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The Best Medicine. j. o. Wilson, Contractor and B?il,ler, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer's Pill?: Ayer's Pills are the beat medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I have used tbem In my family and recommended tbem to jny friends and employe? for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of tlie following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by thin use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, lick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and bard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's pills, continued for a few days or weeks, u the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills Rive better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold."?J. J. Perry, Spottsylvanla C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS rrepimi by Dr. J. C. Ajer&Co., Lowell, if all. Every Dose Effective EpcSSrH A8 A PREVENTIVE ' U RE ? Cunningham Bros. & Co., diwgists. Clarksburg, W. Va. u. me M4i]ooi' tlablt, PMfti Uiclj c ur?u bjndmlr'sicriiie Dr. Unluutf* <J olden N?>?-<-ii)r. I: If winuIowurodM a vowucr.w.U3li can b? otren ta ? gJiu* of boer.a oup of coflco or tia. or in food '"Si3? * ????? our. hi.S ;OUf?N SPKOIFXOVUm 1lUeehl , i.?rt| a LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL HND PEHHYBOYflL PILLS i? the original and only 7HENCB, aufoand r? S?<s,s;.,l2i3,sS,otb?Pri",1-<,('i ?ont b' CunniugUom Bros, i Co., druggists, Clarkabnrg. W. Va. "SUSANNA" Strengthens weakly, fretful, nervous, sick children! Mothers who use it say so. It is now in every town in Harrison County. The purchasers of 1894 -will be listed June 1st. PREPARED BY DR. L. .A DAVIDSON, West Milford WEST - ? VIRGINIA, j CLAKKSBUIRG IricR WorRs. Having purchased the above works located on Clay street, I am prepared to fill all orders for superior Hand made Red Brick. ,5'B ".1.,u ContraotJSfCBrlek Work ofeverj t.? p,",on' J M- COFFMAN, Jsn.l-lvr. _ ClaiktlLi* V ,V?. Baugh's Pure Raw Bone Meal, higest grade, will improve j'our land, grass and crop. For sale by E. T. Lowndes. bo often needed j in every home nnd bo admirably adapt- j ed to the purposes (or which it ia in-1 tended, aa Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a week paaaea but tome member I of the family hua need of it A tooth- ; ache or headache uiay be cured by it, A tonch of rbeumatiam or neura'cia .quilted. Ihe Severe pain of a bum or scald promptly relieved and the sore healed ia much leas time than when medicine haa to be sent for. A sprain may 1m promptly treated before inflam mation seta in, which insures a cures in about one-third of the time other wise required. Outa and bruises shonld receive immediate treatment before the parts become swollen, which can only be done when Pain Balm ia kept at hand. A sore throat may be cured be fore it becomes serious. A troublesome oornmay be removed_by applying it twice a day for a week or two. A lame back may be cured and several days of valuablo time saved or a pain in the side or chest relieved without paying a doctor bill. Procure a 50 cent hottle at once and you will never regret it. For sale by Cunningham Bros. & Co.. Weils and Hnymaker, Clarksburg. B. A. Garrett Salem. 47-lm. ROOFNG PAINT Tin, Iron, Steel, Felt Hoofing, with trim mings ; and tools to lend,or tools to keep. Can be laid by any body ;shipped every where. red ami black, for metal 1 i c roofing. Creosote Preserva tive for shingles, posts and woodwork that shorten or LADDERSlengthen; ^or *'n" PAPER PRICES ners,carpenters fruit growers, etc. heavy building, for sheathing houses, lining rooms and floors. low. Circulars and quotations by ad dressing," WM. A. LIST & CO., 30-Gm Whenllnr. W. Va. W|' JT you look at the date XrlQ on your paper? Did ?5pB| you find that you were owing us your subscription? Kindly pay up as we dislike the idea of having to collect Open to Both Sexes. Four courses of study, Ancient, Clas sical, Modern Classical, Scientific and Normal Over 150 students last term. Growing more popular every year. Superior Advantage* for Teach ers. Best course of study outside the State University. Competent and ex perienced Instructors. Good library free to students. Well earned reputa tion for thorough work. Salem students take highest grade among teachers. They are in demand for high school work. Nearly half the College students are teachers. Best Softool of Telegraphy in the State. Instruments all furnished. Teacher experienced in railroad work, and gives thorough drill in every branch of office work. Music teacher of superior culture from Boston Conservatory of Music. Expenses exoeedingly low. Healthful locality, with excellent moral surround ings. Situated on B. & O. Bailroad between Grafton and Parkersbnrg. Fall Term Open* Sept. 4, 1894. WSend for Catalogue. THEO. L. GABDINEB A. M. President Salem, West Virginia. 38. Baugh's Double Eagle Phos phate. from slaughter house bone, one of the best phosphates made; good for all growing crops. For sale by R. T. Lowndes. Ready For Business. .W.H.LEWIS d CO 1 DEALERS IN 1$tkple ki|d G^oderie$. * FLOUR 7 AND 7 MEAL, Teas, Spices, Pure Coffees, 5 Foreign and Domestic Fruits. IS The finest Cigars and Tobaccos in the j S city, and in fact everything kept in a] FIRST GLASS GROCERY;! EXILED FROM HOME. It Is said that at this time there ?.?<? twenty-two ex-sovereigns rciidlng in different parts of Europe, 8W of them in the countries they once ruled. Pit's IX.. tlio late pontiff, was driven from Rom ' durini; the stormy days of IMS. He tied In disguise to (laeta, aii.l remained Uiaro until restored by for eign aid. Emperor C:i a V. lired in volun tary exile during the last year* of his We. His ehief occupation in his retire ment was derising new viands to tempt his gluttonous appetite. A otiKAT many of the popes have been forced into exile, generally by! emeutes among the turlmlent liomnn populace. A tew were restored, but most of them died in exile. j Ma hie nr. Mcmci. the mother of three queens, was driven into exile by the in fluence and address of Cardinal Rich elieu. She lived In great poverty.often wanting the necessaries i .f life. j Jerome Boxapartk remained In exile from 1S15 to the revolution of 184*, when he was restored to his military rank and made governor of the in valides. He died in Paris is 1880. S Wiiule families have sometimes been exiled atone time The Stuart family was twice driven from England, and at different times the Uourlions and the Ikinapartes have been expelled from France. MUCH |TT LITTLE. Understand your antagonist liefore you answer him.?Anon. ? Better to go to bed supperless than to get up In debt.?Spanish Proverb, f Tub world would be a place of peace if men were all peacemakers. ?ltuskin. Tm: more one speaks of himself the less he likes to hear another talked of. ?Lavater. What seems to tis the raeren acci dent springs from the deepest source of destiny.?Schiller. I Content can soothe, where'er by for tune placed; can rear a garden in a desert waste.?H. K. *Vhitc. And yet I know out of the dark must grow, sooner or later, whatever is fair, for the heavens have willed it so.?Anon. All men have their frailties; and whoever looks for a friend without im perfections will never find what he seeks.?Cyrus. It Is far more Important to me to preserve an unblemished conscience than to compass any object however great.?Channing. It was as If the spirit Of life in na ture were but withholding any too pre cipitate revelation of itself, in its slow, wise, maturing work.?W. Pater. FARM NOTES. Grashhoppjcrs make a good egg food. As A rule spinach is a very profitable crop. In butter color and Savor have no re lation to each other. :; The ashes of the corn cob contain a large amount of potash. % Oveiikeriiixo Is the most fruitful cause of a failure to lay. r It is said that'fowls that lay white eggs are tn<MpTOUffi3than those which lay dark eggs. An eight-frame hive for Wcslanowj preferred to the tea-frame hive, wliicli has been so long in use. AoREATdeal of wet land along the banks of streams and ponds can be used for growing the basket willow. Abolition of silicate of soda is said to be a perfect preservatlvis of eggs, and does not injure them in any way. There is no better grain for poultry any time of the year than wheat, ex cept when fattening. When ready to fatten corn should be used. NAMED BY THE~PUBLIC. The duke of Wellington was called the Achilles of England, from the vic tory at Waterloo. James Fknimore Cooper has been called the Scott of the Seas, from his stories of marine life. I. was called the Man of Blood by the Puritans and the Royal Martyr by the royalists. Sir Phiijp Sidney was the Poet of Kissing, because of the amatory char acter of much of his verse. Henry Fielding was called the Prince of Novelists, from his skill in depicting character in flotion. IIaydk was called the Father of Symphony, from the prominence he gave that form of composition. .Tajiks Fox was called the Man of the People, from his generally taking the opposition in politics. OF GENERAL INTEREST. In New York city It takes people from twelve to sixteen seconds to get into and out of cars. In London it re quires thirty seconds. In the sixteenth century no lady was considered in full dress unless she had a mirror at her breast. It was oval in shape, about four by six Inches in size. The catacombs of Rome contain the remains of about six million hnman beings, and those of Paris about three million. The latter were formerly stone quarries. London bridge is nine hundred and twenty feet long, fifty-six feet wide and fifty-five feet in height. It has five semi-elliptical arches, the center, one being one hundred and fifty feet. MISSING LINKS. The best bricks In the world are made by the tribes of Central Asia. New York City has thirty-four thou sand miles of underground wires. Every American warship has an out fit of over one hundred and fifty flags In England householders have to pay a tax on each male servant in their em ploy. Street bands are not permitted in Germany unless they accompany pro cessions. In 18.10 the' foreign-born population fonned ti.Cm per cent, of the whole; now it is 11.77 The firm of Delson & Krentzer. the old reliable furniture dealers, cordially invite all who are inter ested in furniture, whether in plain chairs and bedsteads or the latest designs in carved work, upholstered goods or superb parlor suits, to call and see their large stock. Prices were never lower and the time to buy is NOW. 44-2t n Poor Health f means so much more than ?ou imagine?serious and a til diseases result from f trifling ailments neglected. ' Don't play with Nature's reatest gift?health. Browns Iron Bitters (fyouarefeellng out of sorts, weak ?ud generally ex* haunted, nervous, have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthen in* tnedicine.whlch is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure-benefit comes from the very first dose-*** nw*7 stain jmhr ttetk, and it's pleaaant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia. Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, 'Constipation, Bad Blood 1 Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. L Get only the genuine?it ha* crossed red f lines on the wrapper. AH others are sub i tiitutes, On receipt of two sc. sumps we Twill send set oi Tea Beautiful World* I Fair Views and book- free. f BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MO. \ P at GEMS OF_ VERSE. Heart llungwr. I pass It every evening. A tiny. humble room. Within whose narrow windows A few quaint flowers bloom. A little lamp gleams brightly In its accustomed place. To my glad eyes revealing fA winsome, girlish face Sometimes the bright head's bending. |9f' Low o'er an open book. Sometimes bowed down o'er sewing , With tender, dreamy look. I often hear her singing Some quaint, old-fashioned tune That takes me back to childhood And country lanes in June. Ah! I would give my manalon With turret, tower and dome. For this wee bit of Eden My hungry heart colla home Yes. 1. the world-worn cynlo. Would give the world to be, A part of that dear vision. That dream of Heaven to mot ?Florence A. Jones. In Inter Oceaa. Stiips That Can Never Com* In. Oh. wondrouslyfalr are the Islands of Rest? Those lalandB wo never have seen? . But we know they are smiling out there la the west, ? Their valleys all glowing in green. No cloud over crosses their tropical sky, And there Is no sorrow nor sin. And snug in their harbor all peacefully lie f Our ships that can never come In. There dwell the fair faces our fancy may see. With eyes of the tenderest blue. Thut come In our slumbers to you and to me. In dreams that can never come true. Wc Joyfully greet them, nor wish they were here ?Mid all of the danger a.,d din. ^TWjraro blissfully guarding the hopes we hold dear? Our ships that can never eome In. ?Nixon Waterman. In Chicago Journal. TIi* Difference. With a sigh thst is soft aa the zephyr morn She greets the young man in his wooing; At home he's a salesman; ahe'a rich and high born; But his path with smiles she Is strewing. But there's a difference vast between seaside and town; Experience has nfcauy bad scholars.! In the fall at the counter she'll stand with a frown. While he murmurs: "That silk la four doi Jart." ?Washington Poal. Within. To fail in finding gifts, and still to give. To count all trouble ease, all loss aa gain. To learn in dying as a self to live? This dost thou do. and seek thy Joy In pain? | Rejoice that not unworthy thou art found For Love to touch thee with his hand divine; ! Put off thy shoes, thou art on holy ground; { Thou stundest on the threshold of his shrine, i But canst thou wait In patience, make no sign. And where In power thou fail'st?oh. not In will See H&ro need served by other hands than thine. And other hands the dear desires fulfllL Hear others gain the thanks that thou wouldst .: '.win, , 1 Yet be all Joy? Then hast thou entered la ?Anna C. Brackett. In Harper's Magazine. j The Widowed Farmer. Since Banner died the sun don't shine so bright. The stars don't twinkle near so keen at night. The church bell Sunday inornln' an t the cheer It hud when she was here, Since Banner died. The very chickens misses Banner's care, And go 'round with a sorter lonesome air, There an't no kind of Joy about tho place Without her smllln' face, Since Banner died. The garden tools hang In the apple trees. The hossweeds are a-klllln' off the peas; There's no one here to hoe the taters now, hr feed the hogs an' cow, Since Hanner died. 1 s'pose, of course. I'd orter be resigned, But when I go out In the shed and find The ax she chopped the wood with all them years. I wet it with my tears. Since Hanner died. ?Robley D. Stevenson, In N. Y. Sun. Serial. Have you read the latest story Published In the magazine; Where the hero and the villain Keep the Interest brisk and keen? Well, the hero loves a maiden. And the inalden loves him true. While the villain seems to think He has got a claim there, too. Then the maiden and the villain Have a stormy, angry scene; Then the villain tries to kill her, But the hero steps between. Then the villain draws a pistol. But the hero, not perplexed. Also pulls a seven-shooter? ? '???? e (To be continued in our nexL) ?N. Y. World, In Our Dally Path. Hay not: -Were I that man. or this, I would crests a world of bliss For some one. 1 would upward Uft The saddest heart, and bring a gift And lay It down at weary feet. Oh. I would live to make life sweet To such as In their sharp distress Have said: 'Life la all bitternesa.' - Whate'er wo ?fe. whate'er our place, (Sod's gifts to us?Hls gifts of grace? We may with all tho Buffering share,; Till faces smile with answered prayer. Oar very presence virtue hath For those who dally cross our path. If eyes are kind ?nd hearts are true. We csn all bleesed, good things da We need not reach out hands afar. But drop our blessings where we are. -Demoreat's Magatln* BOYTS, PORTER & CO., ill'lLDKRS OP Steam Pur:ps tor use in Min Fresh water. Special Boiler Feed ers, Heavy Presure Pumps and for all kinds of duty. DEALERS IN Steam ai d Water I'ipe, Brass and Iron Fitting* Special pumps built to order for all kinds of duty. Special at 1!- ' 1 J --1-- ?"""mm PA. w^vvjim puuipa UUUb IU ^ CONNEL^^VILLE168 C?'te wor^cs' *or ^taloKuo G. W.1H. M. Shuttle worth, DEALERS IN Agents For Browning, King & Co. and The Frank 1. Carroll Clothing Firm Notions, Groceries Dry Goods, Hardware. Boots and Shoes Halt, Nails, Timothy Seed and Qarden Seeds. ZELL'S FERTILIZERS. Wall Paper, Syruns, Oils Mo lasses, Flour and Meal. Pro duce Bought. Cor. Main & Water Streets. Goods Delivered Free in the City. 0. E. VANCE. J. CARL VANCE ?. R. DAVIS A BRO L>ave Sold to THE -Xfr * ** mm Vanee Hardware Co. (UNWtOBPORATED) Tfteir Entire OF 8EE OUR -AND CLARK8BURC. - WE8T VA. BIBLES LATEST and BEST Self-Pronoun (ring Parallel Family Bibles, finely illustrated?Seven styles. Holman's New & 8. Teacher's Bible, containing a self-pronouncing text? diacritioally marked. AU the help* of the latest Oxford edition, and other very valuable aida to Bible (tody. The latest and best Teacher's Bible n the world. W80 to 85 per oent off publisher's re tail prioes owing to style wanted. WTThe Peerless edition of Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress a speciality. REV. J. A. HAMMOND. Agent Adamston, W. Va. - 22-fcf Every mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first symptom of true crou|i is hoarseness. This is followed by a peouliar rough oougb. If Chamberlain's Congh Bemedy is given freely u soon a* the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has de veloped it will prevent the attaok. 35 and 50 oent bottles for sale by Onnningham Bros. A Co., Wells A Haymaker. Clarksburg, T. L. Bon.l and Bro., Salem. 47-1 m. 0. IT. Jloffett, Notary Public, Convey ancer and Pension Solicitor. Prompt attention to all business. West Milford, W. Va. _ ?Why pay a big price for sad ales and harness when you can b ly them^so cheap at Win. 8. S v mrer'p tannery, west Mains Positive BargaTns in Wen's Ladies', Misses and Children's 8hoes and Rubbers at John T. Griffin's. ? - tf. .asSEaRSst.v?VB&jMwIKawfm Won (Somen -W. Va.,? October 8, 1892.) To Motiwrt:?Ova baby it nearly 14 monthaold. and we had bought and given it 7 bottle* of "Caatora," without 3 much change for the better, and it never seemed heart.v until we gave it a bottle of Bnftanna, which cured it entirely. John T. Wii.mams, Mm. Mahv M. Williams, Messrs. C. C. Pittro & Co. of this city, and wei; known here, have opened a beef shop opposite the Telegram office, on the corner next to Traders' Alley. They will keep on hands the choicest steak, roast, &c. It will pay you toglve themacall. 41tf. I To The Mountains and Sea shore via Big Four Route. The favorite tourist line to Put in Bay and all Lake Erie Islands via Sandusky. Lake Chautauqua. Niagara Palls, St, Lawrenco River, Thousands Ids., Lake Cbamplain. Adirondacks, Green and White Mountains, New Eng land Resorts. New York and Boston viaCleveland,Lake Shore, New York Central and Boston and Albany Railwavs. To the Lake Regions of Wisconsin.' Iowa and Minnesota via Chicago. To the Cool Resorts of Michigan via Benton Harbor. When you go on your Summer Vacation see that your tickets roods via the Big Four Route. E. 0. McCor mick, I'assengerTraffic Manager, D. B. Martin. Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt.. Cincinnati, O. HKAUFMAXN. practical piano | ? tuner and r< |?>irer. Chukaburg, W. Va. Reference: Auyaohool wheremuaio ia taught in Central Weat Virginia. Send a poatal card if you need any work in thia line. IStt