Newspaper Page Text
I .jftiE' |i mm tt u MuiCHtii urt, ifdipgtea. yw|f a 4' m*4 wuananiTNiw JOC«amHHi*»aA liliir 6V IS pi i I' A r* tidtof ijj «tt(l N S V I u a o w n i n a n Alerdfict, Dealer in fj.-oceriet 4ty (ta|d».f rrt W)ft4j|..:6 otaWater, between Washington nod OnliijMifiiiw Streets. Islington, [March l», 1842. £.J,\ i L. K. COLKMAK. ^OLKMaS fe Cffc,, Eiineral Agent*, Forward ingaiul rv*o»ni*si«fr Merchant* l.^ver Street, Vicli«b»irg, Mi«ii3.ii|)|)i| -Jun.22. I(fl2—cd&k. ,, h':f~ M.^HURY, ~T" 0 I 8 S 1 6 E A N pro. ST WA'T-KR SfREBT, V£*f YORK. "•f'Tfwiar n'lentip# to consignments' of the fiSW? P*gi!'fe? prfdip rettittaoce made eil&er K*^an^ trfo 4», charge* moderate. «*•. ,^H«wy« tto 01 r^X •ibrcMpfc. .SHuriin mt jrt w«-« Wingate.GaikeU* ZGMIFA "W. «J«VWWWW.' U 'Tf lowt J-. ). Stoddard. VOft %j»4l-y »Ai?KEftaTcST HIHI lomititssion Hi ,o,!r M. D. i?o his provisional *er i s of Burlington and vicinity l^jjttewf to #»1 operation* upon the teeth *iieh'ij» Craning. Plttenic^, Extracting Inserting, j,&e.i(0i!fic1a-on Wsrter «r®el, Bur ington IOJV^y wWy sti'.TJMM,- -tf» CREAMER, ll COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IRON, tltt AND COPPER '-ijUHjilt-r Strit«t, flurl»£rton,.Iewa Territory. '0VU |L |/e» i P' Boats Applied with all Rkw:B. Trt— \V«| H. Kwinjt & Son.fiuriington, Town, L^,1S^yS«%V..'0"' CiVli'liji* C?r Saekett, & Co. N. Orleans, A. &, Swrit^r k Co. I Pop« fcjSV'ptl M'VifiHiana^CbiriltiborebiPa.i W%i!^ E**f.,Pprtsi«mth, Ohio, idjfKlffti^iirow, .Eiq., Cincinu'iti. Ohio U I N *NUF AC U K S A-B LI SH 1 MEN *EPTr l. pfitm-,' tt CK QtiMB*.. BVAFEVans^ -*,•. PLFILWBANT, AND CAHPENTEH AND JoiNElt. *. on 8ot»i4 •M" of J'lTj»c«oti siredt, b^ tt' the Nuiionrtl tv»itl Wettern (iolels, BuiW.I?fOTON, 1 L«JVA. A. Coppr a»Mt, Shwi- |*j0» *|V orker,, ahd« BALE ft 4%VSS. 11 Jrll«r#a«bii /dpi)#* to J. S. 4 W. it.l LY hi». *M'v*ice* to th« vtRii^ity. aurl.tvill mrfto ^11 f'roff fjiftiiHlrttlU. His o|" Ifcfriri jt^et, aixn iiif the Gilt •Murlar', \Ve»l« y Jonvt. ali» 5t(£uriii"iH», fiubfiv thai lie^'hos, VQiii!itMnitj[ ke^fiug ra hauil. a nc«ii« r- L)*^* and ite^lictHet.'wfiiim hp is tyriUfil ut the lowest ci.»h |»riceii D. UP p»'HTi»wliitv looatnd- in *|ty,«l Bbr(in|{t«|iv reag«r fulfy teiv ItWdM jn toe. practice ol Medicine £r f«r|icolkt attention will he paid to the by Ati^ulfatiotr lriid P*r- till® refer to frofetsore IVIutaey, 1». War«#ffor, Cln- *l|PJ^teFlel«her'e 4, I #42. SJ, yi'uToaWo^ I.jgf*I«t»r# y [i^ctfMjr eiiixsm. Harttm*ioa.'aiii- »ctai4v. tt«ii ititora olSai ''tvefirot' i a a i i^U|»Tv«a frdni the Faoli Ihit Mi«y eu.n. do /a^hiohable a end hope t^merit the putt-. one diBOrJfortfi.of-Cox ^J^-% (tenittfly »cc«ftai .By the lit: TinuD. i* CANSIEST w A i y b*i .^iHO iltbknk pttojitr- tha )5th utnfbacM^ ty« i|U oe#oUfsigaat«d fcce, whenjand where xauaa* if e^ tlu v may teal ditfclMfir* ahull not r. pated flii» 16th da the court, jM* Vuulap, clork. tual njkxl, *1 in Aid '£«, rtai tRetini t«jp(l nnd i N* certificate ,ld s«il hank Uy ordtt^l r.Jlipi'. tol'r NiH-iOw Ol^ AMERICA, rt lot FIRST Judicial Dis- in th@ Tr Ion of F«u tory of Iowa. ry ol it«t a decreed bank- proved t«lp debt*, and othr per •re hpri I *pti(ird niat the 15tli J.i'iifiton, in the county laid 1 'ilttr ha* bren iltsi^- De end place wbeu aud •hfif cause if atyrihey "^Uu.1 rtischarjie »hall Dtfted this 16ti» d, aol court. cterk 6) AlfSS^J |jrt- ftr tbe phi Tijrrittt ?/Frauri»i)j |hat the ,iirtb« $? 0$ ^rW.S^ U THIRD VETO— RESIDENT TY LER. To the House of Representativest I return thu bill which originated in the House of Representatives, entilleu "An act to extend for a limited period the present laws lor laying and collect ing duties on imports," with the follow ing objection?: It suspends—in other words abrogates for the time, the provision of the act of 1833,,conjmonly called the compromise Act The fillly ground upon which this departure from ihe solemn adjustment ol of q.great and agitating question, seems to-have been regarded as expedient is the.alleged necessity ol establishing by legislative enactment rules and regula tions for assessing the duties to be levied I mn certainly far from being disposed to deny that additional legisiiott upou the subject is very desirable. On thecuntra ry, the necessity, as well as difficulty, of establishing uniformity in the appraise mcnts to be made in conformity with the true intention- of that act, was brought to the notice of Congress in my iMessage to Congress at the upening of its present session. But, however sensible 1 may be of the embarrassments to which the Executive, in the absence of all aid irotn the superior wisdutn of the Legislature,* I cerest ^-aco in us expre, eeti able to oersuade myself that the exigency of the occa&ion is so great as to jusiity me in signing the but in question, with my present views ol its character and effects. The existing laws, as 1 am advised, are sufficient to authorize and enable the collecting ofli cers, under the directions of the Secreta ry of ihe Treasury, to levy tlie luties imposed by the act of 1U.3. ThUt act was passed under peculiar circumstances to which it is not necessa ry that 1 should do more than barely al luue VV hiiiever ^it may be- theory, is char,.cu-r, hove always regarded W'ita-dipMi.attMU may, dictate, fos it»o neeesjuiy uso« ni the Govern ment, without iniringmg upon the*)bjeots ol the act of 1833. I do not doubt that the necessities of: the Government do re quire an increase of the tarili 01 duties above, 20 per ceiit, and I as lilt le doubt but that above as well as below that rate Congresss may so discriminate as to give incidental protection to manulactu ring .iudustry—t^us to make the burdens, which it is compelled to impose upon the people for", the jmrposes of Government, productive of a.double beuefit. This, most ol thc%reasonab!e opponents of .protective duties seem willing to con cede,.and if 1 may judge from the manifes $!j$P?8 Puhlic opinion in all qwwrters, all that the nianuf cturinir inter "require. 1 am, happy i„ the ,n :h® that this double Object can be *a*|l^ dud effectually, accomittisli^l tlwpresent juncture, without any de pftrture from.the spirit and principle of ihe statute in question. The manufac turing claasei have now an opportunity, which inay never occur ugaiu, of per ma* Qently identifying their interests with those of the whole country, and uiakin« them in the highest sense of (lie term, a national concern. The moment is. propit ious to the interests ol the whole country introduction of harmony among all its" parts and all its several interests. 1 he same rate of-imports and no more ui b.ljty which the hearty acquiescence of the whole, country, in a reasonable sys tem, can hold out to him. But of this universal acquiescence and tho harmony and the confidence and the many other benefits that will certainly re sult from it, 1 regard t*e suspension of the law for distributing the proceeds 'of the public lands as an mdisp^able condition. This measure is, in my judgment, called for-by a large number, if nov a great nia rity,of the people of the Unjted Sta'es, the,state of the public crelit and fi »he critical posture of our tor E A I I U S E W I l" nsM?V'ii* BURLINGTON, IOWA, SATURDAY, JUI Y 10, 1842 on*'imports aftef the 30th Jutio acaont,' Pflif^^d the possibilit£^of the actual state of ing" to the home valuation and yet the iiOimmUsthat "tfrbetofe -lh» first ol ugwst, uiere w? no further legislation upon the subject, the laws fiifTHNF^iiliynHP and. collecting duties sball be the same as though this uqt had not been pa«sed In other words—that the aet of 1833, imperfect" a% it is considered, phaU, in that case,. corifioi4S to be, and to be exe cuted as law under such rules and regu lutions as previous statutes had prescrib ed, or had enabled the Executive Depart ment to prescribe for that purpose—leav ing the supposed-cha^m in the revenue laws just as it was before. ..4tf I ft me supeuor wisuotn ol tlie Jjisgisiaiureu^^^,,^•h^ome law without the gua Wtjl bo liable, in the cttlbraouienl.^oj ,auly the provisoof the act itself. Bilir^d as the rate ol duties shall, for any reason whatever, bo raided ubove £0 per c3nt.-— Nothing can be more clear, express, or imperative than this language. It is in vain to ullege that a deficit in the Treasu ry was known to exist, and means taken to supply it by loan when the act was passed. Ual at the same session during which measures entertained no doubt bet that the loon would be-eagerly taken by capi taliis, and spcediiy reimbursed by a coun try destined, as they hoped, soon to enjoy an overflowing prosperity. The very terms ol the loan, redeemable in three yaaxis,demonstrate this beyond at cavil. VVbo at that time foresaw or ini- n 1R'ivai Uf nAtia n da) *. nit l& v -»L thihg*, .when a natioifohat has paid of)'her whole dtbt sin«e ih»ljst pence, white all --•'f rnni 'iinmi so gVeat, are ya brft in the infancy of their devolpm^nt, should 4e compelled to higgle in the money- maclfaet for a paltry sum, not equal to'one year's revenue on tier economical: system! If t!.e Distribu tion law is to 4e indefinitely suspended, accordmg-not only to its.pwn terms but by universal consent, in: case of war, whereia'are the actual rxigencies of tlie country or the moral obligation to provide for them, less under prasotit circumstan ces than they could be weri we actually involved in war? it appears to me to be the indispensable dttty of ail concerned in tlie administration of pufblit. affairs, to see that a state of things so humiiiaiiag and so perilous should no: last a inoment long er than is absolutely unavoidable Much less excusaole should we be in parting with any portipn of our available means, at least until the demands oft ho Treasu ry were supplied. besides tlie ar^»n cy of suclt considsrauons, fact is un dtutiable that Utatribution act 'could 1 bi1 do, any esseniial particular, clrtuiged in wuh as general acquiescence, it U be liuved, 01 thift w'hoio cciuutry, as tljat country hab ver' uitested lor any of her wisely established institutions. It has ensured io it the repose which always flows from truly wise and moderate coun cils—a repose the more striking because of tlie iong und angry agi-tatious which preceded it. This salutary law pro claims in express terms the which white it led to the abandonment ot a scheme of direct, taxation, louuded on a false basis and pushed to dangerous ex cess,'justifies any enlargement of duties that may be called for by the real exigen cies of the pubac service. It provides 'Hhat duties shall be laid for the purpose of .raising su revenues as may be necessary to an economical administra tion of the Government." It is, there fore, in the power-of Congress to lay du tjes as'Hlgfr connection, thus meant -o be in separable, is severed by. tha bill presented to me This bill violates the principle of the acts of 1833, and September, 15J41. by suspending the first, and rendering lor a time, the la?t inoperative Duties above 20 per cent, are proposed to belev ed, and yet the proviso ia the Distribution act is disregarded the proceeds of the sale are to be distributed on the 1st of August, so that while the duties proposed to be enact ed exceed 20 per cent., no suspension of the distribution to tho States is permitted to take place. To abandon the principle for a mouth, opens the way to its total aban donment. llsuc ,Uuii., us 1 u I potie at allt WU.urt let ti.o di'tr^u" U irdt?tl have limited the provision to that effect? K-» it for the accommodation of the Trea sury 1 see no reason to believe that the Treasury will be ia better conditiou to meet the payment on the 1st of August than on the 1st ofJuly. The biil assumes mat a distribution of the proceeds of the public lauds is, by ex isttng laws, to be made on the 1st day of notwithstanding there has 1 Mifti n ^en an imposition of duties on imports exceeding 20 per cent, up to that day, and directs it to be made ou the first of Au gust next. It seems to me very clear that ihis construction is equally erroueous and dangerous, as it would divert from the Treasury a fund sacredly pledged for the general purposes ol the Government, in the event of a rate of duty above 20 per cent, being found necessary for an econo mical administration of the Government. The bill under cousideiation is design ed as only a temporary measure, and thus a tcmpoiary uieusurj jiussn'.t merely (or the convenience of Congress is tmde to affect the vital principle ol an important act. If the proviso of the act cif Sep ein ber, 1841,can bo suspended for the whole period 01 a temporary law, why not for the whole period of a jiermanent law? A doubt may bo «ell entertained, fact, according to strict rules, whether the con dition having been thus o'xpressly- sus pended by this biii, gpd rendered inappli cable to a case whero'it would- otherwise have clearly applied, will not be consid ered as ever alter satisfied and gone.—» Without expressing iany decided opinion on this point, 1 see enough iu tt to justify me in adhering to the law as it stands in preference to subjecting a conditiou so vi tally atf'ectiug the peace of the country, -MH.LsXsoleumly„.enqct^j at a monw crisis, und su sted last ly ad he red to e«er since, and so replete if adhered to with good to every interest of thv country, to doubtful or captious interpretation. In discharging ihe high duty tiius im possed on me by the Constitution. I re peat to the House my entire willingness ^OCOled toco operate in all financial measures of a constitutional character, which, it its wis dom, it may judge necessary and proper, to re-estabiish the credit of the Govern ment. believe that the proceeds of ttie public landb being restored to the Trea- while it Will" yield a revenue sufficient to maintain the Government io vigor bv re-' u ,'V "g lation, and it vvil| afford n.e tbe most sin- cert1 pleasure to co-operate in it. JOHN TYLER, v. W A SUING TON, June 29. 1842. Ctfl. l^e and col|t was cut to ^auly f1 "*'41' a I S E A A I N i n i It U trun Ih«, a loan was au.ho- j[ the Distribution law was passed "but tl,o^realr,Dn,aln most sanguimof the friends of the two e le s er is f€ as questionable. But why not Wt- From the Ohio Statesman. A DOSE FOR THE CRITISH'COPY 1STS IN AMERICA. A Mr. Reeves, a preacher of the Meth odist Protestant Church of the L'. State*, is now travelling in England, and publish- pow wow, conducted by an Englishman who called himself "Tom the Weaver in contrast with "Tom the wagon boy,"'' paid a most extravagant eulogy, we learn, upon the British Government and British protective policy.—Now, let us see what this "class legislation1' has done for the iaboring peopk- there *'lt would seem that many human be ings in England, in point of darkness of mind, callousness and obduracy of heart, U w U i u n n uTn!?Tsnn3^1*,Pe^t8lir^^S^tt?tWlJWf what the minister meant, when he asked for a Bible!! And others knew not that they had an immortal *ouL!—~And this umaxing 'darkness in one of the most en ightened christain and philanthropic na tions on earth! And generally i find among the lower classes, especially among the State church folks, a spiritual ignorance and superstition, which a legal establishment alone, perhaps, is capable of producing. And, indeed among the lower classes generally, la mentably prevails Aud, no.marvel, for they are not a-reading community. Herb I we have »class legislation, ayt, und class' education too. The Rev. Mr. |l. then speakepf a-friend of his, thus: ."Thisbenevolent man wishedts inspire a pious man-servant of his, wt't.\ a thirst for information, and put suitabl^ook-* in to hi»4iands for the purpose, bufithe poor man, though pious, neglected tfotn as if the least spark of mental lire exiyted not in his breast. This somewhat apprised his master and he asked mo if 1 c^ald ac count for it. 1 told him I could \%nder one reason which appeared to mo to be the cause. It was the desperately g^omy prospect befo e the mind of a laboitr in England.—There appears scarcely a^fos sibiiity of raising one's self out of^he gulph of degradation and overwhchhhg oppression and poverty. So that therms 110 motive to mind-—110 encouragement \o effort so that man settles down in tlu gloom of the prospective, confidently loqi ing for a lite of toil aud drudgery, and it he marries, of want! And ihousands 0 apply for admission into *he lWu dol|ul's V?fK, !^|^,,*fc%W« the Z.oesville Reoorder. lhoso h,«hJ "ar,ff °.g 10 c"d 00"' Corwm' «""'o«°riTo. Lelranon, at th? loom TAXES IIO Ifflir fi'tf) VI tt Utile iiuU I IIVUollliU9 W1 I 1 1 A 4Ul»ion,* a Ruiher Tough.—A parson went last week into a public house near Dudley, aud after some convei sation offered to bet the bank indebtedness, the ez!rivgaaee,"or a wager of 10s that he would eat the coat mismanagement of the agents and propri p. 1 tf 1 i...m...—»•..„^. w. tuw agenn B) that tyo&i aff hi, baCk if they would allow him to etors of the concerns! Oh! no, it. was all '1 bu"ons off. The wager was laid, for the want of more tariff!!! wager pieces tt0(^ Pul frying pin, and miter well frying it in TO'., Qt'tn,# caaMftd Pm liiiifpliliiblliMhlittrtiiiiiilir *"4'' ssfe1 A, ,in.11 U:-1 ^vL:• and are permitted to enter, it is like self-incur ceraticu, if not immolation—for if they are married, husband and wife arc seper ated like prisoners in a penitentiary, aud il they have children they are placed apart from their parents und if any of them should sicken and die, in many in stances, at least, their nearest relatives- the partners of their breast, have not even been intormcd of the fact!—The tear of sympathy involuntarily starts in the eye, while 1 write of such sufferings in my na tive land. How does the bosom swell with gratitude und joy at the rcmembtance of being now a citizen of America?—How deplorable the condition of man, possessed of mind, and an immortal soul, must the state be, spoken of above! nut you may say that 1 irtve been preaching about -it. WuUjtind who could avoid it, that has the soul of a man in him? Suffice it then to say, now, that the good brother and kind master, received this as the probable rea son for this seeming absence of intelligent taste and energy in his servant. I'hese difficulties with the laboring classes, which, of course, are fur the most numerous, are serious obstacles in the" way oI'religious prosperity. And 1 have no doubt that while many moneyed and respectable men bring themselves to pov erty by drinking, many of the poorer clas* es do so |iartly for the sake ol company, aha partly from the thirst for liquor yer, at first they are often led to the bewitch ing aud destruc'ive influence of the intox icating drinks, to drown their troubles' Poor creatures'.—What a shocking reme dy! This is to multiply their sorrow in this life, and secure their everlasting suf fering in the life to come."- There is a picture for you, enough to Ktnuiimia HI mil mum uuquuttt'Tfeart. Working people of this happy and Ir land, what think you of the British pot —British tariff—^British rnono|Hlists— British "class legislation," like legislation for exclusive priviliges in baukers, as ad- l,be whi«s liere- Ves' w«at ido you think of such systems and such laws upon the laborer, as shown in Eng land—a country that prqfesiMt*^ to be the moat humane and philanthropic on earth, and that rebeivea the eutogios of an Ohio Governor. English philanthropy is like whig philanthropy in the United States and for power—lor the ben at the sacrafice of the many skin humbug—a promise of au? ro**1 b?ef* W aa storing its credit, will afford' ample "pro- "l,o'an" ,8WeU with gratitude, that he is lection and infuse a uew lifo into all our au A,n,e,".ica«). mauulncturing establishments. The con- «»luatng our people into the dition of t'Tie cuuuiry culls for such legis- Br"ish American^ heart in ]he system mongers here fhwne8 ofagraodiaement of the r|ch and °P^r®fslon of poor. On a recent visit to Norristown, Pennsylvania, we learned that 1000 laborers were dis missed from the iac'torie*, within 48 hours. Some of them, we were told, were iu a state of actual suffering for bread. The excuse was the want of a higher tariff not FAITII OF THB ^WDIANS.—Catlin single men, by the pinching hand of pov If beauttjul country o^the good hunt ertv, are driven to different e\trenBour*s,Ui^ g«wids, the place the happy, but —some to steal and others to enlist for ^eer can reach it.' tv 1 V °i' |t this time, the barest inducements fur shortened the field ot battle! Or il they 4X*«^ PUBLISHER PI* ol laborers are thrown out of employment IMMOJITALITV.—-It cajgji6t bo whenever it suits the taste, or cupidity or is man's only ab^inykplam, it. t\v bankruptcy of the few who control the bq that our life is only ^wibbla, cast^ factories. When our mothers used to ply by ihe ocean of eterm*y ttojidat^ h^q the spinning wheel, and manufacture un- .upon its waves, and jwn kiwi®® not der their own roof, substantial clothing ness.—pEls^ why is it tha* iU m* A for their hardy sons and daughters, we glorious aspiratious- whieh did not hear of the thousands of dismiss jgels from- lhe-'f8ihp1#--ji»f ed laborers and .half fed children that are 1 re forever wandering now clamoring for bread, and for HIQHBR Why is it that the rainbow stub to put money into thd po.kets ofjoverus with a beauty that i$ not of MrtHji th« lew employers, but not into their own\!»od then pass oft and leave us tamuse up* i s o i e o i y i n a o v e n e n e i a e o v e i n e s s W i y i s i to foster and encourage a system of hot bed monopolies, at the expense of the masses, Whei^irreligion, ignorance, vice and starvation is the consequence. Will Gov. Oorwin. and his mad supporters pause and reflect before they go further? gives the toMowinf|.4^c^|ai'Q|f''tiMi belief of the future I "Our people all 'believethat the spiriV, lives in a future state—that it has a great distance to travel after death towards the West—that it has to pass a dreadful deep aud rapid stream, which is hemmed in on all sides by hiulvand rugged hills—over the stream from hill to hill, there is a long and slippery pine log. with the bark peeled off, over which the dead have to pass to the delightful hunting grounds. On the other side of the. stream, there are six persons on the good huuting grounds, with rocks in their hands, which they threw^st. them all when they are on the middle of ihe log. The good walked safely to the hunting grounds, where there is one continual day—where the trees are always green—where the sky has no clouds—where there are con tinual fine and- cooling breezes—where there is one contiaaai. scene of feasting, dancing and rejoiceiog—where there is no paiu or trouble, and the people never grow old, but forever live and enjoy tlie youthful pleasures. The wicked see the stones coming, and try to dodge, by which they tall from the log, and go down thousands of feet to the water, which is stinking with dead fish and ani mals, where.they 4re carried around and brought continually back to the same place, in whirlpools^— where the trees are all dead, and the waters are fu.'l of toads and lizards, and snakes—whore the lost are a!#ays hungry, and have nothing to eat—are always sack and never die where the wicked are continually climb ing up by thousands on the side of the high rock, from which they can overlook Wt sknigrating finances of any place on the dap of the world. Indeed, we doubt whether sihee the «kys of the South Sea i\bble, or John Luw's iVlissis^ip|ji tieme, any place has enjoyed so near th perfection oif banking aud paper miey prosperity as this place:—A cart ifiif charges one hundred pauer dollars foiliauliug a load within thecorporati n ivhVit is selling at $190 to $200 per fouIja. (about 31 2 uushel) and water fordthe river to the heart of tho city— a di\anee of a, few hundred yards—is wo'rtt §45 or $$0 |er load. Tomatoes selt ikr $1 ffach.--Shahish doubloons are wot^J $596. If this is not a place wheki paper iiKjtiev patriots can flourish, the fcntory of the world dever afforded one. ^or the last hundred years there Iks not been such a chance Ship ping C^npany and Brandon wou!d pass curreoty, Railroad und Union would be at a lage premium, and Bjue Backs. Planters»nd Agricultural would be con side red. c^-wr- jewels ~—Free Trader. St GEOKttU.—In Sumpter county, the re cords OAUM court have been stolen and burned UX Deputy Sheriff kidnapped, and sales\o\ property ,by the Sheriff lorf cibly preweiifed "The p©oj|le," says an eye witnescij ••were haireiigued by some man, whom 1 could not sot,' forwarding persons not bid for (y°)p4rry. It is impossible to tc-H how man\t watTp determined to prevent a sale—unless tu nrppqse that a majority ucquised iA it. One man.I saw, who, ^fuh a most barbarous Ibpk and gesture, atio lutely joiwade any bidding whatever'f 1 knew hiul not, bull newer shall'I'crgev his visage.? A mad wild cat"culd not f(«v«f Iook«'4|o4re demon like—his teeth gritted •U lllliiU't"!1 r-^*—'''••• -ii|j ittreat^ii}U that the man who mired rjrbjd should! Ua well mobbed The inim v Us a sirangsn to me. 1 was intereefed it. the Sherin'sj sale, but felt that if I bid, it would ije at the of my life, Some eight ten stood round as and as thf ^tierilV would offer au ar^cle of \f fXi* Qta tUtlV iffnnM env i'hLl prope ny for sate, thsy would say bul. 60 Ui it out of an advertisement ol two or ihreetcUumns in a newspaper, the Sheriff sold jbirj two tracts of Jaud—one fotr five dolla^juid the oilier for fifty, which wo* permitted, as it was oniy to perfect titles.11' Such [a re the'consequences qf in solving people lu.debl, through the p^per money, s y a e a HAB|EST I A was got up and all brought Congress lor higher tariffs.. land, wharo the tarif jiAf meeting D*i?nc.-*-iVl!x with A gallons of gQuJ cool water half a gallon of Molas ses»p:ii quart of .vinegiir and tw ounces of pewUered giitger. 'fina will make not onlj/ avery pleasant lever age, but one highly invigorating anq healthfal. gkaf—A young Fretfchman canned De eel las, in New Orle*ua\recently commir ted sipcide in a singulur^and ncelanck innrer. He had heen married to a^6»e ly Weman, and the two. tliouult ttf cficJmstanc%3, were, ^ttaj OtheKwith unu^pal fond wfts stricken d»Wtt by a^ciiburied io Uia itiitno tho 1HQ! »%-r the stars which hold their festival arou the midnight throne are set above th grasp of our limited faculties forov mocking «tw With tfagfr jinapproachar glory? Andfiftally,why isiltlwt Ibrrris of humaA beauty nra our view,a^d then tiken/roiiy th« .thousand streamrof^ur V ft\back in an Alpine !tcn*re^' The--&llo\viug fid—l jMgMii uie rainbow never tytos/ the stars will be upends that slumber OH tUft* where the beautiful Wm^' wfcilfcchef* pass ^before us like shadows wilV^MHr in our presence forever.—Prentice. **r''^ —'This useful grain' ous. l^e northerninosi parts o^Ainrit and India, yhere it grows sjiontaneousiy A negro £)aveoj Fernando Cortez. wa« the first tc cultivate it in Mexico. II« found a Ww apohs, l|f»t esctijjeu untiur!.'1 '£ha IW, A* siers, wl|{o they rejoier in Ui3' express tfce hope that his X-cellency no longer oppose the appropriations'*! completiitho road. Thatfecentrict man, Mr. fTentiedV df Indianafewhile speaking in the House iff i VflS Iin l.l 1 ,^rl i.- ..1* Represtfdtatives on Thursday of extr&M aganceisaid it had spiung up. sincu thti present! party had the majority, likp-u" tnushradm iu the i.aght. -41f«s, Ife.v Chairnisn," said he, "in the West,Tbp-? single night, we have mushro sprung-up as big as your hat.:' instant hat of the'chairman an object of special notice. 4'word Ion courage—iet them'...'not be otorcotMi desdondency. ifopu,* lijfce^ruth, If k*A 41cannot &U. •He '-"X xico. He i grums among some riba '1 brought ofer Irom Spain f,r the u«i «jf. the nrmyj planted them. Thes# few grams ha^e covered oar hills andl«||W^ wuh the.ftol-.ien harveut.—Phil. Oat 'f\/ of 413 which "We clip from the cbticlusion ^^v1 «Si homily on *«ttard Times T' in the SprjAff- 3ld lt^publiCy is in our judgamcul excaA' ot: "r" -»-V" We have a Word for debtors who -4C 5^1 4 bottom of the deepest well. On ihi,. ot a bttrni dwelling may bo laid the a i o n o a n e w u i i n e hour is just before brea! of diiy. the night comes the moruing. ff a stumale, aud. fall «o:, he is hclngi-iftt' jouncey. Keep a ciuar conecieitetk^ honest in spite of temptation. Kt yous- spirits, not by pouring spirits but by doing all that withiii jfoju liet yotirseli aud yours, leaving tho tho hanc| that move's the v all meet your creditors witff yauy sleeves rolled tip, not for fifMiHg. b$||^ bird work. Mind all these Hints^ you'll be happier now, aud bettor of a!\er. whole chapter to ^editors: If^'| t/pu would be dune by" 7 Kivk of U.—-A humming bird mot a butterfly, and being pleased wit| beauty of its person and the glory Ol ji ings, made an ofier of perpetual frf •s6V think, of it,'.' was tbo'r "as ybu once spurned at me, and me a stupid dolt." "Impossible!" exclaimcd the htinimi bird—,41 always cutertained the hi& respect for such be tutilui cfeatuj you." "Perhaps you do now. said-l "hut when you ins<ed terpillar.*' So let mc of advice nev^ a y e s o a y e i NiCUOLAS'^lilUUE BE la l^iddle, or a .inttrble %t«t'J relli, the sculptaiy was lately tioo iu hiU^l(hia lor ai nmca ou tho afcttion of hi^sub/^tj his own genius.:**-? Governor in Utir.' aid, of Georgia^has ssuo| the Attorney-Gentwai the St»te„|»fec:i»^_ Bank offices specie for th«j pupiiha^ie the psaiij maintfl any mj^ less tl ron«ldwi broken the case, out, the, ly caaS'gjli.] udor- tQ each wi/W ver, eld. From grjw"mei^nchply, ra |tj mud on Sa#ay the 12ih ate I 4. wieldbd tbVfhiaik:Hif ga-1re witfcffUL tluencc over his suhjmts*^ Tito to have ieeu paid for itf was foittidlthal thirxHist »f «|liciQia^ die, who regulated tjie':gfr«p reguf and the l*a^t t?f Niclioliti* BlddUv ac -of crimes*nd niisdorneanoi-s iu a court of juoike, thdugli the same in* was not the value. MOK.4 L.—TheJameofau artist dap ml®#1