Newspaper Page Text
I 13 5 auLrjag.Bg i TAt fcCDAH MI0 TH & UAthKOTf t, w fiKw.utt vower», 'hit nwj MiU of Tr»y ihwa.ini» of*j(-nr» *2i. I lie (list'if tim-ffc the U ti ir i» 0 tfa,'* §-mifirtui ,r «r*r'b-t'rk, fmm'inft in fifii n f.*r= il yia i"Hm (urnSfutiotii on tb *.«!• of tb* wiy ju't «u'»ida l'a 'It nri-sinaii* I a'. a mr# th*in ft mtmrul of lh" ti'r be tb» ffWch SUM! E»j{ H»'i iiautcit** e.irli-worL« b.ira t'.im tn it. Bay, but on lite nouthtrn and we«t- Wn *!i Th" M»i!i«!fiii (uur hundred t«rj« in funi nt t, in more Cfitimaading «ft'l it wx« tak. ti i y tii« rie-x'h fh® iule 1 lh ir •l:i|ji '«jt of the b«J, a* tl«y », ie fljjmi'd to t'.fi £un* oi ih# oi lt n in lb" ini« th'.-Fr nob. Thea:i »hr» wok* w^rrin fi«t «1 out W'lfk--, fl-id lu» i W-a thry»ti uj, »jocu ttif t»t of th'' »'"if, almwft it» pf«« ene« of Ihr Freitch a«il Ko*! «!i, but ill fl ej hinv etTmiiienfJ tut foitaing a pirt of tie m.tin tii f^ioe of ths eiit wli!i«t tii« sinn main 1 ih- of di f-n A enrri »fiind«:nt of the Itoxton ijgii It !k a noteworthy fact that th" unsueness ful Hsusult on the pnrt of ths AIIres madeon the Ihtli of .lunr, the nnni*erssiy of the bat tle if \Vatorloo. Possibly the purpose was to cement still oh'str t!in union «f Kn^land and ''iai re by sinking tho invmnrics of that memorable day in t'm storming and reduc tion of Scbsstopol—a happy thought, pot haps, but terminating in a tneUnoUolj dis appointment. Camphena Oatastropbe Kotber and Child Burn ed t' Daatn. A mo*t shocking occurrence trsr.spired at Michigan City bt.t 1'iiday afl-rnoon, by wtiieh n nritlier nnd her e'nld i»f four or Qve years, bueame victims «f !h» imprudent uso of cuinphenf! or binning fluid. Ihi fnmily of Mr. Doyle, a provision deal er of tK tl pin:.', had been in tho h.ibit of startint it lire in thu store ly pouring enm ph no upon the kindl tigs anil wood, and ap- Ftoyle lying a match. Fiidiy nfternoon Mrs piosuedcd to light a fire in order to re supper, nftpr hur unual custom, and A Baak* Story- Extraordinary Case of Fascina tion. About two weeks since & little girl near oil yeara of age, named Callista Hill, of Ui! Hi inton Centre, was searching for berries in ill* field, when her atleulion was arrested by n peculiar singing noise, and on looking up, she pero«iv«d two'large black snakes, one of which was in an erc: uttitudo nnd gaaing fixedly upon her, accompanying it« vibritu ry motions by, ns sho says, "a moit beautiful singiin." She first ntivmptel to run, but feuml herself utter! Sho tliuu looked eaine so pleased L7oepir,aiulUl thai'tl'd 'to'tho lo'iuse^'Kora "tiUf ..umber of days she visited the snnke, «n* i knwwu to her parents, who linallv discovered h«r feeding it with her hands Tii* htt oJfl Po'tgivr* apite of th firx of apowmful en«iny and of til" rocky inituru of the eoil, the result does the highe«t hener to ttjp skill, daring, and in dumry of the gaj^ixoit. Ii «i nn pretty clear tl» 1 ihu last boubariitn -tit e-,t.iblUhfd the U|i rioritv of the (ir- of the Allies, for, Whil" tho Ku»»inii eiiibriisurt s were knocked dowa a'd iniiiiv of th"ir guns dismounted, It if now *'«otu a ©es'ary Be' fUiiismin i.l t.i guar) tbi» .S b-ft#pol, mw*1- Frmkhn, «i«-o Posta»-.»'er iit. m! if the I* («*y* tli* N-* Yo»k F.xprrss) -iubr' tNI '"f it-i-4* nrt- «»h ib« part I •tb ••fp-aieners nnl tfe« nlwdtt rt*-»l wJi'C.'i «t'd il-wr t»lJ# of tor* thw Tb« tlakoS Tu*«^ A«it rtonh tn4fant i rn .• »4 lr*v- !,M tb*rpt* *t o»» toaltr,] *t (h« K» u»- betw -n :4»wtare h* (ttiiik'-o «rnl Mil J#i!jrt wlkil«t If W ffct iiip m-lcnrfiwork*. Ttt» Mil ikufl up»n ihe I jw fcroond, ri« ir ih» b«jJ «f the O0lo»i*« wl «h.D a smalt folio, to un.twtak# h« jfb tu an "old git" 1 *miU k le rh» work of ft Yfairnt h- fur." bi»i. Ini'eail of tit?* nua)! foii with its tbm- |«tir«4 of per, th- at office av wrou fhe l*rjr»«t U'J/ern, k one bui-ir-d ci ik-coimtudly C^risrTu j:s nnd i'lt v fice fa'.'iiitie» «er. a mSre triH-, been. A good many curieag items are to neither arnpei nor gun w,is iJe«trovi on f^'i'id in the post olEco expenditures. We Ihe si le of the Allies. If there was fi ilf the quote ufoveas the readt at method of «how mili'ary gi iiitis outside there is in»ide how va»t the tr-snsnciions of the Depnrt bebnstopol, the plsoo could bc ikun in a fort- nient are. Thus there is nni.ually paid for i a mo inoruerii) ,L rin-t i j- ,} ul I1 rrstfnt"—[' Inladelplna Led- iaing pine shavings and vmod in the 8cr* i ...... __ stove, comiuei cad pouring tbu lluid from Heavy Bobbery! souis vcsiel upon the fuel. Unhappily, and Mr. S. D. Carpenter, Editor of'the 'Wis «an-prel,it| by her, some live coals littd re- consinl'atriot,was robbed last Tuesday night, Hiainiid in the stove from a previous fire, and on tiie cars, at somo point between Adrian the lluid hurst into a Ibinie. which, running and White I'i-eon, of near eleven thousand p°, bor« who miw her deser'oe the iight as nuiat account of indisposition, from which be bad 'he changes ot the world, the scene of the »pp illing tho flames entirely enveloped her, sufficiently recovered, however, to travel.— 9 and r»ie ten fret »boye her "in nd. She vtm Supposing no one knew the treasure was in -'berty is eternal vigilaui'o, tor its loes are Anally wr iped in a carpet by one of the bis possession, lie was less on his guard than neighbor* and the lire extinguished, but not 1"' would have been und-.r other cireumstun uat i I the was horribly burned, and died that ces." lie is confident tbnt some person or iimht in the extreme 'agony. The child was persons must have been knowi'.ig ro hl8 re- dfulli burned, and died a few hours at- eeivlng considerable sums i:i Ohio. vnd- fnl- di im its mother. In view of this nnd other «l liim for the purpo*? cf robbery. Mr. iiiplanchnllv nceidonts connected with the use C. stopped over ut »ev -i at piaw:,- o|v the road, of namphene snd burning lluid, will not tin public learn tint they are as dangerous as gunpowdor.-—Chi. Deiu. Press. w th the vain hope of discovering nome clue to the robbers, but mvt with no success.- The gntchel containing the money was made of rubber cloth, and contained also several articles of wearing apparel. Mr. hii# been absent from home several t?r? lt fr ""m 5 opinion I lie niedicil men who htive seen u*. »i» 1 her, that she is completely fascinated, and 'lml has visited thi received the facts search of land. His ships have been broken and most, if not all, spirit world. The be in company with nas visitea tnt girt received the facts search of land. His shif frooa har atul har parents, and of course way to pieces and destroyed, i be relied on as substantially oorrect.—N. of his crew are iu the Patriot, Ju y Id. i spifjt also stated tba', h« The Manchester Mlrmr states thnt en Sun day morning last Mr. Hill pursue I and caught tho amillcst ot the two snakes—about four foot long—and bringing ii home, caged it in a sufar hoi, whore it ii now kept. Although it ia verv fond of the little girl, coilin 1 1 4 k... I •u" 1 hi» flcKI, sent his ton to the haute for his $» gun. Tha y brought the gun to his father and wy aooB ratumed to the bosie with it, in caap*oy with a littlt sister. Before start ing hock with th« gun, Mr. lUirdir icmovi rtl* C«p a" that no accident usight (vsjur. On 'I hla war to tha h«u*c, the bov told his aister iswMgKimmmm fft make C'^uniea, M' "til In hi •tx\ if about ijttiiy Ycir* *-»r-e Cvrigrm* appnin Ijrd hfaliy im 'Hjc• un thrn"w iniJe- ill inspection of th* principal routM. It eiRMitiiKK'ftwHhr*'- I'liff* p-f r, i »»U:tla« :... .« .... .-• k i a Ttw up b. fore u', matt tfirin «h'j- tU! -."»«!«, tlx *aft jacfQuqg .jn p«.t within bwtr«t jw« », J*, -,r tf a Va4**»!••! t# un lpr ik'M0 fW "««r*4] tb'- prt**:* «s «9«i I rn|*l»e ih y- mfftaec^c.t ?a* I 4 uuij»ur with tb- present time. Tbef^were at that reno but eighteen hundred «nd tblU hc l,cl",it.,r?t iMie continu- R"f h'» 1 |'wttTf' ftud th- fol!o«ine re!«tinj to the MaUkoff: "That MalnkiilT Tu* r. by the way, tnii't ib-M.n.Ud Stiles wan but little gfat be toiinijcnU otio of the inoit wonderful 'lint of rinoy.viui a now. Aglu'e as 1»](J a':hi.\pBitit« of inobrn .n^imrj-. Uuting 'It^re were but twenty-ijir'.-i' hundred fmat »f th« •tiipciminn '»f nrm* f• -r Urn burin! of the li*«. or onlya tiihn of the'nnmberthere is at d'-ad afi4r iii- tit e of the Kih of June lh» pr whiW th rwip's won: but a little KiijT,i»h and Fr"ii.-h rn *irieer« bud ai oppor- i o**r bktf million of dohar*. ngainst six •nni'-y for tti» first time of examining ibo- milliong now. In fuct, fifty cent, more roughly tb# eo-ntructien of its work*. Tb.y I fwtage ispa.U at tiiu present tim ion news d»»'-rilc! the ti averse a* wendi-iful, fulls |»af orn aod mapaziiiPt (ev. nt Ih ir pr4 sent ... ,, eigfit'sin feet in hiyhr, nnd tbo nja»* of the reduce rites) tl'^in «ai paid on letters,! .in i u mt «.ii th liirh ltd r-iiaed to give sohditv »»'-w*p-iper*. nnd »very d'sorption of maiia lo the w ik to bo like tit! hugn ni'iunktncnt b!e uiu in !M't. The pruvt impulse b-:g Of ar.u'w .y. When it r«:t.euiber«d that I bei-n given since I8.T). At period tb*r» tfiis rnorin 'u* extcDnion of ibe fortificiUong were anly one hundred nnd dfteeu thousand of wa« b.igun at the close of the 1 mil s of port rout's, wherens now tlur^ are wintor, and that it bait been iinplctcd in nearly twice tljnt tuituber. Then there wc e I J," l' ks, key, iukI stain :s nearly shirty- "iel pro:itabl«." Wniieioiir-ievm Mis-*oiiri. weeonvcrscd irith niad-l two thousand dollars—a sum Kpinl to th entire outlay of tie! whole Dep irtment in thi year 17UU. Tho stamped envelopes nnd postage stamps oust over fourteen tliougind dollars: the tnnil bti^s fifty thousstid the blanks seventy-one thousand the wrapping paper fo'ty-oni thou-and. We think we can see Franklin s stare of astonishment if he could ris't from his grave under the old iiit:«t(ine at Fifth mid Arch streets, and traveling to Washington, not in his "old gi^,' but behind one of Norris s locomotiv 8, se-i the thousund ledgers, tho one hundred busy olerks, and the erorinuu* amounts paid fer the '".^unilri' s'' which he used to buy fur a i trillc. is by comparis ins !iko these that wo rc i aii/.o what vast strides have been made with in a century. Vaeue, general assertions of progress never have half the impression ihat fmiiH such as we have ipiMtcd do. Fruukliu jojliing along in the "old gig" and a railroad I train rushing at sixty miles an hour—what a commentary on the ddT-renoo In.twean 17- 7et h"d R0,f' i crgies und his valuable iuvei.tiouto replace n0 d°ubt W,U that rtie death of th reptile would prove fa- i tal to her. Her parents hive had many tempt- A Spibitpal Preiiictiox.—The New 'En" iag offers to perinit her to be taken about land Spiritualist puts on record ns a test,°a »nd eshibitel with the make, but, though communication received on the oOth of .Tunc they ore poor, they have suou^li to r,- fr(im ft fuse all such offer*. The snake is ovar four recently passed awav from earthly life, his fseMong. I mortal bodv having been crushed bv the ice, Wo have the above from a gei.tlemon wlio lr. K»nn, Sir John Franklin mid others, was lust night in the polar regions, and saw tho remains of Dr. Kano upon the ice, with clothes, papers, and his watch, upon which they saw his name, «D. Kane,' he having en graved it thereon, not expecting to escape, itorlf about her neck, *and going to sloepic but hoping that it might p.ossiblj-bO' found har lap, it is aross to others of the fauiil and refoaea Ifcod from their bands. The Mir ror sayi: "Tile little girl was asked if she was not frightened when shs first s uv the snakes.— She Mid was terribly frightened and when asked why she did not run, she said sho by some one in search of im. A sad occurrence happened some time ago in it farm house near Liberty, in Missouri.— The mistress «f the bouse became i'l one morning, having, according to, received tin attack' of cholera, ller husband I tried to but could not sho also tri-d to had left the bouse at daybre-ik, and her only scream for her ino-her, hut could not spr»k a daughter, who was then with her, sent for a i word. The idea is that she was paralii physician. After a few hour* the latter ar- i by lbs magnetic power of iti« suakes. The rived, bat was already at the door received hrot lime, »he tuaiu«d with thcui a very by the sobbing girl with the cry 'Sbe is long time-c utld not t«!l how long. Aftvr- dead lie was conducted int tbo room wards daily sho »taid with them several where the corpse lay, esamined it, and di- hours, feeding them regularly. Sha siys reeled the daughter not to allow the inter the* liked sweet things the best, and that she I meat until 'Ji hours he had scarcely done so a to Is three cakes ot maple su^ar ihat when th corpse nodded sigoificaiiUy. The mother had Uid away, and swe, tgin^vrbread daughter saw this motion, and wassohorri wheoevershe could, to give to them. Ttie Red that sh- fell down d"«d an the s^ot. big snake wou.d dnvo th-" small one away is a well known fact .that persons who die of when fod, and she cuff him several times, ctnlcia retain tho warmth of tha blood fora and ho roiumod th compliment by latiu ion time, frevjucntly alarming bystanders her fing-rs iu o his mou'.hseveral wim- by contraction of tb*' muscles. c«ot doing mush barm. Consequently she doa't kko thia »n ke as much as the does the A other otto, though be is generally fond of i lloaatsie DcAra.—Xae tamltr ot :Ur. DarKl R-:u,*n3ib^ir^rofnis?? r: baT* -m r«ni absut f«r* wht.h i to mucli tlecujriug that Mr, .v 1 a a 1 that W wiMiU ahoM hor. The (run wan load 5«dand th* littla f«llow inat«au of mere'.v frifhtafiiii|t hw, lodjr*d the contents into her ai4«, eauii«K a!m*«* inotaat death.—M t ^•uah Katorprlse, lAth. if.v.lli,u3l'U' ral ull,V "x«gence«: that he start'd his business in northern Illinois some nine years ago without a shilling, and nec"»Phsl"n sjurir, to the effcct Jtimt "Dr. Knne ng he vrent Kftn- his crew, who had' gone in wi.t wut Ki» w^rknnrn c-.4niuMi*»l «vai-ch Fri«Uv A 6lrl 8h»t by her Brotiw* ifo* Aftur* iiii .'Mtw .a KvJ»rvU. xdi?*vvorcti i«»c olA luhc th© Of ,Itp i»eftr ibeir letitknce. iw»vl unfortunate ufftxiv tlmt ocvurre i *j-jvartd i* porturc. »oa»# vse»-k »ioco, iu whioh a K-ac reuch to K^ivjkr r*^c Ud about eight veara old ahot hi» sister wuh imj.w.Ws. Afttr an exaua*U« ,f ibe Government i feaJwtt* *i»a fonn dixnawvti was b«» field.»tastvd thai ha* w«ald pot a cap on ipj fri?ht« his ?f ^.«««. aothor bj onappio^r at her, \Ylt -n be arriv «d the hou*c he coitcUidcd that 11 mijbt tn few hour*. It Htntr i\*ilrrr. ut W v*nunr. Farther tb^uirj- fca? A settlement bein-i made «t Walnut :r I rox^lit to si ucatfc. It Greek bv n rartv of Mintourians, nation the i'lftt-arf, ftf* #3$^i .,: "f* SSEKSSffc StgW t» tia*1» flKJ •MVirauaeliii m-w *ad nn •t itti* u t»: their growth i# r^pid, and not "all to' the fotur»" in a l«osiHe»» poiot if riftr. nnd so i.ia writer a hare taid, 6at now. I v sited '-PeTli" h»t *rok, nettled by the e'WfU'iii" efrjtw(i».,ri ihre, th,u»»o.l of *ho« yoor worthy correal- »n!oy«d T» people 1 «Mer met W!.'ui ,• tiwrdi&tcir^iu.cuoB* w.U, "h.ri, "Ut^oU *"rlciS "1 .. ... •, „. ft ".f'weilor 1 an r- n* C»tnmanity, nod would reward the w*at i n o u i- v s i i n i at .enough .boat ,h? ^rmors^nd early V v n a! __ _».... fnan rort f»*tno!n -s for bust •e*t»nty.fiv.' mle-i ot post route*, or about th riumfwr a* ther'' nre now in 'ir^gon, o« M,w -ton, al l. ush ifiijj-ir'atit from ita eom and ady .rt.„'y-five ..fficcs. Th- mail! ^Pjacefrom Tarioa.poinU, fca..d„.g p.„«i ,»tm wf'-it'"•!"»» a detaeb- uU.-n a *e.k betw-nXew ahd ?ml V'? ^ee increase 1 w. rit, »r|erat and tkdinrt ft»» Uittta*- Pnil iii.i(bia. for: night bet *i eoB s(on or invpfftment. In n short time ihe rai!- 'UP,nP'tMC^TT.110/?'e i i i i v o s i n i i i i a n n a e i v e unrceJy 1'u.ieen two wc- ks apo,stanJ from three to si* feel bi^h, an 1 ail th" btbor re quired is done by the plough and the planter, the hoe !i»s been dispensed with. In coDela«ion allow mo to suggest to those who ere interested in the cultivation of the s'ol, to at lonet visit Iowa, and I nmconfident tli-v *oi b" Tishaipu I 11 turn iheir bnckn ti"h nnd easily-ojitiinrd* YourvJ. T. 1'. 81a»ary in Hebrask*. Xow, tliat tfte South ciiiinidcr ^ie qiKi»tioii of Sl'.ncrv in Ksturua nettled, and her dtwtiny fbtetl. Uieyjfiit in •^inninj: to turn their fttlcn- lc»» tb in nine th -usiimJ post offices, tibw 'I' ''1V iwrtimi of Nebraska.^— tlwro arj over iw. nty-ihrpe tiiou.-and. 'J'be i *V'VI ,f rI'Oir.s last nvi-anU-twpn'y yearn have, therefore pk- K'.^ii in'v City, nay that the intnriimtiiin of a hibiied a pr«grc*8 in this department of civ- State, out oi the country south of ihe ili/.ation that i4 in ujv.u.c .' even of the 'Matte, and "the hubjeei-of Slavery w a growth of the population, rapid as that has .""°i lic|iu!ilii ui. lroin -^'n^e fut the recent Kile (.f I lot*] by Hie.crowd: nnd a very tUieiiied major be n} w ere in favor of li.itiiiL' e Soutliern ltnd slave St.ite of that {.(irtion which embraces (iin.'ie rich hinds, pe"iili:irly i'!«j.tcd to the 3iltnre where re,-f lietnp, wheat, and Indian .^rU,«"d Slavery, and those v.h.o fear to endanger the nl0n n0^- by n .-isfin^ tiie :q avi"s' .}?• as e^or-!'iC PrJce oi ^jihiss und inscrutable.—[Jouncll Blulls Chronotype. •. Horacc Grocly's Estimato of Paris. Writing from Chamounix, at the foot of! Mont Blanc,'od ihe 17th ult., Mr. Creely thus talks of Paris: Six weeks (consecutively) of Paris must be an overdose for any.rational being, Frenchmen not included and it was with a feeling of real relief and satisfaction that I found myself at last, after several vexacious mouths with his agent, disposing of territorial delays, outside of the gay city and heading i rights of his cidebra e 1 Patent Rotary Pimp soutin-astward at railroad speed for a fe.v and Water Metre, of which the papers East I weeks' wandering among the glens of the •West and South have so profusely spoken in Alps. Paris is a city of deligh's fov the nbout half past four this A. M, praise. Wc understand be has sold to amount exceeding eighty thousand dollar the greater poitioa of which, it seems, was i was ever in condition to enjoy it thoroughly I received in real estate or reserved for future Of course I am not forgetting that scier.ce payments. As soon as he rearhed our city art, philosophy, have their, temples in the on Saturday evening, and made known his French capital, and that manv of their most I to an youug the fortunate, the thoughtless, the I ^unta Arenas on the morning of the ollars, i pleasure seeking: yet I cannot realize that I nst., with 3Go passrng rs and $1,900,' s, was I was ever in condition to enjoy it thoroughly. specie— c-tiled at. Key West for coal Hnd «*tainly for nnd certain usefulness substantial education either continent thn eminent Etiqpettk.—A King of Spain portion of hU stock run off. His hordeman ourrod in tb*1 teriitorv. V o o s w e e s e e n y e a i a y a the Utofv*rt«nia wt.nti waj- «!«•«»,« +. a: .v.: *_ -v tid lit* tKime en ihe *:h hnblr*, of Ja!y t«» bare a '•ur, «r 4 WiM wn ere n tfcf rnonung cf tiie 4th. wis ro i,« i-n.-t-T-o aha pait ual wont thoi-rtvilery of Stoddard Cija: ni 'he t«-ri.-r of the I n of Bethaiy wh?t (it is i.\ij 1 br so•'* liq«or eu itgh t« fill Li pad. si,i th^n ciMM-ly i't*o\^-a!td. and S. prv.bnb^y made ki- way into the brush, wl.cce le drank .*1 fiw'v of tha lK,^..r that he di,d. His U dv was no! im nd nttil FH»T. v*- distance between civilized paints on the San- I J I Jn!v A we leriiWe d.-«»t than this, frem the eScMs nt litjuot. was pmbably aeVer reould 1- Away frt^o hts family—fnou hoia» aixl 1 'teniU htjeriobej !*lp has and al e. 00 our natriui Urtb-dav as tri.. d:.eiple «r JeVkiOK Bavvbaj —fSew H.vca J.-ar i deail ia our Athencam to.d-iv. UtTsi faoa 12S c*aiu t» tux ulw. Liverpool BreaSstuJfii Market.* wcctmS opposition. Th: tlant'c left Liverpool on noon of tbt* 14th. At 11 P. M., the same day she met the As1 a. On the 21st, sh» passed the Uer maa, and on the 23d off Cnpe Race, spoke the .»tesmer Am^ric», she bnngs 1-50 passen gcrs. A disrateh received at the moment of the "teamer*s departure states that Lord Jabn Russell had resigned- Tho steamer Washington was at South ampton on the 12ih, anil the Star of the South at Liverpool on 'he 7th. The circumstances which led to the resig nation of Lord Kartell, were disclosures made by him of his course at iennt, which d-s •foiuree led to a debate in the Iftinse on A weak fire vvaj kept up on the 10th and 11th. Cholera was decreasing, and the health of the Allied armies was satisfactory. The Russians made a sortie on the tiight of the cn the works in fioat of the Ma- meion.Gth Th S a v e a o w o u e s o o u i v e i i u sotirinn .i our ic those who Ihcd in Southern Xebraskn, and wo found, to oursurprise, that they were not satisfied with dividing the western Tefri iries,, and takio^tlie better half liir Shivery: but having beheld the f.iiruii I fertile piiiiries of the Southern portion of Nebraska, they s 'cm determined to secure possession of that alijfo, for a Slave State. A proposition has been started, and gained prominence at the Smith, to take from Kunsas and Nebraska Ti'i i itorii s. suflicient to make a third State. If this is done, a strong effort made by the Snnth to make it nS'aveStnte. There is litilu'probability that they will, by a I'tri'tth of generosity, leave the third for the oeeupation of free settlers. Therefore, if any of the Platte purchase, reserved by the Missouri (.'oni])rouiise, is to be saved from the everlasting disgrace of Slavery, it will be on ly through the united, determined, und per severing efl'orts of the Noilh. It now re mains to be seen whether the good people prize- liberty so much that they will seek by every endeavor to perpetuate it. Itltaseojne ,to a puss, that either Slavery or Freedom 'must be driven to the wall. We agree with the Rochester Democrat, that those who coun f'd indiKerence encourage the agressions of Reeled nothing.' Advices from Ivors state that the demon- sfr,ltjong njrajnst 1,1,1 Sehamyl, the Cirbassian ehiuf, is again re pnrted d'.ad THE BALTIC. The allied fleet continued cruising and de stroying exposed property on the coast of the White Sea. Tho port of Exchange had bcn placed in a good state of defence, a new battery of 80 gurs having b-!en erected. The foreign ships in port had been success ful in clearing their cargoes before the block ade. Among other ships were several Ame rican, which aftir loading their cargoes pro coeded Eastward. Tho blockade is now strictly enforced. There are now rumors in tho papers of a dangerous insurrection in Ihe Russian-Sibe rian regiments, and also of a chauge in the Russian Cabinet. The British ship Antelope had bombarded and destroyed the town of Olstown, Calabar. Tho Spanish ineurreetioh" is suppressed. Queen Vic'.oiia's vi it to Paris is now fixed for August 7th. A new Austrian circular is spoken of, in tended as Connt Buol's reply io Napoleon's inuco'does and defending the conduct of Austria to ards the Western Powers. LIVERPOOL MARKET. The following is the circular of Richard son, Spence & Co., dated July 13 During the week there has been an improved demand for flour and wheat. Indian corn has again declined 4s to os per quarter. To-day's market is fair. Sales were at 4s for white per 4slJ lbs. Western Canal Hour 38a39s. Provision's.—In Beef and Pork transac tions arc small. con light stock light and falling oil" in demand. Lard not so active, but now dull, 'la'low, early in, the week, active, but now duli. Cotton.—Declined one eighth pennyper lb and limited business towards close of the week demand good Increase of gales,282, 000 bales. Consols closed at 91. American securities firm and tending upward. Ikox.—Holders demanding an advance. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. AKBIVAL OF THE STAB OF THE WEST. The Star of the West left in the harbor of San Juan Oel Norte the British steam Frig ate Buzzard. ... 'Our dates from California are to tho 30th, ess: (for girls seeking tw0 —would have been at home no.wberc else! Sound was burned. No lives lost. The. than in Paris. I Arner ci was bound for Crosent City and her freight was safely landed. is said Wo have later advices from Santa Fa— i ?-hdri£F Col. Fontleroy returned on the 23th froin his of theArkansa7riverrkdTwl7or'tV.'*to"kfivei weeks later than previous advices, m, there is not a city on e do not find much news of interest, should not be preferred 1 ho democratic State convention assembled probablv pro- i f,rui °f Adams & Co., was chosen receiver, than nU the that it cannot bite. Paris has duced more libertine novels ... world beside, and nowhere else are the in-! continued. tellectual classes so profoundly, invetorately 1'le Indians in the north part of the State irreligous. Faith in a benign Omniscience have again becomo hostile and have killed docs not underlie the general life and tho whites and tw~o Chin itaen. painter who, returning from an excursion in The thriving village of Angellos Camp in the country, reported to bis brethren that Ca'av ras county, had been destroyed by fire, nature was brdly got up—"too much green, —0th uit the steamer America with with a bad arrangement of light and shade" *w0 1188 becn fi'ed in the 4th District Court and 01 'bree companies of troops for Puget's Mining news is encouraging^ O IO WUl/UU lil^ Dates from tho Sandwich Tsfands aro to June22d. Ihe wiue bill had passed both houses of the i e^islature. to have roasted to death while his attendants were debating whose duty it was to draw back from the tire. The Westminister takes this for a picture of the British ministry sac rificing a brave nrmy while Parliamenbsits the -Oil District Court at .San Francisco, for still groaning over gouty generals. rj the arrest of Mr. Danivl E. Page, who was -o-^ about leaving for the East on tha steamer. FE0M THE PLAINS—SANTA FE NEW MBXIC0. Th re were various charges of fraud wade. On June bth an npplieation wa« made on St. Louis, July 25. i order of arrest was ma le oat, but the was «™bU A[r" hilJ prisoners and cnntured thirty hor??s, camp I Pam,n"*V' '®ft som-, pursuit of the Utah Indiana. The troops ^T:la^ was also made in the 12th overtook a party of them on th? ad waters f.-s1r.'L"L A 'n against r, killed forts, to »k five °.jd qu:pa^tj vl-c. One soldier in Maj. Brooks ^UDJIldh, company, was kill'd vigilance of ihe troops. duns *tpal into the settlements and kill and rob at their nl^aeure. bishop Lcniv had a! ,lln?r Notwithstanding the I huurs nn 1 killed one of the thieves. In ihe latter part i ^usclie1' »f«Djr no hops of escape, rather of June a Mexican was shot near Albuquer- i quo. Other instances of tbo kind have oc- i ln stn^e zlDe A convention Ueld at Altaquemuo on t!e E^abtn, moant the 2Gkh and nominated Miquel Otero candi- ^,unsnan 'e°™p'ement of 3"20 u *e for delegate to con^rts*. ,v,c. came iu:) S Husiite^s throughout the country was dull, ^i»aylrd, yvithj6 men killed :iod ].3U and raonry scarce. The financial depart- i e Little Creek, Arkansas tjrer and Walnut been en.irci Creek, "o:ng alone well. The K-o\vai,Ca- ^ru'* o s The sttftmtr At Unite arrived «t hfr de^kircd R« dull 1.15. JT-/^r-nt c.ttl-rr. v,,ui IVr.s. fine Attt 9:li tiii P. H. C«rn firm and in iir demand, saica 4,000 mt*M_ i were -inj erec?pd by the allies against the rno l^rste sites. active d" itnnd. sales "r.0,ti hmvWN oft he' o Ub'sf ett'l e- IW»n'Tojrer., nnd tie *.»- I4UU bbis 10 3-4all. Butter duU. Whiskey, m»nts in th a Sut*- their rrowth i* r»iid tj wcre «'l»»ny atroag worts in Halec 400 bb» Ohio and Foreign 40 41. Fri- diytheOth. At the close of that debate, Mr. Lytton Bul«er moved that "iiie conduct of the min ister charged with th^ negotiations at Vien na, and his continuanco in the office of ad viser of the crown, had shaken the oonfi diUicc which the country should repose in one to whom th administration of public affairs is entrusted.'' Previously to Russell's resignation, it was reported that if he did resign, he would take the Grey section of the catiinct wi li him, and that Pulmerston would till tkeir places with more decided man out of tho liberal ranks, and also that Lord Derby was the'coming man'with another coalition ibinct. War news of but little importance. "J Th'i accounts of the crops from allpjarts of England are favorable. The Crimea.--Another general assault is not far off. 40,000 men are employed on the works. The Russians, in addition to o,t{ier defep ces, were throwing a formidable star fort be hind the Redan. o that place had been repulsed Other necounts s:iy Hint the Ilussi ins had ta ken the field, and that the Turks had evacu ated Ivors and fallen buck on Erzerouin. New York, July 25. Tbo steamer Star of the West arrived here She left 16th 000 in 20th inst.. where she left lorN. Y., the same evening. She connected with the steamship Cortes whioh left ,can FrancWfco on the 30th ult. o 2 pr«viom. A iu^ I,a./sk''1 ln ^8 'ormatiou of tho U iU 1,8 k 4 in •d thirty bo'rs?s, camp P^^'P '°f fdows&Co soldier in Ma]. Brooks! The Los Angelos St ir of Juno formation of tho 0 ^*^TS&Co. ^\Tl °r %Y-l ps, small parties of In- i glTM bMlS °ff San Di^0' the,13'[iof J.un? be,we"n ,.„.i i- it ,.„,i at«ru ,,n, Russian Erig- a trench Corvette. c*ia?0'* t*1« iatter and the Cup- a v' maiiohes and Chrjcne Indians rr-ro at the avray as if bv fire. The country w*s swarm- rossinjr reccivins tbeir annuities from the 1 ta Fe route, 350 1111 loo. Nicaragua. CcrraiA, Jul VJtvirr dn^Tsnd dccl'oin^."" Sales 1 Wis ^,7", nmt lit 5.STJ. Wheat tend-? downwards. Sales 1^00 bosh. niijud lod'SDi at 1,75. tfem doll» oojes 6008 Im light Ohio 50. [mix-4 to fflttr* wtiiTti. Cariihn 2 i».Ai.».f __f v hew*?.-* sm.'« s »g l-Sato/iv- jCioItl and Silver 1% alcnc*, I fiBiUt. IVlsc.'.t io er, *lV-"/Vt"'* ho«h. i f9L CI/»« CJjF Atchi^ox Reitdiated at Home.—A jfortoari)in| *anb, Commission. O CO V. K xs 2 a: rj» cs LAI "rt i-H fe Hckm.xo Parks, Ifrom letter whose nnme is said to bo bi«_flag, and sec most of his men c.ttt 10 ^et,"s' j*?"1!*''** ^°*n into the m-iga- hiew his ?hip and ail on hoard to w0" 1J & V?*" Kinney *nd his party had not Arrived 1 .... ICt*Y«i»23». The Pacific failed ti day with 75 pixsengert, 1 and $3.X),0!.''mfp^cie-aoiong th« pissengors,! Mr. IVaraoo, bearer »f di»paU:he*. lrn'. Proprietors. I». IV. KITES &CO., Manufacturers of •ffiA3£-3L-3SO AB A Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers, GATHS' Patent Screw Cutter, Mil! Gearing, and agents for the sale of Engine and Hand Lathes, Upright Drills,.Slide Heats, PoweranU Hand Planers, Ac. V EAGLE WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL. i-B. \?. «atkh, t. CdALirans, E. S^Warskr, dl6,'541y A. 1. Fbaseb' STEAM ENGINES" PORTAPLE Steam Engines on hand and made to order, viz:—4,fi,0,12, and 15 horse Power,from improved patterns, with Lnomootivelloilert, andwar ranted superior to anything "of the kind ever before offered to'tho public. Price $100 per liort-o power. P. W. GATES A CO., feb. 14, ly Eagle Works, Chicago. PORTARLE ROTARY SAW MILLS, 0\10 hand ai.d made hi order, warranted to cot 5 to thousand feet of lumber in 10 hours, driven bv our Portable Steam Engines. •P. W. GATES, & CO., '®b. 14,. Eagle Works, Chicago. .•..-4 FINISHED BRASS WORK. LL kinds, vis: Faucets Try cocks, Steam Wkis ties. Oil Cups,Globe valves. Ac Works, Cbicag FIR make th" arrest, Ac.,—at. Eagle P. W.GATES A CO. STEAM BOILERS. OFAlsodescriptions,«n all hand and maile to order. Shee Iron Work, vi* Smoke Pipe, Breech es. Ae Ac., made on short notice—at Eagle Works. Chicago. P. W. GAT) S A CO. Steam Indicators & IVater Guages, sale at Eagle Works, Chicago. Feb. 11. .. P. W. UATES A CO. IMPROVED CORN MILLS. WE.havefor sale Pitts PaUrtCorli an.) Cob Mill, driven by Horse Power and grinds 10 to 12 bushels per hour. Price $51). Ka^-1. Works.Chicago. Feb. 14. P. W. ATI'S A CO. CHICAGO AND BURLINGTON RAIL-ROAD LINE! (CnUeyu, i i w i w o .r Crntrai Military Tract and Peoria, fr Oqvawka Rail Koadt.) S now completed.and Trains nnunted 83 guna, menta of Paymaster and Quartermaster, is ®ttrrie" men. Iler name is ihe VVil r»tj.*orietl as in a low coaditioa. ioiae m-?r- I Ruad. so Sprinpfield, Dijcatur, chants tonnw had arrival in Santa Fe ^nd *-CUtijeni tlifortiian annoance# the and *l«o with Galena and others wera iuo* at different noinu on the *tory fal^e and state* that it route. has Wu trumped up Boston, Julv 25. bbU-^ to «or nanio^al eoart, in eoaopqaoaee of- c^lou on the cowtitttUooality of the Uw. B.1I1 ia-re, Jaly 25. runtoCHICAGO San Diego. 2.—Express Through, 7.30, P. M., rhecrops inthu Sacramento Tafley have.j Oitwsei'unitwi alliir^sU-ntrai EailK*«datMen iy oon«um^d by grasshoppers^ at. l^utf «!id Cairo dircct. jfeubl«s and rain baring bt^n swept T'iit:.- ou tb. 1_ns-.t'ots* theent iredistariee HC KLINGTON, IOW A, with out change of care. The moit direct route to Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and till Other Im portant points East. .=•••• 2 DAILY TRAINS LEAVE BURLINGTON, Sl'\DAVS £\('EPT£D. 1—Day Express,—Through, 7. 30, A. M., Arriiui" ut t'tiieaje.tie :t,j evening, pricing thrmigli iii nmouih, Galeshnrg, Prinevton, and con necting at Mendola with the Illinois Central Rail Pamengrr* Itavuut HufHtiyton at 1.30, P. .V.,rterh I Galena and UA ia 12 hourt, ami Si. LtnUt i n 20 1 Aottrs. By this route passengers will reach the interior por ti'jLii af Ohio and lodiant in less time, and with few er charge?, than hy any other toutc, eonreefitig via Michigan Central at Michigan City, with the Sew Albany and ftalem Hoad, thenee to all points sonth and southeast. 5 the impossibiti'tT of obtaining a rerdict, the liquor ca«es were abandoned. There are 33 case* still pending, which wiil have to go over tii. next term. In Midule-es Co., where Baggage eheck.-d direct ihongfa to Chicago and no »*en conviction* have taken place, tN case charge for handling at any point. will go b- fore the Supreme Court for a lie- n Eighteen enn t«11ow ferer hare occurml l»5? S.1 i at Portsmouth, Va. Th? diseass wa* brought Boatan. July 25. i there by tha steamer Frariklin, and thaa-far i boxes 5ur« *i,.riM, 1 a w y e o W u e e i a s e a n o n i n e o v i i n i y e e N a v y 3 s o e e e w o ^arJ- 1 ialy 2 s j'e by HE HIST A TO lta? corres pondent of the St. Louis "Democrat*' writ ing from Westport, Missouri, under date ot the 3d io»t., states that a meeting of the cit izsns "f Platte county, held on the previous day, for the purpose of getti up inStrne .ins to the Platte ir.'-mbers. in th* Legisla ture, to vote for Atchison for Senator this Fall, the public voice was overwhelmingly against bim. A letter from California state* that rras" liopper# are crcatin great havoc all over the country. Colonel Alphonso Sutter informs the Maryland Herald that the gardens and vineyards at Ilock Farm hive been sweet away as with waves of tire. They appeared in immense swarins at Sacramento and va rious other places, and whenever they appear they leave o-tu^ht but ruin rn wake. •S5- sa JlJtW HrVRASt.EV. D. n. MICHABLS. PEASLEY & MICHAELS. Forwanllns. rommi-s oii, 4: Proitnce Merchants, FRONT STP.EKT. nCRLTNGTON, IOWA. KEtT.R TO. Messrs. A W'r.iinm.-i'F, Ft.TiOnif Mo. do do do do Chicago III. R. P. Jf all A Co., 13. CAHSilN iVCo., a. Bkeiir, I.lo.v A Co., -J. i. t.Ar«A.-» .t T!uo., JiiH.V O l,AW tCo., .•Jamk? Dawson Burlington Town, do do Wn?lt infrton Iowa. Fort Detinnine8 do A Co., F. It. Wkst, J. O. LAI7MAM. OBO.C.T.AmilAN. J. G. LATJMAN & BROTHER, ?On\V:\llIlXil ati'l C'liami^-ii'ii iMereliaiitn, cornel Fruit tiO'l .Ieflern"n tr.•. ts, Itarliti'.'ti.n. Iuwa. Al so, Whole-ale an 1 Retail Dealers in Dry HoodejQro eerief,Hardware, Qticcnswnre, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Ac.. Ac. ALFRlED S. FEAR," (SI'I'CKSSOR TO Fi.'.T A Co.) ComDiission and Forwarding Merchant, Street, Burlington, Iowa, TUP:Water uniti'rsijrneil would rcsi wot fully inform the liiihlie. that hs ha^ taken the liotife lately occ u pied by Mi-ssrs. Foote a Co., for t,ltc pttriHiPe of trans aetioir a genera! Commission and For ward ine liusliii'"?, and hopes, tiy giviag it hid entire attention,to merit 'a share of the public patronagp. JTty-P.irtieiilar atleation paid tohiiyingamlsclling prluee of alt description '. Ian. 31.135-1. y tw&w AbFUKP S. FEAR. rijotfis. E E I K O U S E O N O U I I N O I S J. EA1ERHK, Propilctor. JUS'A Free Omnibus runs to and from the Cars.— A Porter always in attendance to take charge of Bag S"g°- [july 6-tf O N V Y E S Jefferson House, West side Public Square, Fairfield, Iowa, ^J~Stal!insi for -1!) IIor.-cri. Lar^eand commodious shedding fur wagwus and carriages. [mar 8 *t mi i II it n s t. J. & C. SHATTUCK, On Second Street, Eddyoillc, Iowa. libera 1 share of patronage is solicited.IE? s O Y t:./ a i s-: ft n North East Corner of the Public Square, WASHINGTON, IOWA. O S E O A O E Y A V I U O s e o a a k o u n y I o w a 0 W A 0 E By TIIOMAS G. GIVEN, Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa. May 7. ly A I E E O U S E Main Street, Keokuk, Ioioa. t. D. W. PKIiSSEL, Proprietor. Jfr.-f"Connected wit) the abovcostaoii^huient is the tiKX^RAL Stage y West for coal on the )fficr. Dec 1 THE NEW VIRGINIA HOTEL S A I O U I S O FPtONTING ON MAIN, GREEN A SECOND STS Jans II. Sparr A.Ioiin C. (SnrrrtMr to IV. Caapcr.) MAXVfMCTt KKR OF Safety (ias Lnmps, ANl \TKN'T Pi!'v-r,KN'K OAS, AND nE.tlEK IX Bunting lion, Frenrti China Vases, Burning FIui! Lamp* Cbaada- Ctntt *1 JfHrr%ea »n»l Konrlli »trwl«, 1 i Et'KMXOTOX, IOWA. Baminir Fluid,Spirit Oa»andCam|»lii'ip.o.'Wh«le. Bile and llotail. and Uo« fUtore'Topaired e'i r» finished. II, 'tb u i n o n a e W o k DO* A IIU E fe McCOSH, ,-fr. W a s n n u o o i a i o n a 1 Bl'RMMiTOy. m*J. i "i.fON't'MKNTS. Bur in Vault... Tmnb«, Jftl Table anit Pier Top». and 1 fe* «v*r' «K^cription of Plain and Omanen- HAS os tf a 80 5 2 83 8 tf i? :j fc i SL a it .2.1 '0 fel P" 63 O) V «-iS -. v 2 a mm K fc. tol Work of" tbu inort improved and mod- I.ailicf K^niwt? pm dwigr?, of Foreign and IKnitPStic Misws' Flat*. Mnrlils. [jaly 8-tf J. w. WHITE. T\EAl* «w.iings and Hollow ware, .1/ tin, c'^fxT OTtcl Ir. n warp, tiRDcre fttx-K, Ac-, »t the ulU star l\ "f T.vti.iiri O^fe otid Co.. JrflVr %in street, june 29 '55 S. K. TAYLOR, v MERCHANT TAILOR*. JEFFERSON STREET, BURLINGTON, IOWA just received n complete ajswtuient cf new nnd FASUIONABLE GOODS, consisting of superior Blnck, P.iuwn. aH'i bine ctotlis black ami fam-y Kreiteh Oassitneref iik, snlin. and Mars£ilU I.tiabiletta am! Cashinar tteoat ir.g with a variety of eual and pant Linen?, and a go, nwortincnt "f trimining?. All of vtltieh will be sold at a small advance to prompt customer*. Particular attention psiid to cutting for women to make up, i* Aoknt for Scott s Report of Fashions. April 20,1S55—yljr i ntUAM o. WAi.t:. j. a. i.aumas A ano. H. B. WARE & CO.. SADDLE Sc iiai M:SS 1AM FAI TUREH*. Wltolfsale and K-tail Dealers in Harness, Sole and Upper Leather Kip, C.\Iter.Conch l.Fa nd Morocco Skin?: I'atrntml enatneledtfa Laco. Saddlery Hard ware, wood I laws, Chains. Enameled 'loths. Ijrat.' Ilnb-I'ands. Ac.. Ac. ^EjS~'flie highest priee paid for all kinds vf ttiUBS ASIl SKINS. JeJTerson Street, Burlington, Iowa, A. W. & W. CARPENTER, DEAI.EltS in GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Clocks, Jrtvclry nnd silverware. Fine Cutlery, Gold lV-ns, Accordians, Fine Plated Castors, Ae..Ae., MAIN STREET. IHJRLIXfiTOX. IOWA. A I A N 1 5 1 1 Y 1 Home, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental IScene JlITATHIt of IV odd ami .M:it ble, Fresco, and Painting. Paper Hanging,Glazing, Ac. Ac. Shop on Columbia street, over Mr. Bennet's wngen fliop. ffeb I, '55 ly twAw BURLINGTON MATCH FACTORY. Vcltcy S'irrt. ltur/inr tnn. Iowa. A 11 L' It II A S Sc O., WOUI.Drecently re.--pi-etf4illy infoiui dealers that they have utade extensive improvements in their establishment and aren w making malehcH of a very superior quality, nnd are prrf arid to fill all order* however large that they may reeeivo. i ttr iuatehe.'. are warranted to l»e as good ns any We are also mainifiieluring, largely Writinglnks of a very superior quality and nan (ill all orders at low rates. A. II. BURIIANS A CO. april 27,55-ly Ladies' Furnishing and Fancy Store. MILLENARY A N DRESS MAKING, Coiner of Third anil ll'tnhivtjton sheets, Hi Rl I.N.,1'. x. Ion "a. MKS E. F. IIENDltlCKS ha? the pleasure of in forming the Ladies that file is receiving from New York a larjic supply of Dress Qoods, Bonnets, Trimmiugs, Needle V'ork, Ac., of the finest quality, which she offers at the cheapest cash p.icos. junc 30,1855 bptf Sweep, Scroll and Ornamental S A W 1 u, By R. M. WASHBURN, at Ray's Plow Fac tory, Main street, Burliu^um, Iowa. ^SeCT" Bruckotd of every description done to order. .Inne IS. iS5S friw^m I Y I N E Y Burlington, Iowa. tMu^ic, *«r CoolbaughV l'.niiuiTi^, under t!\c Telegraph PrintineOffice, Main Sfr ot, i nd all kinds of PrriiKlicalt ncuily and substantially bound. Pa-iiiphKrU, Checks, reueijits «ie., Ac., sticlicd o» bouivl rn-iH-r. SXEl'IIKN T. ACliKS. April 23, j)tf j. PRUGH & BROTHERS, vVh»'l«»ale and li'Sai! U U I 5 E S A I S E N WJ XIjTj bo found throe d*irs cast of 0(tidbant:(i A ISrooVs' Hanking Hou^e,*-1 eW up stairs, wb'.*re we will nt all times be pleased to wait on our customers. AVe will constantly ke on band ni) liinda of Fur niture, such as S«.fas, Sociables, Divans, Spring. Chairs and KockcT?, Cane £cat and Windsor Obairs, Card and Centre Table?: Cottage. »ni com mon Bedsteads, Breakfast and I'ininjr Tables. Stands, Towel l*aek^,Safes, Iiuoking Glasses. Picture Frames, and a host of other things, too numerous to mention, all of which wc offer cheap forcpsh. Metallic and Wood Coffins kept eon ?t.'i nth- mi bund. 1L"ir«p nnd Carriage? fHrnifhed on reasona ble terms if required. [uinv 14, IS56.J J. 8. KIMBALL, 8. B. WRlOIIT. E. CHAMUKKL1N J. S. KIMBALL & CO. I i it ^|^III2 in'K'ii^in.d :n. Staple Goods. A CASES assorted laist eolored l'rijits 10 do do Jeans and summer stufii 2 do shirlinc and ai run cbcckj 3 do bleached muslins 5 hales hickory stripe? 15 d« assorted sheeting and sbirtinjt: for sale extremely low by S KIMBALL CO. Dress Goods. 0/~\ri riECKSai-sorteil Piinted Lawns 1&0 do- do Barage do do Ginghams do do Folaid Silks do do black and colored Silks do:- do Silk Tissues do- da Poplins: da do baraffe.delain andchallas iio do Organdy muslin do do fine French brilliants: For tele at greatly reduced prices v april 20 S KIMBALL A CO. 200 20 25 25 30 60 25 15 Lands for Sale. junc o al* Vw Itiadi run in clt-se '^Tmection, yinj? over at any cf the points. a,'u" •JJ and This Road connects at Chioigo with tbe Michigan o r- ib« jwini muum» i vmrajji sun me jncmgui 1 K t&rmi* Qn n-iT ^priil^and Summer lin^r al retiuevd ji 'n rliirt Ati" v !•ati-fto'tiur HATS it CATS wxrT1| Faney Cress Laws. Kaner Prints, ,_f" Fancy Prml?, (fast madder cdam) Lawu Chntnbrys, i-uinirici I'aii'^toff', lit. ached nnd yd wMp Brown Muriin»^T 35 W'E havoin store l2ino C» cf s in ret-. Sjit i :i great|H.*r- tlon «f th^tr very ex^«-n?ive as*"SrMn'i:t, of Spring and Summer Goods. Mr. KiniWll. one of the partners U-in^ a resident of he best Extern Market—has in consequence of ex treme tightness' of ibe money miukataiid (ht-many failures i.f Ibe »st winter, availed bim.-vlX of exten sive bargain® such ns n vcr bcf»re realized hv any of the Western Stamen. Thi^ enable* us to share with our Wholesale and Retail customer?, nnd the balance of mankind, at really remarkably low prices. april 20. J. KIMBALL Jc CO. ACRES prairie near the S. W. cornsr City u\J Limits, enclosed and well set in thnothv. Price $ I fill per acre. "O acres timber on the Fori Madison rund, a'mile and a half bciow the eity, well adi.pted for a nursery $5 market ganlen, and will leased for a term of years to or,e who will improve it. i Si acres on the river and bluff, in the tower part of the city. I'rire $1 .lllO. 25.95 acres a mile and a half below the city on the river, and known as rl.c ••Big Spring/* Price$3,POO. 160 acres in Jeff.-r.on cutrile, tieAr (he town of ... 0!asgm and r-n tlieReoknk ard Fairfield road, ur.d I Maeauiay'.- (If. n. T. V ?pee«:hes. Addresses, n^r th. line of—for gale at a barpiin. Ae. 2v^ls.,12tno Cavaliers. 12iuo Persons havinir real estate for sale are requested to Herbert's (W. II.) CaviViere of England. 12uio...., Herbert's (W. H. Knightsof Kngiand,France and Scotland. 12no.. call at the ••Meal Estate Ayenry" t.f L. Ii. STOCKTON, N. W. pur. Xil and Wasliinjrf/in st? NEW FIRM. SSfLaB'^y C£a-3t»COIE)a^ t. M. WILrnx CO., f"I AVI Nil purchased thestoek (f Books, Station il ery 4c., of E. A. Van Meter, have just received a large lot of New Books, Stationery, Ac, which will be offend for sale at the lowest prices. 'Die public are respectfully invited ccall and examin- the assort ment and prices before purchasing el-ewfeere. M. WIIXY1X «t (X)., 4. So. 2, Barret lluuie RlotJc- Farm for Sale. FARM ol 90 acre—prairie ar.d Ifl timber— ell improved, situated in Danville township, ith a one mile ol the Messenger farm, is offer edf.r sale. A J&f For parrienlars enquire nt Vi,loo» Seymour, i Erq., at Centre, or of the undersigned in Burfi unr n|i »ta ^ra'jcls?®nil,J|l' llll'b Hillfax Sour i Central and Miriii^an Sooiiern SloatU, and with all '.. 1 well as a tipp st'ek of i {j jyin ieal ImtrnmeB's. I if JVwelrv. such Lird Iftf. Butter 43. Albaantine tfs Roed !ea.li6^ t» fbe Atlantic Citke, Ohio.Ken- T^STreceived,ag. nera! aisrirtm. ctof Purl Monies CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. Dtaiaon-ir*. Itin*^. Bieast Pios. Lm-kels, Ae -I Candles-• tncky and Pennsylvania. IJair Brusltes, Coral Beads, Card Cases, Accorde- The reiluction in prie« is such that I can furni-h at fine astick as tv-r was broitgliU" this Suit oni, rhennometers, German ilver Spo.^,. Ae., Ae., mr cu-ton., ,, «ith a U-t er class "f 1 THE PK«irirC''r\,U^IM0:iJ?' i AS*at Earlmgton. May 11. ISaS.-bpif for paper, A W A W OARl'EXTEK. Watches. I CST reoeivtd Qoki mA Sdrer Lever, AncVmr-* aiwl Lepin«r. huDtlag and ojxt fa^H. 4 sptiI23. A.W Ac H' i'AllPHNiTr' Scales. JjVArRUAXKS Platform Scaler, Counter and and will 5Jmn scales, on Land and for sale be af*?' 33- Vt WHITK. iAJ Ut kits No 1 do Printing Paper Agency. so boxes seak-d iiernr?.' rair v-v ub-crt!«r }.j5 bin apf» ti.i. Agent, to relt I jmm II JNO II GEAR 400 Bent'.n-p.:-n mill. tl. ir rej^iior Prinring keep ci restart It on band a of alt sites a&4 l»rge lot sell it as iuw as any in tic market. A. 3. FEAR, Froot iireet.Burlinyti.n. leu#, p. S-—I will pay the highest cash priee for hags, n*. aT! times. [miy !S'55' A. S T. TT. SOOTT, 4 u rref'-'rf retiucsls I' lU5JHVt^ it rf hi? in tliw life •liimWlitj, p. »»*k ,f fl 'ttrt sn4tf"»'ii» to r«U ami «--uiplHe I The xrcaUtt u li*f lx*P 1"»I tu the tct«(l0«l of' lte «U*» 4». to DRB^flOOW pftwe »nl j-crtiiMMft c-!«». Ate well ti'l'l'liCil, and care has U-ec taken to wlcet a elanct ,ratli tLat RF At,- elf anil Halite. A Kutitiful n ha bctn ma nn.l at inlticctl ri ii^ s. A full a*«1 tli-iiiiaWci'l'tk.fuiUd the fi-a?cn. Cca*», Paris and r,»|« ti: Jlie CLOTlJIXd ipttiaiCCii-""rliimii.. nnj the griatwt tare taken to rxrcut« order* pnaifilj H. B. a. e»Ua a«c«ioa»o the abova F«hion.Wc and chea^llceti. rt «^bWb will give »a»i»faction. A S O E E E O E ntl per yard Children's Turbans, 8 12 IS lto9 CU'tb Cu|», Palm lfnt«. .... S lk ParaS' lj, v« ,, I.into Puckift ItaniHurctilffti, I «un »av to all who wish to study eeommiy in tl ese lianl linies. to le. k over (lie al. vo litt, ,td pare it with the prices they have been in th'i habit of paj nig. and then call and examine my (wxU. N U N N 5 U E Y WHOLESALE AND KKTAt.1, IH'.AI.EES IN o e i n a o e s i v i o o s iU.-iin Street, Burlington, Iowa. re and for sale, a large.c mplele and boautlful stm-k of l-'all and Winter riety of French.German English ivnd American goods adapted t„tii« W«t, »hir'tiHT sually low prices. Having made ourarrang' meiua tocominue in lUePry Uood, cinreWry var .... tend selling at unusually low prices. Having made ourarrang' menu toeommue in the Dry Uood, and to increase our sab s annually and being desirous of establishing ourtelveion a eurr und we ara determinetl to keep TilE BEST GRADES OF GOODS, THE LATEST AND .MOST APPROVED MAEXI AND STYLES, to sell them at uniform prtccs, asp on AS fAvoit.Mn.F. tf.iims is evbbv msi-kct as a.w ova** hoi «,I» the CITV. We are prepared and determined toi.m rextra indneiinentBlocash boyars.aoU feet etnCa«ni.,r I ter ancxaminat ion of our stock and prices, you willU- sa tit lied that OURS IS THE HOUSE AT W11ICII TO BUY GOODS FOR CASH. Our 'to-1: of BLANKETS. SA t' 1' E11VS, CA.S? I ME K lv-. Jeans and Gentlemen V wirr generally lib I i rand more attractive than usual,ami prices ju.-t suited tho times. As we were fortunate in "•»!».' i our purehasesat the lowest figures, and during the fluctuation in pnoi s this fall, we fe.-I confnlf 11 afTord to .tell many descriptions ,f -e 1, esp -oially VVooi.kns. a Mr tie lower Mian any other h«nre Ir. the eit Althmieh the larger rtiou of stm-k i.^ of r»tilj o Is, still, wo nhall keep, for thuooiivcminct ul ouicun,. Bters.aeompletc «si-.n--tment of fancy and variety gotds. In addititionto Ihe alsve we shall keepoonstantlj a largeaud well selected stock of BOOTS nnri spofN Uats.t'a]!?, tt ady-mude Clothing,Qaceiis and Glass Ware,and a general assortment of Ctneri.?. ,'c, October 17, 1S5-1. Sl'NN k Ul'Ky. The Iron Horse!! CHICAGO AND IOWA UNITED!!! DLake I!. COOKE ,t CO., Whuleyiile IWk Sellers, LIS I street, Chieapi, have made n contract witiiall 'lie Iron Honrs to cirrv go«d. into loWA in double quick time, nnd in perfect safety. i Thk Uawk-Kvb Man will tell you that on Id* recent trip toonr city he wn? rfcetly nstoni^hed at the pile* of llook?, Gird.« nnd .Slutiom ry lt« mw at our hoi!*'-. He cmiid only exclaim, '•Prodigious," "Prodigious.!" ®ST" hen vou come this way call in nnd sec tin. "D. B. COOKE A Co., 135 Lake st. The Wholesale Book Trade at Chicago.! 1. O K K & (JO., Publbher Wholesale Dealers in Booka, Stationery and Pocket Maps, No. ia Lake street. Chicago. D. ]J. COOKK & CO S Series uf J( AIL UTA JIAl'S ure tin most novel, uuiquc and tiri lul tilings' ever ].nlili,-h(d. Now ri'rtoy "Great Western R. K. Guide, being a Railway Map of the Wcntern Mates, showing lt:iilrnnds and Stations it. the ^tatea of Ohio, Indiana, llliuoU, Michigan, Wis consin, Kciilucky andCaiiiidii. ^E®~Tbe following now form a uniform series:' Railway Map of Oliiu I Itailway Map of IHitioii-', Indiana Great West "rn R. K. Guide. *3,® Each of the above named are put up in jxiek el form for travelers, or on card b'lird foi oDiee luo. SSS' Tho above can all ho sent per mail. 1). B. COOKK & Co., loo Lake St. Important to the Legal Profession D. B. CO tlvE it Co.. 135 Lake street, Chicago, ive in press and will speedily publish, a Law Book which will prove a valuable acquisition to every member of the Bar— Entitled'«A I'ruelical Trent if e on the power to sell land for the non-payment of taxes assessi-d there on," embiacing the decisions of tho Federal Courts, und of every State in the I'niim, hy Robeiit S. Blackwku.. of the Illinois Bar. Tho work will contain almost NIK) pages and will be g"t up iii a style unequalcd by any law book ever hi tore isued. j5E2?~Kariy orders solicited from members of the Bar Address I). B. CO'IK10 ,t (V, junolS, *6« 13i Lake st. Chieux". For the Iowa Trade! Cur S'nok consist* in part "f the fallowing: 1000 l!«eeherVMnr rapns jt»0 Mr* Stowed May Kloirer 60U Ida May 6(Hi buiU Hall 4 tircclej i»00 Trving'a W^dfert's Roost 500 Way Down Fa^t. AH of the new lx»okP are received as loon ns i published and pold to Country Dealers at Kastcrn prices. I*« B. COOK.K A Co., 1X5 Lake rt. Law Books! Law Books! D. B- COOK if A Co., 135 Lake street, Chicago, Ilave constantly on band, the largest assortment of lawbooks in the western country, {Cincinnati it no ithere any law book published by Little, Brown A Redneld s recent Publications. opcnUi^",which he win sen at lower prices th»»eii a«'U»i« Meu und W omen ol the Liglikcnth i before offered iu this city. Century. 2 vols., 12mo $2,50 Plea«pcAli and so^for vonrselyes,whether too**4 Xiousayo s Phib ^.phera and Actretwa. 2 vols. i pictures or not. 2.5'* All Pictures warranted perfectly satiafwfe ry or no char-e. Gayarre's history of Ijiuisiana. vols., 8vo. 8,011 Michaud's history thel.'tUiades. 3 volp.l2iriO 3,75 Kenriek's Ancient 11 under the Phara ohs. 2 vols., 12mo Las Ca-es's Memoirs of Napoleon. 4 vol*., Juekern. .n's Memorial ol Greeiiiinj.'h. 12mo 1,011 For farther particularsenqnirp of I'airin^toii'p Ski telies of his own 'lime. 12rao i Moure's Life of Sheridan. 2 vol*., l2tno BruecV Classic and IIistoric I'urtrnits. l2mo ilcConnell's westernCharac'eis, (lllii.-tiatid.) 12mo Art ist« sti]ioli(M] with Instruments. Apparntwta Stock,at reasont4)lc rates. [may U,*W. 2,50 u'iih. 4,no O'Meara's Napoleon in Exile. 2 vols., 12in... 2,li0 "mini's Campaign of Waterloo. 12 mo 75 TucKcrman's Month in England, li'ino Insnre Your Property. IIAR'ITOKD FIRPf ISSIPVNC! Ciittiputiy, of lliirtfuril, t'uniifciii'ut. Capital Three Ifundreil Thousand fjlHK 1,26 2,00 1,00 1,25 Shoil-s Sketchesof the Irish l'ar. 2 vols., 2mo Xolle'a Fiity Years in botli lltmispheres.— 12tni I'ulgzkv(.Mrii.) Talcs and Traliuii of Hun gary. l2mo. Bond's MinueLOta and its rcsuureen. 12mo. Oliplinnt's ltussian Hliores of the Blue* Sea. 12uio Smyth's A Year with the Turks. 12mo. Cheney (Col.) Rnsso-Tmkish Can paigns. l2ino Ilannay't Satire and Satirists. 12mo. Wright's Xarrative of Sorcery and Magic. 12mo Crowe's Night Side of Nature. 12mo. Greeley's Art and Industry. 12uio.. ....... Kip's (Bishop) C:i!aeomhs of Rome. 12mo. Norton's Full Proof of tho Ministry, 12mo. Maurice's Theological Essays. 12 io Ballou's I»ivine Cbaneter Vindicated. !2mo. Carey's(Aliee)Cloverno( kl(lst and 2d series.) 2 vols.. 12mn Carey's (Aliee) llagar A Storyjot To l»y. 12mo Carey's (Alice) Ly i» and other Poems. 12 mo. Aytoon's (I'rof, W. K.) Lays of ihe Scottish I 25 1 00 1 On 75 75 1 00 Aytonn's (Prof. W. F.) Firnulian, the Stu dent of Bndajoi. 12rao Chesel ro's (Caroline) Dreamland by Daylight. 12mo Chesohro's (Caroline) Children of Light. 12tno La, Chesebrtt's (Curoline) 12mo Cook (J Estenj the Youth of Jefferson. BAM V I .NIJ A Pilgrimage. l2mo. 00 Herbert's (W. H.) Chevaliers of Franoe* T2tno CASKS London Porter, gtnuin-,for rale hv mar 5«. E. E PAY. Hat and Clolhin^ rstablislimeut. SPRING STYLES FOR Iwould N ihe a u« my frie a hon* full of fir 1 25 I IS 1 25 And bis inestimable reme: Herbert's fw. i Marmaduke wwil. l2mo. 1 25 Rvwand's Compound Syrup of Blackbtn] Bernard's Linn skin Brd Lover Hunt. 12mo. 1 00 1 PaxU.n's A Sttay Y'ai.kee in Texas. 12mo. 1 25 Paxton's wonderful Adventures of Capf. J. S. REDFIELD. Nn. 34 Bcekraan St., N- Y. D.B. COOKE 135 Lake -t.. Cbieaso. London Porter. 1855. ?i.d« Dried Fruit Af KsLS prime dried apples 141/ 21' Sack" do c» .Jo 5 Tier-» freib beat rire "0 Viic pr-uie raisins foi oa*C 3. b. ttAT.T. S without any S[«K-faclo-, PeUes. |Vree?"Hie, I'eriforl'- t" price, on former rato an 1 I w (rice Con.-ave lilaj«es.set in GoM. .-ilver. fin* 51"' i advanei I goods at verv low figures. My otock ia well adapted ti H. fr:inii»». Tole«repcs, fine Pock't Kri''*" o e U i n a e a n a n y e a e s i- Mathematical and Surveyors' Cvmpaf" UrafUng Ina raments. M, Th«yw,nftKl IPANA^STBAWAKD PALM GOODS, ^isms, IViyora^, L«t^^ 'V~ Si*U* B£ W^TrKrr* at .i from Pokier ha ha* hertfonkk'tj t* to,,, fhart ol ihr a.lnnlsp?^^ rmoncrm t*k*, cd «|,|f SirtWLSf For Wa»»y rt ik*C*. and moh rate prierr, w«w*1* In ihi* stiwk wi.l fetnul a Urje nnd drtlruUr asnrtinrnt I'RISTSiGIXQUAlli1 jiflitcrcj. ami |Htrf. rt!y f«»t coi-m. nnvvRT* Aa»i^i«laj»orin»Bt o( thcmosllafti .r»Mp.atfX»r«orrtin»ry l«rjiie BONN KTS- i *1"*°" xi,e l.smas have betn fr«n tlioWt aukatt, u T.1XKXS A Ml'SLiyJ8. uaro. JSvcry dcjcriptivn tnnrlin*. r~'~~ "K w tii 01 Tf* 1 1 Wtti s«» j»« TJ" Worked l'.llai,. . I n i e i i u v s Wall Paper. t« Sao A ti v«vr'j pa* than' 1 11" na *»at« at**° Con Gm4,e|«U. 0'. Jeff»r T. TK AH ts «d. wtt U E O V A D. S. EBERS0L, QAS removed hi« Guu »hnp In Columbia Slrtt\ betaoen Kmnt and Mtiltt, n.'iir the Finr l«r.j ysB* W« RUrn Booksellers will consult their own —„. -... interests t»y making their purchases at our house, as h»g. where he will be happy to wait on bit hi fri-n-li our assortment is the largest in the United States, and customers. fjnnc nnd priitcs, considering tho expense( freight, as low ». I". a ...... J|„_7 Eastern rates. I. Ii. COOKE 4 Co. SUlftO A I'Ollf H'OH MOM. F00TE & EWING, ALSO HEALKR8 IN Tll« GOLDEN EUA Air Tii bt Cook Stoe CiOLDES llAHI' AND I'll I OK OK I0W1 'Proinintn Cook Stoves. 1'AULOK. BOX anu STEEL of ull kiiuls HAKDWAKE, NAILS HA IIoOM biHB lis pt (W Jan Ar w COAL heating Stovci: mrron soenrl and pi dellnq ANI liLACKSMIXII? TOOLS St Louis Oiretilnr, Mill ati.l Cross-cutS*wi,cf all sizes, OF ALL KINDS OF TIN WARE. Jefferson street, Burlington. march 2^, 1336 tdly SILAS A. HUDSON. TIX.COrPEK III, .Sheet Iron Maiiufnrtnn" i e o S u v e A A a i n i two doors abovr Walter l'. Jones U&tu waro Store,Burlington, Towa. N e w i i i n a s o e HeKIT'TKUII K & ilHLLEK 1 mji .rler* arid D'ka!rrs in Qitctusirarr, China, Mush and Offic AM) .M AN IT ACT Ult hi* S Molnt th. I Doe €0 K rest iu unsbl Tax Merlj arrur» bam mipsn I A N N I A W A E Third S/.,nc(i/7y opposite the Barrel Houu lst.lii'.i-N -»o.v I O W A AUK now open inir a larg' and ifut a^ortn.f •if Frt»neii China Tea .S-ts, Dinner sets. Vw and fancy artieb-}*. Also, a fio»» a«-'rin« n' of Quetntware, Ulasnwarr, Window and Dru/fiv 1 &t'0 Life nnd beauties of Fanny Fern 3(10 Life of Barnum 601) Route* and I 'in!*. Persons about commencit houae keeping, otlvrs in want of ^uods of a stiperittr quo lit.v at jri" unparo with the times, would do well tocflllaw examine our Ht»ck before purchasing tUewberv april 1^, 1*55. HEplrtf Are, 1 a'.1 n n i Man llf 1*111: whieil ls.ll sn "n Per* »nr ki the "J and W may BY A U E E O Y E S T. L. NURSE. Over W. H. Mauro's Store, (On the south side of Jcff-rnon ntreet, cast of M»it lias just returi.ed from Chicago, with ft C«» assortment of Cases, of all stylts, from ibt chenp $1 50 .a'seTo the litest French: Al»o,»hi to liunks, Would A tv ., 1. A J. W. Jthnson, can assortment of be obtained of us at their prices. A« ai. AAiiaiMfi D. Ii. com K & Co., 135 Lake st. tsVLD LvCJaETSi iT. "«"Tr from Hie .-mall Shi Ih iirni Srolloiut, to tho-ie with far Deal (7AJ\ Jsfl TNH liap and a found Jul .If HiSt. at J. Al.SWAN, A^erd. Feb. 20, S E I N O I O S Tflli K und rsigned are now off'-rmp at I. ditrcd pi iceu, The entire itoek of google b»li^ in^ tv the estate of the late ALrnF.oCuBKK, it wistsof evcrv variefv «»f OltY (HOODS, (iliOCKRIKS, IIAHDWAlU 1,25 QCKENSVVARK, ROOTS, SHOES Ac. Country merchants ard Pedlars would do well examine this stock before making puribater, u would doubtless Ix to their inferesf. 1 25 1.0U 65' 75 Dsvh *,15—ly Btirlin^io!', l«w* TTitfar Ji! w: Mt A* WAI1RE.N DKK. I JAMK.-3 PI'TMAM, w. K P. fi. We have a larje lot of Spring Bonnets, Palm Le^f and Leghorn bals through by exj^ which we are offering to the trade lower than can be bought. (City |,aper» copy. npiil 1 00 76' Percussion and Lever Seal PresMf. I litued under Ihr ttal. nam lion a.-e/ nmhrrity ef (M t'.MVERSITV OF FIIEK MtUICI.-*!: AND POPULAR KNu'.VI.K/X.K. -1 bv the Slate "I I'ennsilvat.,. Apri.23,18-- 50 I With a capital of $100,900. 25 Charter I 00 Mainlu for thi• imryote of arresting Ihe eviU uv spcniyt-* moiki-ms 1 Afao f-r-niplvi-•* lb- with rcb.Wer. 1 ra.-dici where'er a C»«i|» Io tl, I'Jlo Is-en appoinic'l ng«i.t for !?li|l»J' rchar.ts' and Bankets' Lever Feal Pf*" ami f-r Evans' i'l-rcus-ion Pree, I amenable'' u n i s e a s i I e s o o a i o n s u s i n e s s n notari .1 seal" and wood en^rsviJgs executed in first style of ail. Samples may be rceo at my cit lishmeii',. Orders from a distance promptly atteWK to. jtine 13 J. L. COKaE 1 1 oo 2 00' 1 00 75 i oo! The University Family Remedies: w ,int I liy«i'ian wiil not be employe-l. hav*- p»jrch.i.-,d from Dr. R. Bowand, bis celebrated Rowand's Tome Mutnr®, Known upwards of twenty fac jears a»th»«M «afe cure for •Hi z Fever and Ague, &c. r«lv ir Bowel ComptaioM Boot, Which highly approved and popular Betn'dirt.t* gjthw with the' University's K*medy for CuuipUm" e 1 00 °f the Lungs, . T!i* University's Bemedy ft* Dyspepsia or ina'P" '"Th^ University's Remeily for Costive Bowels Als' 1 I Branc i Burl ir n "8A Jt Mi W J. n, 10 thi University's Almanae mar be had, »t 1-* ih D'»p ii.ary, or Store i»f K. E. GAY.Ap8 rnton, Iowa. rmav 16, G. II. VVAI.OIN, Watcli Maker and t-. :j.t of niv Sjiiine Stock, 1 tidsand the puhlie, that I ba« to goo»la—cunprising all sorts 11 l- n IV FINF .IF. W Lit' vr'iv v'" °f MATS still CAPS for men, boys and elnldrcn, us ». Watches. MatiiPtnatical, I ptusi- i ,v "aiver'pi.ud Ware of all kind*, such a» Tja-^ very low pnee.. W. STIROI-.. spoons, pocket and Penknives. Oser K? ,t mm- 2. 1 ».". fOatette Cttpx.) tK HBLS No 2 and 3 Mackeretc &V 20 kits No 1 spocr, ponce! ana ien*ni»rs. kinds tu|-erkn &cis**»Ts arvl Hb**ars. Me Thi, ARt fnr or»aad«tr^in»ry u«».s. eouicof tbe bvst dewingS^ 'Y-tbe w »rb .t*1 inrtrutcent*,ftcr*»rdt will 10 ]2 KO '•ndwith-nt -.•rayt-.ner..«T-itVln-«.arJ viol#. Rtrt*ian Italian and (ie»inan violta*. Onil*rt»,withtheUt'*t i-»f'-rr^cw«nt. *w k*t*,Ffc*. Prub strums, TaoiUf ian. and ( x\ol'n Tur.irs ht w Pet "•bar e, '"•a, •n f- w I Those wbo want to huy I invitetr-:. find a jpreater a*frrtm^r*t2nti ranftv o. J® lf^j| eT#rhn* h*eo in ''oe pta^ heir before an« 4 -!d *i.-i -f i? J- B"