OCR Interpretation

The Clarksburg telegram. [volume] (Clarksburg, W. Va.) 1874-1926, February 24, 1893, Image 3

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^Vir.nu ? IUt? mado known on
"the gloriops
pie's Party And Yhither
They Are Tending.
Tribune, Xe* York.]
ie attempt to overthrow
ilar government in Kansas
be so instructive as ereaf
tobe set down amonc the
gsof this passing year,
persons who are actively
I in it are the Governor,
representatives of the Peo
's party in the lower house of
Legislature,some subordinate
[te officials who may consider
mselves bound by the orders
their superiors, and an uncer
number of citizens. It is
|er supported by a part of
people of the State?how
a part it is impossible to
iy, but. as all available evidence
licates. a small minority,
just it are arrayed the lawful
ijority of the House of Repre
itatives. the officers of police
militia in the capital, and a
ipular sentiment which is un
lestionably predominant in
las, and in the country at
If all these superior forces ar
ed against the Populist revo
ion were united in an attempt
maintain an unlawful suprema
they might succeed, though
>y would not deserve to. But
reiltty the advantage of num
il strength is increased many
ild by the righteousness of their
,use, and therefore their confl
int expectation of victory is
ply justified. Their physical
iperioriry, indeed, is a convinc
proof that they are in the
ht, for the forces on their
ide include elements which
itherwise would not be found in
#mbination. If the Governor
A the State were upholding con
titntional government in Kansas
Wonel Hughes.and his militia
egiment would notbave refused
sobey their commander-in-chief.
& attitude and orders have not
ibscured the fact that a clear
md undisputed majority of Rep
resentatives holding official cer
iticates of election organized the
lower house of the Legislature in
opposition to the Populist minori
ty, and that everything since
done or attempted by that minori
ty has been done or attempted in
definance of law.
This experience, as we have
said, may prove exceedingly
valuable. The party in whose
name and behalf these acts of
revolution have been perpetrat
ed is the so-called People's party.
It claims to be the only existing
agency by which liberty and
justice in the United States can
be saved, from destruction. Its
avowed mission is to expiate
abuses of power; to take the
Federal and State governments
and all our civil institutions out
of unclean hands, and to put
purity aad honesty everywhere
in control. Through its platforms
and orators it has had an infinite
deal to say about the robbery
and oppression of the masses,
about all-pervading corruption,
about bribery and intimidation
of voters, about a vast conspiracy
against mankind, and about the
tottering fabric of freedom. And
it lias pledged itself to establish
the reverse of all these alleged
conditions. Ostensibly to this
end it has proclaimed various
fantastic schemes, and every
policy of administration which is
lot in harmony therewith it has
denounced as an instrument of
torture, devised by thieves and
'yrants to crush the toiling mil
lions. It has given to those who
exposed and resisted it no credit
'or patriotism or public morality
of any sort, and with special zest
at>d satisfaction has described
their beliefs and actions as es
sentially treason to popular
It is therefore, peculiarly in
structive to find the representa
tives of this party in a great
State, where it had an invaluable
opportunity to vindicate its sin
cerity, giving the lie to all its
Professions' and endeavoring,
first by fraud and then by vio
?ence, to overrule the will of
'he people and supersede the
fundamental law. Such a demoi
stration of hypocrisy is not like
ly to be overlooked or forgotten
by the people of the United
Joseph \\ l>ory. of Warsaw. III., wan
troubled with rltenmatiBon and tried ft
number of different remedies, lmt anys
none of them seemed to do him any
good; but finally he got hold of ou?
that speedily cured him. He was rnuoh
pieced with it, and felt sure thatothera
similarly afflicted vould like to known
what the remedy was that cured him.
He states for the benefit of the public
that it is cslled Chamberlain's Pain
Palm. For sale by H. L. Wells. f
Tka Huako That LUeU for Twclr* Tctn
In a Woman** stomach.
Rachel M. Moore is lying* in a danger
ous condition at her home In Millville,
N. J., and Is not cxpectcd to lire. Her
case, which is described at length by
the Cincinnati Enquirer, is puzzling a
score of physicians. For twelve years
ahe carried a snake in her stomach, and
on last Sunday the reptile crawled out
of her mouth. Since that time she has
been daily growing weaker and refuses
all solid food. The fact of Miss Moore
having a snake in her stomach has been
known by her friends for years. In the
summer of 1380 she attended a garde a
party near Cedarville, where she then
The party was given on a farm, and
in a spirit of fun she drank out of a
bucket which was used to hoist water
out of the well. She felt something
slipping down her throat at the time,
but forgot the occurrence until a year
after, when she and her friends noticed
her ravenous appetite. She always felt
hungry, and ate nearly enough for two
persons. She soon felt the moving of
some creature within her. and the oc
currence of her drinking out of the
bucket at the well was remembered.
Physicians were consulted, and they de
cidcd that Miss Moore's body was the
dwelling place of a snake. They tried
by various methods to kill the reptile,
but without success. As she continued
to enjoy good health, and for weeks at
a time was not bothered by the crea
ture, it was decided best to permit na
ture to take its course, in hopes the
snake would some time come out of its
own accord.
Years passed on, but the snake con
tinued to make its abode in the . young
woman. Once when she ate. honey it
crawled up into her month and part way
out between her lips. I fa body was not
more than a quarter of an inch thick,
there were no eyes and the general col
or was green. Her mother grasped the
hideous reptile and attempted to pull it
out altogether, but the slimy body
slipped through her hands and down
the girl's throat as though it had been
greased. Miss Moore frequently ate
honey after that in hopes of the snake
again making its appearance, but it
never came up further than her mouth.
A year ago while in bed she was awak
ened in her sleep by something cold
crawling over her breast. She screamed
and the snake quickly drew itself back
in her mouth and down her throat.
Late Saturday night she was seized
with a choking sensation, which con
tinued periodically during the night,
and early Sunday morning tho snake
crawled out of her mouth several
inches. With great presence of mind
she closed her teeth on the body of the
repulsive creature and ran to her
mother, who succeeded in entirely re
lieving her daughter of the unwelcome
tenant. The snake was fifteen inches
long, and died a few minutes after be
ing in the air. Miss Moore fainted sev
eral times on Sunday, and during the
night became violently ill. Her stom
ach refuses to hold food except in liq
uid form. She is CO years old and
weighs 185 pounds, and until the pres
ent time has enjoyed exceptionally
good health.
Her* la the Queer Member Drawn from
The following communication to the
I St. Louis Republic is dated Rodney, L
T., January :JL The foot mentioned
therein was duly received and the plc
| ture made from it. The ho;j to which
the foot belonged was evidently con
verted into pork. Here is the letter:
"I have noticed within the last three
1 months several communications to your
tee MULX-rooTzn boo.
valuable paper in regard to the -mate
footed' hog of this territory. During
the six months of my residence here at
this placo 1 hare been often Informod
that hogs of this kind were numerous
throughout this part of the Choctaw
country, both domesticated and in a
wild state, but I had not been able
until Kxlav to see a specimen of this
?mule-footed' hog. A citizen brought
two hogs to town and they were bought
by one of our employes. Ono of them
was an ordinary, everyday hog, but the
other had the.feet of a mule. I send you
by express a foot taken from this hog
and H any of your readers are skepti
cal on this subject, you will have the
evidence at hand to convince thom that
such an animal as this Is be found In
the Indian territory."
Some experiments have lately been
made by car builder*at Tarorna. Wash.,
to twst the strength of aa U ami (lr timber.
The latter proved one~ third [stronger
than eastern oak, and more than one
half stronger than eafctern white pine, j
IIoK'KH art* a drug In the Idaho mar- '
kot. The other day tiftwn hundred
{food .younff animals were sold In a j
bunch for twenty-four dollar* a head.
A wairftB in a St. !?ouis japer defines
a widow to be one who has lost her hus
band and a ffra? widow to be one who
has simply mislaid him.
Kxpkjumenth recently made in Franc?
with a view to discovering the amount
of vitality in specimens of trichina*
show that although they may be sub
jected to a temperature of twenty-five 1
degrees below sero for two hours, they
again become as active as ever upon re
turning to normal light and heat.
tixp|a;ii??t. ?
| she?Am I older lima you think I am.
or younger?
I He?Well, yon look older thivn I think
yon are. lint yon art- older than you
llroit?'Troth. ?
The IbMd to WmltU.
I The colored Janitor of a Scdalia (Mo.)
public school Rare* 840 every month out
of hi* monthly salary of MA lie is un
doubtedly the greatest accumulator of
the country.
Allow a cough to run until it'get* be
Tond the resoh of medicine. CouUl they
be induoed to try Kemp'B Balaam, thev
would immediately we the excellent
effect after taking the first done. Price
50c and 91. Trial aizo free. At all Drug
Arkansas has another five
year-old boy who can read any I
language at sight. The boy is |
astonishing the natives.
$500 Reward !
WE will pav the aboTe reward for any I
cane of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipa
te tion or Costivenees we cannot cure
with We?t'sVegetableLiver Pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely Vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Sugar ooatod.
Large boxes, containing 80 Pills, 25
cents. Beware of oonnterfeita and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured I
only by the John O. West Company,
Chicago, 111. For sale by Cunninsham
Bros., druggists, Clarltsbnrg. W. Va.
??I assure you that I am inno
cent of the crime for which I am |
I ci'nt here," said the new prisoner.
"Oh, get out!" yelled the war
den. "Thank you. I shall be |
delighted." replied the unfortun
ate as he started for the door.?
Detroit Tribune.
In the best remedy you can find for
hoarseneBS, croup, cough and asthma,
fho 25 cent bottles are monsters for the
money. Why oough, baok, spit, sniffle
and roako a noisy nuisano.. ol yourself I
when so good a remedy is at hanari
stop that oough! It may hnne you
trouble. Take Boreman's Cough Syrnp
and do not bo fooled into buying some
thing else called "jnat as good be
cause the dealer wants a fancy profit
Sold bv all doaler*.
To thk Poblio:?We have used "Su
sanna" with our child through epidem
ics of scarlet fever, measles and whoop
ing cough, without her oontrnctink any
disease. The ohild was very deli ats
when we began g.ving thatmedioine, ut
now she is Fat and hearty. During t e
scourne of measles here, our ohild ws
kissed by another ohild that was break
out with measles. *"'>*?
W. M. Wumtn,
Mrs. Jkhni* Wdttbb.
A boy living on Indian riverj
Pla., has a large pet alligator.
He has trained the 'gator to swim
the river while he rides upon its
back just as he would ride a
horse. He guides the 'gator by
means of a chain. The taming
of a Florida alligator in that way
| was never heard of before.
Mr. 0. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field. Iowa. Farmer, says: "Icanrecom
I mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
1 all sufferers with coldB and croup. I
I have used it in my family for the past
I two years and have found it the pest l
1 ever used for the purposes for which it
I is intended. 50 oent bottles for sale by
|H. L. Wells, druggist.
1 Two story residence on Basta
I ble street, lot 100x300. Elegant
location. For price call on or
address, Lee H. Vance & Bro.,
Pike street.
Clarksburg, W. V&.
We have recently refitted oui
Mill and put in the fall rollei
I system. Will guarantee quality
of flour made by us equal to any
manufactured in the State, 01
brought here from adjoining
Bolted Corn Meal,
Choice Seed Oats,
Corn and Oats Chop
Custom Grist Work
A specialty. Satisfaction
Highest market price paid for
We are buyiw? wheat and pay ins j
the highest cash price.
Lowndks & Chorpkning Co..
R+TT* I n*f 1
an InfuiliNo
tor PrlcwSI. I?y
M*orm*ll. S'tmpir h
I ?Wn*?'A?CAKK^^V,
I?x *416. New York Uiy.
T?? DottlM CmM llrr. VI
OiMuio, low*, July, tM.
1 WW Muffortng 10 y*tx? from ftltocka In my
b?4, ?? much bo ih*L at Umoi 1 didn't *\\*x\
to rioowr. 1 took m*didn?o from many doo
U>*?,bui vii4 not got any r?li?t anUl I took
KocuIk ? K?r>? Tool* Tba I?owl do* raltovod |
tua and t botUss eur*l ma. a W.PSCL
HamUITIUI, P%., March. 1S1.
Wo brgan mtBg i'MWr Kcwstg's harv* Tonic
fovoar iiaoghw?r (?ho bad had *|4
teplio flu ?lnoe aba ?m 0 r<ar* old) om a ywtf
??(o with but Uttla bopa of any iH?od. M ?a had
t*<?n ?<> <>rwo ?ii?apiHjint?sl in oth?*r mnodiM,
bat *o<>a after using Uiia modiolne ?h? bagan to
g*t better, nod *?? bopa that any and all affilol
?-J with thm urribla dlaaaae will try your won
dtvful r.-i od). l rteouuucod your mwlicliia to
?wry una aff?ft*<d with any mtrhu urttcttea
V feibwur a. Ik B1NUBAM.
KOENIC ME J CO.. Chicago, i)L
i iniifiiiiiiiiiim ?i n in it itrii o*sr
e?w"U?i *?1 * ' -J
Below wo give the names of
our agents in Harrison county
who have bought and paid for
?-Susanna" and who will supply
the demands.
Cunningham Bros & Co
Clarksburg; \V. Horner, Lost
Creek; Perine and Davis, Good
Hope G.W Morrison, Mt. Clair;
J. H. Small wood. Wilsonburg G
Zents, grocer. Clarksburg; A O.
Barnes. Bridgeport; Mike Post,
Jarvi&ville; Bartlet and Dayton,
West Mil ford; Mike Dolan, Wolf
Summit; T. L. Bailey. Reynolds
ville; Mrs. W. B. Stephens, Syc
amore Dale; R. S. Ogden, Sardis; I
P. H. Wilcox & Co., Wyatt; Mrs
Lib, Jarrett, at the blind man's I
store. Shinnston; E. A. Wilson, [
Salem; H. W. Winter. Fleming-j
AH persons should send for
pamphlets when out. Address
Dr. L. A, Davidson.
36 West Milford. W. Va.
West Virginia Bank.
ClarJESToixreVW "S7*a.
TUir4 street, between Main and Pike, I
Discount Day:?'Wednesday at 10 |
a. ra.
Jaj-M- Lyon President.
Dr. W. M Lata, James M. Lyons
p w. Uobinson,
'? avidson, W.B.AIoxhuubi,
Cbu> M. Hart.
W. H. Freeman Cashier.
Transacts a general banking business,
Eiohiiage furnished. Collections made
at ri iwonble rates. ''' '
Traders' National Bank
Main Street, near Co art House.
Capital. (83,000 |
T. Moobr Jackson ...... President
Ds. Fuming Howei.u .. Vice-President
Dr. Fumino Howell, Wit Hood.
T. Moons Jacxsos. J. E. Bands,
W. B. Maxwell.
Does a General Banking Busmen ?
20-tf. 0. SPBIGG SANDS. Cashier.
NO. 1.530.
Orgnized - 1865
Capital - $100,000.
10 o'clock a. m.
R T. LOWNDES Presidont
THOa W. HARRISON". Vice President.
LEE haymond Asst Csshier.
a R. HARRISON. ..2d Ass t Cashier
R. T. Lowndes, T. W. Harrison, |
T. 8. Spates, A. C. Moore.
Lloyd Lowndes, A. J. Lodge
David Davidson.
(' .refnl attention given to *11 brui
nesb entrusted to the bank.
Collections reoeive striot personal at
tention and prompt remittance.
Accounts of Individual*. Merchants,
Firms, Corporation, Tmsteea and
Banks solicited
Jesse Ja,33Q.OS.
no pay; no eating out; no knife. Lo
eati-d at Nicholas Merrill's, one mile
uorth of Oakland, Md
50-11 Specialist
11^ ? JT you look at the date
JNlfl on your paper? Did
w^mr you find that you
were owing us your subscription?
Kindly pay up as we dislike the
idea of having to collect.
i ilk uI UlftLi
Ill ii) eiit^ ot tl^e Stoite
Well Filled With
Flannels, Yarns, Blankets & Ladies' Skirtings
Made at the Clarksburg Woolen Mills.
XDx3r G-ocd.s.
Brown Cottons, Dress Silks,
Bleached Cottons, Trimming Silks,
Sheetings. Dress Coods,
Tickings, Clothes,
Cassimeres, Jeans
Trimmings, Ribbons,
Embroideries, Laces,
Hosiery, . Gloves.
Corsets. Knitting Silks,
Embroidery Silks,
Tobacco, Cigars.
Teas, Coffees,
Sugars, Spices,
Syrups, Bacon,
Choice Flour, Corn Meal,
Tools, Nails,
Plows, Points.
Oil, Moldboards,
Paints, Iron.
Wall Pai>ern, Blinds. Carpets, Oil Cloths. Cants' Punishing Good*,
Baskets, Trunks and Valises, Looking Glauses, School
Supplies, Books, Stationery. Inks. Diamond Dyes,
Quoenswore, Glassware. Stoneware, Hay,
Brick, 8hingles. Salt. Feed.
Glioice Grass Seeds.
Timothy, Clover, Orchard, Kentucky Blue Grass. English Blue
Best Q-uallty of Fertilizers.
Boots ~ and - Shoes, Hats - and - Caps
?AND ?
??\ :0::0: ^
Wll be pleased to have you call and Examine
Goods and Prices Produce Wanted.
cob. nvcufvxosr ?sc water stkbet.
Goods Delivered Free in the City.
White Oak Planks,
Walnut. Poplar, Ash Logs and Lum
ber, Staves, Etc.
Offioe and Tarda near B. A O. Depot Clarksburg. W. Va.
Hursev - Insurance I Agency
LEE. H.VANCE, Proprietor.
?- EHKBfnaowiww
All the Best Companies Prompt Payment <x
Pike Street, - - - - Clarksburg.

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