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SUBSCRIPTION RATES- C fil One copy, one year. - Ten copies, one year Twenty copies, one year ...... " ' An additional copy, free of charge, to tlie etter-up of a club of ten or twenty. As we are compelled by law to piy postage in advance on pap-r tent outside of Ohio county, wc sro forced to require payment on sub'eriptions in advance. All papers will be promptly s'-JDpcd at the expiration of the time subscribed f..r. Alt letters on busine must bs addrcfscJ to Jsn. V. IUsiktt Co., Publishers. From Harper's Weekly. IlKn-TI.tlK. The old clo;V on the nimtcl. Has cbimcd the hour of eight; Papa has issued order, The children must not wait. Mamma, in spite of protest, Enforces the command: She captures both the rebels, Holds one in either hand. These tyrants of the household, That rule with dreadful power, Their sceptre yield at bed-time; The dock has chimed the hour. She leads them through the parlr, And gently up the stairs, The mystery of undressing Is followed now by prayers. When all the rites are over. The last good night is said, Mamma pulls np the cover And tucks the boys in be 1. Then comes an hour of quiet Unknown throughout the day; The leaders ef the riot Are snugly packed away. The racket and the hubbnb Will soon bieak out again Stop till the beams of daylight Wake up these little men. The elders of the household Hare now a chance of poace; The restless feet are quiet. The prattling Toiees e:ase. Mamm will linger near them; She never minds their noise, The wondrous light of mo'hers lovo Shines down upon the boys. THE BLACK TULSP. BY ALEXtXIMli: MJJIA.S. Anl!iororilic"Cou:l oCMoiiIp OriMto," -TliiTarPRii:ir:K!iieii." Twenty r Aflfr."-Ilr.riPlonne. tile Hun or At!io.""l.oii!se la Vnllierr." -Tlie Iron SJ;U," XJtc. lltr. CHAPTER VHI. THE rWILT CELL The incident jmt related wns, as the render has guessed before this, the mis chievous work of Mynheer Isaac Boxtel, It will lie remembered that, with the help of his telescope, not even the least detail of the private meeting between Cor nelins De Witte am! Van Bierle ha I es cipcd him. He had, indeed, heard noth ing, but had seen everything, and had rightly conc'u-Iel that the papers entrust' ed by the Warden to the Dictor must liave been of great importance, ng he saw Van I) tcrle so carefully secreting the parcel in the drawer wheri he used to keep his mit precious bulbs. The upshot ol all this was, that when Boxtel who wa'ched the course of po- litical events much more nttcntivelr than his neighbor Cornelius was used to do lieard the ncvs of the brothers Dj Witte being arrested on a charge of high Irea Ron airainst the Suite, he thought within his heart, that very likely he, Bixtel needed only to say one word, and the godson would be arrested as well as the godfather. Yet, full of hatred as was BoxtclV heart, heat first shrank with horror from the idea of informing against a man whom the information might lead to the scaffold. But there is this terrible in evil thoughts, that evil minds soon grow fa miliar with them. Bes'dcs this, Mynheer Isaac Boxtel en couraged himself with the following sophism: "Cornelius Dc Wilte is a bad citizen as he is charge I with high treason, and arrested. 'I, on the contrary, am a good citizen as I am not charged with anything in tit world, as I am as free as the air of hcav en. "If, therefore, Cornelius I)e Witte is a bad citizen of which there can be no doubt, as he is charged with high trca son and arrest his accomplice. Cor nelius Van Bacrlc, is no less a bad citi zen than himself. "And I am a good citizen, and as it is the duly of every good citizen to inform against the bad ones, it is my duly to in form against Cornelius Van Baerle." Specious as this mode of reasoning might pound, it would not, perhaps, hav taken to complete a hold of Boxtel, nor would he, perhaps, have yielded to th mere uenre oi vengeance wlncn was gnawing at his heart, had not the demon of envy being joined by that of cupidity. Boxtel was quite aware of the progress which Van Baerle had made toward producing the grand black tulip. Doctor Cornelius, notwithstanding all his modeMy, had not been able to hide from his most intimate friend-) that he was all but certain to win, in the year of grace 1073, the prize of a hundred thou sand guilders offered by the Horticultu ral Society of Haarlem. Just this certainty of Cornelius Van Baerle caused the fever which raged in the heart of Isaac Boxtel. If Cornelius should be arrested, there would neccssarially be a great upset In his house, and, during the night after his nrrest. no one would think of keeping a watch over the tulips in his garden 2Jow, in that night, Boxtel would climb over the wall, and, as he knew the place of the bulb that was to produce the grand black tulip, he would lilch it; and in- THE ' VOL. 1. tend of flowering for Cornelius, it would orcr for him, Isaac lie also, instead of Van Baerle, would have the prize of a ii mi red thousand guilders, not to speak of the sublime honor of calling the new ower Tulipa nigra liirtclknxisa. result hich would (satisfy not only his ven geance, but also his ciipidity and his am bition. Awake, he thought of nothing but the rand black tulip; asleep, he dreamed of it. At last, on the 19th of August, about two o'clock in the afternoon, the tempta tion crew so strong, that Mvnheer Isaac was'no longer able to restit it. Accordingly he wrote an anonymous information, the minute exactness of hich made up for its want of authen ticity; and posted bis letter. Never did a venomous paper, slipped nto the jaws or the bronze lions at Ven ice, produce a more prompt and terrible effect. On the same evening the letter reached the principal magistrate, who, without a moment's delay, convoked his colleagues arlv for the next morning, therefore, they assembled, and decided on Van B.icrle's arrest, placing the order for its execution the hands of Master Van Spennen, who, as we have seen, performed his du ty like a true Hollander, and who arrest ed the doctor at the very hour when the Orange party at the Hague were roast- ng the bleeding shreds of llesh torn from the corpses of Cornelius and John De Witte. But, whether from a feeling of shame, or from cavern weakness, Isaac Boxtel lid not venture that day to point his tele scope cither at the garden or at the labo ratory, or at the dry-room. He knew too well what was about to lappen in the house of the poor doctor, and that he should have felt a desire to bok into iL He did not even get up vhen his only servant who envied the lot of the bcrvants of Cornelius just as bitterly as Boxtel did that of their mas ter entered his bed-room. He said to the man, "I shall not get up to-day, I am ill." About nine o'clock he heard a great . . i . I , 1 I. ! noise in tlie street, wnicn mane mm tremble; at this moment he was paler than a real invalid, and shook more vio- ently than a man in the height fever. His servant entered the room; Boxtel ii .1 himself under the counterpane. Oh, sir!" cried ihe servant, not with out some inkling that, wlnt-t deploring the mishap which had befallen Van Baerle, he was announcing agreeable news to his master "oh, sir! you do not know, then, what is happening at this moment?" "How can I know it?" answered Box tel with almost an unintelligible voice. "Well. Mynheer B xtcl, at this mo ment your neighbor Cornelius Van Baerle is arrested for high treason." "Nonsense!" Boxtel muttered, with a faltering voice; "the thing is impossible." "Faith! sir, at any rate that's what people say; and, besides, I have seen Judae Van Spennen with the archers entering the house." "Well, if you have seen it with your own eyes, that's a different case altogeth er." "At all events," said the servant, ''I shall go and enquire once more; be you quiet, sir, I shall let you know all about it." Boxtel contented himself with signify ing his approval of the zeal of his ser vant bv dumb-show. The man went out, and returned in half an hour. "Oh, sii! all that I told you is indeed quite true. "How so?" "Mvnheer Van Baerle is arrested, and has been put into a carriage, and they are driving him to the Hague." "To the Hague?" "Yes, to the Hague; and if what people say is true, it won't do him much g-x 1." And what do they nay?" Bu-:lel asked. "Faith, sir, they say tut it is not quite sure that by this hour Ihe burgh ers must be murdering Mynheer Corne lius and Mynheer John De Witte.'' "Oh!" muttered, or rather growled, Boxtel, closing his eyes from the dread ful picture which presented itself to his imagination. "Why, to be sure," said the servant to himself, whilst leaving the room, "Myn- heer Isaac Boxtel must be very sick, not to have jumped from his bed on hearing such good news." And, in reality, Isaac Boxtel was very- sick, like a man who has murdered an other. But he had murdered his man with a double object; the first was attained, the second one was still to be attained. Night closed in. It was the night which Boxtel had looked forward to. As soon as it wa9 dark he got up. He then climbed into his sveamore. He had correctly calculated; no one thought of keeping watch over the gar den; the hou-e and the servants were in the utmost confusion. He lieard the clock strik ten, eleven, twelve. At midnight with a beating heart, i .1: .. i... ...i., -...I .. i;,;.i ..,..,...- HARTFORD H COME, THE HERALD OF A XOISY HARTFORD, OHIO nance, he descended from the tree, took a ladder, leaned it againel the wall, mounted it to the last step but one, and lUtned. All was perfectly quiet, not a sound broke the silence of the ni;ht; one solita ry light, that of the housekeeper, was burning in the house, This silence and this darkness embold ened Boxtel; he got astride on the wall, slopped for an instant, and, after having ascertained that there was nothing to fear, lieptitliis own ladder from his own garden into that of Cornelius, and de scended. After this, knowing to an inch where the bulbs w.hich were to produce the black tulip were planted, he ran towards the spot, following, however, the-crispy gravelled walks in order not to be be trayed by liis foot-prints, and on arriv- ng at the precise spot, he rushed, with the eagerness of a tiger, to plunge his hand into the soft ground. He found nothing, and thought he was mistaken. In the meanwhile the cold sweat stood on his brow. lie rummaged close by it Nothing. He rummaged on the right, and on the left Nothing. He rummage 1 in front, and at the back Nothing. He was nearly mad, when at last iie satisfied himself that on that very morn ing the earth had been turned. In f.ict, whilst Boxtel was lying in bed, Cornelius had gone down to his garden, had taken up the mother-bulb, and. as we have seen, divided it into three. Boxtel could not bring himself to leave the place. He dug with his hands more than ten square feet of ground.- At last no doubt remained of his mis fortune. Mad with rage, he returned to his lad der, flung it into his own garden, and jumped after it. All at once, a last ray of hope present ed itself to his mind: the seedling bulbs might be in the dry-room; it was there fore only requisite to make his entry there as he had done into the garden. There he would find them; and, more over, it was not at u'l dillicitlt, as the sashes of the dry-room might be raised like those of a greenhouse. Cornelius had opened them on that morning, ami no one hail thought of closing them again. Everything, therefore, depended upon whether he could procure a ladder of sufficient length one of twenty-five feet, instead of ten. Boxtel had noticed in the street where he lived a house that was being repaired, and against which a very tall ladder was placed. This ladder woulil do admirably, unless the workmen had taken it away. He ran to the house, the ladder was there. Boxtel took it, carried it with great exertion to his garden, and with even greater difficulty raised it against the wall of Van B.ierle's house, where it just reached to the window. Boxtel put a lighted dark lantern into his pocket, mounted the ladder, and slipped into the dry-room. On reaching this sanctum of the florist he stopped, supporting himself against the table; bis legs filled In in, his heart heat as if it would choke him. Here was worse than in the jjanlen; there Boxtel was only a tresspasser, here he was a thief. However, be took courage again: he had not gone so to turn back with empty hands. But it wns no use to search the whole room, to open and shut all the drawers, even that privileged one where the par cel which had been so fatal to Cornelius had been deposited; he found ticketed, as in a botanical garden, the "Jane," the "John Dp. Witte," the hazel-nut. and the roasted coffee-colored tulip; but of the black tulip, or rather the seedling bulbs within which it was btill sleeping, not a trace was found. And yet, on looking over the register of seeds ami bulbs, which Van Baerle kept, if possible, even with greater exact itude and care than the first commercial house of Amsterdam their ledgers, Box tel read the following entry: "To-day, 20th of August, 1072, I have taken up the mother bulb of the grand black tulip, which I have divided into three perfect tuckers." "Oh, these suckers, these sucker?! howled Boxtel, turning over cveryting in the dry-room, "Where could hc have concealed them.?" Then suddenly striking his forehead in his frenzy, he called out, "Oh, wretch that I am! Would any one be separa ted from hit ,-iick?rs? Would any one leave them at Djrtwheu one goes to the Hague? He had time to get hold of them, the .scoundrel, he has them about him, he has taken them to the Hague!" It was like alltsh of lightning which J showed to Boxtel the abyss of a uselessly- committed crime. lioxtel sank quite paralysed on that very table, and on tint very spot where, some hours before, the unfortunate Van Baerle had so leisurely, and with such intense delight, contemplated his darling bulbs. "Well, then, after all," said the euvi- WOULD, THE NEWS OF ALL NATIONS LUMB&MXG AT MY ISACIC." COUOTY, KY OCTOBER 13, 1875. ous Boxtel raising his livid lace from his hands in which it had been buried "if he has them he can keep them only as long as he lives, and " The re-it of this dcte-tahle thought merged in a hideous smile. "The suckers are at the Hague," he said, "therefore I can no longer live at Dort: away, then, for them, to the Hague! to the Hague!" And boxtel, without taking any notice of the treasures about him-so entirely were his thoughts absorbed by another inestimable treasure-let himself out by h Ulwl t!ie cen. the window, glided down the ladder, Thu8 left aone Cornelins threrf him carried it back to the place whence he nn ... ,,ei, ,mt he ,., not. he had taken it, and like a beast of preyj returned growling to his house. CHAPTER IX. THE TAMILY CELL. It was about midnight when poor Van Baerle was locked up in the prison of the Buitenhof. Wiiat Kosa foiesaw had come to pass. On finding the cell of Cornelius De Witte empty, the wrath of the people ran very high, and had Gryphus fallen nto the hands of those madmen, he would certainly have had to pay with his life for the prisoner. But this fury had vented itself most amply on the two brothers when they were overtaken bv the Murderers, thanks to the precaution which William -the man of precautions had taken in having the gates of the city closed. A momentary lull had therefore set n, whilst the prison was eniDtv, and Bosa availed herself of this favorable noment to come forth from her hiding- place, -which she also induced her father to leave. Tlie pri-on was therefore completely leserted. Whv should neon!c remain . I in jail, whilst murder was going on at the Tol Hek? Gryphus came forth trembling behind the courageous Ilosa. Thev went to close the I'reat crate, at east as well as it ii i -i :....! i :, ., i,i I would close, considering that it was nail demolished. It was easv to see that a hurricane of mighty fury had passed here About four o.clock a return of the noise was heard, but of no threatening character to Gryphus and his daughter. Tiie people were only dragging in the two corpses, which thev came back to gibbet at the usual place of execution llosi hid herself this time also, but only that she might not see the ghastly spectacle. At mi.lnigut, people again kuockcu ni .. . , , ,.j.l the gate of the jail; or rather at the barricade which serveu in us stcau: it was Cornelius Van lljcrle whom they were bringing. When the jailer received this new in- mate, and saw from the warrant the name and station of his prisoner, he muttered with his turnkey smile, Godson or Cornelius De ittei Well, young man, we have just lure the family cell, and we shall give it to you. And quite enchanted with his joke, the ferocious Orangeman took his cresset and his keys to conduct Cornelius to the cell, which, on that very morning, Cor nelius De Witte had left to go into exile, or what, in revolutionary times, is meant nstead by those sublime philosophers, who lay it down as an axiom of high pol icy, "It is the dead only who do not re turn." O.i the way which the despairing flo rist had to traverse to reach that cell, he heard notlun-' but the barking of a doer, and saw nothing hut the face of a young girl. The dog rushed forth from a niche m the wall, shaking his heavy chain, and sniffing all round Cornelius in order so much the better to recognize him in case he should be ordered to pounce upon him. The young girl, whilst the prisoner was mounting ttie staircase, appeared at the narrow door of her chamber, which opened on that very llight of steps; and holding the lamp in her right hand, she at the same time lit up her pretty bloom- ing face, surrounded by a profusion of rich wavy golden locks, whilst with her left she held her white night-dress closely over her breast, having been roused from her first slumber by the unexpected arrival of Van Baerle. It would have made a fine picture, worthy or Rembrandt, the gloomy wind- ing stairs illuminated by the reddish glare of the cresset of Gryphus, with his scowling jailers countenance at the top, thc melancoly figure of Cornelius bind- ing over the banister, to look down upon the sweet face of K'a. standing, as it were, in the bright frame of the door of her chamber, with llurrieJ mien at being thus seen by a stranger. And at the bottom, q-iite in the shade where the details are absorbed in the obscurity, the mastiff, with his eyes glis- tening like carbuncles, and shaking his chain, on which the dou'jle light from the lamp of Kosa, and cresset of Gry- phus threw a brilliant glilter. The sublime master would, however, have been altogether unable to render the sorrow expressed in the face of Rosa, when she saw this pale, handsome young man, slowly climbing the stairs' and thought of the full import of the words, TT1 A 1 which her father had jut spoken. "Yot xcill have the family cell." This vi-icn lasted but a moment much less time than we have taken to describe it Gry- phus then proceeded on his way, Corne lius was forced to follow him, and five minutes after he entered his prison, of which it is unnecessary to say more, as the reader is already acquainted with it. Orvnhus nointed with Ifisflnser to the tlie m,rtvr had suffered so ,,.,, wh0 on mt ,- i13(i rendarel his , f!ll . Xll(. tr.:n!? i.:., cresgeL . . . - fi. on bnrred with iron, which looked on the Buitenhof; and in this way saw from behind the trees that first pale beam of light which morning sheds on the earth, as a wliitc mantle. Now and then during the night, horses liaJ galloped at a smart pace over the Buitenhof, the heavy tramp of the patrols had resounded from the pavement, and the slow matches of the arquebuses, liar ing in the east wind, had thrown up at intervals a sudden glare as far as to the panes of his window. B,lt wIlcn lIie rising sun begin to gild the coping stones at the gable ends of the houses, Cornelius, eager to know whether there was any living creature about him, abproached the window, and cast a sad look round the circular yard' be.ore lum. At the en J of the-yard a dark mass tinted with a dingy blue by the morning dawn, rose before him, its dark outlines- standing out in contrast to the houses al rcadv illuminated by the pale light of early morning, r i 1 1 1. I l orneiius recogn.zeu uie giuoet. On it were suspended two Bhapcless trunks, which indeed were no more than bleeding skeletons- The good people of the Hague had cuoppeu nn me nesu oi us victims, uui faithfully carried the remainder to the .... gibbet, to have a pretext for a double in scription, written on a huge placard, on which Cornelius' with the keen sight of a young man of twenty eight, was able to read the following lines, daubed by the coarse brush of a sign-painter,- "Here are hanging the great rogue of the name of John De Witte, and the little rogue Cornelius De Witte, his brother, two enemies of the people, but great friends of the King of France." Cornelius uttered a cry of horror, and in tlip fifnnv nf liia fr.intii. trrror. i.nocU(.,t .;,!, his hands and feet at his o v do0f M vioIenlly nml c0nt;nu0U3iy, ,ha, Grypiin;J) wjth I,ge bunch of keys ;n ,;3 han j ran furiously nn to him. The jailer opened the door, with terri I ,e imprecations against the prisoner, wi,0 disturbed lum at an hour wine! master Gryphus was not accustomed io iK aroused. "Well. now. I declare, he is mad. this new De Witte," he cried; "but all those De Wittes have the devil in them.'' "Master, master," cried Cornelius, seizins ttic jailer uy tlie arm anu urag- "inir him towards the window; "master. what have I read down there?" "Where, down tharc?' "On that placard." And trembling, pale, and gasping for breath, he pninted to the gibbet at the other side of the yard, with the cynic in scription surmounting it. Gyrphus broke oat into a laugh. "Eh! Eh! lie answered, so, yon have read it. Well, my good sir, that's what people will get for corresponding with the enemies of His Highness tl Prince of Orange.'' I he brothers JJts N itte are mur dered!" Cornelius muttered, with the cold sweat on his brow, and sank on his bed, his arms hanging by his side, and his eyes closed. The brothers De Witte have been ,ni&ed bv the pe0I,ie- 6a!J Grvphus; ,.you c.ii"tli:lt mllrJered, do you? well, j c;l -lt cxcouted." AnJ gC(j;ng t,mt the pr;30ncr wa3 110t Quj lmt cntirely prl3tra,e aml sellseei?St ie rushed from the cell, vio- ently 8iam,ing the door, and noisily d,.;,,,. tie holts, conc;otlsnc33 Cornelius M nom where hc wa9.,e' famiiy celp as Gryphus had called it as the fatal pa3ia!?e leading to ignominious death, All,j as le waj a philosopher, and, more tjmn t,ati a3 ,0 Wl13 a christian, j(e to prar for the soul of his god- flUliefi then for that of the Pen- sionary, and at last submitted with res- nation to all the suffering which God might ordain for him. Then turning again to the concerns of earth, and having satisfied liitmelf that he was alone in his dungeon, he drew from his breast the three bulbs of the- black tulip, and concealed them bshind a block of stone, on which the traditional water-jug of the prisoa was standing, in the darkest corner of his cell, Useless labor of so many ye tr! such j 6weet hopes crushed; his discovery was, nrt.r.ill. to lead to nansht. nut as his own career wai to be cut short. Here, in his prison, there was not a trace of vegitation, not an atom of soil, not a ray of sunshine. D. NO. 41. At this thought Cornelius fell into a gloomy despair, from whirh he was only aroused by an extraordinary ciri cumstances. What was this circumstance? We shall inform the reader in our next chapter. Continued next week A Wonl for Ihe Wonlrn. We do not hesitate to say that the average Woman, educated in the better e-lass of schools in this country, is a bet ter scholar, and, a more capable and nc complishfd person, that the average col lege of the other sex. S hat we ivant u cheaner schools of an rnual excellence. i The tanner's boy goes to college, finds cheap tuition, wins rt?cliolarshipperhaps, boards in- commons, earns money during vacation, and gets through, while hi sister stays at home, because the only place where she can get an equal cduca- ion are expensive beyond her means. There is no college that needs to be so richlv endowed as a woman's college. U omen are not men, quarrel with the facts as we may, and they cannot get aiong so cheaply with such self-lielptul- ness as men while going through the pro- cesses of their education. If we are to nave women s colleges, we must nave well patd professors, philosophical appa ratus, cabinets, collections, art-galleries, I laboratories, and thev must be provided for by private munificence. Provision should be made for the poor, so that 1 high education shall corns within reach ot all. There is not a woman's college, or an advanced public institution for the education of women, that is not to-day in need of a large endowment for the pur pose of bringing its advantages within the reach of those whose means are small. Now we commend this matter par ticularly to rich women. There are many scattered up anddown the country. who are wondering what they shall do with their money when, and even before. nicy wiu. iuu u uicae wc uux ui. mhu- lege ot commending tins great onjeci. t . ., , rri . . i,ei tue uoys aione. iiiey uave oeen pretty well taken care of already, and the men will look after them. It is for you, as women wishing well to your own sex, and anxious for its elevation in all possible ways, to endow these institutions that are springing up about the country in its interest, so that the poor shall have an equal chance with the rich. You can greatly help to give theyoung women nf oil ftlrtsaou ma neri n rlionco ni tlioiV i J i hrnt Ii ora oniAV find vmi nn n liurrlv flflim " "I a great deal as womanly feeling if yon do B - . not do it. Dr. J. Q. Holland; Scnbner lor 'jcivucr. To Oblige n Friend. Mr. Keyscr dropped in at Statesbury's store the other day, and after some pre liminary conversation he said: "Jim; are you fond of apples?" "Well, yes, if they are good," responded Statesburv. "Well, Jim, how are you on climbing a fence, a fence about eight feet high? How are vou on climbing it all of a sud den?'' "I dunno. I might get over one if I was excited about something." "Yes. And, Jim, you ain't much afraid of dogs, arc you? You don't skeer much when you kinder see a dog coming at you, savage like? How would it strike you now if such a dog as that was to grab you by the leg?'' "Why, I wouldn't let it, of course." "Well, Jim, I come around to ask you a tavor, as a menu. Jim, l ve just bought a new dog, a sorter bull-terrier, and the man said he'd tly at almost any - body, and hold on until he was dead. Now I have an idea the fellow was lying to me, and I thought mavbe if you'd around and help me to give that dog I well, give him a kinder trail trip, I might find out about him. "What do you mean by a trail trip?" "Why, I thought I'd sec ifyou wouldn t go into my garden and pretend to steal apples, and I'd sick this dog on you, and then yon Usee if that man misrepresent! tlio fnpfd t ft (IIP "Certainly I won't." Ml. ..,,.;.. trr , m You may have all the apples you can -ir " Wl.v vn mint I. ra" "UVn'i ,. Vol In nl.lim. a friend? Not to ascertain the value of what may be a splendid fighting dog?" 'Of f-nnnp t won't " "Oh. very well. then, don't: but the - first time 1 see you anywhere near my place I II try him on you anyway, don t muni a man being, uui niien iiesomary mean mc j j he disgusts me. Mr. Keyser is still looking for a per son for his pet to experiment on. Max 4 i.r.. -. r T siaeicr, in j. i. ncciy. A jailor in n Western Slate had re ceived strict orders to keep his prisoners in snlitarv confinement Once wiien he had two i'n charse, one escaped, and he was obliged to kick the other out of the door to comply with the regulation. Counsel (to witness) "Now, sir, what is the character of the plaintiff in this suit?'" Witness "Her character is slight lv matrimonial." Counsil "What do -J mMn a sli-htlv matrimonial "character!" Witness-"Siie's been mar J seven times." ADVERTISING TtVTKSS. One sqnarr, one insert on ...$ 1 00 One square, each mlditinnal insertion- 5U 0nequare, one ve.-ir..-.. ......... 10 00 One-fourth column perjear..... 31) 00 One-tliird column, per jtar..... ,40 00 One half column, per year......... 60 00 One column, ono jenr-......... 10(1 00 For hortcr time, at proportionate rale. One inch of (pace eon-.tito.tea s rqnare. The matter of yearly ailverti.ement. ehan-f il quarterly free of charge. For farther panic Jso. P. IWRRrrr A Co., Publishers, The Independent publishes the follow ing epitaph from- a tombstone in Chau tauqua county. Neuralgia worked on Mr? Smith Till 'neath the soil it laid her; She was a worthy Methodist, And served as a crusader. Friends came, delighted at the call, In plenty of good carriages ; Death :s the common lot of all. And cornea more oft than marriages. If this sort of obituary poetry is to be written in country town, G. Washing-. ton Childs, A. H.f must look otrt for hia laurels. A school-master, who had an inveter ate habit of talking to himself, was nsked what motive he couli hnve in doing so. He replied that he had two gco'd and substantial reasons. In the first place. he liked to talk to a sensible man; arnl in the second place he liked to hear a sensible man -talk. "I don't see anything the matter with this pudding." said a fellow nt a Thanks- Eiving dinner. "Well, who said there wail7 Er0ic 0nt his neighbor. "Whv." a;j ,le first ..j concluded there was, as yo h geem to te rnnnin5 it down!" Hard, horny hands, embrowned by the sun and roughened by labor, are more honorable than wbite ones that never reached out to- help a fellow-creature or added a dollar to the world s wealth When a person fee!.s disposed to over estimate his own importance, let him re member that mankind got along very" well before bis birth, and in all proba bility they will get along very well after his death. -i A Tnilni mfi n in n. mnaii. Qrinn nod ... nr,m, rAal;.v.n. ,ad who parcl,ase . of thea-senfieman'. .... m n i .. I all Josh Billings remarks: "The only way tu git through this world and eskape cen- sure and abuse iz to take sum back road. I You kant travel the main tnrnpike and I do it. Said a wag, pointing to a blind wood- sawyer, "Nobody ever saw that man see. ut hundreds have seen him saw." I I iuarrivu UCULHC Will JlilVC 11U UlUJUitV I r In rt i'rc alnnir to oil if tltAtr nlrvava Vfn , , . ., . 1 , - I t-rn linn In th hln.i hMr flml fiir ear Good conundrum for yotlng ladies to practice on: When will the alphabet have only twenty-five letters? When you and I are made one. When they catch a man gathering Del aware peaches at midnight, they preserve whatever cf trniti he hna in him hv . , ... - , - ... . . . Broklyn claims a patent on 'the new method of curing rheumatism" Crowd it into the two last fingers and cut them off. Mr. Keely hasn't got that motor to suit him yet; but there is plenty of time If forced to do it, one can put up with steam-engines until spring A Tennessee girl told a fellow she would give htm a kiss if be would catch her. She ran well till sheirotout ofsizht of,Le olJ fo,k9 anJ then ;n- Eugene "Come, sit down on the 1 shelly shore, and hear the mighty ocean roar." Amelia "I cau t bit down, you silly goose, because I'd burst my pin I back loose.' Economy is beginning to prevail again. At a funeral, Saturday, nine men ap peared with unblacked boot heels. 'Cold streaks plating tag down my j,ack." is the way a little Ypsilanti (Jiici,.) g;rl describes the approach of an Oo-ue chill, , , f ' "' IUIHHJ V ne w"o Par" "a r ,n middle? They answered that three such were 'JmS a'M- iUtn 1 U,e "WJ1 uesigueu ana was soon no nunc "Any letters for Mike Howe: asked an individual or a cierK ai a josi uince . . window. "2o letters for anybody 3 I cow. i ,. . . . .. , ,ast , v.... Wonder if she danced I on three feet? ArL-nnsns man is travelinff around - , .. . lecture-composed of ei-'ht cliaptersof the Bible, and none of the I . - ... ... .. .. hearers have detected the literary thelt. The latest novelty in the way of making rn.l niivc haa bc;n reached l.y a Ktokuk butcher. He gives away a chromo with every ten pounds of meat. It must mke a man feel mean to psy ail 0u ,leLt because he is goii.g to die. anj then have the doctor pull hiiu - throusI all right. ... There is one aavantage, m.p - in a rainy season; every poor man can v" a watering place.