Newspaper Page Text
£/$V\ A* 14* **"«Nlt4 •'111, nt CrUgrMf- gjmclMGTOy. IOWA: -all 1Bd 2V |i..'»r"i W {*'*Hp? koth-fifj W l«r saUtrff ft-k. »f tlf ••BarllngUm ...!I^h PfioHii* Cotnp»r..v. Including f'-S .- j*w£~»I-—1—"- S^&iXivmsfsst Atfonry To Printers.. ..... variety of Prr*»ea, Type*. «*Unda, \V^ d,w*, »*«. whW lo" P""' U» rg l*' I. f»»»w i»j Me '"*v* J*-re*" ^«4 h»o4 Typ*. embracing Bu.jr.-..*. Sonpanel and var.ety .toll Jrorf TyP'i t^1"' ,,r4f' •"d ptitwcut: liAteg JwEwi"*in MeUj Kul, %«*£•,fcli'Jlfin wont of any of the«e articles will «Li advantage Joeal' «n °*. ,^«r" MTXHAM 4 WROWN, V*9, 0B» Hasrk-Kjr* T«U*»| h. purto Oq«mvk* Railroad. I^Wtowine *e rew lved» ,e,ter» at 1w,ria' Pr"ba,'1' the fiouriahinjj town* connect- 2«rtb it', ro»dilj disposed to bclio»6 'iTkelXi^,'reP!rt of ,h« le"e« liBd of tha nquawka railroad wostrrn divi»- L^from Galfnt'ur^ to Burlington, «tnt-« T".ro„li»r,unt of rt-ceipta for th« inonlh under j(H,00). 'I h" two utatcmcnU „. 4 »««i» to h» oontradiotorv, and we J.j |jk« to benr them eiplnioed. We ',t,u!d »«k tho editor of the Huvrk ye, if he iM nol think the freight »nd trnvef betweun 0*|«bar)t and Burlington—forty-two mi 1M ..both wtT«, would amount to more than ftyJUO per Booth? We are glad to observe an incrcosiug 4iipoftitioti, on the part of those interested, to watch, »nd that closcly, the doings of JUiWoad men. We need no further evi dence of tbif thin i» found in the above extriot To the editor of .the Tress we have only tu »v that the extract above is not from the Ilawkojcst all. It is cut from the ditoriil oolauins of our neighbor, the Gucitc. We might content ourselves with this moment, but an the editor will perhaps toireto opinion of us, even though we did not write the article, we may as well pre it now. In the first place our ncigh ber undoubtedly refered to the whole lload, thence to Chicago, when he spoke of the two hundred cars. During the month of Jose, when the grain hud all been shipped -when there wjts nothing going Kast, and few goods coming West, there could be no awfortwu hundred additional curs to trans port the freight for forty miles of rnilroad,of count. There has been aom« lumber coming orer the road. During the months of August, Septem ber and October there will of course be as increase iu the amount of frieght trans ported, and an increase in the amount of receipt*. Vie cannot think there is anything r/wy about the matter. We have no raiMto think there is any holding back •the part of the lessees of the Road. AD Urgent Caae. Pour gallons whiskey were sold, in one lot, to one gentleman, at the County Gro cery 011 Saturday last for MKDICINAI. pur po«a And yesterday another individual ofTutonic extraction, applied for one gal lon. When aaked what he wanted it for, he put his hand 011 his abdomen, and as nmed a most wo-begoue expression of ccQBtenance, "Oh," says our very intelli gent and quick sighted agent, "you want itformedicine?" "Yeo! yeol" Here upon the jug was filled Now it not this a pretty farce, to be weted in the city of Burlington, by a witty Judge and his tool, in the name of teapeniee! W" A few days ago, upon what we 'tppoaed was pretty good authority wo as 'flted that the City council had licen •edthe sale of boor, since the prohibitory went into effect. This assertion was Awtedtj denied by the Gazette. We asked that paper whether or not li WIIM had been granted, prior to July 1st, nwniug ifter that date? But wo could not pt in answer. That paper, the or of Mayor Hudson, should be able to inform the public. If his Honor has eon «'aded to nullify the laws of the State, he expect to keep the knowledge of the people. learn from the Council Bluffs agltthat they have in the western por of the State,had a severe drouth,which 14 injured their wheat crop. 1®. -A letter from a Mormon older pre picture of the devastation «wed by the grasshoppers in Salt Lake *J' Tb«y *re countless in number, *4 deetroy every green thing. The cal reminds one of the plagues of Egypt *^f0" '8 connected in the mind j. social State of the Mormons, a *perstition might lead to the opin- t*,t i« was a judgment of Heaven up -7f ^ista for their transgressions, however, what sins the be?t «"of Mortuondom have to answer .L* supposition would be rather ourselves. But we are for |*w»nded of Orson Hyde's boast jj J"** **ce, in one of his extravagant ^rct^lern #t •-IL- '^alt Lake crops gave wonderful j. *hat the heathen of the fc»4 E" ^aV0 to to teh A favfkla Haiitiaai. We are aware that the Cann'y Jadg* drew out of the County trauarj the Mm of $-,500. We have the word of Judge Wigfitnian for the fact that he paid oat 92.000 lor liquors on bis late trip Ea«t. ill the (jaxette or aoine one else let us know what has come of the other five hun dred? Was it all used up for expenses? Does any one suppose the law aa passed contemplated, in the County Agencies, a monopoly of the liquor traffic, with Agents *t a large sal.iry, heavy rents and a large stock of liquors, never required for medi cal, mechanical or sacramental purposes? If that was what WHS contemplated by the Inw, little need was there for this large expenditure for the purchase of li quors—the payment of six or eight hun dred dollars salury to an Agent at this place—the payment of three hundred and fifty dollars a year rent for a room, to say nothing of the heavy expenses of his hon or in making the purchases. For we have the be«t authority for saying that, so far from running the county in debt, a number of gentlemen stand ready to pay their own rent, find their own capital, pay their own clerks, and pay the county at least 81,000 a year, for the privilege of such a monopoly. tl,e of tbe Democratic Press from *l»ich SMAU. PATj-We lad th* Ilurlin^ton Hawkeve: .w n«» -loin* r?rv heavy buii ,IT»if«f P»s*engers, indued Wweass i"in n,e that we under ^iT^S'tmbiinirnJ freight cars could be "T u.Mlpkirsii™ tv*4- ,,ul WtMT*h«T it r""' gTtotoa t» 1" busino»», we i^Tot ii»»nwi"*• "ble tj m*'' an? "'".Hj arise." "tLwiorlh* country through which the J,-,, Does any sane man suppose 92,000 worth of Liquors will be used for the pur poses contemplated in the law,in Desmoines county, during the next twenty years? In thus swamping the county in a mon strous bill of expense for the Agency did the judge intend thereby to kill the law. and make it unpopular with the people, or was he, in the honest simplicity of his heart, such a consumatc ass as to suppose such an institution as the one on Market st. was contemplated by the law? Is any man who: will thus run the coun ty into i^ich a monstrous expenditure and sink the money of the people, merely to kill a law, fit for a judge? And if he knew no more of law than to suppose he was fairly carrying out the provisions of this prohibitory law, he is not fit for the bench as a matter of course. 2x*Tlie Funeral of Mr. James T. Phil lips will take place from his late residence on South Hill, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. CHANGE OF TIME.—According to the new time table of the B. &C. R. R. which goes into e ffect to-morrow, the cars will leave here as before, but arrive one hour sooner, both in the morning and evening. They arrive at East Burlington at half past seven o'clock A. M. and P. M., and depart at the same hour. te£~ We are under obligation to H. B. Ware esq., for important New York pa pers of Friday. DISSOLUTION.—It will be seen by our advertising columns, that the co-partner ship heretofore existing between Messrs. Burnap and Hendricks, has been dis solved. The former, Mr. Burnap, settles the accounts and will continue the express Agency, while the latter will continue the drug business at the old stand. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.—A sad ac cident happened yesterday at the Baptist Church, whereby one niau lost his life and three others were injured. It was caused i by the fulling of a scaffolding, erected in side the church for painting. Two persons by the name of Phillips, and Fourdney and Wiutura, all carpenters, were on the scaf folding and fell from 12 to 18 feet. All were more or less injured. But Mr. James T. Phillips was instantly killed, lie leaves a wife and three children. Mr. P. is said, by those who knew him, to have been an industrious, and intelligent mech anic and a good citizen. NARROW ESCAHI FROM for Mormons will now have to seek 4food for themselves. ^•'••Nothing State Council, late r*™"0 Springfield lHinois, has J** khwa. A platform of principles .*®®l*®d. There was considerable dif T^eoa the slavery question, but final- rM°luti(n* "eluding the the Missouri Compromise, by a vote of 74 to 85. *'ie contract cntewd °®cers of the western owuin gentlemen for the con- the road to Ottnmwa was an £*****J* «nder the pica that it was contract! Codrt from MS decided in fiaror of the Ule 1** for the removal gto»toFtiWM.. n DEATH ROAD ON A TRACK.—One RAIL- of the most extraordina ry escapes occurred on the Anderson Branch Railroad in South Carolina. The rock train was moving at good speed on a downward glade, and on turning round a short curve a man with his hat over hiB eyes was discovered a few feet in front on the track meeting the train the whistle was instantly blown, the breaks put down, and the machin ery reversed onward went the train about 2ft() yards before it stopped The engineer looked behind him immediately after pass ing the man, to soe as he expected the man gled corpse but seeing nothing of it, he turned in front again, and to his astonish ment beheld the unfortunate man sitting on the bumper with a stick in hand, knocking the boiler to attract his attention. LATEST INTELLIGENCE. N«w YOM,July 21. ^CooaUrfeit fvea oa the Merchant* Bank of Burlington, Vt. are in circulation here. Mr. NEW ORI.KA.IS, and Seeing only the upper part of his bodv, his conclusion was that he had cut him in two, and the man still nlive, was in a more awful condition than if he had been killed outright. But when the train stopped, he was taken off no other injury than slightly skinned shins, atid a small cut in tho fore head. It seems that the prongs of the eow catcher passed between his legs, and throw on his face, after which he scrambled up and got upon the bumper. He proved to be deaf and dumb. After his scratches were washed he prooeeded en his wayu The Boston Herald is responsible for the following. The venerable and voluble old female snuff-taker is a perfect character, in her way. She is a feminine "brick."— Hear her upon a question of Morals and Wag —But we have not come to that yet. Read on: •Now, there's them hoys. There they are —Abnerantl Dan'el—smart uoys—good fam ily—very respectable folks—verv—v-e-r-y Known'em ever so long—live down in Spring| field—folks well to do in the world—pious folks, too. And there's them boys, Abner nnd Dan'el. Both of 'cm—Abnor twentv five Dan'el twenty-two. There they are.— Folks churcli-goin' people. There s them boys. Opposed to the liquor law. Suppose they don't be'leeve in no Uell. It's avtful. Perfectly awful. A-w-f-u-1! Both of'em.' 'Hero tho venerable matron took an alarm ing pinch of snuff—mind, she had just been punctuating the above remarks with constant pinches, but here she came a full stop with one that was reailv wonderful. She survived it, however, and then went on.— 'Both them boys took a notion to ride. Sun day, too, Sabbath-breakin'. What d' they care? All days one to them,I'spose. Per haps don't b'leeve in no Savbath. Don't b'leeve in no nothin'. Took a notion to go out on a ride, down they went to the stables. Livery stables. They went to a liverv-stable. And there they hired a—they hired a—let me see what was it thej hired.?' "Carriage suggested my friend. 'No, no wait a minute w*hat was it? They hired a—a— •Chaise buegy ?—carry all ?—he hinted in rapid succession. 'No. no, no wait a minute. I'll think on't in a minute. They hired a—tfcey hired a— what was it they hired?' •Cart?—tilbury?—phaeton -gig?' he again suggested, really growing curious to know what it was they hired •No, no, no. Lorti-a-massy, what was it? Let me see. It was a—it was a—' Here she took another alarming pinch. •Handcart ?—wheelbarrow ?—donkey eart? —tfirt cart?—furniture wagon? •Ns, no no, Sir I tell you no. 'Twarn't any of em. It was a—saxe s alive, what was the name of it 'Fire-engine?—locomotive ?—go-cart Juggernaut ?—b lloon ?—watering-cart broke out my friend, in desperation. •No, no, no. Do wait a minute. Lord-a massy, it's strange I forget it. They hired a—they hired a— 'Here she oame to a dead pause, meditat ed, and toook snuff largely.' The voluble old lady got hold of it at last They had hired a 'vehicle'—a species of wag-1 n sh had not heard of before! July ST. LOCIS, July 21. Both branches of the Kansas Legislature met at Westport, July, according to the resolu tion passed at Pawneo, on the 6th The Governor and the U.S. Territorial officers, except ief Justice Lacompt, were present. The Supreme Court expects to meet and or ganize there next week. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, July 19. The Court of Claims has been engaged to day in perfecting rules. About one'hundred and forty cases were docketed. Tbs Court will probably adjourn to-morrow to meet again on the 17th of October in the room in the new wing of the Capitol, The Government has been giving consider able attention this week to the subject of protection to the frontiers in order to pre vent Indian hostilities. VIOLATING THE NEUTRALITY LAWS. BOSTON, July 19. The trial of Count Kazinski and his three associates who were tak?n from ihe British brig Buffalo by the Cutter James Campbell on the charge of violating the Neutrality laws, resulted their acquittal. The teatimony failed in to implicato them as being person ally engaged in enlisting men forforoign ser vice. ARREST OF A POST-OFFICE CLERK. RBAOING, Pa., July KANSAS, July tnm tbt New York The correspondent farther states :hat he is pl ats, the angel of death has stepped between, pmra elj informed that Col. Walker rraliy fbough Lord Raglan had been saSering for met with success in his conflict at Nicaragua. Wheeler, the American Minister, who waa ths last person on board the steamer at San Juan, received intelligence that the Uevcromsnt were flying before Walker. Baltimore, July 21. Jno. Morrow, U. S. Sergeant at Fort Mo Henry, charged with having causcd the death of the soldier Louis Loup, has been commit ted to answer the charge of murder. 19. The Verandah liotel was destroyed by fire last night. Loss about $100,OnO: insu red 85,000. WASHIXOTOX, July 21. The Court of claims has adjourned over to the 17th of October. Previous to disparting the Judges will announce tho Commissioner for taking testimony in the several States. ALBANY, July 21. The case involving the question of the con stitutionally of the Prohibitory Liquor Law, between the People and Wm. Loudon, pro prietor of the City Hotel, which has oreatrd so much interest in this city, terminated this evening. The jury promptly returned a ver dict of "not guilty." The verdict was re ceived with general acclamation by the im mense assembly who were in the City Hall, and is the subject of congratulation among the business men of the city. The defend ant's counsel offered, if the complainant's chose, to appeal from the decision. They united in framing a case presenting for re view various questions, arising under tho law, to furnish every facility for obtaining a speedy decision on the appeal. 19. Arthur Hughes, a Special Agent of the Post-Office Department, arros'rd, yesterday afternoon, Adams II. Smith, a Clerk in the Post- Office at Richmond, Northampton Coun ty, on the charge of robbing the mails. Smith confessed taking one letter, contain ing $400, mailed at Stroudsburg for the Eas tern Bank. SARATOGA, July 21. Judge Morris decided to-day that Huestis, arrested for selling liquor, might give bail to await indictment, and could not be com pelled to go to trial immediately before a oalled jury. WASHINGTON, July 21. Singapore Journal received here, states that through the influence of Sir John Bow aing, the British Commissioner, tha Siamese Government had removed the restrictions recently imposed upon the American Mission aries in that country. Sir John also nego tiated a very advaniageous commercial trea ty. A Governor Seeder's Message. 16. Governor Reeder's Message to the Legis lature of Kansas is published. lie contends for the right of the people to settle their own nffairs, uninfluenced by other States says the Territorial Legislature may act on the question of Slavery to a limited and par tial nxtent, and temporarily regulato it in the Territory shows what laws are now in force directs attention to a definition of the boundaries of Counties and Districts, and qualification of voters recommends a strin gent Liquor Law on account of the Indians thinks that a light tax only is required con tends that preemptions may be taxed rec ommends the immediate establishment of a seat of Government, and announces that the population of the Territory is 3,383 5,133 females males. The Legislature fixed on Shawnee Mission as the temporary scat of Government. The Governor vetoed the same, when the Legisla ture passed it over the veto and adjourned to meet at Shawnee Mission. NEW YORK., July 21. The steamer North Star sailed at noon to day, for Havana with about 100 passengers. .Bernard Hart, for many years Secretary of the Board of Brokers aud one of that body, died on Thursday night aged 19 years. The Lexington (Mo.) Convention. ST. LOUIS, On the third day there was also a stormy session. Col. Young, of Boone Co., charged Major Rollins, of the same county, with wri ting a letter advising the Whig delegates to withdraw. The charge was investigated and pronounced unfounded. A platform was then adopted to the fol fowing i ff, ct That the agitation of the Slavery question in Congress or the several States must result in a dissolution of the Moneyed Associations for the purpose of i Colonization in Kansas is unprecedented in history, and is an attempt to thwart the pur poses of the Constitution and the enactments of Congress, that these Colonies will necessa rily lead to resistance, and while they dis claim any intention to interfere with actual i settlers, the^ will protect themselves and i property. Eighteen border counties in Mis i 80uri contain 50,000 slaves which will be i valueless if Kansas becomes the abode of Abolition fanatics. They appeal to the good sense of tne North to put down fanatical ag gressions and emigrant aid associations, and leave Kansas to a natural settlement. A Committee of Five was appointed to publish an address to the people of the United States setting forth a history of the Kansas excitcment. A copy «f the same and the resolutions of the Convention were order ed to be forwarded to the Executive of each State in the Union. Resolutions were adopted calling on the Missouri Legislature to legislate within the Constitution against the products and mer chandise of Massachusetts and those North ern States practically nullifying the Fugitve Slave Law, and that the welfare of the slave holding States and the interests of the Un ion require the enactment of a law in mid States suppressing Abolition and Free-Soil publications and opinions. The Convention adjourned sine die. The late Rev. Sydney Smith observed that railwny whistle seemed to him to be some thing like the screnm an attorney would give when first the devil caught hold of bin. BMI Hititft for sale. TO* w n w J, 13, 7U, J, and n e 4 IS, 70.3 340 aercs (aid to be the bast Iinbm4 land in Sloine* eoonty. •t'". J,H aadsw|ia|, 29,71,1 120 aere». •C**. L(43S and s of 627 ia Borlinrto*. Tribaae. TBI LATK LOSS RAO LAW. The »all before the last brought -ord tUt u th« British IIOUM bu'ck had moved a resolution attributing te Lord disas ilc*p a stain on Eng- gua .Scisl accowt. that CV."Kinn^v7"ror h.^mint^Vfam'-r' ThemaU "f%es"u£iuy |»W coileftgu*#, 19 not entitledI to wy bringi us intelligence of Lis dc«wc. In UK priwif $1 w *o $15 grant. §ojfnful mockery of haman intrigu^a »nd given nr w mi«tc. Stock for tule *vjt lw prici* a»» a IB*Xb*- some d.iys from an attack of dy**ntery so severe as to lead to the report that he bad re signed his command, he bad been gradually progressing to convalescence until the 28th of June, when alarming symptoms developed themselves and after a few hour's struggle he expired. Lord Raglan, or, as he was better known for so many yeats, Lord Fitzroy Som rs«t, was the youngest son of the fifth Duke of Beaufort, and uncle of the present Duke.— He was born in 1788, and was consequently in his sixty-eighth vear. The Somersots are of tho proudest and most »ncient blood of Britain. To travel back to the source of their origin would be as hopeless a task as to penetrate to the fountain of the Nile. "Two centuries ngo," we were told, "no prouder man was seen in England than the then Duke of Somerset, who had the highways cleared before him that he might n3t be looked on by vulgar eyes, and who rebuked his second wife for tapping his shoulder with a fan, say inc. 'Madame, my first wife was a 'Percy, and she never took such liberty." In the good old times when Lord F. Som erset made his debut in life, there were no of privileged plunder. Many Colonels of iu,y 1 the Deputy Quartermaster-General who fol lowed the colors of the 23d from Wa'cheren to Waterloo, has only recently acquired.— If tho young aristocracy of England were with cruel injustice raised over the heads of many brave veterans whose brows were bronzed by many suns and scarred by many battles, it is but just to them to say that when called on they have not blanched at the cannon's mouth, nor ever disgraced tbeir lineage or their country and among those who sleep at Inkernian and Alma are not a few whtse ancestral bucklers hav- fla^hotl st Agincourt and Cressy, and in whose veins flowed blood which had been shed in earlier fields ot glory. In this Lord Fitzroy Somerset was present ftt every one of the great Peninsular battles, llis rank, as is ever the ess", at onco recommended him to the Duke of Wellington, then Sir A Welles ley, who w.ts but too happy to attach to his interest the powerful family of the Bmuforts by naming him on his staff, and afterward raising him to the post of Military Secreta ry. In this capacity he served through the whole war, exhibiting on every occision sol dier-like abilities combined "with fearless courage. Ho was twice severely wounded, nnd lost bis right arm at the farm of "La Haye "Sainte," on the day of Waterloo.— When after that groat engagement the cur tain fell upon the wars of Europe, Lord Fitzroy Somerset was appointed, in addition to other honors, Secretary of the Embassy Tw^a^ou?homs is intended for tho &t Funs* lh6DC6 us Attended tuo Duke of FARMER'S OWN USB Wellington to Vienna and Verona in 1822, and in 1S26 proctn-ded to St. Petersburg, deliver it in bags rtadj* for the miii. whither he was sent to oongratulate the late Emperor Nicholas on his accession to the throne. In 1819 he was appointed Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, Master-General of the Ordinance until 1827, and in 1827 was made Millitary Secretary to the Com mander-in-Chief, the functions of which of fice he performed dnring the reign of the several Commanders-in Chief down to the death of the Duke of Wellington. On the death of the Duke, the commander-in-chief was, much to the disappointment of Lord Fitzroy Somreset, conferred on Lord Hard inge, and Lord Fitzroy being unwilling to serve under an offioer of similar standing to himself, was appointed Master-General of the Ordinance, with a Peerage, which he as sumed under the title of Lord Raglan, the name of a castle which Edward Somerset, one of his ancestors, held against CrouiweL, as the last of nobles. During thelongreign of Lor 1 Hill, and the subsequent one of the Duke of Wellington at the Horse Guards, Lord F. Somerset, owing to the nge of these veterans and the confi dence reposed in him, though acting as Mil- "Now by aunt Piol tb« work gut* bravely, Tb« time* eajl for action'' PIKLDS of Coxaoni Mr. Boe- hT tbeeitiaeut .f Rn,ii-,gf «arruauJin£ try. Uut k« hi jbt rmiral large aaertasM of plais «d funey BAVtEtlROTTri OtlU, at bit rroou, OUI IKT ui i JeJjinxi *tree'f, niftbed. jnne are rt-bv ratified tb»t there i- now on file in the office of the Clerk i ihc District Court r,f Des Vnine.« County, Iowa, a Pctiti-jn of Jarrot (lamer, the uhjppi nnd pmver of which is to lorwiooo th equity of Redemption and qniet the pctitinncrs title to said premises—aod that unleff you appear and an rwtr thircto on or before the 2d di.y of next Term of »»id Court, judgment will He remier«I ng.iinst you thereon. UKEEN A BROWN. july 18-w Att'ys for Plaintiff. Ordered that the above notice be published in tbs Hawk eve A Telegraph. A.J. WBW Hon. itarv-Secretary, was virtually Commander- in-Chief, and in an office where so much tact and delicacy were required during that long Asnnr.w T. period, with a strong class prejudice, to wiS find retain the respect nnd regard of the ar- Louis II. th9 refused Commoners who left his levee MARKETS. Dry, 9c. Beeswax—22c. rKR*—13o. Flour—$6 75(3.9 00. Pork--$17 54Vy $19. Hendrie's Foundry. M'UK snbscriber would tender hi? thanks to his ens A tomers for the liberal patronage he bas heretofore received, and would say that his largely increased fa cilities for doing business in the erection of new build lings and additional machinery enables him tod is i patch work on short notiec and greater perfection.— Racine* of various patterns and sites, saw ami grist mill machinery, and all the variety of castings usual 1 ly kept at foundries constantly oa band. Also Shaw's Patfnt Smut Math ne. Alt kinds of tepair ing dona at shortest notice. Catalogue of pattern* sect to order free of charge. july U-lv CHARLES HENDRIK. DM Ftus fur nle. I 4 "T ACRB8 ot WM. WIL&IXSthe D-FP, tic a nature that "he would yet be an honor to his country." In such a position as that in which the Duke of^ Wellington saw and judged him he would have doubtless justiti'd the prediction. Devoted to drill, Corse's Bookstore, Joffo-son street. dutiful to death and during to destruction, a Sei for a Circular by mail just and generous gentleman, of honor, cour- i July 18. During the evening session on the second day of the Convention at Lexington, Mo., great confusion prevailed on the subject of President Shannon's address. Finally the thanks of the Convention were tendered him and a copy of the address requested for pub lication, amid tremendous excitement during which the President threw down his mallet and threatened to leave his seat. 1 a:e and deep sense of duty, he possessed ev- 1 tho energy to repair, which should belong to a great general. Lord Raglan was just that character of a man which the English system in its best form boguts. Trained in every step to refer to memory instead of exercis ing mind, a9 long as things go on by the pre sort regulation all is well. But when an unruly monster like Sibastopol stands across the path and will not be trodden down to order, the country cries and the press thun ders for head, preferring even the rude Felissier befere Lord Raglan. Lord Raglan was above the middle hight and of ordinary, one might almost say vul gir, presence which was redeemed, strange to say, by a certain romantic air which bis loose armless sleeve gave hiui, a^manner most gently and courtly and a disposition singu larly kind. lie is Kucoopded in command by Gen. Union that the resolution cf non-slave-hold- i Simpson, an officer who has seen some ser ing States not to admit another Slave Stato vice in the Peninsula and agreat deal in In is a declaration of hostility to the Constitu- din, having served as second in command to tion that the diffusion of Slavery tei.ds to the late Sir Charles Napier, to whose high i ameliorate the condition of the slave and opinion h* is indebted for the position to [maintain the equilibVim against the non- which he has been raised. sin V 1 1 It »U»» U L' XT elavholding majority that the Kansas-Ne braska act nnd Fugitive Slave Law are cor i dially approved that the corporation of I ,bom"Jw» -S?T A '-rdcr* promptly to \V.\J. KIK1.US. Jam»l»»rncr, MBSSBSGER,Clerk. Jarret Garner, c». V PETITION. Tot No. 509 in the City of Burlington. Tn tht untmnra owner* of Lot No. 509 fn the city of Burlington, Iowa. •yOU are hereby notified that there is now on file in J. the office of the Clerk of the Diitict Court of Dcs Jloince County, Iowa, a petition of JnrrettJaruer, the ol'jcct and prnyt-r of which is to foreclose the equity of Redemption and quiet the petitioners title to snid premises—and that unless you appear and answer thereto on or beft re th- 2d dav of neit Term i tnereio on or ueit re tn,.- zn (lay of neit Term if said Administrative Reform Associations to pop Ccortjudgment will be rendered agaimt you thereon, impertinent inquiries or disturb the delights GREEN & BROWN, ,8-w the army in ose days were hardlv out of Ordered that the above notice be pulliihed in the swaddling clothes, and before they left the cradel were high in command. Lord Fiteroy Somerset was a Cornet in 1804, a Captain in 180?, a Mayor in 1811 and a Colonel in 1812, accomplishing in eight years what cost Sir De Lacy Evans, who saw still greater sei vice, llawk-Eye A Tel.graph. A. J. MESSENGER,Ct'k. E S I N A I N E ALLYUF.iC TOR Y, Iff BURLINGTON, IOWA. forty years to achieve, and which Col. Enoch, To meet the rapid and greatly increasing di-innnd for MOFFITT'S PATENT GRATN S E A A O S I have, nt a heavy outlay capital, made T»ry extenxivr arrivng. incuts ioi manufacturing in the best pv«sible ui tuitr a large supply i.f thee superior Machines for tho ensuing season, and shall hereafter make it A BR INCH OF MY RUSINE3S. This is tho Mneliiue which has taken tho highest nidmi, at tboCrys tal Palace Kair.N. Y., at the State Fairs of Ohio,In diana, and all other placcs where it has boen tested, and now stands at the head of all known Machines for Threshing and Cleaning all kinds of Grain, doing a larger amount of work with less waste of Grain in the straw, delivering the Grain in a clcanerstate than anv machine iu use* I shall make two sizes of these machines, one for Eight horses, capable of doing more work than any other machine of its size—the small Machines for And will thresh and clean the Grain PEBFECTLT,and THE HORSE POWERS, Which I make for these Macliines. Are the moat durable AND LIGHT-RUNNING POWERS IIV USB. CRAWFORD'S PATENT CLOVER HULLER Furnished to order at the lowest prices. J££t~ Orders or communication^ from a distance promptly attended to. _July l4-ly CHARLES HENDRIK. U I N O N COITNBR 1IAIH ANO JEFFERSON STREETS, Burlington Iowa, A BRANCH of the Mercantile College of Pennsyl vania—incorporated by the Legislature of that State with perpetual charter. Trustees. His Excellency Hon. JAMES Rncn^NAN, (late Secretary of War,) the Hon. MOSES HAMPTON, Hun. W. H. NAVLOR, LowRV,Hun.CIIAKLE8 and Gen.JJ. IC. MOOUIIEAD. Faculty. HOWDEX,late senior professor ef Book m-vtrmrr1! BLACKSTONE'S BCKLIHGTOH, UBICAOO. July 9. Winter Wheat—Ordinary, $1 30@ $1 S3. Prims $1 50. E*tra 1 50 (ii. 1 50. But little offer ing. {spring Wheat—Common $1 20@1 28. Milling $1 80(^1 3S. Dull sale. Kye—75 (a,SO c, nominal. Barley—7«c T5. Corn—73(s75c. Oats—48c. Bcanf—$1 50 $1 75. Potatoes—$1 (It) Seeds —Flaxseed $1 37. Lard—'jfii 10. Hams—S 10c. Sh millers—H To. Butter—13@14«. Uides—Dry ll(^X2e. do Green, 5@tSc. land with good improvements, in IT I Yellow Spriag township, will be sold vary N A E *tn MerCan"'e DALHOFP, my. He never for one moment forgot "his and (. rnamental Penmanship in the same institution, order," or abandoned that faith in the divine -CnAS late Professor of Commercial EeN- Da"WI.V, right of aristocracy which he inherited by TJ,p£ fC:! '.or °f Mercantde Law. v ^.u i... l- i The Principals design carrying cut movery partic ular that eourse of training for business, introduced birth and education. But he concealed his prepossessions and bigotry with such graoe- and followed up for upwards of fifteen yeiirs by Mr. ful art and such silvered verbage, at to make member of the Burlington the founder of the Mercantile Oil lege of Penn- 8y,vftnin- b-v whioh about 3-000 M„.o„ri ir, »u_ I countants have been qurlitied for business. It is now more blessed in tbo fascinating refusal than regarded in a rude compliance with their request. i feective preparation for the acecuntant given in the Without any mili ary genius Lord Raglan United States. It comprehends upwards of 400 real possessed the sound judgment, fearl»s« oour- 'business transactions—llustrating six different ine age, and inflexible sense of justice. The I ^lsof merchants and ac- by busing men as the most thorough and c™d^|'n? T-V I II. i i outl commercial computations, explaining many Duke of Wellington entertained so high an business operation? not found in common arithmetics opinion of him as to give expression to a —a comprehensive course mercantile penmanship prediction rare in 80 cold and uneulogis- —business forms and business letters—daily lectures 1 by double entry-about on commercial law and commercial sciences. Puff's Book-keeping, Harper's edition, price $1,50 the most perfect and comprehensive n the English language. Duff s Western Steamers Accountant, a perfect system for such accounts, $1—To be had at Duly 2 TT T"! m411dwelling i ,? sal®three J.' A COMFORTABL house, rooms ery quality tor a second in command, but A and cell r, with well and fruit trees in the yard, was wholly unfitted to govern an army. He and a good stable on the premises, situate on seventh had not the prescience to foresee, the genius street near Valley. For sale cheap. to direct, the strength of mind to control, or Knquire at the "Real Estate Offie_e"jf July 11 L. D. STOCKTON New Goods. THE subscriber has just received a general assort ment of Press goods, consisting ir. part of Black and fincy silks, Enrages, Tissues, Ao. Mantilns, Dress trimings, Fringes and Lawn* Also—Cloths, Cassimcres and Vesting1. Daily expecting a larg -and general assortment of seasonable goods which will be sold low. Friends and the public generally are respectfully invited to call nnd examine goods and prices. Burlington, Iowa. June 28, '55 J. M. SWAN To the Storkholdera of the B. Ic W. P. R. Co. ATRoad A meeting of the Directors of tho above Plank Company, held at Burlington. June 25th, 1855, it was ordered that the Stockholders be requir ed to present their certificates of Stock for rt-itsue, within three months fr)(m the date hereof, and that all Stock not so filed, shall be declared forfeited. R. C. KENDALL. Sec'y june 2S, '55 B. 4 W. P. R. Co. Law Books. Kent's Beuvier's Justitutes Greenleaf on Evidence Story's Equity Jurisprudence! Stray on Contracts July 10. Flour—$7 00(a$8 25. Wheat—Spiiiig, 80C(G4L 00 Winter, 1 00@$1,10. rn—4 do. Oats—31K. Butter—17E. Egc?—!)e. Lard—bbls 8} kegs 10. Flaxseed—1 00. Hams, 8J 10c. Shoulders, 7J (o 7. Hides—Green, So. Equity Pleadings Bailments Wharton's Criminal Law Besides the latest Law publications from the Houses of Little A Brown, Boston: Banks, Gould A Co.,T. A -J. W. Johnson, Philadelphia. All of there works can be obtained at catalogue prices. july 9th, 1855. Hew Books! Hew Books A Wanted. 1 A TONS of rid copper wanted for w? ich the high 1U est market price will be paid by WHITS PIERCK Standard School Books at Wholesale, 600 Pen.STONES t(1 rcys o^tta fe 11? Tyj.FRSIndian PETITION. Lot N*. 509 in the (Sty of Bat Jin&t-m., 71® Ike uniaotra otrnrrt of JjOt -Va. 509B in lt( City of Jowa. YOU XHIBITION, E U N I E o ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION To witoeM the Coml»r»«NJ Kstiilmion? rr,i»jT.ivrnii5 OF tiir MENAGErilE. CIRCUS & INDIAN TROOPES •ilh ftilrnre lo firr entire fitftnl aalitfjetifln, lf» p!ac»tkHr L'NITKD EXHIBITION'S quit* brvoml th« re»«:h of co«[piiiioii, have cntrrrrt into in Arrangement Mftwn for the Corvlxrmtmn of tbeii Three Superb Establishments! INTO oro COLOSSAL SXHTB2TIO*, Jtt whole of u-hieh mar Ue now collectively, under one Pavilion, the price of nltMt»»iot ktratufiM required fv* cf the «*»e exhibition* «keu •*pftr»(elv Will be exhibited at U I i I N O N On Thursday, August 16,1855. Open at 2 and 7 v. a. Admission 23 cts. Reserved Seats 50 cts. Children to seats 25 cente. i a »!r- Pl'ffs Att'ys. THE PROCESSION futo town wttt he by THE THOl''IT. OF KOrKSTRIANS. nioi.»re.| OH thvir etnfv .le. romled Sleeds. prrrcdrd hy u (nil MIMTAItY RANI) drivni thnnph principal Mie«t« in «n appropriftte carriripe, IOIIMWOIIhr I txbihiiiooa. Mr. VAN AMBURGH! WILD HKASTS' ol tlin world, im- whoM during erliirvi mentu in th DEN. have wou for him, in all par pcrithnblf renown, ncromj'aui*.- tins rxhihiiioo in per »o«. nnd will f« jrlK»ly cotr ihe «»f jh« Wild Animuls, where he will exh bit hi* Mat ui*hin nnd iovi. terious influcuco over th«»e fotmidiible «nd fer»cioii« creature*. Attnchrd to thi5 lIqiMirian Troupe is DEIST STONE! The great original inventor of Bon Mou, aud expun ge of Joe Miller*, now uckuuwit:dgeJ ue TKia TinlS ISiflAU whose inimitable Hits at the Time, Satirical Harsiiguem I'uupent Sarc:ibillami never failing Humour, liave won Tor linn the high reputation ol" the Wiltiut Clown iu clirUieudoin. E. W. PERRY, Q. DEMOTT, J. CRAFT., E. STONE. J. WORLAND, O. DODGE, G. BENNETT, D. ROGERS, S. CRAVEN, Equettriani, Vaultera, and Gymutuin, of known ability and merit. Foreino»t among the nttritrtivn novellirp of the Com pany are tlio cliaruclcri»tic )^rlurliiam of the Wild Tenants of the Forest! fMatt and Femnlt- the IU in nviubtr.) Costumed and Decorated in their Nnti\e Hftbiliin«Mit9, illuxtrating with truthful accuracy SCENES of SAVAGE LIFE. E U A O U N it which the whole party will iippear in an animated scene of orii..n. AT ANOTHER TAUT OF TIIK KNTKKTA1NMENT Tlic liiflian War Diince Will t« eiven wiih frarfnl aecur»cy, Kiceilmr wilh all llle Stivulj.j Kll uppri t.iihit:^ In lliul rrilt I crrcilionv. *11.1 airatii in nn nniusinp Pastoriil ^crue, callct Tll'K CORN (JATIIKKIMi, inn1 itjur-fJ »nl- (iroteMiuc Duneine. Sinai"?, Wlmnpiiif:. Froticl.iliv. A r. Rrtidrs llii* rullntvin^ at ililVcreul pt:riud» 1" tile pe- fnriiKince: riii: uiun I)A\F I TIIANKSCIVINU DAXCE WAR SdNti-OF TIIK SENWAS. THK SNAKE DANCF., »iili iuiiian Mutic. .41,,• thr f.i'l iri'.fl T.Wt.r. U A I. tit P0CHAH0NTA3 RESCUING CAPTAIN SMITH. Terrific Krai plug- Scrne, T.1L DEATH SD.NI AC. OVFnr ProL'rjiir.niP nf P.-rforniatu t-, l.i^l ef Aliuniilfl xtiil other part.ruliiif, .if pampiilet. By Express. 63 Doi. Misses assorted Soft Straw Hats do«. fine Bloomers 5 mens Pine Summer Hats: just recei led and for sale at greatly reduced price* by NEW Commentaries A dozen Webster's Elementaiy Spellers 100 150 .150 200 do*. McGuBey's Eleetie KIMBAX.L A CO. june 30, (£5. (Q»iett« copy.) IOWA MUSIC STORE. East side of Barret House Building, BURLINGTON, IOWA. ntlFDS LANE, Proprietor. Pianos, ATobtained Eastern prices, and warranted, can always bo at the "Iowa Music Store." No char es made for freight expenses. LANE. Seraphines and Melodeons. OFIowabest the quality, can always be obtained at the Music Store. A lot of new ones are on the way, to be here in a few days. 11. LANE. Music! Music! CILLat the Iowa Music Store, if you want a good selection of any kind of music, from a first rate Piano down to a capital good Jewsharp. place to buy Singing Boks for Choirs, Singing Sch ols, Glee Clubs, Ac. Violins, Guitars,Flutes, Fifes, Banjos, InkYlnk! A LARGE supply at the Iowa Music Store, which we will sell at co?t, as we are about closingoff a!) our articles of Stationery. Come one and all. if you wish to save your dimes. R. LANE. Umbrellas, supply received, and plenty more coming. Call for a shade ere it rains. R. L.ANE- Looking Glasses. A them at Eastern prices. WATERMAN-. june 20 Sign of the Lock Fruit and Edibles. TUST received, a full supply of ehoice Dry Apples tl andpeaohes. oranges, lemons.cocoa nuts, prunes, raisens.Ac. Fresh Oysters,clams, lohsters, sardines, and fi cheap for cash at ANDERSON'S jnne 20 '55 I Gazette oopy.] Jo*. M. I I i 1 «f TTT .« -if" tf' '*"300 350 M0 3(10 30ft 200 III Smith's, Wells.Eirkham's and Bol lion'a Grammar i-'.f Oorastoek's PhibaoBbr: NfeaSri JV. !rf?S 100 150 10® 100 50 Parker'a ••*&&•.. Couistock's Chemistry* Woods' Botany. I 4 II part*' Cutter* Physiology Beaides a large stock of Sander's Readrra and Speller*, Ray'a Algebra. Day's Algebra. Willard's, Wilno's. Prosta and White's Sebool Histories, I?ew aan's.Wbatley'a and Blair's Rhetoric, WIMBB, iv. W-.y' fey V Arith^ p»rt .. .. II r«. the Iron Pone!! CHICAGO AND IOWA UNITED!!! DLake B. COOK K 4 CO.. WdoIcmU Book stifcn, I3i atrrrt, Chicago. har» tiwxiv a n«»lraet with all ihe Iron Korteg E to carry gv*l» tptn l(-w in double quick (ime.and in p*riw mtfty. TB« HAW*-ETE MAH will t«)l y»* that oa trip tn»ir city 'f«t'lr iivMnMml at ihi pilr* of C*nL« and Pt^jimnw* b« *i i«ir He ci HI Id only eidnrai, ••I'r. fir W bin von t»»ra* tbi» t*Jl in *»1 n*. "I. 1!. I'(V)KK A Co.. I.1J -i. The Wholesale Book Trade at Uhicago. 1). B. COO K K & CO., in Books, Hatiotifrtf aud Pocket Alap*, .v.. 1"'/ Lak'j ,-.n«t. "ti!«-\ I. will ull Ihcf? «irt i totem'* tit lli.'jf jmrehuM?? ohi i* inth«* tind tbt ex ln ij(lil? n* low ni««. I). 15. I'OOKK & CO'S Series "af li.Vtb*RT.U» MAI'S are the must SKvel, unique and nsrfttl tTiinps tver ublitliill.. Now reft'iy "Urrat IVfrt-: ii H"- It. Guide, being a Railway 3!ap -f the Westtra Mutt«, showing llailrwids .-tiiiii"i it the i:atc« S8f" The above can all b,- sent per ina:l. D. «. COOKK A (V.. ISi Lakest. Important to the Legal Profession D. B. CO 'KK A Co.. 135 Lake street, Chicago, Have in press and will speedily publish, a Law It»ik which will prove a valuable aei{uiitioii o ttery member of iho Bar— Entitled "'A Practisal Treati.'e on the power sell land for the non-payment of t»SLi- assessed there on," embracing the decisions of the Federal Ciurts, and of every State In the Union, by ROBERT S. BnrKWF.i i., JS9*Karly oiders solicited from members of the Bar Address D. B. COOKK Co., june IS, '50 135 Lake St. Chicago For the Iowa Trade! Cnr Stock our»*iftf part ff following 1000 Bcecltcr's star I'll fiOO Mrs Stone's M.iy Hower 20(1 I-ia May 500 I uth Hall diiO ihe Srncca INDIAN CIIIKTS ami \VAH KlURS, in Ih^ir luttive onuinir, niounled »t» the»r iimti ius llorfife, nml fiiitH.-ucMlty dircoraicd end ciipari* cont'd, w ill* (.'arrive*, rnL*»'» «nd Vuns contitininr tht* AIHTTIHU,thethe to Mammoth Pnvihon trecieJ for the Life 9nd tttuutics of Law Books! Law Books! D. B. Cikikk A where.) Co Banks, Gould 0'M"ara's Napoleon in Kxile. 2 vols., 12m... Jomini's Campaign of Waterloo. 12mo TucKerman's Month in England. 12mo. Tuckermaii's Memorial of Greenough. 12mo Barrington's Sketches of his own 'lime. 12mo Moore's Life of Sheridan. 2 vols., 12mo Bruee's Classic nnd Historic Portraits. 12mo McOnncll's westernCharacteis, (Illustrated.) Sheil's Sketehesof the Irishl'ar. 2vols., 2mo Nolte's Fifty Years in both Hemispheres.— A Iowa Mn- FRESH supply, just received at the "I sic Store." Call and tee (for) yovrteif. jnly 3. R. LANE Parasols. JUST revived and for sale cheap, at the Iowa Mu sic Stiue. (july 3.j CANE at the Iowa Music Store, for old and young. Come and buy one ere they are all gone. New ones just received. [july 3] R.LANE. Sheet Music. A large and heavy stock of new and valuabloUxdts just fiom the publishers. A stock procured on such terms as to enable the subscriber to compete with any house in the West, The attention of the trade fs particularly called to the fine assortment of Stationery and School Books the subscriber has now fur sale. Unusual pains has been taken to r'n ier his miscellaneous stock equal to that of any house west of the AUeghanies. and it is so prononnced by all who have inspected it. J. L. COBSS* july 9th. LOT of new and excellent pieces just received. New supplies are received every week or two at the Iowa Music store. [july 3] R. LANE. Pictures! Pictures! A LARGE lot of splendid ones jutt received from Boston, at the Iowa Music Store. We will sell R. LANK. Commercial Insurance Company, OF ST LOUIS, MISSOURI. CAPITAL —$100,000. I E O S John M. Wimer, Bernard Ryan, Eugene Miltenbergcr, Wm IJ. Cu ldy, Rollin Clark, Isaac Walker, James Street-, W. G. Shniidi, Ch. Pecfc, Th. E. Tutt, Dabney Carr, Francis Beehler, Elbridge G. Clark, A. Ladew, Richard I vers, R. N. Scrnggr, n8P Lyous Jacsson, Th. L. Sturgeon, Jobs II. Fisher. Pres't. Reader? I Ac., A., Ac. All of these tn be obtained aa low a at any bouse in the west, oa time or 8ve per eent. discount foreasb, A. P. Vice Prea't. UOTAL CHAHBEIILINLanaw, Soc'v. The undersigned is authorized to take risks for the above Company within this city and vicinity, against loca or damage by Fire, and alro against the hatarda of Navigation. J. M. MORGAN, Agent, iune 28,1355 dAwtf Hew Livery and Sale Stable. THE undersigned would inforn the citizens of Burlington, and the pub lic generally, that he has opened a new Livery Stable in the Crystal Palace," formerly occupied by R. n tcwart where he will be happy to accommodate all who will favor him «ith a«alf. Good, safe h.rses and buggies, and careful drivers, always on band. Charges reasonable—horses kept by the day or week, at aa low prieea ms the timea will afford. illV stable on Waabingtoo, between Main and Third streets. D. McDONALD. Bnriington, Jnly 11.-ly 'HEELING KAILS—141 kejr* as*»rte KaiU, 1 00 75 Herbert's (AV. II. ICni^htsof Engiand,Frnnce and Scotland. 12mo. Herbert's (W. H.) Chevaliers of France. Wholesale and He tail Dealer in Drugs, Dyes, Dye-Woods, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Glasiware, American and Foreign Chemicalt, 4'c.,4'C K. E. CORNER MAIN JEFFERSON STS., IOWA. HAV^GBVRLIXGTOS,commodiousabove permanently removed to the location, one of the most and elegant establishments in the West, the subscri ber iuvitcs the attention of hi old frijndsand custo mers and the public generally, to hn large and va ried stick of goods in his line, which will be sold at very low rates, lie has on ban 1 100 ounces Quinine, war ranted pure 5 cases Tartaric Acid, 25 He Chloroform 2(50 do Peruvian Bark 100 do African Cayenne 50 gross Sarsaparilla— Bteast tubes. Lamp chimneys and globes, Nipple shells, sucking bottles, Ac. Si.le Agency for the New York Canton Tea Company's Superior and warranted TEA ,a fresh assortment nlwayson band. Jnly 7 ly. 10,000 Acres Iowa Land for Sale. WILL sell ten thoutnnd acres of land situated principally in Lucas, Wayne, Clark, and Union oounties, Iowa. These lands »erc selected by one of the most competent locators in the State, chiefly for farming purposes and with fnccial reference to tim ber, water, rock and coal. They lie upon aud near the main travrlled roads through the two fouthern tier* of counties west of the Des Moines, and near the sur-eyed route of the Burlington and Missouri Riv er Railroad. They will be sold at a moderate ad vance on the Government price for cash. I have also made arrangements and am now pre pi-red to locate ands with tnoi,ey or land warrants at any of the land offices in Iowa where government lands arc subject to entry. The selections will be made by a gentleman familiar with every county in the State trom personal observation after years of experience in the business, and wilh as thorough a knowledge of the lands subject to entry as any other person in the State. HiBDWARE. dl'patrh- ot- Ohio, Inlniiia, Illinois Michigan, ir cousin, Krntuekv and Canada. Mr- The following now i'.inii a imifi-im series: Railway Map i'f Ohio Hailway Map of Illinois, Indiana Gr^at West'm K. K.Guide. Each of the al»v« nn:ned are vut up in pork et form for travelers, or on card board office use. of the Illinois Bar. The work will contain almost X00 pages and will lie got up in a style unequalcd by any law book ever before issued. 21 FHUUJ Fern 300 Life of Uarniim 500 Greolcy •00 Trvinp's NWHiliert^ Rnosl 500 WB}' I»own Kast. All of the now liooks RTO received as loon AS pnbushel ?"l«i to Oonntry Dealer* at Bastern price?* D. B. OOK I] .V Co., 135 Lnkeri. {Cincinnati it no any law book published hv Little, Brown A hnson, can bo obtained of us at their prices. 1. I!. COOKK A Co.. 1.15 Lake it. Redfield's recent Publications. llousaye's Men and Women ui the Kightecnth Century. 2 vols., 12mo $2,50 Housave's Philosophers and Actresses. 2 vols. 12uio 2,50 rtayarre's histm-y of louisinnii. 3 vols.. 8vo. 6,00 Michaud'a history i the Crusades. 3 vols.l2ino 3,76 Kcurick's Ancient Eg)pt under the Phara uhs. 2 vols., 12iuo Las Cases's Memoirs of Napoleon. 4 vols., 1,25 Pulszky's (Mrs.) Tales and Trillions of Hun gary. 12mo Bond's Minnesota and its resouroes. 12mo. Oliphaat's Russian Shores of the Blactc Sea. 1 25 1 00 HAVE 2 00 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 00 1 26 Herbert's [w. H.) Marmaduke wyvil. 12n o. Bernard's Lionskm and Lover Hunt. 12mo. Paxton's A Stray Ynnkec in Texas. 12mo. Paxton's wonJcrful Adventures of Capt. Priest. 12mo J. S. KEDFIELD. No. 34 Beckmanst., N.Y. D.B.COQKE Co., 135 Lake St., Chicago GtLEJV VftTT.idK SOUTH HILL, BURLINGTON. ISthe open for the reception of Visitor? every day in wee\,where they can obtain (ce Cream, lemon ade, Confectionurv. and tho Fruits of the season. SWINGS, ARBORS, AND WALKS, Are prepared for their accommodation. july 7—tf H. MAY. J. F. TALLAHT, 1 cask Bi. Carb Soda 5 casks Flo.Sulphnr 1 do Roll do 5 do Epsoin Salt! 3 do Sal Soda 1 do Camphor 100 groH? assorted Essen ce?, Patent Mediain,os Bulls.Tow n sends, Sands, Grafcnburgs, Ac. THIS is the 209 kegs white lead 5 casks Vatnish, coach, furniture, leather Ac. 5 casKs spts turpentine, 500 II s red lead 1000 "black do 3 cask? lampblack 5 do Alum 3 do Nic wood 20 cafes ex't logwood Ta oborines,. Flutinas, Aceordeons, Brass Instruments. Drums, and »thcr things "too numerous to mention." can be pro cured at all times at this, the only MusicStorj in this vicinity. [july 3.] R.LANE. 3001ba Spanish float indigo) 1 do Spanish brown 500 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes, Warranted in perfect order. Gallon, i gull n, quart and pint jars and bottles, Bird Fountains,Gla^Lamps, various pattern? and rixes, Charges will be moderate and satisfaction in every instance guaranteed or the money returned. L. D. STOCKTON, june 13 Real Estate Agent, Burlington, lo*a. Percussion Seal Presses, Are now manufactu'ed to ordf by I. A. Eber*»l» At hi* Gun Shop on Columbia *treet (Near the Ferry Landing.) SEALS ENGRAVED, Ac., tc. rpHK objretof this Press is to emboss your busi nesj card or address on Cheeks, Bills of Ex change, Letter heads, Enveloj os,Orders, Bills o£ La ding, Notes, Receipts, Labels, Ac. It is used with greater ease and les' consumption of time than any .other Press before invented. It is an additional SAFE-GUARD AGAINST Fitt to Fifteen Dollart, warranted equal to Eastern manufactured Presses. County mi State Officert, Notariet, Lodge* And Societies, can have appropriate designs on the Seals at a small additional expense. Remember that perfect imprtttion eon bt taken in a Second! Specimens may be seen at tho Jewelry atore of A. W. 4 W. Carpenter, or at the shop. Builington, june 22.1355 D. S. EBFRSOL. STOVES. LARGE assortment of Prairie State, Comet, Premium and elevated oven and other stvve*. on hand and fur sale by (je 20) & White, Iicrt^ ft WtUrmta. Impo', oi.oloale »uu rotaii 4eakf in -r. iga sad dooifttt* HARD MARK AND CUTLER 'Pi YNl i.S sli CK.sluet *nti U41supper, tia plai% 1 sheet ard bl«li re. shee: iron a ad ti*»er o 'i|». li.i. I, a«4 W rk mi b, i»i Jti'rr. m«)«*•«#•.' h!n Sigm-fihe L'/rk Slain str^t. VmrUri^m. M. I. W 111 ft', Z. ti I'lKtM't-, jon- 'Jfl 3 ». }:. n "»V. Itntti tapper and 'lm k'urtortfs. rJIIK »K- |.rrj«i«d to a r.I.e .|.|,rt of n*r kiit.i ti (heir liitr. m»«*«•# fciif (He HotVtmit iVu- un W- f. .i rn fVr w«» t. U- rl.»r u» fr ife i !.*•».4 mr e .• «r i»* t|.m nrtul "f il« int-rt v (OOKEAO Tn Jttff 'l* it ldr|r *»t Tin H»* tre, Mi. tr THaa* *«i 7fn rrtd Capper Jldnr. A full and eomi'lci »» HI ,1 tin per ware w ill be a nstaatly k- pi a l,»iU wMr* Mile or retail. ("ounliv .Vervlinnt* aid Pillars wpl well fn giro os a enll before rvorcbasiiia et-. nbere. •VIllTK. CtkneK A TIIK WATKKMAX,-. Bnrlingtoii. june 2C. '."'5 Sign E*rV STOVES} STOVES!! Old f'ofirr aowbtre, and Y'rtmg Aiuerlra -Ui 4he a^een le»et I! largest srbrk i Cook, Parlor ami Ttf*S"Stnva# ever sh.p|vd to Hurt»£!»«. Among whk-h ma_v be fund the nnriinle.1 neTeTomV rabin, Air Tight i.ik Stoiej fi.i burning woid it rral: I Alw, the M'teor Air Tight, Wet wood sttue in 'hn I world, New Eagl Blae Diamond, Htpfet, yueen, tVertem World. New World, CliluaJ, Par*, i gon. 3eranton. I»avy rr.«-krtt, Pieia riins, Id atxl new iiattems, Klein led Ovens, Green I{i»er and La di-^'r'avo ite. All of the sljore ('V' k Stores are warranteil t««l«» jnod work or in sale they are of Kasu-iu iiMiiufao ture.rnd snj^rior rastlrij*".- The imilersi^ned are prepnr* to cbeaptr tl an the cheapest. All we a.«k of the puMie to gfre ns a call and trj- us. WHITE, PiKfiftf june A WATKMHA.-I Sifn of hig l,wk. Main .«t., Barliaaliia Tittner't Tools 'piNNER'S Much i,cs and hnnd I'rvot* eoilfI'fkff iw setts, for suleat manufacturer* price*. June 22 price*. WHITK. I'trm-K A WATKKM^ Tinner's Stork.- SHEET Iron, Slo ei Copier, Zinc, Baulj'er Tia and Copper press Pit*, for :ii!e at jane 22 WniT*. PlKltCH A WitTfeRMAX'* Sign of the Lork. Main street House Trimming*. RIM and Mm lire Ln-ks and Litehc* Battr »r4 Screwf—in fact i n endless variety of every thinK in the line, f,.r sale hv june 22 WIIITK. PI liltrr ,t WATERMAN Pumps!! Ire Pumps'. A Co., 1115 Like slteet, Chicago, Have constantly on hand, the largest a»sortinent of law hooks in the western country| LARGE Invoice of Cast Iron, Cistern, PitTre and Chain Pumps, for sale by june 22 WHITF., A Co., T. 1 J. Piiic'it A LEAD(jc22) \S. J• WATCHMAN PIP!?—A large Stock of I/i-ad Pipe, forsal* by WIlITli, P1EKCEA WATKRMA.V Saddlery and Carriage Trimming*. FULL mid complete assortment of Saddlery and Carriage Trimmings Just received, P«" sale wholesale and retail by WHITE, PIERCK A WATERMAN, june 22 Sijjn of Iho Lock, Main St. Nine Days from Boston. 1 PIEOKS arported eol'd rich HritemU 15 do btnek do do do do 5 do colonxi Miiumor 10 do la to styles lUrn^o (vorpr rhrtft) 30 do nipe asaort^l Rminct Riltb^ n* 10 do nlr* ns5orlcd Muntillnf Jast in ?tre, and ior Fale 2,60 4,00 2,00 75 7ft 1,00 1,2ft 2,00 1,00 very cheap, EIGHT 1 00 76 Hannay'sSatire and Satirists. 12mo Wright's Narrative of Sorcery and Magie. 12mo Crowe's Night, Side of Nature. 12mo. Greeley's Art and Industry. 12mo Kip's (Bishop) Catacombs of Rome. 12tno. Norton's Full Proof of the Ministry, 12mo. Maurice's Theological Essays. 12 Ballou's Divine Chancier Vindicated. 12mo. Carey's (Alice)Cloveinook,(1st anil 2d scries.) 2 vols., 12mo Carey's (Alice) Hagar A Story of To-Dity. hv june 22 .J S KIMBALL A CO Staple Goods. CASES assorted summer etulta brown punt and coat Lilton/ ossorte'l Print* do 2 do 1 do 2 do Caslnneretts (a great bargain Bleaohed muslins—just r(ccirdby S KI11DALI.AOO jane 22 1,25 CIGARS! CIOARsTi IIOUS AND choice Prinolpe Clwtrrj 10,000 choice I»ndnper 17,00(1 do Lcgsludad do 21,000 Elsercno uu 15,000 choice Regalia dw 10,000 Cuba sixes d(» —for sale extremely low by june 22 .1 S KIM BALL ACQ 65 75 Smyth's A Year with the Turks. I2mo. Cheney's (Col.) Russo-Turkisli Can paigns, New Books. 1 25 1 00 1 00 75 76 1 00 1 00 HOUGHING it ill the liu.«b and Life in the C«ar- ings, versus the Bush, bv Mis Moodie, ree'd, fur sale by june 25 2 00 Carey's (Alice) Lyra and other Poems. 12mo. Aytoun's (Prof, W. E.) Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. 12oin Aytonn's (Prof. W. E.) l'irnulian, the Stu dent of Badajoz. 12mo Chesebro's (Caroline) Dreamland by Daylight. 1 00 75 1 00 50 Chesebro's (Caroline) Children of Light. \VILCOX XT F. 1 00 Chesebro's (Caroline) Ita, A Pilgrimage. Cook (J Esten) the Youth of Jefferson. 12mo. Maeaulay's (II n. T. B.) Speeches, Addresses, Ac. 2 vols.,12mo Herbert's (W. II.) Cavaliers of England. A CO No. 2 lirirr.-t house. 100 acres of Timber Land for sale. Ior wn.l. -ell the above land together or in Iota of ten twenty actes—it is «itnatcd flvo miles north west from Burlington on Flint. The terms will be easy an I reasnn:ihle. ir a description enquire of Dr Crawford of Bnr lington.or tlic undersigned six miles west on tha Agency road. JOHN B. McMfcKN one 22. 1855 3mbp have thoazency for Ihe sale of La Salic man VV ufacturc of Salamtus and yeast powders at La Salle, prices—freights addod. jnne 25 SHORT 4 RRMICK 1 25 LAND AGENCY OFFICE. BROWN & LAHEE, Burlington, Iowa. a compute abstract Ot tin title to every 1 ai piece of land in this city ornl o unty, nnd wi'l give examinations at reasonable rates, buy and sell Real Estate on Commission, rent propcity ta this vicinity and pay tho tuxes thereon, Ac. We will give pioinpt attention to the colli ction vl debts drawing and acknowledging deeds ami other writings, and any other law business that insy b« entrusted tn n«. [june 2H, 1855-bpy Land Warrants.—New Issue. FOR sale by june 30 1 00 GREEN. THOMAi A CO Hams. THREE hundred Schenck A Dcnise's fine lugar cured llama, in store and for sale by july 2. U_K HUNT A CO. '"rMIRHE thousand ponnds Saleratus jurt received from 1 aSalle, best in the market, for sale low july 2 ly HUNT A(X Lemons and Oranges. ff* BOXES fresh l.emons, AO 10 do Oranges, just received p«i rzpreta from Bnffalo, and for sale vory low by jufyj II E IIUN'TA CO. Just Beceived per Railroad FROM Baltimi re, the finest and belt Fswh^Vtail ever offered in Burlington jrly 2. Ac. PAI.VIS, DYE-WOODS, fcc.. Ice. 25 bbl liniecd oil 15 do Tanners do 10 do sperm do 5 do lard do 1 do Vcnitian Red 5 do Camwood 10 do Madiler 20 do Spanish whiting 5 do Copperas 1 do yell w ochre A 200 can." pine apples, assorted sizes, 200 do Tomatoes, very niec, 100 do Whortleberries, 100 do Blackberries, 10 boxes natural prefcrvct, glass jar*, at July 2. II K HUNT A CPU Hew MackerdT NOW In Store, 20 barrels No. 2, 25 do 8 do 20 do 25 do do kits do do 20 do do 3, do 1. v do 2, do S, do 3, do 2, do t, \ery fine '"J rring, for sale at II K HINT 4 OO'rf Wrapping Paper. 200 Vv tapping paper, large do medium, 100 do do do small, foe sale at HUNT ACQ'S. July 2. Tubs and Ouckritt. A NESTS Tubs 30 dot 2 hoop liucketa 'Ivy 20 dozin 3 hoop Buckets fur tale by july 2 II EJUjtNT-A 6V rPEA8—101cheats fen- ~T. 1 10J Y. II. 100 caddiea assorted quality, for rale At CO. july 2 II E HUNT A.COU* J)ICKLE8—10 boxes gal jar pickles 30 catsup and pepper'nnce. Jnly 2 forsale by II K HUNT A CO- rsr Tinner's stock. A GOOD assortment on hand at rea'oYiSBTe Mf#: Jnne 20 J. W.WIIITR*. RIPLEY'S Notes on the Gospel*, and Bnrn»t' NojS* on all tho New Testament. Also Peterson's miliar Science, forsale at No. 2, Barret HKESK— 25001be. Cheese, for sale bv B1 june 22 (Gazette copy) Jno S DaviMa i 9QQQ FEET Copper Lightning rod a new aSl superior article just received and for sale (june 20) The J. r0 W..WI1ITE. For the Iowa, Illinois and Missouri Trade. subscriber having entered into arrargrmente with several publishing houses in the east, now furnish the trade with the latest works almost ne toon a« issued frem the presa. Hi* connection with an importing stationtry house erables biin t^.baje on hann at one nine a larger stock ot stationery tfiJa o-uld be procured otherwise J. L. COWStti jnly 9th. -7 SHORT & REMICK, Wholesale Grocers, Burlington^ Iowa. WE have in store and aru daily reoeiving lane ir voices of goods from the East and South,J» which wc invite the examination of cmintr y Mrt chants. june 25) SHORT A RKMICC* DRIED BRUIT—50 bush! Is dried poaelies 100 buihols dried applet, for sal" by i__ lane 25 SHORT 4 REMldt^ SDNDRIEd—Buckets50 and tubs—Xwts all k'mdpif loO hcxea Raisins hoxe' Baisins do do 1'runes Winger 50 i do do 5h 50 box. Prj per 5 mats cinnamon FORGERK, WOO His cordage, beat qnalitv. for tale W jur.e 2i SHORT 4 ft^MIC L1 And a very convenient, ev.'i nooiieal way to circulate i \T rn,.T, \T^,? Belchers syrir^j your business cards. "bWs P*'''11"4»3""Pi It is light, elegant and durable, weight only TWO house mola««« 25 hbl. N.O.%0SS._I«4 rouilJ8, and can be sold Seal and Press from ,l0 K^'aen syropj 10 4 bMa guides syrup '20 kegs do do for sale by june S11 OUT.4 ItEJUf*/*, I PUN POWDER and 300,WM) Purcuaeid»Mf a«4e» VJ for sale Dy (je25j Sauav 4 IUjutk. TOBACCO of all grades and prices, fcr aait) june 25 SHORT 4 Rt3i OALT—100 bbla Laker 2Maacks TEAS—50 3. NAILS—200Glass W. Wk fb kegs assorted nails 40t* boxes all sizes, fur ea sale ty Sit *1 & A"" o» O 300 saeka dairy, for sale hy *r^ Jnne £5^ ___ KCTTCK^ irefcetUTaMrty SO ubeall 150 caddies from 2 ts& lba ol anferior 27 cheara Gun powtog lor »ale by sSM H_foi !l RLMU UMANITY in the ftft'.XvTtv'iC E. U CW^, *ale at i.S25i IIo. 2 Barret htwai