OCR Interpretation

The Clarksburg telegram. [volume] (Clarksburg, W. Va.) 1874-1926, September 08, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037844/1893-09-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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48. <3t#AJEa
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hmJkIokm ?I
For four long years they m?rcli?
. where waved xbe Stars and1 BA
On a hundred flelda,on sea and a
i /ielwJtalilHy r?l
And newr-wint Eome tETt hrrifV
be.ru of molten .jBof
Tlier fiaad.eanli fto n~ret Si
That ^draj?KtfHJA|L
Chriiniji nine it Hokg." ~* "
At lot the conflict ended And at
pomattox tree It.
The "Old Uommandep'*TO6s?iiV-a'
El*ht Handred Dead.'
Charleston S. C.,;Sept. 2.
" he News and "Courier has made
I ?!reful investigation ,of, the
l\ "dltl0nof affairs on the coast
3 &rolina,*'~and flnds nhatTts
:11 I10'18 have not been exaireer
g ^
J The loss of life;,
i. ?inBerufortcot
-j i?rleston and J
?' 3rm sweptaway
[J toes as well as* t
$ ^f|gg
'w The loss of. ibte'"Ml JtrmnWv
>o ^ndtobe^^Xst.
^ "??e. Ladies. -WaasOl^osaw,
"f' D?wfskie and Daiban is^
?j * These islh'nds together
$ RoyalL'i8i^dil?v?\
? IS! ar? a lives
H wsaiai ?ut to
'mi \9?D. '' ' ?" "l-'ih mi t*teh 1 o*. ?M?r 1?
*? ' ? '.i .aiio.iVAL.it.?
ft JrtaStrous hurricane swept
11 the COQn^ryj/joSjk
II J*0? Plond^'"ihV'^;
S J States..: oyer 1,000:
?tt sd*efreIost?n?'imtti!hproiierty,
? iZ, Ted alon* ^e "line of
""Dado, ' 1 - -a*
ll. aggregate
ity. vBetween
wannah the
13L, | , - I
X1Y ^nator ftaYuJ 1 ' , 1 ? r
?v. M (JaUinger has intro
**" th^g_
city this
iV'youngaiia about town,
?W?h liifed hy. all. .who^Jenaw
him and- found that he was in
such a wrecked condition that
she decided to have him brought
wer'Awm freiprein 413b w|w| \
four o'clock yesterday afternoon
and was immediately put'to bed
tem'nx&f' Later he was given .
^?I?9PfierOSWpl?,<Mj?W He
quietly in bed and that every
thing would be done for him.
? ?66St 6:45 Dr.' and T&tS&SUL j
'Idirt^room wh'erC 'he was lyin^.
JDhejDoc wr.resumed .his work in
tiie dental office and Mrs. Hall
went into their nr asic store next
door: It is supposed as soon as
they left the room youne Hall
jumped out of bed, went into an
adjoining room and secured an
'bli 38 caliber revolyer, which
was stored away in a wardrobe.^
He returned to bed, baredj liis| j
.Breast,. pulled. the, covering-wall:
up overhim,: pla^-the"revplveR i
i nmiflwpf *?2Ma!? j
against his breast and fired. None
of the family- : 1 %r-'} 1,':;;_73i} ?.
^oundi^He^W^then the re
had been done, xMbSM
Death came in eight minut^pcU
the suicide -never regained' c&n*
? ? SSsI ^
sciousness. B
The ball entered the breast
and'took a downward course and
came out,tetween the spine and
ghhnUttf blade*
cidod thait no'iiaquest was
aintiffs are the twoDetroli
already named}3^fH$!
Ulan,Hugh; W.. Dyer, - anc
kV v ' jN
?r) ??? -c.?
--' v.; W ,
fefeiVifi''" :iVr J-i
;> V ....V M
1u; r ? ? - --V
V' .r,i.yv: r.ir -,
the Democratic majority

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