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IL i "tie- ? UK? -rw The Peabody Institute of Ison county; INTIL. you have paid a visit to ihe art bouse the in stitute Is & session, you eat&m -T , ? |?n0r e ?i con-1 | ceptio n of that greets the gaze of the visi , tor. Inmany respects it is a de cided improvement on those of ?? other-yean. There seems to be, on the whole, a more intelligent looking crowd of gentlemen teachers and as for the ladies tbey are recipients of many com pliments, and we doubt , if the ' cultured gentlemen who are in structing, ever stood before u prettier crowd or school ma'ams. The enrollment has reached about two hundred and thirty, aid the order and prompt at tendance is deserving of. special mention. Prof. Corbly kindly consented to look.after the .music for the 1 session and with the aid of Miss Bertie Faugh and Miss Maggie Primm, this feature has been ex cellent. Messrs. Charles Hol den and L. E. Bennett were elec ted secretaries, and the instruc . isjas#.; Henry m er, and there is a vein of I humor dextrously -interjected ' throughout his' lectures that . never fails; to command attention from the most indifferent list kener. His theories are practical ' and his plans decldedly^logical. Prof/WllEnson is one ol our own Harrison boys who has risen to prominence in educational workin West Virginia. He never talks "just to be talking" but has given some very instructive lec tures during the session. ' Prof. L. J. Corjjly entertained | the teachers on Thursday, as jupon several other days In a ^manner commensurate with his scholarly attainments and pro fessional skill. We cannot take up the work, of the institute in detail, bat present the names of those who are enrolled as mem bers. GENTLEMEN. Juo. Batten, L. R. Philipps, ?A. L. Davis, Caspar Ashcrnft, Arthur Clark, A. D. Holden, Lawrence Corbly, J. E. Maxwell, Alex Hannah, Arthur Swiger, F. ?T. Pepper, Meigs Bartlett, T. ! Francis Kemper, Ohas. Sturm, W. pE. Ward, Chas. Holden, Howard ^ Kobinson, Isaac Maxson, Edwin f Courtney, Luther Martin, 0. G. Coflman, Jno. Swiger, A. C. Rit I teahouse, W. E. Morris, Ed. Gar rett, Jesse La wson, Aldia Davis, Ed. Smith, M. B. Newlon, U. A. Vincent,R. B. S?*ger,A. T.Pratt, L- E. Bennett, Fountain Davis, ulniK. Lambert, Ward Rogers, Floyd Frurn, Floyd Willis, J. Ira Jenkins, B. J. Ward, F. G. Rada Ll'augh, 0. W- Cunningham, E. T. I Post, G. W. Martin, A. S. Parish, H. F. Smith, J. W. Highland, Gordon Kishbaugh, C. Dean, A. S. Law,I. Dean, Wm.Harbeirt, Ge". Robey, Orlandus West,'Ohas. Washburn, 0. L Bates, J. M. ^'urn, Henry Robinson, Paul "K'kmao, M. H. Vanliom, John 'Flanagan, Howard Bennett, W. c- Morrison, E. S- Lewis, Herbert Harris, Geo. Davis, G. N. Holden, Willis, L. R. McMillin, I Bland, D. M. WilliB, A. L. | M'<>n, L C. Oyster, Thos. Hornor, I"[?ErnestSwiger. Bansel Johnson, lj*-'m?re" Janes, Louis Rector, I9la-- 11 aught, Ora McOonkey, '' 1 i a m McMillan, W. A. Marsh, Mrs. W. A. Marsh, Jester Teter, Jno. Jefferson,' Sherman Guss, James Goodwin, Clinton Boggess, Gideon Martin, Geo Horner, 0. E. Sheets, F.,0- Find ley, W. Smith, Adolphus Ash craft, A. ?. Wagner, Jas. Herald, M. G. Sperry, Jas. King, Michael Teter, Wm. Keed, G. N. Smith, T. S. Hardesty, Jas. Romine, Frank Smith, Chas Bussey, Tru man Payne, J. W. Pigott, Boyd Hornor, W. H. Atha, J. E. Law, ?. F. Goodwin, Ohas. Randolph, Lee Bartlett, J. Lester McMillan. LADIES. Lillian Lepley, Ada Johnson, Ella Kighter, Ruth Sehon, Eunice Kennedy, Allie Ooopman, Maud Swisher, Orpha Prim, Viola Stifc zer, MyTtle Moffett, Marion Owens. Ella Holmes, Mary Ham mond, Miriam Denham,. Veata Denham, Mrs. H. J. Drummond, Jennie Pigott, Minnie Young, Anna Keesy,lda Gabbert,Alverta Courtney, Silvia Randolph, Nora Bumgardner, Myrtle Bond, Netta Wilson. Iva Randolph, Virginia Flowers,Rosa Hurst, Mollie Smith, Mildred Dunn, Charity Johnson, Maud Wilkinson, Maude Qneen, Laura Ward, Dellie Wolfe, Grace Barnes. Lizzie Harmer, Vesta Wadsworth, May Oriss, Alice Goodwin, Lena Wilkinson, Dora Bidenour, Mary Reed, Florence Reed, Icie Highland, Icie Williams, Laura Hick man, Prudie Knight, Bertha Sliowalter, . Isabella Davisson, Phoebe Morrison, Isola Shinn, Bertha Boggess, Mittie Lowthnr, SBOssesBuat berry, Jane Hurst, Ivy Moffett,: Maggie Dawson, Maggie Milan, Sue Ester, Minnie Taylor, Maggie Davis, Nollie Taylor, Stella Mor^ rison, Minnie Hugill, . Maggie Bartlett, Bertha Hardesty, Eflie Pigott, Annie Rittenhouse, Fanny Boyles, Ella Moore, Jennie Wil liams, Tenai Prim, Mamie Prim, Sallie Swartz, Alice Payne, Etta Payne, P. L. Marsh, Bertie Paugh, Ella Sturm, Mary Gregg, Susie Mills, Mrs. Lena Lee, Lyddia Kidd, Susia Ritter, Lyda Jenkins, Mabel Lee, Lois Goodwin, Nellie Post, Blanche Hornor, Nancy Ward, Jessie Sturm. The following teachers are from other counties: Eva Riffee, Lucy Helmick, Ada Brown, C. H. Bart lett, 0. L. Corder, M. B. Summers. Mr. Edison Hates a Telephone. "What makes you work?" I asked with real curiosity. "What impels you to this constant, tire less struggle? You have shown that you care comparatively noth ing for the money it makes you and you have no particular en thusiasm in the attending fame." "I like it," he answered, after a moment of puzzled expression, and then he repeated his reply several times as if mine was a proposition that had not occured to him before. "I like it. Idont know any other reason. You know some people like to collect stamps. Anything I have begun is always on my mind, and I am not easy while away from it un til it is finished. And then I hate it" "Hate it?" I asked, struck by his emphatic tones. ??Yes,'' he affirmed, '-when it is all done and is a success, I can't bear the sight of it I havn't used a telephone in ten years,and I would go out of my way any day to miss an incandesoent light''? From S. D. Lanier*? sketch of Thomas A. Edison in the July Review of Reviews. The World's Pair contest be tween the McCormick and White ly mowers resulted in each cut ting an- acre of grass in 321 miuutes. The Whitely was compelled to stop five times on account of clogged grass aid the McCormick only onoe. i.; nif.ifei College ?still STRANGE CONDUC ? D_!5 The city papers h following from the the Parke rsburg 8ta^?, . "A. 0. Davis. Preside West Virginia Buaines and Secretary of the Order League, has my disappeared, leaving beh ? host of creditors." among wbi fv"M- clerk, was victii the worst A number of atta ments have been issued to-d ?7*2 P**6 an assignment which he attempted to nreft SpntSSgaqA *100 to 1600. Other *redi are county clerk Long. ?i ex-sheriff Holmes, MOO Mowis & Sous. 1500; A. L. T ? brotfa?) ^50, and othejp. .On account of tb assaassa' ssewss*.!* ow and I students, - mBny or heavyJosersrare departing 1 their homes. His father, one the protahient farmew in Dod dridge county, is here looking after the unfortunate affair, "and having endorsed for th'e' yr " heavyj''8 108868 ar? saiivt to the State papers, is substan tially the report that one hears here on the streets. Mr. Davis, is gone and that there has been crookedness in his dealings is not denied by either his father or Brother, who are overwhelmed with mortification and grief and' can throw no light upon the young man's disappearance. The board of directors of the college have been making some arrange- J ments as to the future of the school, but no definite plans ha ve i- been matured. Many of the losers are not ) mentioned in the above report, among whom are M. A. Nus baum, J. T. Swager, (for board and getting up banquet,) Miss Bertie Paugh, C.H. Bartlett, Lon Davidson, Prof. Bucbanon White and Prof. Atha, salaries for leaching. No ono has been able to venture an opinion as to where Mr. Davis went, and while it is presumed that he left on Thurs day night no person saw him board the train. One of his most brilliant ex ploits was. his pretended pur . chase of Broaddus .College, (which the Telegram positively denied) and the attempt to sell stock to raise the necessary funds: It is impossible to esti mate the amount of money he took with him. Wednesday, August . 28^ 1898, is designated and set apart as West Virginia Day at the World's Columbian Exposition, to be celebrated and observed with ap propriate ceremonies and fnnc tions. Chauncey M. Depew sails for Europe on the 18th, which, with one exception, is the latest date upon which he" has t?i^n h annual trans-atlantfc vacatio Usually Mr. Dej ? - upon the ocean c July., . Recorded in the News I papers Last Saturday. The National Bank of Kansas city, Mo., failed l$st Friday for 1800,000, and on Monday two other smaller banks were forced to close their doors. The great Kauftman Brewing Co. ofjCtocinnati. worth 9600,000 failed On Saturday. |^en'large firms in the city of New Yprk went under Friday and Saturday. The Buckeye Cycle Company of Cincinnati has failed. Assets. $81,000; jiaSilities, 150,000. Lion Co., the leading sta tioners ahd. booksellers of Al toona. Pa., have failed. Assets, $l2.09fe'llabUitte?,'t20,000. Banker A Bissell. wholesale hardware, Sioux City, la., have made an assignment. Liabilities. $95,000. No statement of assets. The Nebraska Savings Bank of Lincoln, was taken charge of by the; State.. Braking, Board. It has deposits of about ?110,000. A suit has been begun for a re ceiver for the Fhoenlx Fire Insur ance Company. Its capital stock was ?200,000 of which 1100.000 waspaidin. yThe St Louis Lumber Com my made an assignment As' ts, $40,000 with equal liahiU