Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD. WALLACE GUl'KLLU, Knnoit IIAItTroKD. OHIO rorXTV, UY. WT.DSCSDAY, .1 ANl'AlJY 13. 1ST NEWS OF THE WEEK. "WVdm'Hiluy. .Tun. J. Thrw jurors were bagcil joiteruay in the Tilt-n llecchcr case. Auutbcr Cuban cxiclition ii reported to be fitting out in Xcw York. The annual Mle if pewr in Plymouth Church (Be-cchtr Iwgnio) last flight, rcaliie.1 $70,0iJil. An f xplofian of fire dump in a coal mir.e at Kolhcrbain, England, yietcrJjy, killed ninety mm. The harbor at Pt. Louis trots last night jjtn nejrrte-a la-luw ru'u at Ifiuaiiii je-etertliy. Two tuldicrs I"t t'ai'ir live iu the burning ot tho ba.rrac'ii' at Ft. Husrell, Wvi-uid,; Territo ry, funJjy uisht. A niirricd man named TCring, nm live a' flreesr, 111., flint and mortally Toumlcd aMir. Brocmer, at St. I.oui', tail night, lfnuac flic n-'usel tj dcicrt her buiband and clupo with hiin. 0. 0. Carr, a St. Louis railroad clck, killed himself with murihiac, lait night, tu end a drunken tprcc. All tbe burinest portion of Orangeburg, S. C, was destroyed by Lre yesterday morcin. The Orinoerais of New Hampshire yesterday nominated lion. A. II. Hatch lor Governor. The residence of Kenton Rngg!c;,at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, was bnrnedlastnight.anihismoth r, "inter and her child were burned to death. Xf. S. 'Kelly, aged 68, was caught in the ma chinery or a Souring mill at (Jallatin, Tcnn., yesterday, and torn all to pieces. J.N. Cohen,. Nashville pcdler who has been missing for some time, is supposed to have been murdered somewhere in Robertson county, Tenn. Dr. C. B. Adams, of Angotta, Ga, was drown ed at Gramteville a few nights since. W bile waiting there for a train to move he unintention ally walked into the canal. jit Dallas. Texas, about midnicht of the 31st of Deeimbcr. Msj. J. P. Uorbacb, of Memphis, and Mr. U.K. Thoma, tbe agent of the Teiat. and Pacific railway, two friends, were drinking torcther and had been playing some game. Buth gentlecta were under the influence or liq uor. A difficulty ensued, in which Uorbach hr.t Thomu throuch the bead, the ball enter in? lust above one of his eyes. Uorbach was arrested and lodged in jail. ThurnUa.v. Jan. V Eight jurors hare been secured in thcTilton B. cchcr case. The entire commercial and non-political world of New Orleans, includingall tbeclergy, unite in pronouncing Gen. Sheridan's charge tb.-.t the white people aro banditti, as infa mously false. The bark Assnraeeen, from Pcne-iccla, Fla., for London, was lost at tea, and several of the crew drowned. Ex-governor R. B. Lindsay, of Alabama, has become a resident of Denver. Colorado. The old sell about straightening the negro's hair has been revived, and parlies aro now en gaged in certain localities in Texas in selling some vilo decoction that takes all the hair off and leaves the head barefooted. Two white boys on the Gadberry place, near ' Yaioo, Miss., about twelve years old, got into a fight last Saturday. Their names arc Boyd Johnson and Green. Young Green stabbed Johnson with a knife and killed him Instantly. Two youths from Sclma, Alabama, named Charles Street and Frank Roach, were arrested at Columbus, Ua., the other night, on the charge of robbing their employers in the for mer city of $5C0, with which they were boand for New York "to see tho world." $175 25 wers recovered. Joe Parker, a noted desperado, well known in northern and western Tcn, was killed yesterday by the deputy shcriffol Hunt county. The deputy called on Parker to surrenner. Parker fired immediately, the ball grazing the deputy's bead. Tbe latter returned tbo fire riddling Parker's head with buckshot, killing bim inEtaatly. A private dispatch just received at Memphis says a party of citizens who were searching Lee county, Mississippi, for tho murderers of tho xsornm lamily hare arrested four ncgros,onc of whom confessed to the crime, and said there were six negroes concerned in the trage dy: that they first shot and killed liornm, his wife and tho negro boy, and then fired tbe house in a half dozen places, burning alive the two children, and locking the door to prevent their escape. M. L. Murray, agent of tho Singer Sewing Machino Company in Macon, (Is., committod suicide at the Brown House Thursday night ny tailing lauuanum. Ifridjly, Jan. 8, One thousand troops sailed from Cadiz; Spain, jasi ounuay iur ifuua. The requisite number of jurors in tho Tilton Beeehtr case were obtained yesterday. Drunken Zach Chandler has been rcnomina ted for tbe U. S. Senate by the Republicans in the Michigan Legislature. Uanibal Hamlin has been renominated for the I). S. Senate by the Republican caucus of rao name legislature. A negro woman in Pitt county. N. C, recent ly gave birth to triplets, tbe Oct was n Lite, tho seconu mulatto, and the llnrd black as a tar kiln. A little darky in Rome. Ga.. stole acakofrom his grandm&ther,and when she stripped bim for a wmpping ne ran away, lie was round frozen to death next morning. Mr. Charles Albucht, or Columbia. S. C. while laboring under a fit of temporary aberra tion yesterday afternoon, shot bimsclf in the head witha Colt's navy pistol a portion or the brain being carried away. lie lingeredintil about 12 o'clock last night, and then died. lie leaves a wire but no children. Mr. Harvey Groner, who lived near South point, Gatton county, N. C, committed suicide a few days ago by hanging. There seems to have been no cause assigned by bis friends why he should havo committed the fatal deed. Mr. Groner was about forty years old. Ho was a married man, and left two or threo children. A colored man named Lucas shot another named Lawyer Weaver Sunday morning early, near Bennick's Mills, Ua-, on the Central rail road, about sixteen miles from Augusta. It is said Wearer had been living with Lucas' wife fur the past few weeks, and that he was with her in his room when Lucas put a gun through a. window and shot bim, killing him instantly. It bus now been ascertained from a reliable scarce that Cohen, the missing I'oluh pedier from Nashville, was robbed, murdered and his body buried near Russcllville, Ky., by tbe county Authorities. His horseand wagon were soia ny order oi the county court, which will appoint an administrator cf bis effects. His paper, accounts, etc., nero all found tn his body, but the monoy zotl valaailei were min ing. Saturday, .Tan. it. Hugh McDaniel, a steamboat captain, was murdereJ. at Point Pleasant, W. Va.. last Wed nesday, by Wm Weitzei. McDaniel had been criminally inliu.atc with Weitzcl's wife. A d nccidont occurred near Blackjack, Wil son county, Tenn., Saturday, during Clirintmus, which resulted in tbe death of Mr. Wm. Burr, or Krntucky. Mr. Burr and Mr. J. W. (Boss) Barlicc wero out hunting, and teeing a squir rel tun into a bole thought to run bim out, and for that purpose Mr. Barbto knocked against the tree with the butt-rnd of his gun, nhich cau,:d it tu fire, the whole charge of shot en tering the breast or tho anfurlunate Burr, canting death. Tho parties were brothers-in-law. The nr;roe in the vicininity of Citronclle. Ala., have adopted a sew mode to prevent stealing and other f iiecic of crime a icons their cloi.T-nt. 4 few days ago two or threo of thrrn were suspected of stealing and they were caught, tied to a tree, and after l-eitigeouTpclIfd to acknowledge the stealing, they wire tcycic- ly nhu ped by tbe leading urgrnvt. litre arc plain casa. of intimidation a"nd food Tor the-' "inresiigallng eoinmittcc." h'i. heof, of Tate county. Miss made nn ar rangement to have an egg-ni-pg. and cno of his len.iiils, George Hunt, celored. bad prom ied to come up b-fere day and wake- hiin r.p and In lp Slim to make it. At three oVfork IScniT was nwakr. a nd coni-hidt-d be nouM bare (vu: luu cut or llKnt; It' he got o.,,vot k' sW-luii an.l wirl.lHTn tn ln csliin, and. nid ecekinj 1t'i barn.Ii or Jiif gun, fired lmlli.a- li'm-pu-eil. lie then opened Hunt's d"or ami .n v li.-.l -it liim ni:h bis gim.ono !i. ml of tiiM-bring di Imrgid, lodging the I I in i...-. ( IIhiiIV) i.lf. fimn the rfferts : t 1 ji ii-l l'l day. Hunt a tf.ily mr-mm- t the 1 i-t, nnd tcl "ficii t he fn.l l-cofi" verc, and bal always lecii, oi !h ivtv I ft of term-: tint lie was i-alijfi-d ihi! tliefhonting tnii iiorntenm. Mollie Cirter, ( Jliariutt.-'ville, Va., ciiucto an awtul drain in thi-. lranncr: (in Hlm.l.iy nigl. Me ioturiie.1 tu bor fathers fiuui a iirty, and took a I imp to rctno to her room. A she eroi'-ed tht pigo a puff of wind eaiue through tbe .-.-s.i-;e. causing tho to exj lode and enveloping ' 'r in ftani.v. Her eriei brought lieriiiolber and ii-tcr ro her .issitanec, both of whom were sever, ly burned in attempting to put out the l".r": but not until Vr i.'ihing wan burned was ti.efi s cxlin guhhid. heditd of herinjurie? at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Min Carter ) only rbout eigl.t n eari of tige, in the fall biooi.i ' wo- nanhoo.I, and was an intciligcni itaa amiauic oung l.t-iy. 3Ioutlity, -rim. It. Vn Voorbccs is no longer a candidate for the In liana Senatursliip Coal mining has almost entirely suspended in Pennsylvania. Horace II. Gihbs, a Cincinnati railroad man. who recently lost his wife, committad suicide on her grave Friday night. The cold snati Eitutdav did some devilment. Jane Anderson, aged fil, was frozen to death at Cincinnati; John Hogan met with a similar late at Chicago; and a school-girl at umana was so ba-ilv frozen that she died. It is reported at v nsnington mat eerreiary Fish his tendered and tho President accepted his resignation, in consequence of a disagree ment about the nigu-nanded fcuerai outrages in Louisiana. Vasquez, the notorious California bnndit, has been convicted of a score of murders and rob beries charged against him, .and will bo sen tenced on tno zora tnsi. Kinz Alfonso will enter Madrid to morrow. Tbe Western Hotel, at Sacramento, Cab, was burned vesterday afternoon. Ihicc men aro known to have perished in tho flames, and others aro supposed to be buried in tho ruins. Frank Rogers, while drunk, was frozen to death at Urenbam. leias, a tew nignts ago. Primus Wilson killed his wife in Liberty county, Ga., last week, by tripping her up and placing bis knees on her. lie is ninety years old. and she was but a Tew years his junior. Last Thursday night abont 10 o'clock the house of Franky Elli, colored, was burned to the ground an 1 all the inmates five in num ber an old man, a young woman, and tbne children, were burned tu death, in fiury coun ty. Va. A few davs azo Mr. W. T. Jones, living on Buffalo, in Wilkinson county, Miss., found one of h.3 hozi near his residence badly bitten by dogs, nnd otherwise ill-treated. Taking his gun he went to look into the matter, and this was the last seen oi mm auvc. inyoouy win found with tho top of his head shot off. Thrifc negroes charged with tho crime have been ar rested and are now in jail at Wcodville. Tho murderer of MUs Emma Vreiker, and tho attempted slayer of bis own -rCe, in New l!-aunrels. Texas, some months airo, has been arres'oj, and confe-ted to having committed the deed. The came ot the Uend 18 ttllliain TnnsL Tha wifo of this man, a young girl but recently mairied, bad taken refuge with the Ycelker family during tbe absence cf her hus band, stating that f ho wa afraid to remain at her home during tha nigh', but giving no reas ons therefor. Tho Toun-t wile, nating retired one nicht. oceunvinz the- same apartment with tho young lady so brutally murdered, was sit upon by tho fiend, who was reported absent from the neighborhood at the time, and dread fully lacerated with a hatchet. Miss Y-clkcr awoke at the noisfl occasioned, and was ueu'C- diatcly attacked by the brute with tbe same i - . r 1 . i! i . 1 i r weapon uscu on mi wiie. cue uu-u buoriiy al ter, but the wife recovered from her wounds and is still alive. Tnesilny, .Tan. IS. Among tbo fortunate ones candidates be fore tho Tcnncssco Legislature. was Miss Em ily Peyton, daughter of Hon. Balio Peyton, who was elected engrossing clerk of tho senate on Tuesday. Mr. Sam Weaver, who killed Rodger G rem at Lawrcnccbjro, Tennessee, and who was being tried fur that offense, was permitted by sheriff Garner to tako Christmas dinner at home with his family. He was guarded by the sheriff and deputy sheriff Austin. Miss Gertrude Pillow, daughter cf General Gideon Pilluw, of Memphis, shot a bear near Old Town landing, Arkansas, last week. The young lady was attended by a youth named Charles Mitchell, brother of Captain John II. Mitchell. Bruin received two loads from a double-bsrrclcd shot-gun, and, turning over with a sigh, somewhat akin to a growl, quietly breathed his last, no was of very large size, and tbe steaks were juicy and nice. On Wednesday evening a terrible accident occurred from the rcckle?s use of Cre-arras, re sulting in the death of Miss Mollie Jones, of Milan, Tennessee. Her brother William, on coming into the house the sanio morning, took a derringer pistol from his pocket, and, in presence of his, sisters, Mollio nnd Fannie, drew the charge'from the pistol and retired to bed, having been un all the night previous at a ball. His sisters in a playful manner pro cured some percussion caps and commenced snapping them with tbe wcapun. After some timo a younger prother came in, and seeing the pistol proceeded to load it with ball and cartridge with tbe expectation of riding out some short distance after night fall. He inad vertantly left the loaded pistol on a bureau in ono cf the rooms or the house, and the young la J its, seeing tho weapon apparently in the same condition as they had left it while amus ing themselves, thought that the snapping of caps would give additional enjoyment. Miss Fannie Jones, thercfore,all unconscious, picked up tho pietl, pulled the trigger while the muz zle was in close proximity to her sister's left temple, and fired. The bullet penetrated the brain of tho unfortunato young lady, and shu fill to the floor, dying instantly. HEtTKCKY riElVS. Shelby villc is now lighted by gas. Tho Bowling Green Republican has changed its namo to the .Bowling Green Globe. Jnmcs Monroe, a hore-traincr, fell into a creek at Lexington, Sunday, whila drunk and was druwncd. James Miller uf Harrison county, sold re cently a trotting colt for $11,000. Tho Paducah Tobacco Plant has changed jts name to Furmer's Sentinel. Tbo Ilarrodsburg 1'coplo is hereafter to be called the Obscner and Reporter. The Lebanon Standard says that tbo Ufa Judgo Hardin had his life insured for $10,000. Col. Oscar Turner will bo a candidate for United States Senator, to succeed Hon. John W. Stevenson. Henry Kramer, who murdered his brother in Covington, Ky., on the 27th of last July, was sentenced to the penitentiary for 21 years, on the 7th iustaut. In tho Falmouth Police Court tho other day a quarrel arose between tho judge and tho marshal, in which pistols wero drawn but no one hurt. On Christmas night, just after dark, threo prisoners confined in the Owcnton jail mi-de Ibeir e-seape. Two of tho men wero e-harged with bursa stealing, the other with carrying concealed deadly weapons. The publication of tho Tri-Wce-kly May til'e Eagle has been duvmlinued. Mr. Green will continue the publication of tho Weekly Eagle. The negro girl shot by KukluY near Clay village abotit two months ago, has recovered her streng'h, though the vision or the injured eye is still defective. On tho night of December" 24, George Fay, of Boyd e-ounty, was shot at, tho ball grazing tis back: He heard a ni.-e at tbe door, and, on going t) see vha' it uaj was fired upon. Col. Jre. I). I.illard, of Ontn, is announced as a candidate for A'timry (ii-r.cral, subject to ctioa " Uimubratic State Convention ia Msy. A terrapin-was recently found in a field in iriiU it.-oii Manly ailli the following naaies in-scrile-d or. Its ihill: E. A.beraft". 122; X. A. Ilratton, Wm. Wwod. IbiS; H. A. Wosd, IS4. K. v. B. V. Mcb'.uM, 1). Is., lately presi dent oi lit CMBbcilicd I civorajtv at Lil-aimti, Tcnn., lias aoccjitcil a call from the Cumber- ami Presbyterian church at Bowling The jail at Burlington, Il'iono eotintv. a briek building erected in IS"l,ua4 destroyed by lire on Monday nizht. It as eet on fi o by Ml insane prisoner named Thomas Kirkpatric. Robertson county boasts olu gooso tnentv- tlreo years old, which raised twelve gosling this last fpriug, while her owner has made sev en large pillons from the feathers plucked from htr gooscship. A child was born last week in Nelson county. n the niighborhooil of Bloomfield, to a Mrs. Guthrie, without arms, having well-formed thumbs protruding fronl each shoulder, and with its mouth located on thenzbt side of the face, below tho jaw-bone. W'i',V i n Dickson, near Beech flrovu Church, Oiv.i e.MTty, was hauling with an ox-teim, ant1 b.i 1 n an overload. Tho dumb brute tefu-ingt i pull, he piled a load oT fodder upon he x an 1 ' 'irnt hiia alive. A similar fate would ha to t;iiod for tbe fiend. Elder I'.. T. Meyers, a minister oT tho Cllris- tain Cnnreh in Mason county, eloped with n young lady liom Harrison county, and was married to uerut Aberdeen, unio. tno briuu s rather is said to be a Bourbon counTy farmer or wealth, and has rung prejudices and pos itive character; and it is haul bo ba dcclaircd his intention to disinherit his daughter. A ton ot Mr. Pat Quinn, of Mason county, while huntinir on Wednesday of last week, was accidentally shot by his brother, and killed in stantly. The boy killed was walking in tno rear of his brother, who bad tbe gun on bis shoulder. The gun by some accident was dis charged, the littlo rellow receiving tbo entire charge in his head. At n trial in a magistrate's court near Plum Point, Fayette county, recently, tho plaintiff, a negro, was toiu mat no mu.i swear 10 ins statements beroro they would be received as evidence. The old darkey hesitated for a mo- ncnt but straightening himself up said: "Massa I'se posed to sweann, butciawn tMuit u. A drove of 2S Costwold sheep, all in fine order, add belonging to Hon. Geo. W. Crad- loek, of t ranktort, has been missing since Monday, December 118. It is supposed that they have cither been butchered for tho home market or drives off at night to a distance and sold. The Taylorsvillc Lodge, T. and A. M. is sues the following: This notico is to inform the publio that V. E. Anderson, formerly a member ot Ibis lodze, has been found guilty of gross unmasonie conduct, in eloping with the wire or James Jewell, and saia Anaerson has been expelled from this lodge, and the same ordered to be published. The Grangers of the Eighth District, have instructed their Representative, Hon. M.J. Durham, to insist upon tho following points: Firt Wo demand that tho 5-20 bonds bo paid in greenbacks. Second That tho national bank system be abolished. Third Equal taxation, including bonds nnd all other cecurities alike. Fourth We ask the co-operation of nil other Grangers in tho district, State and United States. An unknown man was tound dead near Hanson, Hopkim county, last Menday, The circumstances attending his Tenth aro un known, but it is supposed ho set fire to an old tree, and lying down uy tuo nro went rn ?ietp, nnd it burned in two and fell en him. Ho was thought to be a tramp. There was nothing about him to giro tho faintest clew to his identity. A suspicious-looking strangor, giving his narno as Louis Ro?, was arrcstdd in Shclby ville the other day as a suspected burglar, but nothine bainz found against him, except that he had tho alias of Robt. Noyes, bo was released. He has sinco brought suit in tbe sum or $10,000 ror damages done his character azainst the judge, irrrcsting omcers, proccu Jing attorney and jailer, leaving his interests in Iho nancs vl ms attorney, Dr. II. A. M. Henderson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, h2' been invited by the- National Superintendent; Association to ad dress that body at its annua! ooivention, in Washington City, January 28. He also goes to Nashville to address tho State Teachers' Association of Tcnncssco on tho evening f Janucry21, upon which occasion tho Lcgiila ture will bo in attendance. On the evening of the 23d be delivers ono of hi lectures 'Nashville Car tbo becxntTintie n email's :-J sion Homo: At tbe rosidenco of Mr. Benham, on tho Eecch 1'ork, Washington county, on the 23d of December, a peculiar and fatal accident occurred, vno ot the youug men winie sinoK inc dropped a coal upun a paper containinj two pounds of powdar, and an explosion fol lowed. Of the five persons who were in the room at the time, tour were badly burned, Miss Josic licnham received injuries of o so- rious a nature that -li died on Saturday last. Mr. Boblctt was very severely burned but will recover. An infant child of Mrs. Boblctt, which she held in her arms at the time of the cccurroncc, escaped unhurt Tho easo of thoso Lexipgton city officers, principally members of the City Council, which was brought beforo tho I'ederal Court at Lou isville some time ago, and was taken thenca to the Supreme Court of tho United States nt V. ashington, was set lr trial in court on the Gth instant. It has been poslponcd, how ever, to tho 12th or 14th. Hon. IS. F. Buck tier, Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas, em ployed as counsel by tho city, is in Woshinz-- ton attending to the case, ttgeth'cr with Hon. Mr. btansberry, We are ot tho opinion that our old friend, Judge McMaxasia, knows a little more law than is healthy for the continued existence of the Court of Ap peals. It looks as if he labors under the impression that he has been award ed the contract for performing all.the work which properly falls to the share of Appellate Judges. When tho no tion takes him, he pounces on a decision of the Court of Appeals, like a jay-bird on a June-bug, and reverses it before one can say "Jack Robinson." And he makes no more ado about declaring a constitutional provision nnconstitu tional than Ceockett Bayers docs about pulling the beam at three hun dred pounds. Wo pray Mc., to stay bis rash, innovating hand. The Court of Appeals and the State constitution are relics that have so far bid defiance to the corroding tootli of time, and we would be grieved to see them stricken down by the all-conquering arm of the Cid CAMrEADOi: of the Kentucky ju diciary. The demands of the lecture field upon the time of Bro. Gi:o. W. Bain lcing so great, he has been compelled' to surrender the editorial charge of the TemjAranec Advocate to Bro. X. F. Thomi-son, the efficient G. W. S. and Tr. Bro. TjioMi-eoN has a head full of brains, is an earnest, forcible and logi cal writer, and will keep the Adamite in the front rank of the temperance reformaiton. A man in Giles caunty, Tennessee saw a wheelbarrow for the first time in bis life, the other day, and he thinks the necessity for him to join a church in order to get to ltcavan no longer exist. ovn political ciikkd. Wo tiro not of tho latter-il.ty, new light Ddiiocnicy. With us printriples :ireprinciile, and expediency vtilne les a? tho dtit beneath our feet. When principles are to bo f-acrificed for the sske of victory; when immoral, drunken and otherwise objectionable men aro to be selected for places of profit :tnd trust, and men of character, standing and ability arc shoved ugidc, because of the guppoed or actual popu larity of the former anion' the ra"-tajt- aud-bob-tails; when whisky and money has to be used to achieve success at the pull;, when all or any of the.-o things occur, ice sfU'p doim ami ohI of Ihcmnva. Neither our voice, vote or paper can be used in such warfare. With us, our political faith is a religion, and wo will always endeavor to guard it from impurity as we guard the faith upon which rests tho salvation of our soul from the contamination of infideli ty. That is the reason why we disdain to publish a strict party paper. "We have no idea in advance of the course our party leaders will pursue. Thev ate not to b-trusted. They are all expediency people. Tlmy b.avn gone into the very heart of the enemy's camp ami taken their "eluef aiuon ten thousand," their Saul, tholifc-long tnd unrelenting cntyiiy of our party nd its principles, and foisted him upon us as a .Democratic candidate for the Presidency. And now they are endeavoring to steal from the Kc publicans their principal gun, and adroitlyjsceking to indoctrinate us with tho virus of inflation. We'll baveinonc of this. We would just as soon call ourself a Republican, and advocate Re publican principles and support Repub lican candidates, as" continue holding on to the name of Democrat and advo cate principles and support candidates that arc Republican in reality, only adopted for the nonce, and it-fed in the hope that the enemy may be decieved and ti victory won before they discover the ruc u-e them as hunters use wooden ducks to decoy the real fowl. Wc believe in the principles taught by Ji:rn:nsosT and Madison andMc-N r.OE, and practiced by Jacksox. They embrace the true theory of republican lemocracy. The' are as immutable as the laws of nature. They arc worth living for and dying by. Ever since the moment the Democracy began to cut loose from them its fortunes began to -anc. We have tried tho dodge of expediency often enough and long cnoujih. We havo suffered by our lolly asnnich as we ought tosttfi'er. We cannot afford to continue rt losing game, lite tune has arrived lor a re turn to first principles, And unless we do return to them let's have as lit tle as possible to say about "Demo cratic principles." Such talk, the way things are going, is worse than mock ery, it w as it lir.UTUs, wan nis loot upon the bleeding body of C.tsar, wero to pronouncD an eulogy upon the vir tues of the man ho ltad just murdered. Whatever we be, O Democrats, let U3 not become hypocrites as well as trai torsto our principles. Gen. Gordon's advice to the people of Louisiana is good. The Administra tion is endeavoring to goad them into armed resistance to its odious tyranny. A dignified submission to the wrongs it is heaping upon them will prove a defeat more sore to tho President and his co-conspirators against the politi cal life of a sovereign State, than would fifty reverses on the foughten field. Their hope is to bring about an armed conflict, and then, under tbo cry of a revival of tho rebellion, enlist the sec tional sympathies of the North now being estranged from them again on their side, and thus perpetuate them selves in power. This is their game. This alone they are striving for. Quiet submission to any and every outrage that may be heaped upon them by the people of Louisiana will defeat it. Let there be no resistance. Madison county is putting on airs hpoiusG it contains the remains of Boonesborough, Boone's Gap, and a rock on which is carved the initials "D. B." About a mile from the town of Sharp-:burg, m Bath county, on tho south bank of Stoner creek, there stood and may r-(;md yet an old beech tree, on which the name of Daniel Boone he spelled it "Boon" was carved nearly a bundled years ago, by the great hunter's own hand, and Bath doe? n't think enough of the relict to mention tho fact. Military dictation is the undisguised attitude of the Administration towards the people of Louisiana, and Generals Shrridan andDR Triobriand haye been fitly selected to carry out the scheme of oppression. Thank God, all such actions as that of the Federal sol diery in the Louisiana House of Rep resentatives are nttib driven to the head in the coffin of I(adicali.-m. OVlt SPIRITUAL XEEDS. What the world wants is not a new rc igion but a return to the old religion the one our Saviour preached anddied for the one that is ultimately to bring salvation to the ieople3 the one that has been abandoned of men almost since the moment of the foul and cruel murder of Cunisron Mount Cnlvarv. We have too many religions now ' such as they are. There is not one in tho whole long catalogue of religious beliefs that will stand the crucial test of the Bible. They are, one and all. more or less of the earth earthy. Their principles, or doctrines, arc the crea tion of men smart and pious men they be but still men. "Preaching Christ and Him crucified" is an inci dental instead of an essential of our modem religions. What does a dying soul care for- sprinkling or immersion or pouring, for infant baptism, for works and faith, for creeds and discip lines or catechisms, for sectarian names and quarrels? He want3 the manna direct from heaven, that will feed and keep life in his soul forever. "We arc not a scoffer at and despiscr of the religions of the world. There is much good in all of them; and also much of evil. They befog and bewil der, by their eternal clashing of doc trines, where they should all be light houses to guide to havens of safety. We never knew of a protracted debate between ministers of opposing sects on the doctrinal difference between their respective churches, thatjlid not work devilish evil in the community, where it occurred. Both sides would claim the victory. The adherents of the several debaters would zealously stand by their champion, estrangements and quarrels and heart-burnings would spring up between friends and neigh bors, and wc have known oven the members of the same family divided among themselve-. The victory in all such contests really belongs to the Devil. Christ blazed the path to hcavon,and he made it narrow. Doctrinaires have endeavored to macadamise tho road, have widened it out, until it actually requires a chart and compass to travel it with safety. There would be no such danger were we to follow implic itly the lights of the Gospel of Jisus. Love of God and our fellow-man, re pentance of our sins, the precepts of what we call the "Golden Rule," and the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, arc all the guides wo need. They contain all of the doctrines and iliuiW Jaw that v ivant. If we fiptnre our lives in this world by them, wo will fit ourselves for tbo inheritance of eter nal life in the world to come. Men's doctrines must be purged from our re ligions, and Christ's Gospel substitu ted, or we will all give Satan as much work as he can stand up under some day. OVIi PAPER. There is no good reason why a read able newspaper cannot bo gotten up as well in a country village as in a city while there are many good reasons in favor of the project. If the editor is lazy or incompetent, then it will bo impossible for him to get up a paper worthy of support anywhere. We do not claim forourself any particular ad vantage over our confreres of the coun try press. We only claim that we were bred to the business of newspaper making. "Wc have fillsd every posi tion on a paper, from that of "devil" iu a country office, through the vari ous grades of compositor, pressman mailing-clerk,- associate editor, and edi tor-in-chief of several prominent and leading dailies. Our experience at the business began prior to the day when the telegraph became the serv ant and news-bearer of tho press. Wi think Ave know what the reading pub lic demands, and our only ambition is to make for it a readable paper. We oiler the people of Ohio county Tin IlARTroRD Herald. It is for them to decide whether they want our pa per. "When Texas doctors disagree, they sharpen their bowie knives, meander to the edge of town, and fight it out on that line. As they know exactly where to carve tho human anatomy without producing fatal results, they hew away like sixty for awhile, and then, covered with blood and gaping wounds, they make the quarrel up, shake hands, walk arm-in-arm to the nearest doggery and take a drink, dress each others wounds, and ever after enjoy the repu tation of being two of the ganiest men between the sulphur factory and the iron works. A romantic story reaches us from Germany of a plucky American girl who fooled tho faculty of a famous medi cal school over there, by putting on male attire and attending the lectures. after having been refused admittance when she made application in her wo- A MILITARY HUBBLE. ' An epoch of war always palm off some spurious hero upon tha muse of history, and hi name in consequence finds a place in the chronicles of the nations: while poets and novelist. lacking historical data to work upon, invent nightical exploits to which tliey marry his name not d iring to use that of any one who has carved out an honorable fame with his sword, know ing that detection of their imposture would be curtain the people catch up the song or story, it becomes popular, and after awhile is accepted as veri table history. Thus base fables, in time, pass currcn Ifor genuine fact. These heroes of the' minnesingers and storytellers aro lucky dogs, in that they earn their chaplets so easily. The histori&i of the old world are full of such characters, and, since tho col. lapse of our own civil war, American history can parade a right goodly share. Notorious among these indeed his name may safely be placed at the head of the list is General Phil. H. Sher idan, who has won himself longer and more jingling spurs than any carpet- knight of them all. How? Simply by wining and dinning into the cars of a not overly conscientious newspaper correspondent a fabulous story of an imaginary rido "where danger hung the murky air, and death 'buscaded the way." The story was published as fact in the New York Herald, when it caught the eye of the poet-painter, the late Buchanan Bead, who at once seized pen and pencil, wrota one of the most stirring ballads of the war and painted a picture that made him yet more famous, and Sheridan was the hero of both. And yet that break neck ride through the Shenandoah Valley, "on to "Winchester town," while the legions of Stonewall Jack eon were a-marcli on every road never occurred. Not a bit of it not a bit of it; no more than'our excellent friend, Judge Gregory, mounted a streak of greased lightning yesterday, and rode to Beaver Dam in the twinkling of an eye! Anil yet, were we to publish so preposterous a statement a3 fact, we would not miss the truth a hair's- brcadth more than the poet did when he heroised Phil. Sheridan. We chanced to know something about Sheridan during the late war. We know he was 5cnt out to "Pat"" Thomas bearing instructions from the War Department to the Litter, and those instructions were to put "Little Phil." in command of the cavalry corps attached to the Army of the Cumberland. The grizzly old hero of Rossvillc Gap, whoso iron legions stemmed and turned back the tide of disaster to the Federal arms that set in on Chicamauga's fearful field, obeyed his instructions to the letter, and turned over the cavalry to the "famous ride; The consequence was, that in six weeks' time the cavalry of tTic Cumberland was the most disorderly, dtsciplinclcss mob that ever essayed to wear saber and carbine. Thomas would not stand that sort of thing, and Sheridan wa hustled back to the eastward faster than he came, for those gentlemen from the army of the Potomac were slow travelers when their faces were set to tie southwest. There was deal of hard fighting down there, you see. it Sheridan was ever gumy or an exploit, brilliant, or even moderate ly so, during the war, it lias entirely escaped the eyes of impartial fnsto rians. But he has performed a couple of brilliant deeds since tho war deeds that will wed his name to infamy so long as the world shall stand. He burned up a small-pox hospital that contained a score or more of helpless Indian patients, down with that fright ful scourge. And the other day, at New Orleans, he caused a subordinate to enter the legislative halls of Louis iana, while the House was in session and remove therefrom six members. whose only otienso was they wero Democrats. And he did not stop there, but he called upon the Presi dent to proclaim the white people of that long-suffering and terribly abused State "banditti," and give him free rein to ride them down as he pleases, We hope that the next time the Presi dent gets drunk he will comply with Sheridan's request Then we would have this military bubble pricked to some purpose." If he hopes to plunder the people, he must have forgotten that General Butler was down that way once upon a time, and did pretty clean picking. If ho thirsts for burn ing and slaying, he will be preity apt to find it a dangerous amusement. THE MEXFOIt THE OFFICES. There are hundreds of men iu the Democratic party of Kentucky who can fill any public position with credit to their party and profit to the State and nation. Thev arc large-hearted laree-brained. laree-ideaed men. But O ' O they are also modest and unassumin men. Thev are men who sconi to sen file for nomination with big-bellied loud-swearing, vanity-pnffed, sliallow- brained, long-tongued, blatant, bully ing demagogues. They are men who lave no "claims" upon the party. Your genuine statesmen, your heroes ct the Senate where ideas are as can non lialls and speech a saber keen, are not the ones to button-hole you on every corner and annoy you with their 'claims upon tho party. They are not the men to travel the length and breadth of the State, like bellowing bulls ofBashan, proclaiming that they, and only they, are the chosen vessels to restore the ancient grandeur and glory and honor of the party. These roaring beggars after office, these polit ical lazzaroni, are the very ignorant and conceited incompetents that brought the party into disgrace afore time. They are but croaking frogs, whose mission it is to sit upon the, banks of their native ponds, suck in the air, swell out their sides, and frighten tim id tadpoles with their noise. These impudent incompetents must be put down. "We, the people, the rank and file of the party, must brush them .aside as odious vermin,, and call out our best and truest men our men of brain and ability onrmen ofstamhfa and character our men of trenius o and patriotism our Democratic jewels of purest ray serene, and put them in the crown of American statesmanship, whore their radience may enlighten and their brilliance guide. Too long have we permitted them to rust in obscurity. Too long have wecov.ecd them over with the dust of impudent political ad venturers, fellows who resemble states men about as much as the stripes of a rag-carpet resemble a rainbow. "We cannot begin the good work of purify ing the temple of Democracy one day too soon. It ha3 been usetTas a stable for jackasses too long already. "With the broom of T1109. Jefferson, our grrat Democratic Hercules "Let the office seek the man" 'et's sweep the Augean stable clean. BRI C-A-mtvc. Komellc-Orlcannaise for Liar1 SlieriJan. Even Gen. John Fope admits that he cannot hold a candle to Sheridan. Mrs. "Woodliull says she loves a liar. Sheridan is the sweetheart for her. The Jtory, though plausible, that Gen. P. II. Sheridan is the author of Gulliver's Travels, U without foundation. Glance at the two sap root of General Sheridan's genealogical tree, find von will find inscribed thereon tbe names of Anania3 and Saphira. What a pity the white people of Lonis- iana are not all sick women and children in a emall-pox hospital, so Sheridan could exterminate 'em with fire. Sir. Alphonso Barrett no .kin to our John late of Otterville, III., left a ton be hind him when he died last Julv who knew exactly how to console his yjun! and pretty step-mother. They twain ceU ehrated New Year's Day bv getting mar ried. The Cincinnati CrtiuUe compare!) Phil. Sheridan to General Jackson There is jtist about as much resemblance be'ween the little Liar in Blue and graud OKI Hickory, as there is between the illumi nated narrative of a lightning bug and the noonday snn. The new King of Spain a the identical babv whose arrival at Madrid while the late Pierre Sonic, of Louisiana, was tbe representative of this government near that eottrt, was laid at that gentleman's door, and .caused -Mrs. S. to express the opinion that Queen Isabella was "no bet ter than she should be."" One of those sweet romantic experiences which we love to record as evidence that this world ia not all a fleeting show for man's illusion given, that love has lodg ment here below, and there's truth this side of heaven, now comes to us from Nor thern Georgia. It appears that a gentle man of Atlanta wandered out into the country to escape che noise and bustle of tbe busy town, and commune with nature where brooks babble and fields arc a-green at the proper season. Among the birds whose gay plumage delights the eye and happy sotig3 enchant the ear, he espied and at once fixed his affections upon a young pig a tender, milk-white, beautiful piggy. A few words of business import with the owner of tbe porcine darling, and the city gentleman became the possessor of the object of bis swift-born admiration. The pretty pig was carefully basketed, to the immense disgust and indignation of its fond mamma, and thus transported from sylvan eccnes and pastoral disport gns to the glare and glitter, the fashion and folly, of the crowded city. Next morning, ere Aurora's roy warning had bade pale Luna to make room for the god of day, the crimson banners of whose marching glowed redly on the gray eastern horizon, the gentleman, who is an early riser for a denizen of the town, was attract ed to his yard-gate by a commotion tbers ancnt. Imagine hi3 astonishment on dis covering the motherof his newly-acquired treasure endeavoring to mate her way in to the premises that were the prison grounds of the darling of which she had been despoiled on the preceding afternoon Her instinct, quickened by mother-love, had prompted her to swift and determined pursuit. It is such sweet and poet ical episodes as this, frequently occurring in the aromatic and. sunny southland, that more firmly fixes in our mind the conviction that this glorious "land of the free heart's only home," where truth and Sheridan together roam, is no longer iu danger.