Newspaper Page Text
Attention time to any irregularity of the Loach, Livar- or BowaU ma> prevent serious consequences. Indigestion, costlveuess, headache, nau \sea, bilious> Jness, and ver I tlgo indicate certain func tional derange ments, the beat remedy for .hich is Ayer'a Tills. Purely vege ible sugar-coated, easy to take and uiok to assimilate, this is the ideal liuilv medicine?the most popular, ale and uaeiul aperient in pliar Mrs. M. A. Brockwell, I ,rri.-=. Tenn., says: .?uer', Cathartic 1'ltU cured meot Jlck piclio anil my Uusbaud ol neuralgia. W9 ink there is No Better Medicine, 0(1 have Induced many to use It. Tuirty-nre >'cars aB? tw' 8l,rlns'1 wa5 inn down l?y liard work and a succession ?I "idi which made me so teeble that It was , ejort (or me to walk. I consulted tbo ?ctors. liut kept sinking lower until I had ,,en up all hope ot ever being better, l.npenlng to be In a store, one day, where Jtdiclnes wero sold, the proprietor noticed ,r weak and sickly appearance, and, atter lew questions as to my health, recom ,ended me to try Ayer t Pills. 1 had Uttla Lilli In these or any other medicine, but oucluded, at last, to take his advice and try box. Bclore I had used them all, I was erv much better, and two boxes cured me. am now 80 years old; but I believe that r it hail not been lor Ayer's Pills, I should AVe been In my grave long ago. I buy 0 #1.1 every year, which make 210 boxes up 0 this time, and I would no more be wlth ,ut them than without bread." -H. H. ngraham, ltockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS ?rep?red by Dr. J.C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mu?. Every Dose Effective ?i.,TWi MnwJf URIIil^C beiug tiyostod directly to tha <wat or pnun w thowidUc.nw of tho?i?nlt.?-UrttU'7 Cf SK?ni, requires no eh*njo of diet or nunumui. raorcurinl or ixilionoui mod, ^ lcin??U? bo taken lnt?rMllr. Whea . AS A PREVENTIVE I by either ?ex it liimpowlblotoooirtrmet 1 any eeoeresl dlMue; hut In the cut of _ ti..<? nirm^rtJaxxTtmaTtLT Arrucno ? _ with Oonorrba-a end Oleet, we *TT YJt ?3t?eaoure. Prieobjrrowl.poWP^. litiningliam Bros, k Co., druggists, arkslmrg, W. Va. Mau-TTT" . ... ..iiiOil, Fort I lively Ctirtnl byndmlr'l?lcrittt Dr. JIal.uV lioldcu NpcclUc. It owufao.uratlaj a pouruor.w'n jh can bamrail j 1 a <ilau of boar, a cup of cotieo or to*, or tn food .iboutihaIraom*.tU. j 01 'ho patient. It laabsolutely armlew. and wl.l ciToct a permanent and speeds : irs.wfcoOJ? Uij pattan*. I* a moderate drinker 01 | i aUohollorn-oak. It has be*n clven in thousand! casus, and ?a ovary Instance u perfect euro baa fol- , wed. Hnever Fall*. Tbe ay atom once iraprerJJjfr lwUhtno8poolflo.u baoorapa an utter impossibility | r the liquor nppatito to oust. Cures guaranteed. <9 psjo boot o? partiouiara free. Addreaa -M 'v - ?-?**? ?? ' %v-~.?u, ? ADIES DO YOD KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S TEEL BHD PENHYtOm PUIS * tho original and only WHENCE, snfo and re ibto cure cm the market. Price SLOO; sent bj ail. Geuuine sold only by unningham Bros. & Co., druggists, la-ksburg. W. Va, 'SUSANNA" Strengthens weakly, ^fretful, ervous, sick children. Mothers ho use it say so. It is now in very town in Harrison County, lie purchasers of 1894 will be sted June 1st. PREPARED BY )R, L. .A DAVIDSON, West Milford NEST - - VIRGINIA. CL.AJR2S:SBTXieC3 BricR WgfRs. Having purchased the above works coated on Olay street, I am prepared p till all orders for superior Hand made Red [Will also Contractfcr*Br'clc Work of even teBcrlptlon. .1 M. COFFMAN, Jan.l-lvr. Claik >1 Lj* W.\a. Baugh's Pure Raw Bone Meal, ligest grade, will improve your and, grass and crop. For sale >y R. T. Lowndes. THIS SHOE IS Man u ? factur e d forW. T. Merri ni a n n n Third St. He calls it his new opera. The man u factur's ?jf it mike noth in g butthe highest grS3&~sfioes for men. Merrimai! has a number of styles of this -firm's shoes, besides he handles Laird Schober & Mitch ell's shoes for ladies and misses which are knowD as the finest shoes in this country and were awarded the Gold Medals at the Centennial and World's Fair. 41. ROOFNG PAINT Tin, Lron, Steel, Felt Roofing, with trim mings ; and tools to lend,or tools to kpep. Can be laid by any body ;shipped every where. red and black, for metal 1 i c roofing. Creosote Preserva tive for shingles, posts and woodwork that shorten or I AnnCBQle,1*then *or LAUULnO ners,carpenters fruit growers, etc. heavy building, for ninrn sheathing houses, rflrLn lining rooms and floors. low. Circulars and quotations by ad dressing, WM. A. LIST & CO.. Wheeling. e7wrMoffett, Notary Public, Convev iDoer and Pension Solicitor. Prompt ittention to all business. West Minora, W. W ?Why pay a big price for sad dles and harness when you can buy them so cheap at Wm. 8. S urn ner'p tpnrerv west Mains you look at the date on your paper? Did you find that you irere owing us your subscription? Kindly pay up as we dislike the idea of having to collect. PRICES SALEM COLLEGE, Open to Soth. Sexes. Four courses of study. Ancient Clas sical, Modern Classical, Scientific and Normal. Over 150 students last term. Growing more popular every year. Superior Ad vantages for Tcach ers. Best oonrse of study outside the State University. Competent and ex perienced instructors. Good library free to students. Well earned reputa tion for thorough work. Salem students take highest grade among teachers. They are in demand for high school work. Nearly half the College students are teachers. Best School of Telegraphy in the State. Instruments all furnished. Teachtr experienced in railroad work, and eives thorough drill in every branch of office work. Music teacher of sunenor culture from Boston Conservatory of Musio. Expenses exceedingly low. Healthful locality, with excelleut moral surround ings. Situated on B. & O. Railroad between Grafton and Parkersburg. Fall Term Opens Sept. 4, 1894. WSeud for Catalogue. THEO. L. GARDINER A. M. President Salem. West Virginia. 38. Baugc's Double fiagle Phos phate, from slaughterhouse bone, one of the best phosphates made; good for all growing crops. For sale by R. T. Lowndes. Ready For Business. i W.H. LEWIS & CO DEALERS IN I 0tkple fi^odefie^. FLOUR : AND i MEAL, a I Teas, Spices, Pure Coffees, | Foreign and I Domestic Fruits. I The finest Cigars and Tobaccos in the | city, and in fact everything kept in a | (0[ [o) | ice c? 1 AND OYSTERS IN SEASON. I (?[ [0) ! W.Vt FIRST GLASS GROCERY. 1 F.AOICK'I FUND-S A K D I ? DISTRICT. The following is a list of the oltiers issued by the President and Secretary of the Board of Education for Sardis district for the year ending June 30,1894. DE Martin WS 00 JBSwiger 33 00 J W Flanagan SO 00 A M Ashcraft 25 00 W E Morris 80 00 H J Drummond SO 00 Cora Randolph 80 00 A Cay wood Bittenhouse 83 00 Etta Payne 23 00 IN Dean SO 00 FODean 80 00 Myrtle 3ond 80 00 C J Coffman 23 CO Virginia M Flowers 80 00 B B Swiger 80 00 Arthur Swiger 23 00 H .T Robinson SO 00 Nora Kumgarilner 80 'X) W E Morri* 80 00 L E Bennett 120 00 J B Swiger 85 00 J W Flanagan 80 00 A Caywood Bittenhoute 85 00 D E Martin 85 00 H J Drummond 80 00 Myrtle Bond 80 00 Nor* Bumgardner 81 00 FCDeau ... 80 00 1 N Dean 80 0O H J Robinson 80 00 T F Kemper, Jr 80 00 T f Kemper, Jr 80 00 C J Coffman 25 00 Etta Payne 25 00 Virginia M Flowers 80 00 A M Asboraft 25 00 W E Morns ?0 00 B B Swiger SO 00 B B Bwiger SO 00 A Cay wood Bittonhouse 23 00 Cora Bnndolph SO 00 Myrtle Bond 30 00 C J Coffmun 25 00 B J Bobinson SO 00 Nora Bumgardner 80 00 H J Drummond SO 00 Etta Payne 25 00 Cora Baudot ph 80 00 Arthur Swiger 25 00 W E Swiger 25 00 T F Kemper, Jr .' SO 00 F C Dean So 00 F C Dean 80 00 I N Dean 00 00 D E Martin 25 00 J W Flanigan.? 80 00 A M Asboraft 85 00 A C Rittenhouse 25 00 C O Coffman 25 00 J B Bwiger 25 00 RB Swiger 25 00 Cora Bandolph 80 00 H J Bobinson 80 00 Virginia M Flowers 80 00 Virginia M Flowers 80 00 Nora Bumgardner 80 00 A M Ashoralt 25 00 Arthur Swiger 85 00 Arthur Swiger 85 00 Virginia M Flowers 30 00 J B Swigar 25 00 P. W. ASH, President S. D. SMITH, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of Angust 18114. J. B..CUNNINGHAM, J. P. BUILDING FUND. The following is a list of the orders issued by the President and Secretary of the Board of Education, Sardis district for the year ending June 30, 1894. W E Loy built a new sohool house No. 11, for which the following orders were issued : E APigott $ 55 00 I L Marsh 33 50 TW Dawson 12 25 Bartlett k Smith 80 99 M Shaver 15 00 Samuel Williams 9 00 Lot Swiger 3 15 Wm. E Loy 04 02 I J V Watkins 04 72 T C Bennett 15 00 M J lingers 10 00 E B Watkins 42 72 I T C Bennett 101 94 J. W. Jones built school house No. 4, for which the following orders were issued : Wesley Bobinson $ 23 05 J W Jones 432 85 J F Dye for roofing house No, 9 05 75 J C Gawtbrop pait'g house No 2 3 90 S B Lanham repairs on No 5 4 21 S T Bartlett repairs No 1(1 1 75 H H Hustead school house lot No. 11 .' 85 O0 Marshall Baily school house lot No. 4 25 00 FOR FUEL. Bartlett & Smith 8 51 J M Stier D 75 U M Swiger 5 59 L O Watkins 4 40 W.T Plant 4 15 C W Davis. 8 00 M L Harbert 11 00 E G Swiger 4 88 Mort Davisson 4 80 C Hustead 3 25 B B Linville 4 70 Wm G Kinoaid 9 80 J N Cambridge 5 28 JI Woodfleld 4 80 A A Swiger 0 92 H A Swiger 0 40 Bartlett Si Smith 8 00 M Stier 4 15 FOB KEEPING FIRES, *C. BG Wetzel 8 00 Uriah Orr 1 00 L C Watkins 4 40 W E Carson 8 00 George Hurst 8 00 E G Williams 8 00 C J Martin 0 18 Luther Hannah... 0 90 C W Lynch 6 40 AC Bittenhouse 8 00 Henry Core 8 00 neans so much more than you imagine?serious and' total diseases result from < J trilling ailments neglected.' /f Don't play with Nature's 4 /greatest gift?health. If you are feeling out of aorta, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine,which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A (ew bot tles cure-benefit comea from the, very first doae?rt won't stain your, Ufth, and It's pleasant to take. , It Cures f Dyspepsia, Kidney and l.lver [Neuralgia, Troubles, r Constipation, Bad Blood ' ? Malaria, Nervous ailments ? , Women's complaints. i Get only the genuine?it In* crossed red r lines ?>n the wrapper. All others are sub- < ratttutes On receipt of two so stamj?s we , f will s?-nd act ??! le i Beautiful World'al [ Fair VI.wj and book?free. fSheowN CHEMICAL CO. fXLTIMORE; MO. " OnrtiH Garrett 8 Do H X Robinson 7 50 HASwiger 3 4.1 W ? Martiu 8 00 D Martiu 8 00 It ? Bennett 8 20 TO Fowler 8 00 Claude Dye 8 00 PB Bennett 8 00 J M Fittro 7 00 INCIDENTALS. CO Hall 20 Bartl?tt? Smith 1 43 M J Cunningham 120 T O Bennett 1 45 S D Smith, Sea'y and incidentals 20 00 TO Bennett 75 Bartlett k Smit'j 5 17 Samuel Williams 1 00 A J Kino&id 1 70 8 D Smith 35 U 8 Furniture Co. Chioago 152 04 John Hammond, freight on fur niture 10 25 P. W ASH, President S. D. SMITH, Sec'y. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of August, 1894. J. B. CUNNINGHAM. J. P. Thai Tlrea Feeling Is a (Uugerous condition direotly due touted or impure blood. It should not allowed to continue, as in its de bility the system is especially liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Sar saparilla is the remedy for suoh a con dition, and also for lhat weakness which prevails at the change of season ulimate or life. HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best ingre | dients. 25c. The torture o( dyspepsia and sick headache, the agonizing itching and pain of salt rheum, are removed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. A LAWYER'S THICK | Which Completely Shattered the Claims or the Defense. Iq the murder trial before a western court the prisoner could account satisfactory for the whole of his time except five minates on the evening when the crime was committed. His law yer argued that ic was impossible for him to have killed the man under the circumstances in so brief a period, and on that plea largely based his defense, the other testimony being strongly against the defense. When the prosecuting attorney replied he said: "How long a time really is five minutes? Let us see. Will his honor command absolute silence in the court room for that space?" The judge complied. There was a clock on the wall. Every eye in the court room was fixed upon it as the pendelum ticked off the seconds in breathless si lence. The keen-witted lawyer waited until the tired audience gave a sigh of relief at the close of the period, and then asked quietly: ..Could he not have struck one fatal blow in all of that time?" The prisoner was found guilty, and. as it was proved afterward, justly.?New York Sun. John O. Manger, editor of the Sun. brum, Seligman, Mo, who named Oro ver pieveland* for the Presidency in. Nov.. 1882, while he was Mayor of Buff alo, N. Y., is enthusiastic in bis praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. Ho says: "I have usod it for the paft five jeers and oon sider it the best prepaJation of the kind in*tbe market It is as staple as sugar and oofTee in this section. It is an arti cle of merit and should bs used in every housoholcL'' For sale by Cnnningham Bros, A Co.. Wells and Haymaker, Clarksburg, R. A. Garrett, Salem. - 43-lm. o 0:0.0 OiOOAO OiOtOIOJO OiOO OiO.O 00,0 O OK E G. W. &N. M. Shuttle worth, DEALERS IN BOYTS, PORTER & CO. BUILDKR8 OV Steam for use in Min Fresh water, Special Boiler Feed ers, Heavy Presure Pumps and for all kinds of duty. DEALERS IN Steam aul Water Pipe, Brass and Iron Fittings Special pumps built to order for nil kinds of duty. Special at tention to supplies for mines and coke works. Write for catalogue CONNELLSVILLE. PA. Agents For Browning, King & Co. and The Frank 1. Cai-roll Clothing Firm Notions, Groceries Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots aftd Shoe s Salt, Nails, Timothy Seed and Garden Seeds. ZELL'S FERTILIZERS. Wall Paper, Syrups, Oils Mo lasses, Flour and Meal. Pro duce Bought. Cor. Main & Water Streets. Goods Delivered Free in the City. 0. E. VANCE. ----- - J. OARL VANCE Vanee Hardware' ( UNINCORPORATED ) fe TRcir Entire Stoc ?? R, DAWS A BRO ^ave Sold to THE * ** BIBLES LATEST and BEST Self-Pronouncing Parallel Family Bibles, finely illustrated?Seven styles. Hqlman's New S. S. Teacher's Bible, oontaining a self-pronouncing text? diacritioally marked. All the helps of the latest Oxford edition, and other very valuable aids to Bible study. The latest and beet Teacher's Bible in the world. ?W30 to 35 per cent off publisher's re tail prices owing to style wanted. SSThe Peerless edition of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress a speciality. REV. J. A. HAMMOND, Agent, Adamston, W. Va. ? 22-tf Wolf sSniiMiT ?W. Va.,) , Octobers, 1802.; To Mothen:~Ora baby is nearly 14 months old, and we had bought and given it 7 bottles of "Gastora," without muoh change for the better, and it never seemed hearty until we gave it a bottle of Susanna, wbioh cured it entirely. John T. Williams, , Mn?. Makv M. Williams. Positive Bargains in Men's Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes and Rubbers at John T. Griffin's. tf. All the latest designs in fancy Testings at Mattox and Ford, the tailors. 18-tf Subscribe for the Telegram and keep posted on what is go ing on throughout your county and the State. Only 11.50. CUT THIS OUT. Dr. S. M. Hardman, of Weston, will be at Cherry Camp Auk. 27; Shinnston Aug. 28; Monongah Aug. 2iJ; Morgantown Aug. 30 and 31; Fairmont Sept. 1st. Spectacles adjusted to correct all defect of vision. Eyes examined free. Messrs. C. C. Flttro & Co. of this city, and well known here, have opened a beef shop opposite the Telegram office, on the corner next to Traders' Alley. They will keep on hands the choicest steak, roast, <fcc. It will pay you togive themacail. 41tf. To The Mountain*, Luke* and Sea shore rl? Hi* Fonr Koute. The favorite tourist line to Put in Bay and all Lake Erie Islands via Sandusky. Lake Chautauqua Niagara Falls, St. Lawrence River, Thousands Ids., Lake Champlaln. Adirondacks, Green and White Mountains, New Eng land Resorts. New York and Boston via Cleveland,Lake Shore, New York Central and Boston and Albany Railways. To the Lake Regions of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota via Chicago. To the Cool Resorts of Michigan via Benton Harbor. When you go on your Summer Vacation see that your tickets reids via the Big Four Rou*?. E. O. McCor MlCK, Passenger Traffic Manager, D. B. Martin. Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt.. Cincinnati, 0. 30-if Best table oil cloth ITc. Bee Hive Store, 17-2t.