Newspaper Page Text
fit H: pubftran. For. The Eepüblicax. Lodoiska The Uu"ian Count's Daughter, BY FRED LANG. CHAFTKB XIII. When they had passed out of sigtat of the ladles ; St, Lucas asked the Daroa whether the young lady, Miss L , was at the bath alone, or with her relatives. "As far as I know," replied Arn heim, "only wlrh her mother, who is kept at home on account of ill health," "Then her brother is not hore with them?" "Her brother? I know nothing of him; laanaot gire you any informa tion nbont her family connexions. The lady herself will be able to give you th best information;" replied the Baron. They asked no raor questions, and soon they separated; Arnheim to returi name, and the oth r two to the inn. It was near ooon when Mary si lently stepped through tho back door, so as to not disturb her mother, who, usually about this hour, was taking her ferenoon rest. She was surprised to find some one in her mother's room. Cautiously step ping near, she opened the door, which led into her mother's chamber, she beheld her hostess in an arm chair sitting by the bedside; who, upon seeing Mary, made a sign with her finger to be silent, and then pointed to the slumbering sick mother. In painful expectation Mary stopped at the door, Oa her tiptoe the hostess got up, and they bath stepped into the adjoining room. q fi i "For Heaven, sake what is the matter?" Mary exclaimed with a heaving L rennt. "Do not be so much alarmed, dearest lady," replied the woman, "endeavoring to calm her. About an hour after you had left, when your mother was returning from the bath, she was suddenly seized with a fit of coughing, and began throwing up blood. We sent immediately for a doctor, who stopped the hemmorhage, gave her a lotion And said that ehe must be kept strictly quiet." Mary trembled and changed color while listening to these words. It was a hard blow for her. Her whole sonl was crushed and benumbed by this-unexpected blow. Convinced of the real natnre of her mother's sick ness, the most gloomy forebodings rose in her breast. She permitted the woman to lead her to a seat, upon which she sank exhausted. "Do not be alarmed," said the hostess, in a consoling voice. "The physician has given us the bet hopes. Be ordered quietness, that there might not be a relapse. After listening to the particulars of her mother's sudden illness, she re turned to her mother's room, who soon alter awoke. "How are you doar mothor?" said she in a low voice. "Are you some what better?" The mild calm features of the in valid expressed that resignation to rrtr suffering which, for many years already she had borne with Christian fir am ess. She mildly smiled at her daughter, though she was unable to speak. Slightly turning her hand she offered it to her beloved child for she had not strength enough to hold it up. With the keen eye of loving care. Mary saw through the thin veil of calmness with which her mother sought to hide her real state. After the first glance at the suf ferer's face she felt convinced of the dfeadfml truth she Is lost fo the- : In the languishing eyo on the pale i'H'4, abe read it more intelligibly than in the mute salute -in the loss of speech, so unlike her kind, friend ly, loving mother. "My dear, good mother," she said; "be quiet; do not try to speak ; I can read in your eyes all your wishes all your desires, and my careful at tention will always understand what you would express in words." She adjusted the sunken pillow under the head of her mother, and placed them in a position that phe could breathe easier. She then poured out a cup of tea the physician had orderod, which she gave at in tervals to the invalid when she de sired It. While Mary was busy, with bor mother, the physician entered the room. After saluting her, he ap prooehed the invalid, felt her pulse, and looked attentively at her. After asking some questions about the invalid, he took pen and paper and wrote out a perscription, the speedy preparation of which he rec ommended; be then prepared to de part. Mary accompanied him to the outer doer, where, with anxious but decided calmness she desired the physicians- to Wdi her ail. "My dear child," replied the physi cian, in a friendly tone; "I have little hope? If she vomits blood again, then all is over. A few hours will decide." -f Although convinced that her mother must soon pass away, yet this sudden sentenoe of death de prived her for a moment of herself. She broke out into bitter, silent tears. In a few moments she re covered. "It is over now," she said feebly; "I thank you for not having kept her real situation from me. I can now resign myself with composure to the loss of the dearest, the only treasure I possess on earth!" "Think of him who suffered and died for us all; He will lead you through the solitary path of life," said the physician, "that will give you courage and strength In tho last hour. Farewell now! In a fow. hours you will see mo again. If during that time anything should happen, send for me. ana I will im mediately attend." With these words ho took Mary's hand pressed it with friendly warmth, and then quickly left. Piously Mary fell on her knees, and from her inmost soul prayed to God to give her strength in the hour of trial. She arose and with a lighter heart returned to her mother. On returning to the inn, St. Lucas and Beaucaire were silent for some time, each occupied with their own thoughts. At last Beaucaire broko the silence saying: "I believe that we made a fortunate discovery to day ; at lcats we are on the track, that may make us our fortune." "Certainly," replied 8t. Lucas smiling, "but the question, now is, how are we to proceed about it?" "I think, Sir Baron," replied Beaucaire, "I have a plan by which we will suoceed. Leave the affair to mo, and I will find means to spin the thread which shall noose oar adven turers." "Well, I will leave it to you; be cautious, and do not fail, I wish this affair to be finished by an able coup." "You may Implicitly confide In me," said Beaucaire, bowing; "I will hurry to cast the net, for we have no time to lose." With these words he withdrew, to his room. Shortly he set out to put his project agoing. He quickly re paired to the post-office, for observa tion. Ho thought that in the sharp, wrinkled features of the post-master, he read something favorable to his views. Accosting the latter, he asked cautiously : "Perhaps I can address myself to you about a favor for which I would be very thankful." At these words, ho In a friendly manner reached his hand to the man, and dexterously slipped a few gold pieces into the latters palm. He gave it before he said for what purpose, convinced whoever takes money in such cases, before he knows whether it is a reward for his trouble, or a bribe, manifests beforehand that his conscience Is not In the way. Yet Beaucaire worked cautiously; he merely a ked for a quicker delivery of his own letters, and when the man thus proved himself greedy after money, dropped some hints about his real object. He had not finished speaking, when both were Inter rupted by tho arrival of the mail. The official opened the list contain ing the superscription of the letters. Beaucaire threw a passing glance at It, and guided by his good fortune caught sight of the name of L- . As a hawk darts upon a pigeon, so did Beaucaire in his rapacious eager ness fall upon his booty. But as if knowing his man, he said in a low quick tone: "Give me that letter for a quarter of an hour, and ten gold pieces are yours!" At the same time ho thrust his hand into his pocket to take out the money. The officer pretended to have heard nothing, but quickly pushed the let ter aside, and with a quick grasp received the gold, looking with an iron glance Into the way-list which lay open before him on the table. Beaucaire understood the hint; he therefore, without ceremony, took possession of the letter. With aston ishment he saw from the mail-stamp that It came from head quarters. IL immediately hurried home, und with a triumphant mien entered the room of St. Lucas, and exclaimed: "How now, Sir Baron, victory Is already in my hand, the key of the mystery Is already mine." "What do I hear?" exclaimed St. Lucas, quickly jumping up Beau caire gsve him the letter, and with astonishment he read the address. "Well what do you say? This let ter must give some disclosures ;" and immediately proceeded to open it. He read the letter through. At the olose he exclaimed: "We have nothing more to wish, the two fugi tives we seek are in the army, in Count Rasinskl's regiment. Wo have consequently nothing more to do but to give the information From my present connection with the post' nothing will be easier than to watch and secure tho answer to this letter." For the present nothing ore could bo undertaken. Beaucaire, after re-sealing the lett9r, hurried back with it to the office, that it might at once be sent on its destina tion. While with filial care Mary watched at the bedside of her sick mother, she did not suspect the plots which malice and rapacity were lay ing. Alas! even had she known her present sorrow would have made her forget the prospective woes. For a long time the mother had beon quietly resting on the cushion with a mild, painful smile on her lips Mary's observing eye had for some time pierced a secret struggle in the features of her mother, often already had she fearfully asked for the cause, and inquired whether she was suffering. By mute gestures, or by a feeble "no" she had always denied it Now suddenly she spoke: "My daughter, I feel it will soon be over; the attack returns I shall not survive it A secret for you and your brother your father the pa pers in tho secret drawer of my writing desk alas, my daughter, in your arms! " "With these voids, which almost breathless she had pronounced, sho languishly extended her arms tow ards her daughter. A cramp seized her breast, and with nS) aSSSStSSMfl of Mary, she tried to raise berself. Meanwhile, while supporting her mother with tho right, she grasped with the left tho bell, and rans it violently. "The doctor! the doctor!" she exclaimod breathlessly, when the hostess entered and quickly rushed out again to call for assist ance. To be Continued. -aaaaV -t Brain Influence. The question as to how far the brain exercises an influence on tho motions of animals has been engaging scientific men for years. Dr. Broca was among the first to investigate the subject. He proved that when a man was deprived of the faculty of speech, by a stroke of apoplexy, there invariably existed a lesion at the very same spot in the brain, viz., in the anterior region, and on the posterior side of the third frontal circumvolution to the left Hence the conclusion that this was the seat of the faculty of speech in man, and thus one Fresh-killed moat is not so good, nor so palatable for human consump tion, as meat that has been hung some time; hence the beef sent from Ameri ca to England in refrigerators is ac tually preferable to recently killed Brit ish beef. Cheap ice is an important factor in this foreign meat trade, was led to conceive a special place for every intellectual action. Fritz, Hitzig. Ferner, Carville and luret, the most prominent among those who have treated the question, operate as follows: They take off part of the skull of do, then apply electric wires to different parts of the brain thus laid bare, and watch the motions produced. Certain points cause none, so that it is not the whole brain that acts on the muscu lar system, but only special points. Ferrier oerated on monkeys i" the presence of the London Royal Society. According as he touched various parts of the cerebrum, the ape would shake his list at the public, raise or stretch a leg, or cut faces. It was shown that in the monkey the center of motion of the tongue answered exactly to that to which the faculty of speech jertains in man. From all this it follows that tho surgeon may now know prsciiMlj the point of the skull at which to apply a trepan. Thus, not long ago a mall was brought into the Hospital St. Antoine I in Paris, He had received a blow ou the left temple, and, on coining to him self again, could only speak with 1 i il i culty, and then he would call a fork up "Colonel." We want it distinctly understod lie fore we proceed any further, says the Atlanta Constitution, that we are a friend of the colonel that is say, we are a friend of tho colonel if be is not a military colonel. A military colonel has no right to the title, lie may have earned it in the war rigbt in front of the can nous month, but more peaceful days have dawned uikii us, and now we have the insurance colore l, the sewing machine colonel, the dry goods colonel, tin loinssWishMi eotoftst, the grocery colonel, the newspaj ex ol OTif i and the lawyer colonel. Yom raay pick your colonel from any pile you choose, and we'll stand up promptly ami say we admire him. There is honor in the title, aim we take pleasure in le stowing it upon friend and foe alike. To be a man and not be a colonel, (un less, indeed, you were promoted during the war) is something prejiosterous. We can conceive of no such misfor tune as that which prevents men from becoming a colonel in his own right. There is no law on the statute book against it and if there was it would be s dead letter. Every county, every com munity, and every family would cry out against the injustice of an enact ment depriving them of their usual quota of colonels. For our part we think there ought to be a law passed conferring tho title of colonel upon every male child over twelve years of age, without regard to color or previous condition. In that case all men would be colonels and the women ;yould be colonelesses. Here is the true line of progress. While colonels are in fashion let us make the most of them. Let us utilize theui as it were, for the purpose of advancing civilization. It is idle for men who have no titles to sneer at those who have. Ah, no, let us cling to our colonels. Instead of weeding them out, let us endeavor to nurture those we have and invite others through the medium of immigration agents. Hen who Win Women. God has so made the sexes that wo men, like children, cling to men, lean upon them as though they were super ior in mind and body. They make them the suns of systems, and their children revolve around them. Men are Gods, if they but knew it, and wo men burning incense at these shrines. Women, therefore, who have good minds and pure hearts want men to lean upon. Think of their reverencing a drunkard, a liar, a fool, or a libertine. If a man would have a woman to do him homage, he must be manly in every sense; a tme gentleman, not af ter Hie Chesterfield school, but polite, because his heart is full of kindness to all; one who treats her with respect, even defer ence, because she is a woman; who never condescends to say silly things to her; who brings her up to his level, if his mind is above hers; who is never over anxious to do right, who has no time to be frivolous with her. Always digniiied in speech and act; who never Spends too much upon her; never yields to temptation, even if she puts it in his way; ambitious to make his mark in the world, whether she encourages him or not; who is never familiar with her to the extent of being an adopted brother or a cousin; who is not over careful about dress; always pleasant and con siderate, but always keeping his place of the m;in, the head, and never losing it. Such deportment, with noble prin ciples, good mind, energy, and industry will win any woman in the worlri worth winning. On Housekeeping. I-ct no one call housekeeping bocupiUfftii, m Ithersuppose that no ability is needed to carry it on. When it comes to be considered how much is to be embraced under the gen eral tern 'housekeeping,' usee in its bestand full seiise, it is plain to be seen that there is an ample field for the ex ercise of tho most extended and en lightened education, 'liook-ecaraing is not wasted; there is every day QCCatiOfl for its use, aud the more readily and intelligently artistic and scientific I knowledge is applied in dornest io af- fairs, the note ensil v the work is ac- i eomplished, and the more pleasure is j given in its results to all who are par- j Ucipants therein." THE EYE, EAR and THROAT Succossftjlty Treated with SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE. C rCCESS 1 the tnej of rterlt, nnrl mccw t-i tho R treatment of Catarrhul AflcctJouR, after o many mlaerabio failure. means unlourt.rt specltia curative properties In tlm remedy aaed. !. a fixirroBP'f Uai'ioalCl isk for Catarrh posoc ouch properties ? Tito ovlJenco. In tho ouapo ot unaolU cited testimonial from tho most respectable peop!a In all tar.nTna of life, must lo conclusive on this p lnt. Merer, wo too litatory of popular mciMrinoi has lurtwvaluahl: testimony hom of fcrccJlfrocly offered Jn favor of any remedy than that In the possession of tho proprietors of Fajt roRD'sKADTCAljCUKJt. And valuable not represent a thonsind tli part oftho recommend nllons whlcli nre today offered by friends to 1 rlcrv! In Its favor. People of wealth and refinement In all parts of theronntry dally rvlniltltaituperlorltr or r env method of cure known to tho regular medical profession, but u iua tho publicity Incidental to it publlh"1 stntenv 'it. Heuco tho testimonial In our posiesiion represcui bnt a omi.ll part of those withheld for tho reason mentioned. Tin following unsolicited testimonial rrom llrvr.v Weils, ko., of Well, Famo Co.'b J an ouupoiua IndoMnealair which to are. jubtiy proud. RejtSBC of Apaaiatascata Noticio U hen-oy ir:vii Hut the nulene 1 Im n njijKHiit.-d iViltninlsirr'.or of the ivintc ot i'i 01 A. l:..V'rti. Int.- ' !nnV11 -o;nv. Irwl- i;m-., iicvr&sti!. Said -s;il.' :.- miim..! ;i "be sol vent. PIOKKNC FA. kohekts. H-l-4 Arfnihiletrfx .-.. SM Notice oT Appointment. Kotin H hiTi'hj given the! nudorv.'ti' - SS mm :iiiMb .1 AdminhrtraUH' of tin iki it - tv. Andre. .1. Km nie!-, Inirot Mart-hall County, ii'd laaa, deee&ftMt. Sard entitle fs xuppiKx-,! to i; i rul. W. n. II. STONEH, H-l-4 ftmlnlnhratjar Kx ulrix Notice. Notice is ht-rvty cjTrTI yjt Kliz:il.-th Kershaw lias duly qaaHHiod ex-enfri of Ute list will an ! t.-Hl.mi. :it in' ü .xid K. Kershaw, of Marshall connty, ladiana, d eased. All pirtit indebted to said e.Jiate must mahi- ImkMdiste settlement and all elainiM aain-t tin' same Ik- pr- . n'c! according to law. Said eM h sapposed to he -"ilvent. BLUAUkTH KKUäHAW. Executrix. Artros. tmA . Oct. 2iist. is. 7. 11-1- Administratrix uic The tu. li-rfijfiu-.l Adininistratrif at the otdute ot 1 ran ttdWts, lateol Marshall count v, India- ua. dort lie. -i , ui.i e. U .it public ail rflon at "the late n sidince ,; tin- deceased, one uiiic.nid a halt south west ot In wood, on TUrUSDAY, NdVEMUKiJ ii, 1-TT, the pes sftnal cSucta at the estate as folfofnK Three Horses; lour bead ot t'ntt ; thiriy Hoes; A Inn :iioeiii ni Corn; Faradn I tenuis: Harness; lloiuh'tiolo uhI Kitchen Kurnitnre and other arti 1 k-b too numerous to mention. TERMS OK SAI.K. A credit of dx mouth. will lw &;:v;n on all sums over threv dollars, purchaser iwtij; approved sw-i-nrlty with iMter'st from date. Three dollars and iiinler cash in hand on day id s:d . . KOPFRTS 1 1 I-'t A'luiinietrHt'x. ANDREW POE. EKVAUasASLS. Messrs. Wrtta h Porrxit, Whola1n TJruTrfc1 1". -st n, M.W.I.: Urntlemmt, Ibavoforbotu in ,itlu f it It a duty that I owe to suirertnir humanity to write yon, status t:.o ere at hvneflt liado rived from tho nj ofSANFonra IUntcAt, 1 1 fob Cat a nr. n. FormorothanWyeara I burn been Afflicted with t'lisvery troublesomo c niplalnt, I have tried all tli rcmcdl-a that Iconld Und. bnt w'thout material er permanent benent. Liut fall t'iu dlacoi had arrived at that suite that i must liav.i reliefer d!o. Tho cntlro mernbranousevstcnt had becT.10 so nf!amed.nad the stomach so ulsor C red, fiat It waa a doubtful ni ittcr whether I fould iro to t:ioPac!:lecoat,orlf I did go whether should 1 Ive t com4 bock or not. I saw an adTcr tlaem',nt ofthhimdlr1n',,nnd nUho? rcy Jnercdulon about apeclUce or nostrr.r. of an kind, yet In sheer desperation I tried U.', ri d was ct once benefited I. v It. Tha ch in res of climate, a chronic disease e f t !io liver, end ity njro over TO may prcTont my eattrsj 1 tstorru Ion, bt:t the bene fit 1 derive from be dAlly use. is to im inraluntil. ata I an Vplng to hi completely cured, aud at last arrive at a re; et -.h'.o Id . If thta statement of nyea.,ocan bo of sir pcrrJee) to those afflicted as 1 hare been, nrd er a you fa brlnjr this remody Into more generali:.' . t-peclully n tlm Pacific, coast (wt"ro It is nmc'i n- .... ...y Object In writing th!s noto Will oV ' I. Very truly vonra, HEN' r w rx Ar20tA, K. I, Juso, U Ä 1 1 KcUa, rjCS. Kaeh pftnVtiro por,t-.t:u )r. r.ii ford's Itwyeorod TnlialUiv Tube, r.ud mil directions fi r 1 In all rases. Price, Sl.ui. For solo by all Whok and Fetall Drumrtstsr.ndliealersthroTtyrhonttl Pnlted MatcsandCana.'. . Wf .v.; ax Agents and Wholeaalo Drnawjoto, Iicston, Alass. nooLiiüsiü VOLTAIC PLASTER ALWAYS CURSS. WOHK FOÄ AIX- In ihcir own localilies, cauvhssi'i for Hie Fire aido Visitor. - 1 Weekly and Montllly. Laro,,i 1 1 t. world. Ith mammoth ehro- inos tree. Biir eommieslon to ai litf Ti rme ami imilil Iree. Address i. O. VICKERY, Auieuata., Maine. Aiiitiinistrntor,4 Sutc. The un lerxlensd Administrator of tin- estate of Audrew J. SjuiiucIk, Seu., lau- ol Marsltall County, Indiana, di, will s.-ll at public auction, on SATURDAY1, NOYKaBKK IT.WTT, at the late residence ot the deceased, the follow-oer.-oual property, ronsistini; iu part of two Horses; two .Mjlcli Cows; eijbt Hovs; one two horse wa?nn; donhlo harni-sit; ftirii; PoU- tis.-s; undivided ooe-lnslf ot tveuty r- - of Wheat; CiMik stove; IV-,ls; n.idiiii.-; ltiireau and oilier household oIMh1 and tanning imp einents nunieious to un-ntioa. TEHMS OK1 SAT.K. A creiiit of nine months will be given onali suma over three tlolhtra, with 'ol ftveholl wcurlty. Thre; doilurs and uud cash in hand on day of sale. . 11. H. STONKR, 11-1-4 Admiuistrutor. riTTMm k, Foirr wavxk i- ciiicaoo On and aftr Deoomlier 10. lSTe. trnlns will leuve -: o us . except Sunday.) a.n fol lows :ta No. 1 No. Tj No. a So. F'HlExl'aux'N't Ex Mail .ill 4-'tm Ooami 1 aopiu a noam . 13 1 liVam 2 ''t-ni . 4 .itu . 3 inaui 11 V in 6 :iäpru 1 1 ooaui .! 4 4f.aiu 1 l)illl 7 Wpm 12 5&pm 1 ix'aui 1 ti'tiiM -.i Uooiii slum Pitt;iirt;h Boohaatar. A IjsitS., 1 Onvill...... MitnHilelil . C'rostlino. ..ur 7.Kt;in' t uptn -ipiu 3 iopm Enlarrjcd Spleen. This Is to eert fy fiat I h'.re been rmlnT yonr roLLtsa' YoLTAtü 'l.ast a a., for KularKen.eo: of the bcieen sad Jiercssioa In the Ktomach, a:. J they ha-n rdvn mo mora relief than any other remedy 1 ever nsed. I would lihthly recof. Ci""d them lo nil cdSailOff tram tho OOect of (.sin au d laaaBaaattaa. J VT Tlcxciirti,:' ,Jn-.o,r,'. Sever Pain. Having ocea loo totr. r.renvey for nrrjf pain tn iby sldo 1 trle.t r j .ur Colli' Vote Taio Plastivs. and lu iwcatv-four hour tbo poia was entirely romov d. J. IV 8.VMMH. Af k t Csh!--r First Nut. Uuni. TrroT.v, lSrxyH Juno u, 1 77. Weaknesses. Collins Voltaic riaster: rrlv th- hes? s-.tlsrwv tlon hero of n ytlil.ot Ui it hits beva tru-d r-r Lameness and Weak new of the. I. nek Hl-.- eoud iiiot rlirht awar. JAA.EJ Li. VIS. XJtiTAjtT, Iaj... June 11. 1 . rrlro, OS Contn. 11 careful to obtain Colt. res Voitm TUB, a combination of Klectrle and Voltaic l'Ui. , with a highly Medicate 1 Plaster, oa seen la tha above rut. Sold by all Wholuaalu and Retail Prtnt pUts throntrliout the Pnlt.-d States and Canadas, and by A POTT Hi, Troprlctors, Boatou. AGENT WANTED In this vicinity for the Man'iat'iui I. lie Itiourance ConiMiiy of New York City 1 in lttflo. AsseU over Sin.tWn.irm sei urely InvcsUd, Kan lonp aud proAtabhi businrxs and a surpiaa of over $ I , wMi,(M)f, .0 . or !oi - to the ri-Mrt of i'i- In.iirance dcrtniJUt of New York- Apply witli reflon-niiaa to J. L IIA1KV. sretarv. Mew York. rrontllne.. Forxtit Lina Ft. Wnyn. l'lynto'iTh.. Chleatfo.... h : .v um 9Vnin . .. lo soaiii . . . J t.'djin 1 f'.iin . . J 7 M'm 5 Viani GOING F.ART. 'J.vpui ... 11 ispm' ... 1- r.ain ... tsotttn ... 4 SAaiU I .anv . . . No. 4 No. 1 S" No, I N't F.x F st Kx I'm- Fx Mail lopm tStruni sifipm " tftaui 11 Man. dopm o S5nm 2 inptn 1 1 :pm . ... a V-Uli 4 oSplt: 1 :" il.: . . . 10 l"nm I 2"ptu .ar il triam Uptn ... 1201K111, t I5.ii t . . . 12 3vpm 7 44pm 5 'um - I-.IK! 4 Stall C 'I'M n f'Hta 'hlortro... PlytiK.utli. Ft. Wayne Lima Fi.reKt Crestline, Cr stlin . Wim fit Id . OrivUle.... AlUaiiee. .. lloehoHter. Pitslnirifh. Trains Noa.sandC run daily. Train No. 1 .av-a I'ittsliurali d.iüy i-veopt Hntiirilny. Tiain No. 4 learn Ohfuaxo daily e.-..,t Sat onlay. All li.'rt daily except Snmlay. F IL MYEKS. O 'P T' i. and TIo!m? Airotit. i iMU i -i.tii l'idiii '.l l'.aui 4 11 ispm 9 noam 11 2am CJ-Jprn 1 Viani H lo-ami 2tsipru 7ii-m 1 .i'iiiin 1-' I5m 3 :inprn 40; Itra Kin Mi .-l 'ard: Uli name. U . le post-paid. I.. Jo.NI- Jt CO , Naseiia, N. Y. Wt0We)Äner ilav at home. Sample worth Oft däUtr.-e. M l. S'N ,jto., I'orthunl. Me. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET m CEETOE mU, was awai'di-d the hihtwt pri.e at CcntcLJoal x iKijtion for Iis line chesrlnp cUalllles, ih; cxc.-l-lenct! and laalin liara. lr ol iir. eeleninir und flavoriuif. If yoa want the lM-t eo ever uiade oak your pro er lor this, aiwt sns that each plug bears our blue strip trade tuark with words .la w 011 's Hest tin it. Mold wholesale by all ioblwr. nd lor BMlte to C A. JAI KVIV C CJ4I., MniiutiM'tui t-i . r-l r-.lni j, Va. IMKA.V iroi.lN, PKKI i t uicÄQO. On and nftor Nov. 2, rr. trntn ri!l run on tU road. Samlnys ..xeepd, us follows: OGINO NOIITH 4 SSpm 7am T Him t to 9 'Uiiu 10 17 !pm mi 'i tn 9 'vta 1 30 n?pm 1 n. ln-Wpm 1 14 10 3Hpm 1 4J 11 na im 11 2 4t r- ssnini 3 suarn lifllanaiNdis Kokiuio Ptii Itoehostar AViilnut Artro Plyiiiouih Tvner W itlkorton I.niortsi Mlohlis-anClty (iOINl.' Sot TH M eliiinin City. I.aport. .., Walkerton ...... ... Tvnor IMyiiiouth. A reo Walnnt.... Poehester. em Kokomo... Indlanapoll" i. . 9 lnani . "j&h .If 4M ll'na .11 4 ; tD Ml ;i t 9 ft 10 Si 10 49 ....11 wpm 11 ...12 W 1124 . . . 1 27 12 I tarn ..1 M 1 Co .. a 30 4 in F. P WAHE. Gen. Tiekot A4pnt. $2500 V T l. Vit. Afrtnta wanted. Hi st ill ss lepltlmare. Particulars ft ee. A4.irt.tJ WOaTliaCO .BtUau.Aio. AGENTS WANTED! Foil PAUTi'JLLAUS Al)l)kl WLS3S m tarn mm. JO Broadway. 'i-w York flfy: Clii ai;o, 111; ow tirlemi. 1 i- tlr Nan Krwnciso, t'al. - DCATTVlfiNilO. 0R6AN uat. rr-i.-k: DbH I I Mtarlilu Neu, tiruiis, 12 kufM toS. rtanoa only ?ao. C,,.t fam. Cirrohtr Krce. U. F. Bcatty, VV aahinirtoa, N- J. WONDER UPON WONDER. '.'ires AfU0 Strang-, uiyslvrioua mod most ex traordinarv tkxk, entitled "TIIK HOOK Ol' WONI'KR." iVsntaiuirif, with nameron ptO Usrial illustrations, Uic myaterlee ol the Heavens and rjirth, Natural and Suer-Nalural, (Hi diln s. Whimsical, Stranirc ?nriositl-s, Witrbes and Witch' raft. Dreams, U-rNtitions, AlMurdities. Fabulous, Kiichantment, etc, iu order Utat all may sev this rnrioas issik, the publishers have re- solved to rive It awav to all that desire to see it Addrraa by M-tal card, tf. OLKAJMM & Vit, J7 W a-l.i 1.-ton Mrei t. II. .-Ion. Mass. E. J. BENTZ, General Blacksmithing, FIRST-CLASS SHOSI1TC AND GENERAL JOB WORK, pqKE PROMPTLY AND ON THE .VOS1 BuasUBftbtf Tcniis ' I t 1'all to Call ami See ins. GUA RA NT FR PKRFKCT RA T S F AC TIO y IN QUALITY AM PRICE OF WORK. Hoonnd shop aonth aldo of river brldse wost side of slichia'tn L'.root, , lyr N Plymouth. Ind. Criticism. No human effort, however wisely or consciously developed, can escape the criticism of Opponent. The interests of humanity are bo varied, selfishness so powerful, conceit so prominent, that a I diversity of opinion must necessarily exist on any subject of public impor tance. S66 Main.'. a weeic in v.Hir owa town. Terns- and Ift outfit fr. e II. HAI.I.KY A (N) . Portland ? 1 ")a.'av ut hone . Atrnt-. -n.t...l OitMl and 9 I pterins free. TUVK CO., AaMt Md. ROBERT GEORGE, Manrtfoctnrer and Dmler In all Kinds of 1' in and Fancy FURNITURE. His stock now embraces every article necessary for tie. itcepi ntr, ami will b sold at tha ven low est piajsthle pric:s. 11c is prt-mrul to du all kaid of Machine, rlauliii: aud Mltehlm SCROLL SAWING, FANCY TURNING , ETC. Alao Agent for the American Sewing Mzchinr. Four Doors Woitii of Bourbon House, Bourdon, Ind. 8-2-62 iFever and Ague - OÜRE. 174 LI QUID OR PILLS. I'owitivety rn-, the worst foras of Chills, Kever, 11 ...ih, Ajfiic, Thlrdnlay Ag'to, Kevet without Chills, Ni nil eis or Sjek licarlache. iin-H Its-hility, I."e "f A' t!te, builds up the stein to uvcrronm mainria makes you teel line yoiirs-it alio never inns io cure Sold by all OrtoggUta n Marshall couuty AifenU wanted wanted everywhere. Ad dres I'KUNIIIM; Jt ' ., Mau;:f u tnrers, p , tl, IStT. 9-l.t-tf I'lytnoutlL, Ind. DR. A. C. HUME, 1 -SilaX DENTIST! üfllee in Seeoud Btory, Poat OITlee HaUtUng Tooth from one only, to a full et, so cheap that (he rich and poor can all Ptpscrvation of the Natural Teeth A SPECIALITY. CHAS. 0. CHAPMAN The People's BEUG STORE! POE & HAPIfIAI, Prop's. ROOD! NO 8 HOHAM'S BLOCH, LAP0RTE ST., PLYiHOUTH, IND Complete, Fresii and Heliatle Stock. w- MB ,.,v f CASH , w mly a lMBg pront i Q ConsKltTation, propose ScSSin at Hie LoweM Priced Wo soJi.-it the coutinnetl fnvors of old rriend.s au.l the patron.- of all desir ing anything in the line of DRUGS and MEDICINES. PEOPLE'S PHARMACY J. R. LOSEY A cent for the DEVOTED TO THE Treatment of all Chronic Complaints, OF EVERY FORM. 'l; wnn'nt of our business Jp under the eontrol of the Sonior bM," found at his post A continuance of the exr' I'rncHco we have pnjoved is respectfully solicited. ll.V l.i SALOON. JOHN MUELLER, Comer Michigan and Oano bt, Plymouth, Indiana. Khaving, Hair Puttiag, and all kinds of Tonooriol Work Neatly Done. Partirnlar attci tion paid to Cutting Children's Ha ir. GO TO Job (LLeonard's And Dealer in OUKUfß. R'A J'C UKS, 8ILTKB ASD tLATK HABE. JF.WELBT OF F.YESY DUiClilPTIOS American Watches Of all kinds k. pt constantly la Mock. Also Ileait. Quality of Si.eHarlcs. KEPA1KINU A SPECIALTY, And ALL WORK WARRANTED smr oa Weat de of Michipin street. In Haw lcys.sho Hl-ire. D Ti r WILT. PAY TOTJ TO CALL ON R. RAILSBACK. FOR FIB8T-CLA88 II AltmVAKK AMI IMI'tEhi: NT fcJ. IM. HESS, (.orfral Dealer in Hardware. ARGOS. iND. Kel constantly on hand a full line 0 Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Table lut.l rcktCutlory. Sash. Doors. rut ty and Glass. Agricultural Imp'emeDts ictly pure White Le.-ul. w and bo Hod Linseed Oil. KEROSENE OR CJAL OIL. And in fnct anything to bo found in n HraU 1'IUMS General Hardware Store At the lowoatCash price. öjout Inr. Uoollntr and Job ork done to order iroiniti y .n8 ly FARM WAGONS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT . He in. ikes to order all Kind of WAGONS, BUGGIES, . SULKIES, Etc., And keeps on hand a number of wagon fot wul. He sells the celebrated "M m ..uric Ri apernnd Mower." the "Hoosier Grain -jd Corn Drill." "Firnt A Bratley n Hay 1 kr and Torn Plow." and the two horse "8 el. fcioill'low." The uierchant of ARG05,wLere yoa can purchase any GOODS usually kept in a first class general store; consisting in part of DRY GOODS, Readj Marte Notbiog, Saltan, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Caps, Groceries, etc , At low prices. Please call in and see fo, yourselves. lyrNoS R. RAILSBACK. Argos, Lid. MIMKTIIIMi NEW! n. -r ah v-1 .-in and an . r a ! blaeksml Ii don to order. Jouw G. Lbomar . East aide Miehijcan St., South of river. I'Utiumtk. Ind.a: n n rnu x . in wumrr.rTp. wiraererrottier. Ont- 'Ri:tir'5fat iree. J. ii. lord a Co, uacoo, Ui Bo iff opera, , Reporter, iterators, School Teavcliers. MARRIAGE A Btiok of nearlr M rrw Jlvsi iu L'laiu Uiifusajrvi MuiiKTotM eiicravinira : re- Vi M.a ti 1 refi ki.-K llaJ marrit-ü and thoe rontrvb i 1 t. mar ns'i -ai.-ni.! kttosr llow for irr it .-- a- t. I Im ti. s" --. r-riii srrun ii snim innay irni, rtnir. mm Uti. liotiAaaa.x. MS. fttUMnml, St, Umus,U. .... . ... u DYKtS'BeARD KLIXIS im TW a) - Al MI AbV VMI KSb nr ui. - ss 4 Kovstly -tl. 4 t f. PUsV raJsatiss. It Madison Dispensary SOt So. Clark tit. Chicago. III. DR. C. BIG E LOW, hm ha heea mf- 1 tt t fr-nt ot all 1 i a i .Bi.i ch .tfivir i,, -.. fMofW itriinwn. A li arrrsiM, .rt.a s ia UrvBsf, siVst tmme tnmlrd on latest I- ' .il.. i riu lb half ihr uaual line. fs-il .n.l itk UMtiki iriuuiim. 'si m a tiirttii i v lue..,,, v, v it rt aw if mhu ow - a '. Vbtiffinor UlRUI iupwll u . l . ao. a. . 1 ' awe priBUSVcvii C'jrru. rvt raasMing w uh a aas t. aast la ssmaafl Bvel- Y"" ,Mr -T-oeat atasaaa. ( -oCsstittai i-n at i il .it lirat Mercantile Collage. Keokuk, lowi A. R. Philpot, ix jsy I, ff lavdlM .lid Et-DElMlkea laeal Id r-i MARRIAGE QUI DE OR Stll AL riTHOUMY. A work ur M0 lr .ltd Mtm. cootstnlnt All I I ..I f .. . ... . uu.i .( or "iMIINHlM, IlKKIiSI. 1 1.1.1 -H- TaaTIkU rsmOiDa so Ox iuISks of Um CBIXIiTtTIITllTkl thai UwrrUt iao ins, son Buck that I. DM LuUUbrd lo mux aiat.tOI BO.CL0Ka(T ,(al(iuO ILL. 5 m, A Fruitful Tjnff uealer In Watches. Clocks. Silver and l"-.t rl Goods Kinc anortment of Jewelry and spectacles REPJtlRING CLOCKS AND FINE WATCHES S 8HKCIAL.IT Y. Also Scwin Mocaine Oil and Needle. a Or. A, G.OLIN'SsI HmpluL as alr i SC ChloM. tar Ihm J on mi h wa rrvat ootw. mm trooi tmlj akasca or larW-tlMs UosrMot. Meoolaal WeakaMajsoaociaf FnlMlwi, Lo. of Mosas. 1 m pulrrd s4sbt. I snl .nilTeura; d ' of Um Bla44rr. KMaejs. Ursr, j.uwr. A.iS tvjiwli. Pliok all COraatc " aad HIM V T. Or 'fcM ALE, yWw to bk MsnL Pt Olio W iifc-l c ssaHsOio, sa4 raw mhm otksn UI. Hs (idute or Um Mfiiwl S. h.H.1 mtm O OOP i . I baa tbs ..- Drsrtics la Um V. 8. raaaatn - h rl rmt koma sad Mrs, ml! nr wtHi. Eiwv mmtan tot Süaa. Krad ttlj nnt Bj 00001 of kabbar BaaSj si.0 cfc t.lar of loajMi UhM.ili i by .sppMa. UU. OLIV r.m.l. FllU, Ot par Bnz . fotwoimia Oaa. MARRIAGE ÖÜDE (säe sod oMidlo ord af SMS Saas,, M t im of o prlrsw OotaM. ValaakU advir. to ib. mvrwA inA tkaa Ho to bm aaaltka aad kaaaa) o. ika ' 'ThodT ibiaal gat tu baak. FlCa 00 aK a as j ad- n.i im. . FOR THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM ARD NEURALGIA. This marvelous prermration has cured hun dreds of the most dlstnusInK cases ol hrootc Kheumatisin and NeuralKla, even when all other remetlica have tailed. It is I lug the Acknowledged Antidote for these disease, and can lie relle! n-von by sufferers to relieve them of their pttin und effect a permanent cure. Do Not Give Up yonr ease as hopeless and settle down to the conviction that no medicine will help von. all we ask is a lair trial of the (Vhative, and that yon bear In mind that the nature of tl , . discaaea require pimiatent und faithful appli cation to insure a perfect cure. In every com muulty where the Coaaflfa has scon will be fotinUmany witnesa.4 who will testify to what it has done 'for them. Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Burnt, Scalds, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Cuts, Chil blains, Inflammation, Headache, Tooth ache, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, can positively be cured bv the free use of the Ci bativk. Send to us for testimonials if you have any doubts. Said by all Droggltte. Price $1.00 per Bottle, b for 85.00. j MtPAMCO OV Lawson Chemical Co.. Cleveland. 0. L. Tanner, Agt. Plymouth. $3 aOLl PLATED WATCHKH.Ch.pest a i h known worlrt. fiampU Watch Frrt to Ajettts. AdJrooo. A. Cos. l ret Co., '-il-ao'n i k . -rAffyt Grocery & Bakery COMBINED! The very thing Plymouth has long needed. A place where yen eon get anytaiatT ia the Gm eury or Bakerj Hue rery cheap, aad har U dell - wd at vonr door late or early, a'e also ran a Free Delivery Wagon, And will delier to customers Bread, Pies, Cakes, Or anything in oar line on SHORT XOTICE. Please leave yewr orders with us. Wo pay tail liigtiosi cash price for A I Country Produce. LEON'AKD & WILTFONG, No. 7 IdiPorte Street, East of Poe & Chapman's SsaanK - Drmr Store. A PHYSIOI OfiirAI- Vionv of Marriage I anaWKaaMaaaaVaaäTWVBM 4 , tmtj! ww vtj i uva i onfUii mial Tn-atiaa oh tho ililllf-fl (of BnirTSSM ami tha 1 1 -ant ass Kar o, Sm u . atWao ctlU of Reproduction t 1 sitsiKi oi women. A fv W.ii Ins nriesta 1 M -aie raaditijc- . prsto TZÄÄlCMPJWk ADVISER! buse, Liccoreo, o; Beeret Di souses, wuk Um l.t Bmuui or . uir, sEH prin to rt. AC! :.' JCAL I.ECTUfLK on the irr i! , lnd HV"r "' ÖS Trurootond Lvirvgs, Catoxrb.Kupturu, Lua Cr n, price Krts. l.iihi f h'uk .tU DostooKlnn MSf'vi e' n-irr or a!'. e..nrsl" .ijr.''Wesüvs. Iv-sirtlt'u" lliirtmiert. l.r7Jr!.. t m IIB l"'1 MorcMn. HaMtshwlBWlyoow u P U Mf-,,"i uo- p V I I V If I I: W.lnjrt M- t h'-sjro. III. W D. P. Fithean & Co. AGENTS, PLYMOUTH.IX 13. Oil IIP UCULi'-trn Telegrapliy with is tf TUUnil UltaRaiHl you will be placed in charge of salaried Western t'nion offlco. Main, ii-i.'irrapn wtreo in srii.K.i. promotion eerlaiti. Addreaa Willi atamp, Weotcru School ot Tek'gratttiy EiiclcwrMMl, Ills. SIMPLE RECEIPES. r How lo nuke hens lay. How to remove corns How to have a good appetite. How to reep corn away. How to receive the warm otteutkrao wf yonnt lady. How to remove dandruff. How t ke. j. books. How to And out tf a jfirl lovea vo All warranted not to fail if followed correctly. Sent for two S cent stamps. Address C. H. I.AnSON, 11 Plymou-Ji, lnd. J DEVENY. Merchant Tailor. Makes to order Men and Boy's Clothing of all kinds. Cutting done to order. All work warranted to give satisfac tion in PRICE AND QUALITY. Wood and all kinds of tnuntry prod nee tak.c la -;( -i.anc' for work. Oflkee over nawley'a Boot dt Shoe store. MIcMgaa street, Plymouth, lnd. ivrnelS STII X. 1IOBUIMO AROUND. Tuttle's Picture Gallery Over First National Bank. I'lymouth. Ind. Photographs and (.ems Of all popular sizes. PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. A SELECT STttCK OF PICTURE FRAMES. PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES Ail work done ia the beat style. Th beet stork used. Thankful to a generous public for their litx-ral iatr nmrtf for the last thir teen years, I would ivspoetfully aak a con tinuance of the sjLBne. I will endeavor to ph-ae) all that will call on me. W. 'JT'TTIX. ly nu flyniouth. lnd. JJOOT A.M SHOE SIIOF H At John McCall's Yoa can cot made to order, on short no tice, any Style of Boot or 8hoe, AT THE Lowest Price For Firat Class Work M!chlii..n St,, opn. Wheeler's Dank. sme. THE FAKMER AND LABORING MEN'S FRIENDS 1 Nussbaum ft Mayer! Wholesale and Retail Dealers In GR0CRIE8 & PROVISIONS. Wood, Willow, China, and Stons Ware. f Are selllnsr at ail times as cheap as an) house in Northern Indiana. In connecuot with the above buainess. we pay the high price in Cash for All Kinds of Produce, aa make a specialty in Hides, Furs, Felts. Wosl, Seeds, &c. Call on us If yon wish to purchase g-oods la oar Hoe, o r have any thina to sell our Store. No. 23, Michigan St., Plymouth. Ind 1 1 a 1 e v K' -apaaajlgpifP ,lJa-rPp 9tKJßi Tt' ' nv-1 a . ' AT 'iPo MB