Newspaper Page Text
xmcnr,?u ra COMPOUND, Vtf AMmtdttaoniT *T ?n r on 1 4 nil ?tu to obtain* lid named defend #, laiWwitli.iutiir ilta.^rfWj-il ?id defend 10 sttaotttmmt issued , ?? . loa 8.: d therein be quashed and declared null and void.' And it appearing from an affidavit ill-' ed In the papers oi tbis cause that the defendants S. Samilson, 8.1). Samilson, shdS. Heymanarunot reaidentsof thi? State, it ia ordered, thut they appear here.within one month after the date or thefirst publication' of this 'order,'and do wbat ia necessary to protect their in tercet in aald suit. Given under my hand this 10th day of July, l808-HENBy HA.YMOND, Olerk. Stuart * Lawsok, Attorney!. 35-:t gTATE OP WEST VIRGINIA. Atznlea held in the clerk's offioeon the oircuU oonrt of Harrison oounty of the first Monday in- July, 1808. Jooob Meyer, Samnel R. Reinhard, Mannie J. Meyer and Isaae J. Mey er, oo-partuers trading a* Meyer, Reinhard k Oo. vs S. D. Samilson, trading as & Samilson, S. Samilson, S. D. Samilson, Abe Samilson, Meyer Samilson and^ S. Heyman. | In obanoery and upon an attach ment. Tbe object of this suit is to obtain n decree against tho defendants for the sura of 1034.25 with interest thereon and the costs of this suit, and that certain goods, merchandise, and property, the estate of the said defendants levied on by the attachment issued in this base may be sold for said deht; that Abe Samilson and S. Heyman be restrained from prosecuting their certain notions at-law in said oourt against S. Samilsou and that the attachment issued therein' be quashed and declared nullum) void. And it appearing from an affidavit filed in the papeni of tbis cause, that the defendants, S. D. Samilson, trading as S. Samilson, S. Samilson, S. D. Samilson aud S. Hoytnnn are not resi dents of this State, it is ordered that they do appear here within one' mouth al ter the date-of tho first publication of this order, and do what is.neoeesary to protect their interests in raid suit Given under my baud this 10th day of Jnly, 1800. Hiooix Hawond, Olerk. ?, O usratfok Ui-Ennr, 85-4t " ' Attorneys. OF WE8T VIRGINIA. gTATE( At Bnlea held in the blerk's office of the circuit oonrt of Harrison county on the first Monday in Inly," 1803. SoloinonGiusbery and-8. Baker partners trading and Soinabusiness as Baker -& Ginsbery va. a Samilson: 8..-D. Samilson, AbeSamilson and S. Hey , man, In ohancery and upon an at tachment The object of this snit is to obtain a decree against the defendants for tho sum of.9174.42 wiih interest thereon and the oosta ot this suit, and that oer tain goods, merchandise and property, the estate of the said defendants levied on by the attachment issued in tbis case, may De sold for said debt that Abe Samilson, and S. Heyman be restrained from prosecuting their oertain actions at law in said court against 8. Samilson, and that the attachments Issued therein be quashed and be declared null and void. And it appearing from' an affidavit filed in the papers of this cause, that the defendants a Samilson, S. D. Samil son and S. Heyman are not residents of this State, it is ordered that thev do ap pear here within one month after tho date of the first publication of this or der, and do what is neoeasary to protect their interacts in said suit Given under my hand tbis 10th day of July, 1883. HENRY HAYMOND, 35-4t Olerk. gTATE OP WfiSC VIRGINIA. At Rules held in the clerk's office of the cirouit oourt of Harrison county on tlie first Monday in July 1883. Robinson W. Gator, Wrn. J: H. Waters, William Pagan, J.McKinney White, Frank P. Cator aud Jinnee H. Ou ter. co-partners trading as Arm strong Ontor k Co. vs. S. Samilson, S. D. Samilson, Abo Samilsou and S. Heyman, Iu ohaucery and upon an attaohment The object of tbis suit is to obtain a decree against the said named defend ants for the sum of $201.50 with iuter tvrest thereon and the costs of this suit, and thut certiin goods, merchandise aud property, the estate of the Baid defend ants levied on by the attaohment issued In the oase may be sold for said debt that Alio Samilsou aud S. Heyman be perpetually enjoined from prosecuting their certain suits in said court against S. Samilson, and that the attachments issued therein, boqaajhed and declared uull and void. And it, uppoaring from an affidavit filed iu the papers of this cause, thut tho defeudants, S. Samilson,S.D. Samil son nud S. Hoymau are not residents of this State, it is ordered, that they ap poar here within one, month after the date of the first publication of this order Cunninplmm Bros. & Co.. Glarks burg- W. Horuer, Lost Cmk;Perine & Davis, Good Hope; U. W. Morel-, son, Mt Clare; Francis Bros., Wil sonbnrg:<.'.A.Slieehy, P. M., Bridge port; Bargain Store, Jarvlsville ,J. 0. Bartlett & Cr., We*t Milford; Miko Dolan, Wolf Summit: L. h. Bailey, Beynoldsville; Mrs. W. B. Stephen*, Sycamore Dale, R. S. Ogden, Sardia; B. A. Wilson, Salem'sMorgan & Earl, Beapeoi; Griffin Bros.,Cherry Camp; A. J. Kineaid, Brown's Mills; H. O. Post, East End, Clarkshuitt; We*t Fork Coal & Coke Co., Farnmn; F. H. Wilcox & Co., Wyattj Mr*. Tib Jarrett, at the hllnd nmn'ustoro, Shinnston; E. A. Wilson, Suleui; H. W. Winter, Flemington; Bailey & Burnsido, Benson; B. F. Stout, Quiet Dell; Lewis & Queen. Johntown t.nd Hockford; Goo. B. Patton .t Co., Craigmoor. Tho above 25 ag?'itls to be adver tised so long as liu v ?*|| 1 d_.z pir ? y?wr at retail, at our ooutraul |>ru-<\ Che advertising to ci mm- when solil for less than SI per l>ottle. Dr. L. A Datidsox, 28 WratMilford, W. Vm ?ifeVi-V"!-?."; the circuit o the Unit Moi Jacob Hill Bamilson, t oeryaodupo The object of t andtbeoostiofi tain good*,, -maw tl... estate Of the OD bj tlte at tacl U ro. the Swiger, administrators ortlie estate of Glias Swiger, deceased, whose acoounts irebeforeme for settlement, I have up my office in the town of*^arkrtrarg; Harrison county, West Virginia, for te? moving proof of debts or demands against said decedent or his estate; - Given under my hand as Commis sioner of Accounts for Harrison tfountv^ State of West Virginia, this 22d day: of June, 1808. Jims N. David, IW-Ot Commissioner of Accounts*1 The Clarksburg fair. The Clarksburg Fair -will 'be held Tuesday, Wednesday ahd Thursday, August 22nd, 23rd and 24th. The grounds are beauti fully located and supplied -with all the conveniences for the com fort and pleasure of exhibitors and visitors. There will be mu sic each day bv the First Rcgl inent Band. The programroe'of amusement consists of mule Sad pony races, climbing greased pole, greased hog-race, and sdl the latest novelties and attrac tions that pertain to a first-clas fair. The society has provide a large number of horse racei among which are a free-for-all pace, a free-for-all-trot, and three running races. The speed ex hibition will be particularly in teresting as the track has been graded and put in a good condi tion. Every one should see tlie fruit, floral and vegetable dis plays, the hundreds of useful and ornamental articles in the ladies' department, and the grand, parade of premium stock. Let every one come to the Fair tbis year and make it the greau re-union and meeting of friend of Harrison and adjoining * ties ever witnessed. Admission, Twenty-Five-C Children, Fifteen cts. X'-| Excursion Rates Railroads. 35-t Strong nerves, sweet sleep, petite, healthy digestion, and. pnre blood, ore .given by Ho sparilla. LA GRIPPK. During the prevalence of the ( the punt season it was a noticeable ? i that tl'osa who depended upon Kiug'n Now Discovery, not only *?" speody r.'covcry, bnt escapod oft t iiblcsomo after effects ot the ] T'"i? remedy seem* to have ? : power in effecting rapid enres j in ca?e? of La Onppe,bntin*U. of the throat, eheatand lungs, a cured (Amis of asthma and bay ? longstanding. Tiyitandbeo' It won't disappoint Free tj at Clayton & Dent's. ? if:-.': Mi, sSHr.'S-i-'- "Sum ^ commbh grounds schools of every other character of Jike grade in unequal contest in favor of the Public dchools as has been attest ed in Mass. and Nv f. recently, atfd : ;Wh*rbab, The duty and re sponsibility of bringing them to a= higher, standard., of efficiency and thoroughness devolves direct .roate unit in the administration of ?;this ? system pf free -public schools to the needs aHd demands of our great commonwealth, Bk It RSsolvkd :??? .First?Tlint we cheerfully en dorse the Teachers Institute as a growing power for the cultivation of the social and pedagogic quali ties of the teacher. ' Second?That in view of the fact tha^there are several grades of teachers in each county, we. recommend some mode of classifi " ' ' >' J'Vj ' i>*? ' i tfatioh in tliei work of these In-, stitutes so',tha?we may better ^.he instruction. to the indi -jI teacher and make the labor tiblnstructor less difficult.. ... p^ggjble the - T j-i_ 1' U '1 Institute b .ofFcoole a\J UIVUX 6 relieve <tlie Instructor, rnbiirrassment compulsory attendance stamps in the face of many teachers'. " Fourth?That in our opinion a Tack of funds to provide, for a more thorough county supervision 18' a serious impediment to the progress of bur schools and that we recommend some legislative modification of the present sys tem .to secure this needed reform. : Fifth?That au alarming lack of local, county, and State pride in West Virginia is manifest in most parts of our State, and that we recommend as an effective means of counteracting this seri ous fault a longer tenure of office to the teacher, a more uniform gradation of salaried throughout the State, and a uniform system of examinations in which all questions are prepared by the -State Superintendent of schools. Seventh?That we recommend a more thorough Teachers Read ing course, and witli it a Teacher's Library in every District?not sub-district? of each county, books to be provided by the fol lowing means : (1.) Each teacher to contribute one book annually and to regard himself a soliciting agent to se cure others. ? (2.) Tho Board of Education to set apart anuually $25 for (this purpose to be expended by a com mittee'of teachers, 2 from the ?district, with the Co. Supt. as chairman. ? (8.) That asmallportion of the Ireducible School' Fund be set apart for the sahie purpose. -Eighth?That we recommend that 6ach' teacher inaugurate an effort to provide his individual School with a pupils library. Ninth?That the Teachers of each district see that at least 5 Educational Journals be placed i the'hands of the President of he Board of Education and mong these the American School bard Journal. Tenth?That since the surest tteans of securing better salaries "r. the deserving teacher is by ovidiiig better qualified teach - *"r our schools, we recom that-tlie standard of eduoa i raised in Hairison ?county & fMp yJGi3j' and the standard of county '? ex aminations ' 'raised tor comtfare: I thereby placing a higli uponthe work of te essential requisite to Uv. *?vwy tidn of the profession, to ita legiti mate sphere in the: social Vorld. EleventhrrThatj we recojp-'" in the Hon. Henry<Houck, of a consummate master ? and! manipulator of those' qualities and powers which are imperatives lv t1pm9H(Ta^ in- f ? i* , O" -wwvuwbj^?: genial, courteous; land remarka bly affable gentleman whom all ments of a genuine fraternal love i and who wiU ever have a warm place in our hearts and a cordial welcomed return to us either, as friend or as Instructor; it)1 Supfc A.hJ: Wilkinson, of Grafton Oity. Schools, an .earnest, enthusiastic and ready ..educator^, a vigorous exponent -of ' the -Public ' Scho"1 system, and an'&ble and efficieu.. Instructor' whom the; teachers of Harrison county are always glad th:wft]p^ni^owon'? -- Rffi identBoaier an ojuiv-mu jtuu aggressive officer, and" that we extend tp all these gentlemen our hearty congratula tions on the splendid session over which they have presided, and our . thanks for their' courteous bearing and unusually'successful management of the most satisfac tory .and orderly Institute held in Clarksburg for many years. Twelveth?That our thanks be extended to all the kind - people of Clarksburg who have contribut ed to our comfort and conveni ences, and to our numbers at this session ot the Institute, to the Trustees of the Clarksburg Oity Schools for the use of their school organ; to the commissioners of Harrison county for the use of the court house, and to all others, who have in any way contributed to the success of our week's work. Clarksburg, IK. Va., July SI, 'OS. A For Headache, Neuralgia and Khema. | tism. Thirty-two (loses for Fifty cents. Put up by fi, J. Cribs, Druggist, t-25.J OlarksbargTW. Va. Mull poller Hill Clarksburg, V/. Va.. We have recently refitted om Mill and put in the full roller system. Will guarantee quality of flour made by us equal to any manufactured in the State, 01 brought here from adjoining States. . . % Boiled Corn Meal, Choice Seed .(Jats,, . , Corn arid Oats Chop ?? HQ Custom Crist Work A specialty. Satisfaction ? ? ? : j ' ' ' guaranteed. , j Highest market price paid for OOS1T, OATS. We ?? buyin* wheat and payint the hiffheit cuh pricc. Lowhdes & Chokpkning Co.. Fresh fish oft Poultry boug; Your patrona Pike Street, | < Express, 10.-28 m; No. 601, M Express for St Lotus,' 12:28 a. re No. 871, Parkersb'arg Aocommc 7:S8 ft. m.; No. 047, Aeoommc 8:12 p. m. ?? ?<? . - G0iNl>EAST.;,:. No. 802, New Tor* Express. 5: No. 010, Grafton Aooommodatioi a. m.; No. 072, Grafton Aboo tion, 0:24 p. m.; No. 604, New Y press, 7:02 p.m. Chas. O. ScuiiL, Gett^ J. T. Odell, Gen'i Manager. O. A. ANXOK.Ag ClaiksburgTV On uud after Sunday May 12. trail ran on the Monongah B. B. as foltoy "ya1 ;jrnln ko,~ ':1|.&8 North-Bound. Leave?Clarksburg v.. 10 45 ft 1' g Gypsy Grove Irl8 Bhlnnstoa:; 11 81 " 8 01 J Monongah II 88 Arrive?Fairmont 1118 O.tfM Train Wo. .? <7?" v.-:8'6y1'0 South-Bound. a.m. p.m.ip*; .Leave-Fairmont 7? lg J Monongah.... 8 01 1.48 8 Shlnneton........ . 8 2s . 818M Gypsy Grove. t 8 41 - A rrlvcH-Qlarkaburg.0 181; 8-001 8 No?. 1,2,8, A i are pauenger tralni and and 10 way freights. ' Wh? n traveling between Pltttbont Whs tag, Morgan town or Fairmont andClarJ burg. W baton. Backbannon, Parkersburr Charleston, the,"Monongah Route" oni the shortest and quickest line. - Gloee ec Vs. A P. R. for all points Bast, South a West. Ask for throush tlpkeU vie-1 Monongah Route.' f0HUGH G.BOwLw Gea'ISnpL. MODQPiab. W. ^ ym w. ta.? piTTiBDeeau iM ^On Mdaf^Bondy ?IS Trains leave Weston foi atlfcSO^p^m. and B:0.V 7il0a.Vm. and 1:50 p. m. Trains leave, Weeton-J