDITORS OF THE N. INTELLIGENCER. Gentlemen: Under the title of Revolu tionary Anecdotes, in your paper of yes terday, I read with pleasure, and with sympathetic feelings, the farewell scene, when the General parted with the officers whom he had so long commanded, and with whom he had been so honorably en gaged in the Revolutionary struggle. It is so exactly like the conduct of that es timable character, that I doubt not its per fect truth. He was a man of great sensi bility, amiable, kind, benevolent. But there was so much native dignity in his deportment, that no man could approach him without being impressed with a sen sation that he accosted a superior being: yet there was a small mixture of timidi ty in his general demeanor, lest he might commit an error, and this modesty was extremely prepossessing. It gave a mild ness and kindness to his manner; and when, by being much with him, the sen sation of awe abated, it was converted into a warm attachment to a person in whom was found every amiable quality ; lor he was a generous, Kitia-neartea, ana most sincere friend ; as capable of giving attentions as of expecting them, and nev er failing to reciprocate a kindness. I have lived for weeks together with the General at Mount Vernon, at different times, during many years, and the more I knew of him the more I sincerely re garded him. When he died he was the best friend I had on earth, and his loss I shall never cease to regret. It was to me irreparable. In the anecdotes above alluded to, the General is represented as of so grave a character, that he was scarcely ever seen to laugh. I have seen him enjoy good tales, and laugh as heartily as most men of elevated character. He was occasion ally grave when other men laughed, for he had much to think of, that required his attention. His correspondence was so extensive, that he was seldom long un occupied ; and he never left for the mor row what the day required. He was punctual, and in all things regulated by the most perfect order, and the utmost propriety. But he was of so amiable a disposition, that he never failed to ex press pleasure where he found a desire to please. Though he enjoyed refined and polished wit, it was not requisite to shew that he enjoyed a happy sally—even a pun has made the General laugh in high glee ; and I have heard him make observations with a good deal of quaint ness and archness, suppressing a smile, and leaving the company in full enjoy ment of the effect. He was a man of ge nius, and wrote some beautiful pieces of poetry. But above all he was a man of piety, a real Christian, and in the lan guage of Scripture, walked humbly before God. In speaking with the General, on the characters of our countrymen who were sent on foreign missions, he gave me the following character of John Q. Adams : He observed that we had many estima ble characters abroad,but that Mr. Adams, then our Minister at the Court of Prus sia, who was still very young, gave him more real and satisfactory information of the general politics of Europe, and of all the affairs and diplomatic concerns rela tive thereto, than all our other Ministers together. The General expressed the satisfaction which Mr Adams gave him, in terms the most flattering. I mention ed this in a large company, and the vene rable William 'Bayly, who was present, and who I know used often to visit the General, declared that he also heard the General say, that he thought Mr. John Quincy Adams the most promising young man in the U. States, and that the Gene ral spoke of him in the very highest terms. Though from Mr. Adams I have not had the honor of experiencing those ci vilities which every Secretary of State condescendingly tendered to me ( for I have been above twenty years at the head of a branch of the Department of State); though I neither expect, nor shall ever solicit any favor from him, on my own account, and believe it might be to my individual advantage were any other can didate to be elected, I think it my duty to inform the public of the opinion of the great Washington ; aud I may add, that, having for years lived the next-door neighbor to Mr. Adams, I know.him to be a truly upright and strictly honest man, indefatigable in his public duties, an excellent parent, beloved in his family, religious, and ot tne highest moral cha racter. When individuals are filling the papers with the most violent abuse of this gentleman, the minds of many good men may be erroneously impressed; and it is sometimes difficult to divest the mind of injurious impressions, though the result only of malevolent sarcasms de void of truth, or intended merely to ope rate to his political disadvantage ; and though what I have stated may offend some, yet I know that good men will du ly appreciate whatever may tend to the removal of error ; and I have now merely performed a duty to the public. x lament mat some ot toe newspapers have become the vehicles of abuse. 1 have the honor of knowing well every gentleman who has been proposed for President, and I can say, with truth, that each of them is worthy of the high honor to which their friends have thought it proper to sdlicit the public favor in their behalf. WILLIAM THORNTON. Washington, Aug. 15. We all recollect the history of the La cedemonian matron, whose joy at her countrymen’s obtaining a victory was so great, that she could not lament the loss of her children slain in battle. The fol lowing anecdote, extracted from Thach er’s Military Journal, displays equal pa triotism in conjunction with true pater nal affection, and consequently places the American father above the Spartan mo ther. “A venerable old man had five sons in the field of the battle near Bennington, and being told that he had been unfortu nate in one of his sons, replied, What, has he misbehaved ? did he desert his post, or shrink from the charge?,No, Sir, says the informant, worse than that; he is among the slain—-he fell contending mightily in the cause. Then I am satis fied, replied the good old man; bring him in, that I may behold him and sur vey the darling of my soul. On which, the corpse was brought in and laid be fore him. He then called for a bowl of water and a napkin, and with Ms own hands washed the gore and dirt from his son’s corpse, and wiped his gaping wounds, with a complacency, as he him self expressed it, which before he had never felt or experienced.” The story is simple and touching. Boston Gazette,. EQUITY vs, BEAUTY. A very beautiful Countess went to a morose, surly judge’s chamber, to pre possess him in favour of a very unrighte ous cause, and to solicit for a colonel against a tradesman that sued him, This tradesman happened that very moment to be in his lordship’s closet, who found his cause to be so just and clear, that he could not forbear to promise him to take care he should carry the day. The words were no sooner out of his mouth, but our charming countess ap peared in the anti-chamber.—The judge immediately ran as fast as his gouty legs would give him leave, to meet her lady ship; her eyes, air, and graceful deport ment, the sound of her voice,,so many charms, in short, pleaded so powerfully in her favour; that at the first moment he found the man too powerful for the judge, and promised our countess the colonel should gain his case. Thus you sea the poor judge engaged on both sides. When he came back to his closet he found the tradesman reduced to the last despair.™ I saw her, cries the fellow, almost out of his wits; 1 saw the lady that solicits against me, and, Lord, what a charming creature she is! I am undone, my lord, my cause is lost and ruined. Why7, says the judge,not yet recovered from his con fusion, imagine yourself in my place, and tell me if Yis possible for frail man to re fuse any thing so beautiful a lady asks ? As he spoke these words, he pulled a hun dred pistoLs out of his pocket, which amounted to the sum the tradesman sued for, and gave them to him. By some means or other, the countess came to the kno wledge of it, and as she was virtuous even to a scruple, she was afraid of being too much obliged by so generous a judge, and immediately sent him a hundred pis toles. The colonel, full as gallant as the countess, was scrupulous, and paid her the sum aforesaid ; and thus,' every one did as he ought to do. The judge was afraid of being unjust, the countess fear ed to be too much obliged, the colonel paid, and the tradesman was satisfied; or, according to an old English adage, “all was well; Jack had Joan, and the man had his mare again.s® When Poet. Shebbeare stood in the pillory, for writing a libel, the weather proving rainy, a porter was employed to hold an umbrella over him.—-The man afterwards applied for pay and was pre sented with a shilling.—-This sum he thought inadequate and pleaded for more. The Doctor observed 14 you stood but an hour, Sir, and surely I have paid enough.” u ’Tis enough for the work, I grant, re plied the porter, but for heaven’s sake, your Honour, consider the disgrace of being exposed in company with you. I find, d’ye see, that one half of the staring multitude took me for a rogue as well as your Honour—and by all that’s honest I would not go through the same again to be made a Jutice of the Quorum.”— Shebbeare paused a moment, took back the shilling, and gave him a guinuea. The Chinese are not remarkable for their taste, but in imitation they are un rivalled. An Englishman, who wished to have a silk coat, requested a friend who was going, to get one made there; and, as a pattern for fashion and size sent an old garment that fitted him; to which the Chinese tailor adhered so cor rectly that he inserted a patch on one of the elbows because the old coat had one5. TO ISiiiLMbrlli rg^HE undersigned intend to erect a. H BRIDGE across the Potomac river at Harpers-Ferry. This place contains about 1500 inhabitants, is situate at the junction of said river with the Shenan doah, in Jefferson county, one of the most fertile in Virginia. It is about 60 miles above Washington city, and on the most direct route to the western states. The river is navigable the greater part of the year, affording an easy water communi cation with the eastern cities. The site possesses advantages; the river is 720 feet wide, and is shallow ; the bed is so lid rock ; for the abutments and piers there is stone on the spot; timber and all other materials can be easily procured;, and on good terms. The Bridge to be of wood, except the abutments and piers?, and it must be built of the best ma terials, and warranted. A further de scription is deemed unnecessary, as un dertakers will first view the site. Propo sals will be received until the middle of October next. CATHARINE WAGER JAMES B. WAGER. Harpers-Ferry, Va. July 23, 1823. IQ0 The Editors of the National Intel ligencer, the Philadelphia National Ga zette, the New York Patriot, „and the New Haven Pilot, are requested to pub lish the, above, conspicuously, once a week for 6 weeks, and transmit their ac counts for payment. WILLIAM P ROWLHS, IJTAViNG removed from Harpers-Fer j§[ ry to the Stone House oecupied by Mr. Spencer Donaldson, near the Short Hill, between Hillsborough and Harpers Ferry, respectfully offers his services, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, to the citizens of the neighborhood. Should any be so unfortunate as to need his services, he hopes that his strict at tention to his profession will entitle him to their favorable consideration. Aug. 20, 1823. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN CONVV AY, dec’d, by bond, note, rents, or otherwise, are requested to make immediate payment, as the law will be immediately enforced against those who do not comply. And those persons having claims against said estate ate requested to exhibit them, properly authenticated, for payment. JOHN JAMISON. Adm'sfr of John Conway, dec’ctk* Aug. 20, 1823. n BAR IRON. rg^HE subscriber has for sale, a quan» jj tity of BAR IRON, from Shoenber ger’s Iron Works, superior to any in this quarter of the country. F. BECKHAM. Aug. 20, 1823. D. A WEED $ Co. Have just received, JOIGURED Black Canton Crapes,. It Coloured do. do. Cambric Muslins, Tamboured Jackonett do. Corded Cambric Ginghams, Irish Linens, Steam Loom Shirtings Sc Sheetings', Ladles’ Figured silk,} Satteen, § SHOES—■ Prunelle, & ? Morocco 5 Hosiery, See. See. Likewise, Molasses, loaf & brown Su gar, Coffee, Chocolate, Powder, Shot, Nails, &c. We have now on hand, 300 yards Calicoes at from 18 to 20 cents per yard, 4-4 do. at 25 cents, Ginghaths at 12-J to 16 cents, 4-4 Domestic Shirtings at l shil. 30 pair ladies’ morocco walking Shoes and Pumps at gl. Aug. G. KOWNSLAR’S WHISKEY, HT^OR sa^c JJ D. A. WEED & CO. August 13, 1823. NOTICE. THE Lancasterian School will re open on Monday next, under the di rection of Edward Lucas, jr. Persons having children to send are respectfully in vited to do so soon? as the number is near ly made up. Aug. 27, 1823. NEW GOODS. WE have just received several loads of goods, consisting of Dry Goods % Groceries, amongst which will be found SALT and FISH, by the barrel. To all of which we would invite the attention of the public. D. A WEED % Co. i Aug 27.