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,VnT nnOT LARGEST : PAPER : \H\ ART rlno 11 Central Watt Virginia} Clarksburg Denoted to Praotioal Information, gome Rewe, Pure Poli L. XXXIV.?NO X. CLARKSBURG. W. A., 1 the Development of \\)est Virginia's Resources TW-?*1 MEMBER 30. 1834. j WHOLE NO. 1761 ORT ARTHUR. sptnre of tbe Great Clime al StruDttholfl ii at Last Officially Confirmed. ips, With Their Usual Mili ry Intrigues, Outgeneral Their Adversary. L'liiurxe Knufrlit Dmperatelj. iui.noton, 0. C.?Tbe State ment his the following brief jam from Minister IJenby at ?t Arthur taken 22d." Navy department received lowing cablegram this morn m Admiral Carpenter, under Cliefoo, November 23d: ?t Arthur fell 21st. Baltimore for there to-day." fall of Port Arthur has been id so many times that some ion was felt in accepting the ntil it received official con. on in the above yesterday K' It will be observed that inese garrison mado * stout >. This was only what was .looked for. I.'; ever the Lmight have been, expected h and garrisoned by at least thousand men who had no of safety except by viotory 0 were defending the great, rsenal of Northern China, now over a month ago that cond Japanese army, under 1 Oyama, sailed from Hioshi i sealed orders. The troops i'l to number thirty thousand, ll'th of Ootober a special ancient at Shanghai telepraph ' fifteen thousand Japanese under Marshal Oyatna, were e<l across Regent's Sword <ory, to the north of Port and within sight of that tronghold. A week later a '"I landing?probably the of "yama's troops?appears lieen effected on the shores 'n bay, to the northeast of ftliur, and measures were im. ily taken to invest the place lely by land and sea. '"panose lleet was kept in ss outside, and torpedoes id down. On October 30th (ram was received from Min '"by, at Pekin, announcing '?re of one of the forts at tlitir by the Japanese. Next ' ' lerald's correspondent at ?' reported the capture of a Everything was done 'be net as close as possible (l? place, and now finally it have fallen in its entirety ''Huds of Japan. I,e ' ''inese earlier made any <e adequate efforts to save it seems impossible that ccess should have been 1 by the Japanese with such "ve ease. The first fatal made in allowing "jama to land his troops eninsula, for Port Arthur, 8 it is to seaward, is relative. 1 ?n the land side. But "eet had suffered terribly in e of the Yalu, and, although readiness and under orders Port Arthur before the >f Ootober, it was too com. 'emoralized to venture upon 'Delusions once more with 'y'? cruisers. Thus it came 144 'he delicate operation of I large army upon hostile iccompliahed by the Japan ;ut lile slightest molestation, Mind greatest step was taken toward the capture of the arsenal. The last trustworthy report as to the garrison was that twenty thous and Chinese troops, well armed, well drilled and fully, provisioned, occupied the defences. The major ity of the six thousand persons who iived in the town in times of peace moved away several weeks ago. Three English officers have said within the last month that the fall of Port Arthur would probably end the war. Origin of Xnrscrr Rhymes. "Three Blind Mice" is a music book of 1609. "A Froggie Would a Wooing Go" was licensed in 1650. "Little Jack Horner" is older than the seventeenth cetury. "Pussy Cat, jEJussy Cat. Where Have You Been ?" dates from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. '?Boys and Girls Come Out to Play" dates from CharleG II, as does also "Lucy Locket Lost Her Pocket." "Old Mother Hubbard," "Goo sey, Goosey Gander," and Old Mother Goose" apparently date back to the sixteenth century. "Cinderella," '-Jack the Giant Killer," "Bluebeard" and "Tom Thumb" were given to the world in Paris in 1607. The author was Clarence Parrault. "Humpty-Dumpty" was a bold bad Baron who lived in~ the days of King John, and was tumbled from power. His history was a riddle, the meaning n egg. 'o!k,'i land Wood',In the fifteenth i tury. An old house in the neigh? borhood is still'pointed out upon a mantle-piece in which is carved the entire history. The Gold Bonds Awarded. Washington, 1). C., Nov. 20.? Secretary Carlisle to-day acted in the matter of the allotment of the $50,000,000 5 per cent, bonds, bids for which were opened at the Treas ury Department Saturday. He ac cepted the proposals submitted hy the syndicate represented by John A. Stewart, of the United States Trust Company of New York, and others, to take the entire issue at 117.077. It is tlm expectation of the Treasury officials that the deposits of gold for the payment of the bonds will be made very promptly, and, as the un derstanding is that none of tie gold is to be taken from the Treasury, an early restoration of the gold reserve to above the $100,(XX),000 mark will be the result. The bonds, including premium, will realize to the Govern ment about $58,500,000. The Humored Conference. Washington, I). C There are rumors here to the effect that a con. ference between Mr. Cleveland and a number of the leading Members of the House may be held soon in the intersts of obtaining harmonius ac tion upon financial legislation, or, at least, for the prevention of another public demonstration of the woeful lack of harmony which prevailed in the party ranks during the last ses sion. There is no apparent reason for belief in these rumors, and none of of the Congressmen already here know anything definite of such a scheme. In fact, there will be no getting together on financial matters unless the entire basis is radically changed from that which was mani fest during the first and second ses sions of the Fifty-third Congress. Everybody knows of Mr. Cleve land's well-grounded hostility to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of IK to 1. and there has as yet been no indication that Bland, Hatch, Bryan, Livingston, and all the other silverites who will be here this winter have changed front or will re frain from again attempting all kinds of silver legislation from coining the seigniorage to the regular free coin, sge act. Ttie Bible flt)d Ingersoll.1 AN ACROSTIC. Robber of the only faith, Offers nothing in its place. Blinded leader of the blind. Enslaved himself, enslave* mankind. Ridiculous, revolting, is hi* plea, Though lawyer, logician vrould he be. Invalid already is hi* ease; No chance for him to win the race. Greed, ambition, is his aim, Enlarge his coffers, win his name. Regrets, remorite will surely come, I Sorrow and shame will be bis doom. One Book, one faith, triumphant is; : Life, liberty, offers Look, and live. ?J. V. lh<rin,nt. I Ingersoll 1ms again attacked! the Bible and in several recent lectures to large ntidiences at tempted to prove that it was not inspired?not scientific and not moral. "The Bible will survive Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll as it survived those surperior antagonists, Vol taire, Pain and Renan, As a history alone it is the most valu able book in existence. The works of Herodotus, Livy, Taci tus and of Gibbon, to whom In gersoll alludes, do not compare with it. The Bible brings dow|j to us from remote ages the be liefs of our -distant, ancestry, fashioned from the chaos of tra dition by sages of the Hebrew race. In its older books the 1 mtby the relics of Assy ria and Babylon, and even by the rude folklore of the American Indian. The laws set forth for the ancient Jews were severe, but compared with the laws and customs of other nations of the time, they were distinctly hu mane and liberal. Many of the Psalms, parts of the book of Job and numerous passages in the prophetical bonks, are, by the universal consent of scholarship, absolutely unapproachable in their grandeur of diction and their sublimity of thought. The i Old Testament is full of instan ces of tenderness and mercy, of kindness to man and even to the the at ranger well as those ?the Old to the [nt it is not nn ex fo suy that all is I that is good and [ghtening and civil ianity, is a faithful liat l>ook which has ?or many hundreds [iiiessage of peace on (id will to men. For ich Colonel Ingeruoll tin-, persecutions, the tjje intolerance now issingaway, 110 warrant nd in the teachings of llim wlio told Peter to put away inl. who enjoined the jt charity to the poor, and fe on earth was an in jlble example of gentle self-sacrifice. To the fctious of wur common |md not .to any fault of | that for eigh Iturics has been a bulwark [ I morals, human brother I [human hopes are due [and awful episodes wliich t Christian of the pres [[irrespective of dognia, WXbe human race us it toward i>erfection, as 1 more liberal and less nd bigroted, is gradually ilnc. instead of departing i golden rule set forth in t of Books which Colonel lils. but the esteem 110ns the vast majori litoned mankind he npair."?A'i. man & ^'oumans, attorneys for* I nited States Senator M. C. Butler, to-dny petitioned the Supreme Court to enjoin the State Treasurer I salaries of County igistration, on the registration law is a nited States Consti is believed to mean that Butler wilffclaim that the State Legislature, which elects his suc cessor and which meets tomorrow, was illegally elected, and also that he will obateet the Senatorial elec tion iu tjie I nited States Senate if Tillman (defeats him. IMF"' ^ button shoes worth 12 now sdMb at $1.25 at David DavidsqH 4 (it! i nave uruugm '-IfF joy to ninny readers o f the Telegram. I a m as you see, now only ? a g h ? s t. I died for you? pray what more could you ask of me. I was once a peculiarly ? peckled egg recli ning in a no't n est unconscious of what, my fu ture would be. 1 next was hate hed and found myself a b 1 e t tJ in o v e. ' i . wee pin-feathered orphan I agiinit my will became, to struggle for existence a n d to get there all t h e same; and no w.?tho* lots of hungry cats and other things 1 - J < change my glorious destiny?I Pride. I am, indeed, the Nat Turkey is my name, and ovei heralded my fame, 'and ?just at present?for my happiness o n Thant' Day we celebrate I them round and i e d to t i o n ' s e. King ughty land is jects love me ing them with Yes. on that the brim and make latured with a vim, when they arc so thank-FULL that they're happy I the hero of the day love to be. V Bo We Ode It ? The Virginia Debt Again At The Front. The Virginia debt question is again being agitated. Virginia was heavily in debt at the time West Virginia became a separate State, and she held that the new State should pay one-third of this debt The claim is absurd, and the mafnner in which our State has befen treated by Vir ginia in regard to this question has caused many of our people to assert that/we should never pay a cent of t^is alleged debt The following is an extract from au editorial in the Register on this subject: The Vhole scheme smells of Wall street. A syndicate of speculators now holds nearly the entire $40,000,000 of so-called West Virginia certificates, bought for a mere song, some of them as low as, two cents on the dollar. If thia syndicate can succeed in inducing West Virginia to confer as ty a settlement on the basis ;eated by these certificates, will be "millions in it" for the holders. The position of West Virginia on the debt question has been en tirely honorable from the first, and to-day she stands ready to pay her just proportion whenever lb shall have been properly as certained. Itwlll be remembered that, the ordinance dividing the e of Virginia declared that new State was liable for a inia as commissioners who went to Rich mond in performance of the duty imposed upon them, but the Vir ginia authorities refused to re ceive them. The old State had arbitrarily set aside one-third as West Virginia's share. There was no consultation, no explana tion. no attempt to show the equity of the amount; it had been fixed by one of the parties to the controversy and that was the end of it. From this position Virginia has never receeded, and until she does all attempts at settlement are barred. In the meantime the Wall street syndicate will endeav or to realize on its holdings and its schemes will be deep and al luring. Princess Bismarck, wife of Prince Bismarck, died at Varzin at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning. Princess Bismarck, duchess of Lauenburg, wife of Prince Bis marck. bad been in poor health for a long time. Her illness be came pronounced about two months ago. ? Earthquake ln_the Tyrol. Vienna, Nov. 27.?A sharp earth, quake shock was felt to-day al Trient, io the Tyrol. Another "Jack the Ripper." London, Nov. 2t>.?A comely woman of the unfortunate olass, about 40 years old, was found dead in a frequented thoroughfare Jnear Hol land Villas road, Kensington, at about midnight. Hear throat was cut from ear to ear, and some of the newspapers here intimate that it is another crime of the " Jack the Rip per " order. IIIf* foot In Still Sore. Washington, Nov. 27.?As the President is still obliged by his phy sicians orders to refrain from using bis sprained foot, he did not come to town to-day, so the regular Tuesday Cabinet meeting was abandoned, there being no urgent business re quiring attention. ?'Uncle" Jacob Kern, of Clin ton district, Monongalia county, in "halo and Iiarty" in his eighty fourth year. He is the farther of sventeen children, all of one mother;' has one hundred and fifty ? grandchildren, eighty-five great grandchildren, and eleven great great grandchildren, a total of two hundred and sxty-throe,al of whom aro living.?Ex. llnrkliannnn. Jerome W. Btuart has moved into the property lately vacated by Dr. Hurt on Jawbone. Mrs. Elmer Wells and daugh ter. Mona. of Clarksburg, are visiting Huckhannon friends. Prof. Jenkins has taken the place left vacant in the Academy by the marriage of Miss Weiaen feld. Mrs. John L. Hurst and daugh ter, Miss Mary, have returned home after a lengthy sojourn in Philadelphia.?Manner. Mrs. L. May Holt succeeds Miss Weekly as Principal of Mu sic Department of the Academy. The complete returns In the senatorial district places the ma jority of 60" for U. G. Young Delta. A school house at Oak Grove. Preston county, about four miles from Terra Alta, was burned down Suday night about twelve o'clock by some unknown person. Trouble has been brewing for some time about having a teacher that some of the patrons did not want and the only way to pre vent having school, as the teacher was qualified to teach, was to burn down' the school honse, which occurred as above ktated. Burning school houses in West Virginia was certainly epidemic in the State last week. The Court of Appeals of New York has affirmed the conviction of John Y. McKane, the Tam his fall time?>1 years. STUB KNOT OF TIOUUHT. Tho man who rushes be/ore the public to defend his character, when be has been slandered by an ass, is a fool. When an intel ligent class of a community ask for an explanation of the conduct of an Individual it is then time to explain. Men who are vulgar, corrupt and indecent are the men who, having lost all self respect, will seek to drag others down to their own level. Kvery human heart ought to M a bird cage with a singing bird in it. It is not hard to forgive a lie told with good intent. Jt is said the good die young It is known that a great many adults are still with us. If we did as much good as we want others to do, the millennium would be next door. It makes an honest property holder nervous to hear a fire bell ring. A full jail is a better sign than an empty one. Don t strive a man when he is down; and don't laugh when somebody else strikes him. An old bachelor is the tramp of society. On la?t Sunday a week two young women engaged in a most disgraceful light near Oka, iu this county. One girl by the name of Bina Hunt was seriously if not fatally hurt. A dozen or more men stood by and did not interfere until she was pounded by her antagonist into insensibil ity. She was finally helped to her feet and brought to life aikd she immediately set up a tirade of profane abuse, and kept this up for some distance along the road and .finally fell in an un conscious state from which she did not recover for several hours and the last our reporter heard, she was in a critical condi tion. The other girl who did the Sullivan act was a Miss McClain, daughter of Win. McClain.? Calhoun Chronical. Marshal county is now enjoying a large sized and healthy oil boom. About a dozen wild cat wells are being drilled near Bar rack ville.