OCR Interpretation

The Clarksburg telegram. [volume] (Clarksburg, W. Va.) 1874-1926, January 27, 1893, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037844/1893-01-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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3bt ?latk$butg ?rt?flram
Pkipay, Jaxuabt 27, 180S.
J. M. Havana Judge
Hi'iirv Raymond.. .Clerk Circmit Court
P. M. Lour Clerk County Court
J. F. Clifford %;;Pro?. Att'y
M. Q. Holme* Sheriff
B> C. Den ham Deputy Sheriff
W. M. Horriii Dep't Sheriff
AHof <r ??
M. K. Baker ..Aweaaor Lower District.
J L Alexander ..." Dppor "
C. E. Stoneatreet, Surreyor.
Cirouit Court oonvenee on the aecond
tumJBya of January, May. and Septem
Countv Court convene* in March.
June, September and Deoeml>er of each
Tbo Federal Court holds two aewdona
UMinally in Olarkaburg, convening in
April and again in October.
Attorney-at Law
Office with Hon. John Basael, Clarka
bttrg. W. Va. 3.1-tf
Boomx Nor. 7 A 8. Oorr Botldino
Lnw oiHff
In Court Houae rear of Circuit Court
Olerk'a office. f7.
pumia iiowKi.i., n. d?
Offlow Main street, opposite4tb.
Hourn.B to 10a. m..4 to6and7 UKp, in
('?namlNNlotier of Aecounlii,
Offioe in Court House,
4fi.] Clarksburg, W. Va.
r\E. GEO. 91. IIOIjT,
Will he In his office. Clark*- ,
nvtbarit, W. Va. four ninnthH of the
LU-Tyear, namely, February, May. 1
A?RtiHt and November. Palnleft* extraction
9t teeth guaranteed, and a net of beautiful
teeth innerted In ene mlnuto arter the ex*
Offlfto Main wtnyt. opposite Fourth
Of Morris* He il
Ha* permanently located in Clara sou rg. an. J
irtllbi found nt hi* office from the Fir at t?
tenth of monr'4*
*111 ftaltOlarkiborg ai anal. rromtut? t>
mf ?ep?- ""
Graduate of thi
Pann'a Dental Col
Civil mid nililiis Engineer.
??pool a I attention to all kind* of tmrvoylng. |
Mineral and Timber I?aud* oxamlned and
lleported on.
.?-fyr CLAKKBBURG.W. Va.
PIKE Sthkkt - - Neaii PosToryicn,
CnAKKHiiuno. West Va.
J. B. Redman. It. T. Rrdha.n.
Gas and Steam Fitters, ami dealers in |
.Load. Iron and Prsin Pipe, Steam and I
water gauges, Pumps, Gas Fixtures
BricR WopRs.
1 have and will keep on h?tud at my y?ro
,:ra Clay *lreet. a Mock of Flrnt Claw
Hand Made
Red Brick.
Will also Contract for Brick Work ofeverx
letter!ptlon. K. W. WILLIAMK.
Jan. 1-lvr Lock Box X.1S
G. W. MolTott, Notary Public, Convey
ancer and Pension Solicitor. Prompt
attention to all business. West Milford,
W. Va.
Carpentery and Contra.-ting for
all kinds of buildings. Trestles
and Wooden Bridging. Heavy
Framing a specialty. All work
carefully const nicted.
Carriage SFiof
(Formerly conducted by J. H. Small
wood. )
Best of Material and Workmanship,
Full line of material for repairing al
ways on hand. Would bo pleased to
hate you call. Conducted by
WBsonbnrg, W. Va. |12.t
Two story residence on Basta
ble street, iot 100x300. Elegant
location. For price call on 01
address, Lee 11. Vanco & Bro.
Pike street.
Information ^Collected
By the Telegram's
Useful Facts Worth Remem
Cut Them Out And
Preserve For Future Re
Helpful IIlilt 1 on the Innovation of iJiat
Yfttr'n Fur*.
Erminp and sealskin are best cleaned
with soft flannel. Hub the fur deli
catoly against the grain, and wlion it
has been thoroughly lifte<l and reversed,
bo to speak, dip the flannel into common
flour and rub lightly any spots that look
dark or dirty. Shako the far well and
nib with u clean, dry llaunel until the
flour is all removed.
Sable, chinchilla, squirrel and monkoy
skin may be very nicely cleaned with
hot bran. Get a small quantity of bran
meal and heat it in the oven until it in
quite warm. Rub stiffly into the fur and
leave for a few minutes before shaking
to free it from the bran.
Mink may be cleaned and freshened
with warm cornnieal, and, like the other
short haired fare, may be done without
removing thu lining. But the long
haired furs are best ripped apart and
freed from stuffing and lining.
Those who may not care to go to the
trouble of taking fur garments apart
will find that the simple remedies de
scribed will go a long way toward mak
ing the jackets and capes look clean,
even if not rip]ied apart.
flow to Tell the Conine of Air When the
Wind In Still.
Set ii basin of water outride and throw
a red hot coal into it, noticing which
way the Htnoko moves. This resembles
tho ono method used l>y sailors, who
throw a live coal into the sea. If too
rough thoy wet a linger and hold it in
the air. noting which jiart cools first.
How to Make ii Futurity Album.
This is a gift for only an intimate
friend, and for it a small blank book, as
nice as you please, but with limp bind
ing, is procured. Poems, quotations and
sentiments that you know are favorites
of the recipient are written on different
pages, each l>eing for a special date in
the year. Fold the leaves over and mark,
"Open on your birthday," "For Christ
mas," "For your wedding anniversary,"
according to what is written on each
leaf. Some may be inscribed, "For a
troubled day," or, "When your mind is
merry." If you have a plain blank book,
you can easily replace the cover by one
of velvet, plush or vellum.
IIow to Waah Red Flannel.
Mix a handful of flower in a quart of
cold water and boil ten minutes. Add
filth '?> wnriu -MiU?4.ya.MuU--_flan?el-.
gently with a rinsing motion. Rinse in
three or four warm waters.
How to Mak? a Wonted Ilall ft* a Child.
Prepare two round cardboards 2J>?
inches in diameter, with small boles in
their centers. Wind the cards, laid to
gether, with gay worsteds, passing them
around the edge of tho card^ and
through the center hole. Continue un- !
til the hole is completely filled and the !
worsted is thick on the cards, winding
loosely at tho start, but tighter as you
proceed. Cut the wool, slipping one
point of the scissors between the cards
and guided by their edge. Slip a string
between and tie it tightly to hold the
wool. Cut the cards off and trim the
ball until round.
How to Prevent Cramp.
Cramp can Iks prevented by holding
rolled brimstone in the hand. The legs
should bo rublntd with sweet oil twice a
How to lU'dnco Hip Meanure.
Get up on a box or anything that will ]
raise you a few inches from the floor. '
Stand firmly on one foot, place the hands
on the hips, stiffen the knee of the other ,
leg and switig the leu from the hip buck- j
ward and forward without bending at ?
the waiht. Reverse the movement every '
few minutes and if possible continue thu .
exorcise an hour each day for .two f
months, aud there will be a decided dif- '
ference in your hip measure.
How to Mnk?? Window* I.Ike (iround
Brush the glass with a hot solution of
salaminoniac. It will evaporate in
Btantly, leaving a l?eautiful radiated de
llntv to Mukn a <*ood Salve.
A good salve for burns, scalds, cuts,
etc., can l*' made as follows: Take equal
parts of yellow d?>clc and dandelion
roots, add a g<n>d proportion of celan
dine an plantain, extract the juices by
steeping and pressing, strain carefully
and simmer the liquid with sweet cream,
fresh butter and mutton tallow. Sim
mer together until no appearance of the
liquid remains: before it is quite cold
put it in boxes,
11 ow to IllrMrh Yellow l.lnen.
Linen made yeilow by careless wash
ing can be restored by working it well
in water t?> which' has been added a
clear solution of chloride of lime. Rinse
beforo and after.
How to Clean Jupuuncd Good*.
Hot water will cause scaling; therefore
sponge the articles with white soap and
lukewarm water, then wash clean. Wipo
dry, sprinkle flour over them and rub
with a Hoft, dry cloth, finishing with a
silk handkerchief. Rub white spots
caused by heat with a flannel dipped in
.sweet oil and then spirits of wine. Such
spots, however, are hard to remove.
How to Shell Kindly.
Pour scalding water over the pods,
after which the beans will slip out read
ily. Apple skins may be removed in this
How to H?'ftton> Crape.
Water leaves white? sjwits on craj>e.
To- restore it lay the spotted, places
over old black silk, fastening the crape
smoothly down. Apply ink with a camel*
hair briuli. wiping any surplus of it off
with a bit of the silk. The ink dries at
once, restoring the black to the crape.
Mow to Prevent a Di-poult iu Tealiettlew. |
An oyster shell kept iu the kettle will
attract all stray particles to itself.
How to Teat OljMrla. I
Glycerin la pore If it emits no odor
when rubbed on the bands.
An Kaprrl GIth Hums Intrrtwilng sod
SitHMiniililD liiloriimtioti,
Joseph K lionobne. who i? resign I zed
a* the champion amateur skater ol the
world, in giving instructions- to nis
friends, tells then: to tirKt learn to stand
I perfectly even on their skate*, so that
the edges of the blades will o?l cnt the
ice To gain headway lit first, balance
on the left foot, give a HlighjJStdelong
pnsh with the right and swing the body
forward Then bring the right toot
close to the left change the balance of
the body to the right foot and push with
the left.
After gaining headway lean
ward ami clasp the hands.be
back, letting the arms nuiig
This prevents the swinging and
with the arms, which shonltl Sol
except when a sharp tnrn is to K.
For speed seep as nearly in j&tramnt
line as |s>ssilde for obvioiw rea~>ns A
little practice hi this will mm:.. if easy
Ureathing should lie done together
through the nostrils, the tuoiiih tieing
s'bnt closely If the skater artei trying
to do this, finds It really impossible as
it is for some people, a |iad suould be
worn over the month. An elastic cord
will hold it iu pluce.
It is interesting to know in these dsys
when patents on skates are so numerous
that Mr. IJonobne thinks the best skate
is a blade eighteen inches long- set in a
wooden foot rest, fastened in tin heel by
ascrewaud by straps at tbetoe?nd neeL
llcm la Kilernilnsts Motha.
It is claime<l that whole cloves are
better than cednr chi|?i camphor or to
bacco as a protection against the raven
ous moth
? low to Wrlnklos.
Those having a Habby skin are iron
bled most with wrtuklee. tears ago
the ladles of England used a substance
called "wool fat." which they obtained
by getting the clippings of alieepx wool
aud steeping It in alcohol. It can be
prepared at home or found at ihe drug
gists A very good piunade for me
same piiqs.se may be made from the
following recl|K> One ounceof wool lat.
one ounce of olive oil one wince of
spermaceti, one ounce of' white whx
one-fourth ol an ounceof camphm gum
I'ut the camphor gnm into tne oil iei it
stand one Hour then add the spermaceti
and wax I'ut all in a dlah mid set it tn
a pan of hoi water over the tire. When
dissolved stir nutil smooth, take from
the tire and stir again until cold Ap
ply this every ulght before retiring,
washing it off next morning with warm
now Some UaDdraMM Wash GlngUama.
Instead or using soap iu warning
bngbt colored prints or ginghams me
water Is thickened with Hour starch,
fr lonr is cleansing and it here do-s the
work of soap without fading the Might
colors. h
How ?u Make Gravel and Tar Wtllta.
This must be done on a dry day' iu a
perfectly dry place mix tAi j-arta or
lime rubbish and. mm of .MHR?
both silrt'il fine leaving .1 ToV,' m ihe
middle ol the heap Into this |?ur noil
mg hot coal lar until the mixture is as
stiff as mortar Put three inches deep
where the walk I& u> be and sprinkle*
with coarse sand Of course the ground
mnst be rolled smooth first When the
walk is'cooled roll 'it lightly In ? few
days the walk will be readv to use solid
and waterproof.
How 10 Make Hulled IVa* l,oalc Green.
Put yonrshelleit jieas into a bag, and
before boiling tbeii^wash a mindful or
two of the freshest shells, ami let them
boil 111 the water intended tor the |ieas
After rhe water is somewhat green put
iu your salt aud yonr bag of peas with
out removing the pea shells.
Ilttw to Clue ortt'inilve llreHtll.
It should lie tile hrst care ot every
one to see that his teeth are in iierlect
order aud thoroughly cleansed morning
and evening Lei him then look to his
digestion, and if 111 both those unarters
all is well, then the following mixture
must be taken aud the trouble will be
removed 1 ineoiiiiceol liquorof |iotas*a
one ounce ulorine or soda one and a
liair ounces ..1 phosphate of soda and
three i'linces ?r water .Mix well to
gethei aud take a lea.-|ionntui alter each
?H.ealr, .>!?, ,1, b> ? Rl
The real mode or life and diet should
be changed if In- rat would be reduced
ir necessary procure a pair or scales and
weigh the different roods that are taken
into Ike system Keilnce the diet then
to about rour ounces ol slarch or sugar
material |--i day one and a hair ounces
or rat taken chiefly hi ihe form of but
ter aud a liont six or seven onnces of
albuminous food, such us lean meat or
sh 'Hiis is the minimum that should
tie resorted i? and the patient can tako
more of each at hrst and reduce the diet
gradually to i|?, ,h??i The proportion
or the different iixsl coni|?uinds, how
ever Willi the exception or tigs, dates
grapes and nuts, should also be eaten
daily and one-third or a pound of some
or 1 lie roltowing Vegetables Asparagus
turnips cucumbers, paraley, watercress
cejery. kale or caldiage Fluids have a
rattening tendency, and they must be
! taken in small quatitUieB
The drinking shonld he confined to
tea. coffee Ol water and never should
be taken ?i mealtime nor within one
h"tir of a meat This ,? |?,remptory.
r/0"'' ""ill produce rat lnnch o nicker
! beverage1- WheD W"leml 9UU"> SCKxl
$500 Reward !
W E Hill pay theslmve reward fqrany
Sifk H i'T r"mn'nint' popiin,
? k Headache, Indigestion, Constipa
I-rge Ijox.::
UUons ,!'^;7of?'??teRr(eitH and'imt
?'ilT by thf Jol?nncU\Vemta"^',otureJ
Chicago, 111 For sain L n C?,m|'?n-V'
"ros,, druggists, Clarksburg? W.viT
rrartlral HlnU Co Men on the Proem
lloo ol liftnntau
When the clothes are removed tht
coat xbonld be (lipped overs bow bangei
??b# vent majr be pnt on it first.
A cont that is worn qnite ateadilj
froin day to day ought always to b?
fating on the back of a chair, tbe arm
hole* being slipped over the back post*,
tbe rent to be hung first in like manner
It is best to place tbe chair near an
open window, an the exposure to air will
help to soften tbe wrinkles.
TTie trousers sbonld be well shaken, to
free them from dust, and then "polled."
This m cam that they are to be folded
down where the front and back crease#
are. and then, holding them by the top
band the Toot is placed on tbe bottomi
on the Ikior and steady, gentle pressure
Lay the tronsera ont smoothly on the
bed -still folded on the creases?and fold
lengthwise at the knee line, smoothing
but all |iOfwtble wrinkles with tbe band.
Pnt the trousers on the chatr seat. In
the morning the entire suit will look
-rested." and the end will justify tbe
Him to Prevent the Rusting of Screw*.
Before potting tbe screws in place dip
them in a thin paste made of graphite
and oil
Htm to Make an "Emergency Caw."
Linen 'emergency cases" for travel
ing are made of gray linen, bonnd with
bine, red or black braid, like a small
bmnh and comb case. At one end is a
wide pocket divided into three compart
menu, which hold reHpectively an en
velope of. court plaster, a package of
antiseptic cotton and a flat card wonnd
with fine linen twine. Above the pock
el is a imnd of Inch wide silk elastic the
color of the binding, stitched down at
intervals to form five foldings for five
ball ounce flat bottles, with content*
labeled below each bottle on the linen
ammonia witch hazel, camphor, glyc
erin cologne. A loop of elastic cord
on one flap attaches itself to a button on
the opiMisite one when they are folded
over the not ties while tbe other eudfl
are also folded and tied as in the usual
traveling dressing rase.
How to Curo Sweating Feet.
One part of maize meal added tot wen- j
ty-one parts of jxnvdered alum is said to ;
be au unfailing remedy
How lo Hetnove Moles.
Moles are a kind of tumor and may
be removed, when not t?>o large, if not
locatod on a vein. This is sometimes
done bv electricity but when the mole
is round and like a bead on tbe flesh, a
horsenau tied tightly around its base
will soofl remove it. Tie it at first uh
tight as you can stand it. and every day
draw the hair tighter On the third or
fourth day the mole will fall off/the
hair having gradually cut it through
Some use thread nut there is always a
chance of this breaking wbeu tightened
How to Itenovate OlU'lotU.
Dissolve pounds paruftim* and one
gallon of oil of turpentine a i apply
while warm with a sponge or tlauuel
Let it alone tor a day. then polish with
a flannel This completely renews old
oilcloth, and is also good for paiuted
Hon to Keep Muitlral Instrument* Nolnt.
Hub the WOchJ with pure glycerin oc- j
fegsionajly and wipe with a soft cloth
Hon to Itender Canned Fruit Airtight.
After the usual methods and tests
have been resorted to tie a square of
cotton wadding over the top of the jar
around the rubber, securing it very
tightly with twiueor white cord. This
renders it absolutely airtight.
Him to Curt* it Felon.
Mix equal parts of strong ammonia
and water and hold the tinger in it for
fifteen minutes Then tie a cloth wet
with the mixture about it and keep it
on till dry A remedy to bo used at the
beginning of a felon is composed of oue
ounce Venice turpentine in one-half tea
spoon ful of water spread on a cloth and
tied on the tinger
How to Clarity Molasses.
Molasses is clarified and made to taste
better by heating it and pouring in a
pint of sweet milk to every gallou of
molasses. Let it boil up. and remove
the thick scum from the top.
Ilnw to .Make Hgguog.
Beat the yolks of half a dozen fresh
eggs with one-quarter pound of pnw ;
dered sugar. Stir m one-quarter pint t
each of brandy and Jamaica rum Add 1
1?^ quarts of milk or cream and oue
quarter of a nutmeg grated. Beat i lie!
whites to a stiff froth and stir in 1 j2
ounces of |>owdered sugar, and add thin
to the mixture. .Sprinkle powderod cin
namon over the top
How t? ICeotoro Client to a Silk Hat.
Clean from dust and apply petrolatum
with a silk handkerchief, rubbing with
the same until it is dry and glossy
How to Make Clover Pillows.
Use only the blossoms, and pack them j
first in slips of strong muslin. Make an !
outside slip or case of clover blossom j
cretonne, or embroider on silk or other !
art cloth delicate pink and white clover !
blossoms. Use decorative ribbon of both j
shades found m the pattern.
Him to l>etei't a l eak in a t?a* Pipe.
Kub soapy wafer on the suspected
place A bubble will form over tbe leak.
How to Keep Milk from Souriug.
Add a small quantity of boracic acid
to it.
? Q99O 99???
Tl? saudlMt Pill tn the World 1
?Tutt'sTiny Pills*
? aro very small, yet posses* nil the vlr- ^
tuo* of the larger Tutt's rill* which A
have been tto pop* .ar for thirty years. ^
? Their and sugar-coating com-A
mend them for the use of children 0
and persons with weak stomachs. For
? Sick Headache ?
? they aro invaluable na they cause the
food to assimilate, nourish the body A
and paMHofTnaturally withont nausea
? or griping. Hoth slaes of Tutt's Pill? ^
are *ofd by al t druggists. Done smalt. M
rrice, 2r?c. Oillce, ao Park l'lace, N. Y.
irivS?. if* Ti'*?'1 utVT 1)1 i ?onid nottut
IJ.OWJ and h. pat l?<* wKrre. I w?.. I am both ,orrrl.nl and prowl
?f ttw change. I rscmnTu.nd mar truatmmt tn all nirMn hm
?Watty. Will .M?rr all Inqnlii** If ilaoip U taSSJiTSTJiS?
_ andl with n?? alanine. Incwirwleoc#, or tod tffreU.
For particular* ?ldm?, with 6 crate In tUunjM,
a o.?. r. myoer, iiicnn num. cuctco. nu
That dreaded and dreadful U10
What shall stay its ravages? TJiou^,
f Mrsay Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwe,
cod liver oil and hypophosphites of
and soda has cured us of consumption in its
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or lea
to consumption? Make no delay but take
8nott'? Emul?ion cures Coughs.
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula. /%
and all Anaemlo and Wasting .^1 lllg O
Diseases. Prevents wasting In AJVv LI A
children. Almost a? palatable a* ? ^ \J
milk, titl only the genuine. Pre- | j _
pared by Soott * Bowne,_Cbeml?U, New I 1 . ? H 11 1 IM| All
York. Sold by all Drugglsta. JLfllllH^l jlll
We Can't do it
nut ure willing to pay for learning how to
innko as good an article as Wolff's Acme
lil.ACKiNd of <*heii|> material no tliat a
retailer ??n profitably tic.ll it at 10c.
Our price is 20c.
The retailer says the public will not pay
it. We say the public will, because Wiey
will :JwavH pay a fair price for a good
article. To show both tne trade and the
public that we want to give them the best
fur the least money, we will pay
For above information; this offer is open
until January 1st, 1893.
WOLFF A RANDOLPH, Philadelphia
. Pifc-Ron in the name of a paint which
does .work tlmt no other palut can do. New
uv**/ painted with It look# Ilko the natural
wood when It Is atulne<i nnd varnished.
will find it profitable *o tpv?gtigato. A1I
paint, stores sell 1U
This Prf.cious Ointment is the
triumph of Scicntific Medicine. I
Nothing has ever lieen produced to
equal or compare with it as a curative
and healini; application. It hasbeen
used over 40 years, and always affords
relief and always gives satisfaction.
For files External or Internal. Blind
or Bleeding ; Fi.tula in Alio ; Itching or i
Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is |
immediate?the cure certain.
For Bums, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant |
-r-the healing wonderful and utiequaled.
For Boils, Mot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas,
Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or
Scald Head. . It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. It is invaluable.
Pricc, 50 Cents. Trial size, 35 Cento.
HcarHRKYH* MKD.ro., 117* 111 wiitimn hi., saw Voaa.
II. Ilorlsecbter, Stevens^,
w I'olnt Wis., suffered
\for yetirs from
iXervoni Ppwlrn
tlon. mora than
tonmo can tell.
i'h)j?lrinns wore of
00 avull. X bottle
. / brought him rost
''and sleep, aud
Jmndebitn for.l likoa new
man. Dr. Julian C. Under*
wood, Memphis, Ten 11..
mitTered Periodical Nervous AttnckN but
found roliefnftor wMngonebottloNervine.Trial
bottle and elcjmnt lx?ok KHBK at druggists.
DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Act on & new principle?
regulate the liver, stomach
and bowels through the
k ntrv/t. Da. Milks' Pols
spmffly cure blliousneee,
torpiu liver and conatipa
tioa. Smallest, mildest,
Barest I SO doses,25 eta.
Samples true at n nurds ts.
Or. Ilies K??. Co., fclkhwt, li(L
For sale by H. L. Wells.
Elck Headache and relieve all tho troubles tnct
dsnt to a bilious Btato of tbo system, such aa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, l'ain in the Sido, ko. While thoir most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
noadaoho, yot Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills ara
equal ly voluablo In Constipation, curing and pro
ven ting this annoying complaint, while thoy also
liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they onlf
Acbolhey would bo aimoetpricelosH to those who
suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortu
nately theirgoodnsssdoefi notend hero,and those
who ocoe try thorn will and these llttlo pills vol a
able In so many ways that they will not bo wil
ling to do without thenx. But after all sick head
'is the bane of so many lives that bore Is where
we make onr groat boasL Oar pills cure it whilo
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and
very easy to take. Oue or two pills make a dose.
They are strlotly vegetable anu do not gripe oc
purgo, but by their gentlo action plooseall who
use them. In vials at 26 cents: live for $1. Sold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by maiL
Srsrrr*w Mq??* iiabit, Poev ;
Uv?lg (limi 'v. , -intHfrrlne ?r.
Ualnw 'iM>riilr.
It I* manufactured ... . .whishoan t? riven I
!n a eloas of boor,,..*>? ci ... ? or u>?. ?r ln flvS
" >t. lAZu?tutS5
nartnlcm, a ", wf ? .oci * ?*ient and speed*
?. *- ? -raUt drioker oc
tiven in thousands
Art Drngglrt rot fro. bottl, Dr. MIIm' N.rrln.
Try it on yo.iv Hogs by MjJ
Hans Hog Remedy, and lb? ?
Hogs Will Reciproca
By keeping healthy, taki? mi
rapidly, and at least co,?'
Used Successfully 14 Tein,
Prevents disease, stops coogb,
creases flet.li, arrests disease, r,
wqrms, hastens maturity. For*
R. J. Criss, Clarksburg, "W. Va.
PRICES.- 25lb cans, 412 50; |
81.25, and 50 cents u package. La
are the cheapest
Orders by mail receive prorop
teution. Write for circular. Send
stamp for "Hogology," a 04 pagej
on Swine. Mention this paper, j
HAAS, V. S., Indianapolis. Ini !
Consumption Surely Cured,
To The Editor:?Plow Inform jovn
that I hftvo a positive remedy for tbeaborMi
dinoiwe. By its timelyttBo thouaandaofhej
casos Imvo been pormunontly cured. IghiQbt
to atad two bottles of my remedy FREE toi
yoar readers who bavo consumption if Uuj
send me their Expreas and P. O. addreaa. Bag
folly. T. A BLOCUM, M. 0.181 Pearl 8c
? pa
i ygsnxiowais.
At Draggtaa or Mailed
| Becclptof Price.
1 Dru* Co. Pro**. Baltimore. Md.:
iy druasiflt", or by msill
I Tin* Great 0
I BcadacbeCi
, core nerroM,
? malarial Jjj
forms of headache. People J*bo bate adjn
I itieaGod'H btoelng CAR
' ant to u?. No bad ?
lrHnalck. For ealo by droffrieM, or by maHJ?
Files! Piles! itching PUes.|
Symptoms?-MoIMure; Intense itcblnfl
! stinging; most Ht ulpbt; wor*e by M-rairt
If allowed to continue tiinior*
oft en bleed anc ulcerate becoming rail
and bleer.lng he?In ulceration,and1JM
caeen removes the tumorn. At oruiriH
by mall for 50 centn. Dr. (Wayne & *
Philadelphia. *
When you want
Circulars, Cards,.
Letter Heads, "Weddi
Invitations, Funera
Notices or
Fine Printing
ofany kind]
It will pay you to"
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Good Stock.
a Low
Ho How will dl?
r*n if Koutx'a Powders sre uacu ^Ho?,
Font*1# PowdBrawlUoar**^^ G*r? J*
Font*.* Powder* will flwurtW
Foutt. I"o?r<l?l? WIlllnjrWjSSitM
in<l nraun t??Mr l?r cent. ?
, and
WP(wm^a Voider* wITV wre or
OiBKAB*toWhlchIJora?an haH^
Fouts s rown^KB wii*
Sold everywhere. r
For Sale by A. C R?ctor

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