post-oBoe"'will not ?topPoS?rgt? from
A notioe to dUoontinue not aooompa
aied liy (lie amount due at the tine will
not atop the paper.
Notion to change poat-offioe addreaa
moat give the old a* well aa the new ot
Wedding aonoonoementa and obit
tutriea will be publiahed at naaunable
All matter intended lor publication
nut be aooompanied by the author'a
real name, not for publication, but aa a
guarantee of good faith.
All matter submitted aabjeot to tbe
editor'a approval.
I. M. Bugana ..........Judge
Henry Haymond.. .Olerk Oircult Court
P. M. Long Clerk Coui.ty Court
Cbaa. W. Lynch P^oe. Att'y
3.1. Alexander. .Sheriff
B. C. Dunham... Deputy Sheriff
8.Hoff ." ??
; Jeeee Sagerty..Aaaeaaor Lower Diatriot
Fieroe Sidebottom" Upper '?
J. W.Bailey ;8urreyoi.
Circuit Court oonveneeou the aeoond
tfneeJajaof January, May, andSeptem
,? ber.
County Court oonvenea in March.
June, September and December of each
. The Federal Court holda two aeeaiona
. Annually in Olarkaburg, convening in
April and again in October.
Church Directory.
M. E. Choboh, Sooth?K?v. David
son. Pastor. Sunday servioes?
10:80 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Olam
Meeting, 9:80 a.m. Sunday Bohool,
9 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes
day, 7:00 p.m.
Pbbsdttkbiam Chorch?Rev. S. O.
Boardmau, Pastor. Sunday Ser
vices?10:80 a.m. and 8.-00 p.m.
Sunday School, 0:80 a.m. Y. P. S.
O, E. Meeting, 0:40 p.m. Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday 8.00 p.m.
CanTRiL Psbsbxtzbian Choboh.?Rev.
Bobinton. pastor. Sunday . serv
ioes?10 :S0 a. m. Sabbath School, 9 a.
m. Praj er meeting. Wednesday even
ing at 7:80.
Pbotkstaht KriRooPAL Choboh?Dr.
Douglass F. Forrest, Presbyter.
Divine Servioe on Sunday at 10:80 a
m. and 7:40 p. m. Holy Commanion
celebrated on the first Sunday each
month. Servicto every Wednesday
Baptist Choboh?O. M. Thompsons.
Pastor. Snnday Servioes?Sunday .
School, 0:80 a.m. Preaching,
10:80) a.m. unci 7:30 p.m. Prayer
and Oonferonoe Meeting, 8:00 p.ni., i
Wednesday. T. P. & C. E Devo
tional Meeting,? KI0 p. m., on Friday.
Oo*f Ounit M. E. CntjROH?B. B.
Evans. Puator, Sunday Servioes?
Class Meeting, 9:80 aun. Preaching
10:80 a.m. ana 7KI0 p.m. Sunday
School, 2 p.m. Prayer Meeting,
Wednesday. 8:00 p.m. Epworth
League, Sunday, 0:00 p.m.
Mt. Ziott BaptistCHDBoa?(Col.)?Bev.
U. A. Mndison's appointments are
astollows: Clarksburg, 1st and 3d
Sablwth, at 11 a. m.. and 7 :30 p. m?
au(T7:30 p. m. 4th Sabbath; 2d Sab
bath, Sutton; 4th SabbatL, Gypsy
A. M. E. Choboh?Rev. W. H. Pride,
pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m, and
8:00 p. m. Sunday School 8 p. m.
Cburoh Aid Literary Society Mon
day 8:00 p. m. Class meeting Tues
day 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday 8:00 p. m.
A dollar hoarded outside of the
bank is just that much value lost
to the world.?Wheeling News.
Yes, but how mauy poor fel
lows there are to-day who would
have been better off had they
never seen a bank. Good banks
are helpful to the people?bad
banks are a curse to the land.
The New York World tries to
relieve the Democratic party of
the responsibility by saying that
it isnot the Cleveland administra
that has caused the money panic,
are inclined to believe the state
ment. What did the Democrat
ic party ever do to inspire any
person with confidence any time?
The ray of light that so many
people thought they saw when
President Cleveland called an
early session of the new Con
gress has vanished. Events
have proved already that the
prosperity of the country and
the fulfillment of the promises
of the Democratic platform are
absolutely incompatible. The
prices of all stocks have been
brought to a lower level during
' the past week than they have
touched in ten years, and there
ha3 been a shrinkage of values
such as was never known before
in so short a time.?X F. Press.
It is idle folly for the Demo
cratic party to say that it is the
Sherman law that has caused
such wide-spread disaster. They
well know that instead of the
Sherman law which provides for
purchasing a certain amount -of
7' silver each month they would
have given the-cormtry-free coin
age. That the true cause of the
tremendona low inflicted upon
the American people i* not the
Sherman law. bnt the Democratic
threat of fees tbade. Under
the Sherman law, Harrsion's ad
ministration waaone that brought
great prosperity. "The dema
gogic bowl against the Sherman
law has lost its effect, and the
responsibility for the tremendous
disasters the nation has endured
in the lastfonr months has been
fixed where it belongs?on the
?free trade Democracy and its in
competent and unpatrlotio Presi
.... c. -
fcHE demagogic
assertion has re
cen 11 y been
made that the
tremendous loss
inflicted upon
1 the nation by the
threat of Demo
cratic free trade
mattered 11111 e
to the masses of
'.be people .since
the sufferers from the shrinkage
in the value of securities and the
paralysis of credit, were mainly
wealthy men. No more flagrant
falsehood was ever uttered.
It is supremely absurd to assert,
as a large number of Democratic
organs and politicians are con
tinually asserting, that there is a
capitalistic "class" in this coun
try. This is not a country of
"classes." In the United States
the employee of to-day is the
employer of to-morrow. Every
one "of the hundreds of thousands
sf working men who owns his
home is a capitalist Every
laborer who has a savings bank
account is a capitalist Every
farmer who owns his farm is a
capitalist. The overwhelming
najority of the American people
ire capitalists, and the number is
sonstantly increasing with the
frowth of population in this Re
It is the multitude of small
apltalists?the merchants who
lave risen to the conduct of a
oodest business by skill and
lonorable industry, the manu
acturers whose establishments
,re on a moderate scale and who
imploy but a few hands each,
>ndthe people whose savings are
nvested in securities?that have
>een impoverished. The work
ngiuan in the factory has been
uade poorer by the Democratic
leclaration of war on American
ndustries, which has made it im
possible for his employer to sell
lis goods at a fair profit. The
farmer has been made poorer by
;he entailment of the home mark
et through the lessening of the
ability of the wage earner to buy
his products It is the masses?
the "plain people"?who have
been the victims of the Demo
cratic policy of confiscation and
lestruction. Every factory that
;loses down or restricts its out
put. Is one more item in the rob
bery of the voters by Grover
Cleveland and the party of free
trade.?New York Press.
8. S. l'lcnlc.
The following is a program
o? the 13th session of the Simp
son district Sunday school con
vention, to be held at Paris
Grove, July 30, 1893:
10:00: Devotional exeroises. con
ducted by the President.
10:20: Address of welcome; S. S.
10:35: Response, by C. A. W.
10:50: Address, Grandeur of the
S. S. Teacher's work; Rev. W.
M. Davis.
11:00: Address, Character build
ing; Rev. Benjamin Bailey.
11:55: Appointment of commit
2:00: Devotional exercises.
2:15: Address. The Importance
of the S. S. in Eevangelizing
the "World; Rev. Wees.
2:45: Address, The S. S. Teach
er's Relation to the Temper
ance work; M. D. Teter. |
3:00: Address, Necessity of
Moral Education for the young;
W. P. Stout
3:15: Address, Object and Ad
vantage of the S. S. Conven
tion; J. G. Teter.
3:30: Address, The S. S. of To
morrow; E. F. Goodwin.
3:45: Address, Dangers of Sab
bath Desecration; J. G. Law
Subscribe for tho Tei.egam,
thei leading paper in Central
West Va.
NO. 1530.
* OF
.. In lh? unite of We.t Vlralnl*.
At the clone or IlunlnuK, July latiVlHOJ.
UVHr unsecured ""jztil
ss fisarar $81
Due from State Bank. aidbankeni il&SS
SfhJS. B h?u,e' famiture A fixtures 8 ?w ol
owi ed* M,auj aod aorSSS 8,0884,1
indUntfP*r curr?ncy* nickel., *W
Specie I7M0
terml Tender Note* 1*
Redemption fuud with U. 8. Trcan'r
3 >??*?<?
5 per cent, redemption fund 5H 73
Total, "?
UAmUT,n. "a-"?"8
OipiUI stock p?ia in
Murplu* Knnd. I2S'922*2?
Undivided profiu ?o2K5
ptei.B"?n?kp.re" "uuuni,i"?
Da. to Stat. am*, .nib^er, '?JM
Total. ? ?
State V Wat Vtro.nt*, (iomtyt, BarJSiJi^
&saarars&sr ^ 2r
cor?tB?&,;BOOOK88:NoUr' PobI"?- '
? A. J. I-ODOE, I
'emocr&tio Victd
\ -X-'
uged the Land1!
After thirty
prosperity and nai
unparalleled in the
chilized countries,
the United States
face to face with the ...
horrors of free trade. .
fore the party of gloom
aster has laid Its malign&l
upon our industries, tb
wave'of disaster hai rollt
ocean to ocean and to-daj
ands of working people,;
and misery, are paying
rible price of Democra1
premacy. Homes where -y^w*,
and plenty attested the happiness
that reigned within, hare been
locked by merciless officers and
the bright sunshine of commer
cial and industrial progresi
been eclipsed by a cloua'ijo:
aster so gloomy in its i
that no man can tell wh ?
prosperity of to-day will become
the poverty of to-morw
the midst of all this the
cratic Party, says it' will redeem
all its pledges which means free
trade in coal, lumber and'wool.
Think of this West Virginians
and picture to yourselves what
our future will be under soch
laws. Again all the leading
Democratic newspapers _ of the
south are now assuring their
readers thai. State banks and
"wildcat" money will, be once
more introduced, saying that it
will be au easy matter in tha^
days of rapid" telegraphic ?>m
munication to find out the stand
ins: of any bank. William L.
Wilson the idol of West Virginia
Democracy has come out in favor
of "wild cat" banks. Well may
the American people say "where
will it end" ?
Banks are still closing, firms
assigning worklncmon'
being thrown out of ,
and thousands of pensioned
being robbed of their just
Voting for Grover Olevi
last fall did it..
I? the price of health. Bat with i
our precaution there are enemies always
lurking about our systems, only waiting
? favorable opportunity to assert them
f?'ve8- Impurities in the bood may be
"3?'or y??? or even for generations
and suddenly break forth, uuderminine
health and fastening diath. Fcr aS
diseases arising from impure blood
Hoods Barsaparilla is the unequalled
and unapprMohed remedy. It is King
of them all, for it oonquera disease.
Institute Instructor?"Who
was the first man?"
Smart Alick?"Adam."
Institute Instructor ? "Who
was the second quick?"
Know-It-All?"Eve, sir."
Every body?' -Eggs."
Entries for tho Fair will be made at
tho law office of Marcel I ua M. Tliomp
?!?(? & CUrl"b?'S. W. Va. Entry b??
will be opened August 14th, 181)-, and
closed August 21st, 1893, at 8 o'clock p.
? 1 ^}jpla8??8 of trials of speed tie
books will be closed Auguit lDth, 1803,
on ?P' ? entries will be receive
i day of the Fair. Make aU
For sale. Five room house 'on Daisy
street; large lotoxi Buokbaunon avenue,
Clarksburg. Seven room bouse iu
Salom and 70 acres of land on oil belt
near Salem. Address
? , ^ J.X.DAVID,
Real Estate Ag't Clarksburg. West
Virginia. 34-3m.
CURE E0R( ?Sec?
catarrh) nopav
J. T. Goodwin & Co.,
One of the best bred sons of
Dictator, dam Gossamer (dam of
Sarcenet 2:16^) by Princeus, all
producers of extreme speed, a
grand individual and a trotter
himself. Will be allowed a lim
ited number of approved mares at
the extremely low price of $25,
the season, with the usual free re
turn if the mare proves not in
foal or slips.
Grenadine can be found at his
own stable on Sycamore all of
each ? week during the season
except Fridays and Saturdays,
when he will be at the Fair
Grounds. Clarksburg.
For extended pedigree, dis
cription, etc.. call on, or address,
M. C. BELL. M'g'r..
Sycamore Dale, W. Va.
DBIDGEPORT :-t"or the best qual
D tv of leather. Oak Harness, Cal
Kip and Upper, call on
Can fill all orderewlthnHQ days? ais.
Sick Headache, Indication, Conatipa
tation or Costiveneas we cannot core
with West'aVegetable Liver Pills, when
the directions are strictly complied with.
" Beware of counterfeits and imi
. The genuine manufactured
j the John 0. Weat Company,
t, IU.. For sale by Cunningham
, Clarksburg, W. Va
- Kffeet of a Tropical Cllaule.
' 'The laziest fellers I ever see,
not barrin' Thompson there
even." said the man with the
ginger bread, "was down in Cen
tral America. Tell you what I
see once. I wandered into a little
ialo6n that on^ of the greasers
kep', and what should I see but a
lotof fellows sittin' 'round a table
with a lot of dice on it, an' all of
'em watchin' them dice as if the
'spected them to turn over of
theirselves. Which, sure enough,
they did in a minute. Then I
got onto their game. You see,
about every three or four minutes
there is a earthquake in that
country, and them lazy half
breeds was lettin' the earthquake
do-the shakin' of the box for'em.
Now, what do you think of that?"
?Indianapolis Journal.
Get that old suit of olothes that you
are almost ashamed to wear and send
thflni to W. H, Powell, near the Weat
End Depot He will clean and repair
them, and you will be snrprised when
you get them beck?almost like new
again. 84-8t
Twelve Days at Atlantic City.
The third of the aeries of popular ex
cursions to Atlantio City, viu Balti
more and Ohio Railroad, will bo run on
August 8d. Ample provision will lie
made for the accommodation of those
availing themselves of the low rates and
superior train service to enjoy a respite
by the seaside. The scenery en route is
unsurpassed by that of any other route
in America.
Tickets frill be valid for return jour
nev for twelve days from day of sale,
and will be good on all regular trains.
On return journey they will be good to
stop at Washington, thus affording an
opportunity to visit the numerous pub
lic buildings, which are open to visitors
free of charge, and to take a trip down
the Potomac to Mt Vernon, the tomb of
Washington, as well as to visit other
plaoes of interest in and near Washing
ton. '.WattSt
xA'AVC. A"AX. r*. hat*
Parkenibarg.. .... M> 10) liooo
Volcano JeT. W.'U
Central <01 .... (41 ICUX)
Clarksburg -. IUH .... 7 01 lu.oo
Orafton........ 701 5 Hi s 10 MS W.U0
Subscribe for the Telegram.
the best local paper in Central
West Virginia.
Beat Orade Cabinet Photographs
well mounted, Artisto Paper, Fine,
Finish?Thompson Bros. , Cor. Pike and
rii a?a
The Telxqbau's circulation during
the last six months, is without a pre
cedent in the history of journalism in
Clarksburg. We do not ask you to look
at the liat of names orflgures only,
but after looking at the names you are
requested to visit the press room and
see the papers. Onr guarantee is that
we print and send through thePostoffloe
more newspapers than any other paper
in the onnnty. tf
Hardware, Paints
and Builder's Supplies.
Screens, lee
ii MtwiT t I'TfjfrnlBffiffiMa** ffl
? ? & mm
?- . ?. ?"i'lr,;.- -.??-$*?> 'Is ' <
MINNOW is the TIME to; buy these GOODS,'' And >'
D. K. JREED & OO'S is theplace to.buyithem. ? r -
i -
\ |p
DobH forvtt the Plawc,'
?r"?.4.rt''SSL. Hardware Store,
On flie NhiMty Mlde of Mnln Afreet, ? ? $
. - - -
You Want It I
Because everybody now sees the value of it. ;
We are talking about . v. ?.?;
And in that connection we claim, and can prove, that we offer the
BEST POLICY, consistent with safe insurance, issued by any legiti
mate company. U.
The National Life Maturity Insurance Co.,of
Washington, D. C..
gives you Plain Life, Renewable Term, Endowment or Distribution
policies at the LOWEST SAFE price and you have
to pay. We also issue policies on weekly payments if you want them.
One-Half Paid In Cash
In event of total disability. This is a feature you will not find, we
think, in any other policy offered you. We have letters from ex
Senator Ingalls, Secretary Carlisle, Hon. Green B. Raum, Senators
Qorman, Kennn, Faulkner, Cameron, Plumb, Hon. W.^L. Wilson.and
others .as prominent, on file at our office, as to the Standing of our
See Our Plains Before Insuring.
113 Pike St.,
5ALem * collebE.
Collegiate, Normal, Business, Telegraphy, Music and Art De
6 Sehools in One fcfeSS
\J UUilUUiQ 111 W11Q. than any other Sehooi of
equal rank.
Do not lose the first week, begin with 1 ||P||OT Qfl ? IQQQ
the classes. Fall term opens ...AUUUwl wUl lOww
Address President
i$Noeec?or to Clayton & Dent.]
Medicines and Chemicals.
give GOOD VALUE ancl proper service to
every customer all the time?
The Dovelail hive, as shown
above, all complete, ready
for the. bees 11.60. 5 styles
of hives manufactured and
kept in stock. Send for Cata
logue of everything needed
in Apiaria to ? ^ -
Independence, Fi ?*toti
Conntr, Wen?Ta