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d the Development of VOest Urmia's Resources 19. 1834. WHOLE XO. 17f?5 Deooted to prootioal Information, Rome Hews, )l. XXXIII. NO 49. CLARKSBURG. ARCEST CIRCULATION T\ A APA ? m OwrtMl West Virginia | PAGES I TO 4 IRILLIANT e Harrison County Campaign. vcner's fleceptioi) erywhere is an Ovation. Han,y Converts Along the Line Renounce Principles of Democracy. f Crowds, (inrsrcous Parades. 'Democrats are down rant un thr insertion that their party !? in ability to manage the Gov men/."?UrOVERCLEVELAND. (LING out the sta r r y ban ners ! Grand old Harrison county is all aglow with enthusiasm . Like a march t o triumph, has been Capt. Dove ner's tour of the county. Republics n s are all united 1 and solid for the ticket. They have a ted banners upon every bill i. They'join Gov. McCorkle his plea for the West Vir lia laborers when he asked in rent tones that his party turn de from a system of low tariff it would'-paralyze his beau ti State and render sterile her i valleys." The tidal wave is eeping "West Virginia ! The lications point to a regular alley washer" in November, le majority in Harrison may ach 600 but W6 only ask for 5 majority. BROWN'S MILLS. The crowd at Brown's Mills it Thursday was estimated at om 1,200 to 1.500, Capt. Dove r and the other Republican eakers were escorted from 3la to Brown's Mills by a pro ssion of horsemen (250 by tual count) headed by the irdis brass band, a splendid osical organization. The pro ssion was loudly cheered when reajhed Brown's Mills. The Jle speeches made by the Cap in and Maj. Moore created un mcded enthusiasm. The day ?s a great success. ilG ISAAC AND JARV1SV1LLE. On Monday the Jarvisville Re Iblicans, with their uniformed 'id drawn by four horses, fol ff|f^by a procession about half mile long, started for Big sac Capt. Dovener's carriage >s drawn by two white horses ; mdreds of banners all along ie 'he gave the procession a ?cctacular appearance. The '-"Ititude was joined while, on 'e march, by a large delegation "m another community in which we seventeen voters who had eietofore been Democrats but ^ seen the "error of their way" joined the procession of Protectionists." The Big Isaac rum corps escorted the proces through the village and Jck to the place where the plat had been erected. Seats W been provided and there ere between 800 and 1.000 peo e present. Capt. Dovener. A. c. Moore and Stuart F. eed were the speakers. It was whooper-'er-up and keep-'er oinK crowd and after the ad '"mment the band and a large legation, accompanied the aPtaiD to WEST MILFORD ere ?large audience augment ed by a big delegation .from Mt. Clare had assembled. This meeting was also a grand success and was addressed by Hon. M. G. Holmes and Capt. Dovener. It would take hours to give a full account of these meeting^ and the best part of it all ia the fact that no where was there any lack of interest or trouble to get large crowds. Romine's Mills and Bridgeport, both Democratic strong holds, produced splendid audiences? fully one third larger than were given our Democratic friends. The meeting at the Shinnston Opera House showed that old Clay was still awake and at work. The venerable S. S. Fleming was chairman and the crowd could not all get in the building. Speeches were made by Atkin son, Dovener and others. WYATT. At Wyatt the Republicans turned out on Tuesday, en masse, to hear Capt. Dovener and Maj. A. C. Moore. The fact is the Telegram is not able to Keep up with them all, but hopes the enthusiasm will be kept up until the polls close on the evening of November 6th. Gov. McKinley decided to ac cept the invitation of the Repub lican committee of Louisiana, and will deliver a speech at New Or leans on October 20. The London chamber of com merce banquettert William L. Wilson. How many American chamberspf comm.erca.have tend ered him receptions ? The October receipts of the Treasury do not seem to be much of an improvement on .those of September, which as indicated in this correspondence fell off $7,500,000 short of the necessary expenditures. Mr. Dayton is making his own csimpaign for Congress in the Second West Virginia district, and so effective is his work that Prof. Wilson lias summoned Vice President Stevenson, Bourke Cockran, John K. Fellows and other Democratic big guns, to help him. The wheat crop of 1393 was 200,000.000 bushels less than the crop of 1891. The average price in 1891. under Harrison, was 83 cents a bushel, wliile in 1893, un der Cleveland and with a short crop, the average price was but 52 cents a bushel. Rarely has there been a ratifi cation meeting of such magnitude in New York ns that which was assembled in and about Cooper Union Saturday evening to hear the speech of ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed, of Maine. The demon stration was under the auspices of the regular Republican organi zation of the city and county of New York, and the results sur passed their most sanguine ex pectations. Purify your blood, tone up the sys tirni, anil regulate the digestive orguus by taking Hood's Sasaparilla. Sold l>y all druggists. Woman's Christian Temper ance Union Column. uost Creek was favored with a visit from Miss C. L. Burnett, State Organizer for the W. C. T. U. On the night of the 4th inst. she lectured under the auspices of tho Lost Creek Union. Though the eight was very rainy there was a goodly number present to listen to the excellent lecture. Miss Burnett seemed familiar with all phases of the temper ance question, and presented her arguments in a very easy and pleasing manner. Ladies' cloaks and caps at popular prices at the Bon Ton I Store. 49-lt | Kefornt in Funeral*. The Burial Reform association, to encourage simplicity in disposing ofjj the dead, has l>een organized in New York city, by several progressive clergymen. They arc going to advo cate a radical change and reform based en public safety and economy. It is to be the duty of the clergy to advocate the abolition of the present methods ?>f burial and to urge people to use wicker* caskets or papier mache coffins in thcii future. As these caskets will not last long, this form of burial provides an "earth to earth" burial as expressed in the Bible. It is claimedt says an easts ern exchange, that the plagues of Lon don have been traecd directly to 1 In dentation of its underground watewjj and the corruption of its atmosphere by putrefying bodies in the great ceme teries near the city. That treat pestilence awaits the city of New York in the near future, is the argument rifj those who have enlisted their energies in the burial reform movement. The new caskets will facilitate the rapid, decomposition of the hnman body. The elements of the earth and air lif the earth mingle with the body shortly,; after burial and work out their natural^ effect without corruption. The new movement simply means the use of burial outfits that will not retard de composition. It will prevent bodieig underground from becoming a mass of: corruption, while at the same time it> will remove a menace to health and the severe drain upon the family purse, The idea of the burial reformers will no doubt prove a popular one with the mass of people. The undertakers, of;: course, will furnish considerable oppo~; sition, but, as they are in the minority, their arguments will probably prove ofl no avaiL |j The girls of Webberville. Mich., know how to dispose of troublesome mashers. There are a number of pret ty girls who work in the apple dryer . factory of the town and they have | been annoyed of late by local Beau J Brummels. At last the girls decided ! to Uaoh tlicm a lesson. The othftpj morning- one of the exquisites of the town dropped in at the office on a pre tense and was admitted to the factory. He tried his best to create a favorable impression upon one of the girls. She, with some others, waited until the su perintendent was absent and then boldly made a rush for the dude, and, forcing him outside the building with the assistance of the boss, they threw him into the cistern. He was left to flounder out as best he could. Tub Massachusetts tax assessors are having difficulty in their efforts to as sess the tax on bicycles provided for by a recent law of that state. They gen erally report that they have been able to get hold of hardly half the wheels in use, and in some places could not have made even that showing had it not been for the wheelman's direct torics, published before the tax law was passed. Many of the wheels are owned by minors, whose property to the value of one thousand dollars can be exempted. The Massachusetts as sessors had a similarly bothersome task some years ago in the taxation of hens, of which the legislature subse quently relieved them. There is a better market for kisses in Rochester, N. Y., than in Brooklyn. A young woman, according to the Eagle of the latter city, has just re covered a verdict of four hundred dol lars against a man in the former city who had kissed her against her will, while the Brooklyn woman who sued a man for a similar offense secured the conviction of the guilty man and his sentence to pay a tine of one hun dred dollars. The Rochester girl got the kiss and four hundred dollars, while the Brooklyn woman simply got the kiss. Tank steamers have for some time been used for carrying- petroleum and molasses, but it has remained for a Louisiana man to bring* the tank into use for molasses on shore, lie inteniU to handle the sweet, sticky stuff Sn much the same way that crude oil is treated, storing it in big tanks in his yards until it is needed for shipment, when it may be pumped into barrels by a high pressure pump. The molasses is to be gathered from the various sugar plantations and transported to tank cars. Tmc authorities of Chicago are en forcing the factory law against the employing of children under sixteen years of age without giving affidavits us to their age. Several arrests have already been made, and the new law will be rigidly enforced. Twestt years ago southern planters paid men to haul away cotton seed and burn it Now they get from six to eight dollars a ton for the seed, and Its uses arc manifold. || Women's kip shoes at David Davidson's; former price 11.23? present price C9c. Only look for yourself. 40tf m hi" Successful Man. man In business bo thor lit tod for the position Ufi occu Icrt to every opportunity and :ing it to !U fullest possibility, ' ? methods fixed on honorable , and ho Is a successful mau, iter In the Ladies' Home Jour it doesn't maUcr whether he ne thousand dollars or a bun* ousand dollars. Ue makes a I Ills position. He carries to u ul termination that which It ?n (riven him to do, be that great If the work he does, and dl. In up to his limitations, he is is. I f he does not work up to city, then he fails, just a* he o, if he attempts to jo beyond ntal or physical limit. There is much danger on one side of limit lino us then! ison the other, cry realization of one's capacity I of success. 1 on observing shoemaker recent l New York Times writer: It Is a ive fact that women's feet aro de larger than a few years ago. all when a woman who asked four in her shoes almost ?Sillily apologized in manner or i now fives are almost the aver e, and sixes are in great demand, hysical culture craze is respon for this. Young women who play tennis and golf simply it in tight boots any longer, the French heel, only actresses votnen who ape their modes wear in the street any more. The fashionable women wear them for dress shoes, but never for ting boots. Augusta (Ga.) youth who spends when out of school looking r liis chickens, of which he raises a of broods every year, had a ular experience last spring. One ! hens came off the nest i little chick, This one "imo a care of the dis abled bird, which, strange to say, at once accepted the guardianship of the hen and remained nnder her care until its wing was well again, when It re sumed ita former way of living. The mother instinct of the common barn yard hen sometimes leads her to undertake strange offices. Luckily for railway conductors the average traveler keeps the Beat in which he is first found. The conductor is by no means the infallible person that some folks think him, and only this habit of the traveling publlo enables him to keep track of newcomers. Every stranger who moves from one Beat to another thus becomes an object of sus picion to the conductor, and is watched lest he be trying to ride free. As to the commnter, his relation to the con ductor la no nearly one of honor that If he chose he could swindle the company at least once a week. A Dubuque (la.) man lately took a lot of quarter dollars and chiseled off the first ay liable of the word "quarter" and the last syllable of the word "dol lar." The letter "r" was then changed to "nil making- the inscription read "ten dol." Then he gilded the coins and offered them to tradesmen at a par value of ten dollars each. It was an ingenious scheme, but Uncle Samuel's myrmidons are no blind worshipers of ingenuity. The gentleman from Du buque is now languishing in jail. SU5FLOWEH seeds are sold in the streets of New York city. They fetch three cents a pony glass, and are bought in considerable quantities by passers-by from a vender, who deals in a few other trifles, and from time to time hulls a few of the seeds and eats them himself, lie smiles and says sun flower seeds are good to fatten one. They are fed to chickens for that pur pose in some parts of the country. The leavings of the Midway of the world's fair at Chicago are still doing their little act in sundry bucolic parts of our unsophisticated land. The Sa vannah News, noticing ex-Midway at tractions advertised at county fairs in Georgia and other states, declares that such exhibitions should be excluded. The News is quite right, says the Inter Ocean. The Midway was a better place to study ethnology than ethics. C0XQBKS8MAX Peki., of Arkansas, has, according to current report, been en gaged as general attorney of the Chick asaw nation at Washington, to succeed Gen* Paine. The office is a fat one, paying twenty-five thousand dollars per year and ten per cent, of all claim* mi" moneys recovered. Mkbcaxtflk business throughout the s h< rn States is reported to be very satisfactory. Sales are largely and Steadily increasing, collections arc fair amf the condition of the crops en courages the belief that fall and win t.?> trade will be unusually good. The Telegram the best local paper in Harrison county. BILLY WILSON IN LONDON. Of course you've heard the tidings that have Hashed across the sea. They're dining Billy Wilson where everything is "free;" The prinoe he pats him on the back and toasts him up aud down. Thev'vo granted him the freedom of their blarated London town, And even Jack the Kipper, reeking with . the gutter's slime. Has vowed to see that Billy has a High Old Time. They thank him for the spindles that are silout everywhere. They bless him for the hnngrr cries that rend the Autumn air, They praise him for the pitching of a thousand Coxie camps, They toast him for the making of our multitude of tramps; Aye, everywhere they seek him out in Queen Victoria's clime. Determined that onr Billy ahall have a High Old Time, The freeman of his district will be vot ing by and by, A shsttered Wilson bill will soon lie sailing toward the sky; Mid the winda of next November, as they whiatle cold and wild. The diner out in England will not know bia free-trade child. For the men of Weat Virginia, heroes trne to Freedom's clime. Will see that Billy Wilson has a Devil Of a Time. ?T. G.Harbaugh in Cincinnati Triimnt. Uoyernor HcKlnter's Tonr. When Gov. McRinley reached Columbus from Toledo he com pleted n tour of about 4,550 .mllAa. ^uring which time he has B most remarkable phase is th( tremendous enthusiasm which greeted him at every point. In the west the people turned oui en masse to hear him. The se ries of speeches be has delivered are a parallel to those delivered by Benjamin Harrison after his nomination in 1888 to the delega tions who visited Indianapolis. The Govenor's whole speaking tour has caused consterna tion in the Democratic camp. The organs of that party have poured out their fiercest invec tive against him. The Demo crats realize that, so far from being relegated to the limbo of political fossils, as they fondly hoped he had been, he is a po litical factor of the greatest mag nitude, the leader chosen by the people against the Democratic industry-wnecking and poverty producing policy, Tun people of llellngton, W. Va., are proud of one of their cititens, whose only claim to greatness Is his enormous beard and mustache. His name is James Brown, lie is six feet one inch in height, but even his great stature does not hinder his chin beard from trailing on the floor when he stands erect. The mustache is even a greater curiosity than his beard, being exactly seven feet and four Inches "from tip to tip." A!* interesting feature of the In creased demand for flags since the war Is the fact that everybody now wants to be sure that the flag he is buying contains.exactiy the right number of stars. A flag manufacturer says that while before the war people were not particular about this, they look to it now every time. With membership and good standing in forty-one secret societies, a Topeka man claims to belong to more orders than any other man in America. That man must put in uil bis nights at lodge* and ell liis days at funerals, if he at tends ?1H- "'en. ETIQUETTE FOR QIRLS. Always rise for an older person. Is entering a room the gentleman al ways follows the young lady. Tmc young lady always seats herself first before any gentleman will do so. I* making introductions the young man is always presented to the girl, never the other way round. It is a lady's place to recognize a gentleman first, as it depends on her whether the acquaintance continues or not. Ketch introduce any young man to your girl friends without first asking their permission, and then say: "Miss D., I want to present (or Introduce) Mr. A. to you." _ Tariff Talk. To insure prosperity we need more factories employing a largo force of men at better wages. thus malting the market for the farmer not dependent on aforeign country. This would call for workers in the mines and ft do ries a larger force for transporta tion. :: When any great industry is destroyed those thrown out ot employment must seek work in | other fields of labor, causing a greater competition and lowering the price of labor. The labor ing man can not afford to vote for the party that destroys the in dustries of his country. t I I Two years ago under a Repub lican administration this country was in the most prosperous con dition in its history according to all commercial reports. Is it a coincident tbatafter two years of Democratic rule it is in the lowest state of depression ? If so. why has business depression followed always after the advent of a Democratic administration ? I t Is it comihon prudence to I open our markets free to any nation without any restriction on any article whatever, when we can obtain a similar advantage for some article produced by us as exchange ? The Democratic party is teaching that dangerous ? -"-j ---??? Let every man do his utmost during this campaign to over throw that party which is doing all in its power to betray the business Interests of this ooun try. Now is no time for bicker ing or paying off any supposed personal score. Every patriotic man will be found at his post doing his duty. : t A protective tariff, to com mence with pays the expenses of our National Government, next it benefits the class of labor making that particular article, thereby it benefits other classes of labor by taking from the labor market the amount of labor re quired to produce the article and by the number total of laborers employed, it makes a market for the products of the farm and the so-called raw materials, to say nothing of the increased labor required for transportation. Canada with her cheap labor boasts that with the duty taken off of coal she will supply all the eastern cities. Knowing this, can the coal miner afford to vote for the party which advocates free coal, which means lower wages and starvation to himself and family? Fkeb trade means less work and smaller wages, greater com petition in the labor market for the day laborer; a cheaper mar ket and more competition for the farmer and a general shrinkage of all values, ill comes off the poor man. We?t Virginia Frlhlau*. Huntington, W. Va., October 15.?The 25tli session of Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias ad journed to-night. Officers were elected as follows: C. W. Hall, Charleston, grand chancelor; W. H. Baker, Fairmont, vice grand chancelor; W. E. West, of this city, prelate; M. E. Smith, Graftoft, master of exchequer; Paul Preger, Parkersburg, mas ter-at-arms ; Manner Jenkins. Piedmont, keeper of records and seals; S- A. Posten, Morgantown, inside guard; Chas. Beuedum. Bridgeport, outside guard. The next session will be held in Fair mont.