J oIJe H i HRivermanl Riverman tBy t STEWART I EDWARD WHITE C pjrilht 1908 by the McClure Com p ny Copyrilhl 1907 1908 by Stewart Edward While IS I SYNOPSIS CHAPTER ITack Orde lumber i I man baa Ma drive of logs held up i I agr a dam built by on Irascible mill I I earner nQrde declares war on i I mad tho mil owner IIIA strang < r waned Newmnrk joins Ordes river I I crew IV V and VITho drive goes I nhrwn river having many adventures I mil Orde invades a gambling house i sL Redding and outwits the sharp ew VII and VIII Newmark suggests ta Orde that they found a log driv iaj company IX Ordo meets Carroll Bfahop a beautiful New York girl X ai XI The log driving company Isi i Stormed by Orde and Newmark and be Xlns business XII XIII and XIV XlvICkiJlt I I Ceda seeks the companionship of Car roIL Bishop who returns to New York 7Cl7 Ordo makes Improvements along I tfca river to facilitate log driving 7CVI Orde visits the Bishop family Si New York XVII Orde is deeply I Si love with Carroll but the girls rather objects to him XVIII XIX I nsd XX Carroll confesses her love fortt2 I ftui west XXIThe couple go to live 1 1 at Monrovia and Orde iesuiree lum ping Chapter 19 I i I I IiDBfcuHd n note at tile ° botel ORDI I next day asking him to be f t In Washington square at half past 2 Carroll met him with a I ltigbt smile things arent quite right at home I eta said It is a great shock to poor > i aether at llrst and she feels very fleoagly Oh It Isnt you dear ItRI I i tte notion that I can care for anybody I i I Sot her You sn shes been used to etc other idea wi long that I suppose j fStwemed a part of the universe to her FlU get used to it after a little but t lakes time butI I I Crde examined her face anxiously f bright red spots burned on her RJwlrt her eyes Hashed with a nerv tins animation I I all smiled up at him I i Wo havo to pay for the good things a01fe dont we dear And they are lCtb it We must not be too Impaj j CIt Now lets enjoy the day I it 5 oclock Orde took her back to I Ms doorstop doorstellI I I > Me saw that the strain was be Baaing to tell Carrolls worried ex t15Blol1 grew from day to day atom Gerald at his club Orde sought I rare luthiiate news of what was going nc IEl Uttld by little Ordes eager ques ftias drew out the truth of the sltua Son Mrs BIshop had shut herself j in a blind and Incredible obstinacy I mtencc she sallied with floods of com jjSints tears accusations despairs comI I aracchcs vows hysterics all the bat < Ctzj of the woman misunderstood If Ctrroll undertook to say anything tho flfirsl word would start her mother off lIt one It her long and hysterical I Ondea Hrr child had disobeyed her I autns irvUmax she had assumed the SSwxcgnable position of a complete Tjtmrtrutloii wherein she demanded the aihute care of an Invalid In the crisis U 3 disorder The mere mention otI I JSfct subject nearest Carrolls heart i Kiuglft I tne feeble cuniplalut JS iyou want to kill meV j I rl a July scrap of victory to be atctit jli from this stricken Held wasI I Ola fact that Carroll Insisted on going 1w miot her lover every ufteruuou flj IJ uh Jit fretted under the tyranny Imtr could see nothing which could xilfic the situation Have his own tkdrawal He had already long jrrmtaycd his visit Important affairs 1nlulIlI ted with his work demanded i I fjffi attention Hu had the comfort of i yCPlTs love aS 11ledI j I A morning after he had reached gds conclusion he again met Gerald sttbu rymuusium Grdesaid Gerald suddenly Im Mother has sjt > 0xlid about Carroll eaiuniiiccd bothering her again It fumt so bad us long as she stuck to Ajtllnei but now shes taken to prowl tic m a dozen times a night I Ilrowl1 tftofe voices for an hour or so at a tfcn Im afraid Its beginning to wear a Carroll more than you realize i I sank you said Ordo briefly and I tetrtrd JU his hotel Ordo found a telegram CHijiM not open it until he had reached to own room It was from home aitJre his Immediate return for the jKatptunco of some contracted work 2s h with the contracted work fte muttered savagely and calling a Scltoy sent an answer very much to tttaa effect Ms was Interrupted by a knock on aaritoor tome in I he called without turning 3d and 2B heard the door open and shut ifrton fI moment he looked around VrlC1t Bishop stood watching him 1110 looked at him curiously himj j 10 J + Iit that hI Wall ai lferluu 14 oow I excitement His frame trembled convulsively his Ups were white his face went red and palo by turns Youve got toI I let my mother alone he man I aged to say final ly Youve brought her to the point of death Youre hounding her to her grave toI I Orde thought to catch the echo of quotation in these wordslie bUrst from tile room What do ourooln want me to do asked Orde after a moment of thought Go away cried Kendrick 1 cannot do that Kendricks face assumed a livid pal lor and his eyes seemed to turn black with excitement Trembling In every limb but without hesitation he ad vanced on Orde drew a short riding whip from beneath his coat and slash ed the young man across the face Orde looked steadily at the boy Onco again Kendrick hit raised his arm for the third time hesitated Ills lips writhed and then with a sob he cast the little whip from him and burst burstI Poor youngster Orde murmured The next day Carroll came to him with hurried nervous steps her usual ly pale cheeks mounting danger sig nals of flaming red her eyes swim ming Orde did not attempt as yet to draw from her the cause of this unusual agitation A park bench stood be tween two dense bushes screened from all directions save one To this he led her herI This thing has got to quit said be grimlyA A carriage rolled near and discharg ed Its single passenger on the pave ment Its Gerald cried Carroll The young man catching sight of them picked his way daintily and leisurely toward them 1 have brought aJIheJ Il car rlage and 1 wish you would both do me the favor to accompany me on a short excursion The three Carroll and Orde some what bewildered took their scats After an Interval the carriage drew up opposite n brownstone dwelling The throe were ushered by n discreet and elderly maid Into a little square squareI reception room I have brought you here among other purposes to hear from me n lit tic brief wisdom drawn from experi once and the observation of life Ger old began addressing his expectant wad curious guests That wisdom Is briefly this There conies a time In the affairs of every household when a man must assert himself as the ruler In all the details he may depend on tho womans judgment experience and knowledge but when It comes to the big crises where life Is deflected Into tne channel or the other then unless the man docs the deciding he is lost forever and his happiness and the happiness of those who depend on him This Is abstruse but I come to the particular application shortly This may be all very true Gerald said Orde but I fall to see why you have brought us to this strange house to tell It In a moment replied Gerald Have patience Believing that thor oughly I have come In the last twen tyfour hours to a decision lIe produced a paper and a package from his Inside pocket I have here he went on suddenly marriage papers duly made out In this package Is a plain gold ring In the next room is waiting by prear rangemcnt a verj good friend of mine in the clergy Personally I am at your disposal Lie looked nt them prppctantly The very thing Oh no cried Orde and Carroll In unison Ten minutes later the three passed through the door into the back apart meat They found waiting n young clergy man with two young girls At tho sight of Carroll these latter mailed for ward and overwhilmcd her with en lea ruouts dearmentsIn In fifteen minutes the little party separated amid a chatter of congratu lations Mr nnd Mrs Urdu drovo Keay Chapter 20 II Y sweetheart said Orde My Poor mother 1 wonder how shell take it jn the hallway of the UNhop house Ordo kissed her He brave sweetheart said he but remember that now youre buy wife Orde sat In the dim parlor for what seemed to be an Interminable period Occasionally the sounds of distant voices rose to his car and died away again Finally he heard the rustle of the portieres and turned to see the dim form of the general Dad business Dad business mut tered the old man its very hard on I mo Perhaps you did the right thing I You must be good to her but 1 cannot I countenance this affair It was most II I hI 1 IIlr mostI I u b ff = 1 j 111110 oHI 1 ffJ i i Finally alter anothe interval Car roll returned She was sobbing vio lently She came to him and for the moment bid her face against hisI breast After a littlo she controlled I herselfI berselJack we must go tonight She sbo I I has ordered mo out of the house nUll says she never wants to see my face again She broko down for a second Oh Jack she cant mean that And shes very bitter against Gerald Oh Ii i told her It wasnt his fault but she I i wont listen She sent for that odious I Mr Merritther rector you know j I and ho supported her I believe hes angry because we did not go to him I Cant you just pack n bag nnd leave the rest until tomorrow Its about hungry limeJ j I I She says I must take every stitch belonging to me tonight I They packed trunks until Into that night Carroll and Orde walked to 1 gether to the hotel Next morning nnI I Interview with Gerald confirmed them I in their resolution of Immediate dp parture She Is set in her opposition now j and at present she believes firmly that her influence will separate you thntI I Gerald smiled his One smile Goodby said he Going to a train Is useless and n bore to everybody Carroll threw herself on his neck In an excess of passionate weeping At the station the general appeared There there he fussed It your mother should hear of my being hero I i And write jour daddy Carroll It would be a very bad business And you sir be good to her And write your daddy Carroll Hell be lonesome for you He blew his nose very loud ly Here my dear open this envel ope when you are well started It may help cheer the journey He hurried them through the gate Carroll opened the envelope It con I tained a check for 1000 Dear old daddy she murmured Our only wedding presentlI Chapter 21 HI3 winter months were spent at T Monrovia where Ordo and his wife lived for a time at the ho tel Carrpll soon became acquainted with the life of the place Monrovia con sisted of an upper stratum of mill owners and lumber operators possess ed of considerable wealth and some cultivation a gawky middle estate of storekeepers and the lumber mill op eratives The class first mentioned comprised n small coterie among whom Carroll soon found two or three congenlals Edith Fuller wife of the bank cashier Valerie Catbcurt wboee husband bad been killed In the civil war Clara Taylor wife of the lead Ing lawyer of the village and strange ly enough Mimi Uelnzuiiin the six teon year eld daughter of old Heinz man the lumberman Though later the old German and Orde locked In serious struggle on the river they continued to unor socially quite as usual and the daughter of one and the wife of the other never suspected anything out of tho ordinary Newmark received tin news of his partners marriage wituuut surprise but with n sardonic gleam In Ills eye lie called promptly conversed polite ly for u half hour and then took his leaveHow How do you like him asked Orde lets ii very shrewd man Orde laughed I dont dislike him said Carroll Ive not n thing against him But we could never be In tbe slightest de gree sympathetic He and I dont dontDont Dont jibe Orde finished for her I didnt think < you would Joes not much of a society hug Newmark had rented n small one story house situated just off Main street Into this he retired as a snail into its shell At first he took his meals ut tho hotel but later he Im ported an Impassive secretive man servant who took charge of him com plctcly Neither master nor man made any friends Carroll and Orde out tor n walk passed this quaint little place Jack she begged Oil want a little house like that for our very own i We cant afford It sweetheart i Not to own she explained Justito I rent It will be next best to bavlngn huvlngolbomo homo of our own ty I Wed have to have a girl dear sand Orde and we cant even afford tb fet f < T A girl she cried Indignantly f You couldnt do the houjigwork jfnd r w the cooking said Ore Youre nev er done such a thing In your life nnd I wont have my little girl staring It wont be slaving It will bi file just like playing housekeeping pro tested Carroll And Ive got to learn mostI absurdly nnd I realize it now Well see said Orde vaguely Later Carroll brought the subject up again armed with sheets of paper covered with figures showing how much cheaper It would bo to keep houso than to board You certainly make out n strong case on paper laughed Orde strongI I I you buy a rooster nnd n hen and she raises two broods nt the end of a year youll have twentysix and if they all I breed even allowing halt roosters youll have over 300 and It they all breed youll have about 3500 and If Stop stop cried Carroll covering her cars carsAll equablyI but thats the way It figures Funny the earth Isnt overrun with chickens 1 Isnt ItI Two days later Ordo took her one block up the street to look at n tiny little house tucked on u fifty foot lot beneath the shadow of the churchI Its mlgby little said be Ill have to go out in the hall to change my col I i lar 1 tarThey They ended by renting the little I house and Carroll took charge of It delightedly What difficult les she overc c came und what laughable and cryable mistakes she made only those who have encountered a like situation could realize Kind of fun being married Isnt It said he Kind of she admitted nodding j 1 gravely The business of the firm was now In i shape Boom arrangements bad been made the tugs were In the water sup c plies and equipments were stored I away tbe foremen of the crews en j I gaged and the crews themselves pretty well picked out Almost before they knew It January nnd February hndI I 110wnI flownWo Wo must pack up sweetheart said I i Orde I I OrdeIts Its only yesterday that we came 1 I ihe cried regretfully At Ilcddlng they explored together for three days the delights of the old fashioned house Their Orde nssumecl 1 his woods clothes and marched off down the street carrying his bag onI I 1 his back I 1 He looks like a conqueror of wll 1 dernesses cried Carroll straining her 1 eyes after his vanishing figure RlldI denly she darted after him She ChIRPt t t cd him by till shoulders Goodby she said Youll take better care of my sweetheart than you ever did of Jack Ordo wont you I 1 dear i To bo ContinuedI Us t Is This a Menace for Congressmen A very drastic law for tho preven tlon of drunkenness in Washington I and the District of Columbia bus been presented by Senator Galllnger of New 1 Hampshire It makes drunkenness in 1 the capital city a misdemeanor and provides for the establishment of a hospital for drunkards where commit ments shall be for nut more than two 1 years and the District nuthorltles will bave power to establish such lt1I 4 Institution as an adjunct to the great Insane Asylum above the Eastern I branch of the Potomac The lnmaVs will be required to work Irk Joe Miller Was Not a Joker Joe Miller who is generally believed I to have been the soul of wit never made a single Joke in his life He was I nn actor and so grave In manner as 1 to become the butt of other peoples hilarity When any witticism went 1 the round Miller was accused of Its authorship and ho would never deny I it He lived art exemplary life and J died universally respected Hut no sooner was he dead than appeared Joe Millers Jests or The Wits Vndo Mecum > compiled by Elijah JenkInsI Esqthllt Is to say forged by John I Mottle y the Jacobite Just as years be I fore Ilobsons Polly Peucnum and Ben Johnsons Jests bad been forged J The Miieullne Wig J Civilization has to thank the French J revolution and the subsequent wars for masculine emancipation from tbeI I wig It was partly the scarcity of flour and the war tax on hair powder that banished the powdered wig but I partly also the leveling Influence of Jacobinism I do not know the pres I ent generation by sight wrote Will pole lu 1701 complaining that the young men lu their dirty shirts and shaggy hair have leveled nobility as much as the nobility in France have Unfair hazel aged seven while feeding the cat at the dinner table was reproved by her father who told her that the cat must wait until later whereupon tho small girl wept and said I think it Is u shame just because site ti a poor dumb animal to treat her like n hired girl Harpers Magazine But Did She OIMy bend aches awfully she sigh ed If you werent hero Id take my hair off and rest It What he cried Oil mean down she correctid New York Press The corruption of tho best becomes the worst Latin Proverb Hartford Herald Only 1 Year 4M rYlai a COMMENCEMENT GREAT SUCCESS Large Audiences Enjoy Closing Exercises FAMOUS HARTFORD COLLEGE Reaches Thirtieth Event of the Kind Display of Local Talent The thirtieth annual Commence mend exercises of Hartford College and county High School were held in i DrBeans commodious opera house last voekbeglnning with the baccalaureate sermon delivered by Rev Virgil El gin nt the Christian church Tho sermon was one of the best ever heard in Hartford and contained much food for the minds of the students who had marched In a body from the college building to the church On the first evening at the Open Hat se the children of the first aceind third and fourth grades under Misses Alta Likens and Mattle Moseley furnished an excellent en tertalnmentconsistlng of songs drills recitations and dialogues The pupils in these grades gave the highest evi dence of thorough training and close personal attention upon the part of the teachers during the school year On Tuesday evening students in the ffth8ixtb seventh and eighth grades under Profs W R Hedrick and A E Ellis entertained in a manner entirely satisfactory to tho largo audience which greeted ithom The evening was spent with a number of good dialogues and a drill by tho Ehls each orwhom rarrloda Japanese lantern and n clown drill by tho boys both of which were es pecially enjoyed Profs Ellis and Hedrick have been very successful with their pupils and they gave evi dence of thorough training during the exercises Wednesday evening the girls of the ninth grade gave a play entitled The Ralnbo Kimono The play consisted of two acts and was full of laugha ble and interosJng incidents Follow ing were the cast of characters Nellie Van Tassel President of the Rainbow Klmona Society Leila Glenn Ruth Ashton the Vice Priest dent Daisy Wedding Alice Marlon the Treasurer Fiona Taylor Isabel Sutro tae Secretary Esle Hudson Beat Ice Courtney the Class PoetMary Elizabeth Felix Olive MercerPiesldent of till Basket Ball Team Ama Riley Winifred Turner Student Corlane Woodward Edith Jones the Now Senior Catherine Pendloton Rose Jackson Miss Penelopes Impish little colored mrld Mildred Elgin All 01 the girls did well and the char acterization of the VII lacs parts was exceedingly well done Thursday evening the i eye and girls of the tenth and eleventh grades gave a play In three acts entitled the Professor This was also Well presented and enjoyed by a large audi once Cast of characters Professor John Grlndem Principal of Rafton High School a man who does the work of ten Rhea Hatcher Mrs Martha Morton Grlndem his wife who knows very little about the school rosy Alice Taylor Mrs William Morton his motherinlaw who has never visited Dear John before Beatrice Haynea Professor Markam Wright his assistant who Is scholar ly nnd absentminded Harry Glenn Galllger Gurdy a blacksheep Estill Barnett Margaret Woodward other wise Babe a Freshman Lela Magan Mr Frank Sawyer president of the graduating class Devert Moseley Bessie Tappan class historian Myrtlo Williams Miss Millicent Cameron from Philadelphia a favorte pupil Annie Allen ElglnMlss Sophia Spald Ing teacher of elocutlonllattio Glenn J P Thompson Esq president of tho Board of Education Herbert Felix Mary tho maId Beatrice Haynes fame Hensel leading lady In She Stoops to Conquer Bessie V Taylor Carpenters Messengers Florists and Attendants The graduating exerclseswhlch were free to all took place Friday evening with the following program March Hollaendor Incovntlon Rev J W Bruner Vocal SoloDreaming Welllngs Oration Aviation McHenry Holbrook Instrumental SoloHark Hark tho Ltark Schubert Liszt Ora tion Silent Influences Emma Alice Keown Vocal Solo Doris Norm Ora tion Pannran Canal Hattie T Glenn Vocal 8010Hls Eyes Met Mine Crunfeld 0 ration Success Bessie V Taylor Instrumental Solo loszkowekl Oration Enfanchlee meat of Woman Nellie Eo Smith Vocal Solo Conzonetta Alycr Hel arlnd OratIonrModerinlzatlon of Ja pan Levi Oscar Coleman Music Each member of the graduating class handled his subject in a man > ncr that olrewell for himself nndS the faculty The diplomas wero Boardti ti w f J S Glenn chairman of the Board cf Education in his usual happy man liar > Among those who deserve special mention for assistance in preparing and rendering the various programs are Mrs J S Glenn and Mrs Halley E Brown who helped materially in I coaching the young people In the two plays and Miss Margaret Nail Mrs J Virgil Elgin Miss Thompson nnd ethers who assisted In furnishing the m a s To Rural Route Patrons I tie the desire of the Postal De partment that patrons of rural de livery paint their boxes and the s paste to which they are attached a pure white color This course if pursued will not only result In a benefit to the patron in serving to protect his box and post from dam age by the weather but will give to all boxes a uniform color and servo to fix their identity In all parts i of the country as United States niull boxes and will give them a much renter and slghtller appearance than they now possess It Is also desir i ed that patrons be Induced to im print their names and box numbers on boxes In black block letters about two Inches high It is also desired that you en deavor to Induce road officials to paint upon the posts of boxes which are located at crossroads but not + attach signs thereto the names of the towns or villages to which the crossroads lead with an indicator showing the direction directiona a I PLANS ARE COMPLETE For the Dedication of Kentuckys New Staje Capitol on June 2d Frankfort Ky May GTho ox ecutive committee for the Capitol dedication ceremonies met Wednes day afternoon but took no positive action owing to the unavoidable ab sence of the secretary J M Van Derveer Another meeting will be hold Thursday afternoon at which some of the final plans will be ir on foot It has been decided to make the whole affair a most digni tied one and to that end invitations will be sent to all tho former Govern ors of the State and to n number of other noted men of the State asking them to come and take part In the ceremonies Tnere will be no parade as was first supposed but carriages will be provided for the Invited guests Invitations will also be sent to all the commercial clubs of the various tier of the State asking them to send representatives and to stir up interest in the matter Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite They promote the flow of gastric juice thereby inducing good digestion Sold by all dealers m Our Tobacco Exports The United States leads the world a In exporter of tobacco having sup plied over 41000000 worth of tobacco k and manufactures of tobacco which entered international markets last year yearIn In the exportation of manufactured tobacco Cuba Is ut the head of the list with a total cf 513000000 com pared with C000000 in the United Kingdom 47CO000 for the United States 2500000 for the Netherlands 2160000 for Egypt 1000000 each for Germany and Brazil 1250000 for France 1000000 for Japan Of the tobacco exported from the United States about 11 per cent Is in tho manufactured form nid from Cuba about 45 per cent rIo tobacco crop of the United I I States in 3908 was 718000000 pounds valued nt 74000000 the value of domestic manufactures according to tho census of 1905 311000000 tho revenue derived from domestic tobac co In 1908 JfiO000000 and the total ft duties collected on Imported tobacco In the fiscal year 1900 23250000 f What Everybody Wants Everybody desires good healthr which is Impossible unless the kid neys are sound ana healthy Foleys ii Kidney Remedy should bo taken lit the first indication of any irregular ity pain in the back mid head ner I oneness and exhaustion nida so i lows Illness may be averted Ro 1i i I member you cannot live without your C 4 h kldnpys nnd you ainnot be sound and well unless they perform their j work properly Foleys Kidney Rem f edy will build up worn but tissues and restore your kidneys to their normal state Sold by nil drug gists m i 1 I It Is said tho fiat hospitala ever built In America was erected by the Spaniard Cortez i hi tho City of Mexico In 1524 S tr