or KoeoVe n?n? TttDlo. Imnndor my
mttodi troubles; have Mat'M the slightest
ipuptoms o?*om spells siase X eeanaeooed
g?| g^???S?9 BABAH HodUna
consumption Surely Cured.
To In Idsxok?FImm Inform yoarnstei
I!b: I h?v? a positive remedy ft* tin Amnnl
IMM B* ltfl timely DM tboWBdl Of hopeiste
?Mbsve been penasnenUy cured. IshsllbegUd
tt Mui two bottles of my remedy FBI! to any of
per Mdiri who Ian consumption if they will
md ms their Express ud P. O. address. Bessect
ftdir. x a aLocuat.it. ouutfessi at* ?<[
BOOT and Shoe Shop.. Re
pairing promptly done. Good
stock, rates'reasonable A. S
Wells. One door east of Lowndes
v - ? ?w- "i iv?
Anti-bilious or Lwer Pills,.
Sothlng ever known to equal them. Always
sale nod reliable.
rule or Hagsr CatH WolJ by all Dranlsts.
Laughlin's Worm Syrup,
For the Destroying of Worms.
Vejctable In its composition; pleasant to the
taste and effectual in Its purpose.
Softensthe Gums, Allays the Pain. Reduces
Inflammation, Controls the Bowels. Curing
J$H1? officKlN'i'sON. Proprietors,
Wheeling. W. Vs.
'?*?? of he*d*cbe. !
itlaeQod'* blew I tie
Mtto w. So Ud I
"AXAKESIS" gives instant
I relief and is an infallible
Corefbr Pile*. Pricc$l. By
.Drugffistsormail. Samples
free. Address"!* AKESlS,"
Box 2410, Kow York City.
hi! rtl? of Cotia Bort or Lots F*
A IL/9??*?. Powdete are need In Un?e. >
cure and prevent Hoa Cnounu.
Powdtt* eritt prevent Gavi? l* Fowu.*
p.0W(1?? *111 lncree?e the qtmnttty 0f mIf
2"! nty c"nt-<UMl nul*c Uie tamerMl
nS0?^.Po*.rt.m.Tin cor? ?* pw^ent ehnoct ruf
end t-ettteere ?ub>tct.
Fornfe fownrae wiu. git* 8aticfaotiov?
Bold "rerrvhere.
**AV1D B. TOUTZ, Proprietor*
For Sale by A. C Rector & Bro.
Viro alcohol to make Wolff's Acjm
?Ii aceiso. Alcohol is good for leather;
it is good for the akin. Alcohol is the chief
ir^redientof Cologne, Florida Water, and
iiiy Hum the well known face washes.
)' ?think there is nothing too costly to ust
>'?> a good leather preservative.
Acme Blacking retails at 20c.
ami at that pHce sells readily. Many
l^ple are so accnstomeJ to buying adrsss
ins or blacking at 6c. and 10c. a botllti
that they cannot understand that a black
ingcanbe cheap at 20c. Wewant to meet
them with cbeapnMS if we can, and to ac
complish this we ofler a reward of
foy a recipe which will enable na to maVa
Wolff's Acme Blacxetq at sacl) a price
t!l''iaretailer can profitably sell itatlOr. a
Mile. We hold this ofler open until
J?n. 1st, 1893.
VOLFP ft RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.
.Wii Jh
lee. trianM
Subscribe for the Telegam,
the leading, paper in. Central
^st Va.
mutual consent, Mr. Mullody re-1
tiring and the Messrs. Loke con
tinuing the business.
Mr. F. M. Ohaliant tnoved his
family from Lightburc to Weston
this week, and now occupies the
Trpxell property purchased by
him some time ago.
A lpens Summers died at this
place Monday morning aged 76
years old. H6 leaves a wife and
two children; Mrs. P. M. Gaston,
of this county, and one sou of
Fairmont?State Titncs.
Mrs. Dr. Burdetteandtwo chil
dren, of Charleston, have Joined
the doctor here and,.will make
Weston their future home. They:
are temporarily located at Mrs.
O.B. Goodwin's
Rev. Charles White, of Clarks
burg. occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian chnrch last Sunday
morning and evening, and every
body'Who heard him has spoken
in .the highest praise of this
gifted young minister. Although
a young man, Rev. White is al1
ready a very brilliant and orator
ical speaker, and the chances ate,
that he will be one of the able
preachers in the church before
many years pass over his head.-^:
Clarksburg is about 5,000, and we would
gay at least one half are troubled with
some affection of the Throat and Lungs
We would advise all our readers to call
on their druggist and get a bottle of
Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and
Lungs. Trial sine free. Large bottles
Mo and #1. Sold by all druggists.
A man in Marshall county,
Alabama, who had been blind for
three years recently recovered
his sight after praying for three
days and nights. He is firm in
the belief that his prayer^dld ifc;
appreciation of the' merits of your Ga
t&rrli Cttfc. 1 have suffered with oatarrh
for five yoars, aud oan truly. say it has,
given me more relief than any other
medioine I have tried, and it will un
doubtedly effect a permanent cure. All
it needs is a fair and- impartial trial to
establish its universality. Very truly,
Mill Point, W. Va.
. It has cured Mr.- Wallace of one of the
I worst oases of catarrh on reoord, with a
heavy discharge of tlie throat toe
bottle is guaranteed to care. It will
oure you, otherwise no charge. For
sale by all druggists. Prioe $1.
Kanawha is certainly the ban
ner diyorce county in the State.
With the closing of the last term
of the circuit court thirty-seven
divorces were granted. The
causes are not given, but in any
event it is a striking commentary
on the woes of married life in that
region. What can it be that
urges swain and sweetheart to
mate without due reflection?
What a harvest Clarksburg di
vorce lawyers have missed.
Cures Dyspepsia, In
digestion & Debility?
Over two hundred Virginia
writers are included in the list
of authors whose writings are
treated in Professor H. N. Og
den's forthcoming -'Literature of
the Virginian's". The work is
to be in two volumes, aud the
author is busily engaged in com
pleting It at his home in Morgan
';ll Grip^j
when various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no good.
Robert Barbe. of Oooksport, Pa., claims
Dr. King's New Dlsoovery has done
him more good than, anything he ever
nsed for Lung trouble. NotmngUkeit
Try it Free trial bottles at Clavton*
Dent's drug store. Large bottles 80c
and 91.00 8
Mr. P. H. Hammond Superin
tendent of schools in Douglas
county, Colorado, has been spend
ing a few weeks, visiting his par
ents and relatives in this county.
Ho is a brother of Mr. A.-J,
Hammond, of Wilsonburg.
Rev. B. B. Evans' ? address
Tuesday evening was up to its
usual standard of excellence,
full of truth and sound logical
advice. The large audience gave
him their earnest and undivided
attention, and were highly pleas
ed.?Ritchie Review.
In*. County of
ClarkDltt Hct.
Mnibenn. Gro. F...
McCormiok, J L
MoBee.Wm P
Myers. Nelson B.
Morrison. James F..
McAtee, Brno*.
.Mdhtte, Hor*tio.....
Murphy. Abraham...
Merriman. F 0
Monow, Cbas. A
Morrow, Hash M....
Moran, W M.
Mitenell, Harry.
MoAtee, Bert...... .
MoAtee, Frank
MoAtee, John...,. ..
MoAtee, Rill.
MoAtee, Leonard....
MoAtee, James.
Nay, Arthnr B.
Nixon, N J.'.
Nutter, J. W...
Norman, OL
Norman, G W.
Osborne, JosE
Ogden, Simon F
Pendleton, Alexander
Pendleton, Sophia...
Plant Geo.
Powell, WH.
Patton, 0 O
Piatt, James A
Rector, Robert N
Ruoker, Lee
Beed, Thos
Beam, WO
Rhoden, Martin
Robinson, Richard...
Reed, Alex
8tealey. Nathan
Sinn, W B.;
SUumbooker, John...
Sea ton, Thomas
Switzer, JW
Streets Arthnr.
Spinks, J A
Shaokleford, Henry M
Stewart, BiohardR..
Soott, Jno
Schrader, 8 L
Shuttlewortb, Robt..
Summers, DavidTV. I
Soott, Charles
Sehon, Lee
Speuoer, J William..
Stealey,Betsey iBelle
Sullivan, A J L
Sullivan, A J
Stansbnrry, Frank...
Sehon, Neal
Soott, Charles.
Stiers, Ed
Stire, David W
Stark, Lloyd
Thomas, Andy C.....
Taylor, Joseph!.;..
Taylor, Thomas A...
Thomas, Edward....
Tate, Edward
Wright, OliverF....
-Watson, JoluK......
Wilson, Dan
Weakly, W P
Washington, Geo. W
Wheatley, Wm.
Worstel, Chaa W
Warden, J M
Watkius, Jas S. ..
Williams, GR
Wilson, Geo
Wells, Frank
Wolfe, Chas A.
White, Pernr G
Wagner, J O.
Wright, James A....
Williams, Silas
Welob, Geo
Weloh, Loman
Welob, Rnrr
William, Rex Jenkin1
Woods, Wm
80 00
25 00,
ConI District.
Ambler. Ai
Alexander, Anna.
Armour, John W
Armstrong, E.
Burnes, Jas.
Brown RE. L
Boiies. Jas
Baokus. W...
Brent, Rob't
Burnes, Miohael
Beokwith, O
Brown, H. S
Brown, 8. E
Banks. Eva
Booke, John
Brent, Bartlett
Bennett, C. M
Barnes, Ash
Bog^ess, Selden .. .
Bonnell, Leslie
Bonnell, C. B,
Candry, John
Coles ton. Geo
Callihan, Mrs. Jas...
Olark, Ed
Oarr, O E
Clark, W. P.
Cottrill, John
Cunningham, W
Calvin. Jos..;:
Crim, XL!
Carson, M. W
Carduff. John
Cooley. Wm.........
Childers, Wm. M
Cottrill, Sam........
OogelC N. B.
Coplin, Oliver
Chadwell. W.T
Coles ton, Wat
Cunningham, W
Cogill, fi. L
Condry, Patrick
Curley, John. '..
Carduff. Wm
Drummond, John....
Dowd, Charles.......
Dood, John.
Dood, A..J
Dood, Thomas
Dood, M.
Drumround, Thomas
Doliver, L. D. !
good, A.. j
Dood, Francis.......j
Xo Proper.
<y found.
t'onl District Continued ?M
Frank Latham, of this place,
and "Pete" Koblegard.of Clarks
burg, leave Saturday to take In
the sights at the World's Pair.,
Mr. and Mrs. AT M. Cunning
ham. of Clarksburg, we "
guests of Mrs. Alvin Iilj
the first of the week.
Mrs. C. W. Heaven
quite sick for several
is now thought to be impi
Miss vhlsey Corle
S. Farnsworth, has reti
her home la Sutton, b
accompanied by Miss I..?
Farnsworth. ' ?:
The OQunty court has entered
into a contract with Randolph
county for the building of a
bridge across Middle Fork river.
This will be of great benefit to
this as well as Randolph county.
Governor McCorkle has been
elected one of the trustees of the
Washington and Lee University.
For Malaria, Livarr
ble, or Xndigeistio)
The Wheeling court has sent
enced Anthony Conners and Jphn
Sutton each to eight years in the
pententlary for highway rob
A smabt man
Will not hobble sronnd on crntobee
wben be oan onre bit Rheumatism with
one bottle of Dr. Drammond'e Light
ning Betnedy. oonting only %5, but
worth 9100. Enterprising Druggists
keep it, or it will be tent to any ?Jure**
on reoeipt of prioe, by the Drnmmond
Medicine Co., 48-60 Maiden Lane, New
York. Agents wanted. 88tf
E. H. Morris, a young and very
popular oil driller, fell sixty feet
^Saturday from the ton of; a
two months with diarrbo
various xnedioines, also oalled in two
doctora, bnt nothing done him any
cholera and diarrhoea remedy, wbioh
Bve immediate relief and aoon oared
m. I consider it the beet medicine
?made and .can oonsoienttooily recom
mend it to all who need a diarrhoea or
oolio medioine." J. E. Hare, .Trenton,
Tex. 39 and SO oent bottles (or iale by
Wells A Haymaker. j
Doddridge Pots.
Miss Blanche Parrlll, an ac
complished young lady of Clarks
burg, Is visiting friends in town.
One hundred- and three teams
loaded with supplies for the Mc
Clellan field all left Salem at
once on Monday. Who said the
Doddridge oil field hsd played
out ?
The 12 year old son of Grant
Smith, who lives near Central
stepped on a scythe Wednesday,
inflicting a severe wound. Dr.
Griffin dressed the wGund.
F. M. Bradford, while at work
Dr. Bland's bouse Tuesday
as struck ln.the back by a heavy
timber falling frbm the roof. He
was painfully injured by the lick
and has been unable to work
Prof. Jas. Strickling who has
been teaching in Harrodsburg.
Ky., for the past four years will
shortly locate in Clarksburg for
the practice of law. having been
admitted to the-bar three years
ago. His many Doddridge friends
wish him success in his new loca
tion.? W. U. Herald.
What do you think of a man
who buries two children in the
morning and in the afternoon
goes to a game of base ball, was
the question propounded a fair
maiden of this city a few evenings
ago. "I would regard him as a
heartless and inhuman father',
replied the young lady emphatic
ally. "Well, our undertaker did
that thing a few days ago," was
the answer.
Last fall I was taken with a kind' of
snmmer complaint, aooompanied with a
wonderful diarrhoea.Soon after mywife's
sister, who lives with us, wsa taken in
in the same way. We need almost erery
tbing without benefit Then 1 ssid, let
??' ?"sin's oolio, obolera and
y, which we did, and
that anted us right away. I think much