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Reltgioa of fruitfulU. George Washington was a member o( the Episcopal church and a great believer in prayer, as is evidenced by numerous mes sages. Oue was: "The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary,but especially so in time of public danger and distress." He alsa said: "Though I am a member of the Church of England. I have no exclusive partialities." John Adams was a Congrega tionalist and came of a long line of Puritan ancestors, but was very liberal in his views as t? religion. He was baptized Octo ber. 26, 1535, in the first church of Quincy, called "The Church of Statesmen." Thomas Jefferson's ideas on religion are difficult to classify. He was an admiror of the great Tom Paine, the agnostic, and as "Godiess a man." but a letter to Mrs. John Adams shows that he believed in a future life, where "we will meet our friends." and his life was a strictly moral one. He belonged to no church. John Quincy Adams was a Congregationalism like his father, and wrote a hymn. Madison and Monroe were both Episcopalians in^good standing. Andrew Jackson was notorious ly irreligious in his eariy man hood and mature life. As a youth at Salisbury, N. C.. he is de scribed as "the most roaring, rollicking, game-cocking, horse racing.card-playing, mischievous fellow that ever lived in that town." After his retirement from the Presidency he became con verted and joined the Presbyter ian church, his dying words be ing: "My dear children, and friends and servants. I hope and trust to meet you all in heaven, both white and black." Martin Van Buren never made any religious profession, but was a man of irreproachable morality, and. according to the orthodox ones, is now burning. William Henry Harrison was an Episcopalian of strong con victions, which prevented him from fighting duels. John Tyler was also an Episco palian. James K. Polk made no pro fession until he was on his death bed, when a Methodist clergyman sprinkled him. Zachary Taylor didn't give the question any thought, but meekly paid his wife's contributions to the Episcopal church, Taylor was very illiterate, knew little about theology and cared less. Millard Filmore was a very quiet but pious man, who affili ated with the Baptists. Franklin Pierce was an Episco pal communicant. James Buchanan was always pious, but didn't join the church until after his retirement from the Presidency, when he bocame a Presbyterian. Abraham Lincoln, according to Col. Bob Ingersull, was a dis ciple of Voltaire, but ho ex pressed Christian conviction and was inclined to spiritualism. Both his parents were Baptists. Andrew Johnson was not a member of any church, but a tacit believer in Christianity. He was unusually handy with his "cuss words." and inclined to Methodism. Ulysses Grant was a Methodist, and extolled for his piety by his biographers, though he was never known to do anything be yound letting fall a few pious re marks. Ituthford B. Hayes was a Methodist. James A. Garfield was a member of the Church of Christ, ?r Campbellite church, and once tried his hand at preaching. Chester A. Arthur was an Episcopalian, who played a good game of poker. Benjamin Harrison is a Pres byterian, and attends church regularly. Grover Cleveland gets his supply of Christian fortitude to deal with the pie hunters from the Calvanistic fount also. nenton Xcnslels. Prof. J. W. Bonner and family are now residents of Camden-on Gauley. Married, at Vadis, on Sunday, by Rer. J. I. Vincent, James Alford to Miss Laura Money penny. Mr. Omer S. Goodwin and Miss Daisy Neely, of Jane Lew, were married at Jauo Lew. Wednes day. l'te Democrat extends best wishes. Mr. Frank Moore and Miss Mary Quina. of West Weston, were married on Wednesday evening at 7:*0 o'clock, the Rev. Varner officiating. The closing exercises of the Academy took place at the Opera Hoase last Friday night. The graduates this year are Misses Fannie Tierney.Phoobe Mitchell, Agnes Cleary and Jennie Danger. Dr. W. P. Crumbacker, the new superintendent of the Weston Asylum, arrived here Monday morning accompanied by Dr. Burdette. the newly elected assistant physician, and they at once assumed their respective duties at the Hospital. Mr. Ralph Patterson will soon retire from business in Weston, where he has been prominently before the public for the past twelve years. For sometime he has been contemplating a rest from business, principally on ac count of his health, and he has finally decided to retire from the grocery trade about the 1st of June He will remove with his little family to Moundsville. David Carson was billed on Wednesday. at Buckbannon, while at work in the tannery. He was caught between the sides of the elevator and the floor of the second story, mashing bis head and killing him instantly. Carson was a single man about 22 years of age. His remains were brought here on Thursday aud sent to Stewart's Creek, in Giliner county, where he lived. ?Democrat. RICH, RED" BLOOD As naturally results from taking Hood's Sarsaparilla as personal cleanliness re sults from free use of soap and water. This griiut purifier thoroughly expels scrofula, salt rhenm and all other im purities and builds up every organ of the bod;. Now is the time to take it The highest praise has been won by Hood's pills for their easy, yet efficient notion. Sold by all druggists. Price 3S oents. Fairmont Whisper*. From our Fairmont exchanges we glean the following: General manager C. W. Arnett is not making up the list of 100 lot3 to be sold at the auction lot sale on June 1st. The county commissioners this ?week purchased seven road machines to be used in the coun ty. They cost $225 each. Mrs. M. J. Grove, of Clarks burg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Manley. Mr. Parrens, of Harrison coun ty, a coal man, was here Tuesday. Perry Camp, of Clarksburg, and at one time a citizen of this place, was here Tuesday. The spirit of improvement seems to have broken out afresh all over town. New buildings are being erected and old ones improved in all sections of the town. The council is considering an ordinance prohibiting any person from coverning a house with a shingle roof anywhere within the corporate limits. Governor Fleming has a force of workmen engaged in remodel ing his old residence on Jefferson street,. Ho will modernize it and make many nice improvements to the old building, which will add much to its convenience and appearance. THE POPULATION OF Clarksburg is about 5,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with some affection of the Throat and Lungs We would advise all our readers to call on their druggist and get a lwttle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large bottleB S0c uud $1. Sold by all druggists. The following marriages are reported from our neighboring county of Marion : Charles D. Hough and Flora B. Merrifield. Draper L. Cole and Rebecca Basnett. Harry W. Alford and Florence Ammons. Harry Bartholow and Mollle Grantz. Winfield S. Hess and Nanny E. Moore. A resident of Harrisville, Ritchie county, writes to his local paper as follows : "We don't suppose there is a town in this State oi the same size that cau excel this one for producing grass widows. We now have no less than five in ou. midst, whose husbands have been suddenly taken with a leaving, and it is said all the married wo men in town have a roll call every morning to see if any of them are minus a husband. STILL AT IT. Hicks h? the Weather t*r Kay all Arranged. There Is a marked tendency U> frost, as a rule, from about th? 10th to 15th of May. especially when storms occur on or just preceding those dates. But the indications for this month are that this frost period will reach its crisis at the close of reaction ary storms central about the 14th. The new moon on that 'day. and the equinox of Mercury on the 16th, will increase and prolong storm conditions, ard add to the probabilities of frost after the storms in northerly regions. From the 18th to 22d falls a marked storm period, the crisi9 of which will likely be reached about the 12d. A very warm wave will pass over the entire country during the period, and dangerous storms are liable to result. Cloud formations and other storm indications should be prudently watched. Easterly to southerly winds, sultry air, with low and falling barometer are certain harbingers of coming dis turbances. After storms pass, if winds continue from southerly points, or the barometer sullenly refuses to rise, look out for a repetition of rain, wind and thunder, in cycles of twelve and twenty-four hours until wiqds shift permanently to westerly, and the barometer moves decided ly upward. About the 16th and 27th there will be another rise in temperature, resulting in react ionary storms; beginning, of course, first in the west, and ap pearing later at points along their march to the east. Fix this fact well in your minds. Tou will soon learn by the plain indica tions when the storms are liable to be retarded, or to appear early in the periods in you locality. The last of May is the center of a regular storm period, which runs into the opening days of June. Full moon on the 80th will tend to hasten developments, so that a very warm wave well defined, and on its way from the west, attended by increasing storms, by the closing hours of the month. West lTnlon. Mr. Inskip and wife, of Toll Gate, have agreed to disagree and separated. Frank Bond, of Smithton, was put in jail hera last Friday even ing on a charge of insanity. After an examination Monday, he was released, it being evident that he had only Deen indulging too freely in strong drink. Wm. Harris, son of Dan Harris, aged 21 years, while on his way home from Central Station, Saturday evening, attempted to take his revolver from his pocket to shoot a dog that was following him. In doing so the weapon was discharged, the ball enter ing his left breast and lodging between the ribs under the arms. Harris' recovery is thought to be doubtful.?Herald. Urafton. A great many Grafton people expect to attend tne State Sun day School Convention at Clarks burg. Eleven licenses were granted by the Mayor and county court to sell liquor at retail and one to sell beer at wholesale in Grafton, which enriched the city treasury $3,400 and the State school fund gets f3,950. The bachelors of Grafton have - been happy since they heard Belva Lockwood last Saturday night, and are making prepara tions to lay siege to and win the bands and hearts of the fair maidens, and no doubt the wed ding bells will be ringing soon? if the girls are willin'.? Ex. Many of the girls who mettl.e foreign naval officers at Hampton Roads asked them for their epau lets, sashes, side arms, etc., for souvenirs of the occasion. The officers doubtless had their own opinion of these daring young women. A LEADER Since its first introduction, Electric. Bitters lias Rained rapidly in popular favor, until uow it is dearly in tne lead among pure mcdioinal tomes andnltcra tlvcs?containing nothing 'which per mits its uso as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will euro sick headache, indigestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottlo or tho money will lie refundod. Price only SOo peT bottle. Sold bv Clayton 4 Dent - Mrs. Geo. W. Pool, has re turned from a visit to her par ents. at Clarksburg. The prospects now are. that work will be commenced on the new railroad in a very short time. Maj. J. W. Heavner, Dr S. C. Rusmisell and W?. Post, directors, went over the proposed route a few days ago and suc ceeded in satisfactorily arranging | for right of way; and that 1m portantwork being accomplished, j the other preliminary arrange ments can be completed in a| short time.?Delta. There are 3,000,000 bachelors in this country, and most of them old. This single thing shows that marriage is going out of fashion. Miss I. A. Bartlett. one of the firm of J. C. Bartlett & Co.. of West Milford, W. Va... has purchased a large and tine stock ol millinery goods, and after several weeks' exeperince and careful instruction under a com petent milliner in the east, she feels sure she can give perfect' satisfaction in the way of trim ming nobby and stylish hats. Her prices will be extremely low as she will have no extra ex penses. such as rents, &c. The friends and patrons of this well known establishment will save money and a long ride to town by purchasing their hats of Miss Bartlett. Will have city patterns at the store May 5. 25tf An English manufacturer says be mads 838 corsets for men in one year. Do you call those things men? We have just printed a lot of new blank warranty deeds, with the new form of acknowledgment. They are printed on triple extra white bond paper, and tney have no superior in the State. - Each deed is on a sheet 8$x28 inches. One dozen. 60 cts.. by mail. tf Dr. George M. Holt. Dentist, will be in his Clarksburg office May 1st, and remain 30 days 36-tf Best Grade Cabinet Pliotogr >plis well mounted, Artiato Paper, Flue, Finish?ThomfsohBbos.,Cor. Pike and Chestnut. There is nothing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that Rives me us muoh relief as Chamberlain h Pain Balm does. I have been using it for about two years?four bottles in all?as oooas ion required, and always keep a bottle of it in my home. I believe I know a good thing when I get hold of it, end Pain Balm is the best liniment I have ever met with. D. B. Denny, dairyman. New Lexington. Ohio. SO cent bottles for sale by H. L. Wells. m If it is an consolation to wait ing Democrats we would say there is plenty of room for good citizens in an unofficial capacity. The promptness and certainty of its onres have mode Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy famous. It is intended espec ially for oougliB, oolds. croup and whoop ing coughs, and is the rnoBt effectual reu edy known for these diresses. Mr. C. B, Main, of Union City, Pa., says: "I have a great sale on Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. I .warrant every bottle and have never heard of one failing to to give entire satisfaction." SO cent bottles for sale by H. U Wells. m. Positive Bargains in Men's Ladies1, Misses and Children's Shoes and Rubbers at John T. Griffin's. tf. Cures Sick Headache Orcroomaa EST you ardour* It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Scotfs Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in thr children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps them from taking cold and it will do the same for you Scott's Enulslon cares Congtu, fY Ji? Golds, Consumption, Scrofhln and A?T"/ all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevants wasting in children. Al most as palatable a> milk. Getonlr tbe genuine. Prepared by 8co? A Bowno, Ohomlsts, Now York. Sold by all DrnKrfsts. Emnklon SUBSCRIBE? TELEGRAM. PiDNEERWqRKS Sieam Enoines ?' colics cirtr.uLARv - n ' Saw Mills etc. CLARKESSURGH.W.Va G. W. & H. M. SHUTTEWORTH. JDZE-AJLiiEiaS X2KT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, SALT, NAILS, TIMOTHY SEED AND GARDEN SEEDS. ZWUL S WWRWVVLZKm WALL PAPER, SYRUPS, OILS, MO LASSES, FLOUR AND MEAL. PRODUCE BOUGHT. coe. ovr^iisr sz steeet. Goods Delivered Free in the City. Hursev ^ Insurance ** Agency ' 1 ' * f$] 5?? * ? v hpR LEE H.VANCE, Proprietor. ' ' VT/T** T~''- 'YT *** * ? "* All the Best Companies Prompt Payment Oi Losses. Pike Street, .... Clarksburg Wanted! White Oak Planks, Walnut. Poplar, Ash Logs and Lum ber, Staves, Etc. PRICE & CO. Office and Yards near B. & O. Depot. Clarksburg. W. Va. *?????? I I II I 1 DrilCUDCD WK flBABASTEE A CUBE /jT U I I I * ntmtlnDtK una Invito tlm mwt ?I curt'ful investigation as toour resiionsibll | | lty and the incrlu of our Tablet*. I TtrnSom?Lg | Double Chloride of. Gold Tablets Will completely destroy the desire forTOBACCO in from 3 toB days. Perfectly burin - less; cause no slckuess, and may bo given inn cup of tenor coffee without tho knowl edge of tlie patient, who will voluntarily atop smoking or chewing in a few days. DRUNKENNESS ani MORPHINE HABIT out any effort on tho'purtof the patient, by the uso of our SPECIAL FORMULA dOLD CURB TABLETS. During treatment patients are allowed tho free nso of Liquor or Mor phine until such time as they shnll voluntarily give them up. Wo send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall be glad to place sufferers from any of theso habits in communica tion with personswho have been cured by tbeuseof ourTABLETS HILL'S TABLETS nro for sale by all first-class druggists ut S I .OO per package. If your druggist does not keep them, enclose us $ | .00 and wo will send you, by return mail, a package of ? . Tablet*. Write your name and address plainly, and atato whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morphine or I liquor Habit. DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchasing any of the various nostrums that are being , offored for sale. Ask for TTTT.T.Jtjt TABLETS and take no other. Manufactured only by from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill s Tablets. OHIO CHEMICAL CO, 61.53 A 65 Opera Block LIMA, OHIO. PARTICULARS FREE. Tjie Ohio Chkmical Co.: Dear Sir:?I bavo been using your cure for tobacco habit, and found it would do what you claim for it. I used ten cents worth- of the strongest chowlng tobacco a day, _ and from one to live cigars; or I would sinoke t from ton to lorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-five years, and two packages of your Tablets cured mo so I have no desire for it. B.M.JAY LOUD, Leslie, Mich. Dobbs Febbt, N. Y. The Onio Chemical Co.:?GentlemenSome time ago I sent for 91.0U worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 reoelved , mom all right and, although I was both a heavy smokerand chewer, they did tho work in loss than three days. Iamcurod. > ? Truly yours, MATIIEW JOHNSON,P. O. Box 48. _ V! Pittsburgh, Pa. The Ohio Chemical Co.:?Gentlemen:?It gives me pleasure to speak a word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to tho uso of liquor, and through a f riend, I was led to try your Tablets. Ho was a heavy and constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, nd will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four month before writing i, lu order to know tlio euro was permanent. Yours truly, n,an*i MRS. HELEN MORRISON# ,A? CINCINNATI, ohio. ? ?.ni" Chemical Co :?Gentlemen Your Tablets havo performed a miraelo in my case, t morphine, hypodermically, for seven yeftrs, and have been cured bytbeuseof two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. lotkgay. Address all Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., 01, 83 and OB Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO, ? ??????????????? EUAl. 0 A