Newspaper Page Text
mteplcmnn Cared. f kmdif'i Narw Tonic, ith th. w^2?zl?i2 deeptown, and helie.e that lt (,u~v?" pmiouef for entering humanity ?*u' ? kkkank.p..^ r?c u. j'tilor koenif. norw tonlo n ehlhh iey that he had .uim frt^\?i?s? 2* ??" u4 pain through hi. wnoto bodv^^^"*4 ?u botue be m eauralv ourol. n,to* JOHN w. oaklllib, Merchant. My wife enfferod tor a ooznber of violent uervoaraoig and 8p?tit hiin,?z^?? j?p?? 1 , lua for doctor* ud 4o4* FRETfe"**-"* jwj KOENIC meo CO.. Ohlcago,!?. soldbrdrue-ri?UKt41rH-i-umttr. oil! torsesl?*.^r-,~ ?n Consumption Surely Cured. ??? *e*?e of ?r 3^nsfi^f ; your i?tilot who ham comnmnmnntt.v 7 ,f ?en J me their eiprena end P. o j*7 wlj. i. A huxiull, 1[? jsftsi"w nOOT and Shoe Shop. re d pairing promptly done. Good stock, rates reasonable a <5 Wells. One door east of Lowndes dr7xt~t0ddt~ Anti-bilious or Liver Pills. in use OVER sixty vpadc i?evcr &&&6S&them laughlin s Worm Syrup, A pehfeot vesmipugb For the desj^ng of Worms. I ""^^SSS^SSSSS! ?o ,h. iwent.y-FIVR '-aughun'S" ? BsaiaWteai la, bettph'S. A POSITIVE cure for PiLES. mum USE i OVER ? w wyearsjb f8imple. &0ht, soc. , effective. pet wonderful. aox< it.-tat testimonials. jb jelled ?? j receipt of prioc. i ttOPFAUNE llpll jpj?i of hwdftphfl pwmln ?antl ttl? <tkagod'? blmgin'p mSltrn^? hav<> eufl>ml, say ??????. %tra FOR ii' ihkit,,!. iw. min.jclc. For h? effect.. ciirpcertalnl wtilun sj? ss?*lt ^smell j5 ceate. linirli ? ^ ? fOUTZ5 S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER9 So llnwra will die of Colic. Both or Ltrso 7? tw, it Fonts'* Powder* are t?ed In time. Fotttrt Powd tr* wM wre nnd prevent Boo Cbotjou. Font*'* Powder* will prevent Gaps* tx Fowia Fontz'i Powders will Increase the quantity of mH* tnd creivra twenty per conu and make the butter m Md IWCflt. Foatx* Powders will enre or prevent almost e **nl Diakauk to wlileh Ifoi>e* And < attic are *ob)?ct. forrz"# Pownroa will give S at isr actio*. grtM overywhrre. ^AVU) E. FOUTZ, Proprietor. SALTntOBS. T,rn For Sale by A. C Rector & Bro. "A1UKKIS?gives Instant I relief and is an InfuIItblo Cure for Pile*. Price 81. By Druggists or mall. Samples iftoeTAddrea^AKAKESiS, Box 2410. Mew York City. PILES leuseAlcoho , MJ pro alcohol to moke Wolpt'b Acsin 1 ' ackiso. Alcohol is good for leather; ':? P>ocl for the ekin. Alcohol is the chit! iiKrcdientof Cologne, Florida Wster, and }?y Bom the well known face washes. 1 o think there is nothing too costly to us? in a good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retails at 20c. md at that price sells readily. Manj j wplo are so accustomed to buy i ng a d rins ing or blacking at 6c. and 10c. a botlb. ' |tat they cannot understand that a black *> '"Scan bo cheap at 20c. Wewanttomeet them with cheapness if we can, and to nc compliah this we offer a reward of $10,000 J* a rccipo which will enable us to mnlrn Wolff's Ache Blackt.'o at such a print jhat a retailer can profitably sell it at lOr. a L ,"'<>? Wo hold this offer open uutif jL 1st, 1893. WOLFF & BAHDOLPH, Philadelphia. Or Ulf Uf^vtor HabltjPoafc '""Uiiml bjr ?utmlnUU-rlnc Or. ?JUnn' VcMra mwlllc. ^vtsmrfuSl^iMSSmU * Subscribe for the Telegam, ' Ivest"^'11^ PaPer 'n Central An {nascent Urnmmer. He bade his wile a tearful good by. "My love, my only one! The time will soon be here when I shall be in a position to snap my fingers as fate and set up as my own boss. Then we shall have no more of these cruel partings." "And you will be true to me?" '?As I always am," he re sponded. "You did not forget to put that photo vou had especi ally taken for me in my 'grip sack,' did you?" "Oh, dear, no! Are you sure you will look at it sometimes, love?" '?You wicked little doubter; you know I should be wretched with out at least such a precious sem blance of my pet to look at daily, nightly." Draw the veil of charity over his grief and the treachery of one In whom he had unbounded confidence. In brief, she, his only love, his pet, his wife, had secretly planned to make him ' 'wretched." She had taken that photograph from his gripsack, an l was gloating over his misery when he should discover that only memory remained to him, for the time being, of his darling's looks. "The dear follow, how he will scold me for the trick," she thought; "but I will send him the photo in the very first letter." Thus appeasing her conscience she waited for his first letter. It came from Chicago. "My heart's delight," it began. "Got here O. K. this a. m. Have been wrestling with the trade all day, and a tough time I've had of it. Weary and fagged, I have retired to my room, shut the gilded atmosphere of sin that envelopes this terrible city, and taken from my satchei yoar sweet picture. It is before me as I write. I shall kiss it when I have said my evening prayers. It will rest under my pillow. It is my one solace until I hold you, my sweet wife, in these faithful arms again." Thus far had she read, then she toppled over on the floor. What comfort she found there it is hard to say; but a great de termination rose within the stricken wife, who went out an hour later and sought' a tele graph office. Her husband had been saying his prayers abroad that evening, and when he got to his hotel about midnight his spiritual emotions received a rude shock by a telegram from-his "only love." It was elaborate for a dtspacth; but under the cii/cuin stances one could not expect an outraged wife to transmit her feelings by the slow mail. The despatch read: "You are no longer the only drummer who is not a liar, as you have always claimed. Let the fraternity make you their chief in the art. Had you taken the pains even to look for the photo you say your prayers to, you would have discovered that I had?to tease you?removed it. My faith in you is dead, dead!" The husband clutched his hair. "What the devil did I write to her, anyway?" he muttered. After a while his face cleared. "By Jove! I must have been piling on taffy. That's what a man gets tor trying to make a woman feel good! Poor little dear, what a fume She must be in! Lucky for me she gave her grievance away. What geese women are! Bless her little noddle, her faith shall be resur rected." , Forthwith he tele graphed to a knowing friend: "Send, me, first mail, photo of my wife. Beg, borrow, steal it somehow. Mum's the word. Will write particulars." About a week later, a drum mer. in dignified martyrdom, stood face to face with a stern but very wept-out wife. She expected to see him meek and humble, but he gazed upon her with scorn, and then parsed into his room in crushing silence. She was amazed. With quick NOW TRY THIS. It will cost yon nothing and will sore ly do you good, if you have a oougb, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid baik. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thine and under its use bad a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pense and learn for yourself just bow gooda thing it is. Trial bottle free at Clayton A Dent's drug store. Large size SOc and (1.00. 8 inpulse she foupwgfcf, thanking heaven he had not locked her out. ??Well!''she began, with waver ing courage. "what have you to say for yourself?" Coldly, cruelly he looked at her. "I?" he queried. "Yes, you." Woman, if it were not for the over mastering love I bear you, I should never, never look upon you more!" His face was convulsed with tragic suffering that was balm to her heart to witness, but she onlv sneered. "Can you explain the deception you tried to practice on me?" Can you obliterate the insult put upon your husband in that unwomanly despatch? A woman with so little confidence in her husband had bettor live alone. For my part I am not only dis gusted bnt disenchanted." He turned sorrowfully away and bowed his face in his hands. She approached him and laid the letter, which had caused her such grief, right under his eyes. "Read that; knowing you had no picture of mine, what was 1 to think?" "What any intelligent, right minded wife should have thought; you would have said to yourself: 'He is incapable of deceit; he has my picture anyhow.' I "But you did not have it" He looked at her with sad, resigned sorrow. "Oh woman! without an atom of faith!" Then he vut his hand in his pocket and produced the photograph. "Oh! darling! Forgive me! You had my picture!. The old thing taken before we were en gaged! Why. I didn't know you ever had one of these!" The restored confidence made her pretty blue eyes swim in tearful joy. She put her arms around him, asking his pardon, caressing even his coat collar!" '?My dear," said he, looking into her face with grave but lov ing reproach, "let this be a warning. Never doubt trie again, no matter what appearances may be. I can always look you squarely in the eyes and say, I am innocent." And she believed him. ? r > t I. "? ??VJ THE HOMELIEST AUK D} Clarksburg us well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a rnmedy that in selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to re lieve and cure all ohronio and Acute cough s, Asthma, Bronchitis and Oon sumpt ion. Large bottles 50 ots. and $1. The National "Bankrnptcj" Delusion. If the editors who are assert ing that the Nation is on the verge of ''bankruptcy" would take the trouble to acquaint themselves with the situation '.hey would quickly discover the baselessness of such statements. The National debt of the United States is only about a third as great now as it wa9 at the close of the war, while population of the country is double what it was then, and its ability to carry a debt without feeling it triple as great as it was at that time. In public and private indebtedness | of all sortsthe tendency is stead ily downward. Men do not owe as much as they did ten, twenty or twenty-five years ago, and the interest which they pay on what they do owe'and the general ex pense of carrying it are less than they were in the past. Moreover, men can carry a debt more con veniently than they ever could before, because the general wealth of the community is larger than it evel- was in the past, and it is more widely distributed. Wages are higher than they were in 1805 or 1870, and these wages, in proportion to their ex tent, will go farther in supplying the Individual wants than they would then. The average worker, that is to say. gets more dollars for his labor than he got twenty or twenty-five years ago. and each of these dollars will buy for him more of the necessities and luxuries than it would at those dates. The wealth of the coun try, if divided up equally between its inhabitants, would have given each man, woman and child 8514 in 1860, $780 in 1870, 8870 in 1880, and about $1,000 in 1890. The figures.of the deposits in savings show that this growth in wealth is shared by the poorer as well as by the richer classes in the community. The number of de r ipally or the factory and laboring element of the popula tion. is growing faster than the aggregate of the inhabitants. In surance figures which give the number of small policies that are being taken out tell a similar story of the increase in the com fort and prosperity of what are called the poorer classes. The heavy gold exports and the recent financial flurry are all evidences to the pessimists and featherheads that the country is in a bad way at this time and growing worse. Gold goes out chiefly because the balance of trade is against us for the time being, and one reason of this condition of things lies in the unusually heavy imports. The fact that we are buying largo quantities of goods abroad and are paying for them promptly is not necessarily an indication of poverty. Indeed, it might, in certain exigencies, be an indica tion of prosperity. The princi pal reason why money is low in the Treasury is the placing of sugar on the free list, by which the people have been saved be tween 150.000.000 and $00.000,000 a year. Poverty is not brought about in this way. Let the grumblers and the demagogues take an intelligent look at the situation and they will find that their vaporings are out of order. The country, on the wholo, is in as prosperous a condition as it was in three or four years ago, and is much more prosperous and solid industrially and financially than it was in the "good old days" of 1865, 1870 and there abouts which the agitators and the impracticables are so con stantly talking about?St. Louis Olobe.Deinocrat. While Mr. T. 3. Richey, of Altona, Mo., im traveling in Kansas he was taken violently ill with cholera morbus. He called at a draft storo to Ret some medicine and the drugaiM n"0? mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtca Remedy so highly bo concluded to try \t The result waa immediate wilier, and a few doses cured him completely. It IB made for bowel complaint and nothing else. It never fails. For sale by H. L. Wells. m If you feel wnaii and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Special Notice. A grand doublo entertainment winuu r," ??? n Saturday night. May 2<th Everything will be new and a good time is promised. DR. DRBMMONDS UGHTNINO Remedy for Rheumatism bus received the unqualified endorsement of the medical facility as being a safe and re makably efficient preparation for the relief and speedy cure of Rheamat am. Its work is so speedy and miraonlous that benetlt is felt from the first dose, and one warranted to cure any ordinary ease. Sold by druggists. Trice $S for large bottle, or sent by prepaid exnresB on receipt of price by l)ruin mond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 23tf The Republicans carried Cum berland by an average majority of 281. and elected four council men. Money Well Spent. When you buy a bottle of Sagwa. It will renovate your system; place your liver and stomach in a healthy condition and make you feel better than you ever felt before. It is nature's own remedy; probably your neighbor has tried it; he can tell you what it has done for him; everybody praises it; for sale at the Indian village, Duncan lot, Main street, Clarksburg. l,ook Here! A beautiful present will be given to the handsomest iady and one to the homeliest man at the Indian village, Clarksburg. Satur day night, May 27th. A prominent New York journal says'that there lives a man in Webster county, W. Va.. by the name of Whorton, aged 89 years, whose hair and beard are turn ing from white to black, fie is said also to be cutting a new set of teeth. His appearance is said to indicate a man of about 40 years instead of one nearly 80. The New York reporter seems to know more about West Vir ginia than our own people. The Teusobau'b circulation during tbe last six month", is without a pre oedent in the history of journalism in Clarksburg. We do not ask you to look at the list of names orfigures only, hat after looking at the names you are requested to visit tl>a press room and see the papers. Our guarantee is that we print and send through tbe Postoffloe more newspapers than any other paper in the oounty. tf m i ? ' Another grand exhibition will be given at the Indian village next Saturday night. A lot of new features will be introduced. Y. P. S.C.E. COLUMN. The Telegram's Weekly Com ments on the CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR LESSON Baptist churoh Frid?j night, Juno 2, Mr. J. It. Adauis. leader; Presbyterian churoh every Buuday waning at 7:80 p. m. T?mc.-BIW? U?1 of rliamcUr. Prov. iiil llTtraJI.U. The Bible is not only a book of faith, but al?o of practice; not only a book of doctrines. but all*) of moral* and of principles. It illustrates ideal charac ter*. It also describes thctn. In our topical referencon we huve two such de scription*. Tlie first is the description of an ideal wife, in which an ideal char acter i? portrayed. Hie second la con tained in Paul's advice to Timothy, "Study to show thyself approved unto Qod, a workman that needeth not to 1*> ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. ii. 15). 1. Tho true fonndation of character, by the Bible ideal, Is in God. This truth is contained in both tlie descriptions lie tro ns. The ideal wife is described as io who "feared the Lord," and Paul exhort* Timothy to study to show him self approval unto God. The highest and noblest ideal of character can never bo reached without n firm faith in God and adosireto be like God. Man's high cat duty is to servo God, and character can only be high aa we fulfill our high est duties. More than this, if duty to God is faithfully fulfilled, our other duties, those to onr fellow men, in all re lations will also bo filled. No man can be true to God without being true to all men. "Fear of tho Lord," therefore may well be called tho truo foundation of human character. 3. The essential qualification of char acter by the Blblo Ideal is tho faithful performance of duty in the various rela tions of life. Tills la also Illustrated in the examples before ns. Tho ideal worn an was faithful to her God, faithful to hor husband, faithful to her children faithful to tho needy and helpless about her, faithfnl to her homo duties and to tho duties of all business relations. Paul exhorts Timothy to bo faithful to God and to His ministerial work. Faithfnl porformanoo of all tho duties we owe God and man ennnot bnt develop a true character. Such faithfulness will re quire lovo, charity, humility, justice honesty, industry, strength and honor and fear of God. 8. Tho results of such a character by tho Blblo aro pralso and just reward. Of the woman It is said: "Her childreu ariso and call her blessed; her husband also, and ho prnlseth her." "A woman t hat feareth tho Lord shall bo praised." "Civo her of the fruit of hor hands and lot her own works praise her in the gates. Thus wo bavo praise, honor nnd reward set forth aa tho result* of such a boauti ful character. So it is today. The world admires nothing more than a truo char acter. It is readier to praise and honor nothing more. Let us therefore imitate tho Bible ideal of character, especially ns exemplified In the only peritoct inodol man ever had?tho charactcrof the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Beferences?Gen. vi, 8; Dent, vil, 0; I Kings 8, (1; Ps. xv, 2; cxix, 1; Prov.xvi, 9; xxvlil, 1; Isa. llv, 18; lvll, IS; Math 8-12; Luke il, 25; John i, 47; Acts, xxvill, 2; xxil, 12; Horn. x\i, ID; Col. 11,5; U Cor. 1,12: vl. 8:1 Pet. v, 0; I John 111, 8; Bov. 17, 4. Good Manner* nnd Good Moral*. Good manners aro closely allied good morals; therefore proper behavior ought to bo enforced in Sunday schools Your anniversary or festival or regular servico is often marred by rude scholars. They think It shows "smartness" mako comments so loud aa to be heard for 20 feet aronnd, to set cat calls various outlandish noises going at very time when tho attention of the vout is centered tipon some sacred truth. These boys perhaps do not really mean to make themselves obnoxious. They are such bores that they cannot oonceivn how odious their conduct is to those who arc accustomed to the decencies at least, if not the refinements, of cultivated so ciety. How ought such boys to be treated? Some would meet them with public and sovere rebuke. But it Is bettor to reach them by a private and kindly word. Show them that to mar the pleasure of others Is really theft. These boys are presumably honest. They would soorn to rob any one of a quarter of a dollar, but they stool the time, patience and nerve force of teachers and hearers. Good manners are thus a part of hon esty. Tho bore may prove to be also thief.?Sunday School World. What the Junior* Should Know. An Important fact to place firmly In the mind of the children is that many good thing# are to lie had without money or price. Help them to think of and name some of these, such 08 loving fa thers and mothers, brothers nnd Bisters and good friends, a heavenly father's love and care, tho beautiful earth and sky, the birds and other natural beau ties and most of all an honest heart, willing hands, good principles and all that makes a true man or woman.? Golden Rule. Prayer Mooting Notebook. Jot down the themes for the next three month* in your notebook, giving each th*me a page of its own. Fix the sub ject and Bible verse in your mind a week before the meeting. Turn it over and over. Enter the thoughts and Bible passages in your notebook.?Christian World. Darkness. Throw on my pathway, Lord, a ray of light; Thciw heavy clouds shut oat Thyblmed sun. And thus I stumble when I fain would run On Thy dear errands. Lord, clear Thou ray sight: Muko plain ray way?before the coming night Wrap* me in utter darkness, work undone. Ko purposes fulfilled, aovlctory w on. 0 Clod of mercy, lead Thou me aright! Dear Lord, no light! More patience, then, X pray. For bitter circumstance surrounds my life, Itarring all progress. Hero I stand and wait thy bleated wtU. 1 know If Thou but Bay One word of peace, this barrier of strife {lust powerless fall. Dear Lord, I stand and r '/. wait. ? ?' ?New York Observer. a Aiuvwvruu r?mrAtrrtcv torn tatts, Oldest liuri-nu fur rccurln . t i(.<nt taken our. i> tiWpUbHOb/ftUOUOO glTU fcictttific, rouM>ti. tH'fnro olutrKa la tho ASK FOR Sehmufc, FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PACKAGES AT WILL NUSBAUM'S. For Sale! The property of the lute Dr. A. P. Barnes, at the North Rend Uailrood crossing, consisting of tho dwelling houso und seven ocres of land, is offered for salo. For terms apply to Henry Hay mond. lif Nov. 15. 1892. Here We Are. We have them alwnvs on hand LAWYERS. JUSTICES AND OTHERS Needing: Blanks, Deed", Warrants, Executions, Trust Deeds, Slibpie nus, Summons. Ahsract of Deeds, Forthcoming Bonds..1 ustice'sStay Bonds, Notice to Take Deposi tions; Constable's Sale, Notice to Trespassers, can be aceommo dated at the Tki.kuuam office. Our Blank Deeds are on Triple Extra White Bond Paper. Try them and von will use no others. Solentiflo American Agency for JAPANESE plUM CURE A now nod Complete Treatment oodkUUsk of Na|?|?onltori??M.rnpaul4'<4 of Ointment find IIoim of Ointment. A never-fjuHnK ('tiro for film of every nature ni id den m-o. it in nieo and ex cellent Iletuedy f..r ?Vninlo U?<akneMiirff nnd NPrvoM* Debility and iftAlwAyftolwneflt to thoftenorul health. It tnnkew on operation with the knife or injection* of c?rl>olin ntud, which ar? painful and expcuftivo, und *ehlom a permanent curonndftoinetimefi remitting In death, uoummm* nary hereafter. Why HUfffr from thin ter rible dlNeiwft when Wf xnarantcn 8 boxen to enre any etu?c If Yon only pay for tho benefit* yon receive, $1 per box, 8 for $5. (ianmnt??eH i??ned through our iitf?ntft. CONSTIPATION Jnpnmmr Liver PelletM theirroat M*BP mi.I Mtoinnrh llr-nlntor mat Hlood I'url fler, am they nrnnmiU!, mild nnd pleasant to take they Are especially adapted for children'* use. K)0o??23oU. (9) |For raIo py funninirhnm Bros., druggrl?t*v Third Hlreet, ClArkfcburg. W. Vb. CARTELS CURE BUIs Headache aad relieve all tbo troaMta loot* ?lent to a. bilious atatoof tbo ayatoro. auoh a* JDirzlneae, Hanacft, DUtrww arte* eating. *'?*?? lu the Sblo, 4c. While their moat rojxuufcablo aucceaa ha* b??n ahowa lu curing , SICK UMflaeho, yot Cortor'u Uttlo Liver PHla tarn i^ualljr vnluoWolnQonetlpaUon, curing awl pro ?mitlug thi?orjuoyinKcGrapla?nt,whitetbeyala? conrMiattdlaordcrooftbeatoznach,aUinaialotho liver aiwlrogulatutbo bo welo. ErenlXtbejroolj HEAD Acbathey wonhlbo almoatpricelMw to thoao wh? aol/cr from this dfiRtreeatng complaint; but fort a Bauilytl^irc : t?<! ' h n<tend here,and thoao whoonce try thorn will find theao little pills vultt able In >o many ways that they will not bo wil ling to do without them. But after allele* bead ACHE lathe bane of #0 many livea that here Is where we make our great boaat. Our pill* cure it whilo Cartel Little Liver PlUa are vary small and ?ery eaay to take. One rr two pills makea doae. They are Btrlotly vegetable aud do not gripe or puiV*, but by their gent'.o action ploaaeali wha one them. InvialaataScenta; lire for $L Sold by droggiata everywhere, or acnt by saalL CARTER MroiCINB CO., New York. SMALLPIU-^ALLDOSE. SMALL PRICE Wolf's Summit, W. Va., ' October 3. 1881, To Mothm:- Our baby is nearly 14 moDtbi! ol.l aud we liiul bought ami given it 7 bottle* of "Cnntoro," without much change for tbo better, and it never ?eemea hearty until w? gave it a bottle of Susanna, which cured it entirely. Jons T. Williams. Mbs. M.uiv M. Williams, Having mad?' arrangements with a responsible firm, 1 am now prepared to furnish cut flowers for funerals, weddings or bails on shortest notice. W. Nusuaum. Agent.