Newspaper Page Text
1881 xce is having trouble with nd a virtual declaration of w'iMibwn proclaimed. business houses B.stUl failing. So many hare (tone down in the last seven days that our limited amount of space will not ridmlt an accoant of each one separately. The panic In Wall street. New York, on last Wednesday was most startling, and the autborlties do oot hesi tate in sayiug that the decline of ; this one day has not been equaled s since the dark days of "78. ? ' ,1'., , .in,. The hog product in the United States last year was as large as it ever was. The high prices are not on acconnt of a short crop. It is because Germany and France, which bad laws exclud ing the American hog, modified their action. The exportation of pork is increasing every year. The United States Is the greatest . hog producing co.untry in the world. South America and Aus tralia compete with us in raising cattle and sheep, but they are nothing on raiamg hogs. ! Life is taken up with a regu lar routine of caret* and responsi bilities and many men think they are too busy to spend any time with political affairs. Especially is this true of public spirited men who unselfishly give of their valuable time for the public in terests. In this year, when to the usual business cares are add ea toe uncertainties of tbe future and the danger of tbe present in commercial transactions, there is unusual danger of such neglect. Men who make a business of politics are ever on the alert to take advantage of the carlessness of those who are so absorbed in their own affairs that- they have no time to devote to the interest of the public. Professional poli ' ticians are not affected by mon entaiy crises. Now is the time fer Republicans to keep alert and prepare for effective work in the future. The West Virginia University has received a severe blow at the hands of the men who went there last week to infuse it with new life and inaugurate a broad and sweeping reform. It must be conceded that in Prof. Thomas 0. Miller, of Fairmont, tbe facul ty receives a grand man and one who will till the position to which he has been called, gracefully and satisfactorily. The selection of Mr. Alderson to fill the chair of ancient languages is not ap proved oy the alumni and others who understand the situation. No serious objection can be urg ed as regards Mr. Armstrong who goes to the chair of mathe matics. However, when certain professor* were "bounced," it was to be presumed tiiat their places would be tilled by better men. This evideutly , has not been done. The action of the board in demanding the resigna tlon of Dr. Turner and ull other professors and then their failure to elect another president, leaves "West Virginia's grandest and .greatest institution of learning in a very critical condition. The institution has prospered under Br. Turner's care and unless the regents had a proper and well ?qualified mau to at once assume control, no change ought to have been made in the presidency of the institution. In the midst of all the financial reverses that are paralyzing the country's prosperity, the Demo cratic press is crying for "wild cat" money. Last week the Pro gress, a Georgia newspaper, gave out the following on the question of State banks : "If State banks are establish ed on a sound basis, with proper safeguards, it would be as good as the paper now in circulation. Nobody complains of that?in fact it is preferable to. either gold or silver as a circulating medium." Did you ever kind reader stop to think about the grandeur of our present banking system and the paper money we have to-day? Do you know that of the two hundred banks that have ''gone under" since this year Of 1898 set in, no one has lost a dollar by having their paper currency in his possession? It stands to the glory Of the Republican party that it has fostered and maintain ed the grandest banking system the world ever sawl No bank can now issue paper money until every dollar has been secured by United States bondsand although the bahks may fail and their of ficers skip to Canada the notes are as good as golcL We have to-day in'our country many peo ple who remember the rottenness of the old State banks and they cannot be stuffed with* such non sense as these Democratic papers proclaim. When the News stated some weeks ago that the West Virgin ia Business College had bought the Broaddus College buildings some persons, and especially our esteemed contemporary, under took to say that it was not true. Nevertheless, the News wus right and the Business College will take possession about August 1st, and After making some re pairs will be ready for work in their new quarters about Sep tember 1st. Broaddus has not yet secured a new location, but we hope to see it a successful in stitution in the future. Yes, friends the Telegram said it was not true, and used language in its issue of June 16th, about as follows: "Several newspapers are still saying that Broaddus College has been sold. It is positively not true." We spoke of the ridiculous phase of such assertions and fur ther said: "If you hear of any setof people looking for some one to bick them you may know who it is." We insisted several weeks ago that this Business College never would own Broaddus College. We must still insist that we were right, and we challenge our es teemed contemporary to produce evidence that A. C. Davis had secured any funds worth men tioning with which to make said purchase. failed national BANKS. 200 Hare Closed Since Janaarr l Anion 50 lu 1892. ' theVlstHI0NfOTr2N" Ju[y 22?Since tones as follows: The FirstVi tional Bank of Little Itock Art saafg? tional Bank of Denve^S!^ man National Bank of Denve? the Kentucky National Bank of Lomsville, Ky. . This latter bank, which closed to day had by the last report re ceded $380,000 of United^States however Sures 36 aDythiDff ^ ^ese failures, as each national ban* ht toaf Vernment dePosit?ry has to deposit United States bonds to the amount of govern meat money. it is allowed tQ These bonds, in case of the Uureofth0 baaki a ?? the account of the government I and as United States bonds are at a premium in the financial market, there is ?ever culty m realizing. This afternoon Comptroller Eckels ordered bank examiners to take charge of the failed banks I ville Kv p, bt Tenn Umber at Kn<>xville, fenn., Sawyer, at Russell, Kan ? at Vernon, Tex.; Lynch' at Milwaukee. Wis OTHBH? BUSINESS THOUBLEs. Its assets are $154,000 and lia' bilities $50,000. Greeley, Col.'?The Union Bank F RB laD assignme?t to Jas. P- Benedict, of Denver. The bank is perfectly solvent, and Rua'TrrWi11 lose a dollar. ?Russell, Kan.?The Pirot xr gp statement is made. Knoxville, Tenn -Thn ?, . National Bank of this city ctoSS tobeT' ^aslong beeif known to be the weakest in the city and ment*"for SeAP/U80'18fl2-andMayT 1802, m favor of Leopold Cross! cedent in the liictc at the lint of n* but after looking a requested to vuit we prinfudtimd' more nempeperi i in the ooantr- ;;5 ilfB! ? I am prepared to deliver good ioe dur ing the month of august any place in Clarksburg, in TON LOTS, at <8.50 pi r ton. Address, D. B. hankey; 37-81. Qniet Deli, Vf. V?. S.W GOBJDOIT, AUCTIONEEU. Special attention given to during sales and anotions in the country. Address all communications to Clarksburg, W. Va. 87-tf >? - THE ONLY ) We POSITIVE qua^antbb CURE FOR ( CATARRH) nopaV: CAN BE HAD FROM DEALER8 OR WILL BE 1 SENT BY MAIL, ON RECEIPT OF so CT?.' . J. T. Goodwin & Co FOR SALE BY ? CUNNINGHAM BROS. & GO. mm fiSre oannotcure Vegetable Liver Pills. whan itre strictly complied with. ? ' Vegetable, and never Sugarooated. jb 80 Pill*, S5 -rooanterieit? and iml Jie genuine manufactured i Jobs 0. West Company, -i. For Mle by Cunningham .druggists, Clarksburg. W.Va. ( FOB SALE. o undersigned Admr's of J. J. Smith, deceased, will on ^Cb?e 29th day of July, 1898, at the1 ' it door of the court house of county, offer for sale (hesi cash bidder, the ig shares of stock: Two of stock of the Merchants lationalBank of Clarksburg; ne share of stock of the West Virginia Mechanical & Agricul tural Association. Sale begins promptly at 8:80 p. m. * 0. A. Short, M. Da Smith, y Admr's J. J. Smith, dec'd. . Clarksburg, W. Va., Julyl8th, i?Q? 85-8t Get that old aoit oi clothes that yon are almost ashamed to wear and send them to W. H, Powell, near the West End Depot He will clean and. repair them, and yon will bo surprised when yon get them book?almost like new again. 84-8t Twelve Dsys at Atlantic City. The third of the series of popplar ex cursions to Atlantio City, via Balti more and Ohio Railroad, wilt be run on August 8d. Ample provision will be made for the aooommoJation of those availing themselves of the. low rates and superior train scivioe to enjoy a respite by the seaside. The scenery en route is unsurpassed by that of any other route in Amerioo, ' Tiokets will be valid for return jour ney for twelve days from day of sale, and will be good on all regular trains. On return journey thuy will be good to stop at Washington, thus affording an opportunity to visit the numerous pub lio buildings, which are open to visitors free of charge, and to take a trip down the Potomao to Alt Vernon, the tomb of Washington, as well as to visit other places ot interest in and near Washing ton. taAV*.. A.*. AH." l-K. HATS Ptrkerabarg l.a) .... 4-OJ 110 Ml Volcano Jo 4.? 1U.0U Ojntral 40s .... ijj jojw Clarksburg sjm .... t.oj 10.00 Onutou 7-01 510 810 v.oo ??ra Academy of Marietta College* MARIETTA COLLEGE - - - - FOR WOMEN. Pall term in all departments begins Sept 12 th. For Catalogues and infor ~ ition, address, Pres. JOHN W. 8IMP ... ??jtta.O. ' 85-eow. f'ljWWIl *?' - )ne of the best bred sons of Dictator, dam Gossamer (dam of Sarcenet 2:16?) by Princecs, all producers of extreme speed, a grand individual and a trotter himself. Will be allowed a lim ited number of approved mares at the extremely low price of the season, with the usual free re turn if the mare proves not in foal or slips. Grenadine can be found at his own stable on Sycamore all of each week during the season except Fridays and Saturdays, when he will be at the Fair Grounds. Clarksburg. For extended pedigree, dis cription, etc., call on, or address, M. 0. BELL. M'g'r.. Sycamore Dale, W. Va. BRIDGEPORT For the best qual ty of leather, Oak Harness, Cal Kip and Upper, eall on 1 ELIZABETH MoCLAIN, Bridgeport, W. Va. |j? ..Can fill all orders Within 40 days. 23. ? For sale. Fivo room bonse on Daisy I street; large lot on Bnckhannon avenue, Clarksburg. Seven room house in Salem and TO acres of land on oil belt near Salem. Address J. S. DAVID, Real Estate Ag't Clarksburg, West [ Virginia. 34-8m. rgain ?St?re^' Printer's Ink n it has great sur prises for the people.J^Veexpect to move our large store to morefeommodious quarters in a short time aKcJ have opened up Our Grand * * Dorit-Care-Sales. We Don't Care f of Value! We Don't Care for Cost! We have both eyes - for The goods.arc your's at a qi your interest; not an eye fi THE BARGAIN STOI Clarksburg, W. Va Hardware, Paints and Builder's Suppliei R?fri(tratore, Door aiJ W Semis. to mmfm 0#TNOW ib the TikB to buy those GO D. K. REED & GO'S is the place to. buy them, v.,: $ ?'t? ? ; M Zi ? ti Hardware Store, JjlVvO j UU X 1U1II JJllVi XVSliOWUUJiC lOlUlj.JaUUuniUCli policies at. the LOWEST SAFE price and you have 113 Pike St., Clarksburg, Uuul L Willi 1 stpi Because everybody now sees the value of it. We are talking about. ' s ' mm And in that connection we claim, and can prove, that xe offa_ BEST POLICY, consistent with safe insurance, issuedby any IsgiH mate company. The National Life Maturity Insurance Co.,of Washington, D.C., k PnnawnKIa TorW F.nilnnrmotif nv to pay. We also issue policies on weekly payments jf you want thiam.! One-Half Paid in Cask IP? 1 * ' -'"T ' : -'r ?' In event of total disability. This is a feature you will not fin. think, in any other policy offered you. We have ' letters ? frori Senator Ingalls, Secretary Carlisle, Hon. Green B. Raum, 8enat< Gorman, Kenna, Faulkner, Cameron, Plumb, Hon. W. L. Wils others as prominent, on file at our office, as to the standing company. See Our Plans Before Insults. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. . ' LEE H. VANCE, Gaa. Agt. for West " mm&mrn , . ??????? Gen. Fire, Life ar County."W r^yTV^^pM -Sfle- C0LL?Q^^ OPEN TO BOTH SEXES. t0F Collegiate, Normal, Business, Telegraphy, Music and Art De partments. 6 Schools in OneSSS equal rank. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES TO Do not lose the first week, begin with the classes. Fall term opens Address President: REV. THEO. L. GARDNER, ArM., 33-tf SALEM, WEST VA I .AUGUST 30, 1893 [cffij The Dovelail hive, as show? above, all complete, r??. ? for the bees $1.50. 8 at? of hives manufactured.*& kept in stock. Sendf logue of everything nee0 ? * ? - m in Apiaria to . - MAIN STREET, CLARKSBURG, W. VA. DEALER IN PURE DRUGS, Medicines and Chemicals. WE HAVE BUT OJVE PLAN, we aim give GOOD VALUE and, proper service to every customer all the time?