OCR Interpretation

Marshall County Republican. (Plymouth, Ind.) 1856-1878, October 12, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

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Union Gain of 413!
luve received reported return from all but
two towoah'p in this county. Union and Tippeca
noe, which will prjhibly uhout ofliot each other.
Riinnh has beva reeeiveJ to enable ua to fdate,
positively, th.it the county ha undoubtedly gone
Democratic by about 170 majority, which is a great
fni off since Ii year.
V.'e hopeJ for a different result but lave been
iluppoiateJ. II iwcver, the refult U fir from dis
couraging. Let us perfect anil keep up our or-
anizition and another year, when there will bo
more to contest for, we can rally our forces more
rea-iily and achieve a brilliant victory.
The following are the in tjorillcs in the town
lüpf hear J from for Recorder, comoare J with the
majorities of 156-i.
rec:!, 13
WInut, j
51 i
Iloubtuu's majority,
t'aion a'n 113.
Tnere were Union gains It. t III be observed in
all the WAöjJ.ip heard trora except Inn.bon.
Green , Ccnur and NVrth did well.
A Union Justice Elected in Center
Georyc W. Your, the Union candidate fjr
Justice of the Pesee in this township, was elected
J Tuesday by 6 or " majority.
Mr. Y. i said to be a good man and well quali
fied for the office of Justice, having filled the sf me
position in Ohio, previous to his removal here.
The Democrat, last wetk, in an attempt to de
fend Mr. Houghton, the Democratic candidate for
Recorder, says:
"With the single exception of having- once Toted
for Colfax and the Bourbon Poney, for personal :
reasons merely, unconnected with the Post Ofiice
at Boubon, his record has been that of a straight
out Democrat."
The election is now over and it w ill do no good
to pronounce the above statement ftlsc, so far as
t lie "single exception" and "the Post Office at
liourbou" is concprtitvl. but w itoem It nur Hntv
- --- - - -
nevertheless, to sav that Mr. Hongnton not onW j
voted for Coif ix and Parks in 18(2, for the pur
pose of retaining the Tost Office, but in 1SG1, voted
f.r ih RniiKl!an "!n.1T.1ata f.i si.w 1 1 tr 11 tr"r .
der and Cotrraissioner. Other "personal reasons" I
t j . - n- - . . . 1
1 .
th- were we cannot say, u&Ic3S he preferred Col
fax and the "Bouiboa Poney" to a Jrunkca black-
i-lird auJ the I'lvmouth OobUil.
. . , ,
hat the Democrat Bays about the mcompcten-
ry cl Mr- Houghton a "aborition" predecessor,
Mr. Hcwett. ii m.t tm. Ve. Hpwott vnlunf poroA 1
in the first company that w:is raised in the county,
and left the office in the hand of a deputy ho
Ltl'ed to attend to the daties satisfactorily, and
when it wag Jctcrmlnctd to make a change Hough
ton, to far from be'ng iLdlflerent about accepting
the appciutmmt, was very anxioua to gt it, and
ia order to otUn it pitted himself to sustain the
war policy of the adaiiutration. W make thin
tatcmcr.t row not fiora any psronaI antipathj to
waniMr. Houghton, for our private relations have
J alwave been frfendlv, bat to vindicate the truth of
The County Asylum.
TL Democrat List week had something to siy
in defence of the action of the County Commia
ionera in awtirdir the contract for keeping the
Count v Asylum to the brother-in-law of the editor
in preference to a Union can, who put ia a rauch
lower LiJ. The reason we wer silent on the t ub
ject was, that we did not hear nny thinj about the
'ieraticii, to Kck and so sly was it done, until
4 two cr tliree dare before our l:itt issue, and in pur
: UoJh?eof a rule whifh we have alwajs practiced,
w never to mwke a new charge upon our opponents
cn the ev of the electron, when i: would Le too
late for them to reply, rvfnincd from saying any
thing on U e u! ject.
Bot we may, in a fe weeks, look into the .mat
ter and lay the facts before our readers for their
roi!m consideration.
The Democrat did not attempt to defend the
- ct!on of the Commissioners' in eroployln,; a Ply
mouth physician to attend the sick in tho Asylum,
it four timet the execute to the Countr. which oi a
.mrvt.n Ktn tn ti wtnttw n(r..r.i
Ä . m "
- to akiau'a luem lor.
Ar they not very proper persona to talk about
U'h taxes, economr, Jad that sort of thing? .
A Good Retort.
Cspt. Riley, who until a rear or so back, always
voted tha uncratched Democratic ticket, w.13 pro
ceeding to tbe poll in this place on Tuesday lat
with a Union ticket in his lurid, but was stopped
io the way by Hon. Horac Corbin, who soon as
certained from what 'die Captain told him, that he
lutended to deposit the Uuion ticket he had in hi
hand in the balloC box, upon which Corbin remark
ei: "I thotiht yo'f voted the white man' ticket."
The old warrior I t.-aigh tened himself up and re
plied: 'l do toU tlia ichite man's tickrt, never
voted any otltcr kind." Corbin rejoined: "But
yon used to rote the Democratic ticket. "True,"
replied the Captain, "and I Tote the Democratic
ticket now none of your mrngrel secesh kind."
Corbid wilted, and the Captain walked boldly up
to the polls and deposited bis Union ticket.
A Dispatch concerning the Mississippi election,
states that G. T. Totter, the anti-negro testimony
candidate, has been ehosen Judge cf the Court of
Appa1a from the Jackson Dhftici. by 3,000
majority. A judge who advocates ths judicial
outlawry of more than one-half the peopTe . of his
State, lacks only the opportunities of Jeffries to
' erjual his cruelties and infaray .
. -. Tke preliminary examination of C!om) Jac-
, ; 1. L0?'8'1' for proeurmg an abartion upon
the person if a woman named Louisa A.' Wil
liam!, was concluded on Saturday last. The
Colonel was held ia the earn of $2,50. He gav
,, ball.. His accessory, Mr Rtbecca Dorkins, wa
" ftmt to jaih
- it 1
An old citizen of LeaTn worth, just from Salt
Lake, reports tmnhle brewmg between the Mor
mons and the United States authorities. The
fwrmer are said to feel that the Gentilee are en
croaching on their rights by setting in their'midst,
and saying hard things of their favorite practice
1 polygamy. The mines in Ruby Valley are not
" worked, at the Mormons oppose Gentiles going
there- Several men hare been killed there lately
b Indians, it is said, but the Gentiles believe that
e faints are at the bottom of these icuroYv
The Elecaipiis.
Glorious Results in
Pennsylvania, Ohio?
and Iowa.
Pennsylvania giro
Ohio gives
Iowa gives
15.000 Union Maj.
i.'.OOO rnion Maj.
25,000 Union Mnj.
riiiladelohia gives 7,001) Union m.ij. on State
ticket, and 3,000 for Mayor,
Cincinnati stands firm and Hamilton county
give 3500 Union tu yitrity.
T. . I ! . - ft MAI i 1 f - - mtiAli narkli -
I 15 lill IlOh CUH'ai .i.HI ; tun lUUI.il IVM -
; tion will the Cops be able to derive from the re-
suits in the alove States?
T j,
Wejiave no returns of the elections on Tuediy '
from any county but this in Indiana. A dispatch
from Indianapolis dated Tuesday night, s
The election passed off tery quietly to-d iv, and ;
a Terv liglit vote w.ia imiIU'iI. J tie Uourbon Uem- t
ocrtcy were so demorai'Z'-d tint tfiev Irad no tiek
ct in thf field, an 1 the Uiliou candiialeS' weVe el
1- i. ..f 1S
ecttd without opposition. In oilier counties pirty
lines were tijhtlv drawn, an 1 the coiit. st wjsijit-
fr. No ronorU h ivu bern received Irom them as !
- - - -- ---- - - - m -
New Jersev.
There is st-ong hope, that even New Jersey I "e treiison ot ine.r ni.ers. an. r
. ... ,. - ,. 1 buikiupt the nition in We vain ettoit to satisly
will hcl into the Union Ittje at the approaching j t,e dein:in of the Southern section ot th "iin
eTection. A dispatch from Philadelphia says: i mutable" Democracy, should sustain the North
Thev are working nnblr over in Jersev. Kil- ' eru f iciion, and endeavor to m ike It so strong
pttrckH a host, and is raisin- such a furore as has j that the combine 1 tore will hate no eff-ttual
been witncsSLsJ in no camtign tlre for years past. I restraint upon their plui.det mg icbemes. .
Tliere is ra"re excitement already in that Pt te j Jour.
orer the election in November, though three - t . - -
weeks distant, than we hare had at al! ia this ; Tke presi(ient ani the Union Party.
" Another disp.ttch from Newark, N. J , Oct. 10, vc ?J ll,e M'.owx from the snecUl Va,h-
Tn tli A iLrtf r. ' .-t i i-r Ift.ilir " TT nininrj
rinii'fl thp i itv hv from .711) t 831) nniotitv. a
All l.I-,.. ..VV.1V.', . - . J
Vhiongiinof 1,n)1 over l ist October, ati-lof 1.2 00 1
over l ist November. The L uiuiiisu also
three or four HlJirincn.
Dr. Nudd's Attsmpted Escape.
The IltruWs Fortress Monroe correspondent
lias the fb'l "witijr pirticu!-.rs of the attempt to
. . , ,
K "uut ' . , ' , r,
.-3 nercioiore L-i;oiif.ieu, toe ujtw. c.ij'V ru
! unusual liberties on ihe inland, through his being
detailed in the Hospihtl De:i tmeut, Tliron"li the i
.ilnt.liira r.fl.i lihrr?r hi mmi"fhl til ri-iu-.-tP '
himself in the coal bnikeis of the Tfimer Thvim ts
OIUU. " Iii Ii lie i3 u'unu iv -PV uiiri uiv.-i
tiinrftl. ,t. ,rplflr . ,r enmfr was instttnteil to
j find him and the search w.i very near abandoned,
aiid the idea of his coneea.inent in it pivtu up.
cr " f in, u' ;5"rch
thrust the point of Ina gwonl int. the doctor lace,
cauäin;r L;m to cry out and thenby make known
his place of concealment. The Ir. lay wholly hid
tinder the coal cxceid a portion ol h.s lace. Un
his discovery he was taken back to prison ai,d put
at hard labor, which occupation he is likely to fol
low for some time.
The Quartermaster of the Thomas Scott was
subsequently arres'ed on the clnrqe of complicity
in aiding Dr. MudJ to escape. There has been no
change in the disposition of the other assassin
An Odd Convert.
The Cincinnati Enquirer claims tint Gavernor
Morton has planted himself .ju.irel y on the Demo
cratic platform. Whether it means the "Uourbon
Vall.mdigham" platform o! Ohio, or the an:i-
rcdundaut-II.iskin platform ofNew Voik, the En
quirer does not say.
The n.irt!cii!ar Portion of ihe Governor's Rich-
. ' ... . ,
r (
mond speech on wnicn tne n.,uirer oases juw-
lant announcement oi Iiis conversion louie n-
I want to srty, fitst and foreniesf, in reg-ird to
this party calling i:se!f Deuiocratic, that it is not
entitled to the cor.HJi r.ee of the pnViic in Jiny res
pect. It is thoroughly t tinted antl saturated with
the virus of this rebellion- It broke the national!
faith in Icül, by thi repeal of the Missouri Com- I rc-e!(ctcd. Mcs-rs. Colfax nnd McPherson,
promise. It took .-teps in advance, through the cpoaker and cler of the lat Confess, are descrv
ailmni?trat.ioii of Duchaiian. for the puiposc of j c,ny i;4,r,ular .?nd I hear of t. one who nronoses a
brin'in on this redellion
.Mr. Buchanan and his
party supporters in Congress, in the winter 0
Cl , proclaimed to the world ttiAt there was no
power to coerce a State; no power to suppress the
rebellion. Ther declared thnt these States mi?bt
proceed without molestation in the work of di s-
integration and destruction of the
Deraocntic parly tnconrarrl ti.ts re'jclüon by
assunnj rebels m tne outu tint there would ue
no resistance offered on the pirtof the North to
their work of scct ssion.
It opposed enlistments;
it opposed conscription ;il opposed tix ttion lor the
upportorthe tovermetit; it depreciated tne
national currency; it encouragod foreipai nations to
ifttervcne;it fjrmcdb'ise coiiäj irftctfs nthe North,
ul sonc ht to iMroducc the liorrt'TS of tivil
into our homes here , and as the last crowi.w.
of wickedness at Chicago, lat summer, that party
there proclaimed, in its national conventi n, that j
the war wad si failure, nnd it called upon the;
t .,irfirtim,.i.t :irnl Iii n itinn to nhinilon lt. I a '
if such an organization as this is entitled now to
receive .public confidence? .They, my now at
tempt to change their professions, as they have iu
I New Y"rkr They made haste theie to throw off
the rii;back and put on the national uuiform.
Thev did the s-ijne tiling m Maine; but the people
very wisel v showed their d;s?rust of them by ad
ding six thousand to the Unioü majority. Ap
platiiO.J - -: . - - - w . .
The di graced leaders of the Democratic party
"as it was" exhiit a painful anxiety to get into
good company, but, although "they made haste to
throw off the gray-back and put a the-national
uniform" aftcf the ffray-backs had all surrendered,
the smell of the old uniform remains, and no fumi
gation can remove it. Jnd. Journal.
A New York "Morning paper" lias a Washing
ton special lach announces th it the President and
Cabinet have determined to Bend a fleet of four
war steamers, and ten transports, and a force of
fire thousand men to IIa ti, to put an end to the
"cruel war" now raging between the negroes of
that lorelr i.land. The story is a little fiihr-
.... 1 . ' ''".i. '
. t
The Fenian cauldron is still seething and bub
bing in Ireland. Arrests have been made in Dub
lin, Cork, and seme of the English maufacturing
towns. TwooIIkersofthe Cork., garrison have
been "pulled," and it is said möst of the men are
warm Fenians. Tliere have been runs ttpon the
banks, steamers and pissengerj bagige are
searched, and a British war vessels is cruising off
the harbor at Cork, to intercept an imaginary
Ynko yebl Joaded, with at?ls j
1 1
The steamer Rhode Island has been ordered to
Havana to bring over the ram Stonewall, surren
dered to the Spanish authorities.
Gen. Fremont in the '"Iran Business.
.mot' : r.S-J?ov,3 Oct. "r
The eastern coreFpondent of Westliche rost
gives a report that Gen. Fremont as tbe represent
atire of a large company, has purchased the exten
sive works of Choteau, Uarruoo &. Valle for the
sum of $250,000, and that he will reside in St.
Louis permanently a the cli( officer efhe com
pany. TheGeiKTrtlli' expcli.Jto arrive here
next week. - 1
A Nice Programme.
The discomfited rebels of Louisiana hare taten
up their old name ol Democrats, nud arc organiz
ing for the Stute election. They differ from their
Northern brethten in bohnie??, but the "time
lionored principles" are, of necessity, the same in
Iu-liana as in Lcusiana. The Democracy of the
latter State hare recently had a convention in
which the principles of the party we re not bidden
under a bushel aa w it done itt Ne w York, but
wrrre nnnonirced boldly, and with a Uistiuetiien
that all cau uuderaUnd. They firt icaolved that
the Government was made and should be perpetu
ated for the exclusive benefit of the white race,
thereby declaring that one-half the population of
the State is entitled t no protection to life, liber
ty, or property, although required to obey th
üws and )ay taiea to support those who are deem
ed entitled to the benofi'9 of the Government.
Why the Louisiana Democracy tore themselves
away from the embrace of a jiovcrnnw nt establish
ed lor the exclusive bent fit of the salt oi-the earth,
as they manifestly repard themselves, or why they
prosecuted a domestic war to destroy euch a gov
ernment, they did not explain.
The model Democrats' who trampled J.ipon the
American fl;is in 1?C1, ami carried in its place the
Pelican banner, next resolred that Conjrrcss oui;ht
to compensate the Southern retiels lor looses pus
tained bv the emancipation policy- That modest
proposition h:is the tiue Democratic rinp, ar.d will I
be inUowiHi ujr tne xsonuern wing o uc P u,
IC ui mi; iuiai ci.ui.-a e ; uc nimunu m..
portin; it in t' e approaching elections- Appropos
of this, w b tve a uictnent from Washington,
tint a rower'ul combination exists to force through
Concress a bill for at least a partial assumption of i
the rebel debt. If a portion ot it can be provided
for by the forcing pioccss, the combination know
that the whole must ultimately be treated with
equal favor. The two propositions would not
require more than $-i.l00,tit)M,0(0, and that, iu
I Dc mocritic estimation, wouia be ;i moderate eura
I to pa for the unity and supremacy of the g r-c-i-t
j and git-hi-riou party.
Either project has ab v.it as much lavor to expect
from the' prent Conrcs. :s ou!d a proposition
tin the Hriti?h P.iniumrnt to Pitv the expenses of
ihe Sepoy rebellion hi India, but the wi.spirators
liope to hive a nirjority of Democrits in the next
CmiL-rt.. in hie'u ca.-e thev nioin.;o to put the
i el,. I .l.l.i hill nhd the slave coinneiis.ition bill!
throu-h with the help of the ever-ready Northern I
Ut-mociacv. I
. . 4 I
The rrratot dancer to the conntrv in the fu
ture. is the exigence of the Democratic party.
(.t ur the fiieourauemt-nt aflordei bv it to the
imwiihfd reh!s of Louisiana, and the jobbing
cnnl ,f..rj mh I..MTT i.iomi.l Wjhin.bm. we
hou!d hear no insulting propositions to pay
I rebels for making wir nton us, nor to compel
9,u,.wvi0 " il" " " - - '- - -" --f-i " " ' I
, , , . .. ,. . . . . r
I them for slave justly set Irec in co.Hnpw itce of
; uigton correspondent oi ine .uw i oia, ut-
.1... n-.i.
urrii ui kilt; viti u,i.
Setntor Wilson announcvs (in a speech duliver
od :t PhilaJelhia) th.it I'.is h vl an importan
interview witli the piesiUeni, til uic course oi
whieli Mr. Johnson stated tint he doircd the ut
most freedom of disftiion in re'errence t: all the
plans (or the reconsttuciioii of the rebel s-tites.
This, of course includes the sulyeet of "negro
suirr.ij:c." II? aNo asserted that lie had made no
di.-icriminatit.t: in his appointments to ollice against
the so called "radic ils," nor did he prop ise to do
so in th future.
This accords extetly with wh.tt tlie President lias
stated to other iiitiniii-h d Republ caiH. He is
ftiendlv with Senator sv.imner and (iovernor An-
1.1....... -., ... ll. a, mo tir10 r.vtill.d llKillT hit
j supjirters sueh nn-n asTi'ur'.j.v Weed Mr
lie imp ses no tests ikmii his political
i uannuinj
friend., and ii! not interfere nith Congress in iti
di'po-ition of the claim of rebel ttates to repre
sentation. This i I ie vital point. It CMii;res is
leftui.tianimcledby Kj cutive ii.flnencc, to etile
the j'jetion of representation, it is all that can be
t xpti ted. and this tlu President has promised. In
his d'.strH)tition of public olhYes. he says he
not be influenced by the position ol tiny sound
Rt i ub'iean on ttistalitv of sntTraze, rei resi-iit ition
inConziesü. or any other question arisinjr out ot
the subject of recjustru. I n. Tue whole responsi
bility, tl.erelore, rests te.fi Cijr?s. As t he n be aatiafactory, cctu-idviinr the time-.
Republican party h is iu ver tiiken ground upontlie j
FullVjge issue, nör, indeed, upon any one ot" the i XÄ TU HC
plans for reconstruct inj: the t-ucs which rebelled,
it is pei fectlv fairiu th rreaidmt to refrain from Tlpnnph TVTori ra rtC
un.-t!.cpoVrrol his position in behalf of any X tIlUIl lUUrillO.
particular achenie of itstoraUou not excepting
l.is own.
It has bcu Hipp sod by some (or his been
rej resented for seitab purposes) that the President
; ha? no choice between the 'wo t nrties at the
j North, and (ftT instance; would be pleased with
I the tiiumph of the Oppo-i ion ticket in New York.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Andy
Johnson i not stupid, nris he ticac'iorous. lie
! regarded them two jcai? ?o it the accomplices
; o( r,,t.N ailll Iie j,al n Cl)lifi.!,.ee in theni
; n u .t IteI,ub!ican, and time will prove that I e is
not a deserter either of jainciides or political
The o'fcauiz.Uiou of the House is already talked
of in poiuical circle?. Ilenominations and re -
cu..ci.;on3 are still popular, and it is puitc prooaoie 1
.1 .1. tiie rrominfnt officers of the House will be
t.t, ",.,. ;n tw0 ohicc?. Xo doubt there arc
' mm in the Republican rank ho wuuM like
f m.iUc & test in the orr;iiilitiou of the House uj
tjie q,)Cjtio 1 of corid sutfrape, but it is extremely
I unwj?e to ilo so. The President present no suctt
j teat, and if anv attempt i made to impose it in the 1
election clii-CK' ifthe House, the power wlncli j
rc?ult- fro'n thorough or miz ition will be lost, and
tie opposition will be sure to gun by the division
j nnj qnirrels of the liepiblicana If our friends in
Confess act wisely, thev can settle the great
questions of the time at their leisure, end precisely
as they wiyli. . The power is w'r.h thcin, unless
they divide. . .
The Russian American telegraph is miking fair
nrogress, having been completed to Fort St. James,
on tj e przicr river. We will probably be in com
.... i...r ,t. ,,,Tt Att.nti
caole is laid down
, .......
Eclipse of the Sun.
The Doston Tracdlcr of Tuesday week has a
long ar.icle on tho erliefe of the Sua, which
occurs on Thursday, the 19th of this month. We
-ve th? following extracts:
QnTiiursthy, 19th of October, the centre of the
nrn'i &,s-dow will pass over North America and
Mocn'n &i.
carse in part ot se.
oral of the United states a cen-
tmlprlinaeofthoSun: ti. nr4- central eclipse
therein sinee that of May 'Jtkh, lsl, P-, .t,,e
one on July lwh,-lP6l, which was so in Washing
ton tenitory, but not in any other State.
As the approaching eclipse will take place at a
time Iren the sun is quite near the earth, and our
eatefite at its greatest possible distance, . the p
parent diameter of the moon will be much less
than that of the sun, and the width and duration of
te ring unusally reat.- Indeed its duration
where 'least (near Olympia, W. T..) will be about
62 minutes; near Nashville it will be 7m. 53sec.;
near Charleston 8m. 2'lscc., and where greatest,
riz:t the pTace whert the ec Ups will'btf central
at noon, TM.m., or nearly three longer than near
Olympia, although the width of the ring will there
be IV jcc. lys than near. .Olympia, "in cone-QneaVexxfJfliCpt-l
'decrqs t.of the apparent "mg
tion of the moön from the sun in longitude, whilst
rising from the horizon to the meridian, which
motion will bo in one minute of time 25sec 53
nea-.O.ympLi auX.only ISsecIlS "at cbe place
situate.l in lat. 23deg. 5'Jm. N ,and long. 64deg.
35m. West.
Thejvtih of thecentr! eclipse ovo the United
St-Kes-vH be well fepresentcil by a nertrlyatraisht
line drawn on a map from a point about ten miles
N. N. D. of Olvropia to Jeftereon, Mo nd ti ence
about eight mils N. E. of Kashvllle and of
Charte ston, to the Atlantic; and two other lines
drawb parallel thereto; towards the N. E. and
S. W. and distant therefrom about 85 geographic
al or 100 Ergfir-b railcswill include all that' por
tion of our country in which the eclipse will be
I annular, or the whole of the .moon will be seen on
r. . . . .1 .if-. -i :it .".
tne sun; but under tne central line oniy wm . tue
ring't be o f nuiform width throu ghout.
' It will be found that a very large part of Ne
braska, Missouri, and Tennessee, or all but the
N. E. and S. W. portions, is included within the
lines, also the N; E. part of Katwas and Alabama,
the Southwestern halt of Kentucky, and the
Northeastern of Georgia, the Southwestern part of
Iowa, Illinois, and of North Carolina, and tbe
whole of South Carolina except the northern po r
tions of the litiict of Chesterfield, Mirlbora,
and of Marion, and that tome of the principal
places at which the eclipse will be annual are in.
Yatinaton 7V01ympla,Steilacoora, d.c.
Orr7on.Portlttnd (probably) but it is very near
the Southern limit.
fltbraska. Omaha, Tawnee, Nebraska, &.c.
Kansas Leavenworth, Lawrence, Atchison,
Lecompton, fcc.
Miixnuri. St. IeOui, Jefferson, Joseph, Han
nibal, Independence, New Madrid, fcc.
Intra. Council Bluff. e.
Illinois. Cairo, Quincy, Vandalia, Metropolis,
Centralia, ic.
India Ja. Evansville, Booneville, Rock port,
Kentucky. Paducah. Hickman, IIardinzfeburg,
Alabama. Iluntsville. Athens, &e.
Georgia Saraunah, Milledgcville, Augusta,
Athens, (University of Gi ,) See.
North Carolina.-' Franklin, Waynesville, Burns-
ville, 4"c
South Carolina. Charleston, Columbia, Orange
burg, Deaufort, Summcrville, Fort Royal, Hilton
ead, Georgetown, Sic.
General Butler entertains peculiar riewa on the
reconstruction questions. lie favors the confisc
tion of all lands traveled over by our armies, nnd
colonizing them with discharged soldiers. The
Gencral u gooJon confiscation.
A negro suffrage p;iper -cull0! the Journal of
Frrcdom, has been started in North Carolina.
The notorious Tennessee guerilla, Champ Fer
guson, is to be hanged oa the 21th inst. There is
no hope of reprieve, m thePresident has approved
tue nnuins o
tl.V tUUII llflftlMI.
The city of 3 in Francisco was shakeu up by two
tremendous shocks of an cartho.uake, on Sunday
last, which frightened ihe citizens out of their
wits, and did cosidcrable damage-
ll !
Ketchum, the great New York ewindlcr, will
put in a plea of guilty in his approaching trial
w m
IVew AtlTcrllscnicnts.
I I irJvS rpmainintv tinrlainio,l In ik
- - -- --- i .i. V iiiv l( ... .,.
i '""t'lil r at l'lTmrut!i, 'tp of Indiana, on the
Ijiii .l.iv of ivtiiU-r, tsiiö.
i"' 'inn inv 01 !i-eiTi.T, t ie ni'ii i -ant must call
t,r.ul.tl,r .u,r$r..t thc.',,.it, of thiliZ,,d nav
im reut f.r advertising.
Unit -.lt.-ir.r vithin one .it..'A, th,- v will l lent to
the l Letter ('(Ii. e.
S-i-ar-i M.ir Sr .11 I Mi Walter Siuaonah
Suw ,ir,ii Mf W.-iih- K it M Mr
Aller Cir?o I npl William S.-..M Win 2
Ui.ultr.il. I Mullis.tn W illiani 2ShHW A E
t'ini'iis l Mauler .t Brut nel ThempfnArthurL
Ia.u FraneU M Myrn Ss.ow A Co Vandnaen J F
a Meyer Martin W rieht Thomaa
Garden J A Schlot Jarot A'i kiiaiu T It
Wouhl repc;ruIlJ annoir: . th.-ir friends and the
public g' eaerally that they have Jnt reerived a
Emhra -inu every pialiljLJ '' to be ftrnn 1 in anvotht r
j iMvmil,..,MlaM,ri.--hi.
dCsa 6ttCaa
i Are worthy of special ueu: in, and will 1 found lower
I than any ia the market.
Thor would alo c!I attention to their RtvK-k of
Customers will CnJ at their Store, East tide it Michl
paa Street, f. ur duor outh cf rerhlng A Coo'a , erery
ilescripfirn of
La die, Gents, Boys, Misses
and Children's Wear,
together with a LARGE STOCK of
Warranted Home Made Work.
They mannfic? urc extensively, have an experienced fore
man, who never fails to mako a fit, and their workmen
ara the bet in tbe Country.
If you want nico fitting Boot or Shoe of any qualify
ealiand lento your mcaiureaDd yon will gat just vtch an
article a you erJer.
ReaitmUtr the ptae
Plymouth, Octo!rl2, 18GS.
Administrator's Sale.
WILL be a,.M at Puhlie Sale, to the highest bidder,
at tbe refidfuce ot Williato Cook, In 'orth town
hip, on
. Saturiay, October 28, 1865,
all the personal estate of Peter Cook, d-cU, coueUtiog of
One span of Horses, 1 two-horse Wagon, 1 sett of
" double Harnes, 1 Cow and Calf, Corn in the
V field, 40 bushels of Wheat, 2 or 3 Stoves, Beds
and Bedding, and other Household and Kitchen
..Furniture, Farming Implements, frc, Ate.
TERMS. A credit of nine nioatlia will be g-iveo on all
itini otrer three dollars lr purchaser! civiug notes with
apjTurerl aeenrity, waivitia valuation and appraisement
laws; on all sums of three dollars and ander cah In Land.
JSaU tv cBiueice at 10 o'clock, a. m.
' Oct. 5, PIk n40t3 .. Administrator.
Administrator's Sale.
IVOTrCK 1 hereby given that I will offer at Private
1 w a,le, aa tbe
ths prmise, ou
Sale, aatbe property of Dati darner, decwased, at
Monday, November 6th, 1865,
and if wot sold on said day will Continus to offer the samt
for sale at rayoflio in tbe Iowa of Bourbon, i(tOn
ty, from day to day until sold, th following tlescrilwd
propertv, to-wit; - -
The Tippecanoetown Carding and Spinning Fac
tory, consisting of one undivided third Pt of
.the building, and the same interest in 1 Picker,
1 Breaker, 1 Condenser, 1 Roll Card, and 1
' Spinning Jack of 180 gpoola.
TKRMS op ALK. One third cash In band, one third
in bine and one third in eighteen months, the purchaser
(riving notes with approved security, waiving valuation
end apptataentent laws, and drawing interest from data.
' ; JAMES) O. PARK.1, Administrator.
Od., Itr 4t- i !.'., .
U LI lit Uli
Take Notice.
To Brownlee's New Brick Block,
Fall and Winter
Ye respectfully announce to our cus
tomers, ami the public generally, that
our NEW STORE is now filleU with an
Staple and Fancy
Wc liave tho best assortment of
Ladies Wear
On exhibition in thi Markrt. Also,
Jeans, &
IIS COMPLETE, awl irt invite every
Clothing Ii'ttjer to cull and examine
our Slork before purchasing
clicir'tcrc, s tec have a
With the above we have connected a
We have a Tailor from Philadelphia, who, from
long experience as a Cutter
Cannot be Beat in Giving Fits.
We hare in Store a fall line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Jiat Tecehc d the nlrest asfertment f
. 1 " 1
1 1 ' . n
Jwtt Rmlvtd 100 Pairs of -
Wool Blankets and Coverlids,
Just Eeccived & fine Lot of
Ladies1 Traveling Baskets.
Our Stools, of
1jr wife, Catherine Snyler, hat In? h-ft my bt-d a1
lioard without Sntliiirut rttiiar, thin is i uotifjr alliKTshs
that I will pay no dttits of her contracting.
Oct. 5, I8ti6-n4yt3 DANIEL SNTDER
Tlics Tlittr liavi- reorivp.t tli rn.tnrsrinrnt of iwr
ttinn f'.tir ,ir.(iral I! KG I LA U PlfVSTCTAXS! who !-
rvei'iuniefiitfd their use in J'ysprt lK.-raii(r-nn-nf f the
StoiMaeli, of Apix-tite, Nervous I'rostiatioii. Jicl.ility,
and in ull easoi of Jmws which iu its iueipii-nt atnc''
rqnir only a p-niTuui ili-t, nti.l an i nrioi atin noiir
Miing Htiniulnnt. A a Mf.-puard .npainut tlj-teHM-s inri.li-iit
to new routitric. had water, severe lalxr and great n-
jvwiiire, the Litter have never been equaled.
FIltST. IliinJre of the most nieo.-snful and respected
Pliysniaü reconitneiid
fiECOXfi. Tim hiftlient medic: 1 autherity of the Army
have :f ven their nnii.ilifipl approval to
r .'. -Thousand of iiivali.U. restored to health tlno'
th'-ir agftiey, enilorse and recommend
FQCRTII. Thouand ofio.UliVrs in lioi.itN and on the
mareh have lieun cheered, tretigt Lcned and benefited
by the iik of
FIFTH --Thouati(ls of rmiirrnnfs on thp Western Pl.-.in
have Is-eii saed fimu diJaM; and death by the Ihnelv I
Ufe nf
,c.V7 f Travelers on JJivtr and Ihe Ocvan have emnd
n n uiiftiM'-rini; reixedv in ''
ZKX'F.XTH Miners toiliu- fir down In the kwc1s of the
earth, have Wen lotetle.l mic" pretwrrved l.v
. 77r Thrtands of I.adio. in d.'li.-.ito lt ulth ha
liail iIm l'lM:m r-strf.l to ilicir -hf'k( lv uiu"
.V.VTf. P.v irrixvtiiiii the apef Ite, nnsUt in li(r-Kli,-n.
renlal i nir tin Ih,-!?;, ml frivin tune to ilu vnt. m.
thev impart Mrenth and vi'T to the body and 'cheer
ful nets lo the iniiid.
tnjlf vnr Iriicrir r lr.ilriiiaii hau m.t p-t ih fitUr.
l,;!- Iii it, s-ii,l lr them.
i;,R lii'-lnU r l lie Inline, and t;ike no other.
i or sile l,y Isuliii: lliiiistrt an J tipHvrs evervwl re.
DR. C. II. SWAIN, Pit ipniF.TOB.
21 Sovth Water St , Chicago, 7.7.
S-.lilat WJi l-:i!o in 'hir-i;. by I'ull.-r. Fim-h .V Ku'.L-r.
niirniiam A Van S.-liai-k: '"h:. i. Smiih; t.r.l Smith;
J. II. Kee.l A Co.; Smith .V Payer, und all Druggists and
(Sr-aTrs everywhere. Iu 1'lyiuouth, ly
march .!', t Sijj ly T. A. I.EMOX.
Embnioinnr all t'io XO VELTES of the-1
season, and which were bought be
fore the l:itf advance in the
Eastern .Market.
Our ?tvk f Dm ; oN -f inpriec a full line of
Rich Mohair Lustres, Plain and
FigM Arniurcs, Cold Plaids,
all wool and Fi'd Do
Lains, Ginghams,
O 7
And aix Tun DCST ch ides of PRINTS.
Wc h ive a full line of FlnTiriol
consisting ol heaiy scarlet antl prev Twills,
scarlet and iiMgciita M iner Plaid. Scotch
Flahl, white, red, prej and je'.low
plain Flannels in preat variety.
Splendid Opera Flannels
in all colors.
Wc have a full stock of heavy
.Muslin, Itleaeiird Mo-lin, Ticking.
Slripo, Check, Deiiim, Jeans St-
iiifl4 (aitneres Cloths, Cam
bric, Shanl, Itnlmornl, Cot
toil Yarn, IIoo - Skirt
Vliite(onl, Ilnainy,
' (;iove, TrimmiHjs,
.otion i.e.
If yoti w-.int to BUY A LA MP we can accommodate y on
with the largest sf.vrk, the greatest ariety, ar.d the lev.
et prices to found in Plymouth.
Our .Sto k als rnibract a full line of
HITaäs and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Crockery, Glass-ware,
iSione ware, Groceries,
cto Carbon Oil.
. Wa again tender our thank to onr old customer for
their manv favors, and solicit their continuance. Wc
cordially invite all to examine onr goods and prices. AVc
may 1 found at our old stand, on the corner south of the
Edwards Ilouae.
Welcome Rice, j
Plymouth, Ind., S. ft. 30, is'5.
FOR ' -: :
THE most Interesting and exciting book ver published,
embracing Mr, Itichardson's ud paralleled experience
frr four years; traveling through tbe South in secret service
Of tha 'Trib!iert the outbreak of ths -war, with our ar
mies and fleets, both Kastand Wvu, during the first two
years of Ihe Rebellion; his turiUitig capture; his confine,
ment for twenty months In seven different rebel prisons;
his escape, and almost miraculous Journey by nicht of
nearly 400 mile. It will aboond in stirriiig aTents, and
contain wore f the fact," incident and rusaance of tha war
than any other work yet p-iblished. ,
Teachers, ladies, energetic vonnir men. .n.1 :.u- 1
turned ana a.sabled officers and soldiers, in want of profit-
able employment, will find it necnKai mA.t .i-s,
eonditiou. Wa have stents elearinir in .ws.k
hicUwawillprovatoanvdbnbtinffanr.iir.nl S5-..d for
cireulart. Address JOKFARlin-xirn
HMSrtj --lawt rrert atw, .BB,ts Chi.
Chickens, Eggs and Butter.
THE underpinned ill y the highest lri-e in rash for
CHICKENS, BL'TTf R and TAHi, delivered at the
niw lH-Mjt.
.Spt.2fi, IS". IStf
M Y if. Sarah Ellen Garler tins l.ft my l't and tar.I
til vithotitjiiKt ratise or prnr.natlon m My f -a rt . and
all jetson are hen l.jr ari-.l not t trive hen'-redit on uijr
arrnnnt as I will v no del.tt ot her nntr.vt!r.2
Sept.-., ise-n lata WILLIAM UAKllKR.
wanted to sell the "American Conflict," by
H,r.ce fJreeJy. This work lia reet-ived the hih.-5 roiil-
nien dat i"ti from men of all part jpatil from the Pr'f of
evrry iiiiti.al htiad" and relijrioii deiiniiuntioi, the
iKt arranite.1, th iut lurid. eomd"t-jud r. li.tld.- l,iiorr
of thereln llion. Tr e popularity of Mr Gredv'! llist..ry if
sufficiently iii'licatrd by the firt that the v.eekly aKs f)f
Vol. 1. are srter than t I.oeof all other Historie J tLe
War united. Vol. II. hit-h i -iiic cmntdled Ith e.iial
impartiality from the f'i'a OJR-'ial Uervrl and the rulirt
UrM tnt ume,U, ill lie isiie,l at th earliest day rons.V.
tent with aecuraey and rompleteiieM. Agents aUo wanted
for tnr .....;,!. Itv Juniti Il'-nri Itrowue.
... lUt li-ml.,n Jury-nil, Aprils.
Mr. Bfiiwue is a writer of ereilt eriietiesrl eiollent
descriptive jwiw.-r. whii-ti, w ith his f.iortimtf ie Hiriti
the jtrorMi of the war. will r.-toW-r H. l-o..k fc-reat rnte'
est and value. Of the style of the Kok it is ktitri. it (it to
ay it is in the h.an-1 f M'rs. O. I). "ase, ,f If.irlft.rd,
wlm are the ullili--rs of llr elcy'a Anierir.m Tonflict.
y,u,nt th r.mtnu Trarlrr. April 2H, 1 Mi...
Thi w-k irtuiiiss to he of unusual ititen-t, inasmuch
as the author has had siicrior advatit.-ti s n rie it-
ne. ..f the er.-in.Uif and iuot tl,ril!inr v..i,t of the ar.
and whowt rinrtns haa cwt him an experiii-e f twenty
months in relel riotis. Mr. Browne is a ra?iir. truth
ful ami earnest ri'er. and his hook wi! ! in preat do
maud. A-1'lrti.s, t. I). CASE & CO., 14 Suirior it.,
Cleveland, t. P. . llox l'l.
Sept. 21, 47t4
WANTED Agpnt. ÄlöOpT m"tri,
to sell the IMPROVKD SEW ENG
Marhine will stio h. Item. Fell. Turk. Cord. Trni I. IKml,
Gather, Quilt and Kml.r.'irt. r. ni.t h. jutif.ilty. It i
made in the mod dural'le luaiite-r is eop,ni ly tlniterl,
and it ther.nlv reliaMe . heap Macliine in ihe marke. It
makes the Kla"lc k Stit.-h." Fv.-rv s.v . n.l tlfrh
ran l.e cut, and Ilm h rnnnot I j . - II .-.i Every
Marlitne i uaj-rant.v five vt-nrs. Addre PANE A ..
IV t tifliee Itox .VJ. t'liirtto, I !!.. or , lt;it It.s iu No. P,
- k cor"r- 't Monroe and Pearl-n street., Chica-
VtT CrwtinH. M'e niirfon the .til.lir not t.1oiy a worth
ies, old titvle, niall M'e Mai hitie, i"i!il niuTf-f a Minilar
tntna, or othcrw Up. We have thot-rly p.-r.nir. and re.iPy
practical heap Murhine nniiiit.i.'lur.-i lep HtuS
The Mason & Hamlin CaVnet Organs,
l"rt v dill. r-i,t B-vle, ;i.l:i,t"l t,i me, . ami .!! !:ir lniivir,
fir ft Vhi Till KT i-Yi VK lin.I,T sII.VKK
M EDA I.S, or "ther firt pr !uiTim nM them IUh
l rated Catali'tfiie free, t li.i.., M ,StX A HAMLIN,
U.ros. r M AmjN PUOTUKKS. Nrw Vonis.
e.tTi'-.r.j I
Dr. Knapp &, Son,
Physicians & Surgeons,
ror.MEm.v of sew ror.K,
are trcititi? nirct nfiil'.y
On a !N'ev tyMcin!
Wliich (mtTi . tho lt ami r,it a.r.il m-ih..-'. in
tbia an, I thr t'..iiiitri t.r the cur. f
all fhr.,iii,; Di-ea-s.
ThT trral fPiirrtfu!T Y
All f.rn f Si-rofiila. Ki'V.-r S..r.. n-j.) ri--r. Dv-
j.ia. Ii.-.,,.!ili l.iv.r.f. tiTi-:it ion. all skin li
eaeR, Piilmin.try " n-iuri l j..ti in i':irl t.- f. Paral
VM, Kpilep-y. Salt llheiim. Ile.-ela: i.tv, Ii II. alt Dl-eae-s,
Di-.-a i i.f t'hil'lr n and
Srmiiutl WpiiUiip., S:i! I)ipnr,
Whi.-h are carriinr thiinJs to t'uir pr.ie aiinuallj.
Bye and Eai!
e treat -n,-.--sNfn'I v
'II a new iii. iI.imI. hII Ii- of
i 'h
rii.t K.ir. TI
V h. vf !::!,! hi,. refYtft.-itf. i.ra. tier.
1 . , .
aii'i i
tier 1 let-i'SS ill ihe tl, ;!i- tl
Diseases of iVoi:tra
Thau a-iv o'Ikt P!iTi,-i'i.. in Am; ri--e. Th.-j- luxe cnr-i
I 'Ai'ilH li hu havr l"i-n cnliii'tl t,i t!i-ir hid f.r y.-ai.--
I Tiit-V li'.v.-r fill t,i .-in-.
111 all H.lg''; 1R t.nttt r of li'iw .,ir- xtan.iiu-;. Thry , ure
-it never ri-tiit us. 1 !i-y h:m- a Sure 'ur- f-r tlie
ll'i ill ,
e m m or r L o i J s , ur Piles !
They rnrv Di.-i s of ll.
Throat and Lungs!
Thev tutve ,li- r.ver.-it a
For t hi Tei ri hie l)i.e;(.f.
It i ali a ire eure f,.r Scat lii.nii i. r S-nrh-t Kner,
hi,.h iiof!h- h.i:ii.' r!as f di-ci.-s. It never fail, to
lire Diptheili ,,r .-n tirnnia in fr.-m 1' to iH l.ouu. It
sivi-8 relief i iiiiuntiat.-l v.
riun; ii:k hotti.i:, - - $-,oo
They hae lril all exleiijve T.i :i-x- !! U'uliih-rfli! nr.
ei in the I rt-.-ti iti.-t.t f C.iiievr. wlijch tl.ev I l l.'E with-
ut eating lliciu out or nii' tlie kniie. f-t thw h
Tumors or Swellings,
or a rc 1 iM.t l,. n tim- In liavii.g- it .. t.ri,I.-.l I... a ' a
timHy treatm-nt mar mtc them fn-m the lirr..r. mflr-
iii; and de iih oi'au t; a imiit.
They are tieatiiip Catarrh n a new y.trni ii, h j a
viTiiP. riiRP puts Tine nupur
I Evjerienre hn provi .1 that Catatrh r.iaa l-e er.red f,y
j Im nt treatment ittnut: li.-tire, I lie Idativ advertised Clil"e
I f.r Catarrh, all rhi. I. :re ! ral rem Ii n, ie n la-f
iv Mile I He al lent Il:li ll-m. I. lit h',rr,ifr.
rndenttandinp the diea niil we know it rintn4 l a
riired by local, treatmettt tin n f.. re, we a! prea.
cl itJe a e.i.w.tw.',.a..l remedy t Ik- laken, a-i.l l y- the . Mm.
l.ir.i-.l lornt im, I v.w.7..".,i,r t M-;ti nu-iit . c ar. -i)at,l.. tu
remove the rantr of VoUniH, ah, I tle-rrhy eflert a
Thf.ib Ci.ssn.VAVtoxa fir rrart have avi-raei-d fr.im liva
to wvt-n llH'ttaiid a ye;ir, which iv. them an exjcriencw
nnsnrpa"! by any, and rqnaKil only ly a fewr. -
S5 lt-iiiiiilei th'-y tl, iit j.ri.ini- toenre all tair- of
IMeeaiiei.. While all iiea9 are eiirat.lc. if t.iki-n in ea-
n, all stajes arc not. Votir eae may I curable tUix
wei'k.not licit to-day, ui.f to-morrow; Inure tho danger
if il.'l.iy.
.Vo case will be recti red. tchrn there
Kill be recti red.
ere mnf
doubts of Cure or Relief.
fhir Terms are cAftu:lienee the money must feu-nt with
ad order f.r medicines. It ctt fri.iu five t f.fin-ff MJt.
Inrs per month, to duct rwithtis, which im imW medi
cine. " The poor w ill le favored.
Patient mtist write their name. State, pot-t tflie ad-dn-K,
plainly. Alt letters reiiit'ing an answer, mnatetm.
tain a letter stamp, and lie adpev.d to lB. KNAPP t
S"N. Irawerfi483. fhicaso. III.
Iter Any of the aovc dieas-s can I treated successful
ly by the patients' descrihitig ihcir cae in a letter, when
th y cannot sea 11s.
lr. Knapp, who will vilt Plv mouth reirtdarly in tha
future ean Ije consulted at Ihe Edwards Iluiiee on Wedm a.
Uav, Oetolier Ulli, and Wednesday, iH-tvmbcr llh, laoO.
Cabinet Rooms,
Second Door. West vf Palmer's Store,
- Jonathan Wright yr
Would Infonu his old friend and tlie puhlie generally that
be has jw-t brought tn a Splendid Stock of
Cabinet Furniture
i . ' ' ' . .
Bureaus, Sofas, Lovnqes, ' Bedsteads,
Whatnots, tablet. Stands,. Wardrobes,
Cupboards, Parlor Scttt, Parlor,
D thing Room mnd Kitchen Chairs,
d'C, . rv. lie. also keeps con
stantly on hand Rosewood,
Cherry and Walnut
Of everyjle and Qnality, and a " ; j.: i
,- , ' j- x. " w
nc.irsc. to attend Funerals.
' . rm.inraof anv kind will find it to
Those wanting r urn 1 1 nr. ot any . n
IUnU aachiip a- r -tahlishmant I- th.
wlU eap aa j
leonwtry " ' wt t j .
I JOnainail 1111111
. . . . ' .
P?aif1, M., f. w, i-i.-tn

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