Newspaper Page Text
THE REPUBLICAN. PLYMOUTH, IND., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 1865. MARSHALL COUNTY CJMON NOM INEES. !?!'( iuii October 10, 180. For Recorder, M.J..r WILLIAM M. KENDALL. Tor surveyor, Couln WELCOME RICK. For C 3J District, X. D. liKLLER. 3.1 Darier, WILLIAM J. HAND. Th. Election. Xeit Tuc3ujy the voters of this county will be OiücJ upoa to exerci.e th right of freemen in the peleMion of ihctr public servants, one, it ;9 ; hoped, w ill Viiiae the privilege SO lightly as to rc- j rutin away from the pjlls. Every Unioa mm es-! vaeialiy.ihoali think God that we tili have a cvinfry. d.?pite the machinationa of rebs's iouth n i Ntith to destroy i; and establish pon its ruins ; Slave 0!:rchv, under which the rights of con science ami free speech would have been entirely ignored, and resolve in future to be more vigilant ithful ia the discharge of Lis public dutiea. c-'elf-prcswrTation, as we!I j the peace, prosperity ".J rtrittUl'T of the imr-erati-el? demand i . j i it .Ur.T hr.r been too rem?s in this ressect . - -Mi mev are to vote lor Hepuuiic.ius, inev preier wr I:cret3. ore, and fearful, indeed, has been the pen-1 g.ippo'rt the clean straight ticket and platform. a'ty we have all had to pay for this remissness, j "rather than the mougrel thing started nt Albany." ähJJ the lessons we hav learned during the last j We have heard of a number of Democnts in nur terrible years b forgotten? V trust not. this county who Ulk like their New York breth- Tlicn, Ut every 'over of justice and libertv andiren. hater of traitors, wron, oppression aai corruption I a a a awn rally at the polls text Tuesday and vote the Unioa j The Democracy of the New Yew York are rot ticket, and whether successful or not you will at : lnrraonius. The State Rights faction, i. f., the least have the approval of your conscience. ! kite ultra rebel sympathizers, propose to bolt the Oar candidates are all unexceptionable men in j nom'n.itione recently made, and to put a new every respect and worthy of jour support. Do not i ticket in ibe field. As a'.' the prominent Iiish let them be beaten kr want of your vote. The I papers are in the bolting movement, th:s split will election will be close. Both parties expect to sue- j be likely to m-ke wumc in New York City, ceed. If all our fiiends were at home wt should " beat them easily. As it is one vote may decide .lipon whose banners victory shall perch. SoTJiuj, too have been virtua'ly disfranchised 1 c'n them ae Lincoln "hirelings." "cKt-tliroats," r -,, , . r .v i .! and pronounced the war a f.i!ure." A change for four years pist, on account of the re.usal of h .coroe oVr lh. fDirit of their dreams" nd the so-called Democratic party to vote for a law j now ti,e bojs in "blue" are no lcr.ger hirelings, extending to you the right to vote in the field, j the war ha been a succe and in their couven- Thev cried out uneonntitutional, but that ! the cry ! lion the- lc,ar t nd thank tl.e soldiers for . i a . . ,iit. Net content with that merelv, they beseech they mvanably make against every mea.ure they j them to run fof office on tra;torot,t tioket. sre opposed to. Ii was .1 rr.rre subterfuge; the j "Oh, hhame, where is tby blush VHvvcari Trib- s.rar.'J and true reason was thev weie afraid to : 1 trust you, hiving denounced you and the cause for which you were imperiling your lives. Will any soldier now roto with such a party? Mr. BelforJ's ?;ech, delivered at the Soldiers Dinner and Reception, in th's place, on the 11th n't., will be ound on our first page to-day. It is a nib?e production and will we' 1 repay an attcn live perusal. Should Yar Am1 tir & Co. have t! m'ir.-rtoa to loose the;r educated mule they cau readily pro cur auother hy applying at the Democrat office in this p!".c. Dec. Harvey, with a little training, it ia believed, would suit them exactly. All they would fuve to do besides the training would be to glne a Munct mule's ears and tail to him in the proper p'acts and he would be ready for service. Character does not depend upon diet. The aas cats thistles and nettles, the sharpest of food, and is th dullest of animals. Exchange. Thistles and nettles then must be the meat up on which Doc feeds, varied occasionally, by way dessert, with a bucket of swill, as he combines the intellectual qualities of the ass and the manners of 1 hog. He sometimes attempts to say something hary but the best he can do ia to retail bsr-roora 1 slang or second-hand wit. CoioaEO CosvrNTifix A rM h- Usn4 by a portion of the colored individuals of this State j lor a "Colored Men'a Sure Convention," to as sembl at Indian inolis on the 24th of October The object of the meeting is said to be to form a lay before the august assemblage full statement i T.l'i h ri')i,n.., rl,-w. hva t n . . desire to t ae your ofhee froai von, er supplant : you ia the affections of your ro jurisk companion. Birds of a feather flock together. Wero tou dis- thari on account of jour "ro-ueish" prop'ei.sities ! .r tor your bad auociatlotia? We! I, don't fret, j we douU not, you Can get to be boot-black to his ! highness Jeff Davis, or some other rebel chieftain. provided you can give satisfactory reference of jour continued ijmpatliy for rebels and the rtbel cauae, which there ia no don'ot yon can. Sambo, having a due appreciation of the fitnesa of things, will cheerfully reign in your favor. Now don't get huffy, Doc-, and refuse to ex change any more compliments with us. There is but little stirring new a afloat just cow and the TkAn1 Want snmthin" to .mint iVirm. mnA mm nn I ..... , ... . orriii tu uesire c uaic no vi'je;wou vo grauiy you by exchanging a few erpiibs. "Lay on Mc Duflr.' If you find jour cnergiea flsggiug go the fields and eat your fill of nettlea and thistles. TL tu tute editors of the Democrat whenever they want to say any thing particularly severe or witty about the editor of litis paper call him "the old man. or "the eld gentleman.' Some of their numerona illustrious predec;sflon sometimes called him "old Mattinlj" whenever the wanted to be very aarcastic. Well, oa some accounts, 't is a misfortune to be old, but it ia a greater one to be a young simpletoa, devoid of good breeding, or rendered prematurely old by physical debility. The editor of this paper m'ght with equal proprie ty taunt the senior of the Democrat with hia phya ical misfortunes, but if he did it waald only prove that hia early training like those of the Democrat editors bad been sadly neglected, or the truth ot aphorism that "evil communications corrnpt good Manners." Osborne Si IJarvev flitter themselves that "Ma! tingly" is in a very uneasy poaition jut now on the negro suffrage question, and like the Teuton who caught tbe Loar is anxious for tome one to help him let the animal go. They are, we were going toaay slightly mistaken, but that would not be true. They merely want to direct attention from their own aneasy position. They are very anx ious to hide their own miserable party record by raising a dust about aomething elae, but it won't do, gentleme. You cannot frighten any true soldier or patriot out ol the Union ranka by tbe cry of negro auffraß. There ia not a aoldier. however much he may be opposed to negro enf frage in the abstract, bat what aajait would be in finitely better for the country to allow the negroes to vote than to let tht Coppcrheada get into pow er, as in tbe latter case we should not only loose all wt have gained by the war, bat have tbe Con federate wr debt saddled ipon the nation besides. stte equal righta league," at which time they -the congregation. They refused to come out, will ar-peal tothe legislature of the State for a re- whfn the desperadoes commenced firing at them. tresof grievances. Gov. Morton and other dis- , ., v. irnuu nB intra, tinr-iwhftd orators arexrec;ed tobe orrsent and ' ,nS one rA mortal'y wound.,,- a lady. Sut- t Ol thf wron?l muictd on duxn Irml.lpn. mnr-li ! f.. .u i .1 . a - nnirip,iHiicu luiu lj am" urnrisru llirm in aousel nesrro. A rorueirh fellow at our elbow I Tllil , ... it ... 1 . . ....... .., their house. I he two men, in romrutiT with sayj .uaiungiy nas ueen cno-en "ijottie-Doiaer ' , , , . , ..... - on the occasion referred to. Dnnocrat. inrrc ons, miuc a ueie mmea ngnt, Killing tw Mr. O sbrrne trunks we "alep a Ionic wava out of tbe fUi of an editor od gentleman to Sneer at Mr. Piatt McDonald." Rcallj! To le rebuked by such a refined and dignified gentleman aa Mr. OsLxmie for auch an offense ia humirutiaj. Very. IUd he not added: "Mr. M.ittinl-'s gratuitous assault upon him only aerve to show how aeverely the old gentleman felt, and how bitterly ho re members tht castigationa he hi received at Mr. Mc'a hinds ia former days. we- should not hare laughed a bit. We rather think Mr. MtD. feels the c t.t!g4tion we gave him aa keenly m "we do the low slant? he squirted at us. At ar.j rat we nerer acted the baby as he did by refusing to ex change papers with us longer, after we had replied tot virulent, unprovoked person tl assault upoa us. We intended to hit h'm f retty hard, but hart him worse th in We expected from the way ht flut tered, threw up the sponge and abandoned the con test. "Remember his castration"! Do you re member, Mr. Osborne, having been bitten by a flea just before the last Presidential election? As to sneering at Mr. Pl.itt McD., we deny the charge. We do Lot often indulge in practice evtn to WAtd cur most bitter enemies. In the firt instance we referred to his Fettling in Hebron as a matter of news, which item wc obtained from the Crown Point Register, ar.J in the ee nl instance mr7 said "Lake ct-unty is not as much honored as we supposed in having stun a mat luuiahett Cit izen." Will you tell us where th sneer come in, Mr. O .-borne? The Buffalo Express says that it haa heard of but one Republican in th State who proposes to support the Copperhead State ticket, and that is Gen. Slocum, who has 'raerted his military pot in search of political On tti other hand it mfeU wilh DemocMta lm.t hourly who are out- i . c . i i i i . i . i . .i. . . :... . - .u v IIow dreadful lovinj th Derm?r;;tie pirty has got all at once with the soldiers. Whi'e the men worein the field fighting the buttles of freedom the leaders and rrei of th i. partv were denoun- The Salisbury (W. C) Prlsan Hartyr3. The martyred dead at Salisbury, the victims of rebel prison cruelty, number ten thousand, buried, in fourteen trenches, and wholly undi-tlnguir-h.tble This is the statement of Gen. Heath, commiud antat that pst, in auswer to numerous inquires from fi Una's of the decased. The names of heroes are not lof, for t'ey ill be treasured in the fireside memories of the pet pie for generations to come. The sum of their suffering and death will swell, in all coming time, the list of inumies that went to make up the Great Rebellion. Mr. Colfax reached South Ben 1 on Wcdnesd.ij evening of lat week, having arrived at New York on the Saturday previous 00 his return trni Cli foroa. Oregon, Jcc. During his tour he traveled about twelve thousantl miles. An Irishman called at the Postcfüce at Kokorao a day or two since, and asked for a Daily. Sup posing he wanted the paper read by most Irishmen, the boy handed him an Enquirer, "No ye don't" said the Irishman, I got enough of rebels while I wa in prison at Andersonville. They didn't quite kill me. I outlived all their starving and crueltv. May I niver outlive the day that I buy such a pa per aa th 1. " A G izette quieicd him and he went away satisSed. Sensible Irishman, that. A fearful affray occurred recently near Rome, Georgia. Two desperadoes came up to to a church during service time and called out two of queutly a squad of the 2Dih Iadianii, with tlnee o o J tue death of the whole gin;. According to late accounts the reTolutionista un1,r f aW re -ettinS the belt" of Geffrard, an ' beiiei ed the overthrow of the President nd his InrlJ 13 inevitable. It has already been "I'r"cuteJ to American readers, on good authori j - oa "-y ti, tnat the cause o I progress and bu- manity U witb the revolutionary pr(y. GefLard haa attempted to imitate the role of Louia Xapole on and graft imperial power and life-time tenure upon a term of office bestowed by the people, thus violating the constitution he had sworn to preset ve. This an 1 his utter subserviency to the Roman Catholic Church undet the auspicics of which his scheme were menacing civil and religious liberty, ' have been the origin of a convulsion which will bring back the purity of the Republic. A Sad Fall. It ia a sorrowful thing to record the fall of a great man. Everybody remembers Col. Jacques. He was the Colonel of what was called the Preach er's Regiment of Illinois. Before the war he was the Principal of a Sen ol in thit State and one of the most influential and talented Methodist minis ters of the West. He was a gallant officer and did goo l service throughout the war. It will be remembered that, ia company with Mr. Gilmore, and with the approval of President Lincoln and Bishop Simpn, Col Jacques made a peace visit to Richmond. It was thought that on account of his Democratic ant cedenta he might do much good there, especially with Southern MethodisU. He was up to last Friday still engaged in the service ot the United States. On that day be was in Ken tuck v whither he had brought a Georgia woman and in her case had employed a Doctor to practice an abortion. Toe Colouel was arressted at the same time with the woman at whose house they were and the Doctor, the murderer of innocents The victim died in eight hours after the Doctor began his deptedations. The whole party are in jail. While all will admit the great crime drservea the severest punishment, the good everywhere will mourn the fall of auch a man as Col. Jacques. ihvard Tribune. PLYMOUTH MARKET. C01KICTED WEEKLY. Wheat Flour, f 100 lbs, retail. Corn, 3 bu, shelled,. . " in ear Meal, fbn, front stores, retail, Oats, J bü .................. . Apples, green bu Butter, lb... 4 ..... Eggs, doz 1 25 1 55 5 00,3 ... .Q - 1 1 00 J 40(L1 40 - 32(3 15 2S(t$ o 10 15(3 70 60 Potatoes,-per bu..... 30 25 13 5 10 Iird, 3 Th Tallow, V .. BefHide, green, B .-ev drr fiint. V H...-. Calf skins, t dry, 16 Advice to those in Search of Health. : I1Y DR. PKICE. Th peculiar character of diseases, in the var ious localities through which we have passed, coukl not fail to strike an attentive observer. In each and. all of them we find, usuillj, a morbid and unnatural excitation of the excreting organs, the kin, bowels, and kidneysprevailing to a preai exUuk Irreguta - iiresi, prohiM morbid perspiration, or no perspiration at all, und a loose or coustipated state of the bowels, toget .er with a torpid or inactive condition of the kuh.eya. The liver, the moat important organ of the body, was, It all these cases, deeply implicated, giving rise to all tbe distressing symptoms which usually at tend an affection of this vise us, nvsleid'nig the physician era -loyed, and disappointing the hopes of the patient that relief woufd surely follow a specific action of mcdicino upon the pu t diseased. By improper medicine we have found every variety ol complaint shut up in the tvstem, and all the various aveuuo of Nature, by which disease is expelled, clo?ed against its e tit as completely as if it hid been designed to blockade the svbtem to 1 1 liable the destructive virus to finish its work of demolition. Our fiil object ia in all these cases j to raise the seige at once, and by applying such remedies aa wi. I reach the can.t of the disease, remove not only the symptoms, but radio 11 y xlir pate the disease itself. Another class of diseases, and thjse are ex tremely numerous. Pulmonary anVclions. The worst character of this disease is scattered all over the CMintrv, as is attested bv the vast i umber o pair, firctic, or emaciated countenances to be met itb , and the nlmost unceasing recuri-enee ff dry, hack in coayh. We have had, in many cases, to res tore the equilibrium of the circulating fluids, to expel the destructive poisons j;iven at one period and another, and commence the difficult but ex tremely necesirv work of oponii.g the closed avonucs through which the efjeets"and deleterious matter that continued to ohtruct them might be emoved. Thia we have amply and satisfactorily succeeded uiuoin. In no case, however, must it be understood that we propose to put new lunirs iuto the thorax where thev were destroyed, for lot human skill and ingenuity be ever so great, it is not in the power of ncience to supply so vital a deficiency. We have succeeded in relieveinjt innumerable apparently hopeless cases, and have laid the foundation lor many imoit iiit cures. The cure of pulmonary cm; aints his ever baf fled the efforts of physich is from the insuperable diflicn'.ties presenting ibemseltts in reaching the diseases bv rfirrc' medicine- In order t i i.bviae this dihVutty, nrtibcial means hud been adopted, drains hid been mule in various parts of thebdv, by which, as it w is hoped, the virus geiiorafing and causing it mi;ht be drawn Irom the STstcm. But it must bo apparent to retiection that although temporarv rtlirf may sometimes be afforded bv them, yet there can be htl.e hope that radical cure Can be effected b a drain! The ciculating fl.iida only, which Car.y health and strength to ull prts of the body, are, luckily for humauitv, capable of bearing along w;;h them, in their course through the system, thetaeans of purification. This is the plan adopted by Nature to heal her self, and there is little doubt that, no matter what the disease nny be, it may effectually be reached, relieved and cured bv propvrcorrecting medicine. By a system n-lopted bv us, we compel t!,c blood, i which, in Pulmonary Consumpliou is charging the ' interior oi gans ot the body, to leave tluin in a! necessary measure, and circulate on the surface;! and then by purifyying the whnlety item fro o the j mordid accumulations which fill the circulating, vessels, effect a perfect and complete cure of tde monster disease. We never in any case atte mpt j t doctor tymptomt Ibritispl tin tocommou .-en e that such a course is not only injudicious, but is productive of the worst effects. Those ho pal liate only will never succeed in curing chronic diseases. The causes oiigin.itmg it must first be removcJ, anJ the f i'xi-a of the system, which threa'ens to i fall in ruins in some ungu irdtd moment, i strengthened bv all the skill and art to be found in i the resources of mtdicine. j j The innumerable insfarces of bitter dissappoiut , ! ment, of deferred hopes to which patients Mitfer- j under chroiio. diseases are Consigned, have ', arisen, in some degree, as much from his own' inattention as from those whom they have employ - ! ed as physicians. Tuey h ve not sought o reason j for themsevles, but (i.tve blindly followed the ad vice ol others. Aud )t ra iv be t-afclv et down as the rule ever to be relied upou, that all such instances will result in failure -lid disappointment. A slight attention to two o three r iles will greatly benefit all, and enable them to trace out the course and operation of the medicine upon loch they ir.tend to depend for a c re. The first of the-e rules is to a .-certain clearlv what is the matter with them. This the doctor ought to be able to tell them precisely and unequivocally for hy this they will be able to discriminate somewhat between judicious and injudicious medicines. Whenever the haimonyof the 3ystem has been overthrown by Urease, it must be re-established by proper medical treatment, or eontinutl dispurj i the result, it would be safe to ask the physidan you employ, how he intends to cure vour disease! It is not enough lor him who wishes a new houe built to know ih it 1 tl. ,.....).. ;u k..;i i :. - i. ....... k... I intends to build it, and .vou m iv be assured thit, unless propT medicines be employed, uule-s there is dp specific affinity between the di-iease and medicine used, nonsuit of a beneficial nature will take place. A long acquaintance with medicine, and a close application of many yeaia to the history and operation of diseases of long rt inding. have en -, bled us to treat successfully every variety olclm n ic disease. We rej.-ct all poisinous and dei letiv agents, whether mineral r vegetable. Ol the utility of our remedies thousands can testify, and j in no rase mil they be used, lightly prescribed. without ben fit. Ouroject is to invigorate rath er than reduce, build up rather than d stmy. Mo-t of the ofliees we now h ive, we h ive vi.-it-ed every few weeks for the past seven vesr, for consultation with patients laboring under" diff.-rein f -rms of lingering disease. The succesa attei din; my efforts, the eoniinuaiice of my viYns, should convince those waveiing in opinion regard ng the ellicarv of ray sy.-tem of treating thes ailments. 1 nhall be for consultation, on my next visit at La Porte, at th Porker House, during Sunday and Monday, the 22d and 23d of October, 16C5. Da. V. Clixencc Paict. The trial of Emerson Etheridge commenced at Columbus, Kentucky, yesterday. IV civ Advert isi'incnt. LETTERS remaining nnclaitned in the Post Oflcs at Plvmouth, Sate of Indiana, on the 6ih ir of October, lSiii. Toobrains'ir orth letters, the applicant must call for"rtfrerTie.Vnr,"?lTe th date of this fist aud pay one cent for a lvertiiu. If nut -ailed thin o moat. thy will bs sent to ths lrad Letter Of i.e. . LADIE3 LIST. Marv MissMitllor Cathsrina Wool f A I. Mrs Uo J A C Mr Mrs GENTS' LIST. Henderson Jesse Tnclter Ca!e 2 Ifcrshejr W 1 Thornton Arthur L Kants Adam Warner It II W Litjiret AmbroseC2 I'rof 2 Shelmadine Ed niond O II. P.BAILEY, P. M. Dart D II C?alv Patrick Iye S I Elin;ton Thomas (riUu II Uillaian Bernard Administrator's Sale. UT ILL" be soli at Public Sale, to the highest bidder, at the residence of William Cook, in Sort a town ship, on Saturday, October 28, 1865, all the pemeoal estata of Peter Cook, dee'd, consisting of One span of Hor, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 sett of double Harness, 1 boa and Calf, Corn in the fie'd, 40 bushels ol Whc-t, 2 or 3 Stove. Beds anl Bedding, and other Household and K tchen Furniture, Farmin; Implements, $-c., &.c. TERM. A credit of nine months witl be aiven on all sums over thr dnllan by purrhasers firing notes with approved security, waiving valuation rnd appraisement 1 1; on an sums ot inre aoiiatrs and under cufh in uauu Saäc to cbnimenre at 10 o'clock, a. m. JUIIN II. 8EYBOLD, Oct. 5, 18C5L41t3 Administrator. Administrator's Sale. "fVjOTIt.B is hereby (riven that I aill offer at Private i w Sale, as the property of Pavia Garner, deceased, at tbe pretn it on Monday, November 6th, 1865, and if not sold on said day will continue to ofT.r the same for sleat my office !n the town ofBourbou, in saidGnn ty, from day to dny until iKld, the following described property, to-wit: The Tippecanoetown Carding and Spinning Fac tory, consisting of one undivided third part of the building, and the anma interest in 1 Picker, 1 Breiker, I Condenser, 1 Roll Cud, and 1 Sjinuin Jack oritO spools. TKRMs OF 8ALK. One third cash in hand, one third in nine and .me third in eighteen months, the fnirehaeer Kvhig notes with approved security, waiving raluatKn nd appraiatnieat Uws, and draaior lulereat frs)t date. ...... JAMES O. PAKKS, Administrator. Oct. 5, 1865 9t4 . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Noticn in lierrhr civrn that th tindrmiittipd Ima bn npp'in:"tl Ailministrator e-f the estate if Peter pk, lato of .MarxW.I roanty, ludiana, nVeawvl. Th estate U tuppuxe.l M I solrent. JJHX II. .'KYBOLI), Ort. 5, ISfiS-ntOtS Aamlnitiator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hi-reby eiTcn that tba uader!t;na4l haa been appointed Administrator of the estate of f ais Uaruer, laUoTMaraliail Cuuutv, Inoiaua, deceased. iaMttat Is snpposil t he solronf. JAME? O. rARK9, Oct. f., 13 Vj. 4Ql3 Admioistrator. VAN AMBURGH &. GO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE, Great Moral hüb Uten and EGYPTIAN CARAVAN, Wuh Colossal Golden Chariot W to to o Ö rH r- 5 o o d o C ' u C o P iwr.i"Äf . - 9 a - - - - ; " t IL Fbost,. ..Managkr j II Rarmh,. .Assotaxt ai Aasraon X Co. in again nppe arinj; tlie people of .America. Isire to tte that their jrenent Meiiaceriw con tains AN fc.NTIKK SEW - Collection cf Animals that were captured by or nn' der the Imir.f.liitc sunrviniun and, direction of the great Van Amburgh Himself And ate the products of ao t x )i Jit:ou to 7.4-.V of the X. t I Je, jt e l am it T-i r. . . . lite tf 'frr.t .j .i ncr. - .l t'ie Junyles of Ari 1 . of which wore causer! to AM contribute the choj.-e.-t speri- men ot Animstetl Txr- to be found within their re-pec tive realms. Thev arrived In N. T. late in thw Vail of 1S63, vhere an unparalleled and most trinmphan Miecess a waited them. Kiitiet with new laurels of succes, a traT etline piraphanalia was de idzned ot tiie most tran-ci-n-daut micnili -ence possible to conceive w hich thronjh their immense reouroe, spranc Into cxl.-tence a if ty riAic, tlt'f cf lite mof jftryeotti tfevnp Hon ; 'ttjn of tht mat coftly chnrirtc ; ff:rnr.x of turjwring l:u' an-! ehjnnce ; ran of tht1i Arali-m blood; Mimmcit.h prfJ"'r!ifn ; Atn1 an ftJirt retinue of une tiled exctlh-nr are here to Sj5 be t"n . Tinman Intellect con I I not In Itj rrmirtet moment of concept! ?n orisinate ;rr. v ihinu more grand nnd d:rzlinc to behold. The veritable Van Amharfh iwhomenviousper sons from his lone absence from America hive tnken ad vantage, an t caused the press to announce his decease,) will accompany the exhibition and bead the TRIUMPHAL PKO- (;KSSl(l on tin rnirinr In t tbe place of ehihit,on Vilich far'rs will represent ia oriental splendor A Moving Fanorama Tlearly one mile in length. VAN AMBUnCH ThaQrtf'iat Ulgn and Tiff?? Tamor. Th follow inp list was taken from the living Aniin.Vs them selve in tt e t'oinp.-inv's Itmld intr. 1V19 X 54t Uro idv. av, N. Y . on the 1m of arch. ati.i tLere for may be ronrddered A Co red Lift f Animals: VrntrnT !.rwr.rthy r.rf"rmi"s Anin.t -Alricn l.ion. As.ntie Lion, l'rsiülisn li;er. .'eurf! I.eep. srd, A. Lilic t.ioiir'.and ?po!tJ I i- T. Perforwln i:irphxnt, Tlppn Bi" I.i vi r g tiirITe. niv one in Amern-a T s k African MiVli. f-et liibf California (O-iizIt lvr. v-ry t.rr Hersel l.enpnj, Am.rirn l'arhror Inn, l'otnH or Mirtnn-tn lr. Lion, & years eh!. Torn in America. K yl ien(al I iser.nnlj or.ein Amcr c. Uureics er Sarrril I .w. I hinee Dnt. African I orcui ir.. xrry r.rr, Hd and Vel!-w t t-.l Cm kat.n... Jan ifsre.tJuine I ic. Ar-I tr rr Cnatimnianda, Hshenn rinl S l.ite S'acsi .Mnnkra. A-.otr.lian 51 el l'arnqntt. African I-. ins Nrck f'arr qii't'e, Kirj nl t.'ueen I'arrcx, outh An-erican I arrets. 1 orilir-i d r!in I'arroU. African lien. Ai.-lic l.ion. alt-uit 1 n j.-Ti'. I rxiilian l ier. An.encan "allnw lVi r. hite Ksuaiirl .llice, .vat.n brrnt 5 ri r,u ti ' Africn(Vr n.H'r"ie.l'',',l S .'"i- Uis B.Jr. I'.licU lar. Japan .Maxl. in .-. f.uin Anier. icn liijfr, Alrirau'c! Hyena, Wo Sand Kill Crane, A"tr:.ia rtocl's, Leri l'ri'i-ti. l.i'irse I'aroqurlU, ttrsa foci, at no. l'arT: nd lTe. Morl.)p1 Zel-r.i, Pair Yonnj l.ioi . A f'Can j-oprJ. Whitfor Ii lar Iar. t.ray Wolf, Üiaik Wolf. tclpt rr 'User Cat. V bite I.tama, Itlack Nquirrcl. Alpacca Sl eep, Ca Oi mere Mtcep, Aliican tir-y rn's, KeJ Kni.s. A,itrlian Cocks. tili, African I'clican. Vilrcr I'bca.arf, CiolJn I kr.ui I, Än erican r acte, Tampico l'arrut, lair nr-rorpoor rloodhnind, orlyeiesin Anrri.-a, Kamadrias Dabnou or Ijoi Slarri. f-rt ever in America, Pcc:ry t-T -llh American Wild IIo. Four l!nrnd Patirnian hcep. 1 jrec Horn Kehh nr itex, nly one vi-r imported t-J America, y potted Axi I'cci, freni the River ianre, Amc-rirnn foot., V bit I eAck, African Mud I'.ce, fininet er Civit Cat. Afrion Coctall. S.utb Bear. Cinnamon er Fr-rier Hirer Bear. I UK UV A I" AIM A I.I A N WlhD SÜUW cnntaininsalincslrvrrr imnsinan'e vsri'-ry of tne many col ored birds ct phn. i.e. will l-e found an ia'er.jiiii. ieaturr iu thia attract ire exhi';it?ni l'rcedirn tim "T e- frvfhi on its arrival Into ti.e u le C I.sAI. ÄMÄ' r, eonuini.f lion, may be rn t f OI.D.-N t II A it tO Ott 3 Hoaa'k C'oks&t Haan. mi Will Exhibit at Plymouth Friday, Oct. 13, 18ß5, Afternoon and Evening. Admission 50 cts. Children under twelve years 25 cts. Will Exhibit nt Rrcmcii Thursday, Oct., 12, 65, aw t? w. w r w 1 v 7 ä ?-n.51 My wtTo. Cthr.e Snvler, h iiif li ft my bod und äWMlrafl Wlalaa-kaa a... eK.; - - 1. " - .; ,! . .... vinvirui wut'y i as ia is it niHiJT an ucnoDi that I ill v nn slaiLt. ..t t...s - - - i - -. " ' ' w vi Ms will aesa. (ii'tttf Iii . 1. r. I fm ti. S'lHI tmctinffi DANIEL SNTDEK. DH. SWAIN'S BOURBON A I1EALTUT TOXIC, COTLE STÜfllLiXT AND UNEQTJALED MORNING APPTIZEE, nttfaaeo mrt OLD BOURBON WHISKY "i-IP051 r,,, Aly 0IL- Wf rH FLOWERS. BCrS. AM) VAHRS OF THE HIGHEST MEDICINAL VIRTUES. These Ritters hare received the endorsement of more than four hm drei REGULAR PHYSICIANS who have recommended their nae in Iversin. iH-rnnc ment or the Store v h. Loss ot Aetito, Nervous I'losliatK.ii, Debilltv, and in all cases of diseases which in its im ipient stsjres require txilv a k'eiiernui diet, mid an invioratiiitr nenr lliiiiK Hiiini!:.iif. Asasafi-piiardagniuüt iliaeaacs incident to new countries, Ud water, svere hihor and great ex lMsnre, I lie Litters have never been equaled. Fsr. Ilundre.s of the moat succi s.-.ful and respected rliiciau rciunieiii SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTEBS. F 0 YD. Tho highest medic. I authority of the Arniv hae (jiren their iiiiii.ilified approval to SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. TUUl O." Thousands ofinvaliJs, restortd to h alth thto' their agency, vJvre and recommend SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. FOURTH. Thousand, of soldiers in hospitals and .n the March have been, strengthened and betiented !' I lie tbto of SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. FIFTH. Thouaniids of emtpran's on the We.tern Plains have ! een saved from dieeaao and death Ly the tituelv ue of - SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. f-lXTlt Travelers on Rivers and the Ocean have found an uii<erinK reisedv in SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. !Rri:STH. Miner toiling far down in the towels ofthf earth, have been j roticteii anr preserved by SWAIN'S BOURBON BI'lTERS. .7'.7rf Tho,:ands of Ladies ,n delicate health hare had the bloom rrntored to their cheeks bv minjr SWAIN'S BOURBON BITTERS. SIXTH. IW iurreasin; the appetite, as.iatinit digestion, I. bowel, and civitij; tone to t lie kvstem, thev iniar: eil. h nd vigor to the LckIj and "cheer ful uea to tin- mind. If vour drnpsi.t or tradesman h.ts not pot thrv fitter; hae !iim send !r them. 0lR tueiti' er the n- mc, and t:ike no o'her. For 'y Ic.idiin: Drujricists and t.ra-.-rs evervwhi re DR. C. II. SWAIN, PnorniETOR. 34 South Kater St., Chicago. 111. Soldat YV!i .lcale in Chicago bv Fuller, Fine hA Fuller, Rnriiliam A Van Si-hiivk; C has. O. mith: Lord A mith; J. II. Uced A Co.; Smith A Dwyer, and all Drupyists and GrM-er evrrv where. Iu Miaouth, bv march no. sr,.-. !, ' X- A LEMON. FALL GOODS, NOW ARRIVING AT THE LOW PRICE STORE, Emr.rnc-injr nil the XO VELT1ES of tlie season, and wliielf were liouht be fore the late advance in the Eastern Market. Our Sl..k of Iir -.-s GotJs c L-j ri.-ta a f;dl liue of Rich IMoIiair Lustres, Plain and Fig'd Arniurcs, Gold Plaids, all wool and Fig'd l)c Lains, Ginghams, De Degci, And all the BEST graphs of PRINTS. We hsrc a full line of 3PlsttXl.Xl.OlS, consisting of heavy scarlet and e-rev Twills, scarlet and m-igeuta Mi hit Plaids, Scotch Plaids, white, red, rey and yellow plain Flannels in rcat variety. .Splendid Opera i .aniicl in all colors. We liave a full stock of hrarj Muslin, Itleiichrd .Mtilin, Ticking, Stripes., C'liecks, Deiiini, Jenu Sat liifts, tasimrres, Clothe, Cam brie, Mtnwls, It-ilmornU, Cot ton Yarn, Hoop Skirt", WliiteGootl. Ilosjpiv, Uiuve,T,immiu, Notions, Xc, If yon want to BUT A LAMP wectn accommod.ite toh with the largest st.vk. the erratest variety, atidthclov. est prices to 1 found in I'lymouth. Onr Stoik als. embraces a full line of Mais and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Crockery, Glass-ware, Stone ware, Groceries, cto Carbon Oil. Wssgsiu tender onr thanks to our old customers for their many favors, and solicit their continuance. We cordially invite all to txamine our goods and prices. We may be found at our old stand, on the corner south of the Edwards House. M. II. Rice. Welcoml Iticc. RICE & BPD riymouth, Ind., Sept. 30, lü5 AGENTS WANTED FOR TIIE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, TOE DUNGE JN, AND TIIE ESCAPE, BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, H. T. TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT. THE most interesting and exciting hook sverpuhliahed, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience fr four years; traveling thronch Ihe South In secret acrvie of the Tribune" at the outbreak of the star, with onr ar. miee and fleets, both East and West, durinir tha ft rar i years of the Rebellion; his thrilling rapture; his confine ment tor twenty months in seven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous ioiimev hv nicht of nearly 4m miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain snore of the tact, incident and rosaance of the war than any other work yet published. Teachers, ladies, energetic: ywting men, and especially re tamed and disabled officer avid soldiers, in want of nroilt. able employment, will find it pecoiiarlv adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $150 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Seud for circulars. Address JONES. BRtl'S A CO.. b44 SraJ II West roqrt street, Cincinnati, Oh la. Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Tllfj findemlcned will J the highest price in cash for CI1IO ENS, llCTTEK and EGGS, delivered t the new Depot . S. R. EDWARDS- Sept. 28, 17.. 4tf Y wife Sarah Ellen Garlwr baa left my bed and board withont Jnat cauae or provoewtion on my part, and all persons are hereby warned not to give her credit on my account aa I will pay no debts ot her contractinc-. . . Sept. 20, 105 ni8t3 VILLIASI GARBEK. WANTED AGENTS Book Agenta wanted to sell the "American Conflict," bv Iloraco flrwdy. This work has received th highest com mendations from men of all parties and from the Pres of every political shade and religious denominations as the beat arranged, the most lucid, compb-teand reliable history of the rebellion. The popularity of Mr Creel v's History is sufficiently indicated hy the ftct that the weekly sales of Vol. 1. are greater than thereof all other Histories of the War united. Vol. II . which is I-in; compiled wilh eqnul lnip.irtiality from the t'aios Ofu-inl .Vcorrf and the entire IteM Dttrnw''; w ill be issued at the earliest d:iy consis tent with accuracy and completeness. Atcrrits also wanted for i'owr l'eurs im Srctma. By Junius Heuri lirowue. Fr-otn tht Il'fton Ju-rnal, A pril 2, 1 85. Mr. Rniwne in a w riter of great earnestness and excellent descriptive powers, which, with bis opportunities during the propres tf the war, w ill render his bookef great inte rs! and value. Of the st vie of the book it is sufficient to say it i.i in th hands of 'Messrs. O. D. Case, of Hartford, who are the publishers ((f Greeley's American Conflict. rVomthe Hont-m Trar-ler, April "JC, 15. This work promise to be of unusual interest, inasmuch as the author hai had suerior advantages as an eye wit he.' of the grandest and most thrilling events of the war, and whtiee daring has cost him an esM-rieiice of twenty months in reln-l prisms. Mr. Vrowne ia a graphic, truth ful and earnest writer, and his book will Im in great de mand. Address, 0. I. CASK k CO., 14 Superior it., Cleveland. O. P. O. Ro 1621. Sept. 21,1 fete 47t4 w ANTCD-Agents, $150 per month. to s.ll the TMPROVED NEW ENG- T.ANDFAMILYSEWINO MACHINE. Price SIS. Thia Machino will stitch. Hem. Fell. Tuck, Curd, lira id. Hind. Gm, her, Juilt and .nilrid-r, most ti-sut ifull v. It ia made in the ino-t dninlde maimer is eleg:mt ly 'finished, and it thecnlv reliable cheap Machine in the market. It makes the "Flas'ic Lock Stitch." Every second stitih cn be cut, and I he cloth cannot be pulled aart. Every Machine i. warranted five vears. Addrese IANE & t'O.". Pof O'.Tice R..J Ui, Chi.MÖ, 111., or rail at Room No. , P. O. Ulix k , cot nr.- of Monroe and Dearbon streets, CLica- tgo. ar" "aiifioii. We caution the public not to buy a worth less, old style, ma'l sire Machine, sold under a similar name, e-r otherwise. We have the onlv genuine and really practical cheap Machine man n fact ured sep Hm3 The Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different style, n.l q.t.M to rat-red and ecnlar innic, f-rfS't t.. fsie.teh. THIRTV-FIVK GtiLDor SILVKR MKIIALS, r other first premiums awarded them- Illus trated Catalogues free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New Yoaa. sept7'0.'-4.'yl Dr. Knapp & Son, Physicians & Surgeons, FORMERLY OF NEW YORK, are tnating siicceM fully CHRONIC DISEASES, On a New SyMciii! Which embrace the liet and most aproved methods in this aud other Coiintrie fr the curs of all Chronic liiseasm. They treat suceesfully ALL XERVOCS & MTRH'JIC AFFFCTIH.NS, All formi of Scrofuln, Fever tores. and Old Fleers, Iv-ri-pia. I .-.-.. I tlie Liver, ' titi.-iii..n, 11 Skin l'tN-en-'S. I'nlmiiirv r..i,-i;ii;,-j.,n in ii-, ;.r)v ttis, I'a hi ysi. Epilepsy. S.ilt Itheiiiu. Heada( le , nil II. all Iii -a, es, lliKea-H-s of t liiMn ii nü l Seininnl Waktie., &. Sexurtl I)jspaes, Which arc cairjin thousands to their graves annually. 3ye and Ear! !ie-.v treat siKiffully, on a nen- im-thod, all dinasc of the Eye and Thev b:ive b.ol moreexieiiivt practice, and le.-tter s icivh iu the t tin-in .if all Diseases of Women Than auv other IMiysi. i . in America. Thev have niml w.uieu wlio iiave Ui-n cuiiliued to their bed "f..r years. They never foil to cur; In all; no ins.ter of how ln standing. They cure AST IT MA, so it never return. Tiny h:ue a Sure Cure for the di. tresinjr (;i.;ie, Ifemmorr Itoids, or Pi let! They cure all Iiive!. of the Throat and Lungs! DIPTIIERIl Cl'RED! Tln-y ha v.- discovered a SURE AND SPEEDY CURE l'r tili Tct ribl I)i.pnp It is slso a sure enr f-r earlit.ini.,. or S.-arb-t Fever, which is of tlie :iuie cl:i of . It never fail- to cure Iiptbeji:i or Scarlitaiiia in from 1.' n 1 hums. Is Hives relief il, ruici: ri:u iiottli, - - $ ,,oo They have had an extensive practice and wonderful iic ecs iu the treat nifiit ufCaueen. which they Cl'liK with out e.-ilin : lino out or using Ihe knile. Let those who have Tumors or Swellings. or a r.-d ot live n . tine-in having it a tcud.-d to. a a limeiy treatment r ave theta lioiu the hornrs, surTcr ing Mid death of an ...h-h c.hi --r. CATARRH CURED! They are treating Caturrh on a new VMtetu which is a SURE CURE Füll THIS DISEASE! Experience hits I that Catarrh enut be cured by oca trea uu'tit hence, tho many advertised eure for C-itarrh. all of which are 1 ral rt nixles, :ive relict un: vhile the patient is iisius; then,, but retire. t'nderstanding the diseaee and we know it onaof lie cured by local, treatment aloue. therefore, we !o pre, cribe a cmkiIo.niI remedy to be taken, a'ld by the t oin o-.i and rvrtilli':)til treat men, , we are enabled to remove the cm-rr of (ut-trrk, and ther.-Ly effect a A PERMANENT CURE. Thfib cosm-t-VATiosrs for yenrs hare nrern.-e.i fr,,n five to seven thousand a year, whi' h gives them an experience iitisiiras.,l by any. and Cipialeil only by a few. Wö" KememU-r they do not pror.ii-s t'icnre all stages of Iieaea. While all diseases are nrnbl -. if taken in M-a-son. all Mtazes are not. Y'ue eus may Ik- etiralde this week, not next to-day, not to-urorrov.: hence the d.inj;er of deUy. cate icill be received, whin tht re are any doubti of Cure or Belief. Onr Term are cash; hence the money must lie sent with ail order for medicine, it cti from five to fifteen dol lars per mouth, to doct. r with us, which includes medi lines. I Tho lcr wlti le ftvnred. CONSULTATION FREE. Patient must w rite their name. State, post office ad dress, plainly. All letters requiring an answer nins-t con tain a teller stamp, and lie allresod i,. ln. KNAPP a SON, prawert Chicago, III. Any of ihe !ove disease ran le tn-Rted sttccHisful ly by the at,ents' describing their case in a letter, when tlKy cannot see us. Ir. Knapp, who will visit Flymonth relarly in the future ran lie coiirulied at the Edwards House en' Wednes day, Oetober 11th, aud Wednesday, DeceuiUr Cth, 16Ci. sept7,.'-n4ätf nxr des x7,r Cabinet Rooms, Second Door Wtst of Palmer' t Store, LA PORTE ST., PLYMOUTH IND. Jonathan Wright Wohld inform his old friends and the public generally that be has juat brought ou a splendid Steck of Cabinet CONSISTING IN TART OF Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads. Whatnots, Tables, Stands, Wardrobes, CujJsoards. Parlor Setts, Parlor, Dining Boom and Kitchen Chairs, d'C, tt'c. lie also keeps ron stantly en hand Rosewood, Cherry and Walnut ' t every Style and Quality, and a Ifcarse to attend Funerals. M Those waiting Enniitura of any kind will find It to iueir ini.mii 1 r,,r mmacaii tierore purchasing. Hi and will s. I as cheap as anv othar i. enn the country. Jonathan Wright. riypstrntX, Ind., SePt., U.-AHt -Daily Hack Line Rciwcert Knox nbd Ilamlct. THE onderstgnea would Ihtbtm the pnblic that be ia now running a conveyance r oarrving aseiigrrs dsily t and from Hitttl-t tstatfon, on the "P. Ft. W..0 R. It., as follows: . Leave Kuos at 6 o'clock A. M., and arrive at Hamlet in time (r the 8:11 A. M. train going Kat. Leave Hamlet for Kuoi on Ibe arrhal of the 5:2W P. M train going West. - Jr semts apply to the undersigned. J. WILHELM. Knox, Sept. H,18Go-4Cra3 Gdld) 1865,1866,1867, (gjw 1 to 75.000 ! $Q : &a : t S2 : i TWO DOLLARS 1 1 linmt faciurcrsi Igctifg I Our New Mode. One of our COLI) or . SILYK'll Vntchrs, or Silver Ten Srta for Z, aa below stated. Out of our tea . or one tiecs of our Gold or" jyilverware is worth a U'ehel of the cheap dollar We have adopteJ tlie knowing moJa of ."Distritoutiou bj aale of 75,0'JU articles of value! Our ?ivx .TJo!e I ! The srti le of ro.mN an- ntimticred fem 1 us tn T.'i.uf'O! riT.-Vsi eonai.tiiirf of Piano. Mel.ub . tiold an I Siver Watches. Sewing Machines, Tea and Table S.-tts. Solid Sil ver ten and table Sou and Fol k, ., e?.-.. and ihe oth er 37..MKI articl, .f vnluabU Jewelry, Work and T-iilef '''. riirf.crsph Ail. inn.. Openf-iceVj Iver Wat. he,, and fiin v articles In creat variety, "."i.issi noti.-es tiiiinlMTe.l from I toT.i tsiareprintnl and put into m-aled eine.-et and eil niil and one of tie-..- j. taken out aud -nt to the i r-oii noiii; to nt 'i.'t cents to rover esjwne ..f p tair, oreeH.iideiue etc., and tbe article of -.h. correiKMin.j. with the nutnV-r on the nle-e will he -nt to the hold r of j tin- same iiiiiiK ilMt. lv iif h- desire to purrlie ,,e article, on me receipi oiriio ,..n.. t ..r in.taiicu: If Um niimlcr on the notice sent toy.ui Ii n!d Is- .'a". jt will In-a.-nt to von for Si. and soon lorevery article iu o:ir li-it ot TO.tssj articles. tLT" After receicing the Article, if it dnet nut pirate you, you can return it, and ynur momy thull be lie funded. TwENVV-rivrcenta must bsnt to j rxp.nse of ist Ce, o-rreapomienc-, etc.. on fine ifti'.e. Remenilier: that lmiro r article correKp-md w ith the n:itiil-er on y.ur not i.e. you cm htveit bvp:iviii 7c, i,J-.'-. f..r it, whether it br w..r,Ii "I'eior .!' And it i f. r our int. r--t to deal fairly, und i-ml :! our fine ar:ic.-, a it pvc-.-.iiiti k-iicr to the public, and tlu rcbv in. ;. ..vs ,.ur : ;il. .. Try Our icv 3Iode ! ! Upon receipt -f 25 ct?., wliieli ray for corre iHiiidence, postage etc., wc fend one notic. Upon receipt of $1. whi.-li pajs for c rrefpond ence, jtostage, etc.. setiiis notice. Upon receipt of $5, whic'i pivs f.r correspond once. tist;i;;c, etc., we will 4 1 tiotkcs, and a fine present valued at nj. less tlnti :m a sim ple of oar ejoinls. Upon receipt of $.1?, which piv for corres pondence, po,t:te, et?.. We will elld 15 i tl ilirc:, and a s?OMD SILVKK WATCII.I.v r. turn r.u.l. Asents wanted. Senl for cur circular. Aychts alloicd a Iiry? ens cimtmlfoi , lj irhi h they can iwile !"J") trrriy. AM res m i l) a, iiitorui:i;. Salesroom IV .'iH-J, ."4 Iihertv St. New Yor'i City. N. V. ÄLrEMAN&' BBOsj (Suectssor to Wright .5- Co ,) MANUFACTriiEKs a. ih:ali:s in PXTRNITURB, soum of rice k mo s STORK, Michigan Street, Plymouth, Ind. V"B""l!in undersigned having n' d ,h Kiirnitnre e. -BL t.lblislim lit ol .1 ll Itll.lll VVrijrlit a Co . :ili:nuii:i-e lf the ci;u' ,i of Mar, lull and a-lj.iulti; cietntie t!; i! th. y have on hand aul are -onsiantlv m ttiuftcturing tlie Best and Latest Styles of Furniture, Colli ns Picture Frnmos, Riireati, .Sofa, stand, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, CAB3, OFFICE. KITCHEN. CANE, Upholstered and Rocking Chairs, Iooh'htsc (Hasses eV., in endless variety. mid at ull prices. They kct p the RKST WOIJKMEX that can I procured in the country, and re con--iie-iitty preiiand to put i:j work tn thn SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. UNDERTAKING. H iving two Hear-4-R, and keeping constantly on hand a complete assortment of Burial Cases of all Sizes, they are ready at all times to attend Tunerals bot I. in tow n and country. The public are solicited to give them a rail and evannäie their stuck of Furniture l f..r purchasing elai where. ALLEI1AN & BRO. rijmouth, Atcnst 21. 1?05. Iniotf Sewing; Hachlnes. E Taul ia Apent for C rover & Baker anri Singer Sewing Machines and will furnish aiv stjle ot Sewing Machines at Manufacturers price- n4.1tf NEW SKIRT FÖlT 1E65-6, The Great Invention of the Age in J. , llRADLKY'S New I)U I'LCX KLLIITIC (ordonble) SIIIINO SKIRT. THIS IXVEXTIOV consists flrpt.rjt (ortwo, Eitir Ttc Pt at Rrrrri ?Tr.i bi.xgs, inpenionsly mt Airrn VICHTLV and riastLV together, edge to edpe, mskii-c tie TorcHssT, most rLrsiatc, elastic and sarle frs,t ever nsed. They seldom ai or srfak, like the Sinple Sprints, and consequently preserte their perfect and bean, tiful shape fre than twice as ln as any single sprinff skirt that ever haa or can 1. used. The wonderfnl flexibility and preat cemfort and pleas ure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Fkirt w ill he experienced particularly In all crowded Assemblies. Ope ras. Carriages, Railroad 'Jars, hnrch Pewa. Aim Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be fold ed when not in nee te occupy a smalt place as easily a4 conveniently as a silk or muslin dn-sv. A Ladv bavins en jo vol the nleasnre. comfort as J areat convenience of wearing the Ihiplex Elliptic Steel pri"c Skirt for a single day will never afterwards wuunjr.y 01s pensewith their use. For Children, Misses and Tones Ladies they are superior to all others. The Iloone are covered with 2 ply dwrfJe twisted thread! and will wear twice as ioup as the atne yarn coverirj whkh Isnseil cm all aiaele ateel Isoop skirt The Ihre bottom rods on everv skirt are also double steel; and twice or double covered to prevent the covering front westing: of the rods when dnursinft aown suits, siooe steps, sre, c., which they are constantly suld.s-t to when in nse. All are made of th new and elccant Cordi-d Tapes, at;d are the best quality U everv part, firing to the weaAr the moat peaceful and ferli-ct shape possible, and are ow onestKMiatdv the lightest, most desirable, comfortable aad ecoi,omi-al skirt ever made. Inreutimn. and SOLE HAS CFA(t CSEKS. 97 Chamber, I m A fit DmA mm4m VMf Xtwk. Tar hmlt In all the ftrst-class- ftfwree hl Ih CÜy, atW thnmphout the I'nited States and Canada, Havana de Cu ba, Mejio, South America, and the West "he. Jnqtt're for the DvHtx AlUpttc (or doublt) Spring Skirt. ro r rnj