OCR Interpretation

The Hartford herald. [volume] (Hartford, Ky.) 1875-1926, May 11, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037890/1910-05-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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Hartford Was Starting
Point of Story
WordPicture of Days Before
Great War Between
North and South
The CourierJournal of recent data
contained the following interesting
btory by Col Ion B Nail the Inci
dents mentioned originating la Hart
ford Iho old court house upon I
which the boys were perched was
burred during tho Civil War but w as I
on the same ground which is occupied l
by the present building The runaway
negrocft were named OrlXf Nail Wea i
Taylor Levi Barrett and Had Tay
I lor The young physician was Dr
John E Pendleton who afterward be
came a noted surgeon in the Confed
orate army He was accompanied In I
his race for the runaway slaves by
Mr Randall Taylor I BOB of the late I
I Harrison D Taylor We give the story
In full with above information feel I
a ing that It wU be of keen Interest to I
many of our readers
It is Sunday attencoon in August
eighteen hundred and fiftysix the
weather hot and dry In a small town I
in Western Kentucky two wellgrown L
schoolboys climbed to the belfry of
the old styled counJhouso and were t
lying on the projecting abase geWtfng
the benefit of what breeze there Was I
to be had They had gone over the I
Greek verbs and the Latin pronouns
nrtheir i ssoiw for the anon aw and
now silently contemplated the quiet
peaceful scenes beneath
The town looked the picture of re
pose few of the inhabitants were
stirring It had been a day of rest
seemingly given over to contentment
Birds were not singing dogs were not
barking cattle were not lowing
children even had ceased their noisy
games A blue thin moke curled up
ward from many chlmuvyB where the I
evening meal was being made ready
tThe big red and sinking LUll was tbout
to disk the hill range two r miles west
ward The blg silver sphere was al
ready above the eastern horizon
Such a steno these boys were lookI
ing down upon But hark A dust I
cloud arose in the north road A
horseman came at speed he seemed
excited he had ridden Cast and his I i
horses flanks were flecked with foam
He met a citizen and they conversed I
a moment The citizen How up the I
street shouting aloud Two or three I
men gathered on the corner and to
them the horseman Imparted his news
They scattered and each one became I I
ft roundrobin to spread the report I
rj Men women and children old an d i
t young black and white seemed to
spring up from the ground as if It
had been sown with the seeds of hu
manlty and the springtime had come
The boys were soon clambering down
the creaky ladder to Join the buzzing
a tumult
ti Let us becalm This Is not fldtlon
but facts as the writer recalls them
H Remember it was at a itlnte when a
r > war cloud might have been seen on
When Hartford Citizens Show
the Certain Way Out
J 1 There can be no Just reason why
f < any rcadre of this will continue to
suffer the tortures of tin aching back
the annoyance of urinary disorders
the dangers of diabetes or any kld
h nay Ills when relief is so near at
11hand and the most positive proof
11 given thut they cnn be cured Read
what a Hartford citizen says
1 J K Hicks of Hartford Ky R F
p D No6 says For twelve years
my kidneys were disordered I be
s came tired easily was often extreme
ly nervous and suffered from a dull
pain through the small of my bock I
was also subject to dlzsv spells dur
ing which there was a blurring of my
< sight The secretions from my kid
neys were too frequent in passage
and greatly disturbed my rest I was
so much impressed with tho advertise
ment 1 read regarding Deans Kldnpy
Pllln that 1 procured a supply and am
RInd to say that It WaS not long be
fore they helped me The contents
of two bases of this remedy effected
a cure I have no hesitation in rec
ommending Doans Kidney Pills to
t ot er kidney sufferers
For sale by all dealers Price CO
cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo
Now York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
bike no other
our horizon had wo not all1 mean
the older heads preferred to be bin d t
They kept on voting for extreme
measures on both sides They applaud
ed demagogues and followed alter hot
headed leaders Will theta be war
Oh nol The other side will back
down I Thus were they deludedthus s
led into die vortex of death and ruin
They were sowing the wind The Ir
repressible OorcflicV was the grim
reaper to come when the harvest
should too ready
But to resume The news was that L
four black men slaves owned in our
theie r
way northward running away At
that time nothing short of the fell I
tocsin of war Itself could have arous
ed the people of a border town Ere i
darkness had fallen nearly the whole
population had gathered at a central I 1
point some with guns an pistols >
some on foot some on horseback all d I 1
eager to pursue and only awaiting
A few wellmounted and bold riders
were chosen and instructed what to
do Handbills with rewards were drawn
and given to the fleetest The run
aways were on foot with about a day
start but good horses would over
come that Thus the chose began
Four men were gonennd they took
with them 4000 worth of other peo
ples their masters property What
booted It that these effects were mus
cle and bone Was not slavery legal
ized by the Constitution of the Unit
ed States and by the laws of Ken
tucky On the very spot where this 1
excitement ran white men could buy
and sell black men And yet could we 1
have placed there at that instant the 1
Eiffel Tower and climbed to Its top
we could perhaps have seen to the
north a golden thread winding by day
among the bluffs and dense forests
along Its course by night a silvery
sheen on placid water calm and at
peace except when struck by the 1
ths e
eonUrKliorety wmieone eager W
reach the other This was the Ohio
river and runaway slaves crossed at
frequently In summer to escape from L
the e
other side no one could own a slave
throughout this free territory because
Chief Justice Tanoy had already In
dicated that they could not find asy
iyyhum In It They fled to Canada If I r
they wore + not captured on the way
Great Britain afforded a refuge denied I
by Columbia Heaven erected n light
house above the harbor The North L
Star was hung in it Runaways fol
lowed the road after crossing the
river They traveled only at flight
They pursued the course toward the
North Star The four mon left their
homes on Saturday night Thus It
might be nearly a day before they
would be missed They walked nvpldly
and all togdher they kept the road l
now knowing they would not bo I
pursued the first night It was the t
ie t r
anyone was coming to let him pass
They left telltale tracks in the dust
8They reached and crossed the river
early on the second nlgfot and before
their Ipursuers reached It They went
In twos idtch party guided by the stAr
The pursuing party was hastily
formed It consisted of the modt dar
In iiiders mounted on irlis fleetest
horses in > the town It was dark ibe
foiethey started The best riders
reached the chief flown on the rive r
before daySlglvt There they aroused I
the printers not new to the workand
there erne rent flylrtg through the I
malls ad by trusty agents handbills I
with the usual picture df the runa
way with the bundle over his should
er They were dispatched to every
ferry and crossroads An that part of
Soutliera Indiana Having aroused the
river country the slave hunters rude
northward The pursuit was sysSjm
atlc Traveling both by day and night
they soon camo abreast of the runa
ways The negroes recognized them
by day from their hiding places on
the wooded hills They separated
nor right each taking care of him
Ktf Jch pursuing the course toward
he North Star They dared not take
Uc reads and crossed forests and
cornDlflds For two nights they dodg
ed their pursuers and made some
progress The bag of corn dodgera
and bacon gave out They became
weak and hungry The pursuing
party passed on scattering the hand
bills with the tempting reward One
of the ndgroca tore one from a gkto
pos whore he crossed a public read
As the Keatucklarm passed ahead
the Indtanolans aroso behind them
Thero were men In Indiana who made
good wages by capturing runaways
for the rowarda They were organdzed
and know every bypath It was said
that they had their ipantoera on the
South Eldolnduclng the slaves to run
off and guiding them safe across toe
river MId far on their Journey Hhoy
were then betrayed Into the hands
of friends who held them for the
reward This MUS negro evidence
though and did not go in Kentucky
courts If these men lead been proven
guilty to Kentucky they would havo
been lynched The poeT wretched
negroes were at last forced to approach
settees for food us roasting ears wero
li1iatWfimcl to Ls em and lie
ed not light tees to cook them There
were men In Indiana who abominated I
slavery and these runaways did not
ask of them In Sraln pokwtthistantag
Justice Taineya few But tell wore
not of this way of thlhlclrig OtoasK 1
ed for bread ririd was ovmecd by ° a
shotgun He surrendered Another twos +
taken at a bridge and a third was I
trailed by dogs surprised and take n l
ln his hiding place In daylight The I
fourth was successful in passing the
cordon of guards and escaped to Cama
da The three were taken by the In
dlanalans It is supposed they had no
part In InoltinB the runaway for they
returned with the Kmtucklants to got
the Towards
The little town da the slave State
was kept in a etnlte of excitement for
a week A neighborhood of antlalav
cry people a few miles out was kept
under surveUaice The nogroes were
afraid to stir at night eo awed were
they by the unusual display of arms
made by the citizens brit they caught
every word that fell upon their dare
They ventured to ask questions o f
children about the runaways They
were not entirely ignorant of the com
tug conflict They bided the time
It was daylight on theSunday morn
Ing following the escape that the I
band of capture with their Prisoners
reached the town The noise of their
approach aroused every living thing
They Vent to the Jail and the three
negroes were locked up A groat
crowd had gathered around eagerly
seizing upon every detail of the pur
suit and capture The Indlnalans were
lionized They got their rewards and
departed for home The kindhearted
Jailer gave life prisoners a good break
fast The latter seamed thoroughly
cowed They were In doubt as to their
fate This was decided on that day
One had been master He was carriage
driver and boss of iMie younger slaves
Why did he rim away i Domestic In
felicity Can we Imagine such a atate I
under such conditions Yes he had I
a wife and had fallen out with her
Ho took this way of leaving her for
ever Asked what he dcaml to do he I
choso to be sold Sough One of the I
pursuing party a young physician
took him next day to Alabama und
brought back his value in current mon
ey Another was repiiimanded and on I
n promise to do so no more re
stored to his former relations In his
masters household And you Levi
why did you leave I This one belonged i
to a man who owned acid operated a
emoll factory There was no McKln
ley bill then The business was woo I
carding The plant ore of those old
wheezy treadmills where the old dun
horse and little blind mule on the t
wheel were no less slaves than the t
poor negro in the dingy cardjngroom
one and alike with the burry wool
and the etrongtimalllng encase day
by day and until late at night The I
master was not an unkind man but I
peoples wool needs mutt be carded
oven In the heat of summer and unj
tin tt
consciously he overlooked the burden I
he put on hlsslave in his efforts to HC1
commodate the public The slave bore I
the burden for years but at last
naturally sought Co escape it But he I
toiled on there the narrator does not I
know how many years longer His
master was a man of eccentricities I
LOne of these was that he was more I
concerned about small matters than
larger ones This Omit was fully ex
ompldfled when he went to jail that I
morning o reclaim his property Soy
eral persons were standing In the I
hall at the time They expected the
master would berate the runaway for
nls conduct and especially that he
would allude to the big award he had I
been compelled to pay out The i j
negro crouched In fear but the mns I
terln his customary jerky tones mere
ly said Levi you black rascal i
whores that hatchet you carried off
ortI I
The tencent hatchet caused him
more annoyance than the hundred
dollar reward hundredj j
But Taneys and shotguns and blood
hounds and lynchings failed to sup
press the Irrepressible conflict It
burst upon the country with all Its
fury and lasted many weary years At
HB most critical period Rose ° ranz
buried the dead at Stone river and
Bragg performed this sad rite at
Ohickamauga Again the armies con
fronted each other under the brow of
Lookout The Southern cavalry paced
to the rear of the Northern army
destroying wagon trains and bridges
Lt swept on through Northern Ala
barns whore negroes were driving
out long trains of wagons loaded with
meat and grain to replentleh the do
pleted stores for the South
The cavalry wore passing this train
on the some road Hello Doctor is
that you called out one of the driv
em to one of the officers Turning
the officer beheld tho man he had
once sold into slavery They grasped
hands In friendship arid Uncle Griff
drank to the full of the bast brandy
in the hospital stores captured that
day Marts were serving to the Con
federacy now
Peaceful years followed the times
jot strife arid the country nettled back
I Into something like fts formtm con
Stfen J hV Bocajrrrtrniaold mama II
rose to eminence fat his ipVofcisston + I I
By and by the runaway da key also
returned to bis old home and became
11 pensioner on the charity of the man I
who had held him out of freedom for J + V
ep many yeprs And this charity was
never slated nor grudgingly given r
There was always good fellowship be
tween the oldtime masters and the
slaves when out of politics I
Coming from Madisonvillc to
Hartford Soon Over the toI I
With this in view the Hustler has InI t
augurated a movement to run a
Booster Train at an early date
from this city to Hartford over the
M H E railroad I
The Booster Train Idea has be I
come a very popular one and has
proved to be a businesssetter for any
town that has stuff to sell and which
is fortunate In the ossc lon of en
terprising business men who ore in I
favor of REACHING OUT for more
business in the territory that is
naturally and logically contributory
coutrlbutar1to I
The completion of the Madison
vllle Hartford k Eastern railroad
has opened up territory that should
be more fully developed by Madison
vllle enterprises
The purpose of this special Boos
ter Train will be to advertise Modl
sonvllle in a general way as a trade
and financial center and will be taken
advantage of by the merchants takenI I
as tin opportunity to advertise heir I
Individual bushvcs ntwnntsts
throughout the towns and villages
dalong the route of this road
The train will bo equipped and run
as an uptodate Booster Train
should be consisting of engine bag
gage car and coach and it is expect
IOIl that all available space will be oc
cupled by the hustling boosting busi
ness men of Madlsanvllle who will
take part In this movement to en
large their business and extend their
sphere of influence throughout the
territory to be visited a field that Is
rips for this missionary movement for
This train will leave here early in
the morning date to be announced
towns along the road between this
place and Hartford
The rallrpad company will cooperate
operate in every way to mako this
great buslressbulldlng trip a
brilliant success Madlsonvllle
John I think you would bettor
ttgtt e Edgnr a good whipping
Whats he been doing I
He wont study his lewvns or do
tiny chores bout the house
IWh I t roufondotfs he give
Xo reason flint iiinoinits to any
to study jiid work In order that he
MX become n great and microsftil
man and ho Just says he would
Ieer hesItate about giving Cham
bdlalns Cough Remedy to children
lit contains no opium or other oar
codes and can be given with Implicit
confidence As a quick cure for
coughs and colds to which children
are susceptible it Is unsurpassed
Sold by nil dealers in
Failed in Health
Ward of Jerseyville Ill and left me to dare for six
children I had never been strong and this with the shock
of her death was too much for me
not want to go anywhere nor care for company I had
the headache all the time and such bearingdown r ns
A very dear friend advised me to take Cardui as It i t
had done her so much good so I commenced to use itt
and now I am in good health t
144 Take CARDUIThe I
The Womans Tonic
Womens pains are relieved or prevented and womenJs
strength is quickly restored by Cardui the womans tonic
You yourself know best if i you need it or not
If you do need it do not delay but commence to use
it at once Every day of delay only lets you slide further i
down the hill
Dont wait then but begin to take Cardui today for its
use no matter how prolonged cannot harm you and will
surely do you good t
Write tot Ladles Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tens
for Special Irutructions and Mue book Home Treatment for Women sent freeI
Dedicated to Memory of
Daniel Boone
aIn NOftirCaroirriaWfieTeHe
Spent 19 Years of
Young Manhood
Salisbury N C May GTu the
memory of that famous pioneer Dan
tel Boone clvillzer of the North Can
linn and Kentucky wilderness fouiicVr
of Dooneii borough Ky mid central
figure and hero in the mutiny boy
hood stories of Indian fighting and
hunting tales memorials were ceremo
niously dedicated at Ionians Ford
near here These promise to become
a Mecca for patriotic pilgrims
On the historic Pint where Boonv
spent 19 years of his vigorous young
manhood hunting siml resisting the
skulking redskin 1 patriotic North Car
olinians have erected on the exact
site of the old homestead II few linn
drid yards font tIe Yiidlln river i
new log cabin a lepllui i of the tire
occupied by the Intrepid liunUr mill
his family
nit ecU In fruit cf the simple
building stands u htindtxuvio tOvft nf
native Rowan granite forming un In
n n
175 Value for Only 130
One Years Subscription for McCalls Magazine
Any 15 Cent McCall Pattern you may select
One Years Subscription for Hartford Herald
II McCalls Magazine
Is a large artistic handsomely Illustrated hundredpage monthly magazine It con
talus sixty new Fashion Designs in each Issue Every woman needs it for its uptodate
fashions entertaining stories and complete information on all home and personal conI I
Over one million subscribers Acknowledged the best Homo and Fashion Magazine
Regular tyna price 5 cents a copy Worth double
t sMcCall Patterns
So simple you cannot misunderstand them
Absolutely accurate In style irreproachable
Ypu may select free any McCall Pattern you
desire from the first number of the magazine
which reaches you Regular price 15 cents
dlnn arrowhead 15 feet high vMOi
mounted upon a massive base
Ornamenting this Is a bronze tablet
bearing the mime Daniel Boone arid
the date of his residence in North Otr
ollna Both < > f these memorials wets
dedicated with appropriate ceremot
licf In which many of the direct 1e
scendantu of Boone and a score of ott
ers who boasted of their relationship
to the pioneer participated
i It Is a well known fact that meet
many miles away in old loppa ctrtr1
etery nor Mocksvllle Davlees cons
ty repose the remains f DaniW
JjrjumsrfatiikJTml ffiotrrevr itrtzgrrs
of Squire J h > ore la I marked Iy I a sitt
lIe head tLIJt which has qcn > J4
closed In a steel cage to savo It
from relichunters which bias kbto
that sixtyninth year ofhisllfs
Squire Bfnue departed tills lift in
that slxtjtilnlh year of his life st
dray year cf Our Lord 1760 Genear1
the 2
The High Cost of Living
increases the price of many needs i
ties without Improving the quail + i
Foloya Honey and Tar niHlutatas te
high standard of excellence and the
great curative qualities without aa7
increase in rest It Is the best rit
ily for coughs colds croup wluxx
Ins cough and nil aliments of t5
throat chest and lungs The e nubn
Is In a yellow package Refuse suV
blitzes Sold by all druggists aa
The Reason
Slt aThnt tmtter doesnt seem anS
of the swiftest kind of balls
I lloX Hes nittirled nnd hes bloC
dodgins M r like y fcr ten years
SubscrOt iOr Ice Hmldi a a
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iThe 11 Continental t Fire Insurance Co I 5
The CONTINENTAL ulcers the policyhohlcr absolute sated tl
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The Hartford Herald
One of the best edited HeraldI I
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5119 t

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