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fOtTTZ'S HORSE A?a CATTLE. POWDItl festl ? BOM ?m dl? OKjftlvmaf Lea. f? feipgla ^graassr it?D a. iom imitMM, UXtTZXOU ?n> for Sale by A. 0 Sector & Bro. ^ oonoumpBo" Ourx. #q fn Iwiof-Ha* laform yon mde* h?r? ? positm w?ity fine ^e aboM Mail ZL*. ?y 1U tlmtiywth?*a4ee<U?ti*e b*D pem?o?Uy ?nl LikeB be tU4 ^Tled twobotthi of my naa?4y FUB to say ?( >f?y rMdnt who ban eoumpMostf th?y will ?-r^Ks|c'-?JSS?? gOOT and Shoe Shop. Re Q pairing promptly done. Good stock, rates reasonable A. S Wells. One door east of Lowndes igMte Cures Sick Headache h)R. A. S. TODD'S ^Anti-bilious or Liver Pills. > IN USE OVER SIXTY YEARS. 'Sowing e*er k^,?ew,n,<1,?t^^ UleIn- Atmn rwli ?r?wmr0??t?4. ' '??M trail ImiliU jtaughlin's Worm Syryp, A PSEFECT VEBMIFTJ3E For the Destroying of Worms. Tt-etiMe In its composition; pleasant to the ;? taste and effectual In Its purpose. twenty-fivb cents. f~ LAUGH LIN'S INFANT CORDIAL THE CHILD'S CURE WHEN TEETHIN8. Mtens the Gums. Allays the Pain, Reduces Eatlon, Controls tin Bowels. Curlni Complaint. Dysentery, Dlarrtuea. - joe.-,- 1 mcELin a, |A ? H ?? MAIAIE8I8W gives Jn*tun 01! | | !??? WDox 241fl,New York City. Or yen a When you want Posters,. Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Wedding . Invitations, Funeral Notices or Fine Printing of any kind It will pay you to try the mil ?. W J*<T>? Wotr s 8c?onr -W. V*.,? Octobers, 1892.) To ' l/oWem:?Our b?by is nearly 1 ?<mthsolcC and we had boughtand P'e? it 7 bottles of "CMtora," without ?Bch change for the better, anil itnevar *!??ea hearty until we gave it a bottle ' Susanna, whiob cured it entirely. John T. Williams, Mrs. Uasx M. William*. We Can't do it Good Stock. ? ? Low Rates. bat aie willing to pay for learning how to ? make as good an article aa Wolff's Acme I Blacking of cheap material so that a retailer on profitably sell it at 10c. Our price Is 20c. The retailer ears the public Vill not par it. We ?ay the public will, because the* ( Will always pay a fair price for a good article. To show both the trade and the [public that we want to give themths best fir the least money, we will pay $10,000.00 ? "*T ! HE whole J world loves ;the "perfect g entleman." Last week the Mail and Ex. press gave jte readers a rare treat by print 'ES" some very , Pertinent .. r'J rules for those behs* introductions. When invited to a party you can address any one you may ESa -n wltbont havlD? ? i^uccon; the general intro duct.on as you enter the room is sufficient, and all are supposed inv^P?naneqUalit3'when "?U8 If you have a letter of intro duct,ontoalady,> send it in by hflK,S?rIaDt'aDdas she'"lpro 1M . m th? parlor' liD8era little to give her time to read it. RECOGNITIONS AND 6ALUTA , TIONS. The superior in rank and sta tion should first salute the in ferior; great intimacy may oc casionally warrant the disregard of this regulation. If you meet a lady in the street and offer your hand, do not per 'VakiB* your ?love off first if there is any difficulty in so doing. On meeting a lady in the street do not detain her. but walk by her side during the communica tion. You will, of course, raise your hat in bidding her adieu, which should be at the corner of the street. If you speak for a short time to a lady in the open air, intend ing to leave her directly, remain uncovered, unless she twice de sires you to put on your hat. If a lady with whom you are walking should be bowed to, you will return the salute. Use that hand which is the most distant from the person saluted ; if on the right of the lady, use your right hand, and vice ferns. Let your salutation denote the degree of your respect for the person saluted. If a gentleman raises his hat' when saluting you, never fail * do the same. Merely motioning toward the nat is usually suffi cient. DRESS AND FASHION. Let your dress harmonize with your appearance. The same style of the hair, color of the cravat or cut of the coat may appear preposterous in one in dividual and appear elegant in another. Let your jewelry be remarka ble for its taste and intrinsic excellence ; select and not osten-. tatious in its ubundance. Clean linen, white as snow, is indispensable if you wish to sup port the appearance of a gentle man. A bad coat, hat or boots may be worn by a decayed gen tleman, but dirty lien never ; it would remove him from his order. Keep your finger nails scrupu lously clean, particularly in ladies' company. Always wear your gloves at church. In the boxen of a theatre, in a concert room, or upon sitting down in a public refectory, re move your hat. This is one of those little observances that in variably accompanies true polite ness. Do not affect singularity of dress by wearing anything that is so conspicuous as to demand attention ; particularly avoid the ruffian style, which requires great elegance of manner and decision of conduct to prevent the dress characterizing the wearer. CONVERSATION. At all times avoid a loud tone of voice, but particularly In ad dressing ladies. Observe men of the world and you will perceive tha', however mild their ordina ry address, their voice assumes an increased softness in address ing the other sex. When addressing any one, al ways look at him ; and if several present, address portions of yon r conversation to each one. In company endeavor to know something about those you are with, for fear any of your re. marks might (jive offense. Do not ask questions of those you are not acquainted with?they might be inconvenient to answer. Never speak of private matters in company unless you previous ly explain the business you wish to converse about, and to a new comer in the party explain your subject before you continue to converse upon it. Never laugh at your own re marks ; it may be a very agreeable excitation, but it in variably spoils what you are say ing. be sparing of anecdote. I Do not attempt to relate every particular, but seize upon the grand points. Never relate the same anecdote the socond time to the same company. When conversing with young and gay women, do not discourse of metaphysics, but chat about the last fashion, the new opera, or play, the last concert or novel, etc. With single ladies past 25, speak of literary matters, music etc., and silently compliment them by a proper deference to their opinions. With married ladies, inquire about the health of their children, speak of their grace and beauty, etc. Ladies in conversing have fre quently a highly exaggerated method of expression, therefore do not interpret too literally their remarks. VISITS AND CALLS. Never have your cards printed, but engraved. A written card, though passable, is not perfectly au fait If you write them never first draw a line across the card to guide you; it betokens ill breeding. The subject for conversation should harmonize with the char acter of your visit and prevent your introducing a gay conver sation when paying a visit of condolence, or subjects requiring deep thought and reflection upon causal visits or cails of cere mony. THE BALL BOOM. Go quietly through the dance an3 let the gracefulness of your deportment be more obvious than the complexity of your step. If a lady waltz with you beware not to press her waist; lightly touch it with the open palm of ? your hand, lest you leave a disa greeable impression on her mind. DINNER PARTIES. To carve with ease and ele gance should be understood by every gentleman, and while carv ing retain your seat. In helping sauce or vegetables place them upon the side of the viands in the plate. At dinner, where the common household bread is used, it should never be cut less than an inch and a half thick. As a general rule never touch with your fingers what you offer another. In sitting next to a lady see that she wants for nothing, with out appearing to watch her plate too closely. If anything is sent you from the host or hostess, do not offer it to any other person; and when helped do not wait until others are served, but at once arrange your napkin, and proceed to the important business of the mo ment. In helping, whenever a spoon can conveniently be ttsed it is pre ferable to the use of the knife and fork. When the soup is removed, if no one near the lady of the house asks her to partake of wine, the the host should then select some lady to drink with, which is the signal for others to partake. When you give a dinner party, do not have coffee brought into the dinning room. It has the appearance of inhospitality, and coffee soon after dinner is highly injurious to the digestive organs. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Your letters to either sex should be upon the best paper, though plnin, inclosed in an en velope and sealed to gentleman with red wax, to ladles with colored wax, not perfumed. An unmarried man should not' cover his fingers with rings. If there be another chair in the room, do not offer a lady that j from which you have just risen. When entering a concert or lecture room whurt> ladies are present carry your hat under your left arm. or to your hand with the cavity tamed toward you. If walking with a lady in the country and she should ait upon the grouud, remain standing un less requested to be seated. If you are at a concert or a private musical party, do not beat time with your feet of cane upon the floor. ?I'LTl'M IN P4BT0. Iceland has five printing presses. The deepest coal mine is in Belgium? 3.542 feet. The Duke of Southerland owns 1,256,545 acres. Londoners drink 9,800,000 gal Ions of milk yearly. The woodlands of the United States cover 450,000,000 acres. It is believed that the fly oan make 000 strokes a second with its wings. Three million 3 cent nickel pieces aro scattered over the United States. On an average a locomotive engineer travels 20,000 miles in the course of a year. Two fifteen year old girls have passed the entrance examination to Yale College. There are 141 schools of the olosyin this country, with 086 professors and 9,989 students. The Chinese have ,an academy of manners that prescribes eti quette for the whole empire. Tlje making of lucifer matches is a state monopoly in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Roumaniaand Servia. The freezing of incandescent lamps into large and prettily shaped blocks of ice is the latest London bail room decorations. Castile soap is a natural pro duct of the State of Nevada. Nevada is fast becoming the chief soap producing State of thecouuiry. The Chiueae have a sausage of their own which they make at this time of the year, and season by laying it out on a roof to dry. Pennsylvania furnished 90, 000.00J of the 179.000,000 tons of coal mined in this country last year. IIHnois was second, with 18.000.000 tons. At a Kansas City packing house a few days ago, in eleven hours 8,213 cattle were killed and prepared (or the beet mar ket. an average of about live a minute. Among the Kondeh people, who live on Lake Nyasso. in Africa, the favorite form of sui cide is to enter the water and to allow oneself to be devoured by a crocodile. A swarm of flies will make their appearance at a car window and easily keep pace with the train, even though it be rushing across the country forty miles an hour. Among the wonders of Algiers is a river of genuine ink. It is formei by the oonflaenoe of two streams, one flowing from ferru ginous soil, the other draining a peat swamp. In Austria recently a marriage was declared void because \he husband proved that his wife had deceived him as to her ago, claiming to be fifteen years younger than she really was. In Germany when the vote of the jury stands 6 against 6 the prisoner is acquitted. A vote of 7 against 5 leaves the decision to the court, and in a vote of 8 against 4 the prisoner is con victed. There are said to be 80,000 stuttering children in the schools of Germany. The increaso has been so great during the past four years that the defect is con sidered to bo transmitted from the stuttering scholars to the others. Many Chinese temples are pro vided with a bell at the entrance, and when the worshiper enters be gives the rope a pull and rings the bell In order that the deity may be notlflod of his com ing, and be on hand to attend to his business. Very queer fish are caught in the waters of Puget Sound. One kind is called the candle llsh. It is dried and packed in boxes like candles. We are told the fisher men use them to light their homes and that at one time all the boats of the Sound used them, instead of sperm oil lamps. SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Notice lahereby given that the following deeoribed tract* or lot? ol loud in the county of Harrison. which we delinquent for the non-payment of taxes for the years lHiil ami 1893 will I*. ofiVred [or tale hv the undersigned Sheriff at pub lie anotion at the front door of the courthouse of said oonnty. between tho hoars of ten in the morning and four in the afternoon ou the IMh of Drrruabrr. 1803. Each traot or lot, or ao muoh thereof aa shall be necessary, will be sold for ao much cash aa is aufBeient to satisfy the amount due thereon, as ia set forth in the following table : nun or rxssox chaboko WITH Ti?S. Coal District. Brown, Jno tiustee Kramer, J W FiUheory. Ti.os Parkersbtrg C A O Co. Smith, Jed W Smith, FH. Wolfe. Geo W Easlx DlirTUOT. Boggoss, John B Boggees. J BAA B Thorn Boegesa, Jno B. Hawker, Owen ltobiiiHou, Chas A Storm, Jeaae heirs Cla? Dii n cx. Desnard, Gert ode. Fariand C A G Co .... Same .. Same , i Same. Grapes, W. H. Nutter. Joseph 8... Washington, Gabe Gcawt D/BTcicr. . Finnell, EI Moffett, Geo W trustee. Banner, W G ?uc District. Fiizpatncfc. Benj Swiger, EH., Wolfe. Marion C .. White, J M Tea Una Boggess. John B......... Boggeaa.S.J.AT.J.Harden Despard, ChasS Haney, A H Innis. Jas B Randolph, Belle F Bame Randolph, Caroline. Ohio* District. Hall, John T Sabpib Dibtkkt. Allen. LJ Hurst, John W trustee) ofCABamer... > Pepper, Thos Sun-so* Distiuct. Finnell. Thon. Hill, WmE Eaolb District. Molutire, Thos. McCoy, L? Nay. J O Peter. Mairtin Biblett, Geo A Co. Cut District. Livingood, C Minor. L J 'S Jt a - Local Deicription. m mk m 1 Lot .... 1 Lot. I Lot-19.. 830 ooal.. 97 II 8 lota.... ICO. Adamaton Adamaton. lackaon Add. Lime Stone... Weat F do Point 78 8* 1 Lots.. 1!9 76-100. . 1A Ten Mile.... Jone'a Br i . Lnmbeiprci. Bingamon... Ten Mile.... Bingamon... ?......? 40 100 A. 40 100 A.. 0814^-10^ of ItS A Lot 1891 A. 50 A ? I Lot..... 1 155-180. 1 Lot 3 48-160.. OA.... Near Clarkaburg. Lima Stone do do do Natter's I Clarkaburg. W. F. Biver. Lost Cree*... Bockford Rarooon Run. Elk Creek. .. Snda Ban... Elk Creek.... lli A 3 Lois... 318 A... 1 Lot.... MA ?7A.... 2 A 1 Lot? ISA. Brandy Gap Tnnnel.. 7. 8, 32. Cherry Camp. Grass Ban. t Cherry Cemp Raccoon. Near Salem. do Selfem Kincheloe... H 88-160 1 A..... 3 A .... 8 A... 1 Lot .... 4 58-160. 2 Lota... l.Lot... la a 1 A a a. Bridgeport. . Bingamon... Lumber pott. Wyatt Binpamon.. L. B 1 ooal b'k Bingamon. W. F. Biver., $ 4 39 5 oa a 80 811 05 6 10 4 00 3 25 24 48 8 88 7 75 11 48 1 05 3 69 4 88 4 59 10 68 343 04 15 59 1 16 13 98 4 88 48 58 31 (10 8 as 1 83 4 48 1 61 1 74 1 75 8 18 44 01 1 68 8 88 38 60 1 18 3 38 3 40 3 18 5 10 1 41 3 44 ? 74 1 78 3 31 1 75 1 60 1 11 1 41 1 87 An J ol the aforesaid tracts or lots may redeemed by the payment to the undersigned Sheriff before sale, of the amonnt due thereon. Given under my band thta 3rd day of November, 1893. J. I. ALEXANDER, S. H. C. jueis A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of ? diatreaaing raah, by Ayar'a Snrnaparllla. Mr. Richard BlRKS,thaw<>U-kmmn Druggist, Xfl McOlll it, Montreal, 1'. Q., soys: I hare aold Arrr'? Family Medlelnna for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I Know ot many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayar's SarnapariUa, ono In particular being that of n little daughter ot a Church of Eugland minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome raali, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best tuodienl treatment available. Her father was In great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last begau to ad minister Ayer's Barsaparilla, two bou ties of which effected a complete core, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he hero to-day, lie would testify In the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Kmc. Cures others, will cure you JAPANESE CURB Anewand Complete Treatment consisting of Mvappoaltorlen.CafMuiwn of Ointment ami two Hoxm ?f Oiutaimt. A miVer>fniltti?r Core for Piles of *?ery nature and nrgrw, it i* al*oand ?? eeilent Remedy for Prmale VI eakaeiMse* and Wervona Debility ai di*alwny?ab?meflt to tbflitonerni health. It umk** no upemtton with the knife or injection* of carbolio aeid, which are painful nml*>xpon?iv*<. Mini eoldom a permi enre anu sometime* nwuititiK In ?loath, unu aary hereafter. Why * utter from thla anry hormftnr. Why wufTer from thla ter rible dlaeaae warn we uuarantee ? box CM to rare any eaae V You only pay for the benefits you reoeiro. $1 fK>r bos, 6 for 9*. (ioanuiteee te?n?>d thrnogh nurawnta. amfMtomaeh Nearalator and Iflood Puri fier, as they ar? small, mild arid pleasant to take theyare fwi??oially adapted for children's nse. U Dow* 2&cU< (8) .('larkehur*. W. Va. ^ OAVtATt, TRADg MARK!, DESIGN PATKMT8. copyrights. etoJ I free Handbook write to flaOAOWAT* New Youir. wanna patents In A tu?f lea. us Is broushi before tree of charge la the Scientific .^LK I'HOTOGBAPHY. *.. ^ttj?/rapliy Is n wonderful art. Incred u9 It may seem, Itl* now possible by tb? atdoi the camera to show the movements of a bird in its flight, a horse ot its swiftest pace, or a bullet as It loavoa the tain. Very much xnoro that Is most marvel ous bat been a ed in photography. Th? publishers of the renowned and popular family weekly, The Detroit Freo Press (lie. trolt, Mich.) have recently boon experimenting In the direction of rapid and ac curnto roproductlonof pho toKraphs and now an , nounco that they ore pre v ? _ j pared to make artistic < w ^r-r-tr copies at a very low prtce. They will send twelve Columbia Photos value 11.?) and The Weekly rreo Press on* year for ? 1.10. It Is necessary to send a cabinet or curd photograph with order Our readers bad better send for a sample copy of The rreo Ifess and learn the par ticulars of tbls remarkablo offer which thousands are taking advantage of. IN OBDEB TO INTRODUCE TIIE WEEKLY - ITEM ONE "yea R ("pottage p,id by ua), to ?uy addreM, city or oountry. for 45 CENTS. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) BOOKS. ?THE ITEM" t)OOK BOOK. Praotioal Receipt* for Small Familioa. ??THE ITEM" POKER BOOK. Explain* how to Play to Win. "WHAT DID YOU DREAM ?" Br?t Dream Book Publiahed. "100 POINTERS ON ETIQUETTE. " The Lut.xt Authority. ?WH OM WILL I MARRY f" jea Your future buabaud or wi(o. Adds th E ITEM PUBLISHING CO, PaiLiuruHii. Pa. <4'Specimen Coplea Free. THE MALCOLM LOVE PIANO HAS A PERFECT SCALE. Is noted for evenness of tone throughout. With the original method of construction used it is a GRAND PIANO in an upright Cggg, NO MATERIAL USED BUT THE BEST. Unequaled for easy action, quick response to the touch, and durability. Kemember the name. Factory and home office, Water loo, N. Y. For Bale by JACOB CRIM. Clarksburg, W. Va. [48-tf.]