OCR Interpretation

The Clarksburg telegram. [volume] (Clarksburg, W. Va.) 1874-1926, July 28, 1893, Image 9

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037844/1893-07-28/ed-1/seq-9/

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Leroy Philipps has been ten
dered his old position as princi
pal of the Mt. Glare school. Miss
Camdena Bartlett will be the
assistant.' ,
Mr. W. L. <&mden,wbo'gradu
ated a few weeks' ago from the
Law Department of Yale College,
was calling on friends in town
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Corley Orr, who has had
charge of the mechanical part of
the Fountain, has resigned his
position and returned to his
home at Salem.
Hon. R. E. Past, a prominent
lawyer of this State and mana
ger of the Morgantown Develop
ment Company, was in this city
last Tuesday.
Misses Ida and Mamie Hay
mond, visited the great Colum
bian Exposition on their return
from Montreal and arrived home
last Saturday, delighted with
their journey.
The two Miss Clevengers who
have been the guests of that cul
tured young lady Miss Kate
Ogden, of Shinnston, have*'re
turned to their home in Warren
county, Ohio.
Carroll C. Coffman, who one
year ago graduated from the W.
V. U. and since that time has
been employed by the South
Penn Oil Co. in and near Pitts
burgh, is now visiting his parents
in this city.
T.E. Maxwell,Esq., of Fresno,
California, is the guest of his
former colleague, Stuart Reed.
Mr. Maxwell is now one of the
successful business men of the
Pacific coast, a former West Vir
ginian and is a'nephew of Judge
Maxwell. ?. ' ?
'lis ot the run as pi
Wi . . J: BM
' " Mrs. Garner, -who is confined in
our jail tor lunacy. is a very wild
woman. She olashes and yells
The asyMm ai&orities are ex
pected after her ? every day.
The other lady, Mrs. Spencer, a
cousin of Mrs. Garner,is riotnear
asa mm ...
PrankP JonS^OUrksb
was here Monday in the interest
of his insurance business; '
^n^ohn Basrel. of Qlarks
burg,; was in town a -tew hoars
Saturday. -He was on his way
to Mountain Dake^Park where
^!11 ' ilSSffi - , -a ,1
)f Bridge
port, Vas called to town quite
suddenly on Thursday to the bed
side of her sister Mrs. Marion
Newton who is quite ill.
On last Thursday J.W. Griffith
and two or tlireei companions
from Barbour county came to
town to make - some purchases.'
On ratnrnincr. Mr. (3-rifflt.k nnir
rom nw compan on. wno uaa
traveled some distance before'he
! 3 1 mi :lf?
UMUII, U.I3 UUU< ... __
was at once taken to dry land and I
medical aid summoned, but it'
was to no1-,purpose.. He never
recovered' consciousness. It is
supposed that in walking up the
railroad he fell over, this bank,
his head striking on some stones
which stunned him to such an
extent that he was unable to get
out of the water and drowned.
His body was taken to Mr; Par
sons' undertaking establishment
and prepared for burial. The
remains were taken to his home
in Barbour county Wednesday.
He was a single man and about
82 years old.?Grafton Leader. .
Dr. A. M. Jarrett will be at
Dr. Howell's building to Clarks
burg Aug. 11th for 10days. 87-td.
Weston Wtirs.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Davis
sou, of Clarksburg, are visiting
in Lewis county.
Hon. Andrew Edmiston accom
panied bis mother to Webster
Springs this week.
J. N. Camden, Jr.. and wife,
have joined the party of Parkers
burgers at Camden-on-Gauley.
Mrs.' Dr. N. B. Bland - and
daughter, Miss Hattie, are among
the guests at Webster Springs.
Mayburty Harrison, clerk in
the National Exchange Bank-, left
to-day for Parkersburg and
Elizabeth. '
Mrs. A. B. Thorn, of Clarks
burg, accompanied by her grand
son, Richard A. Far]and, is here
this week the guest of Mrs. Su
san Arnold.
It is reported that Maj. Roily
son, of Rollyson, has been ^ap
pointed to a lucrative position on
the World's Fair grounds at
Chicago, and will leave this week
to enter upon his duties. '
A rather .remarkable stray is
told on a young gentleman .well
known here. . It is said that he
had lost a five dollar bill, but
fortunately it was. found and re
turned, after several days,to him.
He wanted the tnan who had
found it and kindly returned it
to him to pay him interest for the
time he-had it?Democrat'.
The annualSunday school con
vention of Elk district -will be
held at Liberty church, near
Rockford, August, 18th. 80-2t
:%Ms '? '-???
diphetheria at the
lather hear Sardis
It is a fact that Clarksburg
an other year will .jsliow a ?reat
change on some streets. Along
with the pretty fences and neat
homes let a? have clean and
healthy streets..
The committee has authorized
us to say that during the erection
of a new house of worship the
congregation and Sabbath school
of the First Presbyterian church
will occupy room No. 9 in the
public school building. Regtklar
service at the usual hour as in
the old cVmrnli
? I
We have a large quantity of
blank paper tied up somewhere
along the railroad and all efforts
to get it here have proved- fruit-1
?less. A few hours ago we had
about decided thatno Telegram
would be issued this week, but
at the last momentwetele-;
graphed to fch0:P&rlt8Mbur^iSlto(6.
Journal and borrowed enough
for one issue. So here were a
having conquered all
?not as newsy as' we
be, but on time and just sis. en
thusiastic as ever. ?
The streets o* Clarksburg were
deserted. The pale-flickerings
of the nascent orb of
a gloomy halo over the spot.1
was past- mid-night and
figures crouched low and we
half concealed:, in the d*~?
shadows, *Tm'awful dry.t
Suddenly there was a
the darkness. Twas like _
of cold, flashing, murdero
reflecting the star light,
still asdeath. Bud' '
isa leap from the d(
an exclamation of
shining object was
aad the gloomy figure
arms of his friend. ' .
foilea them at last?the!
Order League to ry'
had Jound a)
with sf
- v /.4;. J ? ?
: M '?< %Ql'.
ier ?houldcrs. Mr.Davis
f^|!CS^r4,'and Col. J. Y.
of West Union to conduot
i ''m
nday evening, July:
: in., themusic loving
'irkaburg wiU'jfiave
ity ? of hearing, the
d open'air concert, to
' the members of the,
sr'sa few evenings
f 2^i l'i\. % ??'_ a '
ajgo when the, merry laughter
and joyous voices within indicat
ed that? a happy party vrere en
joying the usufruct of ice cream
and cake. Her appetite: for the,
great delicacy of the season was
irresistible and; she exclaimed
.''O,- that ice cream parlor! what
pleasant memories it recalls. 7
The .young man failed :to raise to
the dignity of the occasion -and
with chilly indifference he escort
(trtne,. straight ahead.
... 11.00Ju x.
i. &<?
>i iw.t ......... 8.54
on 8.01
a. m.
t (Central
20 p.m.
lest morn
a: August
P M ' ;'V ' " ' ?
? '
Music?By choir.
'Irglnta Hills.
Address?By Re^
Singing. Doxolo
to all bunday 8
contribute any
destined tOk.%1
success., <?i
VV. Riv::m?
given during instate week,was
a grand affair.
Bill. Nye's., budget 6t fun op
The iew voting precincts are
given in this Issue and the delln
quent list still continues. / .
dealers who are In the front
I ranks
Rev Thompson's, a^drew to the
scribing the Montreal conven
tion, was greatly enjoyed by a
large, audience on laBt Sunday
inight. J: I
The editor will be pleased to
the oSS^orce a note concerning
The Alliance Carriage Com
pany, of Cincinnati, whose ad
vertisement appears elsewhere
is one of the monster carriage
concerns of the West, A repre
sentative of the Telegram re.
oently visited 'the factory and
was conducted through the dif-,
ferent departments where hun
dreds of vehicles of every des
cription were in various stages
of completion. Thegreatestcare
is used in the selection of material
and we feel safe in recommend
ing this firmto our many readers.
Write them for a catalogue and
mention the Telegram in your
letter*' ,.> ? ?
pay a penny.v ttlso inqt
hangings. He . has fee
?o theatres, gets wedd
sent him, and sometime
licking, but not often, i
take things back in
issue, which he genert
While other folks have
bed early, the editor a
late at night, tmd see a
goingon. When Jam
mean to be an editor,

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