The Best Medicine.
j. o. Wilson, Contractor and
Sulphur Springs, Texas,
hus speaks of Ayer't Pills:
? Ayer** Pills are the best medicine I
ver tried; and, in my judgment, no
?tter general remedy could be devised,
have used them In my family and
ecomtneuded them to my friends and
mployes for more than twenty years,
o my certain knowledge, many cases
f the following complaints have been
rapletely and
Permanently Cured
y the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third
ay chills, dumb ague, bilious fever,
ick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys
epsia, constipation, and hard colds. I
now that a moderate use of Ayer*!
ills, continued for a few days or weeks,
s the nature of the complaint required,
ould be found an absolute cure for the
borders T have named above."
41 have been selling medicine for
iglit years, and I can safely say thai
yer's Pills give better satisfaction
han any other Pill I ever sold."?J. J.
*erry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va.
'rrpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm*.
Every Dose Effective
BRUM'S "i-- ?i's.'srs
UIIVll w th?*0di<MU*??ofitia(>#niU>-Urltia'7Cr
raquina uu chant* o( diet or
n?u??oai, nominal or pwtnooua road
l?iM?u m i&atnati.. WUa
by eithar MS It li Impm.ibU toooatrmrt
any vaoaraal d !*?**?; bu? in the oh* at
thaw*lr*4dyU?* Arrunta
__ with Uotxwrh-ra and Glwt, *??
URE Wistsc"* - ?
umiingham Bros. & Co., drnggists,
arksburg, W. Va.
fc >, ... kj?. ul>|Uut JloUt, POrt
lliely (inrJ byndntUt'il^Hnr l>r.
liaiuo-*' Oolcleu Sprfiflc.
It if manufactured aa a powuor.w'ji;U oon barivefl
>.? "oofUo or tea, or tn rood
?. o pattern. It u abaolataly
rmlaia, vil offoct a icrmauent and apaady
rs. whether tao pu-.iaut u a moderate drinker ot
alcoholic vrrock It Itaa be*n atven to tbo'iaanda
oaaoa, and ta narr inaianci apcrtect cure Itaafol*
r r'alU. The ay atom onca impregnate
. booom"aao uttnrimpoaalbility
:be liquor uppctitn to aziat. O-traa guaraniaad.
[0 book ot particular* flrae.
? ?
eel hnd mm
the original and only i?'RENCH, sal
the original and only l'\HENCR, safe and re*
leenro on th? market. Price $LOO; sent by
Genuine aold only by
unriingham Brop.
??ksburg. W. Va,
Co., druggists,
Strengthens weakly, fret:
.ervous, sick children" Mothers
?ho use it say so. It is now in
very town in Harrison County,
he purchasers of 1894 will be
jsted June 1st.
West Milford
Tin, Iron, Steel, Felt ]
Rooting, with trim
mings ; and tools to
lend,or tools to keep.
Can be laid by iny- I
body ;shipped every
red and black, for
metal 1 i c .roofing.
Creosote Preserva
tive for shingles,
posts and woodwork
that shorten or
lengthen*; for tin
ners,carpenters fruit
growers, etc.
heavy building, for
sheathing houses,
lining rooms a n d
low. Circulars and
quotations by ad
WM. A. LIST & CO.,
Whnillit, w. v?.
Self-Pronouncing Parallel Family
Bibles, finely illustrated?Seven styles.
Holnmn's New S. 8. Teaoher's Bible,
containing a self-pronouncing text?
cliucritically marked. All the helps of
the latest Oxford edition, and other
very valuable aids to Bible study.
The latest and best Teacher's Bible n
[the world.
W30 to 85 percent off publisher's re
tail prices owing to style wanted.
WThe Peerless edition of IBunymn's
pilgrim's Progress a speoialiCy.
Adamston, W. Va. - 22-tf
11J\ ? JT you look at the date
In on your paper? Did
you find that you
"?ere owing us your subscription?
Kindly pay tip as we dislike the
Idea of having to collect
It Was Built by President Soth I
Low and His Brother.
The Building* Arc Bat ? Story In Height i
and Wtr* Punned to Curuion.
In with Their oriental j
President Seth Low of Columbia |
college and his brother, Abbott Au
gustus Low, of this city and Brook
lyn, says the New York Herald,
have just built and presented to the
mission station of the Protestant
Episcopal church in Wuchang,
China, a hospital for the use of the
mission and the people of the town.
It was erected to perpetuate the
memory of their father, the late Abiel
Augustus Low, who was for many
years one of the leading merchants
in Canton.
The new building is called St.
Peter's hospital. Although the
building has been in course of con
struction for many months, and it
was occasionally alluded to in the
correspondence of missionaries in
China with the board of missions in
this city, no member of the board
knew the identify of those who fur
nished the money for its erection un
til a short time ago, when Bishop
Graves, of Shanghai, disclosed the
names of the donors.
Wuchang is situated in the prov
ince of Hupeh, on the Yang-tsei
river, and is six hundred miles from
Shanghai. It has a population of
250,000, and is surrounded by a wall
thirty feet high and nine miles in
The new St. Peter'-ihospital, with
its group of separate buildings, has
been so planned as to harmonize
with its oriental environment. The
buildings were made but a single
story in height in deference to the
sentiment of the Chinese, who are
opposed to buildings with stairways.
The style of architecture is the com
posite, the roofs having the tent
like curves of the better class of
Chinese houses. On account of the
intense heat of the months of sum
mer each building is surrounded by
a broad veranda.
The institution will furnish ac
commodations for twenty-four per
manent patients. The administra
tion building and operating and re
ception rooms have been supplied
with the most modern furnishings
and appliances for the welfare of the
inmates and the comfort of the staff
of physicians and attendants. Part
of the furnishings and a fine micro
scope are gifts from St. George's
church, this city, of which Mr. Low
is an active member.
Medical work in all the Chinese
malign iiitlui iu os of^evil' spirits^
Especially is this the case when
surgical operations are necesssry.
Despite these obstacles, however,
cpnsiderable medipal work was done
during the last year at Wuchang
At the dispensary there was an
attendance of 11,1549. while 195 per
sons were admitted as in-patients;
330 minor operations and 119 seri
ous ones were performed; 168 pa
tients were attended at home, the
majority being for opium poisioning.
A Bright Dog.
The proprietor of the Lancaster
hotel at Georgetown, Ky., owns the
brightest dot' in Kentucky. It was
formerly the property of Charles
Theobald, manager of the American
District Telegraph company ut Cin
cinnati, where every morning it
went to the Tribuneoffice for the pa
per, carried luncheon and often notes
and packages without an attendant.
At Georgetown lie is used in notify
ing persons wanted at the telephone,
i there being no exchange there. He
knows the names atul residences of
people most often called, aud carries
to them, without error, a card
saying: "Wanted at telephone.'
The editor of the Georgetown News
has sent papers by him to friends
about the town without mistake.
He is a water spaniel, brown and
bow-legged, but he is bright.
Florence Blythe's Million?.
Florence Blyt.he-Hinckley has vir
tually come into possession of the
large estate which contestants in
the California courts so resolutely
tried to wrest from her. Generally
speaking, it is worth from $4,000,000
to $5,000,000. It consists of a San
Francisco bldbk, 80,000 acres of land
in San Diego county, 44,000 acres of
land in Mexico, adjoining California,
and an interest in 1,800,000 acres of
land in Mexico. Just what the
Blytheestate interest in these 1,800,
000 acres is will have to be decided
by the Mexican courts. A suit has
been brought to determine the
size of the Blythe interests in the
large tract of land. There is also
$125,000 on hand belonging
to the estate. This will go princi
pally to pay the cxpensesof adminfe
trillion of the estate.
Thousands of West Virginians
will learn with oersonal sorrow
of the death of General "Bill"
Gibson at his home at Tiffin,
Ohio. He was a lawyer, soldier,
statesman and preacher, but
especially ,pn orator of wonderful
power and eloquence. As a pub
lic speaker there is none left in
Ohio to fill his place.?fix.
E?s?jr on ||,?v
On the subject of hens
writes : "Hens is curiou
mals. They don't hare no
nor no tertb. nor no ears. T
swallow their wittles whole
chew it up in their crops ins.t
?lnem ,, Thfi ontslde of hens
generally put into
inter feather dusters. The
side ?f a hen is sometimes til
with marbles and shirt buttt
Z J, i Ahen is vei7 mu
smaller than a good many oth
a^buttheyUdtgup mo
thb age. P Dt* th8n aQythii
that am t a hen. Hens is ve
useful to lay eggs for plum pt
d ngs" Skinny Bates eat so mu
Plum pudding once that it s
him inter the collery. Hens
got wings and can fly when tL
get scart I Cut Uncle Wif.
ham s hens head off with a hatch
et. and it scart her tdde
Hens sometimes make very
spring chickens. _ Amtrtil
Poultry and Dog Gazette.
He Took IIHouse 1 lonK.
A resident of Seattle, Oree
h ? a h0JSe there which
cost him So,ooo to build recently
determined to move to OlvmnW
He tried to sell his property,?
could get nothing for it. so, as i
he had not enough money to
build another, he determined to
lot H'T uh hjm and Pat 'ton the
t which he had boughtatOlym- !
n an K Veru b0dy laURhed at ,lis
Plan, but he calmly persisted.
He rolled the house down to the
mer, put it on a scow, and soon
landed at Olympia, sixty miles
away There he had it rolleff i
upon his lot, and the whole jdl i
was so well and carefully done
that not a timber of the house
was strained, nor even any of
the contents disturbed. He had
moved it with all its furniture in
it. just as it stood.?1'icayvnt.
In Switzerland a milkmaid or
man gets better wages if gifted
with a good voice, because it has
been discovered that a cow will
yield one-fifth more milk
soothed during the process
nailkinjg by a pleasing melody.
girls tackl ? _____ u_p
of the girls knocked a robber
-stairs with a chair, while
the other was grabbed by the
second man and both rolled to
the bottom. Meanwhile Mr.
btathers had knocked out the
third man with a poker, and they
Quite a sensational case is on
trial ic the Huntington court.
Wm. Smith and his beautiful
young wife, leading society peo
ple of Huntington separated
some few weeks ago and tke hus
band sued the wife's uncle, a rich
natural gas operator, of Indiana,
for enticing her from home.
When she returned, a day or two
since, he got out a writ of habeas
corpus for possession of his child
claiming that the wife was not
the proper person to raise it
The arrest of theatrical mana
gers, bill posters and advance
agents for circulating theatrical
lithographs continue throuehont
the country. A Montreal mana
ger has been fined 150 for expos
ing to public view lithographs of
women in tights. In the South
there have been a numberofcon
victions, and men have been im
prisoned and fined in Chattanoga
and Memphis. In Cincinnati a
manager was fined 950 for put
ting up lithographs which dis
played the legs of the dancers of
of bis company from the knees
to the ankle.
William H. Fowler, of the
"Laurel iron works, Monongalia
county, was arrested Saturday
at Uniontown and placed in jail
for kidnapping. About a year
ago he left his wife and went
South. He wanted their little
boy, but the mother refused to
give him up. He afterwards
kidnapped him, butMrs. F
with the assistance of
procured him from Fowler, i
a short time afterward, i '"
ed to kill his wife and '
pelied to evade the officers of t
law. which he succeeded in d
injt until yesterday.
It begins to look as
Kolb's Alabama campaign (
blood-or-mafte -' me -r
degenerating into a 1
grass Coxeywar.
? y"'y A.tro.o?.?
Throorh Spar#
-It May Finally rail
??lo lha Sua.
' UttlA
cornel, which has just
"vered on 't* return by the
iStronomer Cerulli, who has
; observatory in the south
, o/ the I kingdom, (s one
?t known of the Jupiter
?own?1*' ,Th'S Rroup> 80 I
7 ' of nineteen '
gi or which are members of
?system and are revolving I
sun in orbits from three
year* to about double
' IT>e group is so-called
"?18 every reason to be
wanderers were Inter-i
heir path through space
"t planet Jupiter, and per
to orbits about tho sun, ,
cud of which lies in the
J^the orbit of this
f comet is the most noted of
I'- having been known to
7* for uPwards of a cen
bavlng been sufficiently
in,'ed to conform very
? its computed path. It
ieen by Mechaln, of Paris
>'17. 1786, and was again
by Miss Caroline Her- i
lovember, 1705, and after I
"} hy other astronomers.
"" observed In 1805, but j
a astronomers at the time
0 identity of the objects
y saw. In the winter of
fas visible for some seven
1 Eneke busied himself
imputation of its orbit,
kably short time he hud
Nation finished and was
w that It was moving In
jf three and one-third
>d, that the comets above
I were identified with it
had approached the sun
nes in the intervals, un- J
it computed the time of
tnnouncing this date as
2, having been delayed
some nine days by the at
Jupiter, and, according
1 table, thd object was
'ed on its return. This
i of Encke's was a most
one, iovolving as it did
( most intricate and la
ilems known to the ai
f the time.
nself very early sus
thero was some cause
ce in the motion of the
'e^pitCfahis calculations
comet is now noticeable. The ex
planation of it is quite a problem to
astronomera, but it is thought to be
a proof of the existence of a resist
ing medium pervading space, the
friction of which retards light bodies
which move through it. The ques
tions which depends upon this as
sumption are some of them quite in
teresting, for It is evident-that If
this 'diminution should continue
sufficiently long, and the course of
the comet be not too much disturbed
by the attraction of the planets, the
comet will eventually fall into the
The'domelhas been of quite a lit
tle service to astronomers In the
consideration of the mass of attrac
tive force of the planet Mercury.
This planet, having no satellite
knowu to us, has not been accurate
ly weighed, or at least not as com
pared with the other planets of our
system. In 1838, however, this
comet approached sufficiently near
to the planet to be affected by its
attraction, and from the facts here
observed astronomers have been
pble to define their knowledge of the
Pass of Mercury.
Bncke's comet is a modest little
object, always of the greatest In
terest . to astronomers possessing
moderate Instrumental means, pre
senting as It does many rather re
markable features as to its tail and
the distribution of its light. It is
moving through space completing
itiStrbit time after time, almost
with'the regularity of a train on a
-conducted railway, and on its
sive returns it may be found
,ys within the field of a telescope
:ted to its computed place, a
ntlnual tribute to the accuracy
aud industry of our astronomers.?
Boston Transcript.
MM?;-'' - ?
I Just the Thing.
11 "What shall I do?" she moaned,
"I have broken my bicycle."
"Let me see the wreck," said her
mother. "Why, these wheels
very light, indeed."
"Yes. the llghtestmanufactured."
"j^ell, there is no need of wasting
them. 111 take them down town and
have some trimqirg put on them.
? will wake lovely hats for you
your sister to wear to the tbea
'Wilmington Star.
the side or ohest there
ho Rood as a piece of flannel
d with Chamberlain's Fain
and lioimd over the seat of pain.
prompt and permanent relief
used in time will often prevent a
from resulting in penenmouia.
treatment is a sure cure for.
For sale by
Bros. A Co.. Wells and
kaburg, T. ti.;Bond and
01 'lm
means so much more than
Siu imagine?serious and'
tal diseases result from'
rifling' ailments neglected.'
Don't play w(th Nature's '
greatest gift?health.
?f|" If square feeling
out of sorts, weak
mid generally tx
natnied, nc
have no ap
have no appetite
and cant work?
begin *t oncetak
ing the most relia
ble strengthening
nntdiciue,which hi
Brown'* Iron Bit
ters. A few bot
tles cure?benefit
cornea from the
Very first dose-#
m#*'t *t*i? your
ttrtk, and it's
pleasant to take.
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver
Neuralgia, Troubles,
Constipation, Bad Blood
Malaria, Nervous ailments
Women's complaints.
Get only the genuine?it ha* crossed red
lines oil the wrapper, All others are sub
stitutes. Onreceintof two ac. stamps we
will send *et of len Beautiful World's
Fair View* and book?free.
Open to Both. Soxes.
sell nilrsery stock. Good sales
man with experience preferred.
For terms and particulars ad
dresi G. W. Southern and
Son?. Clarksburg, W. Va. Box
Four oonrsee of study, Ancient. Clsa
deal, Modern Clnssioal. Helen tiBa mid
Normnl. Over 130 students lout t. rm.
Qrowing more popular overr year.
Nuprrlor Ail Vlintugrs ror tmrh
er*. Ilest oonnw of stmlr outside the
State University. Competent sml ex
perienced instructor*. Qopd librsry
free to students. Well earned reputs
tlou for thorough work. Salem students
take highest OHt nmonir teachers,
rhey sre in demand for high school
work. Nearly half the College students
are teachers.
Best School of Telegraphy in the
State. Instruments nil furnished.
Icsrhir experienced in rallroid work,
andglvea thorough drill in every branch
of office work.
Music teacher of superior culture
from Boston Conservatory of Musio. j
Expenses exceedingly low. Healthful
locality, with exoellent moral surround
Inas, Situated on B. k O. Kailrosd
between Orafton'and Parkersburg.
WinlerTerm Opens Dor.D, lllll.
C-*"8ond for Catalogue.
Salem, West Virginia. 'r<*M< "';w.
?ricR Works.
Having purchased the abovo workA
located on Clay street, I am prepared
to fill All orders for Ruperior Hand made
Red Brick.
Will slsoUonirsetr:-;Brisk Work ofavsn
ifprrljillun. J. M. CUKKMAK,
Jsn. i-lvr. Clark nburi. W. V?.
Now is your chance to buy foot
wear and hats cheap. Go to
Holmes' Shoe Co. 40-tf,
Try the Telegram one yoar.
for mines and coke woi
?ite for catalogue
- - PA.
hu1ldkr8 or
Steam Pumps for use in Min
Fresh water, Special Boiler Feed
ers, Heavy Presure Pumps and
for all kinds of duty.
Steam ai d
Brass i
0. E. VANCE. ----- - J. CARL VANCE
M Tr. dam a bro w
^ave Sold to
THE * **
Vanee Hardware Co.#
Their Entire Stock ||
G. W. ft H. HI. Shuttleworth,
Agents For
Browning, King
& Co. and The
Frank 2. Carroll
Clothing Firm
Dry Goods,
Hardware, Boots and Shoes
Salt, Nails, Timothy Seed and
Garden Seeds.
Wall Paper, Syrup, Oils Mo
lasses, Flour and Meal. Pro
duce Bought .
Cor. Main <Sc Water Streets.
Goods Delivered Free in the