gtatrk* "IjohI People job Know.
? Mrs. M. F. Moran was visitinc I
[ iB Weston this week.
S. Price. Esq.. left for,
jfeS] York Sunday night. !
Miss Fannie Late, of Bridge-1
port, was shopping here Monday. |
| Miss Clara F. bteale.y left for |
I Cincinnati, Tuesday morning.
Chinaman Lee Gee is in Pitts- j
| bnrg. Pa
. jas. Kearns, of Parkersburg.
was visiting here Tuesday.
Frank Welch visited friends in
Wheeling this week.
Frank Peck, of this office, is
, on tlie sick list this week.
Fred Simpson, of Wheeling, j
? was here Monday.
Lee C. Reed was here the first
i of the week measuring the boys.
Hon. Chas. J. Goff is in Wheel
inff this week.
D. Davidson left for Baltimore
Wednesday. ,
W. Scott, of the Ncwe, left for
Washington* D. C.. Wednesday
Miss Floda Bailey, of Weston,
was here this week.
Miss Allie Morris is improving
A- H. Payne, Boughuer's effi
cient clerk, is sick.
Miss Ida Hayinond is in Wash
Master Francis Jennings is
pffering from a severe attack of
Dr. J. W. Bowcock left for
Springfield, 111.. Tuesday even
Attorney M. F. Snider, of
Woft Union, was here on busi
ness Wednesday.
Mr. Leroy Durnold. ofBelpre,
Ohio, visited friends here this
Guy L. Camdon, o' Weston,
was among friends here Wednes
Miss Winnie Steel is slowly
recovering from a severe attack
of typhoid fever.
Miss Mamie Lewis, of Galion.
().. is the guest ot her sister,
Mrs. C. A. Chambers, on Pike
The many friends of Miss Mol
lie Gittings will be glad she is
home again, after a six week's
visit in the East.
J. M. Kester and wife left for
Fort Worth. Tex., Monday,
where they will roside in the
Mrs. T. J. Deegan. of Monon
gah, was visiting- Mrs. John
Hussion, in the East End this
Willoby Harrison accompanied
the remains of Mr. M. Harrison
to Baltimore, where the burial
will take place.
Mrs. Clifford, of Clarksburg, is
attending the bedside of Mrs. P.
F. McDonnell during her illness.
=- Wtwlon Republican.
Harrison Fletcher is in Brad
dock, Pa., having been called
there by the sickness of his son
fieorge. who is dangerously ill
with fever.
Tho Court House at Cumber
land was destroyed by fire, but
the records were saved.
Miss Campbell, we learn, has
purchased Mr. Charles Davis'
st"ck of books and stationery.
It is said that Mr. Charles
I'avis lias accepted a position
with ? wealthy Ohio firm and I
will soon make the Buckeye State
his future home. Charles has a
reputation of being perfectly
honorable and is a young man of
good business qualifications.
The Baptist church revival is
still continuing. Baptizing every
few nights, about 12 converts,
several seekers and a good meet
ing is the report that' reaches us.
l'rof. Dolan has been secured to
'?'mduct the song service.
The following of our friends
have favored us with cordial calls
that si'iit joy to our heart(l): S.
M. N'ewlon. Wm. Smith, O. H.
Tate, Silas Shirks, A. G. Swiger,
W. A. Marsh, Henry Swiger, T.D.
liennett, J. C. Bartlett, J. W.
iiirtney, W. M. Morris and Will
A- Blair.
The meetings at Golf Chapel
'tillcontinue, there being services
at o'clock each afternoon and 7
"'clock in the evening. The in
terest is greater now than at any
previous time and the attendance
so large that, the Sunday School
r'">ms are entirely too small to
"'?'?oniinodato the congregation,
consequently the services are now
hflil up stairs. Thirteen have.
'"'I'M converted; several are at the
"liar and many more have re
'inosted. the prayers of the church.
I?'v. Evans is untiring and un
casing in his-labors and already
his earnest work is doing great
Drs. P. B. and Will Ogden. of
Fairmont, amputated a gutter of
the Hon. Jesse P. Sturm, of
Sturm's Mills.
Judge J. T. Hoke, of King,
wood, was married in Chicago on
Tuesday of last week, to Miss
Haymond. of Iowa.
Mrs. Jno. A. Davis was sum
moned to Wheeling by a tele
grain announcing the death of
her brother, who was train dis
patcher in that city.
P. H. Keck, Esq,, after a con
tinuous practice of 49 years at
ihe Monongalia bar, has retired
from the active duties of his pro
It was reported about town
that there was a case of small
pox at the Italian camp. Upon
investigation the report proved
to be untrue.
If there is a more accommoda
ting cashier in this State than C.
Sprigg Sands of the Trader's
National Bank, we should like to
meet him.
We have been informed that
Dr. Campbell's young child was
found in its cradle by the bedside
frozen to death on Wednesday
morning. January 11.?Spencer
Troy M. Davidson, son ef Rev.
M. A. Davidson, fell on the icy
pavement in front of the parson
age last Tuesday and fractured
both bones in his arm. He has
suffered considerably since the
accident happened but is getting
along fairly well at this time.
We hear with not a little cer
tainty of a wedding in the near
future. And Clarksburg will rob
us of one of our charming girls.
?Parkersburg Sentinel.
It will be a fair trade Bro.
Horuer, as the indications are
that, one of our prettiest and
most popular girls will be carried
away by a Parkersburg gent.
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the West Vir
ginia Business Collage, Jan. 24,
the following Board of Directors
were elected for the ensuing
year: M. G. Holmes, P, M. Long,
W. H. H. Davis, W. H. Atha and
A. C. Davis. Officers: A. C.
Davis, Pres. and Treas.; P. M.
Long. Vice Pres.: W. H. Atha,
Sec.: W. M^ Morris, Att'y.
Hon. Lloyd Lowndes, of Cum
berland. was elected to fill the
vacancy on the board of direc
tors of the Merchant's National
Bank, caused by the death of the
late W. P. Irwin. This well
had a very prosperous year
and now has the largest "capital
stock" of any bank in the couhty.
Dr. W. P. Swisher has located
at West Milford, this county, for
the purpose of practicing his
profession. Dr. Swisher is a
young man, trained thoroughly
for his life work at one of the
best medical schools in the coun
try. He is highly recommended
by men of influence where he
was last located and we hope to
see his merits duly recognized by
those to whom lie tenders his
The Telegham's life long and
venerable friend Jacob H. Pox,
of West Milford, now in his 78th,
year still clings to his favorite
paper and was able, last week,
to write his annual letter to the
editor renewing his subscription.
In closing his letter he says: "I
would like to take the Telegram
as long as I live." May heaven's
choicest blessings be shared by
our aged friend.
William and Eli Murphy, two
sons of Sylvester Murphy, and
their uncle. George Murphy, of
Bridgeport, were arrested and
brought here to jail last week
charged with stealing beef hides
from J. J. McLaiD. The two
boys were committed but George
was allowed to go free. The
Murphy family have been almost
on the verge of starvation for
several weeks, living in a miser
able hovel without furniture,
beds, or clothing sufficient to
keep them warm. Such good
citizens as Dr. Late, A. J. Lodge,
J. J. McLain and C. W. Johnson
had contributed thera a load of
material to relieve their suffering
and the same was delivered to
them through the kindness of Jos
Johnson who "sent his team
to convey th<i goods. A. B.
Cornwell, overseer of the county
poor, had also been furnishing
them with supplies, but their dis
position to plunder and steal led
the boys to steal from one of the
men that aided them in their
Another person broke out of
the city lockup Saturday night.
Timothy. Clover and Blue
Grass seed for sale by R. T
Lowndes. lltf
A. R. Lyon, of Lumberport,
this county, has gone to the
Fairmont Normal School.
There are still twenty widows
on the pension list of the Revolu
tionary war. although the war
has been over for more than r.
hundred years.
Every one should supply them
selves with biots and shoes from
Raphael Hayden. of Fairmont,
was granted a patent list week
on a conductor system for eleo
trie railroads.
The meeting of the new council
will take place on the first of
^ebruary. to select sergeant,
police, street commissioner and
Blind Willie's Comedy Com
pany is billed to show at Music
Hall to-night. (Friday), January
-<th. It is said to be first-class
in every way.
The West Virginia Bank re
P?rt? "? change in its officials.
Mr. W H. Freeman, the enter
prising cashier is well pleased
with the business of the past
If any body doubts that Mr. E.
W. Williams is building a modern
palace on Quality Hill we would
advise them to take a journey in
that direction and see for them
selves. Mr. Williams will have
a home, when his building is com
pleted. that will have few superi
ors in point of elegance and com
fort in the city.
Who now dares to say that a
bug professor in our University
is not a good thing? Just hear
what a problem he has on his
hands now. The Xew now in ion
says; ? -A bug resembling a roach
as invaded many houses in town
where natural gas is used and
has oeen dubbed the gas bug.
They are found by the thousand
in several houses and iwe would
like to hear from Prof. Hopkins
as to whence came his bugship."
The marriage record in Marion
county for last week was as fol
C. Jackson Tooth man and Mrs.
Martha L. Cartwright.
Robert L. Linn and .Liza G
Leroach Youst and Rebecca
Jane Craig.
Alpheus M. Swisher and Emma
F. Glover.
List of unclaimed letters in the
Clarksburg, W. Va.. postofflce.
advertised Jan. 16. 1893:
J. J. Bronough.
C. Douden.
James Sims.
Mrs. Rachel Tichnell.
C. W. Wycoff.
Miss Laura Weaver.
D. W. Boughner. P. M.
Our Adamsville correspondent
informs us of the total destruc
tion of the house in which Mr.
Steve Vincent resided by a fire
on Monday night. Mr. Martin
and two young men who stay
there had been at Shinnston at
tending church and when they
returned home found the other
members of the family asleep,
not aware of the lire across the
hall froin where they slept The
bouse was destroyed but a good
many things were saved.
John Fordyce. chief marshal
of the Clarksburg fire depart
ment, after inspecting our appa
ratus said that he would be well
pleased if Clarksburg was one
half as well equipped for fighting
fires Some time since an Irish
man applied for lodging at a
house near Pt Marion. Pa., and
was refused. He then went to a
stable where he spent the night,
but was so badly frozen that it is
thought both of his legs and arms
will have to be amputated..... i
Work will be commenced on the
Baptist church, on the lot adjoin
ing W. W, Hayes" residence, as
soon as spring opens. Prol.
Reynolds who bought the old
church will either remoddle it,
?r build a new residence on the
site. The new church will be a
handsome one story brick edifice,
and a credit to the congregation
and the town.?Morgantown New
Thos. Harrison on the
as special Judge in the
<ence of Judge Hagans.
Host of the indictments men
oned last week were tried and
Qes imposed as follows :
State vs Emerson E. Cottrill
2 caste : 123 each.
State vs. Thomas Sullivan 2
C<*es; *25 each.
?vf State vs. Geo. Mulheran 1
case: #10.
State vs. Same 5 cases; $25
State vs. Williaa Burke 2
ases; f25 each.
State vs. Henry S. Brown 5
Mas; 825 each.
||tat<3 vs. Baruey Cox 1 case;
Rtate vs. John McDonald 8
6es; *25 each.
State vs. Robert Criss 2 cases;
5 each.
State vs. Thomas Gill 8 cases;
t-5 each.
; State vs. Pat Keenan 2 cases ;
$-5 each.
j State vs. Jack Owens 2 cases;
$25 each.
State vs. Thomas Kearns 8
ycases; *25 eaeh.
Itate vs. Cass Everson 7 cases;
Sarah J. Ross vs, J. I. Rogers,
trustee, &c. Dismissed.
State vs. Janes Cunningham;
forfeiture ol bond.
Thomas J. Knisely vs. W. P
Romine. Judgment for $1,887.22.
John M. Boggess vs. Wesley
Robinson, S. D. Bennett and E.
D. Orr. Judgment for *335.98.
Caroline M. Jackson vs. T. P.
Brennnn & Co. Judgment for
County Court of Harrison coun
ty vs. H. M. Tetrick. &c. Dam
ages to H. M. Tetrick for *110,
John B. Tetrick *150; Marion
Tetrick *200, C. A. Short *120,
andtoWm. Hood *85 damages
for county road.
Jacob Snyder vs Charles J.
GofT; recommitted to Harvey W.
Harmer commissioner.
Henry C. Ross vs B. W. Pell,
Lee Lyon, guardian of Lake
Lyon, vs Lake Lyon; sale con
firmed. *
Robert Lowe, adta'rde bonis of
Asa G. T. Gawthrop, dee d, vs
Cornelia A. Gawthrop and others;
sale of 889 acres of land in Ran
..dolpn county, confirmed.
Robert T. Williams vs Tliomas
Williams; committee appointed
for Thomas Williams.
Eva and Stella Morris, infants,
vsT. M. Bailey, adm'r; decree
to sell land.
Wilbur C. Morrison vs Atlanta
Christner and others; decree to
sell land.
William A Hardman, age 28, to
Annie Gay Miller, age 19.
The rush to Merriman's store
for cheap Shoes still continues.
Hundreds of shoes there yet and
must be sold. Every one should
get boots and shoes while they
can get any kind they want'at
one-third the usual price.
R. T. Lowndes has just re
ceived a large quantity of
Timothy, Clover and Blue Grass
Seed of choice quantity. 11.tf
M. H. King, of_this place, has
been appointed to a Committee
Clerkship in the Senate at Char
leston .... Miss Nettie Taylor, of
Clarksburg, is visiting her sister.
Mrs. J. A. Crislip, on this city.
? At a meeting of the stock
holders of the Traders National
Bank held on the 10th inst,
Messrs William Post. John A.
Crislip, John L. Hurst, J. W.
Heavner, of Bnckhannon. W. B.
Maxwell, of/ Clarksburg, and
George M. Whitescarver. of
Grafton, were re elected direc
tors. The Bank has been quite
successful and makes a good
showing.?Buckhannon Banner.
Lost :? -Thursday afternoon
on the West Milford Pike be
tween Hart's shop and the top of
Stealey's hill, a large roll of pa
pers containing building plans.
4c. Return to A. G. Pordyce's
carriage shop near P. O. Liberal
STRAYED.?On the 5th day
of November last, a cow strayed
from my premises. She was
about ten years old. light red in
color, white face and white line'
back, fairly wide horned with a
giinJet hole in each horn. Any
inform ition will be thankfully
received, and all expenses will be
paid. I^eave information at this
office, or. Bruce Barthold. Pala
tine. -W. Va. ll-2t
Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Urattou Walfc.
Leader ]
Dr. A. B. Hall, of Clarksburg,
was in town Sunday.
Thomas Cather was In Clarks
burg Monday.
The public school opened Mon
day morning after a vacation of
nearly eight months.
Dr. Thos. M. Wilson, of this
place, was appointed by Speaker
Shaw to a committee clerkship.
C. H. Rector, president cf tliu.
Merchants and Mechanics Sav
ings bank purchased the Colo
building on Main street, opposite
Pinch's new store, paying $4,000
for it. The Bank people will, in
the near future, erect a hand-'
some bank building on this lot. '
Mr. B. P. Poe, who for the,
past three years has been the'
accommodating clerk for the1
grocery store ot H. Clay Love.'
has accepted a position with
Kuhl, Koblegard A Co., atClorks-!
burg, and left for that place j
Monday morning. He will re
main in the house until the j
weather moderates, when he will
travel in the interest of the firm,
making Grafton hisheadquarters.
Ben will make a successful sales
man. and Ruhl, Koblegard & Co.
could not have found a more
worthy and acceptable young
The World'* Fair Telegram.
On February 22d. the Texe
liUAM will publish anothorspecial
???lnion. This time it will be a
World's Pair and Washington's
Binhday edition combined. It
will be beautifully illustrated and
the front pago will show some
highly artistic color work. All
the famous buildings of Chicago
and the grandest of the World's
Pair buildings will be shown in
the illustrations and described in
full by a special Teleoham re
porter who visited Chicago and
went through the Exposition
grounds. This will be a sixteen
page edition and will have fully
ton thousand icUm No one
can make a mistake by placing
an "ad" in this edition, as it will
contain valuable information and
every reader wili preserve it.
Copy for advertisements must
reach us not later than Feb. 10th
Jt Is now very evident thati
Merriman has been buying better '
boots and shoes for less money
than most others. See the goods
and prices he now offers. He i
even offers shoes and rubbers to
merchants for less than thoy have
ever bought the same goods.
be at Stuart's stables Tuesday. ?
Jan. Slst, to purchase two car
loads of horses and marts. One
load small chunks for Southern
trade. In good order, and one
load of horses 4 to 6 years old.
Ha feu & Gauuek.
The Kqullable Lire Asinrance SocletT. j
CJuimsacno, XV. Va? Jod. b, 1803-j
0Wh?iiLffErVa.GB'1L,r''' ^
favor of J. T. Finland in the Equitable
Lifo Assuranoe Society of the U 8
and transmit also the Policy. For your
promptness aooopt rnv thanks
If other companies" were as prompt.
there would bo Rome inducement to
persons to insure.
Yours truly,
. i . r KO- J- Davis.
Adm r J. T. Furhind dee'iL
This letter speaks for itself,
matting two things very clear:
First, the earnest haste of the
Equitable Life Assurance Society
to fulfill its contract, which was
so made that there was no ques
tion about its fulfilment. Second.
that other companies are not
prompt in paying their losses.
The Equitable Society has the
Largest-Capital,earns the largest
dividends for its policy holders,
gives the best security to the
insured, protects with the be.<*
policy in the word, absolutely
incontestable and pays its death,
claims most promptly. <)
The undersigned, special oommis
?ion.*^po,nt?l at the December term
of the Harnaon County Court, will re
ceive sealed bids for the construction of
residence of J. J. Uusman, until Feb. 20,
189.1, aooording to the plans and specifi
cations furnished by the Court The
stone work and wood work will be let
outunder separate oontracts.
,11 W?l.r'K " roeerv?J t? reject any or
iH* L HcohbC
10"" Jane Lew, \V. Va.
? n
The U>l Chanrf
Will soon come. The great .shoe
sale at Merriman's is still raping
\<m ulreadv know wliy ho Is com
polled to sell. The goods an'
Igong fast and you are losing
>foldon moments.
All hats and cups, gents' Tur
mshings. trunks, valises and urn
urellas are now being rushed out
at greatly reduced pries. Mer
rminn is pushiug out all of his
b00ts shoes, regardless of
cost '1 hey are bound lo be sold
atonce. Every one should toko
advantage of this opportunity u>
supply himself with boots and
shoes. All know his goods aro
nowand first class. Many of the
best brands of goods on Hut
market are to bo found there.
Merchants should secure some
lines of thoso line shoes.
Subscribe lor tH* Tkmco am,
the leading paper In Central
West Va.
To those wishing employment
it would be well to apply to Mo
del lan & Co. We wish to employ
a few live energetic persons to
work for us on large salaries.
For further Information call on
us at our office at Mrs. E. H.
~?ac''man s. on East Pike street.
Office hours from ?! to 0 p. m.
k GWl'?0lt Uoiitst.
will be in his Clarksburg office
February 1st, aud remain 30
dftys. uo-tr
wh?t IIii?Iiii-sh Mm Are
Trimmed h?u ituil other apmultiwi
for ladlwi aold at oont now by Mr*. Frint
W Ma,n afreet Call aifd K?t t??.
JSsA01 ihe nmo?nt <ws ?? Spm b.
cuiilit1 W? Wftnt c'OH4' U? our ao
snK ""sr
Rml tirade Culilnut Pliotour plia
Well mounted, Arti.to
BHO#,, Cor. I'ikuaud
Clarkaburir Marked.
HulMr,* b .
Obii-k.n., Young,y fc ? 5
do. .. *. " 12
Ki-allitla.flk *
Lard, ? lb
Hide*. y lb,)
'fttiouldern, V Country
Hani*. )
bbl i
- '
1.7*1 tw
He.;* whij
Green Apple*,....
fou uxw.. ???
Hay,.,.- . ...........
Turnip* \
oninn*. .j.:::;;; ?
ToTkey, drewied '' [''''''
Hrled Apple*...... ... ""
?rtfd Peaebea - ;
T mot by ??ed I.' '
? lover.......
Kentucky Blue On
nriKllHtl t .
'frcuard * ??***??*?**????
t ^OGMAfc
Having made arrangements
with a responsible firm. I am now
prepared to furnish cut flowers
for funerals, weddings or balls
on shortest notice.
W. Ncsbaum. Agent.
Here We Are.
We have them always on hand
Needing Blanks,Deeds, Warranto,
Executions, Trust Deeds, Subpoe
nas, Summons, Absract of Deeds
Forthcoming Bonds, Justice's Stay
Bonds, Notice to Take Deposi
tions, Constable's Sale, Notice to
Trespassers, can be accommo
dated at the Tklkobam Office.
Our Blank DeedB are on Triple
Extra White Bond Paper. Try
them and you will use no others.