Newspaper Page Text
v I i n n tiiT i- rsmins 'i mrfT'iiiir-n r. wmm ! r: -" ' Fr' ' . "rrr " ; rr. - - ztk- ' -g . . VOIu 9. NO. 48.T ' PLYMOUTH, INDIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30; 1865 WHOLE lVO. 4C4. A .Weekly Journal 'devoted to News, , Fqlitics, Literature, &c, .- ' . 1. JlalllillV. KtlilOr Slid PrOnrif t(tr. . Office southeast comer Michigan and Gano streets, ' over Per hinr i. Co's Druir Store. ' o o ' Tonn of $iibciiplioii: If paid in advance, or within three months. .$2.00 If uoipiU within three months 2 50 If pot paid tilt the end ol the vear. ... 3.00 Town !uTiscribTS whoe pipers are delivered by the carrier will be charged fifty cents per annum : auaiuaH ii. , No paper d;eoniiiiied until all arrearages are p.ikl, nnt3 at the option of the publisher. Term of Atlvrrlislns: !e.4. f-2.011; eich additional in?rrtion fifty ccn!.. f Ira a uati ipa At I ams rr laa inrpp wriC4- OP .JU-.-ger ai rL.-tiH-uU prouvrif'- L.ess lh a hU a squire to te ch,UÄ?l a 'a lt xuitre. Over half aaiutrctohe ctt irtreda a w1tte puirc. ' Ban.-SH Card, one- rear, tew line. . ..'...'4 $.00 UjMnes C inli. fix montlw. tea line 5.00 J.. irt- aJuiu: tLi-e m-tith 6.D0 ' f4 six months , . i .'.''IJ twelve months. 15.C0 Professional and Business Cards. m 1: i) 1 d . a a 11 13 rif-.-trntW inU-rm th rittrHHoI rini"lh "J Mr- hall Minty ilu.1 hr hm rHnnwl f. rlyimmih. il iJ rtiini th pracfiof of nWinu- in a!l ttr.rrMfs luniul: : .y triet tr.!Wtl;i to hi 1 rv6:ia he lj t 'd.w.r..iiw-nilv ..": ; - pHtfOf It .".in X:- ' S t 'f n if rM5-an4oTar lllUIIiri rtl iflMwti.uiuii 1 ujiu , II i nnn -I pr.--:i-i sriin. rd" :i'ii ami Pn't'St l.4 a. "4tiw-i.l.-l t .-iiri-r 'mw ' ' T M ny, Bi . f:iy t n-iwa.; pr eiire.l tt tin- Ua-t JIM J. x a- V . Is i' r ' '. IV .r"? I.V I'l Tii i I r.-. "i-l I' t' i !JJ: t'Y in 1. 1 1' r ;r.t. rlvr.i tith. ini. Phillips 'Ä Johnson. 2 Attorneys and Counselors at Law, or AüYMPüniir, Autaorilai "War CIrlni, O jUcction and , ... 4 Iasiiranca -i guits,';;. .' rivrioilt ii. rVI;ll:Jl ,Ittd K; i 0 :tti:Vi; .r- ' 'l 'f ' .V.uvrv-:i i'l '- .I .-Ii. ! I"' l ii.n T. r lVn-i'.u-. lV.iiut. U-i- W f i, an t at! 'I..T Var 7. :"' . n-":i Mi-'.i" ti r. , hi V.kIaiiI. llii.!. It:. k. .,r. Ih-U ..-:i A. C Capron. Attorney and:Wotary, a i i Incensed War Claim Agent, ri.vjni"T:i, tl..i. l. to nit ni'.-'..n il -1" irt.'Tu T ar: ri i i .m-ii i" l to at I I.:i; K-i. I'.'II'v! IM). i ii: l:?i tniMi. i'l a;. ' I;.' .fit ti..l.-aii.; J 1'. I.-.J :j.l 1 v r:m i :-t. ll.livmrr rilai i" S 'T, c .m r f .11 it tii--M 11 iirte iri ii. .. JnlU-Iy .folut . C).lxiiio, .idoniej ami ('o::iivp!or at Law. !l .f.'. I-I.VMi't TU, IM. ii..i:Mvl! - , J. P. I vttcnbanjih, Wli-- nn fi-r.t m l Tin- V. i -t:!i aii'l r rm:in lan-niaRe tli KtmiEhlr, I eri-!;in. 1 otai'y ' j UlDllC a i I w'.il ifin':t .! i ii 'n fr.-:ii o:i ta-vrnr.;" th.- c-!i-r .'ii r- i-.-iii1- ! II ,11 J--. f:.r, II. m iv I- r-.i:i ! x li s n:i. u Vn i'l I: wlit 'f P' iil. .1'. 1 . (.-.r". I'r ii.-.:- -n-l i'!'t!i'r 1 .f;;, T. " :lpl"';.-l V. II. Davoiipoi't, SURGEON DENTIST, WTTt v:-it PiTM- rrtt f it tl..- 'ii.t nrnt !' Ti"'f.laT i n 1 Vi-Tt...";iv c f :n tl n irh. ' l.'.'H'-ii at the F't" i'rd- l!iusi. ':;. 1. "it 1 y If. A. C. Hnrton. . . SURGEON DENTIST. VVk .!.. or --arti. . ' f T'li inr-ft n UTrWt vui.l t.. ft,-.'r-; a-i.-n ef ;e tttnmt tf-.K it I T T 7 in.t rrr f.'.r ir.f WittVi f".lh rort-i t -l. tV"- xr l ii-'-n 1 !, htti-'i n!ti'r i:ti" I't siTT4-fea:-,n.x tGp'ffk-. 'JT ':,S'' V t'"""' N- .p- . i Ji ri.'.iv .-iivf J 'i, iija .:(" .. r hill'n P ikfi v. v.,:,!i- jfci ,k'''-t- . -rr ,i . , . i:'-i-tjf - Bank of the State of Indiana. PlIANCII AT n.YMOiTTII. Itmpcn frjai . .!. t- Ii nt.. au.l fiuiu 1 t".p. in. "tri T'tKo. 11! rsVKK. l-;.!ii. r. ' S. A. K LKri'JIi:i. , Ju., I'iv-i". nt. .l-cr;t-!i.-ji ' ii xf n ' at o uxs7. la roRTn sTnr.CT. west of center, (rOKUKKLt F.MER,3 IKTF.,) ;roi::i: iialdmis, nttiritiirron. t-briwry JS'i'iS-ly ' Michigan Street, Plymouth, lud. C- & V. H. ncCounsIr. Proprietors Onnil.ies to an I (Vom aU frain. ai'l ! to anv f tUc town wltrn nL-rs are Tt at tlw II. .-ev. n:f NEW HARNESS AND SADDLX3R1T SHOP! .M a?.J 3?ER IS haii'V to annminc to lh ritizTS ft yarshall and 4 ioinini; cuunti. Ihft he i again in the field mitU -iwhI awxirinvrnt f u HARNESS. SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, ETC., which he will mil at very low price. Thankful f pat Iii-rat -jfr.iui-f, a continuation of the same is rexleelli It nlii-it i. !' .. i Shop over J. E. Westervelt & Co's Store.'l5G DOXE OS SHORT SOTICE. Plymouth, Ind., Aswl 11, 19. pttf A. R. pTlliÖT, Watq-hmaker and Jeweler, ALSO, DRALEE l( Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Toys, etc., tt-c., ' Went site Michiptui at.,. ixt3nr noatb Brandl Bank, Plymouth, Ind. Waicko. and Jewclrj rrpain-J em abort avtice, and wam-knteir ' ' ' " TERMS -MODERATE M,, CREDIT. . tlreniber3,bi-n.'tf . . . . : Colonel E. Powell, Sharer and Hairdresser. iJhavinr, Sbamponlng and rtairclrepsin-; l-me in the . reiteaf and mos ishi.abtya.; Sltop over Westervelfa tore, front room. ocl27'64-62tf I , . . ' ' JOlm iNQllt ' ' Shop east it Michigan street, opposite Bmaeh 8aaf rtj m-ueh, Io4-. , Jclt - - . "i. . . ZZ 'XTT VIC w Speech of Governor Stone of Iowa. Dclivcd nt Ncnln, Mory County, Sen TbWAlcar catiribs iir Iowd much WtWWPV' entire orniwe. uov intorert throijjKJtH entire Iforthwcit, Got ernor ,,liani -,n the Republican Itia'dlJaM lcTrcb!et'UL'd air'dnst all . other' parties against i ..1 ..Kmio ijm iViiKT, ,;.. 1 ,1, and cliques, u making a vigorous canvass of tie State , A, , :, , "CB11" wns extract irom one of h&rett?5c'iel.i9, 'nf ie, Biafi,onie capital has against the Democracy of iho present dar. They will bear I One year ago the g HI bear a careful perusal: over nan a uiiuiuii ii invn, i.ikiii irom me iuiüs a"d worksho;s of the North, filling like autumn leaves upon thos fields ot battle where the perpe tuity of our instilutiou.3 tind the tiaion.ility of.ofir p jple were bein; decide delivery loyal man on J woman was"' looking with painful anxiety for the result nn J hoped tor the triumph of the National ti . It was uu tiour ol Jeep pioom and solicit ude'tj all liit nds of Iree gvvtrHinciit tlirou-hout ; ; U10 mot id. luie yur sans una broilicr were . j bearing Toitt b:lnis upon the field. iuu wera per- . loniiitigV.iiihlu'lr )Uf duties aj jatrioiic citizens ! ; at home, in upjwrtiug- vour now niartvred Picm- ! : tlat ttf hpro CutiMt pf fT M'ri-ntäre in ! "ivin" a tl.i iiiul siirwort to hid administration, in j tut niMiing ineu. uuney, and all tu nitttTMivi 1 of . war lietessarv I r tue Ol tile arniu S r m . Vbe-H-iaiia in; oootiltitittng liberallff f :your j means tor the relief of sick and wounded soldiers ! aithevfüll Inn the rauks, and the support ol ! their wives and children at home. With a patriotism and gentrositr that will do ' tou credit llj-ough all time,-you had resolved that ' iiotie of the wives or little tuies t f the o'.diers ' fighting for the tilg should Miller, nei her h fu:n- nirr (IiiC. mt-r's or winter" ücold, lor-the reeessaries of So. far as I ktii'vv, tlüi ry-ldCon Wal i.tith- idly peiliH-meS; äiiJ I would reumid the sol fit-rs whom 1 see around me to-day, a it I wno have sij liottiv and brat eU fou-lii otr b iit'cs, tliat iu this l;otiy ami uraveiy lou-iii tn.r Uitl cs, tl way Ihcrl v;! viynit fttrt ei c p-.-tl'or liuiyjto Vif Vovatrj, and that wiilnm Proi.Ii nt r'ti'i feu) h tVt maiut m eJ tlx . . . i , i . . .- rmÄig their ut iin rie the armies or j-ro-icLUu ihe ar for a .nle dav. Winle vi'U lMtines atSi'.iio ,t doing tintis. wft, 8.iibTtitTräteli, a r.i-Tlitv3enfliiient lA-rea thu North, a to l'e justice ol tin. war and ihe prospect of MipprerfiHg tlie ielKlIiin. . J-nlion ol jKopK, calling tliemseives tlie Ueni'K-ratic pirty, had the boldness to assrrt tliat the war was unjust; ihat it was an uiicnstituMoiial crus.ido aga't ut the rijtl bl the'.-to!iiri'pe',P-. and that the Govtrn iiunt lit 1 not the p-)wer to suppress the rebellion and ret-re tie Union by the experiment of arms; tint there is no instance in Insiorv whero eilit r.iül'.otis ol ptr1trstrit-jhvJTor lioerty, as were tln-se of the South, were ever con.-ueredand over the South, were evercoiu'iucredat come. S.iid linse Di mo-i'-i's. theso people are brave and chivalrous, and you c.iiinol -tndiie them. You hte no power under l!i Fedfal Constitu tion to cccrce a sovereign fetale- lour ltcsideut of iho session, one of the witnesses testified V siv .' . . . . .. .. . .... . ... is u-ur'iiir niM'tii i; .niionai power, ano i$ a urani of tlie nn - liiileou.-, mien. Your so1i1'h;i are hi"ed meicen uies. Lin-o!ns cut throats, and rhtniian's , lisu-ves au l marauders. - ' Tu .iuw jou tli it I do not misstate t:ie position of intfe men, let me read you an ex ran from the Cl.ieag. Time of the IB-h of Au.r.l. I-.!: "Ijvery .l.'ier iu our aimy io.ay his been bot.;ht. We em; loy uo longer ardent, eiiilnisias t c Totunt ers, but Hierein irie who have been pur- l..i.ii at -ii'rv ranging irotn lliK-e hundred toonc thousiiid i; J i s p r capita Wiil not this fact go te.w-iMTs expainhig-aiiyw'V get fe-1c to rn s why every bifenjfix-ta t're comes' l.i.l nrd with tidings ot ii;-" i.-tcr." i The Ch cago Time's ;y..if wi:I rc.n -.n'ler, is ttie j lern". ir-: LVpi'in iv jourimi vf üif iVii tlmi-.t, and tiie l. m tracy leg ud it .is ihv'.i oli ic il gospe l. It j lifters the sintiiiutiti of th it " prtv even whore, I Kiid U e-"j.iil :if;rrby the Drbuijuc Herald, iveo- 1 kuk Con.-titutiuii, and either copperhead papeis throughout Iowa. About the same t'm, 'he Li j Cmfse D moctat eoutaineil the loilowiug treason able utterance., which w,-re exleiüi civ copi 1 M:id . ind: redb nciriy all the Democratic papers in : the Northwest: If Liiiculu is re il .cted to m'sgovern for the j next four i ar-,c trust thai smiuo bold hand will j.ieree i is heart with a 1 igger point for the public ! gi.o.1." I I ajpe-il to the recollection of every gentleman' present whetl- I thii w-i.s tint tho tone of the or- i ans of the leiWM-t-aiic parly in tin? North thr'-' i. ul '.he war? While o -r minies were struggling ;.i deadlv coiiilict with the viitiny, ;m.l your conti. rry n llt-rtiin at every pcie, the coppei head of ilu- Neri ill were th'. tU'Icavoring to paialxzo ifie arm ol the (I ver:iHiit, and give aid ndcomfoit( to i he Iocs of the Republic. ' Not c titi nt with this open opposition to the , Ad;i'i;i:s'ntKr. and the pibHCUti-ni of the war, I tluy humed tin inr-elves into a f t ere t orp Uiiztili, k::on as ti e KniIiis of ihe OoMfii Circle, wiiivo ; . , -, . , i . . i , or ginatti! :imo.4!,c n -h-1 in the feouth, an I had :..r i'st.bjert ihe ov.Tlt.rfw ol the redenl L.ov- j ei nment, and txini.d tlinielves together by a hor- -. . . - '.1 .... ...1.1 1 - .." . A . mi mu, wnu u, u v..., ..... .....- every ne ul Hum an iniam'jus irauor 10 in? touu i;y uX to l.L- d i. Tlie olij'.tt 1 this association was to asltt the rebr! Üon r.nd to rml-Mce Üie fir.-t opportunity which a gnu ral r v r--c to e.ur amis might present, to depose Pi evident Lii.t-oln and his Caluiet instal JtlT. lMvis and his" rebe l crtw at Washington, and ti.n ,ies;rov t ,e uoveit.niei.t ai i in me u.-s , ".-"'.I j to oppose the measure ol .Iie A-ttniniSMtion, re- I t the draft, prevent the filling ' of the dec-; mated mikfl ol our anni. and iIhi --'bi-hing lur tlicr,in.atci ul lor the prosecution ol ihe war. . I havs'- .'Hnt-5 in ,nt p'ssesioii which ihox i i' t Vr (he Hr-r day of JuTy. more than thirl v thous irrd of ihe-se oath b-tind lelnls were ( it --howal le onleed, and the murder ot ßi-hore : and u uooriil! iu t tuiK county last laii.was ihe first step' in the excution of this hellish j con-piracy. ''" The s ime.tlkiiig would taye Leen elsewhere i attemp'cd but for the efficient organization of our j militia.nnd the laet that ihey .knw tli it niiisRet and c-.rtridges were in the hands of loyal m?n who wcie ready to meet them face- to ;; lace. . They studiou--ly and persistently oppo-ed every measure of Pres.Klciit Lincoln's. Adnaiii-ti-4iUu from the .-tinning uf thf. wafiil IiTt Sent Vk j euro "od in tue : Mute nMow.i, eil by sucii men as ; tiisli tlie hxaminer satis 'actor j evidence ol goad , t'.ir Democratic brelhrt'D, whose interests were I h-orjje W.J.ines and others, who figured in the . moral character. interests, whose hOrfte was our home, and recent Convention at DesMoines. They were j y 'l-,TI any teacher, having received a two ' whose sympathies ho,uld h ive been with us, made pic.'ged to re-Lt the draft ia cvrry locality where vcar's licence fur two consecutivecxamiiution, in 'common cause with the enemy apologized for fatal bullet crashing througlT Ids Vain. Etiryj rfec, i3 .rcqurrcf , Examisers toj-a encqurage one of iht m . suddenly became constUutional ( Teachers Institutes aad .Associations . lawyer, anr! drscus-tHl the ' constitutionality of j ?ecJ ir' the--pr-tdryv.'Vif Examiners at lVvoh'elm'vnt:aUioiiia.the .ctusa-roaJs. gro-, .jrrilty-Tsorliuthorires thtTUoarri of County Cora ceries 'aiid livery' liMs.' 'with' a fiavity j mbsionjrs tj determine the number of d.aya they wUmJi would. itav afejuhc! Taney. hirocll. (ihe Examiner J shall annually epcud, iu their I Diljo'erer t,ef th-1 i;6w jitriotiir gentlemen, r.t -i .'-1.1 ' l. ,l,n iT.1tn.j f i inn nie in in ariiieu eiiiigni euer .i-""-," j g-oiioaa victory the Union army, thrust the pa- j per in tlie bottom of their coat pockets, scd with! a aafdotuo grnvspeatawAy to tlre.r homest wiiere, . . . - . 1 ! a l . J 11.11 , it..!' . . .1. 4 1. ..n I iniiiinywuoiiiuieiK-' -r- it warm ?"JCieers and cries, "That's so. ' vnen tne news v some rcuci i-iwiy Yfn i f-.Ji aI ll oLIliri tt,l;l'.l I eagevlv seiae the sheet containing the announce tllXM. BtM WW IIV1IUS U 4 6 va. V . DVii a v v ment, wcuut the nearest store box atj l, after rca dinff the disastreu tidings to a crowd of gaping syBipatfcirers t trhimphauUy koaia, , r reu , you o7 You can t wiup 1113 sourn; iney -irre a brave people aoej ueneral Le u Uiebcst uenerai in the world." These, gentleman, constitute the Derroeratitf party el lowfc. GeeCr and ' derisive laughter. Did you e thiBJijound jour bouSea when yea wero rejoiaidgCerecitlckabufg. Gcttyi burg, or lookout Mountain? If you did, they were there in hope tfitddiM whisky. with 'which to ioothe their grief aftd drown sorrow. JCheers wliö'meofi,HitbiHagai.7J ?toy vace with their presence your vestivals, contnbutng money far tbe relief of tke,jck.u4 wcunded sol diers. Cries of "Not much:"' Tl any were can "lit there they were Isolated cases and notice- able excentious to the general rule Itwaaintbis waj llwt tlie le aders of the. rebel-; Hon were Irrducetl to prolon-that terrible war andj persevere in their mad rfin l'5eve their, independence; and tVe soldiers who heai-vne to-, .-it day will bear me out in saying that their only hope tni"tnry I Vi a IaBI Ia . . . . . ars was in the success oi uui in .us im in i:ia wai.. . - - ti,;. nrii,. . .,i Hfi.:it of oor war policy; atnl I directly cliarsmpon Uds North- i . . . . ...... i , . j frn copperhead partv the responsibility of the list two veara of the w.i. ikI tli 1 lighter of two . hundred thousand Union soldiers, who. durin th.t tlmf. hare fallen nnon the battle fieVeia of i9 ' South, lories from the aoldiers; 1 naff truetrJU :? -JJA ' On .the 20th day of Au&y, IKi ths tame x aft T nia-fi irt con Veüty i ni Chicago, to, no rain its a fak- rid Ux dWn p;iOrm wlfccll ahiilili. embrJce creelof the National Democratic party, and ' nominated for the Presidency a name I hav ' et arid 'jhc creel of th i they nominated for the Presidency a name I hav forgotten Iturfiiiii 10 Gem-nil VanJwVorT G en- cral can tou tell me who it was? The General ! hi, bead. , but, aome.ojia -fromtha croijul L Clellai: iY, ÜlcCUU;.w 'lis i't know where he U now; but the! can .McCIelUuL. the min. I don' l'1 1 lienrd frorn him hS was about tobe appointed . Prrstdeut of some Western .railroad company. II think, if is the one that is s in t r run tbrjuh mr n. 1 W,-,,-, for t.ftifttle,Wrbls will never come, as no was Det'er Known to get anv- ; w''t re on time. " 1,1 in' " piaiiorniwLucy nave me menaaciry, in '"'n ..... ...w yag Irwace was to recall ur ruf oithon . 'itn.tli fljil tide of victory, stack-.their arms and ait down in m.t:em ' invattivity,' until auandl-hsrn and other northern triitors-i-for no UvttA loui woulj hive the work and Jeff. Davis and men like him in tie South, conM meet somewhere in nit:otnl convention, and nree upon terms of pvace, whereby the South could obtain by nego- i110'1 n"' "ey BQiKuijjr i.ucuib nawj o MjJOii the field of battle. This a tlie platform of the d.-mvrVic party one vear a-o, dictated by ValUndigham. and HfcitiuttnttJy nJojrted rtj-t!.e Convention ut Chi- c '-o. .1 do nt accuse these men of lying. Those who composed that Con vent Hon Were all honbrablo '-II . i: tU . . .11....: .... T T seiiutrmrn. hii ui-u-miu, ie iimj-iri.i'i' "'if, was there; tloralio Oevmour anu Au?it Belmont, o( New York; 'Im V'oorhees, of ludiana; Dick Merrick, of Illinois; Dennis, .A. ,Mabony nnd Clay Dt.i"t;4 Iwa all pood : D.'niovi t, and true "present uive of the pirty. Of course, such men could not have ii. tended to falsify histjry. The '-'y trouble wa thoy dUl i know what our aimy h,,, l'ng. Tliey had read nothing but the -"w 1 mic news, inica!;'! 1 inirs, Jinu uuoii'juc Herald, and jtae jo'irnala always tDiWncoT; tlnir ww von relxjl .urre.'::i Jdiroaiolol wily reb el vct(kii4. , .They lit J mnvr heard of. iuilh or (I frW)i-j, itc iA).ikvut; :MoiuiUiin u-ud, jn their iiinoc iicö mid ercdniity; r?ally beU?ved h it every i bittle h.Kljeruiteil'iiij.,. ic4el; tfUtt-ry. Loud cheers. J Now, wliere ate, these gentleman oi 'tour cars of failure iMtrietv1 1 Uov are stand aiound at the reception ol vo ir ba: tie scarred vi lerans, whom thev dViiunceil as Linleoln cut-L throats, and holding out to them poIluUd hitids, ..II l- t 1 . 1 - Didn't we give them thunder Luthiaustic applause. Whit nicle measure of our martyred President's adtninistntitioit did the men ever indorse! A voice, "not one."' Yes, I recall one which they applauded the revocation ol Buruside's order suppressing the Chicago Times for its treasonable utterances. Hi at' f So." An EnisoSo in ths Win Trill. W'AsufNOTO-. Sepl. 21. An exciting scene oc c ii-red in the Wirz trial to-dir. Near the close era I munlers rommutea iv t!ic prisoner, ana i'ii lined Inn as the person who came tiding up as he aud a comrade were carrying, the corpse of a iris enif" -to the fluad hotue, ami -nsked them hywhnt nuthoritv they were there, and when answere-d "ly M-oper authority hot lw comraJe dead on the spot. The prisoner was dircc'eJ to stind up, that he miht tie ideniifii-d with more certainty, when he became excessively agitated, and after attempt ing, in a Stull ling and incoherent naanner, to a 1 drtss the witne-ss and the CeMtrt, Sie-Hil lut to sink doan in courulsious, wbeu the wax cleared and he w is tikeu ia charge uf It pliyici- an. , , t n Changes and Additions in the ScllC Cl J'",' Tlie follow ing notes up m the changes in ihe Seho A La'v are by tlie au 'i n-ity of the S iieriu- tendent of Public "Instruction: " Tne General AsemMy, in the revision of the School Law , mide several ch injres and aJlilioas, l!.e m rc imptii t int are stated below. Sei?. 1 ch inges th. tax fr.rin ten ccuts on th liUiiijed doll irs to sixuru t-euts. ; . . , - - KeC. 3 limits tfi ; numb-r 'of lYu-itecs In1 e?t!cs ami ineorp rat cd tuvns t throe, and gives -tiieir ietHMi to the- C.ii-n a Cumiil e-r "Jl ird of Trustees, iulsc.ul of uiviog it to the r people, as foriurrlv. Sec. 7 classified and specifics more niinu'ely, certain dulies of Trustees. " Ti vjleeswill do well to ive speci I attention to this section. S-.-C rd anth.irizesj t'.i Trustees to b-vy a spoci il t is, v it ti ut the oucurrenrc of th; t'.aoty C :n-mi-si nei s. as was required by the olJ law. Sec 1 1 c'l uigcs tin basis of euurn 'ration from live tre.irs n''; to .-ix VeiiS- . feec. 21 prescribes a pen i'ty of twen'y -live dol lars lor failure ol any Trustee I) ra iks the icjAnts icquiie.l by law. , , ' -;.... Ii! Iv.ld fllA itm. U-ll.f.. .I.Inl. . ii.i, .iiv nine il .intN IIIC KIIWI rt.V).r,.u.t ,r cad, Xi, iu lt (te vxr)uM. - -j .....-.."u ,,-,... t..!... !...'! .V. vw- . -' . . - . . v j ...... A A V J .).,., m t lov no teaher feir the Common School, who does JUfc hoUit.Vfllill K.encsa ut lh. lirtl(. of enn!or t incut. It further pi'jviJes that tie expiration of' a license, within a tu tu of school, fchall not stop the ecliool or the tcacbcr'jj ji.ij. , - - Sic 'i i provides: J ,' : . jr .. 1st. That the CouH'V CoaimLsio:icr liall at their June s. -as ion, of the current Tear appoint Schwl Examiners for their respective counties. o j. Ti .1 the Cofln'n Cniissmiers m iv d lis- n.iss an iJxmiuier tor any one or the following efS. im:uoru!ltj( iucoiapetcucy, or gcujral vcl of lul , 3 j ! j tn thc-rT.Tncfics prescribed Sn the old law, teacher thall be t x innned in and the hi.-tory of the United St iles. -JJ. Te-acbt-rs, bef tie Ir'intr liceus?il . slull fur- i thy same country, shall be eulilh-d, at the disvr- um or tlu lit aiamei, to tue ryuewal of l.cutO without a re-examination. feVc. 37 jh- vi Jes, 1st. Th.V. ,tiie . Examiner shall hold ewie public xa mi in hia e-mnlvT.' each month; 2d. That, iu no, hall he grant Ii- enniHiatiot; M. Ier ach jap- priCauVelauiiticel lie Saall be . entitled to a fce'of one doll aK - - Sec. 3 provides that the Examiner fhall pro- cure at tho expense ol'tiia county, a blauk book, iu which he shall keep an account ot hiarocelizs. labors in and for the schools. c... ".l :.,..!.-. i . i i i r cewi pivMiic wiav saa?!wi scuoxif, uuoa mihi foe nnae äf the'CSart fIoire door of the connty in which tho land liCs; 21. That such sale ghail be mad; by the County Auditor Jd.. That the Coun- . I. I 11.1 . . . I jii. reasurer fiiau eaivroper account ol saiu sale; 4th.- That te Audi tor aJJdrTraeXs'iallrbc en-! viucu vj n icu oi 51,00 eacu, oj.tuj. purciiascr, ot o,t.t l.,.t ... ..'i, ... . PUIU I a ilea Se-C." 79 nrovidi-s" Ihat'Vlie'lnlriminl f ifT.nn1 - - - - a vt -- .vi-w . funds that may be loaned to anv nerson. or ! company of person;,' shall .bol' exceed $1,000, ' 'P.... r r .. i. . i lue attention of County Auditors is especially a.rcctcuto tiiiscninge, as many couuties have, at this time, large snms not loaned. Sec. 121 reouires the Suoeiinteadeulof Public Instruction to visit each coiuty in the State, at at least once during hia term f office, instead ot once a year, as formerly. r m - t . j Sec. 131 provides for the aasesiing and ollcct fn of ä t ii of one cent on the hundred dollars, for the purpoii of purchasing boolu' for township libraries.. . . -1 Sec. 137 requires Trustees to provide book cas es for township libraries; also,' librarian book: j also, to report to the Examiner the number of volumes annually taken out of the library Sec. 147 reuuiies, in addition to the usual k a a urancnes. instruction in gooa DeU.iv lor. fee. 152 provides that the State Board of Education shall consul of the Governor of the t-ete. the Supcnutendcnt ol Public Instruction, e rre ueni o. ine oiaie university, tne rresi- tu w wwwiuimi chwii vueu iuvm mmu ,..,,. . . , ,, i r. . . , . . cwjoiisco, una me cuperintenoents 01 tne txm- mon Schools in the the three of the Sute Ii.i-iikt th, 1 iiwill nnrnK.. AfiiliU.. .f rAMmiin ".""f10 School im miri-Ji iiuuivvi Ul .IlllUieil Ol VOII1UJUU The largest cities, as thus deterruin- e! re t present, Indianapolis, Evatv.ville and Fort Wayne Sec löo rrovides that the State Board may I examine teachers as to their qualifications, aud issue to auch as shall be found to rsfaess eminent ; Jcho!arhip and professional ' ability, State ccrtiB- 'cute?, Valid troüghout the State and during the life f' lime of tbe holder, unless revoked If aaid P Board. "' ' -" y . ," P Board. j Sec. 1"9 proriJeä that on conditions sum from there shall nnuälTv'be drawn a miill the County Treasnry for thesopiortof "l eache'rV i lusütutes. V- , , J 'Sec. 160 provides that thtfVommon Schools ' shall be closed during the seflw cf an r Institute. ! . ScclCl reouirts Kxamincrs to liold, or cause to be held, in their respective couuties, at least tm tith IntHute each tear.- ec. Ib'j orovules tnat 11 any person visit a ( schoql with the intention of upbraiding or insulting 1 me icacner, sueu peraun iiiu vv a uuc uoi ull be und a , z. . , Sy, 1C7 provides tliat the E-ble shall not be ; excluded from any of the Common bchooli of the j btate. ( i .; TWo - following sections of the old , law are expunged: ,. . . , ., . j j S9 umth oI?ectioa 3j a3 related to toe issuing , of licenses lor lcis than the six common school Sec. 1.17, which authorized the Superintendent of Tublic Instruction to license teachers at picas So much of tection IT. 2 a authorized the Superintendent of Public Instruction to f ubinit to the State Board of EJucttion a series of text j books lor approval, for useiu the Common Schools I -.(!.. f. vmit widic. Negro Expatriation. . Tlie Union rmpers'-of La Porte. t!:e Union and Herald, are engaged in a friendly diseussion, on tho puiject of tendii the- Negro Out of the Coun try. "- : : . - Almost every good mn may some, dty ol his life, tired of seeing iht? wrongs inflicted upon this race, and feeling tho prejudice there is existing against them. desire to see thim removed entire ly, root and bin'ich, front th a Country. Clay, Er eretr.'id others, dcsired'lo send them to Africa, lienj Frank blair, of Mo., at one Hrne mide cou sWi r ible political capital in his State,' by advo cating tho purchase of part of Central Am-riea, for ihe s4me purpose. ' Dr. Breckinridge, of Ken tucky;' has recommended Mexico, ami it is said, but In true we do not know, that. Mr. Lincoln, h id in his'hea'J a scheme of getting them off to Srmth America, and even sent Gen. Sickle to South America to negoltate for a portion of one of these States, that he might preseut the matter to Congress, in some tangible shape. The whole question is an impracticable one, and the separation even if desirable will never take place! Immense emigrations, t iking often a l irg er part of a people from one country to another, have ofte'ii taken place, and are going on at this very moment, but never, if we except the Exodus f the Chil-h en of Israel from Egypt, have a whole people, so large and so extensively scattered, lelt their country, either willingly, or unwillingly, for another. " There is something more aven than the expense involved in the qMvtion, which of itself would be enormous. The liCt is; the races have no desire tor separation , when tlie eplestion becomes a spe cial and practical ore. To illustrate this let the Editor of the Herald undertake to persuade any of the two hundred colored nersous iu .La IVrte, t leave their employ m nt, and go to AM:, .Mexico, or any other place, aid we promise him, that in alinostevcryinst.mce .it will bs icsented by tho white employer. ..Aad, there is no other place in the wl o.'c eeruntry, where they can be spared; fr we arc in pressing need, of more must le, instead of kss in litis yojMg and growitig cjuutrv. Uurfepiuii.T!) Urethren used to tell us tl it the Abieaa- was brought into this couutrv to be chris- t?:lJ,'ljJ ajd. elevated. They were'unduu'.tedly i i'r'. in neariy mo nuiiurt-u year-, e nai j domvj) little in that line for them, that we wero j ru-"-'-- for neglect ol our duty by a war of lour j year and fortv d ivs, until there was dead iniu i nearjj every family in the wjiule land. J Let uj iujw assume the obligation! placed upon us, to enlighten and elevate fclvs reople, rather , to ui w.irte our time ia vainly t-peculafing how we ' can expatriate them. A an enlighlrned and Christian people, they C:XXt ' u no barm, but if we keep them ignorant, , 'cspis. d. and partly il not wholly ensl ireel it will , a' matter ol neeess'ty, be reflected back upon us. .and add to our demoraliz ttion. ( . I ne Pharisaical rpirit d our peonlc. which m ik.'S us hate and despise the Negro, is the same w men maele us slay -thr ln-hman a lew years ago in Louisville and New Orleans. We think our our " Anglo Saxon" or Dutch English stock, is bet- t-r ihan that of' Cell or African. So we vent, without r? ison, tr justice, our splenetic pride upon Celt or African: Iu the latter persecution we get the help of the Iri!iru iu, and he doea that tiling well. . ' Wi.n will nnn cene to persenite those beneath l.imT When will h accept his christian obliga tio t''ebnirte nil frim bruullty to.vai Ji heaven 7 Va!;arjio lirpiiblc. Ik- A Supposed Case. Suppese men are t liking together, two of w hom ' weire brothfrsr!.'" the third a cousin A dispute ai-Nes botween one of the brothers and the ' cousin- and the latter strike the former. He nat- urally looks t Iris broaVri f w wnrmthv. anl. if . I I . . . . t n - i - -r- - ii-e o:-, Fupnori. uui orotiier turns around , an I says: Y'ou'are w"r,ug;you begaai the ficht. l ou must nat .strike back; let him alone." . What would voa think of saeh a brother as that? Wo'd .vi'not set him down as a liar and a poltroon, and wmi!(, roa not d Uo h,m mare (h th wh struck 'vou. T-Norihern Democracy occued the posit on o' tl. rt ultnatural brother all throogh otir Ute war, a-id they hold to it yet. Our rebel cousins fired on the old' fl ig, raised armies and at- templed to derrie-c us of our rights and liberties.. him, 'lfe:vled him, and, as occasion occurred, aid ' eHmn. " We e in respect a Southern rebel we can overlook the coldness of a foreigner who is jealous of our prosperity and our power but as ! we could not foririve or'resnect a brother who de- r sorted us in "our extremity, sj wo cannot for-ive or respect Northern Copperhead. And still more . do we dfspie them now, when the war being over, ! and the rebels conquerel, they conspire with them to humiliate us by traducing our motives, denying our patriotiani, aiid depriving us of the fruits of j our dealrv bought triumpl iph. Ilemustbechariuble, Inden!, wlr e m overlook tho conduct of the Cop perhcarj puty during the iast four years, and give them his vote and confidence now. A Copperhead can no more be a patriot, than a leopard can change his skin. -La Vorlt Union. "'-.'TV, AHsatbr's Nests.': , , Tliese nests resemble har cocks four or five feet Id jh, and five in diameter at their basis, being con- sti ucted of crass and herbage.-i First they deposit . " i . f h laver ol eggs on a floor ot mortar, and bavin covered this with-a stratum of mud and herbage tiuul iuches thick, lay ano'Jiei . , ...,.. .i er set oi eggs upon a that, and 60 on to the top, there being generally from one to two hundred eggs in a nest. With their tails they then beat down around the nest a dense mat of grass and weeds five feet high to pre. vent the approach of unseen enemies. The fe male watches her eggs until they are hatched by Qui hxat of the un, and then she takes her brood under her own care, defending them and providing for their subsistence. Dr. Lutcnburjr, of New Or leans, once packed np one of these nests, with the eggs, In a box, for the Mustunvof St. Petersburg, but was recommended before he had closed it to see that there was no danger of the eggs being hatched on the voyage. On opening one a young alligator walked out, and was followed by the rest, about a hundred of which he fed in the house whero . iPiey; t M-n j up j f and down stairs, whinuing and Parking like young puppies. ar pcr'$ Monthly. ' .' . They say that all flesh is grass, but, if flesh is cut, its cure requires weeks or months, whereas grass can be cut and cured in a day. We like to talk of "the . . but the age of women great subject. He who ia attached to no human creature should to a rope. ". Charily covers a multitude of sins; tbe tailor a multitude of tinners. Hf H Q EXIO ' fTODFl IJullK BjLI lWfUll&.i . IMw IViyilfta I I tJrim-Visaged War Having niooth! hl' wrinltlfd ftunt, the attention of " wil i.t rij mouth mod TicJuitjr it called to KcIIcv A: Kendall's New Grocery & Provision Store, OPPOSITE. THE POST-OFFICE, Where thoy can boy all kinds of Choice Family Groceries AT THC Very. Lowest Prices. In the Grocery line they keep Teas, Sugars, Cofees, ; , ; Spices, Candles, ' ' .. Soap, 1. Syrupg, " Ilaisins, Tobaccos, ' " ; d'C, l'C, Prunes, ' Cigars, " d:c, de. In th? Provision Via. Meals, , Potatoes, Dried Fruits, Cheese, Candies, Craclers, etc. In .Mit Ion to the above they havt likewise a larg and variod assort mnt of Glass, Stone and Wooden Ware, ami everything olio usually found In a first class Grocery Huuae. -- - The Highest Market Price in fash PAID FOR PRODUCE, SUCH AS Butter, Chick fii, Potatoes, ami all other kinis nf Country PioJu. e. Intending to kep a full 1 of a. I kiu'l and itualitiua if bT"ulClElRIIiE!, WHICH THEY WILL SELL they Invite everylxnly to call nml examine their turk. WASHINGTON KELLEY, WILLIAM M. KENDALL. Pb-moulh, Marls, lü" 2Stf MEDICINES! 'Would call the attention of the public tethcit fulland well selected stock of goods, wcllsuitedto this market, consisting in part of ' ' - : ' ' . u 1 Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Book?, STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS. t C : "Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oil, YANKEE NOTIONS, Wall A" Window Paper Perfumsry.Photog-raphAlbumSj Cigars, Fiue ul Tobacco, Candies, patext medicines; r .... - I Foley's Botanic Balsam,- . Ilollotray's Worm Confectioas, kc, tc. ' Call and seeour atock before purchasing else where. .. ' 1 TERSIIING & Co. CABINET WARE! ' The undersigned would respectfully inform the people generally that he is constantly manufactu ring Cabinet Ware of all kinds, such aa Bureaus, Tables, Stands, Sofas, BEDSTEADS, (Xf BOARDS, WARDROBES, Book Cases, Secretaries, What Nots, Ottomans, Te'te-a-Teles, . Wood and Cane Seat hairs, . . . i Ii.. .V. w.t IT. I. . 1.n OCC.. CCC -, as enenp ma .lio i.iii..L.toi. ..10 m idu J ol Ii 11 sol üvery uescripiion, at reasonable rates and on short notice. rjSbop at the . . East End of Broxcnlce s Bridge, South Plymouth, Indiana. ... .. S.P.NORTON. -jwi'jw-iaji... Change of Business ,w .i laocttlity i 'if '-' T- SP JET&JEJJEL, (fORMtaLT srcrga.i süiuyc,) Has Xtii Day Removed to 9. & IV. Keeker' Old Stand, well It no arm ns - . ' .- CORBLVS COKWER, I'-.. v:i .. WHERE, A3 HERETOFORE, A FULL AS SORTMENT OF- .1 "''.''''-'-. - . "'-..''..-' idiiy bTin), V ; , '; . ..,-11 11 Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, ... Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Will be kept coiittnutly on hand, und i will be offered for Mile at tho Very Lowest Terms Possible. Thankful for received patronac at the eilj stund, fin-xt to Pemhinn'i Druj; Store,) thu undersigned teg, to a continuance efthe sam at the new stand. INlotto Uiicliaiied: Quick Sales, Small Profits, AN D Strictly Honest and Fair Dealing. . SPEYER. i ; ' . - . . riymouth, May 31, 1SVi 2?tf v.rnc: 11. I t I!'"'" H. D. DICKSON k Ci ii i: ) HAVE REMOVED TIIEIR : l 'v. ' i: j:. i r...ii'' !. .'; ' - "It -w , ' :'..1 7f". ii' Immense Stock of i .,.'i i : IBIÄJBIIPWÄ'IBE To ihe Corner Room ot M, .'Li. , -:i' ti d: .-.'! 1 .1 c vir ma a x street. v. . PLYMOUTH! INDIANA, 1 1- 4- WHERE THEY INVITE :! All of their Old Customers To Come and Sec them, and as many New Ones as can tret into the Stoic, Thankful for peat patronage a conti a dance of the same is respectfully solicited. Hs Bs DICKSON & CO. Pijr?Utn, Hay 11, ifcsi- IStf il Li-' ..G-reat Improvements in SEWINtt IV1ACHINES Empire Shuttle Machiue! i f i ,tt i t fii'. ' - -1 -1 TATENTED FLTÖRÜAKV 14, 1860. Salesroom, n'M Broadway, IV. Y. '2o"2 Wasliington Bosfon, 3lass, ; f ,i f T h i i M ii it 1 w 1 1 1 j ; r -1 rt -t C U..-I n e u ti t 1 y fl w T t n r i . pie if me. ui iiii , Mi.H,.gii, nil nr run- ami valeinl.ii. ifii jirTniint!i. hn-rrn? In rn -fH-mirned t-Tthe iol prr t'iiml exiw-rt. and to fcu SIMPLICITY aad PEK FKtVriuN r(i.ffetM.. - TliotVillnaifl.u-.-iiif fi u'ifiiliiljvct iuu r urged at;lii( Sewln; Mai-hiiii s: Utrttces-ive lal'Cir ti the op-r.iri.r. 2J Iahilitj to jj.-t out of urdi-r. 3d Expi'iist, troiil.l and li.noftime inrepairfnfc. tth I nra-.i i ilj t"Ke ever il--"i'Y:.ti jti of material. rth Iiimpi eeabie noi hil- ill ni'i-ratii B. The Empire Seiring Machine is Exemvi from all these objections. It has mtruiirht uee.Hc. v T-i'ii'li- ulnracl ion. m-ile tl LOK or SHTTTI.K STIlTM, hieb ill NEIT1II K KU' nor UAVtL. aul is alike m lotli i.t. ii; j-erfe.rn.s perfect dewiiii; on . v ry !.-i ripti'in i f i!i5. rlhl, frufii freatber to the llitii'! Xnusonk Mur.lia. n illi rotton.liai n orilk ihr"; :, lio,u tli" .er-., -l ii.llu- f-uest minit-er. Iliivinx n-flVr CA f n-ir iv WIfKKL, an.1 tTie least possiblefr irtii il.fl I um as niofth ae Kli-ts. aud is - , EJirUTICALLY .V .01SELLSS HIKIIIXEl It rcjiiire-. FIl'TJ' PEU ( "LXT le.s i : 0V4T to rfriw I than anv -thtr M l;hin in m:irl..'f . A jiiHuftwi-lvr Vr'nra ofar.'cm work i etr.liiv, without fatifne or inj art to heal ill. Its SXRENliJ It Iii.! ..WONDERFUL SIMPLlCiTY of -on-itrii.-ti.'n reiihr it .-il mot i'mi'Oeil.e Io k-!.!1!!' or.l.r. an l ii Utr vllA XTKKI b tkerompaMy tojffvrei. lire satii.tciivii. , , 'NfeTC'spi'CtfTliy Inviff all thn.e whornajf .Ti'sfretosnpply tliKn-erlYi-s with a si.pcrii.r rt icl.-to call and ezasuin Th is Unrivaled .Tlneliiue. iBut in a mure especial insunor do we si lit it tbrputrcin ape of Merchant Tailors, Dress Malers, Cvqch Malers, Corset Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufacturer i Gaiter fitters. Shirt and Bosoiii Malen, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. miritiiitoii! au'i Cli.irlt.ijlt T um itut ions illb llVer ally Ji-äilluiU: - - Price of Machines, Complete Xo.l , Funiily M:i.-liiin w ith Ilrnimerroinplel, Jt'iP fO No. i, Small I:innf-.-t tirinjr. tn'th Y fi-ns ioii Tal.le, t5 fit No. 3, I.rgeManufii;tiiriiir. with Kxteniou Table, 8510 No. 3, L'irjre.fiir Leuth. r, it Ii rulüngfoot, Ac, 100 10 CABINETS IX EVERY VARIETY. We want A:rent for all town. In the fhile.l Platen, Can da, Cua, Mexii-ii. r.-ntr.-il nn.l h. istk Anierira, Wber-a'-nrie are nut aln-;iiy e-taliü-liKl, to eihom a Iiterrl disiwnit will lie rvn, l-nt tf make io i-on-er'-füt. Uidi-rii luay Im ut llu.i:jrl tbe Al Bij AiiecaTis Aoem v, Bni;ulav. N.-w ' J. T.- 3t -AKT urn CO., No. fit hr.ioln.i.v. New York. rt-AU'Kr. PORPn. n. n l A-p-nt fr r In-JUna. .td IXJ elr.öaS. Purtli, Si iixlu:.', Ind. tue-2(i 4-lf SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS SWAIN'S B0ÜRBON BITTERS S V AI N' 8 ' " BO UR BON B ITTE R 3 A healthy tonie, utte f: iinulint ami nneiinWd in.irniuajipi'lii.'r. I'r 'irnJ in ri; old U jurU.n. lt.-inj now iisimI lo ihi' xi'lii-i.iii of all iiih r Kil ters ja inoeflili filly I'liit l ,tf.-ii A llmi-tu.-i, and niiliioa-i prii.tie tamilii.-, ami it tlio only p.put.if nii'Ii.'ini !;i' h h.n !. tn e'p rialiy , eityito.f jr-tm an; tit liy the I'nitiil irtati-s kot -vrniu- nt, on the -ruiiii l ol ir- kavinc bern aJcpt- ana ifanitard mneilx . Hie rifi-ion. ' ..SWAIN'S BUUKBOX BUTE RS itCThi'T are mailt- of i'i.Ti-.lici.t well known and appr.nt,- ! liy th.- iif li.-tl 'n-;-.".i,i, as liavinj; jm-r erjHl tunic proprrlirt, an- in .111 (uikiTuble and pleas ant, with m!li.'ic.iit tUnirjih- inny n ffttim ! cor re't tli.- Iiilli.nii d.-raneenit-nt of tho y-terii, an-t art Kk a . Imrin wlii ii ink.-n . t-orJii.(t tu iirei tioti, an a reini'ily fir the follnnint; ilisiet! In' rHij-JioH, o,(i)..r.j Jwmlir, I.irrr y4JVrfm loll c AjHet-te, LotCH.t. o t. ils Sxilloie Cuntplt- SWAIN'S BOURBON" BITTERS roit - liti. !.r, C.ÜC-''. nd kiiolr.! dtiuff. ariaiasj from a disordered ii'lit ion of tin- Slomm h, Liverj ear BowH. Lt enery "M it it t!iiM aurti-aMe Bit-ti-ri,' oii'-t tri'.-d au l um'J, Ui-'J wiil r cwHnuud . them witti cniitid.iie to nil uhi-r eitio All-in ihh-iI uf a -liol-rf .1110, ivrr.-e Ui-mi I (oniu. The . . . rapidly iii;r..;i-iii il uund I-r th.'e Jiit-r has indnei-d mi- ti five ?1i.;n, fa tFat thm ' eamU kubava not ii.-d tlx-m, uiuy try tiwiu aad be co.iviuii-d of their i (T"n:uv. SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS .M.''i."wlio have f i r ! aud f 'iin'l i:i.t otrir SOmU fJ.W'rs'' tr. i-iHt-r. Hfmln'U-t- anil too highly me-li--i!- d for jh. ii d 'Uali; tantr, pli-ase-jcUa theiM a trial, and v!i tvill n-'l f With-iiit them. ' Tli. v. will loju to lh- ri-uia. i, anil trwigtl. to lue whole vstem. mrll vour ilrc-irist or tradcKüun ha tmt itot (lr 1i'(icr,. hare hi- eri! f.r them. Kv"lt- mi luU r the nanie, aud take ha OttllT, ....... 'i SWAIN'S" BOURBON BITTERS t iJ4j"Iuf 0"iiiuitiffl ! Dr. Swain Hilters Im Ting brrr) made puhlie thrm;li he f lumni.f MiJi-ui4loiriaI(.atid haviiifc Wen e1optrl .tMiotur-l i-titt. r -r er.e Met.-al Prof.sii)U, ure bTtln- .4-ki-ioi if rtjf 'rumiM.ionrr of In ternal Revenue, EXUJTI'T HUHl .-T.t.llT I'VTY. DR. C.'II. SWAIN.' rRorniEToA. i iim iitmi injii. n -i r (l!tnith Viater St., Chic;;. C. A. COOK, General Agent for the West, Chicago. Soldat Wr-tf! til fM.'i?. bv VulJ.T. Fim h Fuller. i & Va'i.- lu-ar-1'' Cha.. ti. !':nit.b:.Lnp & IrmitN i .1.11. ICet-,1 A Co.; S:a'iii J Iwyer, and i-ruggislJi and Uroeers every ber". Iu PI-en.iJln, I J march 30, lSi5lyl " T. A. LEM05. f Fl N KL LYON'S NEW PATENT R0TAR1 FEED The following facts demonstrate that thefie Ma cainescomprise the highest iMPROVEMtNTa 1 tht Sewing Machixe Art, vir 1. Each Machine is suaraEteed ii give bclfcrpit isfaction than any other Sewing Machia in Market, or money refunded. ,'--.... 2. Thej hare takcaraanj of the nicaiiT rzin ens a( th.wtvi importaut eihiiutions .ajiel .' fai&s ever fieW in the Uujtod, States. . ;. 3. They make the lock stitch allkVon both 6;,jej ti us saving more, than Jiiilf the fliread and 6ilk tised in the ravelins nde-searcs of the loop atitch and slnsle-thread Sewing MachineSi 4. They are adapted to tho Widest range o tetTj and "light sewing. . , V - . 5. They have no rattling wires, or delicate attach MAn'ia'ln kprti In renair. 4 6. Thy rqoire nO taking apnri lo elean ot tM, :'jandno.i-530llS' toset ueeoie, reguiata in- eion.or operate Machine- ,; .,- Please call and examine and elemoDKtrat for yourself, orsendforctRCTLia with Sam'ples ofacw N . B.-Tein and Coanty Agcnti watted. FINKLE & LYON S. M. Co., No. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.'CS.ullyl r APORTE MARBLE WORKS. SHE U ill AX & C o i ManuCictnrers of all kinds of Monumeutsr Tomb Stones, Dead Stones, or all Slzcx and Formt, a MARBLE TABLE TOPS, Bureau Tops, Counter Slabs, Etc. ' eu.w :it ..ti .il ktndroT worlch"eäier than anv othrf establishment in Northern Indiana rao. aad will warrant satisiaction in all caaea. R. S. LENHART, General Agent. A. YINNEDGE. LocaMgl. Plymouth- uviuuei .mi uo-ib'i 1 s o s . . BATS tcrtu$ EIKDS-M Wver trajres in .hoot in small hirdsis a cruel man: whoever aids in extertiiuiat!n5 rmu is a bemfcelor. W shonld lik -- f nr torrr.- pondenta to civt ns the benefit hfr',T"fS!Jl'? tV.V ln ont these m-sts. Vtm nfe.dSomethiPSleidcdng.cate tand tripe fir thia bnii-. ."" Arn T bx. ?es,"CoTAa " adi-;iHSat-ia ti JHr , XEWHIi illllllES! SEWIi I1M1IIIS r i LJUIILLJIUILIJUII