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Image provided by: West Virginia University
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?BK One of the most beautlfnTdaysM* season?not oppressively warm and not extremely 'bolS-oouWbuted to .the many other features that made the 4th ?t Clarksburg & day very much enjoyed by many: viators. The crowd at the fair gronnds'numbered over four thou sand," and -what was most notable and talked about on all sides was ..tBe splen did order that prevailed. A festive day bringing four thousand people to Clarksburg and resulting in no extra work'for the polioe, bringing no new .boarders'to - the oitv "look-up," with no fighting and no drinking that was off& any well-behaved citi zen, is indeed a beautiful record and 1 _J.1T V.wamtvulvr I appeared to be hap A$litt^,>nnrnber or v? _ and handsome ladies were seen every where one turned, and many of our dis tant visitors asked if we. always pre sented suoh an array of beauty at oar publio gatherings? Of course we do and so we answered them. The amateur photographer was there ?yes, he appeared everywhere with his little square box "loaded"?at no time was a group of pretty girls secure from the young man, who was ready in 0 mo ment to "press the bnttou" and bear away with him their sweet faces to study at his leisure. If some rustic youth and his "highland Mary" happened to get affectionate the camera, ''fiend'' had them sure "pop.'^" The grounds were never so beautiful as uv>on this oooasion. The new judge's stand with its harmonizing col ors, the splendid raoe track, and many other improvements showed up advun tagously. 1 The music, furnished by the First Begiment band, of Clarksburg, was all that could have Men desired in that line. The danoing ball was quite an attraotion -for some of the visitors, while others found sweet oonsolation in being hurled around the "arena" on the fiery steeds (?) of the merry-gd-round. The peanut vendor and the lemonade mer chant found business active, and the smaUboy did the best he oould without , The base ball game, in the morning, between Wilsonlmrg and Grafton re sulted in a victory for Wilsonburg, ?00*6 88 to 17. ? The raoing was probably the best ever seen on the track, imd introduced for the fltst time the celebrated pneu matio tire sulky. ,?The following list of the raoes, was aoourately reported fori the Telegram: j Trotting- 2-8 class. - Wildwood, owned by .Miss Delia Willis, won first ? In three straight heats, and Major, iby John Patton, seoond. Time (?HS >R Alt. Paoh.?Parse #250; Hursey's Shafer took first, ureen,owned by H... J. William son. Beverly, W. Vs., seoond, Time 2:38}, 2:8a}, 2:30}, 8:89. Prbe-por-Aijj Trot.?Purse S800; g*rry D., owned by J. H. EUsworth, AtbanmontParm, Wasliington.Pa.,won. first place, Bob Henderson, owned by ] W. J. Nixon, seoond, and May Day, ownM!W;J,fH? Willis, third. Time 8^.8^8184. ' Mile and Bepeet.?Purse ? je R. owned bv . A. D. Volf Summit .W. Ya.; won first owned by W. Q. Sim* 1 K)l, 1KB. mm Slept.*, ^ HSSRl __ JliVKawi ? WB ing on shrill-voiced ? jrSJ.* conversations about ? 2?" the coming treat.! i Moreover, Huomi I ~\ Friable waa one oil k-L, those nervous peo-l TW pie who are afraid ? -J7T. th? MMH clock! wont goo# at thil right time, and who I think it their duty to lie awake audi wait for the clock to' show that it la I still to be depended on. - ? Finally, about the time the small! hours were beginning to think of get-1 ting larger, she fell asleep, only to be I awakened In about five minutes by Mr. I Friable, who had'gotten up to see what I time it was. . I Wames, do come back to bed and I keep quiet, can't you?" I James came back to bed and qulfctl reigned for a time. Then, about anl hour before the alarm clock waa due I to declare ltaelf, the boom of cannons I and the sputter of firecrackers ail-1 nounced the glorious Fourth, and thjj Friable family arose because they oouldfl do nothing else. None of them awoke I particularly good:natttreil, and the I way the little Frisbles acted about get-1 ting dreaaed would I h^'had11?1 hasty I breakfaat, and all I ?WKSV was ready, therel |M was the sprint to I BRr the station. Ptfpal "? Friable, with hlsl two hundred-odd I ra cms racLnrao pounds, galloped | to Lorraa. on ahead to secure I tickets, wfillel mamma and Mamie and the cook tolled I along with the -baskets and hampers I and cuffed and herded the band of I young Frisbles, who were inclined to I loiter, despite their eagerness to get off. They arrived at the little cross road station safely,, much to Mamma Frisble's relief.- Then was no convey ance waiting to take them to the farm, to they had to wait about the station until "it arrived.. This Integral "was improved by the small Frisbles to good advantage, so that by the time the big wagon arrived Willie had smeared hia nlee new eight dollar suit with axle greaae, Freddie had hurt his finger foollng around with .a ooupling-pln, and Alee created some excitement by. falling afoul of a big yellow dog.who resented the young man's, attentions, and showed his' re-:" sentment by tak ing a mouthful of tagUb, , leg and trousera? mostly trousers. fortunately: dors are f partial to VCfV p"t?. clothe* f. uuixjixu w?n ?jgar his feats with a long Boman can dle and a eonple of rockets. Then he tjoWed a pin-wheel, a big fellow that Mwned^ Inclined to run things for before Mr. Frlsbie gave. It kSEZB h>: ; vrjrv ?'-> m \ ?? ? ?'?.. ...... ??- .... ssSlllili ^b^bIS mmm IHS gp^jyiMsi ? slsffiS Yonder distant spire and graft mark the aoenesof the sweetest elegiac poem In the language and the grate ofthe aylran pleaaoro ground of fire hundred acres, ornamented before the queen'a apartments with fountalna,_parterrea of'flowers and statnary. The great park beyond tv fourteen miles In cir cumference, and continuous to that is i: .. i">-? 11?