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The Hartford herald. [volume] (Hartford, Ky.) 1875-1926, July 22, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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WWNIISfAT, JB1.T 98, 1M.
Our Semi-Annual Big
Kiim Down and Hurry-Up Sale
',.' Will Begin
Friday, July 31st,
and Continue Until
Saturday, August 8.
Some sales are going on, others have
come and gone, but this the Big Kum
Down Sale that everybody comes to, will
be the biggest event of the season. Don't
WORRY but WAIT.HOn Friday
morning; July 3 1 st, HURRY for Fairs'
and 'remember that IT PAYS TO
Tfte following I... & N. Time Card
Is effective from Thursday, Jan. 23:
ftlo'rth Bound
No'JIB duo at Hartford 7:19 a. m.
Noi.114 duo at Hartford 2:20 p. m.
South Bound
NolC due at Hartford 8:45 a. m.
NoC.'jH3 due at Hartford 1.10 p. m.
'; '' - H. K. MISCHKE. Agt.
Go to Acton Bros, for barrel Salt.
"There's a Puotographor" In
Hartford. SCHROETER.
For bale ties call on Acton Hros.,
. Everything neat and clean nt City
Restaurant. JAMES LYONS.
' ' SALVET, tho great stock remody.
Sco U. S. Carson, Hartford. 8tf
., Don't miss "Tho Hoodoo" at Dr.
Dean's Opera. House to-night.
U.' S. Carson is agont for tho fa
mous American W'ro Fencing. 12tt
'When In Hartford stop ,at City
Restaurant. Wo will pleaso you.
i For. any size of tho Mason Fruit
Jars call on Acton Hros., Hartford,
Ky. 28tf
. )' i"n
Mrs. Fetar, of Cannoltan. hid., Is
thef Kuest of Mr. and: Mrs. W. C.
' Bcliternnie'r. clt,y. .
Mr. W.,H. Collins,; District Super
intendent of KentuckyM'iChlldren's
Homo Society, Louisville, Is iu town,
looking after the Interest otitho So
"dety. i.'.-Kl'n
--- r I A
35-- i '
There's such a thing as liv
ing a vacation over again. 1 1'
you take a Kodak with you,
it's half the fun. We now
have a full line of Eastman
Kodaks and films. Come in
and see them. .
Jeweler ami Optician
Hartford, - Kentucky.
(!ood picturo shows at Dr. Bean's
Opera House every night this wool:
except to-night.
Mrs. John W Taylor and lltllo
daughter Vivian are vlsltintf rela
tives at Blrdseye, Iml
.Mr. J. M. Moore, IJnrtford, Houtd
2, was a pleasant caller nt Tho Her
ald ofllco Wednesday. ,
Mr. T. N. Daniel, of Olaton,
Kouto 1, was a pleasant caller at
The Herald ofllco Saturday.
Mr. J. T. Felix went to Nolson,
Ky., Saturday to visit his son, Dr.
C. Felix, for a few days.
Mr. 0. W. Dennett, of Johnson
City, Tenn., vlBltedhis homo folks
near Centortown last week.
Mrs. David Miller and children, of
Central City, uro tho guests of Mrs.
Dr. Miller on Union street.
"Tho Hoodoo" u three-act comedy
presented by homo talent at Dr.
Bean's Opera Houso to-night. Don't
miss it.
Mr. W. E. Ellis, tho produco man,
wont to Loulsvlllo Sunday, return
ing homo Tuesday.
Mr. Douglas D. Felix Is spending
this week at Alrdrlo with it camp
ing party from (Jreeuvlllo and Rock
port. Mr. George Sunderfur and wife,,
of Henderson, Ky aro tho guests of
their klnspeoplo, Capt, aud Mrs. A.
D. Whlto, Main street, city.
Mr. Shelby Stevens, who lias been
sojourning In Murray, Ky., for the
past ten months, arrived home, last
week to spond the summer.
The unvolllng of Sovereign Er
inlno Williams' monument, mention
of which was made In these columns
last week, has been Indefinitely post
ported.' - '" ' '" 1 W'
Judge John I(. Wilson I the pos
sessor of 11 lino young black cnfilc,
presented to him by Mr. Ucrt
Combs, living nenr Dukchtirst.
lOx-Cov. Augustus E. Wlllsoli,
caudldato for thu Republican nomi
nation for Senator, la billed to apeak
In Hartford to-day at 1:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Dr. C. Ross Dennett, of Ora
liain, Ky., who had been visiting l'er
parents, Esq. and Mrs. J, H. I'ntton,
for .1 few days, returned homo yes
terday. Mr. C. IT. II. Felix, Barrett's Fer
ry, spent a few days last week with
Mr. C. C. Herring and family, Whlto
Plains, Ky. Ho reports n most de
lightful visit.
Mrs. S. A. Anderson and daugh
ters, Misses Mury and Helen Ander
son, of Louisville, aro guests .of Mrs.
Anderson's mother, Mrs. Ella Mor
tor, t'nlon street.
.Mrs. I'M. Johnson mid adopted
daughter, of Iluell, McLean county,
who hnvo 'been visiting .Miss Mnmlo
Dennett and Mrs. Charlotte Taylor,
Wulnut street, will return homo to
day. For a buggy as cheap as the
cheapest and as good as tho best,
call on Cooper & Co., Hartford.
They can save you money on any
thing you may need In this lino. Sea
them before buying.
Mr. (Slain Ilarncs, who has been
confined to his homo on Walnut
street for the past several clays with
severe throat trouble, is Improving
and It is thought he will soon bo
able to be out again.
Hoarders Wanted At Inglcsldo
Cottage, Sulphur Springs, Ky. Quiet
location, everything home-like. Fa
mous sulphur water free. Kates
very reasonable. Cumberland 'phone.
Mr. Hooker Williams, who for
years has been manager of the ice
plant here, bought the plant at the
sale hero Saturday. Mr. Williams
will put in new machinery and en
large the capacity of tho plant.
J. II. Sapp died at his home on
Kender street yesterday morning at
." o'clock. His remains will be bur
led at tho Patterson burying grounds
in the Clear Hun neighborhood to
day. . He leaves a wife and several
Mr. Fred May met with rather a
serious accident a few days ago
when a too heavily charged bottle
at Hoover's bottling plant where he
was working exploded. Tho flying
fragments of glass lacerated bis face
pretty badly but Jucklly missed his
Dr. .1. A. Duff has located in Hnrt
foid for tho practico of his profes
sion. Ho has rented and moved Into
part of Mrs. S. J. Wedding's resi
dence on Clay street and 1ms his of
fice with Judge U. H. Wedding, up
stairs In the .1. S. (ilenu building,
next door to Tho Herald.
Rev. L. D. Harrel, Caneyvllle, was
a pleasant caller at Tho Herald of
llco Monday, on bis return trip from
Bedn, where he conducted services
at lleulah church Sunday morning
and night. Ho will begin a pro
tracted meeting for tho C. P. Church
at lleda on tho 3d Sunday in August.
The twenty-flvo lots sold in tho
lot salo at Fordsvllle last Saturday
afternoon brought from $40 to
$U0. Wo aro Informed that tho
average was about $7." per lot.
There was a good crowd present aud
everything went off smoothly under
the supervision of the Taylor-Young
Development Co., of Glasgow, Ky.
A vehlclo containing 240 (marts
of nitroglycerine was driven Into
Cooper & Co.'s livery stablo Sunday
night, evidently with the Intention
of leaving It thero till morning,
whon It would bo taken to tho oil
well section abovo town. Several
citizens got busy, howover, and had
tho driver take tho dangerous explo
slvo out of town for tho night.
Mrs. Laura Stevens and son Shel
by visited hor brother aud slstor,
.Mr. and .Mrs. Harbor B. Taylor,
Beaver Dam, last Sunday, tho occa
sion being n reunion of the Taylor
family. All of .Mr. Tuylor's broth
ers, sisters and families were pres
ent except Hon. Shelby Taylor, of
Crowley, La., whoso business en
gagements precluded his presence.
A most pleasant day Is. reported.
Esq. S. J. Weller, cashier Dundee
Deposit Bank, Dundee; Byron
Barnes, of the firm of E. P. Barnes
& Bro J. T. Vinson, of tho llrm of
J. T. Vinson & Son, Beuver Dam; J.
C. Bennett, Centertown, Houto 1,
and son (loo. W. Bennett. Johnson
City, Tenn.; W. S. Allen, Beaver
Dam, Houto 3; Sam Foglo, Beaver
Dam, Houto 2, aud John Keith,
Horse Branch, wcro among The
Herald's callers Friday.
A small child of Henry Casteel,
living about three miles uorr of
Hartford, met with a peculiar" acci
dent early Monday morning. The
'clilld was standing near d window
'when a chicken flow agalilst the
window, breaking some glass, pieces
of which struck the child in tho thy,
lacerating an artery. Tho child was
rushed to Hartford and was treated
by Drs. Taylor and Hlley and was
getting along ncely when last heard
While returning from Owonsboro
last Wednesday Messrs. S. F. Hlley
and John Daniel wcro caught In a
runaway. Tho breastyoko on their
team broko wlillo they wero going
down a hill and tho Iforses became
unmanageable. Iloth men were
thrown violently out of their vehi
cle. Mr. Illloy sustained serious in
juries, his scalp and face being lac
erated and wrist bono broken. Mr.
Daniel escaped with slight Injuries,
though badly shaken up. Mi. Riley
Is getting along, all right and his re
covery seems assured.
.The regular Saturday mntlneo of
fering at East End Pnrk -last week
was a little co-operative song and
dance effect put on by the Oil Mag
nates and the ball-tossers from Hab
it to the tunc of 3 to 2 In favor of
the locals. It was a good game.
HIckard and Blankcnshlp worked
for Hartford; Westerllcld and Xeal
wcro on tho points for tho visitors.
Our old and reliable standby, Vlg
Morton, handled tho Indicator. The
home team started the scoring In
the third Inning when fundi IT, af
ter beating out a bunt and taking
sccgnd on a wild peg to first, count
ed on Johnson's safety to center. In
tho next session Taylor started the
fun again by beating out a bunt
down the third base line; E. Harnett
singled to right, HIckard slammed
one through third and IMunnner put
ono just over the samo position,
scoring Harnett aud leaving the
bases full. Then Cundiff laid down
another classy bunt and took first,
scoring Hartford's final run. In the
sixth frame Habit came to life. The
first man up for tho' visitors got his
head confused with his bat aud so
managed to reach first. Then as the
result of two singles, an error, two
stolen bases and a passed ball, the
visitors managed to push across two
tallies. But thero they stuck and
tho Magnates held them safe during
the remainder of the game.
Innings I 2 :: 4 .". (i 7 8 1) U II E
Hartford 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 x 3 0 ?,
Habit 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 S 2
On Monday afternoon there was a
double bill put on by the young
sters at Eat End Park. The first
Wine between the local fourth team,
and the Beaver Dam lads of the
same caliber resulted 'J to 2 in fa-
"or of the former. The second of-!
fering was a try-out of the Hartford J
third assembly against the Me-1
Henry 3d team. Both aggregations
performed well. The final count
was 7 to 3 in favor of the locals.
Mr. C. F. Tappau. father of our
local jeweler, Mr. J. B. Tappan. and
of Mr. M. II. Tappan, formerly a
jeweler here, died at his residence
In Central City, Ky., last Saturday,
after a protracted Illness of stomach
trouble and complications. Mr. Tap
pan was ."G years old at the time of
his dentil, ills wife preceded lilm
to the spirit land some !) years ago.
Ho leaves six children two hoys
and four girls-- as follows: J. R.
Tappan, of Hartford; M. 11. Tappan,
of fnlfninn, Texas-, Misses Hazel,
Mabel, Alice and Craco Tappau.
The remains of Mr. Tappan were
laid to rest Sunday in a cemetery at
his old home town of South Carroll
ton, Ky., the services being conduct
ed by Rev. furry, of Central City.
There was a largo crowd at the fu
neral, attesting tho high esteem in
which tho deceased was held. Ho
had lslted Hartford on several oc
casions, mailo many friends here
aud was regarded as a typo of tho
highest class of citizenship.
Lexington, Ky., July 20. Since
tho Stato-wldo prohibition law be
came operative In Webt Virginia on
July 1, driving the saloons aud
breweries out of that State, liquor
dealers have been flocking across
the Big Sandy Into Boyd county.Ky.,
which Is the only county in that sec
tion of Kentucky still "wet," and It
was stated llero to-day by a Well
known and trustworthy citizen who
has Just returned from Catlettsburg
that since July 1 twenty-five new sa
loons havo been opened In that
town, In addition to the several al
ready located there. All are said to
be doing a land-ofllco business, as
tho city of Huntington, which has uj
..m.lrillnn tt O K CIAA .....1 .. .... ..
1'ui'ifiHuwii ui mu.vuw uilli u DIUIU Uli UUUVI1 H1 1UI1 HUH UUUVU flUU, UUU
smaller cities and towns in that! State Pension Commissioner W .J.
corner of West Vlrglnlu, avail them- iStono has 2,903 pensioners on the
selves of the proximity of "wet" ter- roll; but 200 of theso have died
Rory to vcross- the line and supply j since their pensions were allowed,
themselves'" with liquid refresh, .At tho present death rate among
meuts. r-' llbovolerang." said Commissioner
Willi a Large Attendance Sev
eral Interesting Features
In Connection.
Tho Ohio County Teachers' Insti
tute Is In session here this week
with a largo attendance. Prof. T. J.
foates, Rural School Supervisor for
Kentucky, is tho Instructor and J.
W. Kirk, Secretary.
Thero yas a ball gomo between
a picked nine from the teachers and
tho Hartford homo team yesterday
nfternoon. Thero was also an ad
dress hist night by tho Instructor.
At. Dr. Bean's Opera House to-night
"The Hoodoo," n play by high school
students, will be given. To-morrow
(Thursday) night the common
school graduation exercises will oc
cur. There will be 134 graduates
the largest in the history of the
county. The Institute will close
Friday afternoon. The following
teachers are enrolled as In attend
ance: F. T. Wright, Roy Stewart, Mar
vin Hoover, Alice Hoover, Leslie
Miller. C. It. Bell. Mack Martin,
Otis Slovens. E. A. KIrby, Tllford
Chapman, Enrl Miller, L. f. Smith,
Lossle Loach, Hay Cook. Vernon
Crowdcr. A. P. Boswell, Otis White.
Ezra 'Crowder. E. F. Llles, J. T.
Ford, X. L. Ross, Delia Cllllin, J. T.
Hoagland, O. I). Carson. S. f. Tay
lor, Lonuie Owen. Alice Keown, Eu
nice Baize, Walter Myers. Eutha
Boswell, Clara Smith, Lillian Pat
terson, flevn Shultz, Henry Barnes,
F. P. Bell, O. X. Stewart,. Virginia
Bell. Fronla E. King. Clillie Felix,
Zoda Raymond. Marie Johnson, Bor-
oz.v.i siirirs,
Supt. Schools Ohio County.
tie Mldkiff. Ira Day. .Maude Miller
(lortry Funk. Vatla Taylor. Ida Mil-
ler, (!. M. Davison, Delia French.
Dona Hoover. .Mrs. I). M. Jones, May
llazelilgg. Katheriue Pendluton, Lu
cllo Taylor, Iva Brown, Winnie Wil
son. C. E. Allen, .Mrs. C. E. Allen.
Xora Kcsslnger, A. C. Baughn, W.F.
Anderton. Anna Carter, Cora Thom
as, Annie Lee Taylor, Ismay Mason,
Xell Plummet', Mrs. 1. S. Mason,
Eva Thomas, Irene Ward, Marllssa
Foster, Ruth Hunley, Myrl .Miller.
Audry Crowltarger, Arthur Miutou,
Ethel Howe, lthoila Williams. Edna
.Mrs. Alice Boskett, R. 1). Rob-
ertsoit, Ithoda Whltehouse
.iitiV As- S.
dum&nmHis' :
urmsm jf'jT' at :ijrj-1 i
mfi A tl 'Mmfssr
Muffet. Emma Wright. Mnttie R. too many $1 and $2 a day Jobs va
Wood, Bessie Hudson, Mrs. fortune lt. to make the candidates com
Thomas, 1). D. Moseley, Maude Stew
art, 11. T. Leach, Maymu Crowder,
Xannle Halues, Ethel Raines, Em
ma Weller, Myrtlo Lambert, lone
Taylor, Estill Howard, Clauda
Fraze, Marvin Taylor, .Morris (.en
try. Mrs. Mary White. Addle 11.
Taylor Myitlu Taylor, Ruth Hum
moiis, M. A. Emry, Clarence llart-
lett, Henry Worner, Argent Barnes,
C. D. Adams, Leila (llenn. Talinago
Brown, Arthur Whltehouse, Juo. W.
Odell, Juo. W. Kirk. A. II. Ross. F
T. Shultz. Henry Leach, Earl Smith.
Andrew Drlsklll, Dexter Whlttlng
hlll. H. E. Brown. Roy II. Fore
man, Abbye Whlttlughlll, Bessie
Raley, Airs. J. M. McFerren, Jesse
Marlow, Ernest D. Wilson, llattie
Miller. Eula Woosley, Eunice Shultz,
Will (Irlillth, f. K. Carson. O. O.
Williams, E. S. Howard. Dudloy
Westertleld, Henry Brackln, Robt
Rusher, J. C. Lawrence, Alva Kelly,
J. E. Cunan, Ellis S'luderfur, Ber
tha May Sanderfur, Martha Sander
fur. II. E. Crowder. Fred Whlttlng
liill, Bethel Shroader, Jesse Dyers,
Oeorgo Wedding, E. II, Mason, Imon
Bellamy. Arvln Leisure, Mury l,ut l am not running from compe
Marks, Elton, Huff. tltlon. Why should 1? If you hud
-... i ever- traded with mo I would not
CONFEDERATE PENSION ' nod to answer tills question.
L. My qualities aro bettor and I give
Frankfort, Ky., July 20. The' fair, honest treatment to my cus-
August Confederate pension dlstrl-,
l....l.. ...Ill ..... .....11 nl.A j-. inn
Stone, "I believe we have rcachci
the high-water mnrk nnd thn death
will practically keep pace with th
additions to the pension list from
now on."
The act of 1 01 4, amending the pen
sion law to permit Confederate sol
diers who took the oath of nib
glance during the war under duroej
and In fear of death, to secure pen
sions, lias raised difficult question,
anil Comiulcsionor Stone is requir
ing proof that the applicant took tin
oath under such circumstances.
"To do otherwise would be unfair
to those veterans wlio fought Is
out." ho said. "They must bring In
proof to support their claims. To
allow a veteran who took the oiilti
of allegiance during the wnr to conn
In hero and, on his own mere nllldni -It
that ho verily believed he woubi
be killed or dlo of starvation or dis
ease when he took tho oath, white'
those who fought throughout tht
wnr or served their time In prison
are compelled to get up proof, woulrt
give those who took the oath a great
Ilullei. Ply.
Central City, Ky July 19. In a
revolver battle between striking nu-
j nera and a force of men with J. 1.
fox, superintendent of the Bevfer
Coal Company's mines at Clcaton.
near here, to-day, six men, all strik
ers were wounded. The miner
struck three weeks ago, following
tho company's refusal to furiifeli
them transportation to the mines.
Tlimj Crops of Alfalfa.
Humphrey .Miller, of Xew Hop.-,
has already, this year, cut tliiv
crops of alfalfa from the flelff nwir
Pottlnger Creek bridge. Tint third
cutting was put in hi larn !ar
week. Xot a drop of rain bail fallen
since the second cutting. Mr. Miller
says he could see no difference fi.
the output or quality of the thini
cutting and the former "ones. H
ulll probably get two more croi
from the field this season. Nov
Haven Echo.
Baigain in Srholatohip.,.
The Hartford Herald has for sale
an -'SO scholarship in tho Vander
bilt Training School for boys, Elk
ton, Kj., and a $20 scholarship iti
the Bowling Creen Business Uni
versity, Bowling Croon, Ky. The-
scholarships represent face valuo in
cash on entering school. A liboral
reduction on either if sold at once.
iforiespondencB solicited. 12Stf
Twins Cut Apart.
1 Paris, July IS. The two sister
who were born May 22. joined to
gether back to back, being united In
theliimbcr legion, were cut apart
! This dilllcult operation was por
I formed by Dr. Mignot, assisted l
i Dr. C. W. DuBouchet, chief surgeoi
of the American Hospital. TIi.
II,ost 'l"te part of tho operation
was tno dissection or the lutestiiie.
whlch at one point were united for
n spacu of an inch and a quarter.
Taxes Due For HMI.
We have received thn tax book
and are now ready to givo you a re
ceipt. Pleaso call at tho Sheriff'.
ollice at your earliest convenient
and settle. S. O. KEOWN,
2Stf Sheriff Ohio County.
The rncoiiifortnhlc Kind.
Tho Philadelphia minister who
" Plenty of $10,000 Jobs are va-
Ethell'at doesn't alarm us. There are
fortable. Houston Post.
A leather belt In an English fac
tory has been running at a speed or
1.S00 feet a minute from nine to
twelve hours a day for more than
thirty-two years.
Women pursers aro now employ
cd on some of the Hudson rlvvr
t timers-. It any of my competitor
can beat that, they aro entitled to
your trade.
The Produce Merchant
Hartford, Kentucky. -
ml HBvp'S! y aV Bt"9 )j 5?"
jl 2! je

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