Newspaper Page Text
rPftBT FIRST. Snaga] Clarksburg Demoted to Practical Information, gome flews, Pu VOL. XXXII.?NO. 27. LARCE8T CIRCULATION pnj|f|rO I Tft J in Central West Virginia |i T Auto I 111 4 evelopment of Virginia's Resources ??? CLARKSBURi 19. 1833. WHOLE NO. 158] : "Welcome, Editors and : Templars." 1 ho sessions of the"Association ^r<3g decidedIy interesting and every West Virginia^ditor who failed to be there missed a treat. The next annua] meeting of the Association will be held in the city of Wheeling on the second Wednesday of May. 1894. ? The following officers were elected : President-Stuart. P. Reed! Clarksburg Telegram. Vice-President?W. S. Wiley. Wetzel Democrat. Recording and Corresponding Secretary?H. L. Snyder. Sbep berdstown Register. Treasurer?W. H. Morgan. Morgan town Post. Historian?A. B. Clark, Buck ?annon. Orator?F. Vernon Aler, Mar tinsburg World. Poet-Robert McEldowney, Wetzel Democrat. Delegates to the National Press Association. W. L. Mansfield, Wayne News. bntinet. Parkersbur& imw. B?yer' Martinsburg Alternates. George M. Fleming, Buckhan 'on Banner. R ?/_Pura8? Wellsburg News. Krm. r,uMorlw- Farmers' Ad Wcat'< Charlestown. ? * kereH R' E' Hornor- of the Par Pro -a1** ^enline^> the retiring Present, was the recipient of a ES?me compHment in the Bpmk? a resolution in which the "embers gave an expression of tervi? ty aPPreciation of his dent f?S I"" conduct while presi for three consecutive years. ? ? toJhUrSday even'n8f ? ban the Pit-43 tendered the editors by of tb? 'ZfnS and newspaper men arran II Was magniflcently s 2fi and unPara"6'led so foo,] ! dainty luxuries and Th \a8s were concerned. (ecf rations and flowers Iroj 6autiful- About one hun ie to"u,0sts were present At J0, j'"l?fJ?e largest table sat ,f cerem^'? stenhaver' master BornorA168 an.d near him Mr icd on i,i?"e retiring president, "d the n, fi Senal?r Faulkner president elect. the state editorial as. SOCIATION Holds An Interesting Session at Martinsburg. N Wednesday and Thursday of last week the West Virginia Editorial Asso ciation held its annual meeting in the city of Martinsb u r g. Til e weather was perfectly lovely and the Martinsburg citizens bad left undone nothing that tended to add to the comfort and enjoyment of the assembled kniRhts of the quill. ? Altogether it was one of the most successful sessions of the association ever held in the State. The Knights of Templars of West Virginia also held their annual conclave in the city at the same time. The principal streets of Mar tinsburg were elaborately deco rated with bunting and flags, and across the main one there was stretched an artistic motto bear iig the words : The toasts were eloquent and appropriate, and the festivities lasted until 2 a. m.. closing by the entire assemblage singing "Auld Lang Syne." On the fol lowing day the editors visited the historic Antietara battle field and in the evening started to visit the World's Pair and attend* the National Editorial Associa tion at Chicago. We clip the following from the Pocahontas Times: "About ten years ago Abe Rankin, of the lower part of this county, was taking a young lady a boat riding on the -sweet Greenbrier.' and a small boy of eleven splashed them and was promt, tly spanked by Rankin. The boy, whose name shall! not be mentioned, vowed vengance and that he would thrash him on arriving at the age of twenty-one. The other day be was of age, and made Rankin come up to the scratch and to such an extent that the young man was a second time most surely done up." The Sentinel says that the edi tor of the Greenbrier Banner should change the date line of his paper once a year at least. It has never been changed since September oth, 1892. ? ^ ~? Janrlsrillt. Perine Post No. 85. G. A. R. at Jarvisville, W. Va., desires to inform the public that their an nual memorial sermon will be preached at Mount Olive, U. B. church on the 28th of May at 10;30 o'clock by Rev, S. A. Shanabarger, of Buckhannon, have been made to have speakers to address the people in additiop to the regular services on that day The Post cordially invites the public generally to turn out and participate in honoring our noble dead. S. Norman, Commandery. The Two Extremes. The highest salaried postmas ter in West Virginia is Post master W. J. W. Cowden, of Wheeling, whose salary is 83,100, exclusive of clerk hire, of course, and the other' extreme is found in the postoffice at Kedron, Upshur county, for the manage ment of the affairs of Which Post master W. M. Steele receives from the government the muni ficent sum of 41 cents a year. There are a large number of offices in the State which pays less than a dollar a week, but Mr. Steele's closest competitors for the distiction of receiving the smallest federal salary of any man in the State are G. Kimble, at Amanda. Grand county, where the yearly salary is $1.01: Homer S. Cain, at Howard's Lick, Hardy county, who receives $2.00 per annum; JasR. Parrish, a'.Festus, Marion county, whose annual salary is $2.11, and Ann R. Tet rick, at Barney. Marion county, who receives for her yearly ser vices a stipend of $2.45. A charter has been issued to the Panther Pork Railroad com pany. tie road to begin near Bean's Island in Upshur county and run along the western waters of the Middle Pork river and Jenk's Pork of said river and its branches in Randolph county. The principal office is to be kept at Buckhannon and the capital stock is $5,000. Mr. Prank T. Feamster. of Muddy Creek, Greenbrier county, cut a popular tree recently that made nine saw logs twelve feet long and made 12,060 feet of I lumber. _ _ Dashaway.?What are you tak ing all your winter clothes to Chicago for? You won't need them while you are there, will ^ Travel's.?No; but I niay after I have paid my hotel bill. STATEJJ30ALS. West Virginia Happenings | Culled from Exchanges. A utile child of Chas. Baffle's, of Philippi, was killed by a horse j last Thursday evening. ? Mr,| Saffie had just returned from mill| and had turned the horse in the yard to eat grass, when the child came near him and was killed. The corner stone of the now government building was laid at j Martinsburg Friday afternoon.: A millltary company, fifty strong, has been organized at Elkins. E. P. Durkin is Cap tain. Near Bhepherdstownl bu a re cent night, dogs killed twelve sheep belonging to Dan Coolt. Cook caught the dogs and hanged them. A might or two later twenty-one sheep belonging to Col. H. B, Davenport, of,Charles Town, and fifteen belonging to Henry Smith were killed. The J owners of the sheep killed the dogs. Jas. Henry, colored, was ar rested at the White Sulphur! Springs on Monday last, and taken to Charleston, where he is wanted to answer au indictment for stabbing a colored man. who has since died. Jim lived in Lewisburg until recently. A number of Uniontown capi talists have purchased a tract land near Fairmont 1 they paid 175,000. Th bought as an inves gentlemen do no velop it. A wolf week, by a gentleman named George. It is the first one that has been seen in that section for a long time. Charley McClung, of Green brier county, was killed by a fall ingtree a few days ago. The tree was a small one, only four inches in diameter, and an acci dent of this sort was not expected from it. John Show fell from a railroad culvert near Martinsburg Satur day and fractured his skull. He died in a few hours. S. Simmons, of Roane county, while riding a horse, Monday, was struck by a falling tree and | oadly injured. Pineapples are very cheap now and are a very desirable break fast fruit. The day's meals; can be fittingly started with oranges, strawberries or pineapples; all most reasonable in price and in perfect condition. But a caution is needed. Don't be too profuse in the use of sugar with these fruits. A little is not objection able, but too much neutralizes the acid of the fruit, which the system needs, and in some cases | craves. ? That Chicago man who was fined $100 for attempting to hang his wife the other day deserved all he received. Any man who would spend $100 in such a man ner when he could get a divorce for $25, deserves to be disciplined by the courts.?Chicago Diipatch. Mr. Charles L. White, a stu dent from Princeton College, will preach in the First Presbyterian church on next Sabbath evening at 7:30. The public are respect fully invited to attend. Rev. W. E. Powell and Rev. 1 E. Peters will leave next Sati day for Denver. Colorado, to i tend as delegates the Geneioi Association of the Baptist ch u rch. ?State Journal. ? Visit the wonderful, Kickapoo medicine man now located at Clarksburg, his stay is for 3 I weeks, commencing May lath. Consultation and advice is free. ! Don't be discouraged because others have failed to do you < he has benefitted others an certainly do you good. Hard man. ilsosburg. on the 12th of May. 1893. bloom of early th has called the ghter and sister er from earth to land beyond. The Ifctes and friends mpathy with the nd and relatives liavo thus been the shadows of the first to break circle, yet she was was an excellent iaving united with the pe M. E. Church, quite d she bore her sufTer out a murmur. She hind an infant daughter husband, who was ever willing to do ail he to comfort his wife. The d and relatives thank le Lodge, No. 12, Ancient Order of United Workman, of Clarksburg, which the husband of the deceased was a member, far the beautiful wreath of flowers sent as a token of love ffijTesteem. The heart-broken of Ida. who held her as the jewel of his flank, has the sympathy of the entire com munity. May he so live that his | laatxlays will be his best days. Z. E. D. Tom Barry?Well. Ten Broke isolved to give up the world, >h, and the devil. elope?I suppose you mean at he is going to give and New clphia. Col. McMnhoii's Generous Offer to the | We?t Ylrelnln L'nlversltj Ktndviitx. Cliarlestown W.Va. Free Press: Col. Richard Randolph McMahon, of this county??whose principal law office is in Washington, and who is eminent in law andletters ?will give prizes to students of the West Virginia Univerity for excellence in the military and literary departments, and has in vited Hons. W. H. Travers, W. L. Wilson and John W. Mason to he a judgment committee, and they have accepted. We have only space for the letter of Col. Mc Mahon. His example is worthy of emulation: "Harper's Fkrry W. Ya.,f March 10, 1893. ] "E. M. Turner LL D., President of the West Virginia University. "My Dear Sir: As a mark of my appreciation of the good work done by the university, and de sirous to encourage the praise worthy-emulation which impels young men in their eU'orts forsuc cess and superiority, I propose and hereby ofl'er to the university two prizes: "One of $25 in gold to be awarded on commencement day to the student who shall have written the best article on thff following subject: "What was Shakespeare's religion?" Com petition for this prize to bo limi ted to students who shall have spent not le.?| than three years in the university. "A second prize of $25 in gold, likewise to bo awarded on com mencement day, to the student standing highest in the military department of the university. This will admit to competition students of the senior as well as the junior class. "I have asked three distin guished gentlemen of our State to act as judges in the prize contest, and they have consented to do so with very great pleasure. "These gentlemen are Hon. f William L. Wilson, Hon. William I 11. Travers and Hon. John W. Masion. "Upon their decision, aB rend ered to the faculty, the prizes are to Ije awarded. "I leave for Washington in the | morning to attend court, and will thank you to communicate with me at my office there or at the; I'niversitv Club. I am, very | faithfully, yours, "Richard B. McMahon." I 1 ??El -1 Seats on sale at Nusbaum's book store for Col. Kemple's | lecture. .Secure them early. STATE S. S. CONVENTION. The WostVirginio State Sun day School Convention met at Goft Chapel, this city, on Tues day evening of this wock at " :80 p. m. On Wednesday morning the meeting was largely attended from different parts of tho State. The president. Hon. B. F. Martin, was unable to be present on account cf sickness and Rev. Moore, of Grafton, was elected president protem and called to the choir. The first on tho pro gram was the appointment of committees. The reports of offi cers was then road and approved. The Societies reported the work to be in a fairly good condition. The reports from tho Held was heard, which showed that groat work was being accomplished throughout our own State. The Secretary's repdrt showed tho d ifferent denominations to bo represented as follows: Baptists? Ministers 7, Dole gatesS ; United Brethern?Dele gates 2; Methodist Protestants Ministers 2, Delegates 8; Luth eran?Ministers 1. Delegates 2; j S. D. Baptist?Ministers 1; Pres byterian?Ministers 1, Delegates 3; M. E.?Ministers 13. Delegates 40; M. E. South?Ministers Delegates 2. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres. Prof T. C. Miller; 1st. vico pre&ident J. L. Huffman; 2d. vice-president II. C. McVVortor; Reed. Secy. W. B. McGregor; Statistical Secy. W. M. BUir; Treasurer Alex Zeck; Chairman itive Committee A. H. Rohr M. W. Rider, J. Beddow, C. M. Thompson, Taylor Richmond, A. B. Rolirbaugb, L. W, Roberto, It. B. E?aos. A. Moore, W. E. Powoll. A. M. Bennett, O. A. Madison, D. 8. Boggs, L. N, Colli old, A P. Sturm, B. D. Mnlione. I. A. lumen, O. W. Bent, O. Poling. W. H. Niokolson, J, L Hnlmu, A. F. Richardson, D. L. Ash, J. D. Simmons. R Steele. ltov. O. U. Marplo, L. W. Holden, The list of delegate* in attendance is ns follows: Myrtle Porter, for* Hopkins, B. F. Taylor, Frank A. Scott, M. L. Riulett, Mre.S.K. Arbultmot, W. B. MoGregar Mrs. Sarah Fortney Marv Harris. Mrs. L. A. H. Doyle J. W. Conneli, L Whitmearrer, Mrs. A. J. Stone, Herman Taylor. M. A. Kendall, Mrs. Mollis Pugb, Mattie Shaffer, Miss M. A. Dunn, Miss W. M,.Tarvis, J. W. K. Hayes, O. Whitescarver, W.H. Murdouk, H. D. Boughiier, L. D. Gall* Chan. P. Guard, C. L. Guard, W. 8. Post, * M. A. Mabone, L. A. Yerkey, Abraham Gain, 0. M. Walter, L. W. Brown, Lida Proudfoot, Nettie Prris, _ Anna Rendle, J. J. Strotber, E. O. Tetriok, J). J. Gibson, Ida M. Anderson, W. H. Murdoek, Amanda Urant, Abba Sinsel, Ada Bobhison, A. J. Hsrdman, W. O. Moore, A. F. Rolirbaugh, E. I- Ireland, E. C. Hall, J. W. Wilson, D. G. Law. Rosa B. Hoff, F. S. Byrer, J. N. Pierpoint, Dollio Lowther, U. F. Flanagan, P. A. Htrickler, Mrs. 0. P. Guard, A. J. Hammoud, J. Robinson, M. L. Law, Delia Pratt, Luda Barnes, J. Ash, J. W. Young. Miss Harris, Jennie Pickens. D. W. Rector, 0, Humble. The members of the convention were pleased to soe Hon. B. F. Martin able to be preseat at Thursday's session. He spoke at length on the work of the Suuday School and gave some interesting information. The convention took up tho Sunday closing of the World's Fair and passed a resolution pro testing against the opening of the Exposition on Sunday. Says The New York Sun: "We learn from a medical contempor ary that there is one doctor to every 2,800 inhabitants in Ger many, one to 2,600 in France, one to 1,000 in England, and one to (100 in the United States. We learn further that in this blessed land there are now about 20,000 medical students, including den tal, pharmaceutical, and veterin ary. All of our doctors make a living; a good proportion of them grow wealthy and we are assured that there are six or seven medi cal millionaires of the regular faculty in this city alone. Yet we live in a tolerably healthy country." *'i"*rl?l Nfrrlcrs. p??t. H . ;, ? Hot Okrksburg, aod a11 th? soldiers i? general! at?GrI ? A1"'* req"est?i to meet , t,rand Army Hall, on I>iko street, on Sunday, the 28th inst.. SM Or ock ?? m.. to attend Tli ?? sorvic? in a body. hosorv.^s will be conducted by the Rev. 13. B. Evans, at doff Oh?pe 1 It i8 earnestly requested that all the members of Uio Post attend promptly, u ls ttls0 further requested that all the members of the Post and all the old soldiers in general, meet at , o G?'d Ar?y Hall on Tues day .May 30th, .t 1 o'clock p. for the purpose of decorating the soldiers graves and conduotinir momorin1 services in accordance with the Ritual of the OAR The soldiers will be formed in Hoe in front of the G. A. R. Hall and wil! march from thore to the ; ?" P- Cemetery, where tho services will be conducted by the properofflcers, and from there the soldiers will be marched to the couh house, whero addresses will be made suitable for tho 0(. casion by prominent speakers. - By order of the Committee. I? Klancing over some old flies our attention was suddenly riveted upon the following poem from the versatile pen of Col. Robert McEldowny. who was last week elected pool of the West Virginia Editorial Associa tion. Tho poom ha.- a nappy allusion to our townsman ex Congret sman Bon. Wilson, Capt Dovener and Gen. Hubbard. It appeared U the Wetzel Ucmocrat several years ago: lbZ?"?????- .boat 0 ? ^X'y"0on<{r,,Momon? <"? -dnn,-.(;'<!"0"r'p^ial "Older and the UH ... wl,0"P auJO,la,TjC?M? # L* TcfcbiB mind in in u Hurry anJ XV ?H?.n i?~ hi? ??5T d * AuW0n?r?pB^raH,,bb#rJi"tftndin? tb? ,a" ?r Will the Democrat* en at him will, . whoop Colonel Hon? Tour Own IVop^ I'ramTlt. Messrs. HeaLKY & 11ICELOW np... cm NTer haven. Conn.: ueak Sir:?I havo been afflict ed for a number of years with a , rere,CfUilrrh' P?'? n>v head r^.arrh Went t0 ray h.-art.acd worn there to my stomach, and I was pronounced to have catarrh "lthMtoma?.h- 0011,(1 oat noth IrmaT ?Ut ret,s' and k88 in great misery. I was almost dis,. couraged when I visited the In dian Doctor, and was persuaded d?nnrjRa ttle of Kickapoo In 1 havo usoil it about a week. Caa now eat any ""D? withoft'he least distress, and have gained so rapidly that te^nottaketen times what the medicine cost me for what it o^nlTk Vd0nl- 1 consider it one of the grandest medicines I have ever seen, and take groat P'ea?"re "i recommending it to ail afflicted with the diseases t\s recommended to cure. J. W. Floyd, Sk., mi. , Fairmont. ? 'a?ous medicino man can bSiST fnt aDd'an,viUa-e- Clarks Vm'i- i< weeks commencing May 1j. Consultation free. THE LATEST HAltKETS. N*w Yokk, May 8, 181)3 QUOTATIONS OF HEEVJ5S. 98 60 @$5 75 P^\t? P"?0 * 5 @ 5 55 ['5s? *? ? 5 15 on r. :?1 . vw ;? 15 n gn Common to medium t 30 m j )0 i!,.n . f*?'18 :l 4 (15 Italia and dry i-own.. , ... Average to day, estimated 5 20 <ra hxtreme range of prices.. 4 30 M 5 7.5 Good to prime .teen sold one year ago ?t ?4 35(084 60; tho average prioe was estimated at (4 25. BEEVES?Receipts for twodaya were Sftt oars-818 oars consigned direct to OmSThK" ^ 0aTa1 ,or exP?rt alivo to l. . T! u' 1Ui1 80<?r?forthe mar i"VT f- tho heaviest of w""".' "t'Ha'DRaScursof "stillers" from Kentucky and Fennsylvauia.