Newspaper Page Text
GOV. TON LEY 1 Seriously Embarressed, if not Bankrupted by a Friend. Toungs'.'own. O.. Feb. 17.? Ilobert L. Walker, banker, cap italist ami manufacturer, has made an assignment to Hal K. Taylor, and probably will carry Gov. McKinley down in the wreck, leaving him without a dollar. A judgment for $5,050 was en tered in coart to-day against Walker and the Young6town Stamping Company, of which he is President, ar.d a levy mado on the plant. Walker imme diately executed mortgages on a farm and his homestead to par tially protect Gov. McKinley and Thomas Guy. who were indorsers of his paper for large amounts. Ascertaining that financial ruin was certain. Walker made an as signment, and on application of creditors. W. C. Hine was ap pointed receiver of the Youngs town Stamping Company. Walker engaged in numerous enterprises, including the stamp inn works. Girard stove works, coal mines at Salineville and West Newton, Pa., and made other investments, roquiring a large outlay of money, that ex hausted his resources and did not prove productive. Gov. McKiuley and Walker have been close personal friends from boyhood, and when the latter desired his signature on negotiable paper the Governor freely gave it. having the utmost confidence in his friend, and be lieving him to be wealthy. Gov. McKinley arrived here to-day, and is trying to ascertain the ex tent of his liability as indorser. The liabilities of Walker are estimated at $250,000, with assets less than $100,000. Gov. McXinley said to-night: "All that I desire to say is that I will pay every note of Mr. Wal ker's on which I am indorser and no one shall lose a dollar through me." Figures were obtained to-night showing that Gov. McKinley is on $60,000 of the Walker paper. w?ii,or has a spotless reputa tion ta the business commuuitj. Fair Will Be Shnt Snndnj*. Chicago, III., Feb. 20.?The battle of the minority against the majority for the opening of the World's Fair on Sunday has been given up as hopeless. The Christian people of the United Slates may now rest as sured that the gMes of the Ex position will be closed uncondi tionally and without exception on the first day of the week. Rules governing the rates of entrance and admission fees to the grounds were promulgated yesterday. The first regulation provides that the gates shall be closed on Sunday, unless Congress decides otherwise. Bequeathed His llenrt to His Wire. Major Carl Brandt, for many years editor of the Belleville Xeltung, the leading German newspaper in Southern Illinois, died several years ago. leaving a ?will, one paragraph of which di rected that his heart should be sent to his wife in Germany. He was married in the Fatherland when a young man. but became estranged from his wife and came to this country. He often said, however, that his heart was still true to her and that he would return it to her after death. The heart was taken out and is now being prepared for shipment. The bill introduced In the Texas Legislature legalizing lynching is such an outrageous proposition that it can scarcely be credited. It grants immunity to homicides where the crime they perpetrate occurrs before their victims have completed their offense. In such extreme cases as that of the negro who was tortured to death at Paris the offenders may be legally killed by a mob within sixty days after the misdeed. The bill pro vides, of course, for holding per sons accountable where it is established that the victims of the mob are innocent, but this feature would prove entirely nugatory. This attempt to localize popular brutality is a striking reflection upon Texas civilization. HOW TO CURE LYING* The YnrlMlr* of Till. !?!????? M HAITtoM ChlWrrw. Mi"* nsirlnon, .Superintendent of the Klnd.-rsrarten College In Chicago, tell* how sh- would undertake to core a child of lying. "Lying." she ?#. too often treated lne?Uy. when it iihoald tic con stitutionally trcste<L There nr.- almost as many sorts ofHwi ok oifwerii. "There Is. for example, exaggeration. which come* from' excess of imagina tion. That la to be cored hy teaching accuracy of observation. Make the child count all the object* in the room. Make him hold stodlly to pmved facta in everything. Then there is the lie of egotism. which 1* alwaya claiming everything for Itaelf- Ignore the atory. Make It seem not worth his while. "The lie which den lea ia the fault of older people. Punishment haa been giren arbitrarily. That ia to bejsoi rccted In the guardian. Tho hardest fault to correct In a child, or any one clue, la the deep lie of Jealousy. the ma licloua lie. It always oomea fom je?U ouay, and there s.>em* to he only one possible remedy. Oct the jealous child to perform some sorvlce for the otter. Make him participate in the other a life, in some way become o partner as it ^ were and the jealousy ceases.' FR05fTH>ri'I^Twp0DS 01 the North to the Everglade* of the South, druggists are besieged by J*0?'" with every shade of Rheumatism, in quiring aliont l)r. Druramonds Rem edy: "Will it cure me?" AmHhndrug Ri*t points t<> the fact that the Drnro mond Medicine Oo? 4?-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Offers a reward of ?500 for a ease their remedy will not cure. Tbat kind of answer is satisfying, and the enfferer planks down flvo dollars and goes home and i? oured. Not on ly re lieved, but cured. Agents wanted. 14-. BUCKL_EN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cats, brnisea, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ol.ilblains, corus. and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cure* piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or mouey refuuded. Price 25 oenta Sir box. For sale by Clayton 4 eut. 12-1y A Quick Mind Cl!?o*er. George?I should certainly have pro posed to Ethel last night, but for the fact that sho showed her hand. Jack?What did you discover? George?That sho already wore an engagement ring.?Truth. The Wrong: JSnd. Little Dot?There's a lady gettln* up a typewriter class, an' Susie Smart Is ffoin' to join. Little Ethel?The ideal Why, she can't even play the piano yet.?Good Mews. HOOD7^ CURES. In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla cares, ifs proprietors make no idle or extravagant claim. Statements from thousands of reliable people of J*hat Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for them, conclusively prove the fact?Hood s Sarsaparilla cures. Hoods Pills act especially upon the liver, rousing it from torpidity to its nutural duties, cure constipation ana ubsist digestion. Found?the reason for the great popu larity ilH^d'^^ars^rilJaj-Mmgly Hood's. Mr. All>ert Favorite, of Arkansas City, Kan., wishes to gives our readers the benefit of his experience with coids. He says: "I contracted a cold early last spring that settled on my lnugs, and hud hardly recovered from it when 1 caught another that hung on all sum mer and left me with a hacking cough which I thought I never would get rid of. I hail used Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy some fourteen y??ars ago with much success, and concluded to try^ it again. When I had got through with one bottle my cough had left me, and 1 have not surfered with a cough or cold since. I have reccommended it to others and all speak well of it" 50 cent bot tles for sale by H, L. Wells. f Not Much or a Compliment. She?And won't you be able to come to my reception? He?I am afraid not, Miss Rose. I will either come myself or send flowers. She?Ah, that is very kind of you. I do so love flowers.?Texas Sittings. % Her Point of View. The Man?I am not worthy of your love. The Woman?Of course you are not You don't suppose I'd hove the patience to be the wife of a man who was, do you??ruck. SEE THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR FIF TEEN CENT'S. Upon receipt of your addresa and fifteen ceuta in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Port folio of the World's Columbian Exposi tion. The regular price is fifty cents, but ns wo want you to have one. wo make tho price nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to b? prized. It contains full page views of the groat buildings, with descriptions of same, and is exeouted in highest stylo of art. It not satisfied with it, after you got it, we will refund tho stamps and let you keep the book. Address 11. E. UuoKLEN & Co, Chicago, 111. ~ ALL FREE. Thoso who luivo used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, aud thoso who have not, have nowtheopportuuity to try it free. Call on tho advertised druggist aud get a trial bottle free. Send vour name and addresa to H. E. Buek len ,t Co.. Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Lite Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health aud Household Iustruotor free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and coat you nothing at Clayton A Dent's drug store. < In these perilous days of chol era, typhus and typhoid fever it would be weil to vary the old apothegm aud "Trust in God and keep clean." A correspondent of the Poca hontas Times, writing from Threo Porks Camp, Webster county, says the W. Va. & P. Railroad Co. is having propared. samples of timber of that county for the World's Pair. Slabs eight inches thick, six feet long and as wide as can be got are being cut. The finest piece will be a poplar six feet wide, making a complete square. The tree it was taken from, scaled 17,400 feet. The largest spruce scaled 3,880.?Ex. Ha snake ? The Serpent Takes Possession of a Hornet's Ne Prof. R B. Powell, of Broaddos Col | lege, while loitering iu (be front editor ial room of the Tkleoram building yes terday. related tome interenting rJmi nenocs of W. tf. White, of Fredericks I burg, Va., who is gaining a wide refu tation as a writer of abort atorien. frol. Powell and White are old personal Iriendn and at our request. the Prulewsor took from lua pocket one of White s papers and read ua one of bis latest ui?>? fttuiiue, wniuh was as loliows: He claims that while traveling to Tappahannook he saw a large biack make slowly crawling among the branches of a tree that stood by the roadside. Following tho snake with his eyo the observer saw an unusually large hornets' nest attached to one of the branches of tho tree, and toward which the snake was advancing. When closo to tho nest the snake coiled itself about a limb, releasing its toil, ond with it gave several hard raps upon the exterior of the nest as if THE SNAKE IX THE HORNETS' XEST. knocking for ndmission. The noise of the blows and tho swaying of the nest caused tho hornets to leave their home and prepare for an attack upon the in truder. The snake erased tapping with Its tail us soon jls the hornets left the nest, uncoiling Itself, and quickly disappeared, taking the place of tho hornets within their nast Presently the snake's head was seen to peer on t. and Its bright, hlnelr eyes glis'encd n? he nnticlpatoil n feast from which the bravest man would shrink with fear The snake drew his head within the entrance hole to the neat nntil nothing win, seen of it except an occasional forked tongue that darted In ?"'! , "ul n'i,h 'ig'.itning 'rapidity, i hlnklng tho coast clear the hornets began to return to their nest, when the snalte took them In ns fast as they could enter Watching the proceeding's for some time our informant r-iaslnded that all the hornets had her? safely hived, and he stood nphihisjburi'y. tapped the nest with his whip, and awaited the result. H So hornets appearing. I lis ant wai then knocked to the irround. opened and his snakeship dlscovcrc.1 in a torpid condition, with his size greatly In creased. The snake was killed and i post-mortem held, with the follow,? result: Stomach stuffed with den hornets Wv?"?..ucms_on CANVAS. P?1??*r Armed the CbSufti nr ...... with (illlll, | Tho anachronisms of painters would according to the St. Louis Cilobe-Dem ocrat, make a curious chapter in a col lection of literary and artistic ..dditlcs, Tho famous Italian painter, .i?:opo Tin toretto. in one of his most celebrated pictures, the "Fall of Mannn," when representing the children of Israel gathering manna in the wilderness, took the precaution to arm several of the men with guns, no was not out done by Cigfoll, another faraons Italian artist, who represented the aged Simeon at the circumcision of the Saviour as wearing a pair of enormous spectacles. While Verrio, in a picture ..f Christ healing the sick, fitted out the by atonders with three-cornered cocked hats and full-bottomed wigs. The noted Durer dressed the angel who ex pelled Adam and Eva from Paradise in a gown with flounces, and in his picture nZ ^yingCMst l&ewritea a Roman soldier as smoking a long Low Dutch pipe. The Dutch painters have been famous fnr their anachronisms. One ^presented the wise men who visited Christ as wearing cavalry boots, spurs and long sahers; another represented Abraham as obout to shoot Isaac with o blunderbuss. Berlin, In a picture of the \ rgin and the child, shows them The* French* n F?I ?****? the vioI,n' J he French Dubois, in a picture of the 1,Tmf\PPerlP'aCcd on the table a gob t filled with cigar lighters, while Tar rant. to complete tho list, represented na?rC3S1 "I fr?m Et]on'tht' unhappy pair being driven out into a swamp, while not far away a man with a gun as shooting ducks. ? HOW A STEER TOOK REVENGE. O?ttloe Help, It Proceed*^ to TunUh a Cow >Vlilch Had Hurt It. A cow and a steet?tho latter two to three years old-were the only occu pants of the barnyard where an occur MonthK^ ^'',^ thE 1>0pul',r '^'encc Monthly took place. A baiting of hoy as put to them, tho cow taking pos session. The steer wished to share it, but the cow. like some higher animals, whM? ""'Iwas bpnt <?> taking the whole of It, and as often as he would maneuver around from side to side to get a bite she would drive him off at the point of her horns. The steer was ?o persistent that at last the old cow's "?.v. and. making ad* m?? ? ,a,nri "'eious charge on him, punished him severely, though he was her own offspring. The steer felt bad in 53S "0t ?l!'V body bm ' r'd?ntly S " u t 7h ' *2 imm^iBt?ly "tart ^e tawlJ; Y8rd ?",<1 ,,ff do,v?the the mt ^.w pasture, where were , h? 8lock' Wowing ven geance at every step in a language which ? --'^kahie to the bystander as j6 mothfr wc" understood, "ntlv ???if<1uCatln? B"d "'toned in tently to tho threatening of what wm. ^ theM "lll away n? C J' ,d~ [ ore th8n hlmMlf- As they op venwi rumblinK? of rage and? again heart, which jjr w louder as they canio nearer Th? took In the situation at ?ncc and was now terror-stricken. As her assail An Old Ilo.. ,11* Tr.n.fnrmml A som-what dingy old rose silk gown and a somewhat worn old block law gown wcru once upon a time by in genuity made into a charming houjw draw. The lace had a Tint-like pattern and was cut into "trips about an inch and a quarter wide, each (showing the riney line. Them) were joined to black satin ribbon of the same width. The dingy old row silk was sponged and freshened. The Klightly trained skirt had two narrow ruffles of black satin ribbon not on tho bottom and was cov ered with an overskirt o? the lace and ribbon. The plain ailk bodioe was cov ered with a full, gathered baby waist of the name. Puffs of the lace and ribbon over the pink reached to the elbow and were met by a deep plain puff. The black satin belt was fastened by a big rosette of narrow black satin and the old rose ribbons. Fruit or Flow?n In Jelljr. A luncheon dish which is a feast to the eye as well as to the palate is jelly and fruit or flowers. The jelly portion is made from gelatine, flavored with wine, lemon, rone or orange, or some thing more choice, colored a pale rose, or green If one chooses, or left tho light yellow natural to it. A little of the jelly should be put in the bottom of the mould, and when it has hardened the flowers or fruit are laid in and the liquid jelly poured in to fill the mould. Grapes in a large bunch, pink rosea with their leaves, violets, strawberries, or glaced fruits or crystalteed towers may lie used. The decoration should be as near the surface as possible and yet be well sovered by the gelatine. Wrinkles One? Mora. Wrinkles appear because the flno muscles of the face lose their tone, tho tissue shrinks, and skin fits itself to tho depressions which are thus left. It is a mistake to suppose that wrinkles can be wholly eradicated, especially those which are due to advancing years. Let us "grow old gracefully," and accept tho inevitable with the best grace pos sible. A cheerful disposition will do wonders towards lighting up the faca and making one's friends forget or over look entirely th?? signs of ndvanciug years. But wrinkles frequently come a prematurely and prove extremely tatious. Papa's Consent. She? Isn't it lovely? I'apa consents. He?Does he, really? She?Yes. he wanted to know who you were, and 1 told him you were tape-clerk at Scrimp dfc Co.'a, and he seemed real pleased. He?I am delighted. She?Yes, and he sc-ld wo could be married just as soon as you were taken Into tho firm.?N. Y. Weekly. Her Question. Briggs? i called on Miss Birdseye the other day in my now suit, and when I | kissed her she was quitfc indignant, un til I told her it was always the custom i to christen a new suit in that way. Griggs?Then what did she say? | Briggs?Sho wanted to know if that j was the only new suit I had.?Clothier j and Furnisher. . ALWAYS GriT THE BEST. Persons who suffer from Ai?aniatism want immediate relief. It is not gagpb Hint the pain slioul# be eased, and fie In. increased. Anything s'u rt ?f inoulv prolongingtorture. 1 .? 'poiHiinous acids in the blood, which is tho direst pause of Rheumatism! are im mediately and effectually expelled by Dr. Drumiuond'a Lightning Keniedy. Whore it fails to perform a cure, the price is refunded. If the druggist can not furniKh it the remedy will be sent prepaid to any addiess 011 receipt of price, Eve dollars, Drnmoiond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 14-2 MISERY OF A CAMEL RIDE. Bore Bones and a Fall the Fate Which I'Huallr Befalls a Norice. There is something inexpressibly re pelling in the supercillium triste of a camel as he looks scornfully at you with his nose in the air, says a writer in the London Spectator. But 1 over came my repugnance and mounted one, after receiving careful instructions how to retain my seat while the brute was getting up. It was well enough while he walked, but when he began to trot a brisk pace 1 devoutly wished myself astride on a humbler animal. But how was I to stop him? There was no bri dle, only a rope attached to the left side of the brute's mouth. At that rope I tugged, with the effect merely of mak ing my camel trot to the left. I had been told that if I wished to make him go to the right I must hit him on the left side of the head with a very 6hort stick, with which 1 had been provided for the purpose. But that was more easily said than done. Llow was I, from my giddy perch, to reach the creature's Head across that long stretch of neck? I tried it and nearly lost ray balance for ray pains?no joke at a height of some ten feet above the peb bly sand. One of the officers, however, saw ray plight, stopped, uttered some gurgling sound, and then the camel, exposing its teeth and protesting vigor ously, knelt down, and 1 dismounted, vowing that never again would I choose that mode of locomotion. My deliverer, who exchanged his donkey for my camel, laughed heartily at my discomfiture. But 1 had my revenge speedily, for in the exuberance of his gaycty he allowed the camel to rise un expectedly and was pitched head over heels on the ground. lie was not hurt and he joined in the laugh against him self as heartily as he had laughed at me. . ' A Dumb Hoy. Little .lohnny?That :i new boy in achool is awful dumb. Mother?Doesn't ho know his lessons? Little .lohnny?lluh! There was twenty words in the spellin' lesson to day. and he missed every one of them. I only missed nineteen.?Good News. Working on ills SympHthle*. First Ballet Girl?1 hear your salary has been raised. How did you succeed in touching the manager. Second Ballet Girl?He found out that I used to go to school with his grand mother and it awakened tender mem ories. ?Truth. \\ HNlril Sympathy. Aunt Sarah (during her first visit to a flat)?Mercy! Who's that poor fellow the janitor's throwing downstairs? 1 Hall Boy (carelessly)?Oh, that's on'y one o' th' tenants, ma'am.?Truth. Any I)ay In tho Weelf. "Have fou heard of Jack Van Arndt's new motto since he got engaged to Rosa and swore off?" "No; give it." "A kiss Is as good aa a smile."?Truth! Are you all run down? Scott's Emu sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 0 and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soc will build you up and put flesh on yc and give you a good appetite. Bcott's Emulsion cores Coofh*, Prevents wasting in children. Al ?SCeto-iT the genuine. Prepared by 8oott ? Bowne, Chemists, New York. Bold by all Druggists. Scott's Enrafeioi We Can't do it but aro witling to pay for learning how to mako as good an article aa Wolff's Acmr Blackiku of riieap material to that a mailer can profitably sell it at 10c. Our price 1m 20c. Tho retailer rays the public will not nay it. We say tho public will, because they will alwavs pay > fair price for a good article. To show both the trado luid the public that wo want to give them the best for tho least inoncv, wo will pay $10,000.00 Reward For above information; this oiler is open until January 1st, 1893. WOLFF A RANDOLPH,Philadelphia. Pik-Ron la the name of a paint which (loos work that no other paint eon do. ?Vew minted with It lookn llko the natural wood when It la stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will And It profitable to investigate, paint stores sell it* 4 II IOO0OOOOOO The to "World! Iffr * THE SECRET ? a of recruiting health to dlaeoTaraH bA J TUTFS o ?Tin* liver Pills* ? In liveraffect -?ns nick headache, dys- Q pepsla, flatnlc ioo# heartburn, bilious *. .colic, eruptioi I of the skin, I trouble# of tho bowcli, tlwlr curative^ effects aro xna rvelous. They aro rectlve nn well cs a sentle cathartic. I ooooooooo Garfield Tea Cures Constipation "How to Cnre a Skin IMseuse." Simply apply "Swayno*n Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter eczema.ltch, Hlleruptionson the face.nands etc.. leaving the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Bwayne's Ointment 28 y FOR 8UFFERINC WOMEN. DR. HUES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE Sleeplens Kervoai , PruntroUon, ) Sick and Bler J vuu* Headache 5 FIU cte. After four your* ) treatment by tho . bent doctors, but without relief, nave ureri Nervine for one I week and havo not bad on ? attack Blu?e. ? Hard C. Braocus. IleatbTllIe, Pa. ?Your Nervine has cured me completely of Nervous troubles. J. M. Taylor, Lotty, Ohio. Trial Bottle Preo at Sracstote DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. u&rcsinatnu Act on a new prlncip le x-oral ate the liver, stomach ana bowels through the n?rtYt. Db. Milxs* Pills fVt'i'V cur* biliousness, torpiu liver and constipa tion. Smallest, mildest, eurestl SO doses,25 eta. Samplee in.o at (lruirwiats. fir. lilies ltL Co, ElUitrt, IaiL For bi\1o by H. L. Wella. ICARTER'S Bittle Tiver |M^s. CURE Blek Headache and relieve all the troubles inci dent to abllloua state of the ayBtem.suoh a* Dizziness, Nausea,* Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Bido, &c. While their most remarkable success has boon shown in curing SICK Headache, yot Carter's Littlo Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro ven ting thlsannoylngcoxnplaint.while they also correct all disorders of the s tomach .stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels. ?ven If they only - head fAeha they would bo ahnostpricdoas to those whs suffer from this diaticaslngcomplaint; butfortu nately their goodnoss docs noteud hero, and thoao who once try them will find theso little pills valu able in so many ways that they will not bo wil ling to do without them. But af tor all sink head ACHE fla the bane of so many lives that here Is where wemake our groat boast. Our pillaeure it while others do not. Cartels LltUe Liver PHI* are very small and very easy to toko. Ono or two pills makea doao. Thoy are strlotly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at OS cents; five for $1. Sola by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER ftOtOINB CO., New York. SMALL F?? '-aLL DOSE. SHALL PRICE Oruakranrm, or the* I.tqoor Rablft. Port tiioly C urpj by ndmlnliiU>rlnc Dr. llaiaea' tioldcn Specific. It Is manufaeturodaa a powder, whlsh can be gives In a glass of boar,a cup or eoflee or tea, er In (boa, witboatthsfcnowltdroofibe patient. It is absolutely baralssa, mo wtr i euro, whether the an aloohollowreoi of eases, and in every 1 i?$p&i?th> f^^lt^^apceUle.itbeoomnfaumterlm't as page dook oi particular* tree, aoi SOLllrfl HFTOiriU CO-1tUoo Sc.d Consumption Surely Cured To The EDnomi-Ptau. iaf0rn ,mn that 1 hare a positive remedy for thesbom dtaeaae. By Its timely tue thousands of hm cases bare been permsnently cured. Ishallb! to aeod two bottles ofayremedy FBEBtoi yonr readers who have consumption If the send me their Express and P. O. sddreaa. Ba folly. T. ? tSLOCaiL M. SIMPLE. EFFECTIVE. X ^l?rfiiT?!HO?[CLS. II m llallrd on cf i'ricc. mimuMPw 4 caov.-N ?>u?Co,P?tipfcOnianioro.M!j.^ ?>,,( o foras of hendtclte. Pmpto who bavp i?.?? itisafkd'n bk-Mintt 5?rtE> t<> n ankicd. I ant to w. No bad ^ wll rffrcto. Cnrcn ind quick. For sale by drpggim, or by nail Si wmmminui Piles! Piles! Itch Inir I'M". Symptom*?Moisture; Intense Itcblni Ntlimltiv; niOKt xl night; worse by Berate if allowed to continue tumor* form,* often bleed and ulcerate ??eeomlnjt wry HWaYNB'H OIKTMEMT Hops tbe Iti and bleeclng bealH ulceration, sod Id ease* removes tbe tumor*. At druygl* by mall for 50 cents. Dr. 8wayne d i Philadelphia. 1 CLARKSBURG . J . ' ? - - TELEGRAM ? ? COMPANY Hog 1 Poultry Rem Used Successfully 14 Ytan Prevents (lUeose. 8topB cnu?h flenb, arrests dta*. h w?rmH, baa tens matnritv. Form K. .T. < riss, Clnrk?bnrg, W, Ya PRICES.?2Mb canB, fliM; i ?1.2.r,, and .10 cents u pacluffe T. are tbe cheapest Orders by nmil receive proim tention. Write for circular. Srai stamp for ';fogology," a 84 page p on Bwine. Mention this naner HAAS. V. 8.. Indianapolis. IdA l SAY!! When you want Posters,. Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Weddi Invitations, Funerf Notices or Fine Printing of any kind It will pay you to try the Good Stock. For Sale by A